Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space focused on the critical submission of the Cohort Three proposal, emphasizing the importance of community initiatives and showing active participation from members. The discussion underscored the proposal's role as a framework for the broader community and the necessity for collaboration among members to ensure the proposal's success. The conversation highlighted ongoing contributions and discussions, stressing the importance of continuous communication for transparency and engagement. Active members received recognition and appreciation, motivating further participation and proposal improvement. Community members were encouraged to follow specific individuals for more insights, fostering a collaborative and informed environment.


Q: What is emphasized in the discussion?
A: The need to submit the proposal for Cohort Three and the importance of community initiative.

Q: Why is the proposal important?
A: It serves as a framework for the wider community and demonstrates serious intent and dedication.

Q: How does the community support contribute?
A: It provides motivation and collective effort towards achieving goals.

Q: What role does collaboration play?
A: It's essential for successful execution and integrating input from various members.

Q: What are the ongoing efforts discussed?
A: Discussions on adding new frameworks and suggestions to improve proposals and ideas.

Q: How is communication perceived?
A: As a vital element for transparency and engagement within the community.

Q: What is the sentiment towards active contributors?
A: Appreciation and gratitude for their consistent efforts and support.

Q: What are the next steps suggested?
A: Continuing the submission process and encouraging more community involvement.

Q: How is the community’s intent demonstrated?
A: Through active participation, proposal submissions, and consistent communication.

Q: What was suggested to follow for more insights?
A: Following specific individuals who provide ongoing updates and knowledge.


Time: 01:02:08
Proposal Submission: Key emphasis on submitting the proposal for Cohort Three.

Time: 01:02:19
Community Initiative: Importance of showing initiative that Cohort Three is vital.

Time: 01:02:29
Framework for Community: Proposal viewed as a framework for the wider community.

Time: 01:02:45
Appreciation and Motivation: Expressed gratitude for support and motivation from the community.

Time: 01:02:54
Collaboration Importance: Highlighted necessary collaboration for effective implementation.

Time: 01:13:08
Importance of Communication: Vital communication for transparency and community engagement.

Time: 01:13:39
Encouraging Further Engagement: Encouraged continuous engagement and proposal improvements.

Time: 01:13:43
Recognition: Expressed gratitude towards active members.

Time: 01:13:47
Following for Insights: Suggested following specific individuals for more insights on the discussion.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on submitting the proposal for Cohort Three.
  • Necessity of demonstrating community initiative and support.
  • Suggestion to use the proposal as a framework for a wider community.
  • Significant support and motivation from the community.
  • Need for collaboration within the community for successful execution.
  • Acknowledgment of ongoing discussions and contributions from various members.
  • Highlighting the importance of consistent communication and engagement.
  • Suggestions for further improvement of proposals and ideas.
  • Recognition and gratitude extended towards active members.
  • Encouragement to follow specific individuals for more insights.

