Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Building Bridges: How Infrastructure Shapes the User Journey hosted by airdrop2049. Discover how infrastructure serves as the backbone of digital experiences, influencing user interactions, scalability, and innovation. Through #Airdrop2049's decentralized marketplace, the importance of user-centric design, scalability, trust, and creativity in shaping the digital landscape is highlighted. Learn how infrastructure links users to digital services, enhances user experiences, and drives the success of digital initiatives. Explore the role of innovative infrastructure solutions in driving digital transformation and fostering inclusive, transparent, and efficient digital ecosystems.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does infrastructure impact user experiences in digital environments?
A: Infrastructure determines the performance, scalability, and reliability of digital platforms, directly influencing user satisfaction and engagement.

Q: Why is decentralization important for platforms like #Airdrop2049?
A: Decentralization ensures fairness, transparency, and trust by eliminating central authorities and empowering community consensus.

Q: What role does user-centric design play in infrastructure development?
A: User-centric design focuses on creating intuitive, accessible, and personalized experiences to cater to diverse user needs and preferences.

Q: Why is scalability crucial for Web3 Mass Adoption platforms?
A: Scalability allows platforms to accommodate growing user bases and transaction volumes, ensuring smooth operations and user experiences.

Q: How can innovative infrastructure solutions drive digital transformation?
A: Innovation in infrastructure enhances efficiency, security, and capabilities, enabling digital projects to adapt to evolving user demands and industry trends.

Q: What are the benefits of building bridges between users and digital services?
A: Bridging this gap fosters seamless interactions, improves user engagement, and strengthens brand loyalty within digital ecosystems.

Q: How does infrastructure impact creativity and innovation in digital spaces?
A: Robust infrastructure supports the development of new features, services, and experiences that inspire creativity and drive innovation in the digital realm.

Q: Why is trust essential in decentralized marketplaces like #Airdrop2049?
A: Trust is fundamental for user confidence and participation in decentralized platforms, ensuring the integrity and security of transactions and interactions.

Q: How can infrastructure strategies align with user behavior to enhance digital experiences?
A: By understanding user habits, preferences, and interactions, infrastructure can be tailored to optimize user journeys, increase engagement, and drive desired outcomes.

Q: What impact does infrastructure have on the success of digital projects?
A: Effective infrastructure implementation is a foundational element for the functionality, performance, and sustainability of digital initiatives, significantly influencing their overall success.


Time: 00:15:20
Decentralization and Fairness in #Airdrop2049 Exploring how decentralization fosters fairness and inclusivity in the digital marketplace.

Time: 00:28:45
Scalability for Web3 Mass Adoption Discussing the importance of scalability in accommodating the growing user base of Web3 platforms.

Time: 00:42:10
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions Highlighting the role of innovation in infrastructure for driving digital transformation.

Time: 00:55:37
User-Centric Design Principles Explaining the significance of user-centric design in infrastructure development for enhancing user experiences.

Time: 01:08:59
Trust and Transparency in Decentralized Platforms Examining how trust and transparency are maintained in decentralized platforms like #Airdrop2049.

Time: 01:22:15
Creative Possibilities with Robust Infrastructure Exploring how innovative infrastructure solutions enable creativity and innovation in digital spaces.

Time: 01:35:40
Bridging Users to Digital Services Illustrating the importance of bridging the gap between users and digital services for enhanced user engagement.

Time: 01:48:10
Infrastructure's Role in Digital Transformation Analyzing how infrastructure shapes the success and trajectory of digital projects.

Time: 02:05:30
Enhancing User Experience through Infrastructure Detailing how infrastructure strategies can align with user behavior to improve digital experiences.

Time: 02:18:05
Success Factors of Digital Initiatives Exploring the critical impact of infrastructure on the success and longevity of digital projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Infrastructure plays a vital role in shaping user experiences and adoption rates.
  • Decentralized platforms like #Airdrop2049 aim for fairness and inclusivity in the digital ecosystem.
  • User-centric infrastructure design is key to attracting and retaining a diverse user base.
  • Efficient infrastructure enhances scalability and performance of digital platforms.
  • Web3 Mass Adoption requires seamless and secure infrastructure solutions.
  • Decentralization promotes trust and transparency in the digital marketplace.
  • Innovative infrastructure fosters creativity and innovation in digital spaces.
  • Infrastructure influences user behavior and engagement within digital environments.
  • Adopting robust infrastructure strategies is crucial for the success of digital projects.
  • Infrastructure bridges the gap between users and the digital services they interact with.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

Hey everyone. Welcome. Let's wait for everyone to arrive. Hi everyone. Let's wait for one or two minutes for Kopu. Thanks. All right. Hi everyone. Good day to everyone listening in to BNB Chain's talk about games. So this is Walter here from business development at BNB chain. And today we have very interesting gaming projects with us to discuss about the viral game Wukong. So just some context. You know, recently I think many gamers would have known that this game, Black Mave Wukong has been super popular. And it is one of the first China's success in making AAA games. And this shows that the gaming industry is big and still ever evolving. Where this is where we feel that web three gaming has the potential. Because there are various ways to really be successful in the gaming market, including true web three technologies. So, yeah, without further ado, let's introduce our guest for this AMa. Let's start with world of. Please introduce yourself and your game.

