Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Casual Catchup with the Render Network Team hosted by rendernetwork. In the 'Casual Catchup with the Render Network Team' Twitter space, the discussion revolved around the Render Network's groundbreaking approach to providing artists with decentralized GPU power for rendering 3D media. Key points covered the network's AI integration, the significance of the Render Token, partnerships, and community support. Educational resources, transparency, and security were highlighted as essential components of the Render Network's ecosystem. The space emphasized scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness for artists, pointing towards exciting developments in the network's roadmap. Throughout, the emphasis remained on empowering creators and ensuring a collaborative, secure environment.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does the Render Network support artists in 3D rendering?
A: By providing access to a decentralized GPU network for efficient rendering processes.

Q: What role does AI play in the Render Network?
A: AI technologies optimize GPU usage and enhance rendering capabilities.

Q: How is governance managed within the Render Network?
A: Through the utilization of the Render Token for transactions and network decision-making.

Q: Why is community collaboration important for the Render Network?
A: To foster support, innovation, and long-term viability within the network.

Q: What partnerships are crucial for the Render Network's success?
A: Collaborations with industry leaders expand resources and capabilities for users.

Q: What educational resources are available for users of the Render Network?
A: Various initiatives help users understand and utilize the network effectively.

Q: How does the Render Network ensure security and trust?
A: By prioritizing transparency and implementing robust security measures.

Q: What can artists expect from the Render Network's upcoming roadmap?
A: Exciting developments and features to enhance the rendering experience for creators.

Q: How does decentralization benefit artists on the Render Network?
A: It improves scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness of GPU resources.

Q: What are the key advantages of using the Render Token within the network?
A: Facilitating transactions, governance, and fostering community engagement.

Q: How does the Render Network leverage blockchain technology?
A: To ensure secure and efficient transactions and operations within the network.


Time: 00:12:05
Decentralized GPU Power for Artists Exploring how artists access vast GPU resources for rendering via the Render Network.

Time: 00:23:15
Partnership Announcements and Collaborations Insights into key partnerships that enhance the Render Network's offerings.

Time: 00:34:40
Educational Workshops and Resources Details on educational initiatives to empower users with Render Network knowledge.

Time: 00:45:55
Future Roadmap Sneak Peek A glimpse into upcoming features and developments planned for the Render Network.

Time: 00:56:20
Community Engagement and Support Highlighting the importance of community collaboration within the Render Network.

Time: 01:07:30
Blockchain Integration Benefits Explaining how blockchain integration enhances security and transparency within the Render Network.

Time: 01:19:45
Render Token Utility Discussing the role of the Render Token in facilitating network transactions and governance.

Time: 01:33:10
Scalability and Accessibility for Artists How decentralization improves GPU access for artists of all scales.

Time: 01:45:25
Security Measures and Trust Building Insights into the network's focus on security and trust for all users.

Time: 01:58:30
AI Optimization in Rendering The impact of AI technologies on optimizing rendering processes within the network.

Key Takeaways

  • The Render Network provides artists with vast GPU resources for 3D rendering.
  • Decentralization enhances the scalability and accessibility of GPU power for creators.
  • AI and blockchain technologies play key roles in the Render Network ecosystem.
  • The Render Token facilitates transactions and governance within the network.
  • Artists benefit from cost-effective rendering solutions through the Render Network.
  • Community collaboration and support are integral to the success of the Render Network.
  • Partnerships with industry leaders strengthen the Render Network's capabilities.
  • The network's roadmap includes exciting developments for artists and creators.
  • Educational initiatives help users understand and maximize the Render Network's potential.
  • Transparency and security are prioritized to build trust within the Render Network.

Behind the Mic


Sadeena. Sadeena. Welcome to Render FM. I think that would be awesome if we had our own radio station and play these mellow, really super mellow tunes and then come in with. Good evening, everybody. I hope you're all well and good. Oh, good morning, everyone. So I'm here with Andrew. Andrew, are you here? I am. Good morning. Hope everyone's doing well.

Render Network Foundation

So what we're going to do today, guys, is start off by telling you guys, I know some of you will be new here, you may not have heard us before, but we are from the Render Network foundation. The Render network is a distributed GPU platform for rendering, primarily for artists who want to get their work done quick and fast and relatively inexpensively. But also we do compute clients as well. We provide compute through our nodes. So some of these projects, you see where they have AI inferencing, various other things, ML machine learning, we enable that via our network.

