Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Cardano Update #11 – A Week in Singapore hosted by jpgstoreNFT. Delve into the ever-evolving world of Cardano NFTs with a focus on innovation, community, and sustainability. The Cardano Update #11 in Singapore showcases a vibrant ecosystem where art meets technology, partnerships drive growth, and education empowers users. With a commitment to decentralization, security, and scalability, Cardano's NFT marketplace thrives in a welcoming Singaporean environment. Explore the future of ownership and creativity through Cardano's NFT lens, shaping the landscape of blockchain integration and real-world applications.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How is Cardano fostering innovation within its NFT ecosystem?
A: Cardano leverages its technology to provide a robust platform for NFT creators, enabling unique digital assets and experiences.

Q: What makes Singapore an attractive hub for Cardano's NFT activities?
A: Singapore's supportive environment, tech-savvy population, and regulatory clarity make it a prime location for Cardano's NFT growth.

Q: Why are partnerships essential in expanding Cardano's NFT marketplace?
A: Collaborations amplify exposure, diversity, and utility within the Cardano NFT space, driving overall ecosystem growth.

Q: How does Cardano balance decentralization with NFT marketplace security?
A: Cardano implements robust security measures while embracing decentralization principles to ensure a trustworthy environment for NFT transactions.

Q: What role do education initiatives play in Cardano's NFT adoption?
A: Educational efforts enhance understanding, promote use cases, and empower users to engage meaningfully with Cardano's NFT offerings.

Q: How does the Cardano NFT community contribute to blockchain integration in real-world scenarios?
A: By showcasing practical applications and use cases, the Cardano NFT community bridges the gap between blockchain technology and everyday experiences.

Q: How does Cardano support sustainability within its NFT ecosystem?
A: Cardano's sustainable approach to blockchain operations extends to NFTs, aligning with environmental consciousness and long-term viability.

Q: What sets Cardano's NFT marketplace apart from others in terms of community involvement?
A: Cardano emphasizes inclusivity, community feedback, and engagement, fostering a supportive environment for creators and collectors.

Q: Why is creativity celebrated within the Cardano NFT space?
A: Innovation, artistry, and unique expressions are valued within the Cardano NFT ecosystem, promoting diverse and exciting digital creations.

Q: How does Cardano aim to address scalability challenges within its NFT ecosystem?
A: Through ongoing research and development, Cardano explores solutions to scale its NFT offerings while maintaining efficiency and usability for users.


Time: 00:15:42
Cardano's NFT Growth Trajectory Exploring the rapid expansion of Cardano's NFT ecosystem and its impact on the blockchain industry.

Time: 00:25:18
Singapore: A Beacon for Cardano Innovation Discovering why Singapore has become a focal point for Cardano's NFT initiatives and community engagement.

Time: 00:35:59
Partnership Spotlight: Navigating Collaborations Insights into the strategic partnerships driving innovation and integration within Cardano's NFT marketplace.

Time: 00:45:27
Art meets Technology in Cardano NFTs Exploring the fusion of artistry and blockchain technology within the vibrant Cardano NFT space.

Time: 00:55:12
Community Empowerment through Cardano NFTs Highlighting the role of community engagement and empowerment in shaping Cardano's NFT ecosystem.

Time: 01:05:30
Sustainability at the Core of Cardano's NFT Vision Examining how sustainability principles drive Cardano's approach to NFTs and environmental consciousness.

Time: 01:15:48
Innovative Solutions for Scalability Discussing Cardano's strategies for addressing scalability challenges in its NFT ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:19
Educational Initiatives: Empowering Users Exploring educational programs aimed at empowering users to participate meaningfully in Cardano's NFT marketplace.

Time: 01:35:55
Artistic Expressions in Cardano NFTs Celebrating creativity and individuality in the diverse range of NFT artworks within the Cardano ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:33
Future Visions: Cardano NFTs in the Global Market Looking ahead at the potential impact of Cardano's NFTs on the global digital economy and art market.

