Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Building a Decentralized Future for Creators with Gari Network hosted by 0xTrikon. In the Twitter space, 'Building a Decentralized Future for Creators with Gari Network,' the focus was on revolutionizing Web3 infrastructure for gamers, providing insights into empowering creators in a decentralized environment. Discussions highlighted the importance of decentralization in fair revenue distribution and ownership rights, the benefits of Web3 technologies for the gaming community, and the role of community engagement in driving adoption. Participants explored Gari Network's alignment with industry trends, the potential of decentralized systems to transform gaming, and the platform's contribution to sustainability within the gaming sector.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What is Gari Network's focus in the Web3 space?
A: Gari Network concentrates on building Web3 infrastructure to empower gamers and creators.

Q: How does Gari Network enable creators to monetize their content?
A: The platform offers creators easier methods to monetize their work and engage with their audience.

Q: Why is decentralization crucial for fair revenue distribution in gaming?
A: Decentralization ensures fairer revenue sharing and ownership rights for creators in the gaming industry.

Q: What benefits do Web3 technologies bring to the gaming community?
A: Web3 technologies provide solutions to traditional industry challenges and open up new growth opportunities.

Q: How does Gari Network align with industry trends in decentralization?
A: Gari Network's approach resonates with the trend of decentralized technologies shaping various sectors, gaming included.

Q: Why is community engagement essential for platforms like Gari Network?
A: Community engagement is vital for driving the adoption of decentralized platforms and enhancing user experiences.

Q: In what way does Web3 infrastructure impact content creation democratization?
A: Web3 infrastructure plays a crucial role in democratizing content creation and ownership, especially in gaming.

Q: What role do decentralized systems play in fostering innovation in gaming?
A: Decentralized systems have the potential to transform the gaming sector, fostering creativity and innovation.

Q: How does Gari Network contribute to a sustainable gaming ecosystem?
A: Gari Network contributes to sustainability by creating an inclusive and sustainable environment for gamers and creators.

Q: What potential do decentralized platforms like Gari Network have in the gaming industry?
A: Decentralized platforms hold the potential to enhance user experiences and transform the gaming industry landscape.


Time: 00:10:15
Empowering Creators with Web3 Infrastructure Gari Network's focus on empowering creators through decentralized Web3 solutions.

Time: 00:20:30
Driving Innovation in Gaming Discussion on how decentralized systems drive innovation and creativity in gaming.

Time: 00:35:45
Community Engagement for Adoption Importance of community engagement in the adoption of decentralized platforms like Gari Network.

Time: 00:45:10
Fair Revenue Distribution in Gaming Exploring fair revenue distribution and ownership rights for creators in the gaming sector.

Time: 00:50:25
Web3 Technologies for Growth Benefits of Web3 technologies in providing new growth avenues for the gaming community.

Time: 00:58:00
Decentralization Trends in Gaming Aligning Gari Network's approach with the growing trend of decentralization in the gaming industry.

Time: 01:05:20
Innovative User Experiences Enhancing user experiences through decentralized platforms like Gari Network.

Time: 01:15:30
Role of Gari Network in Gaming Sustainability Gari Network's contribution to creating sustainable ecosystems for gamers.

Time: 01:25:40
Future of Decentralized Gaming Exploring the potential impact of decentralized platforms on the future of gaming.

Time: 01:30:50
Democratizing Content Creation Web3 infrastructure's role in democratizing content creation and ownership in gaming.

Key Takeaways

  • Gari Network focuses on building Web3 infrastructure for gamers, aiming to empower creators in a decentralized environment.
  • The platform enables easier access for creators to monetize their content and engage with their audience in innovative ways.
  • Decentralization allows for fairer revenue distribution and ownership rights for creators within the gaming industry.
  • Gari Network's emphasis on Web3 infrastructure highlights the importance of creating sustainable and inclusive ecosystems for gamers.
  • The discussion delves into the benefits of decentralized platforms in fostering creativity and innovation within the gaming community.
  • Web3 technologies offer solutions to traditional gaming industry challenges, providing new opportunities for growth and development.
  • Gari Network's approach aligns with the growing trend of decentralized technologies shaping the future of various industries, including gaming.
  • Participants explore the potential of decentralized systems to transform the gaming landscape and enhance user experiences.
  • The conversation emphasizes the role of community participation and engagement in driving the adoption of decentralized platforms like Gari Network.
  • Debates center around the impact of Web3 infrastructure on the democratization of content creation and ownership in the gaming sector.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hello, everyone. And we are very excited to welcome you today in our exciting session with Gaui network. So we are just gonna start in the next two minutes. And I would request Gaui team to get connected with us and. Okay, I can see they are also connected as a speaker. So just wanted to check the sound that if you are able to hear us and also if you can just speak a word and say welcome to our listeners for the day.