Community Engagement

Now, the Render foundation is here to assist the network. You know, assist people using the network, make sure everything is running smoothly. And we host these spaces from time to time. It's actually been every Monday for the past two months, which is pretty cool. Yeah. So that's. That is who we are and why we're doing these spaces. It's a cool little community hangout. You know, we're here to just let people know we exist, essentially. And from time to time we have very special guests, artists. There are a few that we have done. Some of these spaces that we've done where the artists have shared some really insightful information about their journey.

Getting to Know Artists

And it's really cool just to get to know the artists. We see these amazing images and videos they produce, but who is this guy? You know, we don't know anything about them, but this is why this kind of space is. Is pretty important, I think, you know, we're a community, right? So some of the latest updates. Andrew. I love putting Andrew on the spot. Yeah, definitely. It's good. I think a lot of our spaces, we have a lot of structure and a lot of them. I think it's good to just listen to the community and make sure everybody kind of has some chance to hang out and share. I see some friendly faces in the audience. I think Patty is actually in the audience.

Conference Insights

I don't know if you want to speak about the conference you're at, but I think you've been meeting with a lot of artists in Europe and. Yeah, I got back, I went to burning man last couple weeks or a week, and amazing amount of 3d artists out there. I was not expecting that. A lot of crazy visuals, crazy images, yet to meet some artists out there. Was not expecting that at all. Really, really cool to see what I was doing before that. Sunny and I were in Montreal. We got to go to an amazing conference and meet quite a few artists. And actually, our grants program, were able to give out quite a few grants to people we met at our little happy hour we did at MUtEC, and I think we'll be back at that.

Exploring Mutek

Mutec is happening around the world, Montreal. I think it's their base, but I think they're in about ten cities around the world. I thought it was a really cool thing for us to be at and really enjoyed it. Yeah, it was such an interesting event. Some of the visualizations. I put a little clip together, which, if any of you are interested, just go through the render networks timeline here on X and or on Instagram as well, and you'll see a little mutek clip. There's some really interesting works that are being done.

Artist Engagement

And they actually had, like, a dome which had, I think, maybe four or eight projectors. I can't remember exactly how many, projecting on all sides of this dome. So some of these artists are using all the rendering power they can, and they can absolutely do with something like the render network. So, yeah, it was awesome meeting some of these artists and just learning about their workflow and introducing our grants to them. Many of them have, as Andrew said, taken us up on those grants. And a grant recipient is actually in our midst right now. Is he gonna speak? Justin, are you there? Can you hear us? Justin?

Justin's Short Film

yeah. Yeah, I can hear you. Hey, how's it going? Pretty good. Just tired grinding. Oof. That's it. That's how it is. Yeah. So Justin is a 3d artist, and he's put together an amazing short film. Do you want to tell us about that? Sure. So I came up with that idea to create a short film to kind of improve my animation skills because I, like, kind of first started out with, like, just still images, still artworks, and I really want to get into animation or animating those and bringing them to life.

Creative Development

So I came up with the idea origin, and I got, you know, about a minute of that, and then I was like, I came up with a better idea, basically. And then that's. That's when gravity can. That's when gravity came to mind. And I got the whole storyline. I had everything, like, set up perfectly. My mind was flowing with ideas and I got everything. So I wrote that all. I wrote that all down. I got it all set up here, let me get my computer real quick. 1 second.

Challenges Faced

Okay. There. And I got all the ideas, everything down. And I started that, like, around just over a year ago now. It's been a while. Wow. Yeah. And it's been tough doing this because it's like, my first time doing this, like, lining up shots together and I came into some problems and all that stuff. And, you know, the render network definitely helped a ton on at least 90% of the shots because I was able to render out multiple shots while I was working on multiple shots on my computer instead of having to lock up my computer for weeks on end, just rendering.

Efficiency in Workflow

And, yeah, it really improved the workflow quite a bit on that. And, yeah, because some of the shots were really complex and would have taken my computer about like a week to render just that one shot that's only like five or 6 seconds. Wow. Yeah, yeah, that's, that's pretty intense. Pretty immense as well, because obviously you're, I'm guessing you're rendering at like 4k. So I was gonna do that, and then a lot of the compositing that I have to do in after effects after the fact is like, I'm compositing stuff at like 1920 1080.

Rendering Decisions

So it'd be kind of difficult to upscale that and then upscale, like, everything else too. So I decided to just render at hd. And then I will, whenever I finish the whole film, I'll upscale that thing total to 4k. It won't lose that much quality. Yeah. Okay, now that sounds really good. How far along are you with this, then? So actually, surprisingly, I'm on the last, like, ten shots, I think. And then I have to put it all together in after effects and then do some last minute compositing, editing, stuff like that.