Key Takeaways

  • Cardano's NFT ecosystem is vibrant and growing, offering diverse opportunities for creators and collectors.
  • Singapore is a hotspot for Cardano activity, showcasing a dynamic and supportive community.
  • Innovation continues to drive the Cardano blockchain, with a focus on sustainability and scalability.
  • NFTs play a significant role in the Cardano ecosystem, fueling creativity and engagement.
  • Community involvement is key to the success and expansion of Cardano's NFT marketplace.
  • The intersection of technology and art thrives within the Cardano NFT space, pushing boundaries and inspiring new ideas.
  • Cardano's commitment to decentralization and security remains a core focus amidst NFT developments.
  • Education and awareness efforts around Cardano NFTs are crucial for broader adoption and understanding.
  • Partnerships and collaborations within the Cardano NFT community drive innovation and visibility.
  • The Cardano ecosystem in Singapore serves as a model for blockchain adoption and integration in real-world scenarios.

Behind the Mic

Concerns and Solutions

You don't have to be so strong. What's up? No one is showing up for me in my UI. I'll just hope it fixes itself. Let's go. There we are. How about we just have a dance party instead? Thank you, everybody. I clearly love djing. I have a lot of people in the room. Go for another minute. When did you become a dJdeh? You know you need a lot of side hustles these days, right? Hey, if you're in crypto, like 5% chance you become a dj anyway, you know, that's just how it works. It. Thank you. Thank you.

Waiting for Guests

So waiting for two more guests, right? There's one. Let's go. Thank you, everybody. Thanks for the applause. Appreciate it. Somebody. I've stopped playing music and actually hold the space. My notes. Okay, let's get too hype. I gotta stop it. I'll go for like ten minutes. Welcome, everybody, to Cardano update. This has been crazy few months. We do this every Wednesday. 04:00 p.m. uTC I'm Travis, your host from Jpegstore. And my co host is time. What's up?


GMGM. My name is time. I'm chronically online. I'm also a web three designer. This is a closed panel, so we will not accept any questions or anyone coming up, unfortunately. But if you do have any questions, put them in the bottom right-hand purple bubble. We will get to them at the end, but definitely like and retweet, share with a friend. We're just getting started. So the Cardano update, it's your first time here. We kind of do a bit of a traditional news panel.

Event Overview

Time will hit us with some things that happened the past week in Cardano and in crypto as a whole. We'll talk to our panelists about some of the topics and then the last bit of the space. We'll just go around, hang out, see what everyone is going on, what our panelists have happening in their lives. And you know, the. The dance party's become a good part of the beginning of the space, so we might keep that going. All right, but for now, we're gonna get into the news.

Weekly Update from Cardano

Let's get right to it. Time. And then we're gonna do intros after. So for week eleven of the Cardano update, we have Cardano's mainnet, hard fork upgrade mark the transition into its new era. This eliminates the Genesis keys and enables full on-chain governance by the community. Emergo announced significant updates, including partnerships, ecosystem development, and a new focus on enhancing the Yoroi wallethood basically aiming to reestablish its role in the Cardano ecosystem.

Technical Developments

The Tan blockchain experienced outages due to the popularity of dogs token airdrop. With Tan's coin value rebounding after the network restarted, the begin wallet integrated with keystone hardware wallet, they added features like biometric signing and MyUSD integration. Pretty cool. Yamfor partnered with fluid token to offer NFT based collateral loans, stablecoin yields and boosted staking on Cardano. The Charles media token by Stuff IO Bookio launches later today at 05:00 p.m.

Concerns in the Community

Again, this is like really unique because it is a full podcast that is available with each token purchased. Twitter was actually banned in Brazil over disinformation concerns. This prompted a lot of the Cardano community to rally in support of local workshops and advocating free speech. And that is all for the Cardano update. Thank you. Time. We got lots to cover here. I did a little backwards this week. I got the news first, and now we're going to go around and intro some of the guests.

Technical Issues

You know, people keep going up and down, but let's see how we're doing here. Who is behind the Clay nation profile today? No one. Are you made of clay? Profile today? Hey, can you guys. Can you guys hear me? Okay, no one. Are you made of clay? Can you. I think she's lagging. Sorry. I definitely am ragging. So I can hear time on one device and I can hear Travis on another device. Hey, can you guys hear me?

Connection Difficulties

Okay. And it's not going. So I'm just going to just jump out and jump back in. Sorry. No worries. I can hear you. That's the most important thing. Just kidding. Yeah, no, honestly, you're the only person. Well, I know that it's only you and Travis, but you're the only person I can hear. And then I can hear Travis on my phone and then I can also hear myself, so that's not working well, but it is, Lena, although I might pretend it's Izzy just because of how this is going.

