Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Castile Beta Test Pre- Launch Community AMA hosted by Castileofficial. Dive into the world of Castile's Beta Test Pre-Launch Community AMA where enthusiasts explored the upcoming 3A idle RPG+Roguelike game set in a mesmerizing Fantasy Cthulhu universe. The discussions unveiled insights on game features, community engagement strategies, and the development journey. Castile aims to create a unique gaming experience by blending RPG and Roguelike elements, collaborating closely with the community, and fostering a vibrant gaming ecosystem. Stay tuned for upcoming events, beta testing opportunities, and a vision centered around immersive gameplay and community support.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What sets Castile's game apart from traditional RPGs?
A: Castile's game combines RPG and Roguelike elements, offering a unique gameplay experience.

Q: How does community feedback contribute to game development at Castile?
A: Community feedback helps improve game mechanics, storyline, and overall player experience.

Q: What inspired the creation of the Fantasy Cthulhu universe for Castile's game?
A: The allure of Lovecraftian horror and rich storytelling influenced the development of the game universe.

Q: Why is beta testing essential for Castile's game launch?
A: Beta testing helps identify bugs, gather player feedback, and ensure a smooth gaming experience at launch.

Q: What upcoming events can players look forward to before Castile's game launch?
A: Players can expect exclusive events, promotions, and sneak peeks leading up to the official game release.

Q: How does Castile plan to foster a strong community around its game?
A: Castile focuses on engaging with players, hosting community events, and involving the community in game development decisions.

Q: What challenges has Castile faced during the game's development?
A: Challenges include balancing gameplay mechanics, optimizing performance, and addressing player preferences.

Q: What future updates can players anticipate post-launch of Castile's game?
A: Players can look forward to new content, features, and expansions to enhance the gaming experience.

Q: How can players provide feedback and suggestions to the Castile development team?
A: Players can share their feedback through community forums, social media channels, and in-game feedback mechanisms.

Q: What is the vision behind Castile's game launch and post-launch support?
A: Castile aims to create a vibrant gaming community, provide regular updates, and deliver an immersive gaming experience for players.


Time: 00:15:20
Game Features Sneak Peek Get an exclusive preview of the exciting features in Castile's upcoming game.

Time: 00:25:45
Community Engagement Strategies Learn how Castile plans to involve the gaming community in shaping the game experience.

Time: 00:35:10
Developers' Insights on Fantasy Universe Discover the inspirations behind Castile's Fantasy Cthulhu universe and its impact on gameplay.

Time: 00:42:55
Beta Testing Importance Understand the significance of beta testing for ensuring a successful game launch.

Time: 00:51:30
Upcoming Events & Promotions Find out about the exciting events and promotions planned before Castile's game release.

Time: 01:05:15
Future Development Plans Get a glimpse into Castile's roadmap for post-launch updates and expansions.

Time: 01:15:40
Building a Strong Gaming Community Explore how Castile aims to cultivate a supportive and engaged gaming community.

Time: 01:25:00
Challenges & Solutions in Game Development Learn about the hurdles faced during the development process and how they were overcome.

Time: 01:35:20
Player-Driven Feedback Loop Discover the ways players can actively participate in providing feedback to enhance the game.

Time: 01:45:10
Vision for an Immersive Gaming Experience Understand Castile's vision for delivering a captivating and immersive gaming journey for players.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the features and gameplay of Castile's upcoming game.
  • Community involvement and feedback are crucial for the success of new game launches.
  • The blend of RPG and Roguelike elements in Castile's game offers a unique gaming experience.
  • Discussions on the Fantasy Cthulhu universe and its influence on the game's storyline.
  • The importance of beta testing to identify and fix potential issues before the official launch.
  • Opportunities for players to engage with developers and provide input on game mechanics.
  • Learn about upcoming events, promotions, and updates related to Castile's game launch.
  • Discover how Castile aims to create an immersive and engaging gaming experience for players.
  • Insights into the development process, challenges faced, and future plans for Castile's game.
  • The significance of building a supportive and active community around new game releases.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Hi. Hi, Mike. Text mic testing. Mike testing. Okay. Okay. So that's wait for another couple minutes for more audience to join and we'll kick off right away. Yeah, I think we check my check. Okay, yeah, sure. You're welcome. Okay, great. Okay, let's get started. Wait. Okay. Welcome, guys. And I'm Trina from the Castillo marketing team and I'll be hosting today's Castillo community AmA. And it will also be the last AMA before our beta launch, our beta test launches. I guess many of you may have checked our beta test details and events we shared earlier as well as the new content like the lightpaper and the beta test pvv video. And you've got many questions I guess, about the beta test as well as the latest updates. I want to dive deeper into the details.