Final Touches

And then I'm gonna export that out and send it to my dad because my dad does music and he's gonna score the whole thing and do sound effects and all that stuff. And then, I mean, then I should get it back. And then I will put everything together with the motion blur and the film. And then I will upscale, or I'll do that after, but I'll upscale, and then I'll add the motion blur and all that stuff after. And so, yeah, I'm still a few months out, though, I think, because it would take him a decent while to do all the sound stuff while he's working on his main job too.

Involvement of Family

Wow. Okay. That's, that's pretty cool that your dad's involved as well. Yeah, yeah. I was gonna say, you're not doing all of this by yourself, are you? No, no. That, that's cool. So the parts that you're doing yourself, a lot of the modeling, I'm guessing the environments and what else? So I'd say, like, modeling, I'm not that good at. Like, that's just not something I wanted to spend all my time doing.

Modeling Technique

So, like, the spaceship is a 3d model I got. And then some of the, you know, plants and all, that's all 3d models. Like, I got through, like, you know, Forester and just all these other, and the main, like, main character that I have for the short film is a 3D Scanstore head model that I got and textured myself. A lot of the stuff was kind of, it's just basically all put together by me. I've made some stuff myself. I did a lot of simulations with x particles, one that I'm really proud of.

Highlighting Key Achievements

And I can't wait to share the shot because it's literally only like a second and a half, 2 seconds. But it makes the film. It makes it. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Can't wait to see. You know, I've seen some of the stuff that you've been putting out. Like, I think today, just literally maybe half an hour ago, you put out a little teaser poster. Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to, like, he's into a little bit.

Teaser Engagement Strategy

I don't want to just post the whole short part of it, like each shot that I made for the short film and then just basically leak it all. I kind of want to keep some stuff, you know, available, like, or like, not available, but like hidden so that when you add the short film actually it's finally released, then you'll be like, oh, I haven't seen that before or something like that. But yeah, I tried to, like, I made like a handful of posters that are just different things that kind of tie into the stuff that's going on in the film.

Collaborative Poster Design

And then I'm also working with a few of my artist friends and we're going to do, like a little collaboration for a few different posters as well, which I think would be kind of cool. Instead of just me making all my posters, I'm going to have some artists make their big posters with some of the assets from my film, which I think will be really cool, too. That's cool. That's really cool.

Reflections on the Journey

Yeah. Nice. Yeah. That's really good to hear your journey so far doing this, but for our audience who may not know. How did you begin your journey into the 3d world? Yeah, so, I mean, I'm 20 right now, so I'm still young. I mean, I started three d at sixteen. Well, yeah, right, about 16. Yeah, back in 2020. That's kind of when I got into 3d.

Early Influences

But before that I was doing graphic design photography and stuff, like, from, like, age ten, 1112. So, like, eight to ten years ago, basically, is when I started my whole photography and, like, graphic design stuff for Call of duty teams mainly. That was what I was doing.

Introduction to Graphics and Esports

Thumbnail, okay, Twitter revamps all the stuff and then doing some editing and cod montages and stuff. And that's kind of how I got into that whole kind of scene. I met a ton of people that were. That were on Call of Duty teams that were doing graphics for them and stuff. And I was doing that for quite a while, like, pretty much up until, like, 2018. And then I started doing some rocket league stuff there because that was a game that I was really into as well. And I started doing stuff for, like, NRG, esports, space station gaming, a few different esports teams on the side, and then 2020, that's when I kind of got into the crypto kind of NFT kind of scene a little bit, started on rarible. But a few of my friends that were in the Call of Duty teams and stuff with me, they started doing that, and I was like, oh, that's kind of cool.

Exploring NFT Art

And then I talked to them a little bit about it and they kind of explained it to me and I thought that was a really cool concept. And so I just went. I went with it and I started doing some more artwork, styled stuff and not just stuff for, like, coD, like Call of duty teams and stuff and more personal artworks. And then I was like, you know, I was already using cinema four D and octane for, like, text for thumbnails and text for, like, you know, Twitter headers and all that stuff. And so I was like, you know, I already know how to use the program a little bit. I was. It was more simple. Like, I didn't know anything complex at all. So I was like, you know, I'll start there. And that's when I kind of started my Dunescape and my dreamscape series and all those projects that I did at the beginning. And, yeah, that's kind of how I got into the 3d.