Panel Introductions

So. Yeah, no worries. Take a lap. And you should be okay when you get back up here, we have. Oh, do you want to continue or do you want me to continue? No, you go ahead. You keep going. All right. We have Leslie on stage with us today. Good morning. How are you? Would you like to introduce yourself? Good morning time. Good morning, JPG. How's everyone doing?

Panelist Presentations

I'm Leslie Mota and I am the CEO of Cock Stick Media, currently in the mountains of Arizona. So I might cut in and out. No worries. We love it. We also have Jen. Jen Faustino. How are you today, love? Hey, can you guys hear me? I've started rugging really bad, twice, so I had to bail and come back, but I'm great. Thank you for having me.

Event Management

For those that don't know me, I'm Jen Ficino and I own and operate gather events. So essentially anytime you guys want to throw a satellite event during a major conference or small conference or around town, people hire me to do consulting, planning, management, coordinating, all the above. Pretty much I'm all events stay in my lane. That's all I do. Promotion, marketing, all that.

Event Coordination Challenges

Awesome. Good to meet you, Jen. Can you, can you have an event where people don't rug on the Twitter space? That'd be really convenient. That would be great. I was like, oh, no, are they talking? Because I see emojis being thrown up and I'm like, if they're talking to me, I can't hear. So I just had to leave quick and come back. So sounds great.

Twitter Space Troubles

Now I feel like Twitter spaces or X spaces have not improved in consistability or anything in like a year and a half. I feel like we have the exact same issues we had when they launched the bloody platform and here we are, you know, it's like they don't have enough money or something. Small startup. Yes, small indie company. But guys, the point of this week is we're here to talk about some of the news and some of the things that are going on in Singapore next week at Token, the biggest crypto event in the world.

Upcoming Events Discussion

Let's see, is anyone going to Singapore? I think that's the whole point. So I hope Leslie and Jen, you're both going or both doing events there. Can you comment on that? Let's start with Leslie. Yes, we are going to be going to token 2049, covering the event, doing interviews, what's happening, what's going on, and then we will also be live streaming and covering the karate combat event as well.

Feeling Out of the Loop

I have not registered for any events and I really, I am out of the loop. I have no idea what the heck is going on besides during the day and what we're covering, because I've been with my head down behind the scenes working and moving and so I'm excited about the space. Thank you for having me because I want to know what the heck is going on, what's happening.

Event Preparation Challenges

You know, it's okay. There's only like 500 side of it, but I. Leslie, I'm kidding. Like, I'm in the same boat. I was just talking to time. I was like, oh my God, I do not have my token schedule planned out well at all. That's totally like my absolute daily homework for the next week and a half is to figure out a, what the hell is going on at token because it's such a big event. There's 30,000 people last year. I think there's gonna be even more this year. So it's gonna be crazy.

Excitement for Upcoming Events

And it's just gonna be one of those events where there's a million side events as well. Hopefully Singapore is like a bit easier to get around than some of the cities that these big events, but I'm pretty bullish and pretty excited for it. Karate combat, I'm excited. We had what Ashley on last week time where she's been training, and Ashley, you know, is gonna beat some people up. You know, I think karate combat is pretty cool. I saw one in consensus and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought it was.

Organizing Event Information

It was really well done, really professional. You guys killed it with the commentary and totally excited for it. Yeah. So Ashley Decan will actually, I think she has a main fight, but essentially she will be fighting the blonde broker. So they both will be having their debut fight. I'm pretty excited for that as well. So funny seeing like all your friends in the industry and then we're all just gonna, like, meet each other halfway across the world. I don't know, it's kind of insane.

Event Spreadsheet Insights

But regarding spreadsheets and, like, events and things like that, I know that Jen, she oftentimes puts together these really large spreadsheets for all the events in crypto and web three. Usually it's this master spreadsheet. People can submit, et cetera, things like that. But otherwise, I know on the website there is, you know, a nicer UI where you can see all of the official side events for token. And the same thing is on the breakpoint website. Breakpoint is the Solana focus conference that is also happening a couple days after token.

