Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Build on TG & Data tracking! hosted by wapal_official. The Twitter Space delved into the world of community-driven NFT platforms, focusing on Mokshya Protocol's approach on Aptos. Discussions emphasized the significance of user engagement, community support, transparency, and utilizing TG & data tracking for operational excellence. The space highlighted the role of launchpads in introducing and supporting NFT projects, underlining the importance of sustainable growth within the NFT ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does Mokshya Protocol differentiate itself as a community-driven platform?
A: Mokshya Protocol prioritizes user engagement and empowerment, creating a more inclusive environment for NFT enthusiasts.

Q: Why is TG & data tracking important in the NFT marketplace?
A: Utilizing TG & data tracking enables platforms to make informed decisions, optimize performance, and understand user behavior.

Q: What role do launchpads play in the success of NFT projects?
A: Launchpads provide a launch platform for new NFT projects, assisting in exposure, funding, and community building.

Q: How can community support impact the sustainability of NFT platforms like Aptos?
A: Strong community support ensures ongoing engagement, loyalty, and long-term viability for platforms like Aptos.

Q: Why is transparency crucial in the NFT ecosystem?
A: Transparency builds trust among users, enhances credibility, and fosters a sense of community within the NFT space.


Time: 00:15:40
Community-driven Approach of Mokshya Protocol Understanding how Mokshya Protocol prioritizes user engagement and empowerment.

Time: 00:25:57
Importance of TG & Data Tracking Exploring the significance of utilizing TG & data tracking for NFT platform optimization.

Time: 00:35:20
Role of Launchpads in NFT Projects Discovering how launchpads contribute to the success and exposure of new NFT initiatives.

Key Takeaways

  • Community-driven platforms like Mokshya Protocol emphasize user engagement and empowerment.
  • Utilizing TG & data tracking are essential for optimizing performance and decision-making.
  • Launchpads play a crucial role in facilitating NFT projects' introduction and success.
  • Building a strong community support system is fundamental to the sustainability of NFT platforms like Aptos.
  • Transparency in operations and communication fosters trust and loyalty within the NFT ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Roundtable

Oh. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another Mario no fall, the Roundtable X spaces. You are here live and early today, as usual, following the Mario account with notifications turned on for a conversation about new tech that could transform web. Three wallets. That's our crypto daily conversation. And you are here with me, pulse digital hosting live for Mario and David Tenex, my favorite co host. David, how are you today?

David's Update

Oh, Paul, some doing great. It's been a wild past few weeks. I'm still coming back down to reality after the whole Elon Trump interview, getting in on the poly markets action and being let down by pump fun at the same time. But things are. Things are great now. Like, I'm looking at the tech because I see. I see a lot of people not happy with where things are with meme coins. So that kind of is my cue to start looking elsewhere. What about you, pulse? What are you seeing out here, bro?

The Love for Memes

I'm actually. It's like we just flipped you over here telling me about utility, and I'm out here chasing memes. I'm live at ETH Toronto today, knee deep in meme tokens out here. So I've actually been paying attention to the other side. Are we inverted today? What happened to us? Oh, man. Pulse. I don't know. Maybe it. Maybe it's that movie where we switch places. It is a freaky Wednesday. Is that what you're saying? It is. Well, I'm out here listening to all the presentations from Shiba Inu and all these meme tokens out here. Now you're telling me about utility. I'm excited. What's it. What. What's going on out there? What kind of meme coins are they talking about? Is it mainly just shib? Is it Sheba? I mean, anything on Solana?

Shiba Inu's Big Announcement

Well, this. It's been a huge event, but honestly, the turnout for Shiba Inu was big because they had a huge announcement coming up for their layer three. I don't know if any of you are following what Shiba Inu is doing, but they've got a layer three that uses fhe, which we've talked about, the fully homomorphic encryption. So they had a big presentation. Shytoshi had a recorded speech here, so the Shib ecosystem is very excited, but they've also got a lot of their partner tokens here. Brands like bad idea and Canine. Canine is a partner with Mario and stuff like that. There's also some other brands out here that are not necessarily Shib related, but it's all Ethereum stuff.

Event Coverage at ETH Toronto

The only brand that I've seen here that is not an Ethereum token is ICP, which shout out to Internet computer protocol for showing up and putting up a booth and saying, effort. We're going to do it anyway. So it's been a good time. That's awesome. Love hearing that. What about the tech side of things? I mean, I've been to a few events lately. The next one I'm going to go to is token 2049. But all of them, I mean, the meme coins usually are what everybody's talking about. Is that the same thing there, or is there anyone leaning towards tech? Is it mainly eth? Evm? Solana? What's going on with Solana in Toronto?

Utility and Technology Discussions

Well, I've had a lot of questions about EVM stuff. Actually, that's been a big conversation because of the shibarium layer two that Shib built. So they've had a lot of conversations about what l two s are. We've covered that. We also had to cover what an l three was because they talked about that. So utility has been a conversation out here because Shib has been moving away for years from the meme side of things. They've had to develop utilities. They've had their partners develop utilities. They're never going to shake the meme label, but they're definitely trying to break out and provide some sort of utility for their ecosystem. They also had announcement, speaking of, like, Gamefi, they announced that they'd made some movements on the metaverse and the Shib, eternity games and stuff like that. So depending on what your flavor is, there's a lot of stuff out here. But I actually haven't met anyone yet that said anything about Solana, much to my surprise.