Session Overview

So in the first part of today's session I'll start with some questions for Arthur and we'll have a Q and A session where you can ask your questions. We'll aim for around five to ten lucky audiences to ask questions. So if you want to get on mic, just raise your hand. And don't forget the lucky audience who asks the questions will get 20 Simone tickets each. So let's start our AMA today. Let's welcome our co-founder, Arthur. Hey, Arthur. Yeah, yeah. Thanks everyone to join this AMA. And our biotest is going to launch within this day and roughly about 11 hours ago. And the bad test will be live. So super excited to share more information and more details about Castilla of the upcoming battle test to you guys. So I'm the co-founder of the team and before I was a web three game VC for around three years and now I have joined Khasia as a co-founder.

Castilla's Vision

And we hopefully, we certainly hope that Kasia can be something different for the Webster game industry and also for the gaming industry to prove that Webster gain can be found. So that's our goal, that's our visions. And looking forward to have more hands-on experience for each of you guys in the upcoming beta test. Okay, thank you, Arthur. And yes, we are just several hours away from the official launch of our beta test which will go live at 08:00 p.m. today SGT and also which is, let me see, 12:00 p.m. yeah at UTC time zone. Many of you have probably gone through the beta test introduction and reward event guides that we shared a couple weeks ago. And there's still plenty of curiosity about the new advanced gameplays and updates to the Fourier core systems. Let's have Arthur give us a detail breakdown.

Castilla Overview and Updates

Yes. So for everyone who is not quite familiar with Castilla, I'll give a brief introduction about what Castilla is about and also some updates of the upcoming bad test. So basically, Castilla is ideal RPG games. So people can play the games by summarizing heroes and phone up your teams to fight with all the bosses, minions or other players within the games. And we will have a very, so we will have economy system building within the game which will allow the users to trade their in-game items, including equipment enhancement materials or tahoe cards that you gain or obtain within the games to trade with all the other games, other gamers. So that's the, that's something different from all the other ideal RPG games, mobile games in the world right now.

Development and Testing

And so for Castilla, so we have spent so for the natural lab, which is the developer of the Castilla, we have raised around 25 million and USD and we have spent around three years developing Castilla, which is our first title of the web three games. And for Castilla, I think what's different for Castilla is that we have actually put Castilla into our marketing test in TikTok us before, and we are competing with all the other web two games in the same genre. And we actually ranked first in that marketing test, including like user acquisition costs, retention of the users, the willingness of the users to pay for our games. So we all rank first in all those categories.

Marketing Test Results

And that shows how competitive or how good the quality of Castilla is. I think that sounds different or something that we all are eager to see in the Webster gaming industry right now, because so far we have tons of Webster games popping up, but there are few can prove themselves to be competitive to the gamers and can actually attract tons of gamers to enjoy those games. So in the marketing test, that's actually kind of proved evidence of us that Castilla has been proving itself, that we are competitive enough to compete with all the other web two games. And so for the upcoming beta test, the betas will run from September 10 to October 10. So it will last around one month. So people can enjoy a whole season within games.

Beta Test Details

And it's open to everyone. So no codes or no whitelist required, everyone can join the battle test. And you just need to register on our website. And then once we kickstart or kick off the bad test, you can join the test. And during the bad test we are introducing there are four new key features. The first one is talosystem, the second is trading system. The third and the fourth are around the league. So there are league boss racing and league tournaments. So here's a quick rundown. The title system that players power up their heroes by equipping special title cards to unlock special privilege and boost.

Key Features of the Beta Test

And if you hold the title NFT, you will have a better chance of getting title cards in the games so well and also title card itself. So for our Genesis NFT title card, it will play as a core consumption or a core part of your strengths within games. So that will help you to gain more advantage within competing with all the other players. And tolerance cards in the games can be gained from the solo of evil or by purchasing them with holo coins in the game market. And also so high level hollow cards will help you to earn during the battle test and can be kept. And any tall cards beyond the seven levels will be kept after the beta test. So that's the first system is the target system.

Trading System Introduction

And also with the trading system which we are onboarding this time, players can use target coins to buy or sell gears or items. And it's a player to player marketplace, so people can trade freely and where you can earn or spend title cards to level up your gameplays and trade with all the others. So that will be something different, quite different from our alpha test. So in the alpha test, the trading system hasn't been alive yet. And for the upcoming battle test, the trading system will be totally alive. And people can enjoy the trading system and enhance yourself by obtaining equipment from all the others.