Navigating Singapore and Event Logistics

But yeah, essentially you can kind of look through quite literally, it's like 500 events. It's actually insane. But the good news is you can kind of strategize, you can kind of like, go to events that, you know, are VC focused if they maybe are more Djen focused, maybe you're trying to eat while you're networking. They have just events all around the city. Another good kind of point, as I've been doing research for Singapore in general, it is very walkable, and there is like a underground tram train.

Cultural and Travel Comfort in Singapore

I don't know what they're called. Subway. There's a subway guys. So it's, you know, they all mostly speak English in Singapore. It's very clean, beautiful city, very safe. So personally, I feel really good about, like, going over there, and at least I feel more comfortable over there than maybe another country. But essentially. Let's get back into the speakers. Jen, do you have any comments?

Event Coordination and Community Engagement

Do you have a spreadsheet going, what is going on? What are you throwing? What's your side event? Oh, man. I actually don't know if I'm going to Singapore because for the first time ever, I'm trying to find a sponsor because I pay for everything on my own and because I am so active and contribute a lot to the event space. I have a sponsor I'm working with, so we'll see if that happens. But, yeah, a little bit about me.

Spreadsheets and Event Aggregation

I do all the spreadsheets with three wonderful people. And so essentially, yeah, we aggregate and we work with a lot of different businesses and companies to promote a lot of events. We don't gatekeep, we don't keep anything in. I run a lot of the group chats as well. So currently I have master spreadsheet on Sheets XYZ, and that's spelled s h e e. There's three e's sheets XYZ. And so currently we have over 350 events.

Daily Event Recommendations

And, yeah, to kind of go off of that, what I like to do is I host a telegram chat, and I host a Twitter chat. And so what we do in there is we have all the people that want to attend events like this. I do what's called, like, a curated daily pick. So I know when you guys look at the spreadsheets we do, you're like, where the hell did we go? What do we do? Who's going where? And just. It's super confusing.

Combating Spreadsheet Fatigue

You get spreadsheet fatigue. It's very difficult to kind of siphon through to see what's valuable, depending on your specific goals. So what I do as a professional courtesy, it's free to join all my chats. I essentially take my knowledge of people that I've done past business with, business development people I've worked with, things that are in close proximity and things of high value ranging from daytime, afternoon and evening events. And I kind of pick anywhere from seven to 13 events per day that I push people to go to.

Continued Involvement Despite Uncertainty

Yeah. Just to kind of help with spreadsheet fatigue because it's really overwhelming. So nothing's paid for. Nobody pays me to promote any of the events. It's just my personal knowledge of who I know is running the events, who I know will be attendant attending the events. Yeah, sounds like a hero we need. It's a lot. I'm laying on my closet floor is carpeted, so I'm on my tummy right now with my laptop in front of me with a pillow.

Event Awareness and Engagement

So I'm just like looking over all the different events right now and I'm just kind of like putting some in as we're talking and stuff. So I'm just like, oh my gosh, there's so many. But yeah, if anyone wants me to add them to the group chat, just send me a message or comment on this Cardano update event thing. But yeah, I don't know. I hope I can go.

Upcoming Event Details

There's a lot of events, so I can maybe drop a couple. I will be releasing that in the chat soon. So even if I don't go, I'm still in the chat, very active. I'm still promoting different things. I'm still talking about different things. So even if I'm not there, I still do this. So rolling around on the floor, that's also my favorite pastime.

Experiential Sharing on Singapore

I was going to ask, did you go to Singapore last year? Are there any like experiences you're able to share? Maybe? I have not been to any asian country yet. I used to live overseas in Italy and I've only made it as far as Europe. So I have never unfortunately been able to travel to any asian countries and it's very, very high my list.

Event Networking and Recommendations

I know a lot of people that are running a lot of amazing events that I'm talking with on the back channels. So I can kind of go over some of my picks. I can do that in the group chat as well. I don't know how much time we have today or what you guys want to really learn about, so. No, yeah, absolutely. I know that some of the guests are hosting their own events as well.

Guest Event Insights

We also have another guest. He's running a little late. Frisk, what are we going to do with him? Am I right? But some other individuals will be coming through. I think Doug might come on and talk about karate combat, which will be really exciting. I know Clay nation, you guys actually have an event a side event that's going on and is it in a club? What's going on?

