Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Castile Community AMA – Gear Up for Exciting New Updates hosted by Castileofficial. Get a glimpse of the exciting updates coming to the Castile Community AMA, a blend of RPG and Roguelike genres set in a Fantasy Cthulhu universe. The community is buzzing with anticipation for the new features and enhancements. Players can look forward to an engaging and thrilling experience as they gear up for the game's latest version.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What type of game is Castile Community AMA?
A: It is a 3A idle RPG+Roguelike game.

Q: What setting does the game take place in?
A: The game is set in a Fantasy Cthulhu universe.

Q: What can players expect from the upcoming updates?
A: Players can anticipate exciting new features and enhancements.

Q: How is the community responding to the game updates?
A: The community is engaged and excited about the upcoming changes.

Q: What genre mix does Castile Community AMA offer?
A: The game is a blend of RPG and Roguelike genres.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to Castile Community AMA Discover the unique features of the 3A idle RPG+Roguelike game.

Time: 00:25:18
Sneak Peek at Game Updates Get a preview of the exciting enhancements and new features.

Time: 00:35:59
Community Excitement Learn about the enthusiasm within the community for the upcoming changes.

Key Takeaways

  • The Castile Community AMA introduces a 3A idle RPG+Roguelike game.
  • Exciting updates are coming to the Fantasy Cthulhu universe game.
  • Players can anticipate new features and enhancements in the game.
  • The AMA highlights the community's engagement and excitement for the upcoming changes.
  • Gamers are gearing up for a thrilling experience with the upcoming game updates.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Can everyone hear me? Hello, hello. My chat. Mic check. Hello. Hello. Can I hear me clearly? Hi. Hi. How are you? Yeah. Yeah. Trina, perhaps you should check your mic as well. Hello. Hello, hello. This is. Hello everyone. Hi. Hi, Trina, I can hear you. I will join again. My check. My checkmark. Check. Can everyone hear me? Yeah. Yes. Okay, great. Yeah, you can keep the music on. Go.

Audience Engagement

Hello everyone. Let's wait a moment for the audience to come in it. Welcome. Let's wait a moment for more audience to come in our ama. Yep. So how. Trina. So any chance you can put the music on? So that's wait for another few minutes for the audience to join. Okay, sure. Okay, now let's get started. Can you guys hear me? Okay. Yeah, sure. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Welcome and thanks for joining our community AMA event today. I'm Trina from the marketing team at Caste and I will be the host for today's event.

Introduction to Castilla

And ever since Castilla launched the Alpha test in June, the attention and engagement we've received have been pretty amazing and impressive. And thanks for all the support and many new friends have joined our AMA today. So let me introduce Castilla a bit to you. Okay. Welcome, friends. Okay. Castilla is developed by Natural Lab. It's a three a quality idle car rpg game set in western fantasy Cthulhu world. What sets Castilla apart from other car rpg's are its huge like system for exploring a vast map and progress in a trading system where players can trade items in the market using in game currency and there are many competitive battles for players and guilds in seasonal dungeons.

Features of Castilla

Also we have the terror NFT system which gives holders progression perks and a way to show up without disrupting the core gameplay, making it a popular endgame go for many players. In today's AMA, we will share with everyone the upcoming big updates on Castilla and get to know Nitro Lab, a next generation web three gaming studio behind Castilla. In the first part of today's session, I'll ask some questions to our guest, also our co founder Arthur to help us learn more about Nitro Lab. Then he will share with us some recent project developments and the upcoming exciting updates. We will also have a q and a and raffle time at the end of the AMA. We are five lucky participants who ask questions will win 20 someone tickets each.

Kickoff of AMA

So make sure to stay all the way through to the end. Without further ado, let's welcome Arthur. Hello, Arthur. Yeah, and hello everyone. Thank you guys for joining our inmate today I'm Arthur, the co founder of Castilla and Super excited and can't wait to share some major updates and more information about the incoming beta test in this anime. So let's get started. Okay, thank you. Thank you, Arthur. Let's move forward with some questions that our community is curious about.

Nitro Lab Overview

Could you tell us about Nitro Lab, the gaming development studio behind Castilla? Yep. So for fresh e commerce, Nitro Lab is a next gen Webster game studio founded in 2017 and by a team of seasoned professionals with decades of experience in developing, publishing and marketing across both web two and web three. So once the studio was founded, were competed by Tencent and Bydance to invest in us. And so far Nyselab has raised 25 million in total. And Nicelab not only focused on developing high quality games, but also introduce an innovative business model playing trick. So the core of the play and trade model is to engage a large number of paying gamers through high quality gameplay and engaging trading system.