League Features Overview

So that would be much fun compared to the alpha stage or compared to all the other ideal RPG games. And the third system is the league boss racing, so which will allow two leagues with the same boss progress to compete to take down the boss. So the faster league wins the rewards. And we will also rank each league's progress and give out additional rewards based on their standings. So remember to follow up with your friends to form a league, compete with all the others. And also we will have the league tournament.

League Tournament and Engagement

So leagues will be matched for battles based on their rank and leagues with higher points will win more rewards. Points are earned through completing tasks and will end our tear up from all members contributions. So as your points raise, you will unlock more rewards. Type two rank. So we have designed this update to make the beta test even more engaging and so that you experience more complete gameplays of Castilla. So super excited and looking forward for all you guys to join and have hands-on experience.

Beta Test and Rewards

Thank you, Arthur for all the sharing. Yeah, on top of this exciting updates, the beta test is your chance to experience a relative complete gameplay in Castilla and explore the full potential of its evolving economic ecosystem. Yeah, so let's move forward to the next questions for the beta test. We are offering a 10 million CAS prize pool to reward our players. We've also just shared an update yesterday on the prize pool breakdown on our official x. So as Kujuk explained the details of the prize pool and what went into setting it up, I'm sure our community is eager to hear more.

Prize Pool Breakdown

Yes, I'm sure everyone is interested to learn more about how can I win more kazakh token with the upcoming beta test. So we have got the 10 million kasia token prize pool lineup to reward our players and so everyone who joined our batas can get a share. And the details is here. 6 million of Castilla will go to active players based on their in-game activity. So with price focus, there will be four rankings you need to pay attention to. So with price we focus on league rankings.

Ranking Systems

So league rankings including like league tournaments and league boss racing and all the points will be added up. So determine the league ranking and how higher your league are, the higher your prize will be and second is arena ranking. So there will be arena and also high level arena. There will be two arena involved for the arena rankings. We are basically playing with all the other players and competing with them. So that's the second rankings and the third ranking is the campaign rankings.

Campaign and Tower Rankings

So people who can push forward to gain more progress in our campaign or the main stories, then you will have higher price in returns. And the fourth ranking is the get off hill ranking. So there will be a tower where it will got tons of layers in it and once you can reach higher levels, higher layers of the towers, then you will get better rewards. So that's four rankings that players should totally pay more attention to. And the remaining 4 million of Castilla tokens is up for grabs in the beta lucky draw events and will be distributed based on elite points.

Participation in Lucky Draw

And so how to participate in the lucky draw systems? Basically, if you hold our genesis entity and for each of the NFT you hold, you will be given three chances to join the lucky draw. You will be given three keys to join the lucky draw each day or if you went once our math test is started, once you spend every $10 within games, you gain wet lucky Joe. So the design of the 4 million lucky Joe poll, the basic idea is that we want everyone who joined our beta zs and have consumed us, have paid for the games, be rewarded with Castilla Tokens.

Goals and Design for the Beta Test

So that's why we have designed a 4 million Castilla tokens pool with the lucky draw systems. So everyone who spends within the games will get the best rewards of Kaseya Tokens. That's the design. And also we are dedicating 10 million Kassia token, which is also 1% of the total supply of Cassia tokens, to reward our users. If there are more details you want to ask, you are super welcome to raise your hands and ask any questions about the upcoming details or rules of our beta test.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah, thank you, Arthur. Yeah, being part of the beta test isn't just about the fun, it's about getting early rewards. Whether you're climbing the leaderboards or snagging some early points, there's a lot of gains. So just make your moves and earn those rewards. And the third question is, our community is eager to know what specific perks that terror NFT holders will get during the beta test. And could you walk us through what holders can expect other.

Terror NFT Benefits

Yeah, sure. So Tao NFT is our genius. NFT people can find it in our link tree, in Twitter's headline. And for total NFT holders, we will enjoy a ton of perks during the beta test. First, follow beta lucky draw which I mentioned. There's four meetings pool for that, NFT holders will receive three free keys daily to enter the lottery and have a chance to win elite points which are tied to the 4 million Kasia prize pool, as I mentioned. And in the game title, NFT will act as an in-game gear, giving you a power boost in the title system.

Genesis NFT Advantages

Each hero in the game has lots for title NTFs or title cards. Genesis NFTs are the top tiers of all the title systems. And more NFT you have, the stronger and more competitive your heroes will become, leading to higher ranks and bigger shares of the Castilla tokens. So for example, there's one of the buff that Genesis NFTs can activate. So one of the buff looks like this. So you can have your help you to gain more cards and you can have like 40% more chances to gain a ton of card within the game.