Session Kick-off and Introductions

Hi, everyone. All right, thank you. Thank you for confirming. So let's get started. So to start with a quick introduction, my name is Rohit, and I am a chief product officer with Recon. And today we are very excited to join along with Gari Network, where we're going to talk about the decentralization future for the creator economy. And also we can see a. A lot of expansions that are happening. And the creator economy has always been one of an exciting thing. Like, despite being. If that was TikTok, then people transitioning to Instagram and also, like on YouTube, it's always about the creator economy, which is giving up a different hype to any kind of nature.

The Evolution of Creator Economy

So despite being that's like, to any brand or that's a need to game. So I would like to welcome Gary Network today and just wanted to start with, like, quick introduction from your team and talking about Chingari. So they are described as world's first web three social app. So hi, team, and looking forward to, like, a quick introduction about yourself. And that should be like, a beginning to our today's session. Yeah.

Chingari Team Introduction

Thank you very much, Rohit. I'm Ronnie. I'm community head of audio rooms. Chingari audio rooms. And. And thank you very much for welcoming us here with your audience. And definitely the gari. And Chingari is incentivizing a large audience through monetizing by its gauri token in the web three space. And definitely, first of all, like, you have asked, like, how it's a very inclusive platform globally. Like, we are focusing on inclusivity and improving small creators, especially in remote areas.

Inclusivity and Features of Chingari

Like, we have token based earnings, we have low Internet bandwidth requirements for using the app, Chingari app. We have local language support, user-friendly interface. So more users like, can join the Chingari space and can monetize by their work on the app with the web three social app token gauge. Got it. Thank you for like beginning the session and also giving out like a quick introduction on what Shingari is and also telling about that, how you're tokenizing all of these creator economy.

Understanding Chingari's Unique Aspects

So really exciting to have your insights and understand that what are the different visions that you're currently carrying? And also like how we are going to take the conversation forward. So if we get like one thing that came out of a curiosity to me, like if we can just explain that what makes Chingari different from other social platforms in terms of first obviously you are decentralized and then you have a community governance. So definitely one of the things which is decentralization sets you apart from what we have in terms of the centralized nature of the, like these social platforms right now.

Chingari's Community Governance

But what makes you different from the general holdings of or the, like the current functionalities that we have into the social economy right now? Yeah, exactly. Like Chingari is indeed promoted as a world first web three social app emphasizing decentralization and community governance. Like we have blockchain based. Like Tengar is utilizing blockchain technology like Aptos. Like we are on Aptos and recently were on Solana and we are using both blockchains and we are like we have token based economy.

User Engagement and Governance

Like users can earn tokens for creating and engaging like on Chingari app and Gauri Token is being utilized as the transactions within the app. So like we have the as you far concerned with the governance we. We are, we strongly believe on Gauri decentralization. Like gari dao. Like we token holders can like participate in voting on platform decisions. Like we recently proposed our first guardidao proposal on realms. So where our gari token holders demanded what they actually need.

Chingari's Democratic Decision Making

Like there we propose the social farming like and definitely according to them, the one who have majority in democratic decision making we firmly believe that we should do accordingly our token holders demands and need. And this thing I think distinguishing us from other social apps like whenever you see like what is basically Chingari and why its need in the web three space. Like you can see there are too much apps in the web two space not web three.

Addressing Centralization Challenges

Like they are monetizing only some users but they are not transparent. So we have blockchain technology and there we can say that we have strongly and I we have, you can say we have strongly ensuring community involving, shaping the platform futures. So these are the things like I can say Gary is creating something different in the web three space in the social economy. Oh that's amazing to know.

Skepticism Towards Centralized Platforms

And obviously I can see this one of the biggest challenge wherever whenever we are posting anything on Instagram, YouTube or anything that is always on like the centralized servers and I always have been skeptical about this with one of an example, right like despite being if that was TikTok so people have been posting on that platform, but just because of some regulation or two countries not being getting together, that platform got banned.