Sustainability and Future Plans

So by establishing a robust economy, players looking to earn can sell England assets to those willing to pay. So creating a more sustainable revenue stream. So that's why we spent three years and 15 million USD to build Castilla our first titles. And gamers will have a chance to judge whether Casilla is competitive enough to onboard massive gamers. That's really cool. From your introduction we can see that Nitro Lab is truly has a strong team and innovative ideas and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the play entry model will be implemented in Castir.

Upcoming Features

And could you share more details about the Castillo's upcoming updates? Yes. So later this week, exactly what it is tomorrow. So we will be rolling out a significant update on our official websites, introducing a new feature which is quest two earn. So this mission based system is designed to engage players by offering points and rewards for completing various quests and looking ahead. It will also be able to validate players actions by tracking in game behavior and achievements. Oh, that sounds like an exciting new feature. I have some questions.

Quest to Earn Feature

Is the quest to earn feature available to everyone or is it exclusive to terror NFT holders? So it's absolutely open to everyone. So for every gamers you just need to register and count on Casilla official website and start earning points by completing tasks. So Mer perks for points holders will be reviewed soon and keep earning. Stays tuned. Oh, that's gonna be awesome and can't wait to get my hands on it and start in it. And along with these new features, I'm sure that our community is eager to learn about beta test and I'm very excited about it too.

Beta Test Updates

So onto our last question. Could you share any updates on the beta test authorization? Yes, absolutely.

Game Development Progress

So our dev team has been working hard over the past few months testing and fine tuning the game to deliver the best experience for our community. And the beta test is set to launch in early September. So we are expecting to launch our beta test around the 10 September. And it's open to gamers for a while so there will be no entry barriers so everyone can join our beta test and featuring some exciting new gameplay, tournaments and play and trade mode will be all on board into the beta test. And we are also preparing a huge price pool which is 10 million castya token. So that's 1% of our governance token as a reward to reward the active and standout players during the beta test.

Community Partner Program and Future Plans

So for the betas we are also launching the Castilla Community Partners program. So by becoming our partners you will earn substantial rewards during the beta and enjoy even more perks in the future. So stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. And we are going to release. So the crash system will be on board tomorrow and also the community partner systems will be on board tomorrow as well. So for any, no matter your KoLs communities that is interested to help us improve our attractions, then you're more than welcome to get on board our community partners. Thank you Arthur for all the information.

User Engagement and Q&A

I also participated in the alpha test before and the game was absolutely amazing. I'm also so excited about upcoming beta test and after everything we've discussed today I'm sure you might look forward to the Castillo's updates and there might be some questions we haven't covered. Now let's move on to the q and A and raffle session. I will randomly pick five audience who raise their hands to ask questions and each will receive 20 some more tickets. Oh I thought broke. Broke Picker, raise her hand. I will invite you to speak now. Hello? Okay, wait a moment. Hey broker, are you there? Oh I think you need to, you need to approve him as a speaker into the madden.

Technical Chaos and Communication

Then he can, he will be able to speak? Yeah I just send invitation. Let me check it again. Oh hi bro. Yo, what up guys? I'm sorry. Can you. I just jumped into my. Can, can you send. Can you see the invitation I sent to you? Okay. He's able to speak now. So is there any questions from or you just. Bro, I'm sorry. I'm dead. Yo, I just got into this space. I think I missed most of it kind of broke. Hello? Could you turn your mind on then you can spec? I think, I think, with a sec. So I was saying, I think, yeah, I think perhaps the audience can hear him as well.

Clarifications and Game Mechanics

wait a sec. Wait a sec. Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Yo, I think. Yeah, cast the, Castillo Castle. Castle. I think you can hear me. Yo, I'm sorry, bro. I just jumped in and I missed most of like what you guys were talking about, but my hand. It's the PFB. I'm sorry. Okay, no problems. No problems. So, yeah, no, like. So, yeah, yeah, no worries. So you can. You can raise any questions that you want and no matter how much the contents that you have coverage, just anything about Castilla, you might be interested. Perhaps you can raise the questions then we can discuss about that.

Questions from Participants

Yo. Yeah, I did go to like the page and I saw that you guys are like a gaming project. What blockchain are you guys. I mean, will be launching into. Okay. Yeah. So for. So Apptours is our major partners and we will build our battle test and our games launch officially on apptours in the futures. So in the coming battle tasks in September, we will use app tours as a basic chance for no matter to support the users to pay in game purchase or trade our in game currency.