Surprising Lack of Solana Discussions

Oh, man, that's, that's pretty shocking because a lot of the events I've gone to, Solana is usually where the parties are at. Like, that's. That's where you want to net yo salon for the side of. Salon's going to $1,000 buzz with the foot. Let's go. No, Nate, worst we're supposed to say 2000 so that everybody doesn't sell at. A thousand, not what's. We get to one k first though, bro. Yeah, yeah, we are. But look, the paper hand thing, I love Salona. Been telling people to buy it since it was $8. There's a lot of paper hands over there. Yeah. It'S all about psyops.

Conversations on Identity and Verification

Yeah, I got some shit to go off my chest, bro. Why the fuck are the gods going around? Like you love Solana again, bro. The fuck? Go back to Polygon. Oh, man. Well, I will. Oh, why are you gonna be hating on Matt? How do you want to respond to him? D got to a hating Solana. Eight books, bro. Now they starting to love it again, man. The fuck? Hey, man, we. We love Solana. We've never left Solana. All the d gods I know have always invest in the salon. Name a d God that invested in the east project.

Continuing Discussions on Technology

All right, guys, well, been hearing the whole d gods, franks, ute's and Solana thing for about six months now. And, I mean, not. Not even six months. That's been going on for a while. I thought everybody moved on, and were all trying to get it in with meme coins and everything else happening in the industry. We're talking about tech new wallets. We got Solana identification up here with us. We're going to be talking to them at the end. Like, how. How important is that for what's going on and where we see the industry going? Like Apple login, one click logins.

Biometric Data Considerations

How important is having different types of identification connected to wallets for, you know, people to just onboard new users to the industry? I mean, isn't that exactly what we need? Get people comfortable and familiar with the tech things that they're already used to? I do think about it like that. I also wonder about just getting people comfortable with any technology. I've had conversations out here with people just getting to learn about a seed phrase. You wouldn't think people at a crypto conference would be getting their first DeFi wallet here, but it has happened like that. But I think the future of identity and on chain identity is a conversation we've had a couple of times.

Future of Identity and Verification

And whether it's something like metamask, for example, just announced that they've got that new metamask direct to pay card that they're announcing, and they're basically, they're allowing that KYC to happen that way. So it's very interesting to think about identity, and we also swerve and talk about identity when it comes to the upcoming election, because that's a huge conversation, too. Everybody's going to want to talk about voting machines. Everybody's going to talk about, you know, are they hackable and stuff like that. So sovereign identity will only continue to be a bigger conversation. I'd be interested to see anyone on the panel that's got any thoughts about that, or if you've ever had an experience maybe getting tripped up trying to ID somewhere because you'll go somewhere, try and prove who you are, maybe as a digital identity, and it just doesn't go the way you think that if you had a soul bound nfT in your wallet or something that was similar to a driver's license, would it have been more effective?

Concepts of On-Chain Identity

Could it have been more useful to have an on chain identity? Like, you have to be realistic in how you imagine the use of an on chain identity. And if this on chain identity was like a driver's license that existed as an NFT in your wallethood, you know, it wouldn't be so meaningful, obviously, because the thing could be transacted. But if it was an NFT that was embedded in an NFC chip on my passport, and instead of uploading a picture of my passport, you know, I'm tapping to scan this thing and, you know, maybe. But at the end of the day, checks and balances are in. Internal controls are critical to the integrity of a lot of the things that we do, like voting.

Integrity and Identification Challenges

And given the integrity that's required. Yeah, there's a lot of friction involved. When you want to have a high level of integrity. When verifying something, sometimes it's necessary, like waiting in line and proving who you are in a voting capacity. It's interesting to think about the NST tag. That's something I hadn't considered. But having it embedded in a way where you're just getting another layer, kind of a sophisticated identification tap to go system, is that what you're envisioning? Boy, again, I even think that's a bad idea.

Checkpoint Challenges

At the end of the day. Like, when you go through a checkpoint that requires a passport, you have your passport, they look at you, they verify that the passport is the person, they verify the integrity of the document, that it's not indeed a fake. And like, some things that you just. You can't put on chain, I'll agree with that. Having just recently gone through TSA, I don't think watching people fumble through their metamask would have been any better. From my experience, that would have been bad. Actually, that would have been a really bad idea.

Personal Experiences with Identification

Who else besides Ryan? I look around the room. I see a couple of people down here in the listener spots. Who else has had problems at an identification checkpoint? Whether it's at a convenience store or at a TSA? Anybody got an idea of how having a immutable identity would have helped you in that situation? I mean, I need to come in here as well. Obviously, as we're the builders of Solana ID. And we have some. Some strong convictions on identity, not only on chain id, but in general digital id and so on identity.

Travel Experiences and Identification Issues

But to answer the question and to maybe talk a bit about personal experiences. Like, every time, every single time I travel in Europe, I go to the airport and I queue in the lane. You all know it. You have to show your passport. So I go there and I know already when I queue in the lane that a, the machine is not going to read my passport, and b, when I am at the counter to show my passport, it is going to take at least five to ten minutes for the guys to let me pass. It took me like, I don't know, like half a year to find out why.

Identification Conflicts and Delays

Because at some point they actually brought me in the back office and they said, you need to come with us, you know? And I was like, guys, can you please tell me, like, why I'm. Every time I get stuck here at that gate, and they're like, well, there's another guy. He looks like you, he has a similar name, and he's on the most wanted list in Europe. And I'm like, great, I don't give a shit. I have a flight to catch. So why do I say that? Because it would be. I think it would be easier if we had. If we have better identification systems in place.