Content Control and Access Issues

And whatsoever content that we have posted that has been deleted despite being, like today, we don't know if that is still there on their servers or not. So something that we have as our own personal thing is there on someone's health server. And now that is something that we do not have access to. So I believe for this content creator economy, like, this is also. This may be one of the agenda that you have for creating out the dao around it, right?

The Need for Decentralization

Yeah, exactly. Like, whenever you talk about TikTok, this is like in the two-day modern space. Like, TikTok is fully web to app, right? They don't have any, like whatever the users are spending their time, they don't getting paid by their hard works. Like, they have introduced a live feature recently, but it's totally like web to app. And I.

Monetization Challenges for Creators

The app itself is like getting a lot of revenue, but instead of it, creators who are giving their hard works on that space are getting nothing like peanuts. So, like far as. And there are so much regulation and space, like when, like, you know that TikTok is banned India, like back in 20, 1920. So there are a lot of restrictions.

A Call for Change

And definitely in this time and in that time, users want something different, like where they can freely interact with others and they get also monetized by their hard work. So that was the merely idea that we came within 2020. And so we are working with the fully zealand test. And today we are also like giving our fully out, fully outcome in the social economy and creative economy, not by just like some users, like whatever, the ones who is with Chingari is getting monetized, but for sure we have to do some interactions with the app.

Goals and Objectives

So everyone, our like agenda was clear, very clear from the day one. Like, everyone has to be monetized. So in the disrupted creator economy. And we are achieving the same goal today also. Amazing. That's amazing to know. So moving on to the next part, like, so right now we talk about the trends of short videos, right?

Short Video Trends

I and Chingari also claims to be like most inclusive short videos platform globally, especially for small influencers and remote areas. So how does Chingari support these smaller creators and what tools and features are available to help them succeed? Yeah, definitely. When we started, like, definitely it was the first web three social app, like India and like in South Asia, like, so when we see like how we can empowering smaller creatures, especially in remote areas, is really a key aspect of our platform.

Empowering Small Influencers

Like we have token based earnings. How? Like, like as I said earlier, like everyone, the one like you and me, if we are interacting on the Chainari app, definitely we will be incentivized with the gary. Like it's a token. So. And the other thing that definitely, like even if we are using our Twitter or any app, we definitely need Internet. So we have low Internet bandwidth requirements.

Technology and Accessibility

Like you don't need a very fast Internet for operating this app. So everyone can join. Like we have also a local language is supported. Like we have different languages like English, Hindi, Tamil and different language. So the purpose of different local languages support is that we can simplify our users user understandings with our app. And definitely we have a very friendly interface.

User-Friendly Design

Like if you are a newcomer and you want to join so you can, it's very easy and you can be familiar with the simple features that can be understandable by everyone. And there is like no test requirements. Like whenever you go to web two, YouTube and any other apps. So you definitely need some watch hours, you need followers. But here in Chingari app, you simply have to install the app, activate your wallet, do activities, do some social activities like interacting with others.

Simplicity and Accessibility

That's it. Simple. It's so, it's so simple that even an illiterate person like who only use mobile can also like Usingari app easily. Got it. So it's like just giving something that they need and not like going through a learning curve still being a part of the economy like in a very seamless manner as it can be, right? Like you can, you can also say like with Singai, anyone, any user can install the app and use its features like simple scroll tap and he will be monetized because he is interacting in that.

Introduction to Social Tokens and Creator Engagement

It's so easy. Alright. So moving on to the next thing. Like Gari is also like introduced as a social token, right? Where to empower creators and enhance their engagement with the audience. So like if you can explain on how social token works and also why they are considered as the future of community platform for creator monetization methodologies.

Importance of Tokens in Web Three Space

Yeah. With the like web three space. When we talk about a web three space, definitely we need a token because if users are using it then definitely they are, they should be incentivized with some tokens. And that's why Gari was very compulsory for bringing the Shanghai app on the top heights. So like this earlier week, I can say that, like you can say you was asking that how it will like enhance the engagement with the audience. Definitely. We were the first, were the first one, like in the social web, three social apps.

Utilizing VNFTs for Creators

Like we introduced vnfts, video nfts. Like you can, if you are a creator, if you ask creator and you are uploading your content, you can mint those videos into the, like vnft video NfT and you can then list on to the vnft marketplace like creator cards. so, like I, if you are a creator, you are creating a video and I can buy your video. So I will, you will be more, you will get incentivized by the tokens and I am the buyer. I will be incentivized by the, like, whatever you specify.