Funding and Partnerships

So Apptaurs will all be the chance to help us build on it. So basically that's the. And also we are going to announce a huge funding round and with support of apptors around the end of this month. So in the end of August and people will realize that Apptours is one of our major investors and our backers to support us to get launched on the ecosystem. Wait, apptours? Yes. Is that a layer one or.

Understanding of Partnerships

Oh, it's a. It's a layer one. So yeah, I just saw in your profile your app towards source creators. So, yeah, it is a layer one. It is the app tours, the data one, the team that comes from the meta. So that's the chain I'm talking about. Oh, wait, you're talking about aptos. Oh, yes. Sorry. Oh, shit. Yeah, I thought like you were saying something else.

End of the Transcript

My bad, bro. That's on me. Cool. So you guys are, I guess. Are you guys building on unreal engine or. I. Oh, yeah. So for the. So Casilla is a mobile game. So we built it on unity. And. Unity. So.

Gameplay and Channel Information

But you can see through our gameplay. So it is shown on our YouTube channel and also it's in our Twitter account. So you can. The quality of the gameplay of the arts of the games. And we told. So it's like. So we use unity, but the graphics are outstanding compared to, even to all the web, two games. So you can check it out.

Engine and Technology Discussion

Yo, so wait, I don't remember which engine or D has, like. Thank you, Arthur. Thank you. Broke. Do you want me to step down? Like, come back up? So just. So Casio would, you know, just a. Guys, no, it's. The host could not hear you, so. So you could only judge. Sorry. Okay. Sorry about it. Just keep going. Broke. Just hop down and get back up. No worries, no worries. Just you. You can keep on. Keep on throwing the questions to me.

Communication Challenges

Oh, yeah, broke. No, broke just rejoined the channel, so perhaps you can listen as speakers. Yeah, bro. Yeah, perhaps you can speak again and maybe Trina can hear you. Yeah, I can hear you clearly. Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you. No, finally. That was a clown show. I'm sorry. But, yeah, I don't remember which engine that's already integrated, like, with aptos.

Unity Engine and Its Role

Was it unity? Do they have, like, the unity SDK or are you guys, like, building around? Yeah. So for unity, basically is a game engine. So for basically building games. So that's separate from the blockchain side of work. So basically that's the game engine that we use to build all the cast DS games. And for apptours, it's more about the chains that we're using so that two parts are kind of separate.

Clarifying SDK Information

Oh, no. You might want to check on that. I don't remember because we had this talk with the team. I think it was last Monday or two Mondays ago. One of the game engines already has an SDK built in for. Absolutely. I just don't remember if it's a unreal engine or if it was, like, unity. Yeah. Okay. One of them passed.

Partnership with Apptos

Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I think we and Apptos has talked about it, and I'm not super sure about the new features about the SDK now, but I'm certainly. Go figure out. Yeah, I think. I don't necessarily think that it's going to better than, like, building around and, like, working through, like, react and everything, but it might, like, lighten the burden off, I guess, like, making loops through, like, third party programming language.

Community Engagement and Progress

But, yeah, I'm super stoked. I love the graphics and I'm excited for, like, what you guys are building and. Yeah. How long have you guys been around? Are you guys like. Oh, you mean for building the games? No, just around in app to us. I guess. Oh, yeah. So actually the investments are done like early this year. So around January this year.

Official Announcements and Future Plans

So we are going to announce, officially announced our partnership with Apptours later this month. So basically we have been building on apptours for around half a year and recently we are going to disclose this partnership. Oh, shit. So this is like an alpha, yo. Thank you guys. Like, I'm honored to get to know that first, but yeah, we got some great community people here.

Importance of Community Connections

I think it's great that you guys are doing spaces because I think like, space is one of the best way to actually connect with like a lot of like the active Aptos community members. Yeah, just give these guys a follow. Doctor Woolan, we have Doctor Woolan. He's like a big, I guess I wouldn't say influencer, but he's someone that's really big in like the chinese community.

Final Networking Suggestions

We have great artists like Serene and Tony down there. Bo, you just. Yeah, I think you all should just connect with these people and words should just fly out. Yeah, great. Yeah, yeah. So we are super excited to get connected with community of app force and also, so we are one of the major game project that has got one of the biggest tech sites of investments from apptours.

Game Quality and User Engagement

So we are super excited to work apptors to explore more potentials and with our battle test are going to launch in September and we are encouraged all the users to join and actually have hands on experience on the game qualities. So we are quite confident that with our game quality, the gameplay, the graphics, and also with the support of the actors and we have true potential to reach something this time.