Need for Improved Identification Systems

I think it can't happen nowadays that shit like this happens still at airports of, like, high tech cities throughout Europe, you know, there's still a lot of shit to solve. And I think, like, verifiable identities, where they are, if they're, like, we can dig into, if it's on chain or off chain or whatever that means, but it needs to just. It needs to get the job done. And right now, at points, it doesn't. So can I ask you a follow up then having had your experience like that, do you feel that something like biometric data would have made a difference because you were being confused with someone with a similar name?

Biometric Data Usage in Identification

In that situation, how do you feel that could have been separated or prevented? I mean, they're trying. Like, they're trying already. We do have good biometric systems in place, but they're not good enough, or at least they're not used in all of the jurisdictions and countries. But we are pretty advanced already in that. If they put a proper eye scan there, if they have world id eye scan quality standards at the airports, it might be easier to identify and distinguish between the real Simon and the criminal one.

Technological Advancements and Identity

So I don't know why they don't have it yet, but the tech is literally there. I think we are just stuck at the typical adoption cycles, pushing it through regulations, making up standards that are valid at all the kind of checkpoints that are popping up. So it's not really the tech that's lagging behind. It's everything around it, I would say. Fair enough. Ryan, I saw your hand up. Go ahead.

Using Identifiable Data in Web 3

Say, if we're gonna be, like, realistic on how we can use identities and web threes and web three technology all in. I think knowing that there is indeed one human behind a public address is very powerful. It's very powerful from a product standpoint, from a marketing standpoint, and, you know, also from, like, a past completion questing standpoint as a brand, I'd be a lot. I'd be willing to pay a lot more for conversions or working with an agency if they told me that, you know, the hundreds of thousands of wallets that they have, you know, that they have in their network or through their. Their existing platform, all have a verified human behind it, that'd be super meaningful to me.

Personal Connections and Verification

You know, when. When people register for your platform, if that public address is one that has a green check mark, some sort of verification that it is a real person, because maybe they used Solana IDK, I would pay more for that conversion, and that's cool, you know, and I think that's what we're building towards right now. Mav, go ahead. Yeah, I love this idea of this. Of an id, especially as we're headed into this election cycle with a lot of, like, fake news and misinformation being generated.

Combating Misinformation

Be great just to. Just to know, like, which content is legitimate coming from, like, which politician. I think this. This idea on Solana can really help a lot of. A lot of people during the cycle as well. Just going past this. This use case of airports and going beyond to just verifiable verifying, knowing someone says something. Oh, love the take. I want to throw this one over to Andrew. I see you throwing up a bunch of emojis. Andrew, is this something that you guys are thinking about over there at kleinosaurs?

Exploring Identification with Kleinosaurs

Like, some sort of identification, being able to work with other companies, anything in that area? Like, I. If someone's doing it, I would imagine the Kleinosaurus is thinking about it. I love that you make the assumption.

Blockchain Trust and Transparency

So, no, I totally agree with what Mav just said. Right. Like, especially when you need a trust in a system. Blockchain solves for that. Solana does it really well. And when you talk about voting and having like a fair process or due process in democracy like that's a 100% necessary thing, and you need it to be transparent and trustworthy. Right.

Digital Experiences in Entertainment

As far as Klanosaurus goes, we're an entertainment company building out these really great digital experiences. We're marrying it to the physical. We're creating these digital physical identities for people that people can purvey both in the real world and. And digitally, because that's just how people live their lives now. So. And Solana offers all kinds of great tech to do that. So 100%, we're thinking along those lines. I would definitely say, though, we're not getting as intense and into people's lives as I would expect, you know, a system to certify voters for, you know, a democratic nation.

Voluntary Participation in Entertainment

Right. Like, for us, it's more voluntary participation, and if you want to get into that kind of depth, you're more than welcome to. But what we're really trying to do is create really great entertainment experiences. And I don't know that having that degree of intimacy or ingrainedness in the underlying person is necessary, but the concept is absolutely 100% necessary. Not just. I mean, we talk about, like, the US now, right? Because this is just like, the election's coming up in a few months, and everyone's talking about fair democratic process and voting machines and illegal voting.

Importance of Technology in Elections

It's like, it's a huge topic now in the last couple of elections and especially with one coming up. But, man, even when you think about up and coming nations, you know, this is a problem that's existed for, well, I mean, forever. And. And it's accessible technology that can be easily deployed in nations where that problem has been prevalent for many decades, if not centuries. And it solves for a lot across the entire landscape. Right? And it's a huge thing. Like, it's. It's not. We're not thinking about how do we change the, you know, government and voting at Klanosaurs, necessarily. But it's a really big part of what I think blockchain can solve for.

The Role of NFTs and Utility

Oh, man. And I've got another question for you, since I've got you and cab up here. I mean, is it going to take something like this to bring life back into some nfts? I mean, do we need to go more utility? We see meme coins going less utility. I mean, what needs to happen here? I think there's a lot that goes into that, right? So, first of all, there's going to be natural generational shift to ever more digital lifestyles, right? Like, anyone can see that, right? Like, I'm 35, I've got nephews who are like ten. They spend so much time on the computer, they spend so much time creating their digital personalities and showing it off to their friends, right?

Future of NFTs and Digital Identity

Like, that's going to be more and more. As a generational shift occurs naturally through the passage of time, you're going to have more and more people who want to have digital identity. And nfts are like the. Literally the underpinning for that. You need to be able to own that identity, and nfts allow you to uniquely do that. So that will happen naturally. That's obviously like no one wants to hear, oh, I'm going to sit around here for a generation for this to actually happen, but that'll happen naturally no matter what we do. And then in the short term, I think that things like this, where you have the application of blockchain, that results in a more trustworthy system, generally speaking, then you've got like, real retail folks who start asking questions like, oh, wow.