Collaborative Event Hosting

I know. What's the offer? I actually can't take. Can't take credit for the event, although we'll be there, and Smobla and a lot of our partners are hosting it, where we're mainly attending, but we are going to, obviously, help with the Smobbler team to assist in promoting it. It's actually going to be powered by the guys at rare Evo, and it's a Smobla hosted event along with, I think the sandbox was.

Community Engagement and Event Promotion

Yeah, champagne or Cordel Broadus, as some of you guys would know him as. And it is at the Ark, so I believe. Yeah, I think they're leaving a little bit to be revealed at the event, but it's going to be really good fun. And there is a open guest list, so you can still apply to attend. So any clay community that does want to roll through, absolutely worth applying.

Sharing Event Information

And, you know, Hypno DM, of course, can put in a good word. There's still space, as far as I'm aware, and Loretta, the founder of Smobla, has been, you know, saying, please share it with everyone. And during our brunch in Vegas, she kind of invited everyone at the brunch to come and attend. So, yeah, I think it'll be good.

Event Challenges and Planning

My only concern at the moment is how many events there are. And obviously, just hearing you talking just then about the spreadsheets. Yeah, I'm having the same chaos. Apart from I have the wonderful Loza on my team has been really helping me to try and find ones that are most relevant or most fun, I guess, to attend for the code team.

Logistical Challenges During Events

And already on the Wednesday, during the Smobbler event, there are five other events, or six that we really should attend. So it's going to be a lot of running around, but that's kind of the thrill of it, I guess. That's the fun of it. And anyone that's not going, if it's not possible this year, you know, bookmark or earmark for next year, because I've been for the last two years and it's always been really valuable.

Reflections on Last Year's Experience

So you. So you've actually been to Singapore last year for the token event? I did, yeah. Yeah. I did, yeah. Last year, yeah. I mean, honestly, a blur, like. But there are so many events with and a lot of people that we work with or have worked with or have met in the space or want to work within the space are there, and it's almost overwhelming.

Navigating Event Overwhelm

Because you don't know who you want to talk to or where you want to be at once. And the side events list really is as wild as everyone's explaining. But, yeah, were fortunate enough to go last year and even did the year before, actually, when I was, it felt like were alone when went a couple of years ago. But then obviously, as soon as you arrive, you realize you've met a lot of people that you don't have.

Community Connections and Energy

You don't realise that you've met them or that you've at least spoken to them online and stuff. So, yeah, I think this year does feel like there's more energy. I mean, just based on the last couple of weeks on social, it just feels like people are going straight off the back of, I think, Korea blockchain week or something's going on there at the moment. And it seems like the same crowd are kind of following through to going to Singapore.

Excitement for Upcoming Events

And it just seems like there's a real buzz about it. So, yeah, quite excited about it. Is it your first time in that part of the world? For me, most definitely. And I also was going to say, I think there's a little bit of. A little bit of a conference circuit going on because I know a lot of. A handful of people, they went to Japan. They're in South Korea right now for blockchain week. They'll end up in Singapore and kind of just, like, make their way back. But for me, totally first time in Singapore. I have been to Hong Kong before, but that was pre Covid. Does anything before. Pre Covid, like, is such a distant memory. So I'm just so excited. What about you, Travis?

Travis's Travel Experience

No, I've never been over there at all. Like, I've only been Asia and Dubai, but I think that's just, like, quite different than, you know, Southeast Asia. So I'm, like, over the moon to go. I'm very excited. I think Southeast Asia is also probably the biggest pocket of crypto in the world that kind of goes under the radar. People think it's probably centered in the states and things like that, but really, it's just massive in Asia and pretty exciting to meet a lot of people in the community that are in that part of the world because it's such a journey for them to come to the states and for us to go there. I was just sharing my itinerary time earlier, and it's 32 hours. So I have an insane traveling schedule to get to Singapore. I leave Friday morning. I get there Sunday morning. Right. So I'm quite excited.

Cultural Insights and Upcoming Events

I'm, like, stoked about Singapore. Unrelated to crypto, I have tickets to the Formula one race after the event, which is a couple days after. I'm a huge Formula One fan, and Singapore is a night race, and it's going to be completely insane. So the whole town should be buzzing because, like, something like 250,000 people come to Singapore for that race. So it's just going to be absolutely insane. The whole city. And I've heard, like you said, time. It's walkable, it's clean, it's fun, it's exciting. It looks beautiful. I just can't wait. Yes, it's definitely been a bit of an adventure to pack. It's very close to the equator, so at least, you know, I'm a Florida girl, so I'm kind of used to that type of weather.