The Influence of Cinema in Creative Work

Okay, so, like, a lot of your work seems very cinematic. So do you think, like, this background of working with some of these, you know, big labels, big ips, like Call of Duty that any of this has impacted on that or informed some of your creative decisions? Probably a little bit. I'd say photography, mainly because a lot of the photography aspects translate to lot of them. And I've always been into movies and tv shows, so that's like, whenever I'm locked up on something and I have. My mind's not working on it for specifically on the short film and just blanking, I'll just go watch a movie or a tv show or music videos and stuff like that to get some ideas flowing. And, yeah, I really like watching movies, so I think I get inspired from that a lot.

Notable Inspirations in Film

So, yeah, so I actually spoke with another artist earlier today. He's very well known, and one of his major influences was actually the Matrix. So a 1999 movie, the Matrix. And that. Has that inspired him to get into 3D? Do you think there's been any particular film or cg sequence that might have inspired you as well? Tron Legacy. That's up there for me as well. My good friend G. Monk, he worked on that movie. And so when I actually. Because, you know, when I first started out, I wasn't friends with these guys that I know now and, like, met in person and talk to these guys that are, like, really big. And, you know, I've met him multiple times, and now we're really good friends. And I love talking about 3d. It's so fun.

The Impact of Render Networks

So I literally. I think I spent, like, an hour at Beeple's grand opening for a studio down in Charleston. Awesome. Yeah, we spent, like, an hour just talking about the Charles sequences that he worked on. That movie is just so freaking good. And I was. What was I like? I don't know. That came out in, like, 20. I was six years. Oh, wow. Okay. Making me feel very old. Yeah. But that movie is so good. I've. I think that's the number one movie that I've rewatched the most. And then I'd say, like, more recently, probably, like, the dune movies a little bit. And then most. More specifically the, like, for tv shows. The. The show dark on Netflix is super, like, cinematic and eerie and moody. And they gave me so much inspiration for my short film and some other stuff that I've worked on as well.

Anticipation for Upcoming Film

Yeah, okay. That's. Yeah, that. That's pretty cool. And just going back to Tron Legacy, so whenever I've got any. Any work to do, any, you know, I've got to really concentrate. Tron Legacy soundtrack, it's just the best. Oh, daft Punk man. Yes. Yeah. I think what I want to do is let's see if anyone else wants to come in and have a chat. So if anybody does, or Andrew, if you've got any questions for Justin, I think that would be cool. Ask a quick one while we get some other people on stage. When is the film going to launch? Do you have the update on that?

Challenges in Film Productions

So when I first announced the film, I said, coming 2024, I didn't realize how much time it would take to make. And also some of the shots were, I just, I'm a perfectionist and it's tough doing that because some of the shots that I first made a year ago, I look back on, I'm like, those are so bad. I'm so much better now. And I got a re, I recreated some of them, but some of them I just had to like, say, like put my, put a foot down and say, I know it's not as good as some of the other stuff like that back half the film is gonna be like 20 times better because of the way the person, like the better the artist that I am now than when I was, when I made those shots in the beginning. But yeah.

Projected Timeline for Completion

So I think I'm hoping January, because I know my dad needs to take the whole winter break because he gets off for Christmas and everything for that week there after and that's when he can pretty much work on it, the sound. But I'm hoping to have my part done within the next month. So I mean, who knows? He might get some time earlier and then I might release it before December. I don't know. We'll see. We're super excited to see it. I'm excited to share it. So, yeah, it's looking good so far.

Final Thoughts and Workflow Challenges

Yeah. We don't have any questions just yet and I don't think anyone has raised their hand. If you have requested, let's see, has anyone requested. Okay, I can't see anyone. And also just to be kind of clear as well, because we are the foundation, we're not going to be talking about price. So nothing like that. If you want to talk about art 3d stuff. Yeah, feel free, guys. More than. Welcome to Justin, I had a question, workflow wise, where's your biggest pain point right now? Wait, say that again.

Artist Workflow Insights

Just with your workflow, where's your biggest pain point as an artist? Did you say pinpoint pain. Pain point. Oh, gosh. Huh. That's a good one. I think what I want to do, I'm not there yet. Simulations. I want to better at that way I can bring more stuff to life because right now. Well, okay. I have a collaboration coming out soon that I definitely brought my older sand dune stuff. I didn't really do any simulations for it to make it feel real or anything. Now I've. I've learned how to do it and now I've got sand blowing, actual sand particles blowing.