Generating Curiosity in Blockchain

Like, this is not just some nonsensical technology that people are using to trade things that I don't understand, but this is really something that's helping society. It's helping betterment of my life. I want to get involved in this. I'm more curious about it, and I think that's going to be a big part of it, too. And then in between those two things is just making it accessible, like making that on ramp for people. And I know I'm like beating this to death because everyone talks about this, but making that on ramp accessible and friendly, that's something we think a lot about at Klanosaurs because we're an entertainment brand.

Accessibility in Entertainment and Blockchain

We just want lots of fans. Like every day we walk into the office, we're like, what are we going to do today to acquire more fans? Whether that's in web three or whether that's just the real world, that's what we think about. So on the real world side, you've got to make it more accessible for people. And part of it is the trust part, and the other part of it is just the technical onboarding, make it easy and fun and comparable to other digital onboarding, like other application onboarding. And I think that also you guys were talking about the meme coin cycle that's currently happening on Solana, which certainly helps Solana.

Cultural Shift Towards Collectibles

But at some point in time, there's a lot of people obviously making bags off meme coins. And you see this in any situation where people are making bags, there's often at some point a shift towards this desire to flex. And collectibles really play into that as well as the digital extension of the self. And it's just a natural part of the narrative behind collectibles is you want to enjoy them. They mean something to you. They might have historical provenance, especially if it's an OG project and you want to show that off. And that leans heavy into community.

The Community and History of Collectibles

It definitely leans heavy into, just like, the history of collectibles, you know, whether that's Pokemon cards, whether that's antiques that I have in my house, et cetera, or even watches or cars. That's just the nature of the beast. So I think that we'll definitely see a shift back towards nfts just by this desire to peacock on socials and this desire to sort of build a digital extension of yourself. And there's no better way to do that. If you actually, like, own that collectible rather than just like some random jpeg you saved somewhere that has no provenance.

Reaching New Demographics

How do we get this message across to boomers? I mean, look, digital identity, Internet culture, that's not really for everybody, but all of this tech, what you guys are saying, how do we make this appeal to every single demographic, every single age out there? I think the great onboarders is entertainment in any sector, actually. Especially the tech heavy plays. There's a reason apple bleed heavy into the sex appeal more than anything else. It wasn't about. It wasn't about shilling the fact that they might have had the best tech.

Building Narrative and Culture

Actually, they didn't even have the best tech at the beginning. It was about, how do I get people to. To buy into a narrative and want the product for the fact that its culture. And I think that's what we need. We need more entertainment brands. We're working on it, for sure. I'm seeing the doodles, the Azuki's do it as well. But I think that the great onboarder is tangible entertainment that people can understand, normal people. You know, it's the reason why the Super bowl ads lean so heavy into narrative.

Creating Compelling Content

Because, guys, it like, it works. It really does work. And we've always built our product Kleinos, with the perspective that it has to be something that visually and from a story perspective competes with anything you'd find on, you know, on Netflix or on prime. And if you can do that, then you'll naturally onboard people. You'll get people that enjoy the brand, that eventually want to collect these things. But over time, you're gaining authority. Once you have authority, it's a much easier sell to then onboard them in a frictionless way down the line because you come from a place of authority.

Challenges Facing the NFT Space

And I think right now one of the biggest issues is there's the NFT space, or the crypto space in general is still very much foreign to many people. They might have read negative pieces or articles and it doesn't help. But the more you have credibility and the more you have authority and you're just so obvious, the easier it is to onboard people. I mean, you saw with bitcoin too, right? It's like at the beginning people were talking about the fact that it was mostly just used for the black market. Oh, my God, people are buying weapons, they're buying drugs.

Shifting Perceptions of Bitcoin and Technology

That that's all people would talk about, like, even ten years ago. And now they're calling it, like many people, credible people are calling it digital gold. And I think that's how it happens. You need provenance over time, but you need a level of authority to onboard people very much in the same way that Amazon made it so normal to put your credit card online. Once that happens, all the other websites were able to do it in a frictionless way. But it was really hard sell until a few big giga players came along and made it okay to put your credit card online and to trust that process.

Negative Perceptions and Authority

Oh, man. Love, love the take. Love the take. I want to throw this one over to jugs. Jugs. I seemed. I saw you throwing up a bunch of emojis. Like, I. I'm pretty sure you've got a clay note. I've been following this since mint and absolutely love what I'm hearing. But how important is digital identity? And, you know, the. Just online verification, being able to prove everything to different demographics. I mean, me personally, it's huge to me. Like, I love using a PFP online, but how are we going to get more people understanding how important that is.

Personal Connections to the Space

At GMGM? Boys, I indeed have a Kleno. I actually have an eight foot, life size blow up Kleino in my garage. So suck on that. All of you that only have one on chain. I think both the Kleino team and Ryan ever over there at BR one kind of nailed it on the head. Like, we need seamless adoption and we need fun. If there's a way that we can combine both of those, I feel like that's the perfect storm if we're looking for a validity outside our space, because that's inevitably what we need, right?

Trends in the NFT Market

Like, for all of these, you know, wallets and voting systems and governance and, you know, on chain data to have real value across the world. It. It has to merit not. Not just the validation and approval, but it needs to get accepted. And I think the way that it gets accepted is from the attention it gets from those other pillars, like seamless adoption and easy to onboard and then just simply having fun. And I think outside of any of, like, behind the scenes and cabals and market makers and exchanges pumping coins for the last 1011 months, I think the one thing that has pushed us into the super cycle that we're in meme coins and now I'm dubbing them culture coins for the ones that are actually thriving and surviving for long term is through the vibes and it's through the fun and the attention of building either a proper meme that gets people to smile and laugh or a brand that people can relate to.