Introduction of World of DPN

Hi. Hi everyone. Hope you can hear me okay. Thank you Walter and BB team for the opportunity. Thank you all for being here today. Most excited to share, let's say, more insights on what we are doing and everything related to the market. My name is Gasmyn. I'm the PM of world of DPN. I've been working for two years and a half now in the game. And just for those who don't know about us, World of DPNS is an mmorpg game which is available on Epic Games stores since December last year. But we are in a closed beta version, so we aren't open for the public yet. So just want to share a little bit on World of Dupiana that is set in a virtual world that has integrated advanced artificial intelligence, stunning graphics and immersive gameplay. Just want to highlight that we aren't just a gaming platform, but what makes us unique and what we're trying to do different into the space is that we are merging the four main pillars in web three. Like Defi NFTs gaming, which is most important, and AI into a single experience and into a single platform.

Growth and Achievements of World of DPN

During the past year, we have, let's say, experienced a significant growth in terms of not only the users, but also to the partnerships. Just want to share a little bit of data with you. We have for the past 30 days, we had more than around 700,000 active users interacting with our gaming ecosystem. With different events and features that we made available so far. Just want to highlight that we are top gaming ecosystem only. Each blockchain that we are available on as it alliance with our focus to bring more users to the crypto space and to provide them really nice user journey for them to get onboarded and to enjoy the game. But also we have a focus of course on BnB chain as we are available on BnB and op BnB where we have around 285 80,000 daily active users so far. And we are continuously working bringing new things and features to enhance the experience on BnB chain.

Updates and Future Plans of World of DPN

Also during this Q three and Q four, we are preparing for just a quick update for RTGE. So the new features will be released. We are working on a new website revamp on a new revamp journey and UI. Also we are introducing a cool feature, as we call it the main map. It will be something really exciting so stay tuned about that and also different events on BNP chain and multiplayer mode. And the most recent update, and I just want to close with it, is that now you can find world of VPN's listed on Binance web three wallet under the BNB chain ecosystem where there are in total of nine projects highlighted there. So this is something really huge for us and for our community as well. So it's step towards innovation. Not only this, but new features will come soon this time. Thank you very much.

Introduction of Gaming

Thank you so much and welcome. Yeah, do check out that day and you will see that with the dpNs, they are one of the top few most popular games right now on BNB chain. And yeah, next up, gaming. Please introduce yourself. Thanks Walter. It's Blake here from gaming. I'm the head of web three marketing. Gaming is effectively the world's largest active decentralized network of GPU's. But we also now monetize users cpu's and bandwidth and hard drive. But the way that we actually acquire those users is through our gaming platform. So we have a gaming platform, bunch of games, really great games in the ecosystem, including Corpo, Citizen Conflict and others alike. But gamers, come on. They have the option to share their monetization with us through one click. Which makes it super easy.

Gaming's Monetization and Product Focus

We take care of all the tech stuff on the back end and then we go and on sell that computational power to different. To different clients. What we've been focusing on more recently is the release of some different products which we have coming soon in the AI space, which I'm pretty excited to release. As well as P two P file sharing. Which is the way that we allow game developers to basically save a bunch of costs from their usual providers like AWS and whatnot when it comes to file downloading and storage as we use a torrenting system through our gamers. And this also gives money back to our gamers through the monetization of those file sharing capabilities.

Introduction of Gaming Gladiators and Achievements

We also own an esports organization called Game and Gladiators. We just won as the world champions in Dota two in the esports World cup. So we're currently the champs, and we're currently also going through Ti 2024 right now for Dota two. But we did have a bunch of other teams that competed in the esports World cup just recently, and we took 7th place in the overall club championships out of, like, I guess you would say, hundreds of different teams and esports organizations that competed. So pretty exciting stuff on that side. We're also going to be in Copenhagen as a team next week checking out Ti, which should be pretty exciting. And I'm currently sitting in the head office in Portugal looking at all the different gaming gladiators merchandise around me, and it's looking really good.

Closing Remarks from Gaming

And I did hear also that we had the best looking merch at the Esports World cup, at least it was said by the commentators. So that's pretty cool to hear. But yeah, there's a little bit about gaming and what we're doing and who we are as a business. Thanks for having us today. Thank you so much and welcome. Definitely great to have gaming here. You guys are BME chains official gaming ambassadors, so do check out their competitive, sorry, the esports team, especially dota two, which is, they are at the internationals now. Right? So good luck to that. And next up, please introduce yourself.

Introduction of Corporal

Corporal. Yeah. Hey, Walter. Happy to be here, Ross. So we as a corporal, building the gaming platform with the wallet and marketplace where we can trade the asset, and also building our own ips, where we believe that because beyond the infrastructures, which is already very well developed overall in the blockchain space, we believe that the high quality of the games and ips will be driving the blockchain gaming to mainstream. And also we believe that the next generation IP that will lead web three adoption won't be Pokemon coming to web three, but will be Pokemon brand born from the heart of web three gaming.