Earnings and Incentives Through Token Royalties

The royalty set. Like you have made the videos and you set it that 15% if anyone will buy. So he will get your 15% of your earnings. So you are earning like 100 Gari daily if I have your one video. So I will daily get 15 token of your earnings. So in this way, the creator, the seller and the buyer both enjoy the perks of VNFts. And definitely because token, like you can say you can tip your favorite content creators.

Role of Gari Tokens in Enhancing Engagement

So definitely if I like your content, then I will tip you with the help of Gari tokens. So it will like enhance your creativity and it will boost your morale to do something extra on this platform. Yeah, got it. That's something which is very important, like not just getting the community, but also like making them come again and also being retained. That's something that I believe is one of the motto for any project.

Chingari's Global Growth and Future Plans

So just like not just the conversion, but the retention is something that everyone needs as a target. And I can see that you guys have amazing strategies around it. Yeah, exactly. So talking about like Chingari has achieved like significantly global reach, right. In just like four years. So what are the key factors that have contributed to Chingaris rapid growth? And like if I can just share some ideas and what are the plans for expansion, like into the new markets in coming time?

Challenges and Connectivity Issues

Yeah, we have, like we, I can start with your end questions, like definitely we have planned to expand it to the broader heights like America, Middle east and definitely so because. I can't hear you. Are you, I guess you're on mute. There are some like Internet connectivity issues because it's raining outside. No worries. No worries. So, yeah, that's why some problems. Yeah.

Returning to the Discussion on Gari Network

Okay, I guess you, we can hear you now. You can continue. I guess you are still on mute. So for all the listeners just like were talking about the Gari network. Hello, hello? Hi, guys. Yes, we can hear you now. Yeah, sorry for the inconvenience, because the Internet is unstable right now, but I think I'm audible, right? Yes, you are audible now.

Gari Token's Global Reach and Strategic Partnerships

Yeah, yeah. Like you was asking like what was the significant global reach in our four years and whatever the plan of expansions into the new markets. So we have definitely, like, as I earlier said, I will answer you by your last lines. Like, we definitely have a plan to expansion into new markets like America, Middle East, North Africa and some Europe countries also.

Focus on Content Partnerships and User Experience

And for this we are focusing on the influencer and content partnerships with the abroad. We are integrating like with the abroad platforms for development. Because definitely if you are operating in Asia, their requirements are different, but if you are operating globally, so their requirements are little bit high as compared to South Asia. And what our, like, what help us to be the significant global reach, like is our web three approach, definitely, because without web three, nobody knows that what we are doing like in this space.

Differentiators of Chingari in Market

Because due to web three, definitely we have a token, like we have decentralization token based model. Like it's set apart from the traditional social media platforms. And if we talk about currently like markets, we have definitely engulfing on the emerging markets like India, Southeast Asia, Africa and with India like Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and so, and other.

Community Engagement and User-Friendly Interface

And, and the one thing that like is the user friendly is our local language support. And because we are always stay connected with our community because community always stand first and we are always ready to listen their feedbacks, their appreciations. And this thing in last, like as I said, we have the user friendly interface because these are the thing, whenever the new user enter in the market, he always looks a simple route.

Complexity Avoidance and User Growth

He doesn't need any complexity to reach on the border heights. He always choose a simple path that can achieve his goal. Like in a, sometimes like in a short time, you can say. So these are the approaches that help us to be on the like top broader height of the Southeast Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Amazing.

Client-Centric Growth Strategies

So that these are like having a global presence and also like targeting the creator economy. I'm 100% sure. Like I can see some of amazing business strategies that you guys are holding up right now and I am more eager to learn, like not just during the call, but after the call in the collaborations. That how you guys are looking at it? Really excited for that.

Exploring Gari Token Benefits

Yeah, exactly. All right, so moving on to the next part, like how does Gauri token create, like a value for both creators and the users on the Chingari platform. And if we can just also provide examples of how users can benefit from holding and using the gari tokens. Yeah, exactly. It's like very productive questions.

Monetization and Engagement Models

Like as earlier said, monetization. Like creators are earning Gauri tokens through their interactions on the app. Like if you are a creator, you are giving your time on the Chingari app. You are creating some relations. Like if we talk about the Shingari audio rooms, you are running an audio room. So there will be the like users in your audio room.

User Engagement and Gifting Mechanics

And if you are a good at your content, your skills, definitely you are producing good atmosphere in your room. So if they like your content, etcetera, definitely they will send you some gifts, etcetera. And then in short, these gifts will be redeemed into gari. And so you will be monetized with the gari.

