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Building the Next Telegram Super-Apps: Ep.7


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Building the Next Telegram Super-Apps: Ep.7 hosted by CrushProtocol. Delve into the realm of advanced AI technologies and their impact on building the next generation of Telegram Super-Apps. From personalized user experiences to scalability challenges, this space provides a comprehensive overview of the trends and developments reshaping messaging platforms. Learn how AI agent networks are revolutionizing user interactions and explore the future possibilities that AI integration holds for Super-Apps like Telegram. Stay informed on the cutting-edge advancements in AI technology within messaging platforms.

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Total Listeners: 20


Q: How can AI improve user experience in Super-Apps like Telegram?
A: AI can personalize content, enhance chat interactions, and streamline processes for a more engaging user experience.

Q: What are the key factors to consider when building AI agent networks for messaging platforms?
A: Scalability, security, adaptability to user behavior, and efficient data processing are crucial for AI agent networks.

Q: What challenges arise in the development of advanced AI technologies for messaging apps?
A: Data privacy, algorithm bias, scalability, and real-time processing are common challenges in AI technology development.

Q: How do Super-Apps benefit from integrating AI technologies?
A: Super-Apps can offer personalized services, efficient customer support, data analysis, and predictive features through AI integration.


Time: 00:12:45
AI Applications in Super-Apps Examining the diverse ways AI enhances functionality and user engagement in messaging platforms.

Time: 00:28:19
Scalability Challenges in AI Agent Networks Understanding the importance of scalability in AI systems for large-scale messaging platforms.

Time: 00:45:55
Future Evolution of AI in Telegram Super-Apps Envisioning the role of AI in advancing features and services within Super-Apps like Telegram.

Key Takeaways

  • Explore the potential of AI to enhance user experience in Telegram Super-Apps.
  • Understand the importance of building robust AI agent networks for scalability and efficiency.
  • Learn about the challenges and opportunities in developing advanced AI technologies for messaging platforms.
  • Discover trends shaping the future of Super-Apps like Telegram and the role AI plays in their evolution.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

Gm Gm. How are you guys doing? Hey guys. Hey guys. We good here? We'll just give it another quick minute or two. We should have five or so more speakers coming, so we'll just give it another minute or two. It all right, let's get this started. We're supposed to have a couple more speakers coming in, but I don't know, maybe they're late. Maybe they'll join us later. So we'll see if they end up joining or not. But just be respectful of everyone's time. Let's, let's kick off the space. Happy Friday, everyone. GMGm no matter what time zone you're in, hope you all had a successful week so far and are looking forward to the Twitter space as much as I am. Let's start off with a quick intro on everyone. Just want to hand the mic around the panel real quick, get a quick intro from our amazing speakers today and then we'll get right into it really quick. If you're listening in. For the first time. We host this Twitter space every week at this time titled building the next Telegram super app.

Topics of Discussion and Speaker Introductions

And this week we're already on episode number seven. I think there was one that we skipped one week, but yeah, now that everyone's back from token, I apologize for my voice. I'm still sick from after token 2049 in Singapore. Not sure I caught some sort of virus that is just not wanting to go away. It's absolutely ridiculous. But anyway, make sure to follow the speakers and if there are any questions, make sure to drop them in the comment section of this space. I'll make sure to keep an eye out on those and we can address those. And if you have something to contribute to the conversation, if there's any interesting takes or anything else, feel free to just request to become a speaker and we can pull you up on the stage to contribute to the conversation. That being said, let's hand it over to our amazing speakers. Let's get a quick intro and then get right into today's topics. Yeah, feel free to just unmute yourselves and go.

Speaker Introductions: Jinnah from Euphoria

Sure. Can I start first? Please? Please do so. Yes. So hello folks. I am GM Jinnah from euphoria. We are a company called Blocore and we're located in Singapore and South Korea. And basically, my job is the senior product manager for the whole project in the web three space as well as game production. So that's kind of my job. I do take care of the community side and that's how I kind of stumped into crush AI and I first time doing a Twitter space type of thing, so a great honor to join this. Thank you. Thank you for joining and thanks for the intro. Okay, so I think I'm gonna go after that. So first, I'm Jake. I'm business development manager from cast business Monster. So currently we're building a 2D Edo role-playing game on SaI. And we are one of their core game on the gaming landscape on Sei and obviously supported by the SAI foundation.