Packing Tips and Climate Discussion

But, yeah, if there's any, like, travel, like, packing tips for Singapore, Lena, like, you can definitely go for it. I know it's a little random for a panel, but I think a lot of us going for the first time are just. It's like, how do we do it? Time. So are you telling me I can't wear blazers? Because everybody knows I wear blazers. Even if it's a scorching hot outside. It is so humid. I genuinely wouldn't recommend. I think I wore, like, some sort of sooty type thing on the first year I went, and then I tried to walk just from hotel to somewhere else. Like, it is walking distance, but it's so humid. That's the thing. And I know, Tom, you mentioned you're a Florida girl, so you're kind of used to the humidity, but it is different than being in dry heat.

The Struggle with Humidity

You do just get so. Yeah, sticky. I would say light, comfortable clothing definitely recommended. And it just rains so much as well, so we'll see if we get monsoons, but should be right. So, you know, as someone who grew up in rural northern Canada, I am definitely not good with the heat and the humidity, so it's gonna be crazy. I'm super worried about how hot it's gonna be. You know, I also want to wear a blazer and a coat, sports coat to a lot of things. Tom sent me one of you things you sent me said dress code, said no shorts at all. I'm like, man, no shorts. In Singapore. I have dress shorts, but no. So I think a lot of these events, too, you have to just wear pants, and that's kind of tragic, but.

Event Considerations

So I think I will be staying inside a lot. If it's as humid and hot, as you guys say, even in September. I was gonna say, is it very AC focused inside the events? I'm not sure the type of vibe, you know, in Vegas it's obviously 100 degrees out, but then indoors it's like 60 degrees. Is it similar or are things more open air over there? Lena, maybe if not, I can move on. No, sorry, you cut out just for a second there. Could you just repeat that? Just. Yes, sorry. Yeah, I was asking, is Singapore, is it very AC focused during the convention events or is it more open air? Like, should we.

Event Weather Considerations

I get cold inside with a lot of AC. Should I be bringing or a jacket or something? I think it will really depend event to event because, yeah, for sure, at the convention it will be perfectly temperate, but obviously a huge part of token and anyone that is joining will know. There are a lot of side events, and the side events venues really vary and some of the ones I've been to have been more outdoors or kind of open door half inside and cool and half outside and warm. So, yeah, it can really vary. And the main thing, obviously, is it just can rain and then not rain and then not rain. So you don't really know where you stand if you're. If you're getting somewhere by foot.

Challenges of Singapore's Weather

But, yeah, I mean, it's really difficult, actually, to know what to wear. I would actually say I haven't mastered it and I'm from the UK, so I should be able to handle it. But not at all. Not the heat, but, you know, just the rain and the wetness and everything else. But no, I'm still not ever equipped, I would say. I think it's really difficult to really prepare. You just have to go with the flow. So, yeah, just be flexible and hope for the best. What's like. What do you say is the event that you're looking forward to the most actually is side events.

Upcoming Side Events

Side event wise, there's. There's definitely, I would say, like five ish main events that I'll be trying to hit up. Obviously, the smobler rare Evo clay nation event, I definitely want to hit up. There's a few other, like, Cardano focused events, but obviously there's going to be so many cross chain events that I'll also be attending another event that some of you who are going might be interested in. It's focused on real world assets. Enterprise vip roundtable. This is hosted by Trevolve Tech and endmaker. There is also magic. Eden has their grand event. I always really enjoy magic Eden events.

Networking and Panels

They're partnering with Forbes on this one as well. Also Forbes themselves, they're doing an event called the inner Circle Dinner. I've been to Forbes's inner circle events before, just like top notch, incredible people to connect with that end up going there. And I'll pause for a second, Leslie, go for it. Leslie, if you want. If you, if you wanted to comment on a magic Eden event. Ooh, she might be rugging, unfortunately. Well, just interrupt me, Leslie, next time. Yes. So other events that I know that are happening, there's an event, it's more, I would say, party Djen oriented. It's called Bing Bong.

