Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space discussion within the P2E niche focused on community building, authenticity, and upcoming trends in crypto gaming. Participants emphasized the significance of collaboration, authenticity, and transparency in nurturing dedicated communities. Insights were shared on the importance of staying true to personal values, leveraging platforms like Discord for engagement, and navigating challenges in expressing opinions freely in the crypto sphere. The conversation highlighted the impact of context on social media algorithmic moderation and the struggles AI faces in understanding nuanced content accurately. CafeCosmos x NT | AMA, Cafe Cosmos resources, economics, sustainability, community development were key topics discussed, showcasing the emphasis on building sustainable communities within the crypto gaming space.


Q: How can you foster a dedicated community or 'cult' in the P2E space?
A: Fostering a dedicated community in the P2E space involves collaborating with like-minded individuals and cultivating authenticity and transparency in community interactions.

Q: What role does authenticity play in building a loyal following in the crypto gaming sector?
A: Authenticity is crucial in attracting followers who resonate with your values, building trust, and ensuring long-term engagement in the crypto gaming sector.

Q: How can connecting with individuals who share similar values enhance community growth?
A: Connecting with individuals who share similar values can create a sense of belonging and unity within the community, fostering growth and loyalty.

Q: Why is honesty and transparency crucial in content creation within the crypto community?
A: Honesty and transparency are essential as they build trust, credibility, and authenticity within the crypto community, leading to stronger community bonds.

Q: What are the benefits of engaging with followers through platforms like Discord?
A: Engaging with followers through platforms like Discord enhances community interaction, provides a space for real-time conversations, and fosters a sense of community.

Q: How important is it to uphold personal beliefs and values in community interactions?
A: Upholding personal beliefs and values is crucial in community interactions as it establishes authenticity, trust, and a genuine connection with the community.

Q: In what ways does context impact algorithmic content moderation on social media?
A: Context significantly influences algorithmic content moderation on social media platforms by ensuring that content is interpreted accurately and not subject to misinterpretation.


Time: 00:04:20
Introduction of Cafe Cosmos and Niko: Starting the discussion with an introduction to Cafe Cosmos and key figures., The podcast introduces Cafe Cosmos and Niko, initiating a deep dive into the game's development.

Time: 00:10:55
Gameplay Loop Explanation: Exploring the intricacies of the gameplay loop within Cafe Cosmos., A detailed explanation of how the gameplay loop operates in Cafe Cosmos.

Time: 00:15:03
Deep Dive into Economic Model: In-depth discussion on the economic model of Cafe Cosmos and its unique features., An exploration of the economic model employed by Cafe Cosmos and its innovative characteristics.

Time: 00:24:40
Sustainability Benefits Comparison: Comparing the sustainability benefits of Cafe Cosmos with similar games like Axie Infinity., Highlighting the sustainable aspects of Cafe Cosmos in comparison to other blockchain games.

Time: 00:32:41
Essential Tools for Game Economy: Discussing the essential tools, including Holovis and Jupyter Notebook, for structuring a sustainable game economy., Exploration of necessary tools for analyzing and developing a sustainable game economy.

Time: 00:37:53
Play-to-Airdrop Model Evaluation: Delving into the play-to-airdrop model and its sustainability challenges and prospects., Analyzing the sustainability and future potential of the play-to-airdrop model in gaming.

Time: 00:40:13
Effective Marketing Strategies: Exploring strategies to capture attention in the competitive gaming market., Insights into marketing approaches for attracting and retaining interest in the gaming industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Collaborating with like-minded individuals can help grow a loyal community.
  • Authenticity is crucial for attracting followers who resonate with your values.
  • Connecting with similar values can enhance community growth in the crypto gaming sector.
  • Maintaining honesty and transparency builds trust within the community.
  • Discord is valuable for community engagement and connectivity.
  • Upholding personal beliefs is important in community interactions.
  • Context is significant in avoiding algorithmic misinterpretations on social media.
  • Challenges of expressing opinions freely on platforms like Twitter due to potential censorship.
  • Content moderation may lack nuance and context when driven by algorithms.
  • AI struggles with understanding complex content accurately.