Discussion on Tom Milk and Gamified Projects

I love that. Thank you for joining. What's that? What's that? Thumbs down, Tom Milk. What's. What's happening over there? No, no, I was trying. That was a thumbs down. We also. Yeah, yeah, it was. You know, I want to add a new behavior to x that when someone is dragging, people have to tell them, because what I have noticed is the amount of fragging happening on X now. People think it is their mistake and they just think they. The speaker is actually here. So I was not able to hear cut versus monster after the second part. So I was just raising a thumbs down, like, oh, Twitter sucks again. Nothing, nothing personal, man. No, I get that. I get that. Yeah, we appreciate. We always appreciate the thumbs down when someone is lagging with their. With their connection. We all know, you know, X is notorious for rugging.

Introduction to Tom Milk's Project

But that being said, please hit us with a. With an intro on Tom Milk. I know that we've spoken the other day on, I think it was legions. Legions Twitter space. So I'm familiar with Tom Milk, but I know that for sure there's people in the audience that might not be familiar with it. Yeah, sure. First, hi, everyone. Thank you for listening, coming to hear, giving your time to us. I will give something briefly turn. Milk is a gamify project that actually runs the main product as a gaming on Telegram. We have a main game that is the terminal game that has a lot of, I would say, crypto alike feeling inside a digital farm where people are able to stock merge, swap their milk to cheese and stuff. So we're trying to put in the culture of what we do day to day on, like normal crypto life inside, like a farm where people are playing, but also practicing these behaviors.

The Future of Tom Milk's Platform

The bigger image and the bigger picture for turmeric that we have already started and working on, is actually developing the protocol which we want to call work to earn. The main goal is today is actually to move away from boring quests and tasks that are being everywhere. The cross posting, cross tasking, they are good, we appreciate them, but I think people are going to get bored very soon from going to a game, then you have like 20 tasks that you have to follow other 20 games and then these 20 games will lead you to another 20 applications and so on. The work to earn is actually where we will be implementing in game wallets and people will be actually paid in token, that is either stables or token of the projects directly to their in game wallet and they will be able to claim it back to their original wallet for every single task.

Implementing New Features and Future Collaborations

The main purpose is to avoid putting torn milk into another tapa where the airdrop happens and people just leave it. Instead, we are developing way farther models into like earning, including third and last. Point is that we have already tested last Wednesday our AMA to earn, which is basically challenge runs. While we speaking in here, everyone is speaking here. The listeners will play that challenge before the AMA ends. The AMA host will be posting the leaderboard. The winners will be paid in tone or USDT directly. We did run the first test last Wednesday. It was successful and hopefully soon we will be partnering up with more and more. We are already talking with Legion to run it on their AMA next and maybe next week with the crush as well. Thank you very much for listening.

Closing Remarks and Interest in Token 2049

Thank you. Thank you for the intro. And I started digging into Tom milk a little bit after the space the other day that we had a super interesting, but yeah, definitely keen on getting deeper into that and seeing how especially the AMA feature that you guys are developing will turn out. I think that's pretty interesting. So I'm keeping an eye on that for sure. Before we get intoday's topics, have you all been token in Singapore? Or has any of you been. Yeah, I sadly missed that one. Wait, who said yes? Was that. Was that maybe that's Jack from. What about. What about you? Euphoria? Because I think you said that you guys are based in Singapore, right? Korea? Yeah. Or was that right? I think one of my colleagues went there, most of the biz devs, but I think they did like a private meeting type of thing. So I haven't heard much back from them yet.

Hearing Issues

We are able to hear him. I think that's just you. I'm hearing him. I'm hearing. Maybe that's a me thing. No, cat is fine. I can hear him. Well, okay. I will reconnect. Sorry, guys. I'll just reconnect myself. All right, brother, feel free.

Token 2049 Importance

So, actually, for a part of you, I think talking 2049 is one of the most important and most interesting, you know, event during the year. Like every year from a point of view. I was been there for a week then. Actually. There's a lot of, you know, assigned event, for, telegram miniature, and especially ton, because I have joined one of the. The kickoff for ton, hackathon. so. And yeah, there's a lot of. Yeah, there's a lot of things there. A lot of interesting, you know, insight and there's a lot of interesting, project there. And. Yeah, I think. I think that's for me, that's cool. And I can get, like, maybe, you know, dive more into the tonic or system and absorb more insight from. Not only from the found for Tom foundation, but also from, you know, project across the ecosystem.