Artistic Challenges and Growth

So, yeah, I learned how to do that. But I'd say some of the fate, like the characters, I think I would be my biggest. Even though I did get a realistic looking character and skin shader that I worked on for a while to work. It's the whole rigging it and doing all that stuff. That's the pain. Yeah. I hate rigging. It's something that I've never been able to master. Yeah. But getting all of the shots and camera angles and things and designing the lighting, I think. Yeah, I love that aspect of 3d. Yeah, same.

The Importance of Network Rendering

So let's talk about the render network. So how would you say the render network has helped you through this journey? Well, I think that's a pretty easy answer there. Basically, a short film wouldn't be released for another year and a half or so if I didn't have. It's just helped me a ton because it's like less computing power on my computer. So my computer will last longer that I spent a ton of money on. And it's just, it's speeds up the workflow so freaking much. It's ridiculous. I mean, I had a one, I had one shot that was a really complex shot.

Time-Efficiency of Render Networks

And, you know, I uploaded 04:00 p.m. and it's done by five. Wow. It's like well over 100 plus frames. It's like a whole six, seven second shot. And it only took an hour. That's on my computer. I think based off their estimation, it would have taken. I think. I think I saw 90. 90 hours roughly. Wow, 90 hours. Yeah. So that. That's about approximately 3.75 days. I say approximately, but I had to work that out with a calculator. So. Yeah, that's some crazy time saving.

Rendering Challenges and Solutions

And, I mean, I have multiple of those shots that are similar like that. That would have taken that much longer or longer. That only took, you know, an hour on the network or less than an hour on the network. It's relatively easy to get, you know, put on there. Although I will say there are some render bugs and everything like that. But that's something you can't really change or anything since it's all in different nodes and it's all just like that. But I just said it's re queue and then it's good for the most part.

Ongoing Improvements in Rendering

Yeah. The network's always being worked on.

Introduction to the Cinema 4D Wizard

We recently released the cinema 4D wizard. So that's something that will help a ton of new artists as well because it checks everything. You know, make sure the file is going to be okay. When it's sent to the network, it packages it as a zip and even opens up the artist portal for you as well. So you just drag and drop. And have you managed to use that just yet?

User Experience and Bug Reports

So I've tried it three times and all three times I had a few, I had some bugs that just the req wouldn't work, that wouldn't fix. But I did do this. I did redo the shot with an ORBX and it worked just fine. So I still think there's some kinks to fix there. But I mean, it just came out. So obviously, you know, there's going to be some bugs and everything like that. But I think, you know, within the next year or so, I think this will be really solid with like minimal bugs.

Current Projects and Future Plans

Yeah, I mean, we've got some of the team listening attentively to this call as well. So I'm very certain they are going to be on it. Yeah. No, that's awesome. It's great to have you here giving us this update with your work, your short film. Have you got any other plans after the short film? What's going to be next? So I'm working. I don't know if I can say. Wait, I think I can. So I'm working with a studio kind of like on the side a little bit to make some money because the short film obviously isn't really making me money right now.

Client Work and Creative Projects

So I've had pause from working on my short film to work on some client work here and there. I did, I recently did a, a nice little eight second little Spotify visualizer for a song that recently released by a join, which is really cool. I did some really cool different things for the sky and different things for everything. I don't know how to bring it in here, put it to the top or anything like that.

Creative Visualizer Details

What you could do, I'll try and either get a link to the Spotify, to the actual song or album or even take a screenshot and just into the comments. Yeah, I put in the top. Yeah, it was really simple. That's what they wanted. But it was really cool because I did a combination for the sky. I did like a combination of, like, everything. There's an HDRI, there's an octane daylight. There is three image textures that are overlapping each other to create this cool look with the sun and the clouds kind of going around it in a way which I thought was really cool.

Recent Collaborations and Excitement

And it's just a simple walking sequence, and it was really fun. That was my kind of latest thing. And then I have a collab with aphoria coming probably the end of the week. I'll probably drop the first piece because there's two of them. I'll drop the first piece on, like, Thursday, Friday of this week, which I'm really happy to share because we've been working on that for, well, we started on it, like, over a year, two years ago. Wow. Wow.

The Challenges of Collaboration

That's finally. It comes together because we're all busy people, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. I spoke with another artist and they were mentioning how, you know, to actually even show a demo reel because of the line of work that they're in. Working with studios and films. Yeah. You know, they have to wait like a year, you know, a year and a half, and then they can show their work and it's like, wow.

