Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Calling All White Youth! (Americans Only) hosted by RealBroNat. The Twitter space 'Calling All White Youth! (Americans Only)' delved into crucial topics concerning American youth, emphasizing the significance of inclusivity, education, mentorship, and activism. It highlighted the need for safe spaces, addressing social challenges, and promoting social responsibility among young individuals. Discussions revolved around empowering youth through diversity, engagement, and initiatives for personal growth. The space provided a platform for open dialogue, challenging social norms, and fostering a sense of community among American youth.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: Why is inclusivity important in youth communities?
A: Inclusivity fosters diversity, understanding, and a sense of belonging among young individuals.

Q: How can education empower young Americans?
A: Education provides knowledge, skills, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Q: What social challenges do American youth face today?
A: American youth encounter issues like mental health struggles, social inequality, and access to resources.

Q: Why is mentorship crucial for the youth?
A: Mentorship offers guidance, support, and opportunities for personal development and growth.

Q: How can young Americans contribute to social change?
A: By engaging in activism, advocacy, and community initiatives, young Americans can drive meaningful social impact.

Q: What role do safe spaces play in youth empowerment?
A: Safe spaces provide environments for open dialogue, expression, and support, fostering emotional well-being and empowerment among young individuals.


Time: 00:15:23
Inclusivity and Diversity in Youth Spaces Exploring the benefits of embracing diversity and inclusivity among young Americans.

Time: 00:25:47
Challenging Social Norms and Issues Addressing prevalent social challenges and norms affecting American youth today.

Time: 00:35:58
Empowerment Strategies for Youth Discussing effective ways to empower and engage young Americans in social activities.

Time: 00:45:12
Activism and Social Responsibility Highlighting the importance of activism and social responsibility in youth communities.

Time: 00:55:30
Safe Spaces for Dialogue and Expression Creating safe environments for open discussions and emotional support among young individuals.

Key Takeaways

  • Inclusivity and diversity are crucial in youth communities.
  • Empowering young Americans through education and awareness.
  • Addressing social issues and challenges faced by the American youth.
  • Encouraging open discussions and engagement within youth spaces.
  • Emphasizing the importance of mentorship and support systems for youth.
  • Promoting activism and social responsibility among the youth.
  • Creating safe spaces for dialogue and expression among young Americans.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Audience Engagement

Hello, young lovers. Hello, white young lovers. All right, here we go. It's gonna be a really big show. I got some really cool things to talk about tonight. How you white guys can find a girl. Nice white girl. Now let's look at the title to MySpace, all right, calling all white youth, Americans only. And I mean american white youth only. Let's take it from ages, I'll say the legal age, 18 to 38. 42, okay? No higher than 42. And you guys can chime in, you can give me your thoughts, you can give me your strategy, how to get a woman, why it's important to have a white female mate, why you think it's important to have white children. I don't want to hear any defeatism, I don't want to hear anything negative. There's a lot of women out there, they're just itching for that right guy, mister right. They want that mister right, and they'll chime in.

Women and Political Beliefs

They can be the most woke person, the most woke feminists that ever walked the face of this planet, this continent, America. When they see that right guy and see those eyes and hear that voice, they will become Trump voters, homeschoolers. Oh, yeah, constitutionalists, anti pro life, everything. When it, oh, when that girl sees that right guy and we're going to talk about how to get that girl. This is not a pickup space, but you know, it's a way of finding that right mate, dating, romancing and everything like that, you know, but not fornicating. And then you're gonna get married and that's when you're going to use it or you're going to lose it. You could have a real life human being, that voice and that way, in that manner, that feminine mystique, you know, and all that. Oh, a real person, not digits, okay?

Co-Host and Young Men's Practice

My co host is Brody's. This young guy has been with me a long time and he's been great, and he's young, he wants to get married, but he wants to learn a trade. But you know, the guy is 1718, I think he's legal age. He's 18, you know, and if he's not, I don't want him to tell me he's not. So he's 18, okay, going on 28. This guy's very mature, he knows how to handle a space. So we're going to go one at a time. Now let's practice being young white men, all right? So there's many ways to practice, but now that you're on this space, you can come up, you can speak, and you can just pull your chest out a little bit, you know, make a muscle, and then speak like a man, like a leader, and just come on up. And it's practice. It's just a twitter bubble. You're not in front of an audience.

Discussion on Demographics

No one sees you live. You got your handle, you got your moniker. Don't worry. So I'm asking for people to come up and speak. But first, I'm going to give my little shtick. All right? Now, why am I calling all white youth? Well, look, the demographics are not looking so hot in Jumerica now. They're bringing tons of Hindus in. If you go to my, you'll see them drinking cow urine. Yeah. Oh, they're slurping this up like, this is, you know, a slurpee that they're getting at 711, but it's urine. These are the people that are coming into this country by the hindu droves, and they put up this 60 foot statue of a demon monkey goddess in Houston. They're trying to take over, but that's not going to happen because we're going to form a white racial collective, and the whites are going to get the majority upscaled.

Call to Action for White Youth

I mean, up on the barometer, you know, up on the, you know, the numbers game. All right? The whites are the majority. Not by much demographic. The fertility rate is pretty okay, not great. I think it's 1.6%. Am I right? Brody's yep, you're right. Well, we want to get it up to 2.6%. All right. And the way we do this, I'm going to invite a co host. Is that okay? Brody's but you're going to be in charge. Yeah, that's all right. All right. I'm going to invite Cyrus vendetti because he's on to the same thing. He wants white youth to emerge, and he knows that this is our future. He's only 34. He's a consultant for corporations. Cyrus vendetti, I'm going to invite you to co host. I was hoping you'd come on.

Youth Engagement and Female Attraction

That's the way I'm going to do it from now on, Cyrus, I'm not going to have to call you or anything. You'll just see, because I'm advertising my spaces, like, 8 hours in advance. You know, brother, a lot of. I have a feeling we're gonna have a lot of gripers on tonight. So how do you know? I don't see any gripers. No, they're here. They’re here. Trust me. Well, name one like Russ. He's a groper, that little stuffed animal guy in the front and let him. Come up and speak, I think. Yeah, I know. I just want him to be respectful, just be. Ropers will agree with me because they want a white racial collective just as much as I do to put down the jew racial collective.

Discussion of Influential Figures and Opinions

Now, Nick Fuentes, he's a good guy, you know, because he follows me, there's no question. Because everything I say, he repeats. You know, he said, the Frankists are no longer in existence. Well, I'm the first one to call candy out on that, you know, and then, you know. You know, Jews, you know, may disagree with each other. So I've been saying for years, and I've been saying it on my stream or before that it's just a family feud. So now he's saying it. Look, when I hear this echo, I know Nick Fuentes is following me. I know guys like Rep. Thomas Massey are following me. I think MTG is. And when I hear, you know, I know Elon Musk is following me, because when I talk about the fertility rate, I show the stats of boom.

Emphasizing the Importance of Marriage

He puts it right up. And he's talking about, we got to make babies. He's not saying white because then he'll look like a racist. But he's definitely 110% in agreement with me there. So we want white youth to get married. We want them to marry a white female. We want them to have tons of white children. And don't worry about the money. The money will come because children are an inheritance of the Lord, says King David. That means they're his. They're his possession. So if God, the creator of all, owns these kids that come out of the woman's womb, the fruit of the womb, you know, that kind of thing, and he's going to take care of them.

Encouragement towards Financial Responsibility

But that doesn't mean a white guy sits on his rear end and does nothing. No, he's got to go out and work is, if it's 711, if it's security guard, can be good because you can study a skill or you can study commerce, law, criminal law, you can be a lawyer, and then you'll get all, you know, be a legislator. Okay, so we got now Lisa Jackson. I don't know if it's a black can. No, I want white men to come in here. No, black men. Well, you know what? You can have all the white men. You want to drop her? This is for white men only. Americans. And it's not that I'm a racist or a bigot. I am just trying to save the white racial demographics in America.

Reflection on Racial Demographics

Because the Jews are not looking to wipe out the black racial collective, which. It is a collective. But the whites can't even think in the sense of a collective anymore. They've been atomized into individualistic units, which is deadly. Okay, so now, Brody's, you're the top guy here since you're the one that, you know, wanted this space to happen. Okay? So Brody's, why don't you start picking people? It's going to be white, and you have to be american. All right, let's go to Charlie Groyper.