Connection Problems

Sweet. And I think we also have. Oh, wait, he disappeared. Wait, where did Tyler go? Can you guys still hear me? Am I rugging now? Yeah, yeah, you good? You good? Nice and clear. Okay, I thought I saw Tyler from our team here, but, I think he, He might have. Oh, there he is. There he is. They pull him up because he was also. He was with us at token 2049. Let's get his takes on it as well.

Introduction of Tyler

You, Tyler, can you hear us? Dm gm. Hey, everyone. How's it going, y'all? I'm doing great. Yeah, just saw this that you guys going. Wanted to join the party. It's good. It's good to chat with everyone. Usually, I'm usually on with the crush main handle, but today I'm here with my personal. So I guess, like, this is a doxy moment. This is who I am leading direction at Crushed, I think. So you guys are talking about token 2049?

Tyler's Opinion on Token 2049

Yes, sir. And then also, well, if you give us your opinion on how it went, your two cent, you might as well also round it off with an intro to crush, since I haven't done that yet. So you're very welcome to do that. Okay, awesome. Yeah, it's great. To see everyone introduce myself properly. So my name is Tyler, I'm the tech director over here at Crush. Crush is building the next generation crypto consumer AI application that's actually going to help real users that are participating in the crypto space.

Crush AI Solution

Today, 90% of the crypto users that are actually participating are looking to trade meme coins, nfts, or actually just learn how to understand charts better and make better trading informed decisions. And with this, we're solving this with crush AI where we're trying to build a. Not trying to, we have actually, we've built a telegram bot that activates AI agents with just text commands that go. Out and search alpha for you. So imagine if you're trying to build a, or learn about a new crypto project, or understand what's the alpha out there. Rather than going to five different tabs.

Decisions Made Easier

Five different windows, where the info is very distributed and dispersed. This is all consolidated into the crush AITG botanical so that it helps you make better informed decisions and go sources alpha for you. And not only this. So this is like the main application that we're building out. This is some potential alpha here. We're actually building a web application that's going to be coming out. So you're going to be able to do this on web.

Token 2049 Overview

So imagine like a real companion that will assist you in terms of sourcing alpha, learning the market sentiment, how potential markets will shape based on macro. So essentially it's just a, you can consider it like creating these digital clones of yourself to go out and learn information for you and come help you make decisions in your trading activities. Okay. With that said, let me talk about Token 2049. Token 2049. This was like a really cool event in terms of the majority of the industry coming together to celebrate just like the year's developments in the crypto industry.

Current Market Interest

And with the current market shaping up going into world currently, we're in a bull phase, some might say like, the bull really hasn't started yet. I think it's really interesting to see how the markets are shaping up, but definitely what I noticed was that there's a lot of interest in terms of AI applications, AI and tan. So there were so many site events revolving the telegram Tan ecosystem that were like completely booked out, that had like insane waiting lines.

Networking at Crush Event

And actually our event over at Crush, we hosted a really cool event with Neotokyo. And this was objectively, I think I would say, like very successful because we had like a completely packed house, a lot of great interests and participants from the gaming industry and the AI industry as well. So we had a really good crowd connecting with people, networking, understanding what other people are building, what are people excited about in terms of gaming and AI applications? So overall, like, and not just from our event, but generally other events as well, the interest for AI.

Venture Capital Interest

So even like talking with venture capitalists. So this is, I guess this is something to keep in mind for as teams that are building here, venture capitalists, they're not looking for teams that are trying to build like the next zero to one infrastructure protocol anymore. Not people who are like coming up with this insane, very confusing jargon and like what they're trying to do in terms like scalability, TPS, et cetera. They're rather looking for actual ux, actually usable applications that will help people participating in crypto today.

Future for Crush

So that's really something to keep in mind and was really good news for us to hear from the crushers end because we're actually building the next gen consumer AI application. So I'll pause there. I love that. I love that take. And since you already mentioned the actual useful consumer applications, that leads me right into our first question or topic of the day. I'm very interested in hearing your guys opinion on this because we have a announcement that was shared by the TaunTwitter account from ton society, which is, I'm pretty sure you guys heard of it.

Ton Hackers League Announcement

The Tom Hackers leak in 2024 has officially kicked off with a $2 million price pool, which I think is pretty exciting. The reason why I'm bringing this up, actually, let me read through this just in case anyone's not familiar with this. They say, and I quote, calling all developers, founders and ton enthusiasts, the Tan Hackers League. 2024 is your chance to build a future web three with a $2 million price pool waiting for the best projects on ton, defi, gamify, social fi, and more and so on and so forth.