Personal Development and Creative Processes

Yeah, I mean, I did. I just recently put. I dropped my first reel because I didn't have a reel before because I didn't think I had enough animated work. And now it's even better. I dropped this reel, right. And now I have like twelve to 15 more shots that are better than some of the shots in the reel that I just did. So it's like, man, we got to start. We got to do a new reel now.

Sharing Work and Building a Portfolio

But no, I feel like it was, it's a, it was really cool kind of putting that together, you know, because I haven't done a reel yet, so took some inspo from a friend of mine and kind of ran with it a little bit. I wanted to show a little bit of everything. So right in there, I have some mostly personal and short film work. Then I have some client work in there a little bit. And, yeah, just kind of went through everything, basically.

Community and Support for Artists

And if anybody wants to watch that reel within this chat, it's been put up. Like, I can see it just above this chat. So you can take a look at that. It's 1 minute, 5 seconds. Are you on any social networks that we should be following you on? I'm just Instagram and x Twitter. And then, you know, I have my website, I have my behance portfolio, which is really nice.

Networking and Online Presence

To have a good place for all the artists kind of fine and people to find client like clients to find artists to do projects and stuff. So those are kind of the main ones. I'm on, you know, artstation, all that stuff. I'm all under Justin graphics, though, the same name. So it's kind of easy to follow and just. Yeah, cool.

Consistency in Online Branding

Yeah, that makes, it makes a difference when all the handles are exactly the same. Just makes it so much easier. So if anybody wants to follow Justin on any of those platforms, Instagram, behance, artstation, or here on xdev, Justin Graphics, JSTN graphics. Yeah, that's awesome. And I am gonna have a look through these questions now.

Technical Difficulties and Interaction

It's really weird because on my machine that I'm working on, it doesn't really update very quick, so I have to check on my phone as well. And then I might see a question in the comments. I did get told that we are competing with Apple right now, so, you know, there may not be as many listeners as there normally is. Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to drop some.

Community Updates and Concerns

Always good. I did see a question in there, not on the topic of Justin, but about Jules's ex guy compromised this weekend. If you know, clicked on a link, you know, I would delete cookies. I wouldn't be too concerned. The link does take you to a 404 page now, so it's unfortunate. It happens part of being in crypto, but I wouldn't worry too much unless you connected your wallet.

Security and Best Practices

And if you connected your wallet, I would absolutely reset up a wallet. Verify links. Always verify links, right? Yeah, definitely. What other questions do we have? I just want touch on that because I'm in a few different telegram groups and one of the guys in one of the groups said he wasn't eligible. And I was like, what are you talking about?

User Caution with Links

And he said, I clicked on Jules's link and it's like, yeah, you don't want to be doing that. Don't connect anything and click on any unfamiliar or potentially dodgy links because there can be very dire consequences to that. And as a reminder, we will never do a airdrop, we will never do a surprise giveaway.

Ongoing Communication and Transparency

We will never do anything that doesn't give you ample time. So verify that all. Always verify. Always, always. Yeah. And if anybody has any contacts x, we're running into absolute brick walls. We're trying to get them back. So that's been fun as well.

Challenges in Communication

I think entire support team has been cycled, so we're running into AI managed bot forms and not hearing back, unfortunately. Yeah. Very tricky scenario right before a few big events, but talking about big events, Jules will be speaking at Tolkien 2049 over in Singapore, and then he will be talking at this tiny little event called Breakpoint.

Excitement for Upcoming Events

Yeah, it's not really tiny or little. It's the biggest Solana conference in the world. And we just got the time slot as well. So it's Friday at 530 Singapore time, and that is on day one of the conference. So we're closing out or in that final session of day one. So I'm excited to be there. Please say hello if you are going to be in Singapore.

Community Engagement and Opportunities

I'll be there. We actually have a couple extra tickets if anybody's interested. The foundation would love to, you know, provide a ticket if you want to email us. I think we won't have many people taking me up on that. So if there's only one, great. If there's a bunch, we'll figure out how to give it away in a fair manner.

Looking Forward to Community Connections

But excited to see the community there. I'm going to connect with a lot of the salon folks, and it's, you know, everybody's seemingly got to be in Singapore. We have token 2049. We have. Isn't Ethereum doing a big conference as well? And then f one? So it's going to be a big shake weekend for a lot of people in the industry.

Anticipation for Upcoming Events

Yeah, I can't wait. I can't wait. So, yeah, let's see in these comments. I'm not seeing any other comments, but there is somebody who has requested to speak. Should we. Should we let them speak? Andrew? Yeah, let's go for it.