Corporate's Vision and Game Development

So we many times saw and have huge expectation of a huge web two company coming to web three, but nothing significant happens. So we believe that the games born from the heart of web three can really lead the success. That's why we're building our animate creature extraction shooter. You can imagine playing SK from Tarco with Pokemon like creatures called animate. It's high risk, high reward. We have already closed alpha test, now we'll be opening on the public. So it's like proper multiplayer PvP experience with also NPC's and bosses and different type of the fights.

Description of Games and Future Plans

You are capturing the animates and it's super cool and fun. The second game is Citizen conflict which is most focusing on the competitive gamers and all these games are free to play and will be available fully available in the quartile four where you can free to play the game and use the corporate platform to monetize and use blockchain. Very easy. We are happy partner of the BNB, our Genesis collection of the animated on the BNB. So happy to be here and talk about such a great game as Wukong.

Closing Remarks from Corporal

Thank you so much and definitely welcome to Corpro. Has been a very OG builder of gaming chain and yeah I do think that the monster collection genre has very high potential in the retrieve space. So thanks for building on BNB chain. Let's keep building. So yeah, first question will be for all guests and I will highlight that. So the game black Meat Woocommerce has been super popular for the past few weeks and it is largely due to I think they've done many things right in gaming other than visuals and gameplay. They managed to comedy well as well.

Discussion on Web Three Gaming

So we would like to talk about how can web three studios and games and projects learn from such a game like myth Woocommerce by game science? And how can we bring similar viral hype to gaming through web three functions like nfts or decentralized ownership. So yeah, maybe I would like corporal to start on this. Yeah, I would say like for the single player experience and many, let's say the investors, community members and web three community members are getting into the web three gaming projects, owning the nfts and nfts like we all hope it will be like living forever on the blockchain. And it's like game as a service. So this makes more sense for blockchain gaming to be like multiplayer and game as a services.

Conclusion on Gaming Insights

But when we are thinking about success of the Woocon and how the web three companies can think about replicating access, the first of all it takes time.

The Development and Impact of Web Three Gaming

It was developed over a huge amount of time, also the budget and everything. But at the same time, if you are thinking about how web three can benefit from this is like if you are thinking about tokens, many games has a tokenization of the game, tokenization of the studio, tokenization of the platform doesn't matter. And if there is like any jurisdictions where you can have potential profit shares and revenue distribution where you hold the token and successes of the game. And this revenue out of the game, no matter if it's single player multiplayer can be used for profit redistribution in the legal way and not be considered as a security. That's one way. How definitely can web three think about tokens? Because community and investors buying the tokens, they feeling mentally, they feeling that they are like shareholders of your company. That will definitely make sense if you're working and building common single player type of the games. That you get some source of profit redistributions or using the revenue for buybacks burning and whatever, something. But also BNB is doing great job when you are using token on the exchanges. So that's from the monetization layer. And how the success of such a game can have impact of the token economy.

The Importance of Game Quality in Web Three

The second part even more important is like frozen all the game quality. So I think so that web three studios and gaming communities and gaming platform are many times trying to catch the trends. And we can see the tap to earn this, to earn whatever in so many trends AI and so on. So many mini games coming out and all the stuff. And they forget many times the main mission and main vision from the game and how the directions of the game should be. And the game development is so expensive. It takes a lot of time, patience with the team. And if you really want to deliver such a game, you need to have clear vision and follow the division. And don't be distracted with so many stuff we have in web three space which is distractful from the final vision. And I always said that rather to have one such a games like Wukong like to have tens or hundreds of games which this blockchains are many proudly shares that we have hundreds or 200s. These fictional numbers which didn't anytime benefit the game itself.

The Unique Experience of Wukong

Like now we can see off the grid Gonzilla, they're building like the huge game. And this heavily impact the chain. And I think so that one flagship projects like Wukong bringing on chain will make definitely bigger impact. Like having tons of other games which are not so ambitious. So yeah, my stand point of view. Yeah, definitely agree. The resource difference is huge because Wukong, although they use lesser funds than other typical AAA games. Like it's still 70 million and like three to four years. So web three gaming is super new. And yeah, I think the potential is definitely there. And yeah, bringing in strong ips, I think that will be a very strong move as well. I look forward to all these things happening, especially on BNB chain. So next up, perhaps gaming. Could you share on this?

Focusing on Gamer Experience

Yeah, look, I think Wukong is super unique, right, in its own right in that it. And then at the same time, it's not, it really just took what the essence of gaming is or less at least what gamers enjoy. And then it just focused on that. It literally just focused on the experience. Like if you go and you play Wukong, it is absolutely full and action packed of just new experiences. It does, it does not stop like you're versing a boss or you think you're versing at least like an end boss, but it's like just, it's like a mid boss creature. You're playing against it. Like you've, you're performing all these different moves of which you're sort of limited to. But it's still extremely fun because all the different things coming out of this mid core boss are just extremely fun. Like there's always a new move happening, there's a new animation that and each type of character that they've actually included in the game. It's just so uniquely designed, right?