Cultural Compatibility

So you want to find somebody who's culturally compatible. So there's plenty of Spanish girls, Mexican girls who look white. Just pray to Jesus just once because hears you and just tell them what you want. Go out into the woods. Go to or take a walk wherever it is. And just say, Jesus, this is what I want. I want to get married, and I want somebody compatible. You can keep it general. You want somebody socially, culturally, religiously. You're Catholic, you're practicing Catholic. You still go to church, confession, and mass. You want somebody that also. And there's plenty of girls that are praying to Jesus for her husband. So don't look at the degeneracy that's going on. There's just too many people in this world.

The Power of Prayer

And then you just pray once and ask him to show you some kind of sign, and he will. Like Austin Whitsett, he prayed. He went out to the woods. I think he fasted, but you don't have to fast. And he told Jesus, this is what I want. I think he went to the creator. That's the way he looks upon it. I went to the creator and I said, this is what I want. I want to get married. I want a woman who I can be a leader, who wants me to be the leader, who will want to have children. I want to have children. So then he decides to turn to the Bible. They call it Bible roulette. I do it myself, actually.

Finding a Partner

So he turned to the book of Hosea, and it said, find a wife. I forget where. Where it is to marry a wife. And he felt that was for him. And within two weeks, the woman came along. You do the same, and I guarantee you that woman is going to come along. Now, maybe you're going to have to wait until that wheelchair. So, you know, you say, Jesus, get me out of this wheelchair, and he'll hurry it up. All my family call me wheels. And don't worry about that. You'll get out of it. I was going to say four months. You'll get out of it in two months. Just go to Jesus.

Taking Action

Okay. All right, Brody, you can come back up. Russ, maybe you'll get some inspiration to come back up. Brody, who's next? All right, well, let's go to Brody. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I was gonna say, in regards to women, it's really important, especially as white men, that we stop conforming to, like, the mainstream cultural norm that's been manifested by Jewry, and embrace actual leadership roles and act like leaders because that'll get women to notice you. That's a big deal. I love it. And you're on topic, guy. Mm. Yeah. And I was also gonna say as specifically as white men, I think.

Cultural Awareness

I think we should kind of start perpetuating the idea to people, you know, in day to day life about sort of how we got here with how our culturals, how our culture is going down the shitter, and, you know, how the dollars lost 99% of its value through Jew banking, through the Rothschilds of Warburgs, the shifts, you know, and kind of start informing people the reality of exactly at stake here. Yeah. Brody, let me ask you a couple of things. We have to bring it out of the Twitter bubble. Cause everybody feels real tough and heroes and Hercules on a Twitter bubble.

Engaging with Society

Yeah, I agree. But hell, you know, we can all be tough guys. Okay, on a Twitter bubble. But the real tough guy goes out and talks to people. That's what I was doing all week. San Francisco, that's what I was doing at the airport. I purposely moved my chair and sat in different places and I strike up a conversation. I did this on my stream. You can listen to my stream. I just put it up on my. At real bro. Now, are you. How old are you, Brody? I'm 20. Oh, that's a good age. Oh, yeah. I'm going to guess you're not married yet.

Marriage Aspirations

No. Do you want to get married? Yes. How soon? As soon as possible, I guess. Okay. So right now kind of a thing. All right. Right, right. I. So what's your plan of action? Maybe we all can learn. Well, not me, you know, but what's your plan? I am pretty young. I don't have a lot of wisdom, but my personal plan is basically have as many kids as possible during my life. There's a lot of women that want that same thing. Right. But do you have a plan? What's your plan to get that girl?

Strategizing for Relationships

Well, you know, for me, it's pretty simple. It's, you know, you go. You go around and you talk and, you know, you'll come across someone who likes you and you like them kind of thing. And I'm not really against dating websites. I mean, you know, you can probably get away with that. I have a friend who tried the church thing, and it just didn't work. Right. It's a big world. You know, if God created a big world and a lot of people, and he's a creator of a lot of things.

Exploring Options

Okay. Of course we get the materials together and put it together like a dating app. I created a dating app, but, you know, but he got the materials there as a creator, and you put it all together. So my friend is young, a little older than you, but he. It didn't work out in church, so he just decided on his own to get a dating app, and boom. I think it was the third right there, huh? Yeah. And now they're engaged. They've been dating for, like, I think six months, and now they're engaged.

Accepting Diverse Methods

Okay. Yeah. That is impressive. We can't limit God. You know, it's all kind of ways. It's a big world, so you can try that. Yeah, we could. Yeah, we definitely shouldn't. Shouldn't limit ourselves. I would definitely say that. But I would say on that dating app, when it comes to the telephone, you have to stand strong. You have to be a man of principle. She may test you. Women does that. She may test you and say she disagrees, but you hold your ground and she'll come along.

Understanding Gender Roles

Oh, yeah. Because basically, a woman feels vulnerable in a fallen world, and God promised her that there'll be a man for you, that will protect you. That's what that whole passage means. Your desire will be to him, and he shall rule. But the Hebrew has a whole different connotation than the way the King James translated, although the King James is great. But if you read it in Hebrew, you get a sense of a man who protects a woman who's now vulnerable, because in a fallen world and a woman, the way she's built and the anatomy and her smaller brain mass and everything makes her more vulnerable in a world that is nothing, that can be hostile.

The Need for Leadership

So a woman, in essence, is looking for a leader. So you just have to say, principled, you're a man in conviction. Don't back down, because she's going to test you to see if she can emasculate you a little bit. And you got to show, no, my balls are big, and they stay right where they are. Okay. And then she'll say, oh, this is a guy for me. Yeah. I mean, and God created leaders, so why not take advantage of that?

Men as Natural Leaders

Well, the men are the leaders. Clearly people are. Right, right? Yeah. Because if men don't take it. Right, if men don't take advantage of leadership roles because they're not taught, because they don't have fathers or whatever, then the women naturally try to take over that sort of construct socially. And so that's why you see all these. They do it in the relationship, in the marriage. Right, right. So. But you show the woman that in a loving, respectful way, that you're going to hold to your convictions and.

Beliefs and Values

And that you are going to be the leader that God made you to be. And people will call me a racist. I'm a racialist. Racially, the white man is a natural born leader. He's a son of J Path that gets all the blessings that shem repudiated. So Jpeth gets it. And that is the white European. And the white European, which is now the American white because of his ancestry. His biology connects him back to his ancestors, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.

Historical Perspectives

Back, back. It's a biological collective. Right from the day you're born. The white man. I studied this years ago, the different races. As a racialist, a white man has a high iq. I'm saying, typically, he speak. He thinks conceptually, where the Chinese man can't think conceptually. Yeah, we're in a way. Yeah. The white man has a high testosterone. He's the highest. Not that, you know, for sex. It is for sex.

The Role of Creativity

Yes, of course. But it's also for creativity, for a drive. It's for civic activism, which the white man has tremendous potential, to be civically active and to put down the jew power. Yeah. That's why the jews fear the white racial collective. So I come on, strategically, this is what we need. Of course I'm gonna get attacked from christians. They're the first ones to attack me because they're basically sissies. Okay.

Conversations and Discussions

You can come back on. You might be inspired. Yeah, I agree. Thanks, Brody. Who's next? We got a lot of young guys that want to speak. Yep. Let's go to tin man. Oh, hey, brother Nathaniel. Hi. What do you got for us? yeah, I've been listening here. I'm a little bit older. I'm not. I'm not. I'm 39, but I I'm listening to some of these guys, and I just want to give them a little trick I used to use.

Social Engagement Techniques

you know, like karaoke bars. Go out to somewhere where you can get up on stage, kind of make. I'm serious. Make. Make a little bit of a fool of yourself. A little bit, you know, but you can look. But at the same time, look out there in the crowd. All right. Wait, wait, wait. Do they still have these karaoke bars? Oh, I mean, here in Texas they do. Okay. Do women go to that? Yeah, I always.

Opportunities for Engagement

I always see girls there. The young women in their twenties. Yeah, yeah. 2020. In fact, I I was that. I was at a karaoke bar maybe six months ago. It's been a while because I'm older, but, you know, she will look. Try it. Years old. Try. I mean, it. It is one of the. Is one of the best tricks. It doesn't have to be karaoke. You could try comedy.

Exploring Different Avenues

I don't know about comedy. Oh, they have, you know, amateur comedy, where you can get up and do a comedy routine? Yes. San Antonio's. I mean, there's always. We'll try both. I. Some Christians will attack me. You tell them they go to karaoke bar. What kind of Christian are you? You know, that kind of thing. And I'll say, I don't see anything that would displease God.