Behind the Mic

the. Into stacks, coming forward like, we are the foundation. We are the first people who they're going to meet, and, you know, everybody's going to know, but we've had no, this is going to be our second day grants, which people have had successful succession from this. So, yeah, guys, what we're doing is pretty awesome. I get to rub the shoulders, all these fucking gigabrains and super energized people and loads of experience. So, for me, my goal is always to be the dumbest person coming to the room, so I can always learn loads. So, yeah, definitely for my part, we're kicking it. We're killing it on our end, and we've loads of good things working with Davic and human to go forward as well to help grow the community, but. So, yeah, that's my wrap up for the weekend, guys. I just counted the number of applications. Guys, we have 75 applications. I know it may not sound a lot, but in the context of 50 grand, that's a lot, because stacks foundation critical bounty, I believe, probably got around 60. I think it was mentioned somewhere, applications only. And we got 75, and we only have 50 grandd. And actually, I counted up the budget, in case you guys didn't know. They awarded 390,000 critical bounties. And we account for about 10% of the budget, which is actually not bad when you think about it, because it's not like foundations rewarding millions and millions out. So just want to summarize saying, I think we're doing a great job, and you guys are pretty critical pillars to the success of it. So super appreciative to you guys, you. Know, hey, just David, just back to the request to have a space for d grants at Nashville. I would have expected that there would be something for d grants anyway because it is a program of the foundation. But who's the request sent? Being sent through. Has that been through hero gamer? To. To will, is it? Or to who it was? Forgive me if I'm going to butcher her name. It was Leanne. Leanna. She's in Amsterdam. Yes. Yes, yes. Yeah. Cool. All right. That's cool. I'll reach out to someone. Put use just that as just a request, you know, the statements to him and say, look, we'd love to see you there. And then just put in, you know, type some stuff up, actually, and just say the situation would love for this program to be promoted more physical events as well. Hey there, can you hear me? Hey, guys, it's okay, it's hero again here. You know, I think the general conclusion and feel today is we're all very optimistic and very supportive of this going forward. Just to summarize, I mean, we're at a critical point that we're just moving on, you know, hearing what Joanna's saying about the numbers applying, the historical things that we can point to and the general feedback, it's getting pretty mind blowing the amount of support the ecosystem is giving us. So one part of it is September events and stuff and Leanne's very positive feedback as well. So where do you want to take it from here? Joanna, obviously don't want to steal the mic too much from you as you've been very helpful. But during this session, we're a very close team now, three of us here, and then we've got our wider teams to bring in with hero and stuff, but when you want to start the setup and the start planning for the cumulative, you know, events we've got going on in this community, because it's going to get more broad and not less broad going forward, we've got a strong mission, you know, show everybody the positive impact we've already made, but more importantly the future impact we're going to be making with this awesome community we're building. So, hey there, Joanna, from a historical perspective, what's your feel on this? Hi, I'm not sure if hero wants to add in on top of this or nay. Hey, it's hero gamer here, jumping in. I think, John, I think you've really kind of summarized it really well. We've got a grand opportunity, we need to really essentially paint the picture as a key matter of importance. I mean, you guys are really the best there are at this, so schisms we've got to start preparing for now. So let's just go about it moving on forward projecting into stacks as well and showing them that we have no negative vibes right now. Hey there guys and hello to any new folks too. Yeah, hero's right. We got to give a shout out to everybody showing us support so far. That's how we keep pushing, right? So broad strokes for the community planning, just echoing everything said here, yeah we'll definitely get July going and stacking all up the wins we got. Anyone else have a final wrap up or any next steps? David's right. You just need to put the proposal in. I think it's a really good proposal and we need to have. We need to show the initiative that we want cohort three. And this is vital to us showing that we want cohort three. And we're serious about cohort three and building community. And I think this is whether it goes ahead or doesn't go ahead or we split it across tracks, I think it's something we need to put in, and it's a framework for the wider stacks community. I think it's not just for us. Thank you so much for the support, guys. I really appreciate it and I feel very motivated by it. So I wouldn't be able to do it, though, without you guys, so. But I'm happy to sort of spearhead very much in collaboration with you guys as well. So thank you for the support. And then I'm conscious that Rhonda's had her hand up or their hand up for some time now. We can. It's very soft. Yeah. Yeah, this is crazy. Yeah. Stepping back letting us have a word in too. So yeah, Rhonda, jump in. Thank you so much. Thank you, everyone. It was a really nice conversation. And yeah, I know we're seeing an uptick in the application. So for every one person that submits, realistically, how long is this going to run for? By the end of the quarter? By end of the quarter. By end of June, we should have a final headcount. Yeah, okay, awesome. Hi, guys. Just to kind of echo, I think like hero said and as Joanne sets, I think things are moving in the right direction. As for the steering and general consensus, I'm looking through where we go next and I think, yep, very positive with the outcome. Just John, ourselves all about echoing past positive points of our sessions and now looking to future projections and achieving further monumental steps now. So good we all have a good understanding now. Thank you. Cool. Everything's very much in action now across the teams. So with that, I mean that might be a good place to wrap up. Hero, did you want to say anything final to that? And then maybe Rhonda can jump in right after? Yeah, thanks for the wrap up. We got to get clear with what our mission here is. That's the number one goal, guys. Making the clear path is key. Rhonda, you're up next? Yeah, many thanks for your time, and appreciate you all. Let's keep going strong. Right, all right, everybody. Conflict can be resolved anytime here. This is great. And yeah, let's jump in for Stacks space again next week. Thank you everyone. Yeah, all good, cheers. Have a good week. Let's head over to Twitter spaces, shall we? Defo, cheers guys. Cheers. Bye everyone. Bye. Bye. Goodbye all. Bye.

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