Quality of Builders Concerns

So they start explaining, you know, the kind of rules, the boundaries and whatnot, and what kind of goes into that, how you can apply. But what interests me is when people see this, when people look at these kinds of, I guess, campaigns, growth campaigns, or I guess, builder acquisition campaigns to attract more people, more builders to a specific ecosystem, how likely is it actually that we're getting quality builders into the ton ecosystem through these kinds of things? Or is it because when I saw this for the first time, let me give you my quick thoughts.

Concerns About Hackathon Participants

When I saw this for the first time, I actually thought, okay, this obviously could be a great opportunity for the ecosystem as a whole, but it could also just attract a lot of, I guess I don't want to say bad players, but maybe people who don't specifically know what they're doing, people who don't really have something that they actually want to build, they don't have an idea. They don't have a clear vision for what they want to do. And all they see is, okay, there's $2 million up for grabs in this hackathon and let's try and I don't know, just build another minigame, just build another tap app or something that is just doing like the bare minimum trying to compete and kind of get into the ecosystem and just compete for that attention.

Responses to Hackathon Incentives

Yeah, we'd love to get your thoughts on this because I found it pretty interesting since it was just shared I think like two days ago or yesterday. So with this, I think I'm gonna share first because I, yeah, me or me personally I have joined this kickoff event of the hackathon with the two meal of reward and yeah, probably I see that like beside all the real builder, all the other builder that's bringing, you know, real quality project and real quality, you know, idea, there's just still some more as jazz have mentioned there's still some more, you know, bad player and builder who just, you know, concentrate on the reward.

Observations from Hackathon Kickoff

But I think just because ton ecosystem right now I'm not, I'm gonna go with Ton first with the Tonico system right now. There's a lot of, you know, there's a lot of thing and it's been a while since synth the hype up. So one thing I want to say this real rigor knife reels, right. So good builder gonna get that gonna get thing done and bad player not gonna get anything. That's the first thing.

Builder Issues Observed

Also for me from that side of the whole blockchain ecosystem I want to say that when I joined this, when I joined I, that kickoff event, I met like a lot of town builder. I just recognized that there's still a lot of issue and still a lot of room to develop their project and to bring your real idea like real consumer app to their, to the audience. Let's say like I met cover up guy and they all tell me that first we don't like not, I'm not going to say on tone but on other ecosystem when they build like a telegram miniat they don't, they all caught the problem of their wallet.

User Experience Problems

They like when you use a telegram miniature. And you have to connect with like, you know, wallet, connect are, or metamask you. That's not a good user experience. And what I say right here, right here is they don't really have their, the wallet for the telegram miniature itself. So yeah, that's sort of thing I want to share.

Inviting Further Opinions

Yeah, that is so true. And I mean, maybe before I get deeper into it. Anyone else who would like to give their two cent on this? Well, okay, am I still here or just no one? Okay, well I guess moving on. I think that, I think you actually made a good point there.

Discussion on Market Viability

And I think it's also I actually had a call today with one of the executives at impossible finance, which is like, I guess, I don't know, like an incubator I guess, of some sort for those who might not be familiar.

User Base Growth and Conviction in the Ecosystem

And he was also telling me about an app that they're supporting like a telegram app that got 900,000 users within the first three days of launching. So I think it's like, it's a fine line between having, I guess, conviction in the ecosystem and obviously just trying to take advantage of the state of user farming, if you want to call it that, in its current form, and just blatantly abusing the current state of the Taunton ecosystem. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of it. And I think that was also a conversation that we had the other day with ton milk was that it's a better approach, in my opinion, to try and grow a user base organically. And even if it is shy of numbers, even if it's in the low four or five figures. But it's actually users that are hyper interested in what you're building and you have a useful product or a game or something with a dedicated ecosystem, a game loop that makes sense.

Quality Over Quantity in User Acquisition

Or just, I guess a utility app or something like what we're doing, it makes a lot more sense to grind it slow and steady and do quality over quantity, simply because at the end of the day, if you have a million users but they're all just there for an airdrop farm or whatnot, I'm not sure if it's really representative of the quality of a product or even of a user base or even of future revenue that app or that program will be able to generate. So it kind of skews thesis on whether or not someone or a company is actually successful in that sense. But I see, Tyler, you have your hand up, so please feel free to take it away.