Morality and Intent

If you're going there to find a mate to get married and be fruitful and multiply, I think I would be very pleased. Yeah, my conscious is clear. All right, who's next? Brody's. Let's go to cripple. Then after him, I'm going to have Cyrus give a little talk on white youth and getting married. Okay. How are you doing, brother Nathaniel? Hi. I was curious what I could do as a white Christian American to, you know, really influence the jewry in our government right now, how to get more involved and, you know, kind of influence the politics that are kind of indoctrinating America right now.

Engaging with Government

Yeah, well, you can't get involved. So let me ask you a few questions. How old are you? I'm 18, sir. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, man. And what do you plan on? What do you plan on doing to make money? I plan on going into the air force and doing a major in cybersecurity to be able to learn more and getting more involved in that sector of stuff. So you're gonna go into the air force? Yes, sir.

Career Choices

So how are you gonna put the jew down if you're going to in the air force where the Jews cut the checks for the air force? Yeah, I completely understand where you're coming from, man, but I gotta figure out some sort of way that's not. No, no, you can't do that. I got you. You're gonna go to a military entity that's run by Jews. They're going around killing people and sending bombs to, you know, kill innocent families.

Navigating Military Influence

Yeah, I understand. I completely understand. No, you can't. No, you can't. You cannot. You have so many options as an 18 year old. You can go to college and you can study. It's going to take a while to become a lawyer. Yeah. So Austin with it, he's going to be on my stream next week and he's going to talk about. We made to a space this week. He's going to talk about commerce, law, and I don't know why he's pushing for that.

Exploring Legal Education

I got. So you could do that. But another thing you can do, you can learn and trade, and you can learn what you want to do in cybersecurity without going to, you know, the killing machine that kills for Jews. I completely understand where you're coming from. Well, if you understand that, then you gotta bite the bullet and don't go. Don't join the jew crowd. Cause everybody there works for the Jews.

Finding Alternative Paths

The Fed, the Federal Reserve cuts the checks for the Pentagon, for the military, so they can go out and kill. I gotcha. For their. I. Yeah, well, that, I mean, I could really be interested in, you know, maybe learning something. And when it comes to law, because I did about a year and pre law, when it came to high school and stuff like that, I made sure to.

The Value of Legal Studies

That's what you need to do. That way, you're going to fight the Jews legally, okay? And that way you can start taking all these laws and find a way as a lawyer. But you have to listen to Austin wits it. When we may do a space on this, we probably will need to because he says it's commerce law. I've been saying criminal law. So I want to hear him out, and I'll learn something. But you could also learn a trade in the meantime, while you're studying law, and you'll make a lot of money, you could start an apprenticeship as electrician, as a plumber.

Practical Learning

What other trade? H vac. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. And just go around to a plumbing shop or h vac, say, hey, I want to learn. I'm young. I'm eager to. I'll get to work on time. I'll buy you coffee, whatever it is, and they'll teach you. So you're young, you're 18, you got a lot of energy. You can do three things at one time. You can walk, chew gum, and do somersaults all at one time.

Encouragement for Youth

Very. So that's. That's. That's what I am saying. My advice, it's not that I'm authoritative, that you have to do what I'm saying, but I don't want you in the military because that's a jew operation to kill innocent people worldwide. Very true. And, I mean, I continue to see that, especially with, you know, JD Vance and Trump pushing for war in Iran, because, you know, JD Vance is very close with the founder of Palantir, which is a counterintelligence operation on terrorism and stuff like that.

Political Environment

Yeah, well, his jew boys are David Sachs and David Fredberg. Yeah. And Peter Thiel. But Peter Thiel's old Judah. He has to be, oh, 100%, especially with that military industrial complex. Completely understand where you're coming from. Man. Yeah. Okay, good. So you can. You can hang out a while. You can come back on, and maybe you'll be inspired to say more. But I enjoyed talking with you.

Introducing Cyrus

Okay, now I'm going to introduce everybody to Cyrus vendetti. Let's skip the app for now, Cyrus. And let's hear your advice as someone who's in corporate consulting work to young white youth getting married. Go ahead, Cyrus. Yeah. So I would say what actually got me into there was not actually planned. It just happened through, I guess, unorthodox means, but, what I would definitely recommend to anybody, especially with, you know, young white youth out there is two things that I would most likely try to make everyone very aware of.

Engaging Youth

One thing is there's many jews that are mobilizing right now, and they're getting a lot of female attention. In fact, they're mobilizing what they consider to be female power groups. The whole theory of power groups and whatnot, that's a whole other monster. But essentially, they know how to structure groups. They know how to keep them mobilized, they know how to keep them engaged, and they know how to get them off their asses and get them doing things not just in the local community areas, but also to kind of get them fired up and to kind of keep the.

The Need for Male Mobilization

The heat going, if that makes any sense. that's not happening with a lot of males. Right. we're not seeing that, particularly. Not even in the conservative section. And we might actually need to see that coming, the election. Now, aside from that, when it comes to employment, I know a lot of people. There's a lot of young youth out there, particularly because I used to work in the system that have been raised by single mothers, essentially. And a lot of people kind of have this wound, this father wound, where you kind of.

Addressing Father Wound

You don't know what manhood is, and you're kind of looking for it amongst these parasocial relationships with all these influencers like Andrew Tate or Nick Fuentes or, you know, all these other fuckers. But, yeah, the main thing I want people to understand is that they're not going to be a very good interpretation. They're going to be a caricature of what an actual man is. You may feel like you're in dire competition with men, and that is simply the mother wound. Right.

Finding Identity

I would just highly recommend that learn to dig deep inside of yourself, because being a man, above all else, is learning how to take on resistance culture. When. I mean, resistance is sort of like weights, endurance, struggle, pain, and then power and strength and learning how to pretty much navigate those fields, because that's really what it is. If you look at most all Mendez, you know, we respect people who endure the most, who take on the most, who have the most harshest lives.

Culture of Endurance

We respect them. And there's a reason, because that is the culture that actual, true men are dipped in, you know, from the heel, they're dipped into it. And so I think people need to understand that, especially if you've been raised by a single mother, you know, learn to detach from your mother, detach from her tit, and you need to discover who you are apart from her, the character she's created of you. And you need to discover who the hell your real character is.

Personal Growth

And you need to see her on an equal level, not the pedestal level. Take her down off the pedestal and then bring her down to the equal level and understand who she really is as a human being. And then you understand more of yourself as well on how you actually endure and navigate this world. Learn how to figure out where's your, like, dig deep point. Also, when you're working, learn how to shut your brain off and to just do something monotonous.

Work Ethic

Learn how to just keep going. Just focus on the project, the objective and just turn off your brain. Don't think of how long this is going to take, how monotonous this is, or how, you know, horrible this experience is when you're working. Learn how to shut the brain off. You're going to be coming back. This is a lot to digest. Sum pretty much, I would say don't go after the sexiest jobs out there, because that's what everybody's going for.

Pursuing an Authentic Path

Go for a skill, a trade, get yourself your money, and then you can decide to explore any other options. But, you know, get mobilized, get that paper, and then grind. Work on yourself, you know, put some effort into your body, put some effort into your style, express your style, and everything else will come. That's all I can say. Oh, that's great. Now this is rehearsal time.

Embracing Individuality

You can express your style here on this Twitter bubble. There's not that many people here. You're not in front of anybody and they don't see you physically if you got pimples or whatever. Okay, try it out here. Speak up. You know, pull your chest out a little bit and speak. And if you stutter a little bit and haha, that's okay. It's just a little Twitter bubble. No big deal. And then you'll feel more empowered, more enabled, and you'll just continue that I want to say something here because that was very inspirational, Sars.

Finding Your Voice

And you said, be yourself, be male, you know, find your identity, don't compare yourself to other men, because God has made you unique with a whole set of abilities, with proclivities, special talents. Left brain, right brain, both center brain, too. I'm just, you know, I don't even know what side brain is, but I'm not scientific, so. But God has a unique plan, destiny for you.

Purpose and Ambition

And that destiny is you either become a hermit or you get married. Now, God wants to continue the perpetuity of the human race and he wants still a church oriented, church influenced nation here in America, which is the Jews are destroying with Hindus here and Hindu demon monkeys putting up 60ft and Hindus drinking urine. Okay. And the Jews making sure they got a vice president that has a Hindu demon worshiping allegedly, reportedly wife, which is disgusting.