Leveraging Story and Culture

And it obviously has this deeper story like where there's actual substance behind the introduction of these different creatures, which is just like chinese myth, right? And it has all these quotes and things like that which you can either relate to or not relate to with all the different bosses. But I think that like one of the key things is like when you feel like you've consumed all that you can consume in a game, like black myth, Wukong just kind of continues to deliver. And I feel like that's something that we can learn in understanding just gamer psychology. Like if you want your game to be viral and you want to have that sort of like impact and you really want to like make it big, what you need to be doing is you need to be focusing on what the gamer experience is. And you need to be making sure that if yourself are the gamer and you're coming in, you're putting yourself, you've effectively as a developer got to put yourself in a game of shoes and think, would I actually enjoy and love this game?

The Changing Landscape of Consumer Engagement

And that is, that's the whole sort of like thing that we have today in when you like release any sort of a product, right. That when you look at consumer path to purchase, you usually used to have about 20 years ago before social media, just three steps. It was awareness, consideration, and then purchase, right. But we've had this added fourth layer which is advocacy, through the introduction of like web two, social media and whatnot. And that's just been, it's been an explosive part as to, like, why you see a lot of businesses grow. And so when you see all these visuals, there's purpose behind why they've done it this way. Because they understand how much content comes from that when you're giving it to kols. They understand how much enjoyment comes from that when you're just giving it to the everyday gamer and look like we're talking about it on this space right now.

The Success of Wukong and Future Directions

I'm pretty sure it's, it wasn't at a record that they sold 10 million copies in such a short amount of time or something like that. Like, it's absolutely insane. And they did just focus on chinese myth. I think that in itself, like, there's a bunch of things that you could, like, sort of shorten summarize back down to one point, which is just focus on the things that you're good at. Find your hedgehog strategy, which if you look at the book, from good to great. The hedgehog strategy is like how there's a talent. Like foxes have a number of different ways that they can try and attack a hedgehog, but all a hedgehog has to do is roll up into a ball and it's impenetrable. It's just good at this one thing and it makes them the best in the world and makes them impenetrable. And that's what this, I believe that's what black myth Wukong has done.

Reflections on Web Three Gaming Development

It's like they focused on just this one thing that makes them great, which is experience. And it doesn't matter how long it took. They just g'd it up over a couple of years in through the development and it turned into something amazing. I feel like we lack that in web three. And it's why you don't typically see web three games being talked about as it should or as at least will be in the future in the masses. But we will, I think we just need a few of these types of people to come over with the same or similar mindset and then interweave all the greatness of web three into the game at the same time. But yeah. Thank you so much, Blake.

Playing Wukong and Industry Growth

You're right. Like, I've been playing Wukong every night and I think the way they tell story is really engaging on top of like really fun gameplay and stuff. So. Yeah, definitely. I agree as well where we are very new because web three is new. Web three gaming is newer so there are many builders like corporal and what are deviants that does also bringing in high quality games on board. And I think slowly and surely the whole industry will grow and become a good part of the overall gaming industry. Thanks a lot for sharing.

The Importance of Quality Content in Web Three Gaming

So yeah, next up to share what are the epns. Could you share your views please? Yes. So I totally agree with gaming and corporate speakers. Totally good points. Just wanted to add a little bit that even you highlighted that web three. Web three gaming is something new. Just want to focus a little bit on the issue and to the most important thing is that right now in web three gaming we don't see a lot of quality content and gameplay also part of these worlds and so on.

Experience and Development Teams

So one thing that black myth Wukong did very good was they had a lot of time to build. They have the experience because the developer company game science was founded ten years ago. They actually have some experience of making other games as well. So they know how to deal with things. And they have around 100 people working and developers on and most of just to compare with most of web three gaming projects. You and everyone knows that there aren't so many people involved into a gaming project so far. So that should be max 1015 or 20. So just a fun fact.

Building Quality Games in Web Three

In world of VPN's we are around 26 people working. So we started developing the game like more than two years ago. So in order to build that good quality gaming you need, let's say an army of developers and a lot more time in order to build that game. Also we have developers that work previously with Steam, so they have experience on it. That's why we are providing a seamless web two gaming experience to the web three space. That's why most of our users are from web two.

Onboarding Users to Web Three

They try to get onboard into web three space through educational activities just to learn more, what a blockchain is, how to make a transaction, what a wallet is and so on. So this is one of the core things that it is really important that you need to focus on building things at any time, regardless of the market, if it's good or bad and so on. But you just need to keep building in order to keep consistent and to provide the best solutions out there in order to build a really good community. Another thing that I want to highlight is that Wukong made really good is gaming content, which I totally agree with other speakers as well.