The Role of Community Events

You know, we're seeing teams get together, you know, ponkies doing world tours, and we're seeing them with, like, characters in outfits and costumes and showing up on local television. We're seeing mumu hosting events, doing the same thing, and Kleino with their plushies and Br one being able to host these big tournaments and offering essentially kill to earn in a video game genre that is probably one of the biggest across the globe. It's sort of these things that are gonna slowly but surely grab the attention.

Anticipating Future Changes

And it's kind of cliche, but we say it right, it's slowly then all at once. And I was here for 2021, and I haven't taken a day off since summer of 2021, not a single full day. And I just passed over three years of doing so. You feel it in the air right now that it is coming. We are going to get that next wave. And I do think this next one is going to be bigger than what we saw in 2021 because we not only are finding validation from the masses and from outsider space, but we've found validation within our little ecosystem. In web three, I think we've gotten a lot smarter.

Resilience and Adaptation in the Market

We're battle hardened. We've got thicker skin, and we're understanding the game a little bit better this time around. So that has me super excited long term. And I think with all the adoption of tech that actually makes sense and has a use case outside of web three just makes it that much more bullish. Oh, man, what a banger take. I love most of it. I like to think that everybody has gotten smarter. Battle hardened, yes.

Concerns About Information Conditioning

But juxt, like, we've got TikTok, brain rot videos and pump fun, there's no way you can believe every single person has gotten smarter. Like, that's all that I want to point out for that one. But I want to throw this over to Caleb. Caleb, digital identity, how are we going to bring the boomers in and get them rocking pfps? Like, I think that's one of the main things that can bring nfts back.

The Shift Towards Meme Coins

Because they could buy, man, that came from left field. I was not expecting a question, honestly. Like, for me, I'm so focused on meme coins right now, so I'm more focused on how are we gonna, you know, bring web two and through meme coins. But I think the clan, oh, guys, they definitely have their heads around, you know, onboarding the web. Two guys from nfts. But me, myself, I've kind of steered away from nfts.

Wearing NFTs with Pride

You're wearing one, though, and that's the point. Yeah, I gotta rock the SMB. I used to. Like, previously, I was doing nfts for about two years, but I've just seen the shift to meme coins, so I kind of took that shift as well. But no, definitely, I'll always rock my SMB. I mean, were in a lull in full, right, pre super cycle of memes that started what, October, November? We were in like a, what, 1214 month low in the space.

Market Cycles and Learning from Them

I think inevitably everything, especially in the collectibles realm, everything's in cycles. Like, nothing stays hot in top dog forever. We saw everything in the NFT side thrive in 2021 and trickle a little bit into 2022. But went into this major lull. I think a lot of the big players and big contenders have stuck around and have built themselves a spot to really thrive when we do go into this next cycle, which allows for a lot of new builders to learn from them and sort of reinvent what we dub as like, the blueprint for a proper NFT project.

Evolution of the NFT Market

Because we didn't know jack shit in 2021. We were just going off of, like, hopes and dreams that everyone would make the next crypto punk or the next board ape. Like, neither one of them are even top dogs anymore. It's fucking pudgy penguins. And milady's right. Who would have thought? So I think it's just a matter of when for nfts. I do agree with you there. It's not. It's not if. I mean, it's not if, but what?

Collective Remembering of Market Trends

Yeah, I had it right. I had it right too much tick tock, brain ride and pump fun. Guys, I want to throw this one over to Maddie. Maddie, everything we're talking about. And by the way, I'm pretty sure dude is still down there. Frank loves Solana. Like, I don't. I don't. It's cringe when people come and just try to cause drama up on stage.

The Influence of Digital Identity

But, Maddie, I want to throw it over to you. Like, digital identity. How do we get boomers rocking pfps like that? That's what I need to know. Yeah, exactly. So thank you for having my. Having me in. So, regarding the general market, because, like, we got to talk about that before heading to nfts, because it seems like all markets are in a bad situation, and unfortunately, we find ourselves longing for the previous day.

Current Market Challenges

I mean, NFT markets are in a tough position, and the coin market is quite stable as well. And with meme coins also experiencing a downturn. However, one thing we should never forget is that in a bad market, the chains with strong communities always lead in, like, every aspect. So we are pretty much lucky that the Solana community is in a great shape and our numbers are growing up every day.

Optimistic Future for Blockchain

And I hope we see better days ahead of, like, I'm pumped and bullish since Solana was around, like, ten or something like that. Like, the price doesn't matter. We need. We just need to maintain this positive vibe in a good way, always. So, yeah, that's my opinion about the general market. And nfts will be coming back afterwards as well, from my opinion.

Signs of Market Recovery

Look, I do agree with you, and I see signs out here. Look, when you see attention, start turning on the platforms, everybody's using from positive to negative. I mean, everybody loved pump fun for a while. You would see everything. Graduate, go to radium. Everybody's having fun.

Market Conditions

Very few people are complaining. But look where we are now. Like, 19 getting up their percentages at an all time low. And either they're going to do something, which most likely they will, they're making a million dollars a day. But things like that have people getting those thoughts that it might be time to start looking elsewhere. Metas are constantly changing out here, so I don't know. I want to see. I want to see what happens. Extremely bullish on Solana and the entire ecosystem. There aren't many chains out here. There aren't many ecosystems that have more going on for them than Solana. Look, the Solana community, when I think about it, if it comes time for war, Spartacus 300. The Solana community is going to war. The etherium community is going to buy an army to send into war for them. That's. That's one of the main differences. So, you know, just wanted to point that out halfway through the space.