Controversial Topics

And Trump should have never allowed it. And so I'm not going to go there. So there's a woman for you. You're not going to be a hermit, you're not going to join a monastery. That's, that's a rare exception. There is a woman for you. There's a destiny for you to be a husband, to be the head of the wife, to have children, to be a father, to mentor them, to see them grow into men, into leaders, to see their children, to see the children's children, to be a great grandfather.

Embracing Future Generations

It's a wonderful destiny. We have a wonderful opportunity ahead of us. And I, people say, oh, you complain, you know, I'm going to go to this space here. You complain. Okay, fine. Okay. But really, I'm 110% optimist. I really am. Okay, Brody, who's next? Let's go to Gentile. Yes. Brody, you answer them when they ask you to hear. Okay, my mic's good. All right. Yes, it's good.

Engaging in Discussion

All right. So I just wanted to bring up for Brother Nathaniel, maybe if you were talking about ending the Jewish fed. That's the number one most important thing. So in North Dakota, they have a state bank that was created in 1919. And I was wondering maybe if we could maybe, do you have a banking solution, a short term solution, before we end the fact.

Financial Solutions

I do. And that is local banks based on commodities. It doesn't have to be gold based. It can be the commodity of that regional area. I did multiple videos on this, and the one who brings this up is this economist, Ellen something. Does anybody know her name? Just look up on Google, or maybe Yandex is better. Really? Oh, Ellen Brown. That's her name. Ellen Brown. Local banking.

Research and Resources

She has a short book on it. But you don't have to buy the book. It's on a PDF. It's essays. She may even be on Twitter. Look her up on Twitter. Ellen Brown. So she's a big proponent of ending the Fed, but practically by starting these local, regional and state banks. And she talks about the State bank of North Dakota. Whether that's working well or not, I'm not sure. I stopped following it.

Encouraging Local Banking

Thanks for the reminder. I have to start following that again. Okay. Anything else? What do you want to say about white youth getting married and having white children? I think maybe not to be rude, but maybe your advice to go stand in a grocery store is not a good. Not the best thing there. There's a lot of women on Instagram, on social media, and if you just shoot them a DM, usually they'll respond.

Utilizing Modern Communication

I mean, they're on Instagram all day. Well, yeah, look, I don't have all the answers. I'm saying that's one. I just say that's the answer. Yeah, no, I'm just. I did say, look, I had a friend that tried church didn't work. You got a dating app. They're going to get married. So there's a lot of ways. And someone said teriyaki bars. So, Eric, comedy bars, try it.

Clarifying Intentions

If you're going there with the right motive, not to get drunk or for a pickup to forticate. No, see, I have to make it very clear because I'll get attacked by some Christians. Okay. If you're going there with the right motive, you want to find a girl and you'll go up and do the karaoke, and a girl likes the sound of your voice and you know, she had a drink, you had a drink or loosened up.

Purposeful Socializing

You're not drunk. Try it. Because you're going for the right reason to find a mate, to get married in holy matrimony, and to have and to fulfill the first commandment. I think I have a clear conscience to saying that I'll get attacked. I know it. I'm going to get hit. And I have to. Every time I do a space, I say to myself, should I record this?

Navigating Public Perception

If I record this, someone's going to take something out of context and they're going to try to discredit me and try to ruin me. Basically. It hasn't worked so far. They've tried. And some of them are actually convert priests who come from the Baptist church who begged for the priesthood, because they want the highest seat in the synagogue and they attack me and they try to ruin me.

Facing Criticism

It hasn't worked. So if any of you convert priests are listening, or you're ready to report me to a convert priest, it's not going to work because the Russian bishops are behind me. Okay, so very good. Who's next? Brodies. Let's go to Caravelt. Hey, how are you? Good. Okay. Brody's is the host there, so you answer them when they say how are you?

Engagement with the Audience

And all that stuff. Okay? Okay. Well, I wanted to ask you, what are your thoughts on the Islamic world in. In the west? Does that have any impact or. No. What does it have to do with white youth getting married? Calling all white youth. It has nothing to do with it. What's your next question?

Sensitive Topics

My next question is, you know, I feel like sometimes, brother Nathaniel, your words come across as anti semitic. For real. Well, wait, anti Semitism is a good thing. The stronger anti semitic I am, the more pleased I am to God. What's your next question? That's kind of rude thing to say. I mean, think about. No, it's biblical. I'm not talking about this.

Reflections on Conversation

I'm talking about white youth. Look at the topic. Calling all white youth. Now you're talking about anti semitism and all this and attacking me. It's related. No, no, I'm not attacking you. I just wanted to say, well, calmly, I feel like sometimes, you know, your words can come across as a little insensitive to the Jewish community. Well, you think I give a care? Do you think the jews care how they come across that?

Challenge Norms

You go, William Brody. Who's next? Who's next? Let's go to Sean. I think he's going to attack you, so get ready. Yeah, get ready for this, Sean. Go ahead. Where people are having white babies and a positive birth rate, there is a country that exhibits positive birth rates and having lots of white babies. It's called Israel.

Discussion of Population Dynamics

And guess what? America can even have 60% of will be 30. Over the age will be 30. They're not white. And yeah, they are some white.

Discussion about Marriage and Community

Some of them. All right, Brody's get rid of. Are you Jewish? Get rid of them. Get rid of them. Stupid girl. Got it. He's probably total Jewish victory. Total Israel victory. Coming out to play. All right, let's go to someone new. They. They attacked in twos for a reason, by the way. Yeah. Hey, brother, two quick questions for you. The first, you're touching on law. So a recent American law graduate here looking to get into the field. Is there any areas I know you spoke about criminal as a patriot to get into you recommend? That's the first question. Why? I tell you what. Go to at Witsit gets it. Tell him you were listening to a space of mine and I brought up his name.

Advice on Legal Field

Hello him. Roadies are going to handle this. We're not going to talk at a turn, so go ahead, Ubermensch. Continue your go. Go to at Witsit gets it. Sit. So we're bringing this up about what young white youth can go into. I'm saying trade, and if you want to go through the college deal, become a criminal lawyer. So at Witsit gets it. It says, no, it's commerce law, that you can make the biggest impact. I said I didn't know that. I don't think I know much about commerce law. We're going to do a space on it sometime this week, but in the meantime, I want you to go at Witsit gets it and DM him. Tom, I referred him. Ask him. Tell me, tell your law graduate everything like that, and I want to know more about commerce law.

Further Guidance and Personal Opinions

And he'll be very glad, you know, to call you or email you and he'll explain to you. He's a very intelligent man. I appreciate it. Okay, Witsit gets it. I'll look that up and then last question. I don't hear many guys speak about this, but do you have any idea or any preference really, between, you know, you say you're a racialist. Between, you know, there are like the Nordics and then you have more the Mediterranean, I guess, archetypes, Italians and Spaniards against them mixing. Or do you even tell like northern Europeans and Americans to strictly stay with northern Europeans? How do you feel about the admixture of Europeans in general? Should they stick with their small subgroup? I'm not addressing anyone in Belgium or Amsterdam or Frankfurt or Paris. I'm talking about Americans. So they do whatever they do there.

Importance of Marrying Within Race

I don't. It's not my field. American white youth must marry a white female if they're men. Young white male youth marry a young white female. Youth have tons of children. White raise them in the church because that way the children learn their common heritage, which is the church, not paganism, that was destroyed in the fourth century AD. And then the church emerged and just kept on growing and built the greatest civilization that ever existed. The Jews have ruined it and the sister country, America, became a great civilization, and the Jews are in the process of ruining that through homosexuality. CRT bringing the Hindus here. Demon worshippers, Muslims here, Mexicans here. I mean, we can't recognize ourselves anymore.

Concerns Over Cultural Demographics

The Jews are doing this on purpose. So we need a white demographic and whites who will take leadership and build an aristocracy. We don't know. We don't need big numbers. It's just the cream of the crop. This is what I've been saying, and I was the first one to say it. Of course, the first ones to attack me are Christians, but I don't give a damn. I don't. Okay, anything else you want to say to add to this? No, sir. No, sir. Just have as many as possible. It should be like, I believe every man's goal to have 14 or twelve or ten or. Well, how many you have? I mean, that's my, that's none at the moment. Working on that.

Personal Life and Future Plans

Are you married? No, sir. Working on that as well. All right, you're working on it. How old are you now? 26, 25? I knew you were up there. Well, you're not up there. You're still zero. You have high testosterone. You're smart, you're. You sound like a leader. I mean, man, you know, that girl is there for you. She's there. And just do what you said. You said, it's not really the grocery store. So go on to Instagram, go on those things, dm them, and you'll find it. And I always say, pray what Witsa did. I don't know what his full religion is, okay, but he said he went to the creator, and that's great.