Skepticism Regarding User Statistics

Yeah, I just want to add a couple sense to that. So definitely there has been like a huge uptick in terms of like ton app usage and like these numbers that we're seeing. Like you mentioned, 900,000 like new daily users. I think I would be a bit skeptical about like the legitimate legitimacy of those users because it's really easy to bot activity nowadays and there's a lot of inflated metrics out there to like determine higher valuations. And I totally agree and like appreciate that you mentioned that when it comes to actual like longevity and sustainability and what's actually going to create like a real user base and community, the organic approach is the way to go where you're actually doing it via community building such like this, and also like building a product with great iteration and feedback that ultimately creates a much better product that could reach a much wider critical mass.

Development Trends and Community Engagement

I think that's super important to keep in mind. And the, within the tan ecosystem once like I think was like not coin, that was the first to do it, that like had the tapping game. And once that came out like, it went totally crazy. I can't even count how many tapping games there are anymore. But that's a lot of people's fingers are tired now. You can only tap so much until, and realize why am I just tapping my fingers on my screen all day just for some imaginary bucks? This is something that's. I've definitely noticed some fatigue out there in terms of ton developers and ecosystem participants as well. But because of that, I've actually noticed some other new teams that have emerging that are kind of iterating on that approach and making new telegram and taun based games where it's not just a simple tap anymore, where sometimes you gotta like press and let go, or like the tapping, the speed or like the weight you put onto your fingers.

Emerging Trends in Gaming and Telegram Integration

They're all factoring that into the telegram based games. So that's super interesting to see how. Yes, we've seen this, like this new entry into the ecosystem. There's a huge oversaturation and rush to like make a clone and like try to capture some market share. But with that now we've seen like. This, like unbelievable, this giant bubble. And that is like going to pop at some point, if not already. And then within those ashes emerges a new Phoenix, a new part, a new entry, something that's a little more fresh, that has iterated on that approach. So for a lot of the builders and ton ecosystem like participants, I would say keep that in mind when you want to build something and you want to create, bring something new to the table, you don't need to come up with something completely new, just like I, based on what's working right now, how do you add a little more flavor to that?

Gaming Blockchain and Adoption

How do you add a little more. Action, a little more. Another step to this that would bring something new to the table. I think just that would actually really be helpful in terms of capturing more market share and help in building your own organic community. I love that. And not necessarily having to bring something new. I think that is the key point. That also leads me into the next topic, which is a promising gaming blockchain. There was actually a poll that was ran and the results pretty impressive. So 68% of respondents see Tan as the most promising gaming blockchain. Though now obviously we've seen games in web three for years now. I think with Axie was like the most predominant one. They had a bunch of hype in 2021, but more and more games obviously have been published since then.

Mass Adoption Through Gaming

And the gaming narrative is huge overall. And I found this interesting quote which I want to throw out there and get your thoughts on a partner at Tan and core report computer contributors said games are incredible tools for driving web three adoption and we're seeing the taunt ecosystem is a leverage here. Combined with Telegram's vast distribution network, we're uniquely positioned to become the home for social gaming. By leveraging the power of social interactions and community engagement inherent in gaming, we're breaking down barriers to entry and fostering a vibrant, inclusive ecosystem. I find this particularly interesting because gaming has been so hot for several years now, and everyone keeps talking about the mass adoption, the widespread adoption of web three amongst the, let's just call it the normal population through gaming.

Challenges in Gaming Adoption

And regardless of what we thought, what our thesis was, we have yet to see that happen. Do you guys think that the tan ecosystem is actually an enabler for a wider adoption, especially when it comes to gaming or through the gaming narrative? Let me jump in here. That's a really interesting quote. I guess, like in terms of like actual success for new projects and games. Ultimately, at the end of the day. You need to be able to demonstrate a large user base, and ton definitely does have that because of its native telegram integration. I have like just my own communication is like 98% on ton now and on Telegram now. And I think that's similar for a lot of people that are participating industry and also people that are just like, just not just building, but also just like having fun with crypto as well.