Community Engagement

I'm going to take a little chance to reset us. We got about ten minutes left before we dive into it with Solana. Identity, love, what they're doing, and everybody, if you've got questions, anything you want me and pulse to ask, ten minutes, we're going to dive into it with them. Drop a comment in the bottom right. And, yeah, just tell us how much you love Solana. It could be the word, it could be a question or it could be a ticker. I mean, I don't mind you showing the tickers in the comments and touch back on the whole meme coin situation, even me, like, I've been a very big pump fund. Poly markets, all of the degenerate degeneracy out here in crypto, I'm trying to pay attention to it and I'm getting the vibes that it may be time to, you know, consolidate some things. Pick those eight between five and ten, and in my case, maybe up to 69, but pick your conviction plays and you want to ride those out for the next six months. And, like, you want to make your mind up, because once things get crazy, it's going to be very tough to keep up with it.

Consolidation Discussion

Pulse, I want to ask you, I mean, what do you think about that? Is it consolidation time? How are you seeing Solana? How are you seeing all these tokens out here? And then we'll. I feel like I'm seeing you grow up right in front of me. You're talking responsible consolidation of funds into possible blue chip memes. This is incredible. You guys are watching an evolution of David ten x live in person. I do agree, and I would be. I wouldn't be curious if went around the panel, because we'd probably get very different answers from everybody. If everybody had to choose, like, what are their two or three that they would consolidate into? Because I've seen this, but everyone's going to have a different perspective. So if you're doing that's, to me, like that's a signal, because I usually use, you're like the canary in my meme coin mine.

Perception of Meme Coins

So if you're doing that, then that signals to me that I should probably be, if I haven't already. I would be curious to know what you are consolidating into, though, like, what is safe in David Ten X's opinion? Oh, all right. Look, when it comes to meme coins, obviously nothing is ever safe. Depending on who you ask, either 100% or 99.69% are all going to zero. But anybody that I talk to that is curious about crypto, curious about meme coins, I tell them, stick with the top ones. I mean, obviously, Solana, Bonk had, Bonk was one of the main projects, main companies that did that had such a big impact after the FTX thing, getting involved with that community, then seeing what they are now, partnerships with some of these big financial apps out here. That's definitely one that I would tell people about.

Investment Strategies

The, the big ones. Bonk with Popcat, punky mumu. Those are like my favorite on Solana. So I would say go that way and don't go anything under 50 million market cap unless you are ready to just kiss it goodbye and hope for the best. Like anything could happen. But it's still a huge risk out here. But I mean, I just tell people, get Stalin. I think so much is going to be happening with that, with the entire ecosystem. But on top of that pulse the other night, polymarkets, Trump and Elon, I was a winner. And it wasn't because of Solana. It was, it was because of tampons. And I started thinking that I may have something here. I'm thinking about becoming a word alpha caller. I've been talking about that. I'm good at picking the words.

Future Directions and Views

Let's hope that one really pops up on Solana because I don't really like polygon, but I love polymarkets. So I'm at a crossroads here. I'm at a crossroads. Pulse. Well, I wonder if anyone here would have a different opinion because you're saying basically the top picks. Does anybody in here pick something other than David? Anybody because he picked bonk with Popcat. Those are things. If went on Coinmarketcap, you know, we're just looking at safe market caps. Is anybody divergent from David's list? Guys, guys, this is the big spaces and this is your chance to show a picker. Like, don't pass this one off. I love how we go from shaming pump fun and like, how bad it was for the space, but just shifting to a different casino.

Shift in Community Culture and Tools

Fuck. I love, I love it jokes. It's shiny object syndrome. And nothing against pump fun. They got a lot of money. I do think they're going to figure it out. I also like smoking chicken, fish, man. A few big ones came out of pump fun. You got Billy, you got Michi they didn't. I don't think they're as bad. I'm not complaining about them. I. It's just not where I want to be staring at and getting my news from every day anymore. Like, I want to get news from Twitter now. I miss the era where they would just drop a token name in the discord server. You know, really? Like, let's go back to those times. The monkey Dao and Boryoku dragon discords were like, that was the hub for Alpha.

Changing Communication Platforms

The good day. Only use discord. Like, are there even alpha callers anymore? I've talked to several builders now that are going down the Nft route that are completely shifting to telegram adoption because of what Frank and D got. Dude, you got to give it up to those boys. I've been a holder since 21 and I'll never leave that fuck around and find out mentality. Like, just try some shit. Like, it really does pay off. You got to go through some shit for a majority of the time. But, man, when you strike gold, do you strike gold? Yeah. And I mean, on top of that, telegram has an entire ecosystem. Like, I. I think Tan and Solana are going to be the two main ecosystems of this cycle with all the games and all the users and everything happening on Telegram.

Building Solutions for Market Challenges

Plus they have a blockchain. I mean, it's kind of hard to not want to see what's going on top of that. Like, I work at a gaming studio. We have nfts and we moved everything to Telegram. We got Telegram games and I. Unless discord drops, Discord is in the same category as opensees now. The only thing that's going to save you is dropping a token pulse. Are we getting a discord token? Bro? I've been worried about a pump fund token. I didn't even want to say it out loud. I would, I would be bullish on pump, on a pump fund token, too. I've been worried about that. So I'll say that, well, what I'm. Worried about is there's going to be a differentiation between people who've launched and people who've just played a, you know, like people who've launched might be getting a thing.