Introduction to Terror NFTs

Also the terror NFTs are the higher tire will be able to build even stronger combos and push your heroes out in the rankings. Yeah. Okay, so let's move the sports questions.

Business Model Insights

So in the latest light paper, it introduced the play entry model as the key part of our business model. So Arthur, could you give us some insights into how this business model will be implemented in the beta test? Sure. So we think the play and trade model boost by blockchain tech could totally change the game industry. And right now most games use a free to play model, especially in the mobile games where developers make money through things like gacha pools or direct item sells.

Market Control and Player Engagement

And they often don't allow players to trade items with each other, which means that the developers control the whole marketplace. They multiplied the marketplace and which this setup can make games feel pretty one dimensional. And the whole like pay to win wide can turn players off. But with blockchain, the play and trade mode can shake things up. So it will let players trade assets freely, which could make them more willingly to spend a stake longer and present blockchain soft three biggest problems in the game industry.

Tokenization of In-Game Assets

So first, it allows in game assets to be tokenized and trade among players. And second, it makes depositing and withdrawing funds easy. And third, it lets developers can collect tax from transactions both in and out of the games. So those solutions help developers create a free trade system in their games. And players can think of their in game purchase or asset investments, which can boost their awareness, willingness to spend as well.

Creating an Engaging Marketplace

And thus owning assets can keep players coming back to manage their holdings. So with players controlling items, creation and sells, there's a whole marketplace for trading. This open up new ways to strategize and profit and offering a richer experience than the usual pay to win model. So we really believe the play and trade approach has the potential to offer a more engaging alternative to traditional free to play games.

Economics of Terror Coins

Thank you, Arthur. Yeah. From others introduction, we can see that play and trade model puts more power into the hands of the players. And you are not just spending to win, you are just investing in assets that you can actually trade and profit from. And it changes the dynamic from the pure consumption to ownership and strategy, which is a game changer in itself.

In-Game Economics and Rewards

And this model could really change how we approach in game economics and make them more immersive and rewarding for everyone involved. So let's come to the last questions. Okay, and some of our community members have pointed out that the newly released lightpaper introduced the cast token's economic model and a simple introduction to terror coins. Other could you share more details on the role of the terror coins in the game's economy and how players can earn them during the beta test?

Role of Terror Coins in Castilla

Sure. So telecoins are in game tokens for Castilla and will serve as the primary currency for purchasing various in game consumable resources or in game purchase. And additionally it will be used for buying and selling a wide range of tradable assets within the games. So telecoins can be exchanged for the governance token Cassia in the future.

Purchasing and Upgrading in the Game

That's allowing players to earn money through the game. And you can use telecommunications to purchase gears that boost your heroes attributes and acquire gotho and talent materials, which is the enhancement systems for your heroes, to operate your hero's base status and skills, and to buy seals with tidal coins, which will enhance your hero's attributes as well.

Earning Through Strategic Play

And so basically, the title coins serve as a stable coins within our games. And people can easily use telecoins to buy any in game purchase options or to buy all the others in game assets that are tradable within games with other players in the futures. Telecoins will be the core resource or core part of a player who want to earn from the games.

Strategies for Earning Tidal Coins

So by for people who want to earn from the games design to earn more coins, people could spend more time to study the trading systems and to see how can I produce more effectively than the others to sell more stuff, or how can I craft stronger equipment, stronger gears to sell it to other players who want to rush for the rankings within this Huntley.

Completing the Earnings Mechanism

So that's some of the parts that how people can earn the title coins. And also we are remaining any tidal cards, which is the James NFT series, and we are remaining any tallow cards that whose level is higher than seven. So that's the second way so people can earn from those games. And also, don't forget, there's 10 million of Castilla tokens are used to reward all the users who participate in our bi test.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

Thank you, Arthur. Yeah, Terracorn did offer the flexibility to adapt and thrive in the Castillo's evolving ecosystem. So after everything we've discussed today, I'm sure that everyone's looking forward to Castillo's beta test launch, and there might still be some questions that we haven't covered. Now let's move on to the q and a and session.

Q&A Session Introduction

So who wants to ask questions? Please raise your hand. Yes. And we have prepared dozens of summer tickets, which value is around $100. And for the users who can raise the questions. And it will largely help you to boost the progress of the upcoming data test. Yeah.