Potential for Gaming Growth

Telegram has really demonstrated. It's just like superiority in terms of being a messaging app. So in that regard, there's like a lot of users that are up for claims and for games, this presents like a really good opportunity where if you just bring something fun and exciting and engaging to the table, like, there's so much for you to claim. So in that regard, I can totally see how the quote would say and would make sense that Tan is ripe for a huge gaming boom. Have I actually seen a huge gaming boom or like exciting games yet? No, I can't say that I've seen those games yet, but I just may not have seen it yet because I haven't, like, play these games myself. But there could, definitely could be out there. But in terms of actual game adoption, that's going to bring and generate a bunch of new users, I think Taun definitely is a potential candidate for this large uptick.

Addressing User Engagement

So I'm very curious to see or learn more about the games that are currently out there that really could capture the interest of not just current participants, but future potential participants as well. Yeah, for me, I totally agree with that. But, I think my point gonna go like a little bit further than that because from our port of view, like, I don't want actually right now, Tonico system is one of their one, the promise, I'm gonna say the one, the most promising land for telegram miniature. But I'm gonna go to, with that quote, I think with telegram miniature and gaming in telegram miniature, it will be like a fantastic place to, you know, adapt user and, you know, make their mass adoption come true.

The Current State of Users in the Ecosystem

Because currently, right now, as I remember, all the older user in Tonica system right now only account for like 20 or maybe 15% of all their telegram users. So there's still a lot of room to adapt there. So that's kind of good for builder to, you know, work on that. But I think Telegram media is like, with Telegram media do like a lot better than that because we know that we can, right now, we telegram in app, like, especially gaming, we can turn nothing. First we can turn, you know, a web three user to game to web three gaming user. And beside that, we can turn like web two user to web three gaming user.

Transformation of Users through Gaming

And also if like with people who never try any game, you can with like with a model of gaming, like idle game or just, you know, just simple game, we can convert them actually from, you know, like just, you know, defi user or maybe a web two, like normal user to straight to web three user with game so it's like, really promisingly. I guess, also as like, sort of a follow up question to that maybe, maybe also Tom ilk or I euphoria could share some info about is like, what is your thesis? Or your, or what was your decision making process when choosing Taun as an ecosystem to build on?

Insight into Building on the Taun Ecosystem

Okay, I guess I can start right away. I mean, I think Tan is a great system, but I think there's a lot of more platforms that I just, you know, I don't want to really put out some names because we're actually in discussion with some of the groups that I just cannot disclose. But I think just crypto space in itself is just endless of possibilities. And I think, you know, the speakers that were talking about Tan gave some good points about Tan being a great future, but I also see a lot of potential in so many other platforms right now.

Confidentiality in Discussion

And I don't. Sorry, I just, I can't say those names because I'm under an ND not to speak about them. But, yeah, that was not helpful. Sorry. Share the alpha. You can't be teasing us here, man. Don't, don't do this to us. Well, you know, that's just our thing. Just to introduce myself again or about, more about our project. Newphoria is like a platform that started to focus on how to balance web two gamers and web three gamers.

Balancing Web Two and Web Three Gamers

So that's the biggest thing. I think most web two gamers don't give anything about crypto. They hate crypto, basically, and web three investors, or web three gamers, as you can say, are gamers, but their focus is more about gaining stuff. So I think new for you was focusing on that part. And they kind of made a short model saying gamefi entertainment for web three, growing together, succeeding together. It's kind of like giving the web three, the users what they want and then actually giving the regular gamer that what they want. It's basically wanting to stay as a gamer and focus on gaming.

Focus on User Expectation

The investor focusing on investment and not too much of the gaming part because they don't go hand to hand, in our opinion. And the average Joe or the average, sorry. The average investor in some cases, barely places any games because they're very focused on making profits. Right. And I think we really focused on that part. And for us, like the, you know, ton, any, like, platform doesn't really matter because we, we had some good connections. So, we have many options.

Emerging Opportunities and Future Plans

We have many options. Just, just to say that out and it's gonna be released soon, but it's just not official yet. So it's gonna, you know, maybe I'm, maybe like, soon we'll have a chance to discuss that more. But Newphoria is the first platform that we're hoping to share a stake on. Gamer platform. In other words, it's gamified staking. And I think a lot of crypto people would say, oh, gamified investments, gamified entertainment. But our focus is the concept, stake on gamers.

Innovative Staking Concepts

So basically you can stake your tokens to a gamer in a certain game. That's the basic concept. And right now in our face of euphoria, we basically, we don't have the tokens yet because we didn't release the tokens for the TG and all that type of stuff. But we have points on our mini game where you can base, as Tyler mentioned, that there's a lot of tap, tap games. We. If I'm speaking too long, please correct me because I might carry myself a little bit long.