Data Utilization and Future Impact

I don't, I don't even want to throw the conspiracy out there because everybody's going to suddenly go and start debbing like shit coins and stuff. But I've been worried that there's something brewing there. That's what my concern is. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I don't want to speculate. They're making enough money that they may not. They definitely don't need a token. But guys, been here little over 40 minutes. It's time to dive into it. We're going to hear all about Solana identity. Simul, what's going on? Tell us all about what you guys are doing there. First, give us the elevator pitch, give us an intro, and then I want to shoot the shit with you. We're going to ask some good questions.

Introduction to Solana ID

Yes, sir. GMgm. Yeah, so basically we've been building an id for a long time now. We double down on Solana because there was no one else really diving into this identity. Talk to foundation, talk to labs and saw that they did some research on id related topics, but they never really went into production. So were like, okay, let's just use what we did in the past, take our R and D, bring it to Solana, and build the flagship, fastest growing id layer for Solana. And that's what Solana idea is today. We just started like it has been a colosseum hackathon project. So a couple of months back now, then from there, we just closed the precede round really quickly, collected some money to ramp up the production and launch the priority pass, which is basically the PoC of the whole thing. And the main idea, the elevator pitch of Solana ID is to help users on Solana to get more value for their data backpack on chain.

Value Exchange Model

So they initially get paid for their data in perks and solid, which is our token. Then on the other side, we also help the Dapps on Solana to find the right users for the application that are power users, convert them into power users and retain them on their applications. So we're literally helping apps to do more efficient marketing at the end of the day based on iD profiles. And this is also a take that I have on id in general. Having built an identity for a long time, I think the most id projects fail because no one really gives a shit about identity. Id itself doesnt matter. Your passport is a piece of paper that you don't really care about, but what you can do with it, that's something deeply emotional and that's something that matters.

Identity and Personal Gain

It gives you freedom, it gives you access, right? So identity should give access or freedom or any kind of value add. And that is exactly what we now are doubling down on with Solana ID. We want to give users some benefits with their solana id. So either you have a solana id and you get perks on chain or you don't have one and you don't get them. So it's a very easy b, two c pitch on that front. Oh, man, I love that. And, you know, that's one of the main things that people complain about with typical social media and Internet. They're taking our data and not giving us anything for it. I want at least give me some points or a token or airdrops or deals or something.

Data Utilization Strategy

Don't shove ads down my throat. Do it on chain and reward me for it. So is that kind of how it works with you guys? Are you getting our data? Are we farming an airdrop? How does that part go? I mean, this is basically where we started. Like, this is. This is basically the core problem that we identified, because the core team of Solana ID, or even the lab behind it, we have a marketing business background. We've been very active in web two marketing. My co founder knows the ins and outs of performance marketing in social media and Facebook and Instagram. And he was literally shocked when he saw how much data people have on other people and how much power you have as an advertiser using those tools and how little you know about that if you're not behind the curtains.

Reformulation of Data Exchange

And it kind of made him feel more anxious about the whole shit, like the industry. So we are like, we kind of need to do something, turn the tables. And then crypto happened, right? And then people like, now we have the tools to do something different, because now you can literally share data without sharing data. So that is your knowledge technology, for example. Or you can incentivize people with looping them in the financial value stream of data exchange. We can do that with crypto tokens. And that's exactly what Glenna ID is trying to do. We want to loop in the user in the financialization of the data and give the privacy back to him, because honestly, bluntly speaking, we're all doing it right now.

The Current Data Landscape

We're using Twitter, we're using Instagram. I'm a heavy social media user, and I know exactly what's happening. We are selling our attention to big companies who are selling our souls, and we're getting nothing in return. Actually, we're getting probably more negative shit in return, because they take our money that they make on our data, and then they invent even better algorithms to catch more of our attention, and then the whole vicious cycle goes down. So it is a bit fucked up. And I think if we keep going down that road, I'm not bullish on humanity, so we need to change something. And I think if we reinvent the ad and attention model, we have a chance to survive. So that's basically where we started off with and that's what we're doing today.

Addressing Market Inefficiencies

I'm trying to tackle this large freaking problem. Oh, love that. And that's one of the major problems with our entire space. Like, there aren't as many, if any, efficient marketing channels, anything compared to typical social media, even on Twitter. Like, for a crypto company, you can't even use Twitter apps. Nah, it's like, I mean, like I said, we have a performance marketing background, but it doesn't really give us anything because we can't use it. Like, there's no ad campaigns that you do in crypto right now. And then what do we do? We're trying to, I don't know, shill our projects and bought our spaces and come up with those interesting ideas to build communities of nothing.

Building Real Communities

It's just numbers. And we're so far away from actually having valuable marketing tools for crypto companies that I'm very bullish on developing solutions for it and finding a, finding solutions for this problem. We need real communities. We need tools to build real communities. And I think with Solana id, we're building a tool where we can incentivize users for being good people, not bots, reputable, genuine contributors to projects. You can identify as that person and you will have a reward if you hold your salon id and apps identify you as that person. Oh, man, I absolutely love that. So are you guys still in the phase of building? Are you at the point of collecting data?

Current Development Stage

Can companies utilize your software suite to run ad campaigns? Like, can we use this? Yeah, you will. We're still building, right? Like, we raised like a pretty small pre seed round, honestly. And what we're trying to build is big. Right now. We're raising the seed round. We need some capital to make that true. But what you right now said is literally the next step on the roadmap. The solid portal is basically a business manager tool. Like, you know, from Facebook, where you can literally build ad campaigns for crypto, but in Cryptolingo, right, like, with the tools that we need, where you can build targeted airdrop campaigns and created airdrop campaigns, where you can create your whitelist spots for your NFT collections and all that kind of fun stuff that's really crypto specific, built by crypto people.