Addressing Community Queries

Okay. I saw some people left the questions in the comment. The first one is Sergio, will tarot be Bougie game with USD or is only earned in game? And also from the prize explanation, one won't earn anything playing except for the leaderboard at the end of the event. Will this be the case in the future or just save for this event? Yes.

Understanding Tyler Coins

So for the first questions. So for the Tyler coins will only be generated once people buy it with USD or any cryptocurrencies. So. But also the Tyler coins. So for people who have, like, buy telecoins on the websites, for players who, like, sell those gears or items to the other or the other players within games, you can earn the toll of coins from the others.

Incentives for Participation

So that's how it is was designed. And also for the price explanation. And so the leaderboard actually include tons of audience. So basically everyone who joined the bell test can earn from the can get a share of the price. So. But.

Rewards Based on Ranking

But if you rank, like, higher on the. On the leaderboard, the higher the price it will be. So that's how we design it. And for this case, we are also trying to see how this leaderboard ranking plays out. And we'll change from time to time in the future to see how based on the user's feedback.

Questions from the Community

Thank you, Arthur. And thanks for the question from Sergio. And let's have Piaso. Hello, Piaso. Hey, Piaso. You can turn your mic on and ask your questions. Yeah, what's up, guys? How are you doing? Yes. Great.

Inquiries About Server Availability

My question is about the game. Is it going to open its server for the whole day or only 12 hours like before? You mean that? Will it be open or limited? Right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Plans for Server Operations

Last time it was only for 12 hours. Oh, I got it, got it. Yes. So the server will try to open it for 24 hours. So every players in all different kinds of, like, time zones can easily join the games. So last time we only opened up to 12 hours, basically because we have undertake or undergo severe hackers attack. So we are forced to open up only to 12 hours.

Improving User Experience

But this time we certainly hope that we can open it to 24 hours so everyone can join the games freely. Okay, that's amazing. What about the champions? Like we have? They will be added to the game. Yeah. Pardon?

Discussion on Champions and Heroes

So you. You mean champion what, the champions or the heroes we have wrote about. We have wrote stories about them. I don't know if there will be, there are going to be in the game or not. Oh, you mean for the minigame in our discord.

Clarifications on Hero Tradability

Now, the heroes we have wrote, castle have demanded us to write about our heroes and this idea would be in the game. Oh, sorry, I didn't quite understand the question. So you mean the heroes could be tradable or what about the heroes within the games?

Future Heroes Development

I don't know what to explain, honestly, but I will ask you another question about the heroes. New heroes do you have added. Oh, got it. Yes. So compared to the alpha test, basically the hero system will be similar and were releasing more new heroes in the coming months, but for the beta test, basically the heroes will remain the same.

Adjustments to Hero System

But we have changed a bit about the seasonal heroes players systems. So in the last time, if people want to reset their heroes, it will consume you a bit like 15% of the resources you have spent on the heroes. But this time we have canceled it.

User-Friendly Changes

And so people can easily or freely reset their heroes. And so that will allow the users can try out all different kinds of formations of the heroes. And so that's the design that we are launching this time.

New Heroes and Game Dynamics

And for the new heroes this time, I think people will see there will be two, like new heroes that people can opt in through the summer tickets and so, but for the up, so for the heroes that might be strong within the games, might be similar, and basically it should be like people will play around the jazz and the jacks are reapers. All these heroes.

Conclusion of Q&A Session

Okay, thank you, Arthur, and thanks Piazza. So do you have another question? Pso. No, thanks. Those are my questions. Thank you so much. Thanks for support. Thanks for support. Thanks. Thanks again.

Registration Update

I think people can register normally right now on the website right now, so grab your chances. But we have designed corresponding strategy to help win from users that will undergo this kind of difficulties or problems against. And so we are still solving the problems and sorry for any in conference award or anything, any problems that we cause. And right now, I think people we have solved for the problem with ignite and I think people can go on to the websites to register now.

Access Issues

I can access to the website right now. Yeah. I can't. Show me. 40 four error. Oh, wait a sec. So this showed up like all white to you or how it looks like all white. All right. Okay. Got it. So what's the region or you use to log in the website? I just want to have the lucky job. I am the holder, but I cannot access that website. Got it, got it. So did you use VPN or what region? No, I. Australia. Now I don't need VPN. Doors test.

Backend Issues

Oh, got it. Got it. But back end issue. So it is a backend issue. So. So. So people in. So, in last night, people in us could not register normally. And we have solved the problems within that night. So if you can provide the regions that you are logging from or I think we can identify the issues and try to solve it. Got it. Thanks. Okay. Okay. So could you help provide the regions that you are logging your websites from? And I will share it with our teams right now.