Spiritual Insights and Personal Preferences

And he said to the creator and went out in the woods, this is what I want. I hope you will help me, but this is what I want. And he just spelled it out. I want a white girl who's childbearing, who's young, who will look up to me as a leader and will be a good house, keep, you know, build a good house. And boom, he went to the Bible, turned to it. Hosea, he says, get yourself a wife. He says, that's confirmation. He said, within two weeks, she came along. That works. Prayer works. You only have to pray once. So I'm advising that too. But I'm not saying you have to. Just my counsel. So there are many ways to find a wife.

Dating and Social Interactions

I said, I have a fellow who was trying in church. He did? Where? He got a dating app. He found her within three dates. They're about to get married. Brody's. I'm not allowing noise. Oh, Ikira, don't do that. All right, get out. Get him out of the room. Out. Get him out of the room. He's out. He's out. He should be. No, I still see his moniker. I don't want to see that moniker. He disrespected you. He's still here. Don't you know how to get him out of the room? Good. You do. Okay, who's next? All right, let's go to satch.

Discussion on Relationships and Family Dynamics

Hello. Oh, hi. Hi. I have a daughter. She's 24, and she's in a serious relationship with a young man. They're both white, and they both graduated college, and they love each other very much. And so in my mind, it's like, well, you should start talking about getting married and so forth. The problem is, and I myself am a victim of this cultural thing, the Marxist education that tells you, no, you don't get married at that age, you might miss out on a better opportunity. You got to try out all these partners and put it, well, how does the woman feel? How does his partner feel?

Insights on Modern Relationships

She's. She's on a biological time clock. My daughter is two years older than him. Oh, that's your daughter. How was your daughter? She's 24 and he's 20, and the boy is 22, and his mother controls his life. Such a helicopter parent. So my daughter's up against that factor. Yeah, but he can be pulled out of that. Why don't you. Do you have a husband? I do not. Do you have any males in your life? Do you have a pastor? Do you have a friend who's a strong male who can get involved a little bit with some, you know, support of this relationship?

Support Systems in Relationship Dynamics

Well, I mean, I think you're right. He can be pulled out of it, and I think my daughter is somewhat, you know, empowered to help in that way and. Okay, but there has to be a male involvement. Why don't you get a friend and have him over for dinner? Your male friend is strong. Your daughter and her boyfriend and, you know, just talk and be friendly and all that stuff, a glass of wine, loosen up a little bit, and then you can get on that subject in a very diplomatic, you know, casual way. But they need. This boy needs a male influence. It's not going to be your daughter. It's not going to be you.

Community and Influence

Get that male friend. I'm sure you have him. He's there. I know he's there. Well, sorry. I'll tell you this, that, I've. My daughter became born again, saved after I did two years. Well, tell her to get the pastor involved or some leader there, right. And have him over for dinner. She's, huh. She's bringing the boy to church, her boyfriend. So he's open to that. So I think that's a good angle. Thank you. Okay. That's the angle.

Role Models and Building Families

So someone at that church is that. That your boy likes, that your daughter likes, who's male, who can be a role model that may be a little bit older, who's married and has kids, maybe 34 or something, have them over for dinner, and it's going to be you, that male leader, and your daughter, and that boy, and it'll all work out. I guarantee you. Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay, Brody's who's up? All right, let's go to our resistance. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah.

Conversations on Cultural Dynamics

Okay. So, brother Nathaniel, I use that the. Issue we have right now is people. But did you know that the reason why a pack is powerful is because of design is Christians? I mean, the whole reason. That's not why you don't think they don't need to go in. First of all, you sound like you're in a robot or something. Can you fix that? Let me try. I mean, it's obnoxious, quite frankly, but. Okay, let me ask you a question, and we'll go on the next one. We're talking about white youth, and we've been talking, if you're pulling a thread here, of white youth getting married and having white babies, and if you're following my thread, this is to build white majority demographics higher than it is now and to counter the Jewish racial.

Reflections on Racial Identity

AIPAC has money coming out of their anuses, and they don't need Goyim Zionists like John Hagee and John MacArthur. They laugh at him. They hear John Hagee say, I love the Jewish people. I say to Hagee, they don't love you fat ass. Okay. You fat goyamass. They don't love you, and they don't want your love. Maybe they feel, okay, it could be useful, but they don't need it. They have every hack on Capitol Hill, beginning with speaky, low life, low red Johnson, who's not a Christian, pretends to be. He's not. They have them in their pocket. They don't need evangelical Zionists.

Concerns About Representation

Did you fix your speaker resistance? He didn't. Who's next? Brody? I don't think he did. Let's go to cripple. Cripple. Go ahead. You have your hand up. The hand is up. He's not speaking. Yeah, let's go to get his hand down. It's getting on my nerves. Put his hand down. All right, we got a. Let's go to Septimu. Septimu, go ahead. Except to move. Go ahead. He's not going ahead. Brody, go ahead. All right. Yes. Yeah.

Discussion on White Concerns

So, yeah, I was just thinking about kind of the incentives we would collectively provide to, you know, white people in general, because white people today, as we know, are just completely brainwashed. They're completely indoctrinated into believing that it's not okay to be white. And you can't be proud of it. You can't even think you're making a generalization. Not all, but go ahead. Right, right. And that's a good thing, and that's why we need it. We bear the responsibility to actually start waking people up, which is why we need to lay the foundations to give the incentives to be fruitful and multiply.

Incentives and Community Support

Where are the incentives? And how do we implement the incentives? Go ahead. Well, you have to start. You have to start talking about it, and you have to start talking about it with just regular people on the street outside of. Okay, good. Now what's next? well, obviously you have to have the family, so you have to, Obviously, I guess here it start with us. So we all got to have. We all got to have lots of kids. If you're white. Gotta have lots of kids. Got, I'm hoping to have as many as possible.

Future Aspirations in Family Life

Okay. So it starts with one. Are you married? Right. I will be, hopefully. All right. Hopefully. Do I have a girlfriend? not at the moment. Why not? But I could go out and get one. Well, Good. You wouldn't go out and get one. Good. Well, you will get one, I guess, right? You will, right? Go out and get one. Whatever it takes. Instagram, whatever is grocery store, karaoke, whatever. The gym. Just try some things.

Sense of Urgency in Relationships

Right. It's absolutely urgent. We're in trouble, right? People think, you know, Stu. Peter says I'm stuck up in Idaho, in the woods. That's not true. I hold up the cross. That's my main ministry. I travel over the country. I see what's happening demographically, and I talk to people. We're in a crisis. The Jews are doing something. I have to look into it. Maybe some of you can help me. They're bringing Hindus in here, you know, with. With their cattle yard.

Cultural Observations

All right. Yeah. That are fucking terrible. Well, they're disgusting. They're all over smelling. Right, brother? They're all over San Francisco. Right. I never used to see them in San Francisco, except near this one area near the. That place. And they're on the ocean. That was once real famous. I forget what the hell it's called where they have fish and all that stuff. Bro date. All right. Doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Can I just add this? The Hindus have been used sort of like the South Americans or the Mexicans in America.

Social Implications of Immigration

They've been used in sabotaging operations in Britain and in Australia. So Indians have been sort of in the back pocket of Israelis. And I want to ask a question. All right. We're going to speak in order. We're speaking in turns. We'll go to you in a little bit. So, Cyrus? Yeah. There was a bombing issue, I think, where they used Indians to actually explode a submarine. One part, I think it was in the UK, and it seems historically, when I looked it up, Indians have always been used to kind of create the sort of septifuge.

Economic Dynamics and Racial Identity

Well, they're greedy. They want money. They'll never give charity. They're the least charitable people walking the face of the earth. You know, they'd be hard pressed to give a bum a penny. They'd have to look at that penny and make a million decisions. Should I give it to them? Yeah. I think it's safe to say that Indians in general are just their pawns. All right, we're going to look at brother. Brother, what do you think about. Wait. Brody's. We're not going to talk at a term, whenever brother Nathaniel wants to speak to you, he'll speak to you, but we'll all get to you in a second.

Community and Leadership

So go ahead, brother. No, Brody's is handling this and we're going to have an orderly discussion here. So who's next? Brody's. We'll go to Stephen, then. Right, so my question is, what do you think about the. Orthodoxy? Because I'm Romanian, you know, and, like, are you American? Romanian. Romanian? No. I want Americans only. That's the wrong man. The thing is, I'm asking. No, it says Americans only. I'm gonna stick to it.