Q&A and Audience Interaction

Okay. I mean, you should be able to hear me, but can you speak? I can speak. Definitely. First of all, thank you for giving me the little podium. And I actually want to thank Andrew haidt for helping Bitru because I did request him or ask him through X, but also through telegram, I think if he could speak to some people at Bitru because they really wanted to go from R and D, r to render, and he did a great job.

Acknowledgments and Gratitude

And I definitely want to thank Andrew for doing so. You're welcome. I'm glad that worked out of. Sorry, I didn't hear that. I said you're welcome. I'm glad that worked out perfect. And, well, of course, the lord yamo. I mean, I'm connected with him and he has amazing stuff and all the knowledge he's sharing.

Community and Knowledge Sharing

Absolutely love it. And keep going with. With all the nice stuff out there. Because, well, you are definitely helping others to do better. I myself not an artist on that level, but, well, you know, what isn't now can become in the future. So thanks.

Making Connections and Future Endeavors

You're most welcome. And yeah, you know, we have an absolutely fantastic community. You know, there's octane supporters and render network supporters and there's so many tutorials on how to get started in three D and, you know, do some of these crazy visualizations.

Artist Grant Opportunity

Sorry, the Render foundation website where you are able to apply for a grant. So an artist grant to use the render network. It's essentially free rendering, so it's not going to cost you a single penny. All you got to do is fill out a small little form, give like a little pitch as to what you want to do and we can send you some render credits.

Excitement and Engagement

Sounds perfect. Thanks. Thanks. And love listening to this. Oh, and well, I've been. Although mine, I really need to change my name. As it says, I've been following some other coin before and still love it, but I'm following render so much on all the levels and it is blowing my mind, what is happening and. Love it, love it, love it.

Acknowledgment and Invitation

Yeah, I can guess what the other coin is that you're following. Yep. Thanks so much for wanting to speak. If anybody else wants to raise their hand and request to speak, you're more than welcome to. Let's see, who do we have here? We see some very familiar faces. Reena. Hi, how are you? There's Oliveira. Am I saying that correctly? Most damas. Phil. Phil, would you like to.

Participation and Technical Issues

Actually, somebody has requested. You know what, it's not working for me right now, but if anybody. Yeah, if anyone does want to say anything, feel free. And Justin, if I couldn't. Sorry, go ahead, Andrew, I can step in. Just a second. Sunny, I was just looking at the dune analytics for how much has been upgraded from R and D r to render on chain. It's just over 203 million token have been upgraded using the official upgrade tool, which is amazing to see.

Token Upgrades and Rewards

We have a few epochs left of the upgrade rewards where we give out quite a bit of render to the community based on how many tokens are upgraded. It used to be a little bit more, now it's going to be quite less based on how many people did that. And then the treasury wallet should be following suit. So I don't think we'll have an official number this month, but next month we'll probably have the percentage of R and D R that's been upgraded and it's probably going to be north of 70 80%. That'll be really interesting to see.

Value on Chain and Support Requests

Yeah, that's awesome. I think back to you, son. Yeah, cool. It's going to be interesting to see, isn't it? I think there's. Yeah, there's a huge amount of value on chain now on the Solana network and yeah, it's only increasing. And the number of people who are upgrading tokens by themselves, that's also increasing. Many of you have reached out through support for various things, like for example, the tokens haven't come through yet. If any of you are experiencing that, the rule of thumb is sit tight.

Third-Party Tool and Token Visibility

If the transaction has gone through, the tokens will appear in your Solana wallet. It's a third party tool that we're using, wormhole. So sometimes it can take a little bit longer than we would like, but it does work. So let's just see. It looks like the is another question. I'm seeing five comments here, but it is not refreshing. So let me just check on my phone. Can I see any other comments? Feel free to jump in if you guys would like to answer any comments that are there.

System Refresh and Render Stats

Justin, I don't think. Oh, Saul says go Justin. Nice. Are the render foundation stats actually live? If you can stay in the site with no Internet connections, you can still see frame count increasing. Interesting. So I'm not sure what to really comment there. I don't. I think it's. It should be live and that's all I can really say there.

Render Stats Page Update

Any idea if Coinbase is going to do the migration? I'll answer that first one first. The stats page is being revamped, so a lot of them are fully accurate and a lot of them are a little bit time delayed on that. So I don't have a launch date. I'm hoping by the end of the week we'll page, but if it feels a little bit off, it is. And there's some that are estimated, like frame count is an estimate based on past month performance.