The Visual and Technical Aspects of Wukong

So the visuals are incredibly good and Wukong is built in unity. So there are a lot of features that can be or to look more realistic in the gameplay and so on. And that works really good with their topology of game. They have an rpg, the campaign mode, the multiplayer, so everything works together and combined with the visuals is really nice. Just one last thing to focus is that just an advice that we also follow in the beginning to all web three games is that try to build a community first because most of the games that are launched just spend a lot of money just creating a cinematic good trailer, you know, to look really good in order to market it everywhere.

Market Expectations and Community Engagement

And that will bring a lot of attraction. But at the moment when they release the game, it's not as it is expected to the trailer and so on. So just try to focus on building first, creating that engaging game play and then try to offer something to the community after you have.

Gaming World of Devins and Growth in Web3

Yeah. Thank you so much. I think a good point to highlight is that it's very commendable for builders like Gaming World of Devins and corporate where like you mentioned, error agrees that it takes a lot of resources to make a good game. Right. However, in web three, right. Gaming has become one of the fastest growing matured vertical. Like not just on BNB chain across all chains. More than half of the users typically they have interacted with gaming battery gaming applications. So I think given the short amount of time, the growth rate is very good. So yeah, I think all builders should continue working on this and make web three gaming even better. So the next question will be directed to Kopo. So you guys are building a shooter game citizen conflict. Sorry? You built a shooter game citizen conflict and also a monster collection animate. So we would like to maybe understand and share with other developers how can a web three game achieve, you know, maybe a high level anticipation such as what Woocommerce did for this game.

Key Features in Web3 Gaming

How do we highlight like the key features of web three gaming to attract people to play like the decentralized gameplay and so on. We'd love to hear your views on this. That's a good question. I will say first and foremost, like what we mentioned all here and we can agree we all play the Wukong because like it's really amazing gameplay. And you can see these clips on the socials like people fighting with 1st 2nd balls and it's like incredible experience. The way the movement, the we fix and everything. So this is also very deep storyline and also like the progression systems. You have a talent trees for the staff, martial arts, the melee, the magic stuff and all the stuff. You know when like first time days, like it was like release. I was purchased and played like hours. And it was like so amazing experience. And, and if we want to replicate such a success, first and foremost, the quality has to be there. The second is like distribution channel. You need to be on the Steam, you need to be on the consoles, you need to be on the other launch pads like Epic Store.

The Importance of Distribution and Quality

And so when you have like majority of the gamers now majority of the games come to epic, which is still like nothing compared to Steam. When we are thinking about real player user base and you have to be on all the platforms and of course having cross play capabilities with consoles where a lot of gamers more and more coming to the consoles from the console market. So the distribution is very important. And when we are thinking about web three companies, how to replicate is like really building the blockchain solution at tech behind the game. And don't bother the gamers because it takes years to build infrastructures. We have in the web three now, like we have all other PCs, indexers, all the stuff from the marketplaces, dexs. And it will take years to build such games like Wukong, which will be key for mainstream adoptions. But, and it will be not possible if like the people will be really forcing for signing the transactions and transfer the funds and everything.

Seamless Experience and User Integration

So, so more and more we can see the wallet integrated inside the unity unreal engine and having like really seamless experience where you can play the game, put it on the in game inside the application. You don't have to leave the game because if you leave in the game, you lose the users and you have like all this seamless integration. And that's the key, I would say for the gamers don't care about where the assets are, they want to play. And if we allow them to trade an asset inside the game and on the backbone there is a blockchain that's good for us for web three adoptions. But you know, first of all, it's about the dapps itself. That's why I believe that more than ever is important now in this bull market in these upcoming cycles to focus on quality project. Because like we can see a lot of l two l three s coming to the blockchain.

The Challenge of Quality and Community Support

So many blockchains and 99 of this block person of the blockchains will die slowly because the keys really have real dapps, which people using and the quality is the key. And you can see that Wukong has now more revenue like I would say 99% of these games. So rather to have one quality three play games with such an impact on the market and everybody are talking about it. I like to have like hundreds, thousands of adapts which are basically, you know, don't have such a quality. So that will be like major steps. Also, like, the whole community needs to grow up and have more long term vision and support of such a project. Because if you are rushing everything and have KPI's based on the transactions and volumes and all the stuff we can see in the web three, whole web three markets need to be a little bit more mature, and that's next step, I would say.

Integrating Esports and Web3

Yeah, I think you highlighted a very important point for gaming, which is the seamless user gameplay experience and distribution channel. Speaking of distribution, gaming actually has a gaming launcher as well. So the next question is for gaming, although Wukong is not exactly an esports competitive kind of game. But we are very interested to talk about this, since you own a professional esports team. So we would like to understand how can web three integrate esports and loyalty programs to build similar excitement and long term engagement between the gamers and web three community? I guess, like, I guess it's probably just a good way to explain how we're doing it, right? So Gaiman owns one of the biggest, we would say a top five esports organization in the world.