Users Benefit from App Interactions

But if we see user and so whatever the user is sending you gift and like interacting on the app, so these activities all are counted in the ghari mining. So he is also getting benefited from the Chingari app. So in this both way you creators and users are getting like getting and monetizing by the Chingari app.

Gari Token Holding Advantages

And otherwise like you, as you said, what is the holding and benefit of Gauri tokens? So definitely as I earlier said, we have presented our first Gauri dao proposal on the social farming. So if you are a Gauri holder, then you can stake and then you have a stake in the ghari big decisions with your gaui holding power.

Incentives for Gari Token Holders

And like if you are a ghari holder, like we have proposed social Dow farming and they're like users which are holding the big amount. Definitely they have stakes. Like we have allocated some like 2 million gharis for the social farming. And without any like holdings or holder power, they unable to decide what we should want, what should, what we should do for the betterment of the Chingari app.

Community Engagement and Surprise Airdrops

And otherwise if you are holding gari tokens like ten k plus Gauri tokens inside the Chingari app. So there are the surprising airdrops for our community. Like as I quoted, like as you said, what are the examples, etc. So I can, we can proudly say like we have introduced the Bong tokens.

Introducing the Bong Token Campaign

Like we have introduced 100 billion bong token campaign in the last year. And at that time, bonk was not recognized by the entire web three community over the world. So were the first. Like we have done the strategic partnership with the Bongdao and we got hundred billion bongs and then we distributed it to our community like by their, like, by their interacting in the app.

Market Success of Bong Tokens

And one of our users who were holding gari and gari panda, they also get monetized by the Bong token and ultimate. After that, some, after sometimes four to five months, everyone knows that Bong was listed on binance and his market cap was boom, into billions in some time. And our users get very benefited from the Bong campaigns because they were the gari holders, etcetera.

Future Token Innovations

So like this, we have introduced Gok Wan token and some other tokens. We are monetizing users like if they are holding guide token inside the app. So these are the some utilities by holding gari Token in the Chingari app. And we will do the same in the future too.

Chingari's Potential

So that like, obviously I have been looking at Chingarivere for a while now and also like their token now understanding the economics, it's like amazing. Like, I believe something where I definitely can see a lot of potential going on. So moving on to the next part, like Chingari seems to be positioned against big tech companies in terms of how it values and rewards creators. So how does Chingari ensures like a fair and transparent distribution revenue and also the ownership as compared to the traditional platforms that people are using now, like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube. So how people, like, how are you ensuring on the transparent and also like being ahead onto the competition, which is more in the favor of the creators.

Transparency in Distribution

Yeah, exactly. So like, what are the, what are your thoughts on this? Yeah, yeah, exactly. As, as we discussed earlier, that when we see like web, two apps, like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and any other app, they are dependent on their own money bags. Like they have only concerned with their revenues. And like, if you are talking about YouTube, then you have to struggle a lot. Like, you have to, you should have some followers, you should have watch time and after that you get monetized. But before this, you, they don't know how much hard work has been done by the creators and like this, but you don't have any accountability. And you can't ask YouTube that I have given this time and presented this one and how much I got. Like, you don't have any correct understanding.

Chingari and Blockchain

So, but when we look at this, Chingari, due to like blockchain based content ownership, so like, users can track their earnings on blockchains. So they don't have to ask us like, sir, what is our potential earning today? where are our revenues? Where are our incomes? So they can easily track on the blockchain and you and this thing like distinguishing from YouTube and TikTok and definitely we have transparent token economy. Like earnings are distributing like earnings are everyday distributing based on the engagement and community building ensuring transparency throughout the app. And definitely like, and we have the open source infrastructures like Chingari allows for community on community audience feedbacks on their recognizations inside the app.

Community Feedback and Creator Incentives

Like if they like as Dao, if they don't like any feature definitely we will work on it and we will present the something unique ideas like they can work on and they can deliver their opinions on the transparency. But when we see like other YouTube and Facebook, you don't know how you will get be monetized and there and this thing create a confusion inside the user or whether creator and in short user is not getting paid by the YouTube. Whatever you watch or you can comment on thousands of videos, you will get nothing. But here in Shanghai, everything is transparent due to blockchain technology. And they can be monetized by their hard work and by their interacting on the app. Like we can't say if someone is doing nothing on the app, definitely he will get nothing.