Conversations on Cultural Identity

Brody's. Who's next? Let's go to Geospy. Geo, do you have anything to say? Hey, brother Nathaniel, I had a question. So, let's say, you know, you get married. American. I'm a white Australian, but it's got. To do with marriage and that. So I was gonna ask. Yeah, but the Romanian may have. Now I gotta bring the Romanian up. I'm gonna stick to it. No, Brody's. I'm sorry, he can't speak. Americans only.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Who's next? Let's go to who hasn't spoken a while. Ubermensch. Do you want to say anything? Okay, I guess not. Gentile. Do you want to say anything? Yeah, I just want to say America's the best. You guys suck, but not for real. Brother, what do you mean you guys suck? Who? The Australians. I'm talking about the Australians. I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm just being so. I did have a question here.

Historical Context of American Politics

Were you. How old were you when George Lincoln Rockwell got assassinated? Were you old enough to have an opinion on that? What year was that? 60. 69. I was 19 and at that point, I was not interested. Okay. Did your dad have an opinion? No. All right. My dad was more into mainstream politics and wanted me to understand it and look beneath a facade of different issues. But it was mainstream. Totally. Everybody was hearing about it on the news and stuff.

Reflections on Family and Life

I don't remember hearing it. My dad had me watch the news constantly. I just don't remember it. All right, well, I guess for. For people in this space, I don't really. I'm. I don't have much to say to people, but if. Now I'm going to talk. Brody. Brody's I'm talking. This space is called. Why does I get. Do I get interrupted on my own space? Brody's. You got to handle this right. It's my space and I'm not going to get interrupted. I'm not going to tolerate it. Calling all white youth Americans only.

Issues of Demographic Change

I began this by saying that we have a demographic problem. The Jews, the Yids. I like to use the k word, but I'm not. I'd like to are bringing Hindus here in droves. I see it on the streets. Plus Muslims, plus Mexicans, plus every third world Pakistani, hell, every shade around. The Jews are doing that to destroy a white racial consciousness, a white racial collective. The IDs are doing this. These are wicked people. They know who could withstand them.

Historical Importance and Individual Responsibility

But I'm not going to get into the historical. I'm not going to make a long winded thing on this. So I had started this space and I'm going to continue it. I'm going to insist on it that it's up to the white youth to solve this issue. And to counter the jew, the white youth have to get married. And by the time a white youth is at legal age, it's popping out of his zipper. Excuse me, Christians, I don't give a damn what you think. So I'm saying if you don't use it, you'll lose it.

Call to Action for Youth

Start at 18, get married. Don't worry about the money. God will take care of that, because children are an inheritance of the Lord. He owns those children that come forth from your wife's womb. He'll make sure they get fed with a roof over their head. Well educated and well taken care of. The Lord will make sure. Doesn't mean you sit on your ass. You got to get out and work, and you will. Once you see that baby there, you will.

Promotion of Family Growth

You got to get married, and you have tons and tons of white children. You have to do it. It's not going to be a burden. It's going to be a great joy that you're starting your own little nation right in your own little home. A white nation. I. This is just a wonderful thing you have. You're in love with a woman. Relate to this woman with her voice and her manner, and let her breath satisfy you at all times. Oh, some Christian will attack me for saying that.

Cultural Observations and Challenges

Well, damn it, the proverb says that. You stupid Christian idiots. I've had it with these people. I just had it with them. I'm beginning to think that Christian is the worst vermin walking. Actually, I'm insulting vermin. At any rate. Let me get back to this without getting angry. I promised myself I was going to keep cool, and now I'm blowing it. So this is. This is the topic of this space. American youth.

Implications for Future Generations

As America goes, the whole world will go. And so it's going to start here in America, white youth. Get married, learn a skill. If you want to be something more than that, you go to college, fine. But in the meantime, make money. You can start making money right away by being an apprentice for a plumber or for an electrician. And if you get that credential, that license man you call, you make your own hours.

Opportunities for Skilled Trades

Because I know electricians are in demand, and you can't get enough electricians. I have a builder here where I live in northern Idaho, and I was ready to move in to a nice new place. He says, brother, you can't move in yet. I can't get an electrician here to get this approved, so I had to wait two months. Okay, so this is the topic, and we're gonna stick to the topic, and it's gonna be Americans only. Sometime we can open up to Australians, Romanians, it's gonna be Americans, whites only, male or female.

Concluding Remarks

Okay, who's next? Brody's. Let's go to John. Go ahead. Hey, what's up? I'm an American. I'm 32. Just want to say I live in one of the better areas in America, and it was always described all my life as, you know, the white suburb, the rich white suburb I cannot go into. Let's just pick any store like a local Walmart. And it is now, unfortunately, at this point, you know, a straight minority of white people.

Reflections on Racial Dynamics

I rarely see any white people where I live. It's a little. People aren't hateful, though. But, you know, I will say a lot of them are Hindus. They're more successful on average than Los Angeles or whatever other shit's going on in California, Texas, any of these other hellholes. I would like to just push back a little bit, just to point out, because I do have a. A friend who I've known all my life. He's a successful business owner.

Elements of Cultural Shifts

It is due to the Muslims India that is pushing them all here. Not the Jews, but that's here nor there. That's their own problem, that they need to deal with themselves when it comes to having more babies in America. Truly, it's one party in this country that has been holding that back in every way, shape or form. They hold us back. They don't allow us to have kids, to own a home.

Social Implications of Policies on Families

I don't know. Are they in your bedroom? Are you married? Well, they incentivize a lot of things. Otherwise, if not, you wouldn't be having these spaces, you know? But if you would like to say, yeah, they support it, that's fine. If they did, though, you wouldn't have Trump coming out now saying, doing things. Like, what are you doing? What are you. The Democrats in your bedroom? Are the Democrats in your bedroom keeping your pants on?

Conversations about Personal Agency

It's not like you even want me to have him a family anyways. Like, I don't understand what you want. To have a family. I don't understand what you're saying here. But, well, I'm asking you a question. Do you want to have a family? Yes. Okay. Do you have a wife?

Discussion on Having Kids

Yes. Well, why do you have kids? Waiting for the right time. The economy is hell right now. I want. Don't wait. You wait for the right time. How many kids do you have? Well, let me tell you. How many kids do you have? I will answer that. I want to answer it in context. When I was 18, I tried to get married, and it was a three-year drag. And finally, she jilted me. Okay. Then I tried again when I was 29, and that was a six-year drag. Then I got jilted. Then I tried one more time at the age of 42. I spent a lot of money on this one. Going to Manhattan. Her stove was broken. Every time I went to Manhattan, the stove was still broken. I'm taking her out to these restaurants. I lost a lot of money. Then she jilted me. Now I'm 44. I said, to hell with it.

Advice Against Listening to Detractors

Okay, so I've heard. I've listened to you for a while now. I just want to say to everyone here, as someone who's had multiple girlfriends has had zero, you know, struggling, it sounds like most of you guys are here. Please don't listen to this man. If you would like to meet a. Woman, put them out of the room. If you like to meet a woman. Brody's shut him up. You're out of the room. Who's next? Let's go to a cripple. You know, let me tell you, everybody something. I can tell by the sound of a voice that the guy is. Is a devil. Do you know that?

Perceptions of Character

I can just tell what? He sounds a little. Just call him gay, bro. Nate. No, no. It's not. He's not. He's not gay. I guarantee he's not gay. He's hetero, but he's a devil. Okay, Brody, who's next? It's a. It's cripple. I was just, crippling. We were talking about our conversation earlier. I know you mentioned that, I should look into college as one of my routes to get a career and stuff like that. However, I find a little bit difficult to, you know, get myself into that kind of debt and then having to repay it, so. I know you also mentioned doing, like, a trade and learning stuff that way, but I just.

Trade Skills and Employment

But making money. You'll start making money as an apprentice? Oh, 100%. And I completely. You go to any plumbing shop in your neighborhood, say, hey, I'm here for you. I'll buy you coffee. I'll go out for. To lunch for you and buy you sandwiches. He says you're hired. Oh, but I also want to learn how to do plumbing. He says you're hired. Oh, and I completely. And he'll start paying you. And, I mean, where? I live out in rural Colorado, kind of near Fort Garland and stuff. I mean, we only have one refrigerator repairman that does well. Go to him. Go to him.