Fan Engagement Platforms in Esports

Like along the lights of team liquid and, you know, your other bigger ones. I guess, like, we don't like to give any of the others too much light because we always believe we're better, but let's just say we're up there anyway. The way that we're sort of focusing on integrating web three, sorry, esports into web three is through a couple of different strategies. The first way is that we've actually built, like, a fan engagement platform called the Coliseum. And so this is a way for everyday users as well as web three users to jump in and be a part of an esports team, be a part of an esports organization and interactive with this organization in a way that they probably couldn't if they were just watching them through twitch channels and watching them live.

Creating Decentralized Fan Interaction

And so what we do is we give them sort of like, access to esports team our, where there's specific merch perks, ticket perks, things like even being able to, like, meet and speak to players in different ways. And so we're sort of integrating this whole fan interaction and engagement platform so that people can, you know, have that, I guess, have that more decentralized feel that we all know and love in web three, where you're always speaking to the people in charge or the people at the top, right? And so we like to have that. We like to create that culture at game and where we're effectively giving that sort of allowing for that relationship to form between everyday fans and their idols.

The Popularity of Esports in the US

And so, like, let's not discount just for anyone who doesn't realize this, esports is the second most watched sport in the US. For example, second to only NFL. When we checked the stats, I think this was from a thing two years ago, esports was viewership was 89 million, NFL was 150 million, and NBA, the baseball, basketball and ice hockey was all less than east like, sitting in between the sort of 50 to 60 million viewership realm. So what we're effectively doing is integrating esports in a very digestible and easy way into web three, given that game is a web three based project.

Showcasing Web3 Brands

And so we obviously make sure that we publicize and sort of allow our community to understand and see what's going on all the time. We like to sort of showcase that. Our web three team also has sponsors on the jersey, such as BNB chain and Coinmarketcap. And so they sit on the left and the right hand shoulder of our esports jerseys, which is pretty cool. And so we take these small but really effective strategies to then make sure that there is exposure to then web three brands. I think when I was looking last year, for example, we have these through third party analytics companies. But BNB chain's logo, for example, was exposed a total of 270.

Impressions and Growth of the Organization

Sorry, it had a total of. I think it was 271 million impressions over the course of the 2023 season, which is incredible. And like us as a team, overall, we had, I think we generated 25 billion impressions. Not as a team, sorry, as an organization. And so you can see that with these sort of mainstream brands, like gaming gladiators, we're able to not only integrate and showcase web three brands such as BNB chain and Coinmarketcap to the world, but then also showcase Gaiman as a brand to the world. And so as people come in and they start downloading our platform, of which we have like thousands of downloads a day, I think we've reached a total of 500,000 downloads with 90,000 monthly active users.

Introducing Everyday Gamers to Web3

Is majority of these people are everyday gamers. They're people that are just looking for games to play, new platforms to explore, and they're sort of slowly then introduced into web three gaming, because a lot of the games that are actually on our platform right now are web three games, or at least have the web three tech, or are web three inspired. And so we have these developer toolkits for games that are even in web two to be able to integrate web three tech as well. And so we've then got this sort of like user funnel that allows for everyday gamers to be introduced into web three. And so given that we have this, like, to sum it up, given that we have this whole structure, as we sort of grow as a company, we're able to then obviously amplify and accelerate new games that come on and launch on our platform.

Benefits to the Community and Growth

So as we grow as a platform, we grow games, we create more excitement, and that in turn benefits everyone in web three. It's more exposure, it benefits us as a company, and it benefits all our holders as well. Yeah, I think it is super cool to have BME chain and coinmarketcap on gaming gladiators jersey. It's really super cool. And I always feel that esports, you're cheering for a team. It is actually about community and gaming. So community is exactly the spirit of web three, which is decentralization, giving the power to own assets by the people and, you know, just owning your assets on chain, having ownership and stuff.

Future Growth Between Gaming and Web3

So there is very close relationship. So I look forward to more growth between gaming, web three and esports. Definitely looking forward to that. So the next question will be for world of deviants. So you guys are building rpg. Rpg are well known for storytelling, so much like Wukong's game, which is telling the story of post journey to the west. So we would like to understand, how does web three technology allow your rpg to create region experiences for community engagement? Thank you, Walter, for the question. A really nice one, just for everyone to understand. We chose to develop an MMORPG because it aligns perfectly with our vision to create a player centric experience within the web three space.

Player-Centric Experience in RPGs

And just a fun fact for everyone that also our CEO Kai likes to highlight at any of his meeting, is that most of our community compares us with World of Warcraft, but in web three, so we all know what World of Warcraft is, how many players they have, what is the experience that it gets through on MMORPG game. So we are trying to provide the same enjoyable gaming experience into web three. We have seen a lot of games that are only, you know, focus on the play to earn activities because they don't actually have quality gaming content, you know, to onboard new users or not only for from the crypto space, but also from the web too.

Onboarding Users in Web3 RPGs

But they eventually could not keep up. So what we're trying to do different a little bit is that we're offering different ways for the users to get onboarded. Not only focus on the crypto users and businesses like we have onboarded, but also since we are available in web two and trying to provide the same experience, we are trying to, let's say, build that educational campaigns and questionnaires within the game to get the users more involved into the web three space also not only for the users, but we have a focus also on the business part, that we offer them to go beyond traditional ways of generating more revenue or growing their brand.