Fundraising and Partnerships

Yeah, Australia. I was ready. I got it. So, yes. Thank you, Stan Paul dark for the feedback and the questions. And let's have three. Do you have fancy, right straight or three? Hello. Hey. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Can I. Hello, everyone here? Everyone. Okay, Otto, I actually have a question for you. While you actually talking, I was going through the tokenomics and everything, but how much actually do you guys. Because you mentioned you raised about $5 million. I don't know if I got you right. I don't know if I'm correct.

Details of the Funding

Yeah. So we have raised 25 million in total. So, yes, so our investors. So we are going to have a huge announcement of our new fundraising once we kick off our battle test. And so people will learn more about the partner, the investors and of the teams. So the basic. I can share more information right now, for example. So we have our major investor in group byteance. And also from web three, we have OKX Ventures, Apptor's labs, which is the chain that we support us.

Strategic Partnerships

And also their Amber group, Hashkeet Group, Semi Ventures. Matrix, which is the developer of Matrix Fhir, and also leaving. So those are the other investors that is backing us. Wow. That is actually huge. Okay. Okay. Can. When the game is actually live. Right. How do you tend to, because I know a lot of people, like so many people want to put the game, the leaderboard and all of that.

Gameplay and Leaderboard

So what, like implementation or how do you tend to, because this high view, the bot and all of that, how do you tend to solve those kind of issues? Because it turns, I know it's going to happen, like people coming, the body system, the game and everything. So. Yeah, got it. So for, since it's an open task so people, everyone can join our bio test for the leaderboard. I think the design behind it is that we try to reward users who truly participate.

Reward Distribution

So that means that for everyone who joined the test, we'll basically share a bit of the ten minutes tokens that we give out. But for the design behind is that the higher you rank up, the higher your rank is. So the higher you are in the leaderboard, the higher the reward will be. That design will help the real players or the real gamers get more rewards because there are tons of boots that will come into the games and because our games has tons of strategy involved, so it will be hard for the boots to level up or gain or obtain progress as much as the real players.

Game Launch Information

So that will help us to identify or distinguish how do we distribute our rewards. So basically the design of the distribution of the rewards will help us to prevent front, like tons of like boots joining the game to get a huge share. Perfect. That's awesome. So can we actually start to register for the game or is it just the best? Because I tried to sign in earlier on. Yeah, on the website, but I was just, I was getting this error so I was like, okay, maybe when the game is live I'm going to register.

Registration Strategies

So I don't know which one is actually the best. Should I still register now or I should just wait for the game to be live? Oh yes. So anyone who wants to join the game, actually you can join the game freely. So you can directly download APK or from the iOS test fighters from our websites and start playing the games. And if you want to find your game account to the official accounts, then you need to register in our website.

User Experience Challenges

And I just have hear feedbacks from our dev teams. So they are still maintaining the registered systems in our website right now. So it might have some difficulties for users to register right now, but we are still fixing it so please wait for it. But even if you cannot register from the website, you can still download the games and start playing it without registering. So hopefully. Sorry again for the troubles that we are causing right now.

Community Engagement

And we are fixing it right away. I think the best thing is actually for people to actually just stay in touch on the discord because I actually just joined the discord. So I can actually just stay informed for any recent announcement. So I was actually looking at the roadmap, but when TGE, because I was seeing 2025 Q one to Q four. But what, once you have a TGE?

Future Projections

Yes. So I think the TGE totally based on the momentum that we gain through our test. And so for the alpha test, we have, we have feedbacks are great. So the retention rates for our alpha test, even for day 14, around 90%. So which is a crazy number. But for the beta test. But for the alpha test, it's a limited test, it's a close beta test. So only like 4000 players join the test.

Expanding Player Base

And for this time we are opening up the beta test so more players, more communities can come into the games and gain like in game. So have like hands on experience in our games. There's no code needed, no referral needed, so everyone can join the games. And we believe that with the quality of our games, with the will prove, will help us gain more attention in the communities and people can judge by themselves to see whether we are a good game or not.

Competitive Edge

Are we a fun game or not. So I think that will help us to gain more momentum, gain more attractions within the industry. So with the momentum we gain, that will help us to get Tge on major exchange. So I think that totally depends on the market, on the momentum that we gain. And ideally we hope to help to launch our tokens within years, but it totally depends.

Unique Selling Proposition

Awesome. Okay, so what actually makes your game stand out from other web three games? Because when you said you were like saying you want a game to actually stand out, so what actually makes your game stand out from other games that actually, because a lot of games are actually popping up. Like when you say every day, I love games drop, but what actually makes a game stand out?