Persistence in Finding Opportunities

Go to the plumber. There's plumbers. Everybody gets stuffed toilets. You go. They're there. I don't want to hear excuses. No, no. I completely get that, man. It's just, you know, it's just one of those things that, you know, stopped me from pursuing, like, a career in, like, law and stuff. Like that. Whereas, you know, I would. Okay, well, you bite the bullet and the money will come. I understand. I guarantee you, if you just say to the Lord, or just say to yourself, I'm not going to make this a religious thing, okay. Just say to yourself, this is what I want to do and I'm going to do it.

Determination and Willpower

And because you're on this phase and it's. I go into everyday spaces in prayer. You're going to make it, man. It's going to work. Just really. I don't do these spaces out of futility. It's going to work. Like I told this guy, it won't take four months to be out of the wheelchair. You'll be out of it in two months. Like I told this woman, get this male, and I didn't even know it would. I said, you have a male leader. I know you do. And, yeah. She said, yeah, yes, I do, actually. But I already knew that.

Leadership and Responsibility

So she's going to have the male leader con with a daughter and the boy and, you know, and hers. So, yeah, I'm guaranteeing you just put your foot forward. You know, we say you tip your. Put your foot in the Jordan, start moving and it'll part. I completely understand, man. Just having that devotion and being able to put yourself forward to it and commit to those kind of jobs and stuff will really get you to the next level, especially when. Yes, it will, but you have to start with the toe in the Jordan. Just start somewhere. I got you.

The Value of Willpower in Healing

And you have to have the. It's the power of will that God has given us. It's a very powerful thing. You know, I come from a medical family, okay? And the secret of healing is wanting to live. So when someone is in this situation where they feel, oh, no, look what's happening to me. The doctors I know in my family always have said it's the. It's the will to live. Yeah. That is the best part of the healing process. And being able to give those people that are in distress like that, positive confirmation and stuff like that, to be able to move forward with the recovery and stuff like that.

Leading and Serving Others

And me, well, I want you to. Do that with others. That's leadership. Yeah. Leadership is service. Jesus Christ made this very clear. He said, you know, I am the one who serves. Be like me. So we started washing everyone's feet there. You have to be like me. That's true service to that. True leadership is to serve. Is that like an obligation, a responsibility? And that's manliness. Yeah. And women are attracted to that.

Seeking Practical Advice

Well, I really appreciate the advice, man. I'll make sure to, you know, be able to implicate that more in my life, especially with these outlooks. And when it comes to jobs and stuff like that, I really. Well, you will. I know it. I know you're going to do it, bro. Nate, I have a quick question. There's a question in the comments I want to see. It seems like a good one, but I'm looking to kind of hear your insight on it. It says, if your wife has cheated on you, should you stay and try to work it out for the sake of the children?

Handling Marital Issues

Well, you try to work it out for the sake of the marriage. Yeah, you start there. If you start with that on that person to person level and not, well, I'm doing for the children. Well, the wife's not going to respond to that. Now. These things never happen in a vacuum. Something is gone awry on that man side. Yes. And it's always the blame. Well, she's cheating on me, and now she's shacking up. But wait a minute. Where have you failed? And I guarantee you he's failed somewhere, or else that woman would not be doing that.

Taking Responsibility for Relationships

So we all have to own up to our own sins, our own mistakes, our own failures. However you want to call it a. I don't want to. You don't have to call it a religious terms, our own shortcomings, our own screw ups where we screwed up, you have to start there. Then if you start there and you're willing to admit it and talk to the wife who's doing that, go out to dinner, say, let's have a talk. Let's communicate. That's how we got married in the first place. Let's talk about it.

The Importance of Communication

And you have to, right from the get-go, be willing to forgive her and then be willing to be honest about your own failings. That's my answer. Who's next? A very good insight, brother Nathaniel. I really appreciate the advice, by the way. Yeah, thank you. But, you know, look, I don't call myself an ultra cocker like run out, okay? I'll be 74 next Friday, and I'm in good shape. I run 6 miles a day, watch I stay trim.

Health and Resilience

You know, I keep my mind focused on bible and church fathers and history and politics, geopolitics. And I consider myself with it having a very youthful vigor, youthful energy. And I plan on living a long time to 130. That's my goal. So I can fight the Antichrist. Oh, I. More than I've had believe in it, man. I got the vigor for it because he'll probably come around when I'm 127. He's going to last for three and a half years. So I get the first three brunches.

The Discussion Transitions

You're going to kick it. You're going to kick his ass. I'll kick his ass. All right. Brody's his next. Thank you, cripple. Ubermensch. Go ahead, cripple. You're going to change that handle. It's terrible. You're not a chair, too, Mandy. I don't care about the picture, but get a, you know, hero. Call yourself Hercules or something. I'll see what I can do, man. Thanks for the. All right. Okay. Yeah, quick, another. Another question for you.

Urban vs Rural Living

Would you recommend to men in the space that live maybe in a more rural area to head out to one of these big cities? I know they can be crazy, but to put all that aside. No, you say we're gonna put you. Unless you need a job in another area. But if you're satisfied there, you have a job there, you have family there, you have your roots there, you can stay there.

Finding Community in Rural Areas

And maybe you'll have to drive an hour to go to a church or some social gathering. But, you know, if you have a car, get on a dating app, you know, and you know. Or Dm. This guy said, you dm. People on Instagram do that. But you don't have to move. You just stay where you are and just tell the creator or Jesus however you want to address. Okay, the creator. I'm not going to get into religiosity here and just say, this is what I want.

Setting Intentions and Goals

I'm this old, and I want a wife, and I want her to be childbearing and I want to be a leader. He'll get you that wife. I guarantee you he will. And just ask once. But then you got to do something. You put some feet to that request, you'll have a wife. I guarantee you a good one. No, no. You want to say anything more? Anything? Input what? No, I mean, that you. That was everything.

Seeking Relationship Insights

If there's anything else that you like, her father or any tenancy she's has, anything you could say more about the woman in particular that lets you. Okay, let me get to know you better. How old are you? 25. All right, so you're ripe and ready, man. So you have a job? Yes, but moving. Moving into another one soon, another role. All right, so what? So it's a better job you're making.

Taking Responsibility for Finances

Are you making money? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. All right, so you're a guy that is responsible. You go to work because a woman doesn't want some low life. All right? So you're gonna go. You go to work. So you go. What do you have? You sound. You have a nice voice. I like your voice. You're not the devil like that other one. I could tell.

Reassurance and Encouragement

So I can tell by a voice immediately. So I will not worry about, well, she's got to have a strong father. Then she'll say, yes, I have a strong father. And she does it. Don't even go there. Because a woman can have a weak father or a father that was not so hot and still be very strong because God made us all individuals, and these are social constructs that shouldn't know be goalpost for us.

Looking Beyond Preconceived Notions

Oh, she doesn't have a strong father. Forget it. Well, what if she's gorgeous and beautiful and wonderful personality? Forget the father. Forget it. So, no, don't go there. I would say just meet the person. Get on a dating app, whatever it takes. A church gathering, something, karaoke bar. We're talking about all these things you can do. Dming, grocery store, you know, talk to them about the banana, her, whatever it is, just be determined to get that wife, and you will get that wife, and you will have that.

Family and Future Aspirations

Those children you want. You will be a great husband and a great father. And we're going to do something besides your own personal fulfillment to put down the jews. So it's a multidimensional death and experience for you. All right, Phil, go ahead. Phil plays the piano. Okay, so what's going on, Phil? You there? He's keeping time. Okay, who's next? Making up our time. Go.

Inquiry into Group Dynamics

Who's next? Yeah, let's go to a journalist. Journalist. Go ahead, unmute your mic. Your tongue should be. If you just drop down. Sorry, I'm just trying to get new speakers. Let's go to. Okay, how are we gonna beat the jews when you have all. These men are a coward. I'm heredinous. We can talk about. Go ahead, Jen.

Creating a Supportive Community

We can talk about everybody in this space. I was just thinking if you guys wanted to. I don't know if my DM's are open, but if you guys wanted to. DM. Probably one of the reasons why people are so scared is because they don't have a social backing. People are atomized so they feel like that if they have to speak up, they have to speak out alone, which you don't really have to do that.

Encouragement for Networking

So I guess what do you. What are you, what are you suggesting, Genta? I'm suggesting if anybody here wants to dm me. I actually don't know. If my DM's are open, then we can dm after the space and people can keep talking to each other. The more connected you are then. Are you trying to plug yourself? Oh, no. I think he's just trying to say if he want.