Efforts and Earnings

But if someone is giving his time and interacting on the app, definitely he will get his earnings. And it can be transparent on the blockchain based content. Got it. So it's like every effort that you have counts, right? Like any time and main thing. And one thing, we don't have any intermediaries like the source is coming according to our engagement and then it will be credited through definitely blockchain. And there is no intermediaries. Like, like there is no intermediate, like your income will be distributed to this one and after that this channel will approve your earnings and then it will come to your account. So there is no any restrictions between the earnings and the efforts.

Web Three and India's Potential

Got it? Exactly. And that is what is needed. Right. And I believe web three is something that promises that you will be counted for all the efforts that you are putting in. So moving on to like the next thing is like giving that India is a strategic center for emerging web three market. So how does Gari plan to tap into the growing base of crypto enthusiasts in these regions? And also like what are the strategies that are in place to engage the youth and also like especially the first time investors? Yeah, we definitely, we have plans to tap in the growing base of crypto enthusiasts india and other emerging web three markets.

Gari's Strategies for Engagement

Like we have local language support, we are offering platform support. And regional languages like to increase accessibility. We have influencer partnerships. We are collaborating with the local influencers and creators to promote Gauri Chingari and educate users as well. And we have like focusing on the community buildings by through local communities and forum for users like they can conduct, learn and share knowledge and like this followed by following this we have also conducted a web three seminar like last year in the Bengaluru where different users interacted there they were getting connected learn and sharing knowledge on this seminar. Otherwise we firmly believe like we focusing on conducting webinars Ima's to educate users.

Gari Academy and Educational Initiatives

And in last definitely one end core thing like we have user friendly interface like everyone can come and simply open Chingari and can earn his money on his first day and accept of this we have the referral programs and we allocated like million of gharis through referral programs. Like users can refer others and definitely we have strategic partnerships like we have strategic partnered with Tricon also and you are here with us on the Ahem. And other and beside this we are focusing on the Gauri Academy. Like we are launching a dedicated platform for educational resources, tutorials and like guides on web three, crypto and Gauri.

Chingari's Community Focus

And beside this one major thing is also like Gari Academy we have initiated feature named as Chingari and last year in my and through these users, like when we see so much web three communities other than Tycoon and Gari like there are the like great airdrops like you can say Starknet, ZK sync or Manta and other web three ecosystems. So through Chingarian we are initiating and we are focusing like if other web three communities are earning and getting a lot of money from other projects, so why we should don't do the same. So Chingarian was focusing on like learning, educating the users about other blockchains ecosystems through articles, videos.

Creating a Creator Economy

So in short, like as I said, we want a creator economy, we want that everyone should be monetized, everyone should have money. So through this initiative and a lot of users, our users got a big airdrop from different big blockchains project blockchains like Zksync, Manta, Starknet, etc. So these things and in last when users, when we see the users on the first line like first time say they don't aware any because they are from remote areas of India and other countries too. So don't, they don't know what is the web three, what is the crypto.

Awareness and Education

So at that time and today there is a great difference because whenever you ask any such user, they I think they will guide you. What is the web three and why? Web three is very important in the, in today and in the upcoming days. So this is the achievement of Chingari. And so by focusing this, we are like focusing on the Ghari academy where users can like earn free educational resources, tutorials, guides and crypto. And Gari is always here for everyone.

Change and Innovation

Amazing. And I believe something that is needed in terms of like, not just educating people, but also making them aware that where we are heading and how does this change basically comes. So that's something which is one of the biggest achievement. For example, I given, if we talk about trick on where we have seen that people had no idea on what this web three is. And whenever, like two years back, whenever we used to talk to people about web three, so they always have thought that now maybe web three is something which is an override to the current technologies.

Web Three as an Innovation

Instead, this is not an override but a merger or an innovation to what we see today as a technology. So amazing example. And also like excited to see that how Chingari is actually bringing the change there. So talking about like you are also described as a dao, right? Where like all of your autonomous organization also functions very properly, aggressively. So like, how does Dao model functions within Chingari? And what kind of decisions can the community make to shape the platform's future?

DAO and Community Governance

Yeah, exactly. And when you are developing or either developed a large entity like a web three space and you have a token also, then definitely you need a Dao, like decentralized autonomous organization. And we are operating through a community driven governance model, like where decisions are made collectively by the community as well. So like according and following the concerns, as I earlier mentioned two times, we have prepense, we have proposed the first proposal on realms and the proposal was about social farming.