Behind the Mic

know, if you got, like, a whole bunch of people and it's not a cult, then, you know, then, like, it can. It can kind of vanish. Or maybe there's an incentive there that's, like, temporary. So, yeah, I think. I think that's our approach to it. Just grow a little cult, just be ourselves, kind of do what we like, and hopefully people will follow. And to dive a little bit deeper there. What are some of the essential things that you have to do to sort of, like, foster this super dedicated community, or cult, as you say? You know, first of all, I think almost that's a question for you because I think Niyuk Tokyo has done such a great job at Ithoodae. You know, I'm really a novice in this compared to you guys, but I think one thing that we found that works versus doesn't work is really just being ourselves and we're at heart, like, pretty kind of crypto. Crypto anarchist or cypherpunk pro freedom of speech. And I think just being ourselves, you know, making the stuff that we like, not trying to appeal, I think that stuff tends to work because at least you get people that are, like, on your same wavelength and you can really just be honest. You don't have to play a character, right? So I think, you. You can kind of get, like, a much more dedicated following that way. But yeah, being honest, honest about it, and also, like, joining up with other people that are, like, kind of like minded or maybe, like, initial reputation to draw off is also helpful. Yeah, broadly speaking. And did you see kind of, like, some ongoing things that other kind of communities who build sort of these pseudo cultish following what they're doing that you're like, oh, this is exactly what they're doing. And that gives you sort of insight into some things that we need to be doing. Hmm. I would say not really often, but maybe sort of our closest point of reference is some of the games that are coming out now. Mm hmm. I've been really impressed with. I mean, I guess some of the coolest people in the industry that's come up a few times, but they're doing a similarly good job. I see. Can I bring up some of the projects that I believe in still? Is that is that fine to do? Go ahead. All right. So I think I'm super, super bullish on on life beyond right now. And like the world that Ben's created. Yeah, you absolutely love the character creation. So. Yeah, yeah. Good stuff. If we have now about ten or so questions, we're going to answer probably one more question before we wrap things up. Relating to some of the questions that were asked earlier, one of the questions I thought was quite interesting was someone asked, you know, given the current climate and the landscape in gaming, when are we going to see the next big time chapter three preview? Well, actually, it's funny you mention that because we actually have a private chapter three preview posted for our high value managers. But I still think… So if anybody still has too much time on their hands and wants to beta test, the next preview is ongoing. So please check that out. Another question from the audience. Has the popularity and hype around fellow NFT community Bored Ape Yacht Club influenced your project in any way? Yeah, so influence is kind of a it's it's a fun adjective to say. I think Bored Ape Yacht Club was a poster child, so I'll just keep it there. That's nice. Yeah, I think it allowed us to learn better and also mature better as a company and also developers perspective and also artists perspective to come together as one as a community to really push forward towards something innovative and new. Well, thanks for that. We have one more question. What was the biggest challenge that you faced trying to build out your studio? Oh, I think we were perpetrating kind of like more than the average game studios face in a day. We were going through various research mechanism from the beginning. We actually reshaped how we not only approach things from user perspective and also UXR research and also kind of… We didn't want to call ourselves developers because we didn't want that standard label to be against us and accusing certain things. I think one of the challenges was also we could just launch the game on another platform and call it a day. But we really had to sit down and make it work. You know, it was very important to know the history lesson from from Andrew and also Nick's side from from the very early stage. We were creating things in various ways. I guess one way is we iterate it as a community. I think working with the community in an efficient and effective way is really the challenge. Cool. That's awesome, man. And Nick, I know we're getting close to time. I want to kind of pass it back off to you, you know, just to see if we can wrap up anything else up here that Niku wants to share as any other kind of questions that they should ask to kind of audience or closing thoughts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. I really, really appreciate the time here. And I think one of the biggest things that I believe in is the combination of the creation of art and automation. I think automation comes in so many different values and can dive into various layers when you consider the whole industry trying to benefit from the from the original or unique creations. Yeah, automation