Open Discussion on Advice

If anyone wants to like, get advice or just like, have someone to talk to, I guess. No, I like what he's saying. Okay, so what will you talk about? Genteel? Well, practical things. Most people, they get distracted. They go online and maybe it's some random thing shows up in their feed. So if you're going online, you should be in a space that eventually, like a mirror, if you bounce off of it bounces you back somewhere.

Making Productive Connections

That's productive. So we can talk about, I don't know, people have sisters. Most people have sisters or friends that are women. So if you're looking for a girl today, then you could have a friend who could hook you up. All right. I like it. It's networking. I think it's great. I'm all for it. So Dm Gentile, rig, click on him, follow him, I guess, and then dm him.

Invitation for Further Contact

I'm all for it. Okay. Anything else you want to say? Gentile? I guess maybe just if you have money and you want to make your money work for you. I'm just talking about things that I've heard other people say. You can pay other people too. You can network with people that. If you have a friend who knows how to change oil, then you can get your oil changed from your friend instead of having to go pay 200 or $300 from some company.

Suggestions for Financial Management

That's all right. Good. I like what you're doing. Maybe should open up a website or some kind of, you know, collective scenario. Let me ask you, what are your thoughts on calling all white youth, beginning at 18, to marry a white mate? If you're a male, of course, and they have a lot of white children, what are your thoughts on that? Gentile? I agree completely. I think that's the best thing to do.

The Importance of Marriage

Are you married? I'm not married. Why not? I just. Well, I'm young. I'm 22. I just got out of a relationship with a girl who did not want kids. So I'm looking. I mean, hey, if there's any girls in this chat, you can. You can dm me too. You'll get a girl who wants to have children. You just have to have the determination and you heard all kind of counsel, all kind of advice coming from not only me, from Cyrus, from others.

Aspirations for Future Families

Just have the determination to get married, have a lot of kids. And she will come along. I guarantee you'll write to me in four months. Says yes, she came along. We're going to get married. It's going to happen. Okay, who's next? Brody. Thank you. Let's go to satch search. Do you want to say anything? Me? Yeah. Do you want to say I didn't.

Call for Participants

Request, but sure, I'll say something. Well, why does she have a speaker she didn't request? You have to request. So you're now a listener. Then you can request. Who's next? Brody's. This is not like, you know, a chat room. Who's next? Brody's. Let's go to Brody. Go ahead. All right. If I don't see some men coming up and it's the same ones, I'm going to close it up.

Closing Thoughts

I'm looking at. Wait a minute, Brodies. I'm looking at John Smith with a big cross, looking at David Gar Mark Ap. The Romanian came back brother. No American. So no. Okay. No, no. We got John, guys. Go is a new one. We got go. Okay, bring up the new ones or else I'm gonna close it up. All right. Goy, go ahead.

Technical Challenges

Yeah, go. You have the floor. Go ahead. Is your mic working? All right, this is not working. Okay. Yeah, yeah. We're not having anyone request if you want to close it up. I think, yeah, I'm closing it up because this is part of the problem. I said, look, you can rehearse speaking here. Just a Twitter bubble. No one's gonna, you know, make a scowl.

Reflecting on Communication

You can't see anybody. You're not going to be embarrassed. But I can't get anybody to come up. So I just have to bite the bullet and hope that I'm reaching maybe two or three, and then it could snowball from there. If I can just reach two or three, I feel like I'm doing something, and I think part of the problem is, and correct me if I'm wrong, Brody's because you're pretty hip to these spaces. I come on some of these spaces, you know, waiting to speak or something, and it's just like everyone's sitting around just bsing and just saying, the other day I saw this on tv, and what the hell?

Identifying Group Behavior

This is just. And everybody is like, waving their hands, applauding out of nothing. And all these speakers want to say, yes, I was also watching tv, and it's just saying nothing. Yeah, it's. It's very nonchalant, I guess you could say. Yeah, okay, that's. It's nonchalant. But it's a thousand people. Hands up. Speakers here, there. And I said to myself, I don't want a thousand nonchalanters.

The Transition to Multicultural Spaces

I don't want a thousand. Well, I went to the supermarket. I saw these brown people, and I thought, look what's happening? And do you guys see this? Yes. Everybody waves their hand, and it's just a drag. But, you know, everyone wants to speak and say how they were walking down the street and someone came up to them and they were brown. And I turned away and everybody applauds and I'm out of there.

Reflection on Social Dynamics

Brother. We have a few new speakers, if they want to ask. Well, I think they see I'm ready to close up, and they. You know. Yeah. And they start coming. Take a big, deep breath. Okay, bring them on. That's fine. All right, let's go to DG. DG, go ahead. Okay, let's go to a goy. Go.

Challenges in Communication

Is your mic working now? Okay, I'm ending it. I'm not putting up with it. He who hesitates, his loss. That's part of being a man. You got your hand up and speak. All right, they're not doing it, so I'm done. I'm closing it up. I said I'm closing up. I am. I only have so much patience because we're in a crisis. I'm going to sum it up right now.

A Call to Action

The crisis is, if you're white, you're going to be out of the majority within five years unless you get your set of balls moving away from porn. And you're 18, legal age, and you ask the creator, ask Jesus Christ, whatever it takes, or just make that determination, I'm going to get married. I'm going to save myself. How do you save yourself? By fulfilling your destiny as a mandehead. By being fruitful and multiplying.

Adhering to Values

By doing what Moses says. A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. That's manhood for all who are called Adam, which is plural mankind. They move out from their father and mother, and now they are going to build their own household. That's basically what Moses is saying. You are going to be king of your own kingdom and palace. That's what Moses is saying.

Building Your Future

This is the destiny of every white, young male to build your own house, starting at 18. It used to be earlier than that in European countries. But that's the legal age, and I'm going to stick with that and get married. Don't worry about the money. The money will come because children are inheritance of the lord, says King David. He says other things like, do not I hate thee, o Lord, who hate thee.

Recognizing Cultural Dynamics

I hate them with a perfect hatred. So somebody says anti semite. Well, King David's anti semite. Okay, so this is what you're going to do. You're going to get married. You're going to have lots of white children. If you're a white male, of course you're going to marry a white female, and you want to marry somebody that you're compatible with. It may be the same social strata, maybe the same religious outlook, maybe the same political outlook, but women aren't really political.

Finding Compatibility

They're not. So it's the same likes, but it doesn't have to be all the same likes is going to be boring. You know, maybe she likes vanilla. You like chocolate, so you'll have a, you know, a. A banana split with chocolate and vanilla on it. You know, there's just a lot of ways that you can come together, and it'll happen if you have. Just have the determination.

Urgency in Demographics

I'm just going to stick with that because whites, you're going to be walking down a street and you're going to see one white man, 15 Hindus and 14 Muslims, and they were going to not longer be ruling Mister nice guy anymore. Now they come here. They got to feel their way. See, they're going to be real nice. Oh, they're very polite people. Oh, they're even kind of conservative people.

Discerning Social Changes

They're against LGBTQ. They're really on our side. They're not. They are not. They have their own racial credo collective. And you as a white, biologically and culturally white, culturally part of the church that built America, that built Europe. Protestants still were part of the church. They were just protesting against the church, the historic church, and they're not going to be so nice anymore.

Future Perspectives

They're not. And they're going to be politically oriented, like the Sindhu chappa kaka who may wipe his rear end with his toilet paper and drink cow yarn. He hooked up with two Jews, and he got trump to say, green cards. A beautiful green card. We have to give them to these best and brightest, even if they're in junior college. He was addressing Hindus.

Challenges in the Current System

They don't have student loans because Mumbai and New Delhi and all the Hindu Khaljornists there pay their tuition so they're not stacked with student loans and trump is a traitor there. He's a. He's a definite trader. So you have to do, this is urgent, people. I travel all across the country and it scares me. I was just in Chicago again.

Reflections on Social Changes

It was started when I went there the first time in 2006. Irish Catholic. If I saw an Irish Catholic, I said, what in the world are you doing here? I thought I was in Mumbai the next minute. No, I'm not in Mumbai, I'm in Istanbul. Muslims, crawling with Muslims, crawling with Hindus. This is what the Jews are doing to you white people.

Closing Call to Action

Now you're scared you won't get up and speak or get a set of balls, because I'm almost ready to stop these spaces. The only reason I did this space, because Brodeus wanted me to. And his young, upcoming leader wants to get married and wants to have a big family, and he wants to be fulfill his own destiny as a white male, and he wants to put the Jews topple to the jewish power. It all is multi dimensional.

Encouragement to Contribute

It doesn't have to be one dimensional.

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