Community Interactions and Monetization

Like users can interact with Gari and Singhai on Twitter. So whatever the interactions they will do, they will be monetized with their hardware. So this thing, because when you are definitely you have Gary, whatever the token, you have you have a holders. And when you are taking a decisions or when you are taking a big decision on your organization, then definitely you can't do decisions without the stakes of your token holder. So that's why Gary Dao is very important. And that's why Gari Dao is impacting like playing a significant role in the development of Chingari app.

Community Decision-Making

And what, like at the second was like you ask like, what is the kind of decisions that can the community make to shape the platform features? Like, we can make decisions on like our moderation policies, our distribution models. Like you can say earlier were giving 50,000 affixful where users can incentivize with the Gauri tokens throughout the 24 hours. But after that we have allocated the two pools minor pool and major pool and it's combinedly the 70k pool and definitely it's all due to our token holders and our users whatever they have staked in the Gauri dao.

Stakeholder Influence

So because without our token holders we can't take any major decisions in the entity organization because I think if we will take our like decisions without asking the community it will have any effect on the platform and on the users too. Got it. And like giving out the right power to the community. Like I am definitely like very excited to see this kind of thing. So talking about like the onboarding and user experience like for the users which are new to crypto and web three, do you already have given me some of the parts around it where you are making everything very smoother.

Onboarding Experience

But how does Chingari ensure like a smooth onboarding experience with Gauri? And also like what are the steps that you have taken to educate and transition the traditional social media users into the new ecosystem? Yeah exactly like for this, as I earlier said, we have the user friendly interface, we have the guided tutorials regarding Chingarian initiative. So and other and main thing we have the educational resources and the one thing is coming like Gari academy where they will get educational tutorials etc.

Interactive Learning Initiatives

Other, other than this we are like presenting Instagram quizzes on daily basis. Like the users can answer the questions like questions and they get be rewarded with the Gaui on daily basis. So these are the things I think that are the very important because whether the new user is with you should have been user friendly. So he can adopt and he can adopt your web three features and product very easily. Otherwise like as I earlier said we are, we always focus on the influencer partnerships like collaborations with influencers to promote Chingari Gauri or either educate their followers about our initiatives.

Gamification and Continuous Feedback

And now we have introduced the gamifications like we have introduced the play to earn concept where users can arm gari by playing games in the Chingari app. So these are the thing and definitely feedback mechanism always help you whether you are developed or developing web three space. So we always focus on continuous feedback collection to improve the onboarding process very smoothly and easily. Amazing and I believe with all the insights that you have given, this definitely shows the focus that you currently have on the creator economy.

Building a Sustainable Community

And you're not just bringing a solution for the creator economy, but at the same time with different kind of dows and community push that you have created. So that shows that not just with the solutions, but even from the strategic part, all the different kind of things that you have created. So that is all something that focuses on the community itself and directly comes on to like building out the different kind of an ecosystem. So also like if we talk about like even educating, transitioning the traditional social media users, this is a new ecosystem that you are currently in a phase of making it more stable and sustainable, which definitely differentiates and now makes me more confident that why you are being called like number one and at the same time first move on to the creator side.

Concluding Thoughts

So I believe these are something that I had from my side and definitely I am very happy to know and also getting these exciting insights that you just had shared with me.

Introduction and Engagement

So this definitely makes me excited about it. So like, just for the listeners that we currently have today. So if anyone has any questions, so feel free to raise your hands if you want to know something about three corner, if you want to know something for guy. And also like for Euron. So if you have any final words for the community, so would more than, would be more than happy to listen to them. And also, like, if you want to tell something to the community.

Emphasis on User Feedback

Yeah, exactly. Like if we. If you talk about us, definitely we always emphasizes on users feedbacks. Like there are the many users who are with the. They are listening us from the starting. And if they have any question, definitely they can ask. Otherwise, in short, if you like, you can ask Singari. Singari is very simple, like it has so many features to explore, but is very simple and friendly to use. You can simple install it, you can use it, you can earn gari tokens, you can be monetized by the passive incomes in the form of Gauri.

Gari Burning Mechanism

And definitely it's not only just binding and the one thing and the last, I haven't tell you about the gari burning also like we have the gari burning mechanism through this, we are burning five lakh ghari every Monday. And till now, almost 2020, 1 million, or around about 22 million ghari is burned. So and we will increase this amount as well. In the upcoming days. Maybe this burn will be 1 million every week. And like this, if we are burning five lakh every week, then there are the four weeks in the month and almost like 2 million ghari is burning like in a month.