Interactive Experiences with Partners

So we have started with crypto companies that we have built it headquarters for them within our game that will provide questionnaires, will be interactive for all of the players. Like we have an interactive area and events for of course BNB chain for CoinmarketCap, for Coin 98 as well within the game and many more partners that will come, but not only on the, let's say on the crypto space, but we are trying to onboard also web two companies to offer them more ways to generate more revenue for themselves in terms of, let's say, technology that allows RPG's to create a richer experience and to get that user engagement.

Expansive Universe in MMORPGs

I'm just going to list a few reasons why RPG's are ideal fit, not only for platform, but for everyone that decides to build an MMORPG game within the X web three space. First one is that we have an expansive universe. That means that we are not only focused to build a play to earn game, but we have actually a campaign mode, a multiplayer mode, and open world development, which gives the players, invites the players to explore different regions, to uncover secrets, or, you know, participate in different events into the narrative of the game.

Narrative and Community Engagement

Just want to focus a little bit on the narrative right now, because as it's an MMORPG, we'll have different heroes within the game, which are actually the players, and they need to come together at a certain point in time to defend the and all of the assets that they have built within the game. Like buildings, let's say assets that they have protected everything from the Dark Lord, as we call it, which is coming from a galaxy far away, in order to invade our planet. And all of those heroes that are developing each of the buildings by itself need to come together in order to defend all of the environments.

Player Customization in RPGs

Another thing is player customization that RPG's offer players, you know, the freedom to shape their characters and influence in their journey. For example, in world of Dupians, players can customize their avatars, choose their if they want to be a mage or a warrior or different race, and make impactful decision that affects both their personal experience within the game, but also to a broader game world, which was the case scenario with a dark lord. So the two last points that I want to highlight is the multiplayer PvE and PvP events. Because they are most engaging parts of the game that we are building, we're going to introduce them in the near future that fosters social interaction through multiplayer gameplay and different quests that we are offering, but not only for the game itself, but also to the partner areas like bmv chain and others that I already mentioned.

Integration of NFTs in Gaming

The last part that I wanted to talk is that something unique that we offer into our RPG game is that we are offering the integration of defined nfts directly within the game. So this is something that you think others have done it, but we are doing it in a very different way. So we are not only a platform focused on the gaming part for the users to get on board, to focus on that enjoyable activities. Like for example, I used to play games in web two because I used to get the enjoyment of it just to play with my friends. But now we see most of the games in web three are onboarding players that are there only for airdrops or nfts or tokens and so on. What we are offering is that the Defi NFT integration, we are leveraging these unique features within our game directly. So we are making the players to interact within a single platform, so only from the game to interact with all of the blockchain features starting from defi like staking, farming and so on directly, but also to the NFTs that we have made it possible.

Future Roadmap for Gaming

Thank you so much for sharing. So I would like to highlight that all three of the guests here are very strong builders on BNB chain. So do check out their socials because next up we would like them to share what are their future roadmap? What are they going to do next to build web three gaming on BNB chain? And yeah, perhaps we'll have copper to start first. Yes. So we will be launching our new gaming platform, completely new update for every single features with the new update of Marketplace and on the kickoff of the campaign we will launch our loyalty program which is called Diamond Points. And based on our activity, playing the game mission and all the stuff you can do on the platform. You will start collecting these diamond points for future purposes. I can leak more, but definitely will be excited.

Game Events and Features

So we want to rewind the players NFT holders, but also the holders of the token which are the first early adopters of the ecosystem. Then for the game itself, if you just want to play and enjoy the game. For animate, there will be open public alpha early in the quartile four, so people will be able to play. You know, with PvP there is like four different service regions. USA, Asia, Europe and one more region. Not sure which one will be open for the public alpha. And then we have a citizen conflict battle royale game mode will be launched as well. So basically both of the game will play and will be live simultaneously. And you can use the and feel so many gaming mission, feeling the experience barrel and all the stuff. And then they can rewire on our platform on top of it. So that's super excited.

Upcoming Trailers and Merchandise

By end of September we are launching animate, a storyline trailer. And in the quarter four we will be launching our merchandise and also distribution for the PLI sheet for our Genesis holders. So it will be super excited. And then it's Christmas. Yeah. Super awesome. So BNB chain has shared, I think, animates trailer before. So do check it out. I think it is very, it's really very well made. I think we look forward to that. So perhaps next up to share about your roadmap gaming, please. Hey, so what we've got next on the roadmap is actually, I guess gaming specific would be, you would umbrella it as AI NPC.

AI NPC Technology

We have the technology for an AI NPC being released in five different APIs. And so that's actually being released this month, which is really cool. So these AI endpoints are effectively text to text to speech, text to image, lip sync. So you could even pop up your NFT in there if you wanted that individual function and put some words to some text and your NFT would start talking, maybe even say GM, you can create it into a GiF every morning. And then there's also a video to text. So like you see those transcribers in meetings that typically take notes such as fireflies and whatnot. That's one of those as well. So there are five AI API endpoints, I should say. And that's coming pretty soon, which is really cool.