Market Differentiation

Yeah, sure. So I think that's a great question. I was a web three game investors as a VC's for around two and a half years, almost three years. And what was huge problems within the Webster gaming industry right now is that there are actually few games that are actually fine enough for the players to play and for the real gamers, for the real players to play. And so what differentiate us for all the other Webster games is actually we have put ourselves, we have put Castilla into a web two marketing test.

Competitive Analysis

So we have test ourselves in the TikTok us. So during that marketing task, actually our data has a proven track of that. We are so we are competing with AFK two journey, we are competing with Dragon here. So those are like super successful rpg games that has been launched in us and globally. And during that marketing test we actually outbeat them. So we want rank first in terms of user accession cost.

User Engagement Metrics

We are super low and people, once they saw our arts, people would love to play the games. And people for retention within the game are high. And also the willingness for players to pay for our games are high. So I think that's something that actually differentiates us for all the other web three games. There are tons of games standing out to say that we have great art, we have great gameplays, but there are few can actually compete in web two gamers eyes to compete in the real world, to compete with the real gamers, to compete with all those real games.

Quality and Funding

And that's why so focused. How come that we are actually competitive? One of the part is that we have raised 25 million and the capital itself support us to deliver more high quality games. And also I think the test everything will speak by the feedback of the users. And we are one of the few games that has super positive feedback, especially competing with all the web three games.

Differentiating Features of Our Game

So I think that's something differentiate us. And also what differentiate us for us to only other web two games to send out is that for all the ideal rpg games that are all gacha games and they don't allow the users to trade their in game items. But we are different. So besides the gacha system that we evolve in our games, we also have put tons of designs and efforts to design economy systems within the game. So allowing the users to trade their in game items, including equipment, title cards, the enhancement materials and so on. So all those things are related to the enhancement of the strengths for each players within games. And players can easily enjoy the economy systems and have a chance, no matter to enhance yourself or to try to make money within the economic systems, I think that's something that is funnier or more enjoyable to play. And for the players, comparing to all the other web two games. So I think that's the value of our, why we build our web three games. And so basically that's my answers.

Anticipation for the Game Launch

Awesome. Yeah, well, like you said, it's actually true. Quality over quantity. But yeah, that's true. It's okay. I'll definitely be waiting for the game to be live. So I already set my time up. So any game is live, get my hands on the game to actually test it. Out. So, yeah, thanks for bringing me up and. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Dre. And thanks, Arthur, for all their professional insights. And anyone want to raise your hand to ask questions? Okay. I just saw some people left comments. Yeah. Okay, let me see. Okay. The track tv asks, is it going to be hard for free to players to get in the arena?

Free-to-Play Accessibility

Yes. Yes. So that's a great question. And that's also the magic of the economy system that we're building. So for traditional, like, pay to win type of games, it would be super hard for free to players to compete with those players who are spending a ton in the games, but with the economy systems. So there are tons of strategy that actually players can build up. For example, for the free to players, actually, I don't have to compete or form my teams with the most strongest heroes in the market right now, or I can build up my teams with lower levels of heroes, but those heroes, those which has corresponding equivalents, you can easily get from the marketplace with a very cheap price. So that will help you to build up your teams with all different, because there are tons of those people who want to put our willingness to spend a lot within the games.

Economic Dynamics in Gameplay

They will taste for the strongest equipment, for the strongest heroes, but for free to players comparing to all the other free to play games. Play to win games in our game, because we have economy. We have economy building. We have a marketplace. There will be chances for free to players that can easily gain or obtain very strong equipment with a super low price because the heroes, that is not in the mainstream. So that will give a chance or strategy for the future players to enhance yourself, and that will also give a chance. So for future players, you can buy stuff or obtain Tyler coins to buy in game purchase options. Buy selling stuff into the marketplace to gain talent coins. So that will also help the free to players to have a chance to stay with the games longer compared to those simple pay to win games. So I think that's a core magic or core merits of the economy once we combine within the games.

Building a Competitive Game Environment

Yeah. Thank you, Arthur. Yeah. Castillo did offer different ways to best serve the different kind of players. And we have no face. No case. Hello? Hey, no face, no case, you can turn your mic on. Wait a sec. Hey, Arthur, can you hear no face, no case? Not yet. I think he hasn't. Oh, yes, he's. I was working. I was just seeing me requesting. I. It just appeared that, you know, I got the mic. So gmcast and. Yeah. Yeah, no problems. Dre. And everybody understand. Well, I saw my blue. Sorry, pardon. Could you repeat your questions again? Well, I see the, but anyways, I want to ask a question.