Key Developments and Engagement

So if I speak a little bit long. No, no, keep going. You're good. Okay. Okay. Thank you. So just going on again. So the stake on gamer concept is basically we actually started from the Steam banana game where basically you tap a banana and you gain like these, like NFTs on the Steam platform, which I mean, of course they aren't actually NFTs, but anyhow, I think that's kind of the origins where there were like hundreds of tap game that happened. We actually jumped on to the tap game with the banana game concept at first, but we slowly shifted our gears to focus on gaining users based on the stake on gamer concept where basically you can stake your tokens onto a gamer and based on the gamer's performance, you get a good return.

Introduction to Hunter Raid

And our first game that we released just about a week ago on Friday is a game called Hunter Raid. It already has 2 million users on the mobile and iOS platform. With this new update platform to our mini game, we can basically get like, gamers can basically play the game and also invest on themselves to earn more interest. Other investors can invest on the gamer to earn interest. And it's just this whole system that a lot of people didn't have before. And I think the biggest part is the gamer doesn't have to be in the web three space to do this type of stuff. Yeah, so I mean, and then like slow, slowly. Or later on. I'm pretty sure that they'll have a chance to hear about the web three stuff and just give it a try too, because it's just free rewards based on your gaming performance. So I think that was a basic concept and going. Furthermore, there's.

Future Games and Investment Options

This is not just the beginning because we're going to have a series of games. We actually have an in house game production called Euphoria. It's also a mobile game that's going to be available on the iOS and Google platform. And it's also going to be one of those games where you can just be a gamer or you can choose to just be an investor checking on stats and all that type of stuff. And there's going to be several more games that we will be launching on our platform as well. So it's kind of like a little different situation. But the crypto knowledge is not basically required for the gamer side. And I think the web three side is all about the investment part, deciding if you want to be a web three investor plus gamer or just a web three investor. So, yeah, I think I got a little carried a little way, but I'd love to share more info sooner or later. Thank you.

Details on Hunter Raid

I love that. Just real quick, what was the name of the game that was released last week? It's called Hunter Raid. And if you search it on Google or iOS, you can download it right away. If you have a new account, all you need to do is you need to go to our mini game, the new Fourier mini game platform on Telegram, and go to the gamer side. Copy the link of your gamer id and just link it to your Telegram id. And you are set to stake on yourself on our points, which are going to be airdrop points for our current euphoria platform. And those. Do you say it had 2 million users? Yeah. The Hunter raid actually launched about a year ago.

Collaboration and Game Concepts

I believe Hunter Raid is a game company that's actually our sister company. And we're basically like. We're basically like besties, basically. And we've been working with them on trying to put this content because we definitely loved this game and we thought this game would have great potential with the web three users and. And instead of, like, making that play to earn, what do you call it? Grind to earn, like so many earn, earn concepts. Right. Our concept was not about earning, but it's more about just like stake on gamer or become the gamer and be staked on for rewards. So I think that's the concept where were flowing at. And it's basically focused on, again, gamers should stay gamers, investors should stay investors because they like investing.

User Options and Engagement

If you like both sides, you can do both things. So we're actually giving them a lot of options. And, you know, dude, like, depending on their times, time frame, I think a lot of people, do all three or just do one or two. So, yeah, I mean, that's the basic concept, and it's just gonna be, more coming in. I love that. Thanks so much for sharing. I'll definitely be looking into that. It looks really interesting. I just looked it up on the, on my app store. I didn't even realize that we're already almost at the hour mark. So I think just before we wrap it up, I want to pass it over to all of you for some closing thoughts.

Closing Thoughts and Team Updates

If there's anything that you guys have coming up that you want to share with the audience, anything that you would like to announce, please feel free to do so. And then we'll slowly but surely come to an end. Perfect. I think I'm going to go first once again. So basically, with our team right now, I'll go with, as I have mentioned, currently we need more focus on the quality and the quantity of user and also their game concept. So currently we are building 3D game, which, you know, we are more focused on their, the role playing and their game concept, which bring like the real gamification, like experience to player. So that's why currently we only have like, you know, compared to another, you know, telegram meeting after you got like, you know, 100 mil, one mil, two meal, five mil after, you know, five or seven day.