definitely is a it's always been a thing that I definitely both just really kind of being engineers. And I think as artists as well, having a having a tool that can directly assist you with your end goal, I think it's something that has made our lives in various big ways and in very interesting ways. Yeah, papi. I think automation at the end of day allows creators to focus on what they love doing is like focusing on the narrative like is already something that I know it's it's very big. And whether that is good. Like there are so many ways to leverage this value. Whether it's creating the art itself to assist you to make the narrative better. And I think, you know, automation is still underway and it's still being experimented a lot. But I still believe that the expression itself allows us to enjoy the creation itself. So, yeah. Absolutely, man. And just a couple more questions, I think. Like, for example, we know that your studio is hyper hyper focused on entertainment and arts and creative industries. If someone wants to work with your studio, what is your preferred approach? Our studio is very much open. And Niko can probably echo on that part. Yeah. Yeah. So I think our approach is like open source kind of mentality where, you know, perspectives from different backgrounds, regardless of background, are very, very welcome. And so similar to offbeat projects, it's always learning from from another and knowing what the right input is and knowing knowing the trend. I think what Niko said before, something I wish we could enforce in our game studio. So absolutely. And it's definitely something that we value all the time in our industry is keep learning, keep gaining that value of different insight because they could come from anywhere regardless of age group and also the fact that creative could face it at the face. So it doesn't mean we have to leverage something really unique that takes us two years to come out. So I think one of the things that our studio is constantly learning and going through as well and that's something we believe wholeheartedly about. No, that's great. That's awesome. I think as we get closer to time, I think one more kind of wrap up question I want to ask you is, do you think, where do you think the innovations that you are working on? Where is that going to go in the next three to five years? Where do you see this mad evolution of your creations going? Oh, that's a big question. How do you wrap it up? I don't know, dude. I have no idea. I think, look, it's going to be kind of beautiful, right? Doing what I love, I find there's a small cult of people that really are more dedicated than the average and spend more time playing these systems. And there's going to be systems that we don't even think about today that come out in the future. The future is also going to be very uncertain as well. And that's part of the fun. That's also part of the art. And I think after realizing that, we would be able to move forward as a whole industry and also as our studio Trajects and create something that's new and exciting for both of us. Much appreciated, man. Thanks for the time. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's. Almost personally, it sounds like you're super stoked about fully on chain games and, you know, this is. Yeah. Yep, yep. Same here, my friend. We're almost at the top of our hour here, so want to turn it back around to see? Hey, is there anything that we didn't get a chance to talk about that you were hoping to? Anything you think about Cafe Cosmos that the audience needs to hear, any closing thoughts, take the mic and do so. Yeah, I mean, honestly, I think. I think we've. We've covered pretty much everything. If, you know, if anybody wants to chat, I'm always in the discord, and, you know, I'm always open to more questions and ideas and. And stuff. I'm just. Obviously, you guys are the G's in gaming, so I'm super stoked to be here talking about fully on chain games with you guys, especially you, Nick, you know, also being, like, so enthralled by the economics of it all, because, dude, I think this is going to be, like, such a. A sick part of this industry that I think it might actually, like, take off on, like, its own journey and just keep going. But yeah, dude, super stoked to be here, by the way, and thanks, everybody for coming. And thank you guys for hosting as well. Yeah, Niko, absolutely great to have you on. Really stoked to have cafe Cosmos as part of Neo Tokyo. Definitely. If anyone has any follow ups, either hop in their discord or. What's the discord? Do you know the discord handle that the cafe Cosmos neo Tokyo account is using if anyone wants to connect inside of Nt? Yeah. It's just Niko. Hell yeah. So if anyone has any follow up questions is. And big thank you to the audience for joining us. Big thank you to fractillion for bringing me back on when I rug myself and super stoked to have cafe Cosmos on today. Niko, really enjoyed the conversation and wish you guys best of luck here in the future. And we will be back next week with another neo Tokyo Ama. So hope everyone has good luck in their trading endeavors and that tomorrow is a good day in crypto gaming. Take care, everyone. Thanks, guys. Take care.

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