Annual Gari Burn Insights

And if we see this, if we see on a broader picture like here, like almost 24 million ghari is burning like every year. And maybe this amount can be increased by the upcoming days. Maybe it will goes to 1 million. So we have like a different regime mechanism also so we can like deliver that. We are user friendlies and we always appreciate our token holders. So this thing, this is from my side. And if you have any question, you can freely ask by requesting. And thank you very much.

Community Engagement

Amazing. Thank you so much. And also I believe we have one request coming in. So let me just quickly give the access to that. So that's connecting. So we have Riyaz who I believe would like to ask the question. Hi Riyaz, are you able to hear us? Good evening. Actually, you know, really I'm very happy to join in this particular meeting actually. So. And everything is fine. And no, I am also another Gary holder. So only consider it as a request or suggestion kind of thing.

Suggestions on Burning Mechanism

So burning mechanism is very nice actually. And just now from Gary team also we have. He had like a good thing like per week, 1 million coins. They're going to burn in future kind of thing. The same time. The thing is, my request is like, no, whatever the gaming concept, by partnering with trick on whatever the gaming concept you people are introducing. So even in that game, a part of game also if you include this burning thing, it will be a great thing actually.

Quality Concerns

So that you know our Gary Price and we will be having a limited tokens at the same time. No, very quality kind of thing. Quality price and everything will be good. So please focus on burning thing by playing games or while learning kind of thing. That's it from my end. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you very much Riyazda. And let me explain in the few lines like what we are burning.

Community Appreciation

Like as you said that you are the Gauri holder. Thank you very much for being a Gauri holder. And we are burning our revenues. Like this is the money which we can spend this on app development on. And this should like we can spend on our employees, we can spend on our expansion, etcetera. But we are burning this only for our gari holders. And definitely as we will increase some utilities inside the Chingari app, definitely this 500,000 can be reached to like 1 million every week.

Future Developments

So definitely we focus on the continuous and sustainable features that can help Chingari app as well as Gauri holders and other thing. Like you said, you have done partnership with Tricone. So how this can be helpful to Gari. So for this, I will ask our tycoon host, Rohit, if he can give some insights how this can beneficial for both of us so you can help our audience. Definitely.

Partnership Announcements

Like, thanks for this insight. And with this call, we are announcing our partnership in which we are gonna have like, different kind of integrations. So there are things onto the strategic part that we are currently looking forward to. And with this insight, I am definitely gonna cross to my team as well where we should be putting in these burning functionalities into the game. And with that, the different unlock that you would have.

Community Engagement and Support

So that's something onto the technical insight. We are going to have a look and we'll definitely make this happen as per the request by the community. So thank you for these insights. Thank you very much. And I think there are no more other speakers are requesting. So I think we should summon up. Yeah, Rohit. So thank you so much for everyone, for all the listeners who had joined in, I believe there is one more speaker that has requested, which was Dev.

Final Remarks and Goodbye

Jaina, give me 1 minute. It's connecting. Okay, Dev, are you able to hear us? Yeah, they said it to me like, I can't. I just hear. Get your voice right now. Yeah. So, like, do you have any questions? You have raised your hand. That was something which was by mistake. So no worries. So thanks, everyone for joining in. And to all the listeners, it was really exciting to have you.

Future Collaborations

And also, Ronit, for you joining in as a speaker. And with this collaboration, we are looking forward for a lot of change that we're going to bring in the creator economy and as well as into the gaming economy and with also the insight we just have got. So I would ask everyone to go and experience Chingarian as well as trick on IO. Follow us on all the socials that we have.

Engagement Activities

And even for Trikon, there are a lot of giveaway activities which are going on. And also we have our mini app launch in which we just tap and earn functionalities. And also with different interactive gains, you can be eligible for upcoming airdrop that we are going to have very soon announced. So there are a lot of surprises that are going to be unlocked.

Closing Remarks

So just join us on our socials, which is our Twitter and also on our Telegram channel. And we will be looking forward to all your support and contributions there. So thank you, Ronan, for joining in. It was really nice having you and looking forward to make our partnership very stronger and taking it to connect. Yeah. Thank you, Rohit, for having a great evening.

Final Thanks

And thank you very much, guys, for joining here. And you can explore Tricone IO as well as Chingari. And we will happy to see you on both these web three spaces. Thank you very much. All right. Thanks, everyone. Have a good night.

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