File Sharing Innovations

We also have p to P file sharing. So I don't believe anyone's ever done this before in the way that we can do it. So we have the security of AWS s three to host an original file for which we then through a torrenting protocol are able to distribute for next to no cost in comparison to these. There's still a cost, but it's much cheaper than what any of these other centralized systems can do it for. And so we use our gamers themselves, the people monetizing on the platform to be able to actually help us distribute the files. So for example, if a game wants to come on and upload their file to our server, it's hosted through AWS for security and then sent out through a photonic protocol in the sense of file downloads through fragmented files through all the different users.

User Revenue Sharing

So it's completely safe. It's encrypted as well, which is really cool. And we're able to do it for a fraction of the cost, which is super effective. And that's something that we're also releasing soon. The great thing about that too is the revenue goes back to the user, the gamer, the end user. And that's for us is a big thing. And when we give revenue back to these users, that's through the form of using the revenue to buy back the token and then distribute those rewards to the users, which is really cool. And that's. There's a couple of things that we have coming. Really excited about these.

Unique Gaming Experiences

We also have things like wallets and whatnot. But to be more relevant and specific to the space, I think that those two are really exciting to talk about. But soon games are going to be able to have AI NPC's in their games. Creating unique experiences, which is what we talked about. What I talked about at least earlier in the space with black myth Wukong. Creating unique experiences that create advocacy so that people talk about it, they spread it, they talk about it to their friends and they talk about how unique their experience was. And that's. That's what we believe we can create through these aim PCs, which is pretty cool.

Closing Thoughts on Web Three

Thanks Walter. Yeah, thanks Blake. I think gaming is like building a lot of stuff. So I'm really thankful for you guys. Building in the web three space. The sharing of the revenue I think is a really key thing in web three, right? Giving ownership to people using the products. I think that's great. Happy to hear and look forward to following up all these cool stuff. Next up world of DPNs. Please share your roadmap and let us know more. Yes, so happy to share with you. Just for you to know.

Short and Long-Term Roadmap Overview

Our roadmap is available on our website. You can check it out really easily. Just wanted to divide it into two parts, the short term and long term. Let's say roadmap that we are planning to release for our community in short term. As I already mentioned before, we are preparing for rpg which will also the token will be used for a game currency and it will have different utilities within the game associated with it, with different game events and many more functionalities that are related also to the trading of NFTs within our marketplace and many more features. New features will be released in terms of the game.

Website and Event Planning

So we'll have another patch note on Epic Games store where players can download it and access really nice events that will be introduced and features as well. The website is currently being revamped on the UI and UX part which we're trying to offer users a more intuitive and visually appealing experience to their navigation daily within our ecosystem. And also another thing in short term that we're planning to introduce is the full map enhancement which is fully new product or features that we are offering to our community where they can have all in one place, the maps, the activities and everything that are related to the game activities.

Upcoming Events and Multiplayer Features

Two short term activities that we are planning for BNB chain, one of them we already done it is live the new revamp area or headquarters within the game on Epic Gamestore for BNB chain. And another short term is that we are preparing for a dedicated event called BNB Chain Maisday which will be available to all users that are holding our token. It will be a really nice event, only happening once per week, and we will invite each player to interact to solve the labyrinth and many more mysteries within the BnB chain ecosystem.

Long-Term Plans in Gaming

So these are for the short terms, in terms, let's say for long term roadmap, we are planning to have a full release on the multiplayer PvP and PvE on our platform so the players can join clans can team up or fight with their friends, fight with each other in order to compete questionnaires or even make achievements to it. We are introducing also many different things related to the educational and onboarding new web two users to the crypto space like the launch of Crypto Museum which will feature the most contributors within the crypto space through AI powered NPC's, which we're trying to give that realistic look and feel in the museum part and try to get users as many information as they can to get them on board really easily to the game and to the crypto space.

Continuous Partnerships and DeFi Integration

And another thing that we are continuously working with different partners to introduce them within our gaming ecosystem, within the crypto space, but also outside the crypto space. And we're working to launch the in game defi integration not only, let's say, on the website, but directly within the game where the players can utilize it without the need to visit our website so they can and make the most out of their assets directly within the game. So that's pretty much it.

Web Three RPGs and the Metaverse

I think what's very interesting about web three rpg's is that by owning the assets in the rpg world, it brings us closer to the Metaverse concept. So do check out the cool BNB chain events with the world Debian. And yeah, I would like to wrap this up by do follow the socials of gaming world of deviance Cobo. Check out their games and products on BNB chain. This is really very innovative and interesting stuff. So as gamers, I think definitely we should check it out and yeah, I think we have come to the end of our AMA.

Conclusion and Appreciation

So thank you all three of you for attending. And thank you everyone for hearing us discuss about games and web three, the hype, success and future innovations. We'll talk to you guys next time in the next gaming AMA. So, yeah, have a good day, everyone. Bye bye. Thanks. Thanks, Walter.

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