Community Engagement and Wallet Development

But currently we have run for over a month and we have 250k. But there, I'm gonna say that. I'm gonna proudly say that we have one of their most active community in the game landscape right now. That's the first one. And second thing I have mentioned before about their users, their user experience when using their. Using a telegram miniature. Beside this game, we also view our wallet, a smart wallet exclusively for Telegram miniature, utilizing the MPC, the multi party computation, and also a section that will bring seamlessly user experience for player in Telgram Miniav. And so if one of you guys have any idea of collaboration or, you know, further than that, we can probably hit the hitot and we can, you know, explore about that.

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

So. Yep, that's all things from our end right now. Awesome. Thanks so much for sharing. And let's, I just dropped you a follow. Let's, let's stay in touch and see if there's room for us to do something together. Definitely keen on staying connected with all of you guys, by the way. So I followed all of you, but, yeah, I'd say we go with euphoria and then with Tom Milk. Sorry, what was your last request again? I didn't catch the last part. Oh, sorry. Just any closing thoughts? Anything you'd like to share before we wrap it up? Any announcement or anything that you would like the audience to know?

Reflections on the Web Three Space

All right, well, again, like, you know, this is actually my first voice AmA on the web crypto space. I'm more of a game developer myself, and, like, more of, like, a gamer focused type of person. And I actually only studied the web three space for about three years now. And I think it's a big challenge out there because there's just so many great projects. And then at the same time, I think a lot of the old ogs here probably would have the same experience of getting rugged, getting hacked, getting scammed, and all those type of things. I think as web three builders, I think we should really focus on integrity and honesty to our users and community, because I think it's very hard.

Concluding Insights on Integrity

Being in the biz side and also being part of the community management team is always kind of, like, difficult because you always have to be transparent with the users and also, like, convince the biz team to do the right thing in some cases, because, like, there's always those moments where, you know, some people don't agree with those type of things and all that type of stuff. But, you know, I think. I think as pioneers of this web three stuff, I'm sure that we're going to make a new era that will come. So thank you. Thank you, my friend. And I'm excited that were able to host you here for your first Twitter space, and hopefully we'll have a lot more conversations in the future.

Closing the Session

Yep, sounds great. Yeah, maybe sometime later. Of course. Fantastic. And Tom Milk, are you still there? Okay, I guess. While we wait, Tyler, I see you were raising your hand. Yeah, no, I just want to help close out the show and just share our parting words. So, for the crush AI team, again, I want to thank everyone for joining us here. We're at episode seven now, so it's been a very cool journey to build alongside the community throughout this process, and we're looking forward to many more.

Future Product and Development Updates

But from the crusher side. So we are actually finalizing our internal mvp testing. So we're really ramping things up and ironing out the kinks of the TG AI bot that we've created. So we're really excited to roll this out for early access soon and we're actually trying to connect with some potential early users and ambassadors for the crush AI product. So if yourself are an active trader or you know, people that are active traders that you think such a consumer AI application could be useful, do let us know.

Establishing Early Access and Web Application

We're trying to establish a early access alpha tester base and roll this out in phases. So we'd love to chat with you on that if that's something of interest to you. And another development side update is that as I was mentioning, we are also building out our web application. So this won't be a TG based application, but a web application that also is going to be able to show and help you with chart analysis. So one thing with TG is that you can't really read charts in TG because you're limited to the mobile interface but from the web.

AI Integration and User Support

And we're actually going to make it so that the AI agents could help you with reading charts. So this I think is going to be a huge value add for a lot of people participating in the industry that don't know actually how to do basic trading analysis. So we're really excited to rule that out. So that as well. If ultimately, if yourself, or people that you know in your circle are active crypto participants with meme coin trading, utility coin trading, or NFT trading, and think such an AI companion could assist you in your journey in sourcing better information and making better informed decisions, we'd love to chat and see how we can be part of your journey and help elevate your trading experience.

Final Reflections on Participation

What a great closing statement, guys. I really appreciate you joining us today. Like I said at the beginning, I'm still recovering from this post token sickness. I'm not sure what the fuck I caught, so I actually wasn't able to prepare very well for today's space. I hope you guys had a good time. Definitely had a great conversation from my perspective. Really appreciate your time. Really appreciate you joining. Also. Thanks everyone for tuning in. If you have not followed all of the panelists yet, make sure to do so before we close it out.

Looking Ahead to Future Episodes

And I'll see you guys next week when it's episode eight of building the next telegram super apps. See you guys and enjoy your weekend.

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