Invitation for Questions

So super excited to meet you guys and thanks everyone for joining. And also, if you raise a question in this ama, we are giving our summer tickets for battle tests as a reward. So you are more than welcome to speak out and raise any questions you might have. And thanks. Brooke.

Final Inquiry

Yeah. One last question. Where you guys based at?

Introduction of Taiwanese Identity

Yeah, so basically we our major dev teams in Hong Kong and for the core team, I mean, I am a Taiwanese and so that's your Taiwanese, Bro. Oh, yeah, I'm a taiwanese doctor Woollen. There's Taiwanese too, bro. Oh, really? Okay. Okay. Yeah. By the spelling of my k. So that the last name of this. So that's a different spelling from. So that's a special spelling for Taiwanese. Yeah. Oh, damn. That's pretty cool. Yeah. So what day is it? It's Tuesday. So are you in Taiwan right now or are you elsewhere? Oh, yeah.

Upcoming Events and Demos

Well, I fly around. And we are also in the app tours Experience in KBW in Korea. Yeah, let's go. Yeah, that's September 5, and we will be. So we are setting up a booth on the app Tours Experience, and people can have. So we'll bring our demos and films over to the booth so everyone who joined the Korea KBW can have hands on experience before the badass in our booth with the outdoors experience events. Yeah. So today's Tuesday, tomorrow night. What time would that be? 09:00 a.m. eSC. So that's gonna be like 09:00 p.m. for me.

Discussion on Event Timing

Doctor will only have, like, a chinese space. You might want to get into that. Okay. I'm totally. So I'm following him right now. Yo, that's all for me, bro. I think I took a lot of your time. Thanks. Thanks for giving me a mic. No worries. Yeah. Okay. Thank you, bro. Thank you, Arthur, for addressing the questions. And we have four lucky spots left. Who wants to raise hands to ask questions and win 20 Simone tickets? Who have questions about Castillo's latest update or future plan?

Networking Issues and Audience Interaction

Okay, Diane missed a request. Can you see any requests in your side, Arthur? Oh, no. Something wrong with my network connection today. I'm sorry about that. No worries, because anyone who wants to raise a question will keep their hands on. So if there's one looks to the audience, there's no audience that has more questions. And perhaps we can be amazed with that. Let me see. Let me check. I saw Manjay is here. And I saw you just left a comment in Castillo's official asset account. You see, will there be a usage of cast in the common beta? Arthur, can you answer this question?

Token Information and Upcoming Beta Test

Sure. So if Manjay raised this question, he probably is one of the users or gamers that join our alpha test. Yes. So for people who join our alpha test, people all got rewards of cast and cast. Cast is the governance tokens for the Castill project. And so as the governance tokens, so we want our holders to hold as long as possible. And so the cash tokens will not be getting to usage into the battle test. And for the battle test, people will be able to leverage on Apta. So which is the tokens for apptors as the tokens to pay for the in game purchase or to trade the in game currency, which is the Talot tokens with Apt.

Details on Rewards and Distribution

So that's the major cryptocurrency that we are using for the upcoming beta test. And also, cast is one of the major rewards for players to join our bad test as well. So we are giving out 10 million which is twice as much as the rewards that we are giving out in Alpha test. And ten millions will be distributed into the gameplay. For people who are going to join our battle test, people can expect there will be huge rewards. We are giving out our governance tokens very generously in the incoming bad test. Thank you Arthur for the sharing.

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

Okay. And any other audience have questions, just you can request to ask questions. Okay, nevermind. Let me conclude today's AMA. Later this week we will roll out a significant update on our official site. It's a question feature. It's a mission based system that open for everyone. Everyone can join to complete various quests and earn points which will be relevant to many benefits. And also the beta test. The beta test will also launch in early September and later this week, maybe tomorrow, we will also launch the Castilla community Partners program.

Invitation to Partner and Rewards

Become our partners. You will earn substantial rewards during the beta and enjoy even more perks in the future. Okay, so shall we conclude this AMA today, Arthur? Yeah, yeah. And thanks everyone in our MA today. And for people who raised a question though including broke and Meiji, you can contact with the so just dm the Cassia official account and we are going to send out the rewards for you guys and that will certainly help you to boost your experience in bad test. So stay tuned and that's explore our betas together.

Final Thanks and Questions

Okay? Thank you Arthur. And if you guys have any other questions about Castilla, just feel free to drop them in our official exit account or in our discord server. And we are planning more AMA's in the near future so stay tuned unless. Thank you Arthur for taking the time to share the upcoming updates on Castillo with us. And thank you all the guys joining our AMA today. Yeah, thanks everyone for joining and that work together.

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