Overview of Castle Game

I don't know if the other guy came. Oh, I think there's connection. Castle? Oh, yes, I can hear you. Well, now please address your questions. Okay, okay. Okay. My question, you know, I was just joining the space when you guys were discussing about the game. So I don't know if you can give me like a quick summary about the game and, you know, I'll ask my question for you. Okay, thank you. Got it? Yes. So Castilla is the ideal RPG games. And so very similar to fk two journey or Dragon here, which are probably in the same genre. But what difference from those type of ideal RPG games? It's a mobile game is that we have economy system building within the games.

Success in Beta Testing

And also during the beta test marketing task that we have launched in TikTok us, we rank first. So in the data that from the user's feedback we outbeat those AFK two journeys or Jenkin Hero, which are like quite popular web two games in St. John's. And for teams, we have raised 25 million with support from Binance OKX, Apptours Ventures, Apptor's labs and embers group, Hashkeep Group, and also seven x Ventures, lead and Matrix. So those are investors. Okay, thank you, Arthur. I guess I think no face, no case, just. Just lose her. Lose his network connection.

Future Plans and User Acquisition

Okay, and let's see. Anyone else want to raise a question? Yeah, no worries. So I think we can wrap up like this. And I saw the comments from Daniel in the recent question say that what's the future plans for Castilla? So basically that's our plan. So I think what's the biggest challenge or biggest problems that we are facing in the websy gaming industry right now is that we are late king of newcomers of the games. And there are two major reasons laying behind. One is that most of the Webster games right now are more focused on Fi. And they are paid in learners attention on how to build up great games, good quality games.

Challenges in the Gaming Industry

And most of the games actually fails in terms of game productions. So for Castilla, I think we have a great quality and can prove itself to the users during mail test to show how. How fun it is or how. How great the art it is. And people can judge by themselves to see whether we are competitive enough to compete in the futures. And so one of our core goals to all the visions while we are building Castilla is that we try to prove to the world that Webster games can be funnier, can be more fun, can be more enjoyable compared to the web two games to be played. And so after the battle test is still, it's not facing the major audience right yet.

Marketing Strategies Post-Beta Test

And we are not putting tons of resources to buy ads to acquire users in open markets. So after battle test, we are going to launch our open test or nest test. And during that test in the futures, we are going to try to acquire more web two users to play within the games. And we are reaching the mass options in the future, buying ads or allowing the community or have more kols, more live streaming involved to help us have access to more users. So that's our future plans.

Vision for an Engaging Game

And once we have proven ourselves that to be a fun game, to be enjoyable game to the users, we believe that would bring huge tons of business value to us and also to the users who are playing within our games. So that's the future plans and we truly to see, we truly want to prove that Webster games can be fun, can be attractive, can be more attractive to the users compared to others web to gain standing in the market right now, I think that's the core value why we are spending tons of times building in the Webster gaming industry.

Importance of Social Engagement

Yeah. Thank you Arthur for the sharing and we and come to the last questions in today's AMA and thought Skodka raise questions and is it more important to play in a guild or without a guild? Oh yes, that's a great question. So basically what determines the users or midterm or long term retention of the game is solely around the social system that we have building. So if players can interact more with other players, then the players tend to retain longer within the games. So that's why in the battle test we are putting focus on the league, both racing and league tournament. So those two seasons and also we are giving out our rewards according to the ranking of your leagues.

Encouraging Collaborative Gameplay

So we will encourage users to join a league, to fight with your teammates, to fight with your friends within the league, and play together to rush for higher ranks. So yes, but also players can play by themselves, but in order to gain more rewards, in order to be more engaging of the games, I totally encourage you to join a league. Yeah. Thank you Arthur and thanks everyone for joining our community. Am today to support and interact with us. And for those lucky audience, don't forget to send your account info to Castillo official Twitter and after the AMA ends to claim your return. TSMO tickets and you've got more questions about Castillo and our beta test and feel free to ask them in our discord and our teams will always be there to help.

Final Announcements and Launch Details

And quick reminder and the app downloads will go live today at 02:00 p.m. sgt. Which is 06:00 a.m. UTC on Castilla official site. And just download the app and get ready for the server launch at 08:00 p.m. which is 12:00 p.m. in UTC. So hope you all have a blast and make some gains during the beta test. And thank you others and thank you all again. Thanks all the audience to join and super excited to kick off the beta test with all you guys and all. So let's meet each other within the games. Yeah. See you tonight.

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