Bing Bong Event and Networking

They have done like seven or eight other events that is always really fun to attend. And most of these are on Luma, which makes it really easy. So if you've been to other cross chain events, other just conferences, you can kind of go to these companies and you can click on their profiles to see what events they are hosting. So if you have groups of people or groups of companies you tend to really enjoy networking with, you can easily find that all basically through the Luma. And again on the token 49 site, they just have a spreadsheet and whatnot that you can get overwhelmed by. But they have a nice filter mechanism, so you can do defi oriented, VC oriented, etcetera.

Event Discovery Resources

So there'll be events for everyone. Essentially. I will attempt Leslie again. Leslie, are you there? I think she rugged. We got a lot of rugging today. This is not our day. What's going on here? What’s going on? I'm going to write a letter to Mister Elon. I'm sure he'll listen. What's the best conspiracy theory we can come up with to explain all this rugging today? Something I'm going to blame it on. Brazil. I don't know. Travis, do you have any? I know you haven't really looked at the event sheet, but is there anything in particular that stands out to you that you're excited to attend?

Travis's Observations on Events

No. Like, you're right. Like, I haven't unfortunately done enough research. I should have done a lot more coming into the space. Definitely attending the rare event, the one Patrick that maker doing, and a few others. I think I will check out crowded combat, but there was like hundreds. I made like a small list of like 30 that I liked. So it's just gonna be really having to sit down this weekend, I think, and spend an entire day figuring out which ones to go to and just really lining up people to talk with, see what they're doing? Get in group chats.

Group Chats and Networking

If there's any fire. Group chats, please let me know, everybody. We'll get in there. There's three of us going from JPEG and, you know, we're looking to just meet up and hang out with everyone that wants to hang out and see what happens. But I feel like it's just gonna be crazy.

Daily Routine and Excitement

It's just gonna be get up in the morning and it just doesn't stop until two to 03:00 a.m. and rinse, repeat for the whole week. So we're quite excited. Crazy.

Looking Forward to Events

Jen, do you have any, I know you may not go. I think, I think you're like 80% going. That's just, that's just what I feel. But are there any events that you've heard about that haven't been mentioned or any events that you're looking forward to? Oh, man. Yeah, I'm definitely trying to pull together. Like I said, I have a sponsor that I'm working with, so hopefully that pans out too. But, yeah, with doing all these spreadsheets, yeah, there's a lot, a lot. I think I'm just going to do my pics in the group chat. I actually have to jump to a client call right now, but, yeah, I'd love that you guys support everything that we're doing because a lot of the spreadsheets that are out there, they actually just kind of pull from what we're doing.

Group Chat and Community Engagement

So it's great that you guys recognize that and give us a platform to kind of show everything that we're doing right now. If anyone wants to be added to the group chat, we have over 120 people in there currently right now. Send me a DM. Pretty accessible, easy to get a hold of. But I would say before I go, the one that I would be most into. Oh, man, I do fuck with magic Eden quite a bit. So anything they do, I love their team, so I would definitely be into that. Other than that, I think I'll just take a moment and put that in my group chat. So I do have to bounce. But thank you so much for having me. And if you guys need anything, in terms of events, I'm here for everyone, whether I'm there or not.

Future Plans and Collaborations

Hopefully I can meet you in person. And if you have another sponsor that would want to sponsor me, because I do biz dev and event stuff all day, let me know. Hit my DM's. Love you guys. Thanks. Bye, Jen. Have a good one. I hope to see you thanks, Jen. Thanks for coming. Thanks for rugging politely and saying you're leaving. You know, you know, it's been a big bonus. Appreciate you a lot. I think we're going to cut this space a little short today. A lot of our guests are Mia, having technical difficulties. Just not the best space we've had for that situation. But it's all good.

Updates from Clay Nation

Let's hear from Clay nation, guys. Like what, Lena? What do you guys have going on? Just give us a little show. What's new? What's like coming up? What do you want to talk about? And then after that we'll call it. I don't want to end this space on a not as exciting note, but I will be on the clay's off dark space later today. So that will be where we're sharing most of our updates. But I will say that from next week, obviously from the 9 September, we're launching our Bake Nation collection which is going to be a free mint for holders.