Estimations and Coinbase Support

We don't actually capture real time frame data on what's being rendered. So yeah, that is just an estimation of what's been done in the last month. So it is not entirely accurate, although it is pretty close to being accurate based on the data we have. Coinbase. We haven't seen an official statement from Coinbase on if they're doing the upgrade or not. They're the first to support render the Solana token, and they currently support both RDR and render.

Liquidity Trends and Legacy Support

So happy to see some support for RDR. I think that liquidity is going down and we're seeing that kind of popping up on RDR, or, I'm sorry, on render, but it's good to see that there's some. Still some legacy on that. But I have not seen an official statement from Coinbase on that matter. Yeah, it is an interesting one, because obviously they were the first to support render.

Coinbase's Approach and Future Support

R e n d e R. But they also have RDR still live, which is. Yeah, I guess it's their way that they're doing this. Maybe they'll support and completely upgrade or not. I don't know. It's a coinbase thing, I guess. Yeah. Justin, let's. Let's go back to you. Justin, can you still hear me? Justin may have stepped away, but I will.

Technological Advancements in Art

Oh, there we go. Excellent. So I'm interested to know. So tech is moving on super quick. We've got different mediums now, different ways to actually share work. You know, there's VR, ar, things like the sphere. What are you most looking forward to in terms of some of your work? Where would you like to be showing these works that you're doing, whether they're experiences or what?

Aspirations in Live Visuals

So I would absolutely love how I work on sphere. That'd be really freaking sick. But I would say what I actually want to do as my actually job and everything is do live visuals for EDM concerts and EDM shows, specifically the more kind of atmospheric and cinematic sounding music. So, like, odeza, alenia, you know those guys? Yeah, yeah.

Collaborative Efforts and Personal Goals

And I've already kind of made steps in that direction. So, I mean, I'm friends with, like, basically the entire Odessa team, so I'm trying to do that. That would be freaking phenomenal because they're based where I live, so it'd be. It'd be really easy. It would be awesome. But end of the day, I just want to see my work on a massive screen that they do, like, the LED screens, and see people react to it and, like, the.

Inspirational Experiences

I mean, that's the main reason I actually got kind of that idea of, like, working with the odeza was. My first concert was Odeza in 2022 for their Alaska by tour in Seattle. And just seeing the kind of the visuals that my friends had made, like, a Fourier made the intro, and then just seeing everyone's reactions and just emotions was like, I just feel that's what I wanted to do, basically.

Reflections on Concert Visuals

So that's kind of my goal. Okay. Yeah, I think it's an interesting thing, concert visuals. David Ariav, who we've had on the show as well. Oh, man. He's, he's made concert visuals for literally everybody. Everybody. Yeah. Yeah. It's absolutely crazy. And, you know, there's no sign of stopping.

Nostalgic Concert Experiences

I think we all had to just take a moment to realize how old we are. Odessa was your first. I like it. Oh, no, I. All right, Sonny, I feel this is running down. Yeah. I wanted to go. Like, I wanted to go to concerts back when I was younger, like, even like 20, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 all those years.

Commitments to Sports Over Music

But I was more focused on soccer and all the concerts were like Friday night or something, and I had a game Saturday morning or I had a Friday night game and I couldn't go and I was more focused on that, so I didn't go. Okay, well, talking about. That's fair enough.

European Football Conversations

Yeah, it is fair enough. And, and talking about soccer or as we call it here, football. Yeah. Who do you support? All right, Sonny, should we call it quits? I don't see any other comments. Yeah, I don't think there's any of the comments like a good idea to me.

End of Discussion and Summary

I think there might be a little time delay as well, but go on, Justin, who do you support? I cannot hear you if you are speaking. Oh, it's been good hanging out. I'll talk to everybody else on Monday. Another Monday. And Justin, I'm super excited to see your work.

Future Showcase Plans

And we'll put it on the screen at breakpoint. So we'll have a big screen in Singapore for you. Hopefully we'll have some good pictures of it. Oh, how big is it? Oh, I think, I mean, it's one of those conference. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm not sure how big it actually is.

Final Touches on Art and Collaboration

Let me send me an email that what the res needs to because some of my short film shots I might need to render out stills and then upscale to fit. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that. Cool. Sonny, we can't hear you, so let's say goodbye and Edgar, we can close out the space.

Appreciation and Farewell

Thanks so much, Justin, for joining.

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