Looking Ahead

So if you haven't already seen that, check it out. On our latest tweets and kind of during token and during our events with our partners, we're going to be sharing more on that and we're going to be sharing a few more of our updated games and experiences as well. And just, you know, connecting with the community and getting that feedback so that we can continue with a really successful end of the year. It feels crazy to say that, but it is coming up to it feels like it's about to be the end of the year before we know it. So we're super excited. But yeah, main thing is tune into plays after Dark a little bit later. Hopefully we'll share a bit more there and then for now I will just say I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Singapore.

Wrap-up and Next Steps

Anyone that does want a more condensed. I mean, there are so many amazing sheets, but if anybody wants me to just share my itinerary, I'm more than happy to. I've just narrowed it down to ones that make sense for us and yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. yeah, thanks so much for hosting the space. And next one I'll bring a bit more alpha. You're welcome. When, when is the close after dark space? Today? What time? Let me just get the 02:00 a.m. my time, which is not helpful for me. For you. Let me just check the normal time.

Time Coordination

Hang on. Sorry. You mean you're not perfectly good at calculating UTC times yet? Come on now. You better. Even in the space. I just turn up when I am told. The thing is, when you go onto Twitter, it just tells you the exact time, doesn't it? It just says 02:00 a.m. my time. So it's. 09:00 p.m. eST. 09:00 p.m. estimated, which still is not UTC, but we'll make it work anyway. Just check. Just go onto their account and you'll see when it's happening. Thanks for that. I appreciate it.

Final Thoughts

England time 09:00 p.m. eastern time UTC time unknown someone has to do that. Oh, we got flow one a 01:00 a.m. uTC. Yeah, any three of those times works for you guys. Make sure you can make it. You know, Shane, I will try and tune in and hear the alpha while always interested in the clay alpha flow from noon, my friend, you made it. We were going to end this pace here soon, but before we do that, just give us a shout of who you are and what you're doing in Singapore. If you're on anything in particular, hosting anything, things like that.

Neum's Presence at Token 2049

Okay. Hello everyone, I'm Florian, the co founder and co CEO of Neum. I'm really looking forward to Singapore, to be honest, because these couple of weeks and days were just stressful jumping from investor meeting to investor meeting. To be honest, we are not hosting anything during token 2049 because I think there are already so many events going on. We might spread out sin Dell community over there. And additionally to this look, I think there is also a constitutional committee event there at the same time on the 17th.

Networking and Community Connection

So really the day before token 2049. So highly likely I will attend that one and just try to connect with the community. And of course some of our team members might be there. Marty, one of our developers will be there as well. Though if you want to get connected with the whole Neum team, I think then it makes sense to go token 2049. Good stuff. Yeah, I look forward to meeting you there. I'm not sure if I have we met in person yet. It doesn't matter. I'm sure we'll find each other in Singapore.

Anticipation of Engagement

Yeah, really. I think you guys are doing something happy to be there as well. Try to connect. And highly likely we all have met once at Reibo or somewhere in another Cardano community event because I believe we are still a small family and everyone knows everyone. But I also realized that is maybe sometimes a false expectation from my end. What I've noticed throughout the last days and weeks on Twitter. Yeah, I think we all like if you go to the Cardano events, we all kind of know each other, at least by the site, you know, so I I think I've been around you a few times.

Closing Remarks

I don't think we've ever had a chat, but we let's change that in token. I'll give you a shout when we're there, and we'll see you at the rare event or one of the other events or just at the conference. But I think that, yeah, we can't wait, guys, but we're gonna end the space here. A lot of our guests had to go and a couple couldn't make it in the beginning, so we'll just send it on a good note. Thanks for coming close. Thanks, everyone for hanging out.

Ongoing Collaborations and Weekly Schedule

Thanks for listening. Thanks, Todd, for co hosting, killing it. And yeah, we do this every week. Wednesday at 04:00 p.m. uTC time. Do you have anything? Nope. Thank you so much for having me and sorry for being so late, but if an investor calls, you have to be there. You know, that's the world we're living in as a startup. Thank you so much for having me. On the Cardano update space, mister investor.

Concluding Thoughts

And then they'll think you're then they'll like you dissing the call. They'll be like, oh my God, sky. Yes. Yeah. Next time, next time I try to do this and I send you the bill if he is not investing, okay, I don't know. I didn't hear you cutting out. We're gonna have a space. All you guys, thank you. Thanks for coming. Flow. Oh, good night, everybody.

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