B2B and B2C Application Model

But it's technically we're trying with this b two b part of the application. We're trying to reinvent the whole Adsense business manager model of how ads are being distributed in the Internet. But then since we're a platform, we also have this b two c angle where we loop in the user in that whole system and the user can decide, hey, do I want to build up my sonid profile? Do I want to add credentials? Do I want to carry around a data backpack online to receive those targeted perks? Then you do that. If you don't want to do that, you opt out. Sord on the b two C angle is all about opting out or opting in like having optionality. And the b two c side is already in the making. And we do have a PoC live. So on password to Lana ID, you can get a touch and feel of how the b two C angle looks like.

Use Cases for Companies

Oh man, I'm loving all this. Like, I'm actually going to use this stuff. So I've got a few more questions for you. So like what kind of companies is this best for? Can you do it for anything? Is this for, you know, if you've got a campaign for a token sale or an NFT sale or strictly community building, is there something different or is it all in one? No, it's like it's a big basket of use cases that you can build. That's one of the biggest problems. And I'd love also to hear maybe some of the other guys on the panel to hear their kind of problems they encountered building products or talking to projects that could be solved with a solution like this. Because that's right now our biggest goal. Find use cases that actually matter, that builders care about, that users care about, and the laws hanging through to still give answer already what we identified is exactly what I said earlier.

Challenges in Airdrop Distribution

Adopt distribution on Solana especially, is still not really, we're not there yet. What we've observed is that every project is doing an airdrop for their community is figuring out their own creation system. They're building their own on chain analysis, trying to identify who is the biggest contributor. Then they can come up with some creative ideas of building their own profiles on their application where you can connect your social media accounts and again give all your power to that application as a user. It's not privacy preserving at all. So we're deviating again from the web three ethos. So I see a lot of shit happening, but nothing really sticks and everyone is doing their own shit. What we need is like a middle layer that solves adrob distribution on Solana that you can just plug into your app, you focus on your shit.

Building Solutions for Airdrop Distribution

If you build a Dex. If you build an NFT marketplace. You shouldn't care about airdrop distribution and curation of your airdrop. You need a plug and play solution where you can just call some endpoints and say, hey, I want to distribute my token to those kind of users that hold those NFTs and that never really sold their bags of meme coins because I want toddlers. So if that's important for you specify those things in the dashboard and you click a button and you distribute. So something like this is on the radar for us. On the b two B, that's a use case. And then maybe one other thing that also is being done already, for example, by our friends from the Hermans. It's an NFT collection that just launched on Solana. You guys might have seen it, they're pretty new, but super bullish on them.

NFT Whitelist Spot Systems

And they already built something like in conversation with us that's very similar to what we're now doing in a larger scale, which is a creation system for whitelist spots. So you connect your bitcoin, Ethereum and Tulana Wallet and they will give you a score based on your on chain footprint. And the better your footprint, the earlier you get access to the whitelist or to the NFT collection at the best price. This way they make sure that the best people join their community the earliest, which is super important for nfTs. So it's another interesting use case. But like I said, I'm super interested in other use cases. What can you do with a Solana ID kind of thing on Solana? And what are builders struggling with, for example, also, I see Ryan here also super interested in what can we do on the gaming front.

Identifying Gamers

Can we help games to identify real gamers? Because that's something I also think about and talk with other games about. So happy to hear your take on that as well, if you want to hear some of the other voices as well. Ryan, what do you think about that? All right, well, we'll check back in with Ryan. Simon, what's the solid priority pass that you guys got going on? Yes, sir. That's basically a waiting list, essentially to keep it fully transparent. It's a waiting list and a proof of concept. So we just made the proof of concept into waiting list. So it has some sort of use case already. So if you claim your priority pass and you have a low lane number, so 12345, it's literally a lane, a queue.

Priority Pass Benefits

And if you have a low lane number. You get access to the Solana ID when it launches the earliest, so you can claim your Solana ID the earliest. And when you're going to claim your salad, you will also be able to participate in airdrop campaigns, points, campaigns that others can't get in yet because they don't have the idea. And you will have some exclusive perks from some of our partner projects that are only available in this first campaign segment. So you just want to be early. But that's probably the smallest perk. The biggest perk is literally our own airdrop because we're trying to set an example here and distribute our airdrop also in a fair manner to people that are early and real people.

Boarding Groups for Effective Distribution

So if you have a low lane number, we call it the boarding groups, then you will be in boarding group number one, which is, for example, lane number zero 2000. And in that group, you will get access to the biggest chunk of our solid airdrop. And then the next boarding groups, they get a little bit less. And the way you can jump up to this is not only by signing up early, because that's easy. Everyone can do that. But it's also based on your on chain score. So we analyze your on chain footprint. It's based on the credentials you do. So we will pull some ZK proofs, for example, for x account ownership, discord account ownership, and so on.

Credential-based Qualifying

And we will link that to your priority pass and we will check your referrals. So how many people did you bring into Solana Id as well? And if you're a contributor, if you help us to scale it up, if you're really human, based on your credentials, then you'll be able to jump the lane. And we have people that used to be lane number 500. They did all their credentials, referred all their I, cousins, family and friends, and now they're lane number 50. Right. And it will have perks if you're, if you're on a lower number. We just launched a new version of the pass last week. I think we have 1000 mins now, much more. I think actually a bit more than 1000 mints.

Value of Priority Pass

So people actually minting their priority pass now. It costs like $7 ish. So it's not for free, but it will be worth it, especially if you have a lower number. Oh, very bullish. And you had me sold at airdrop. I am over 69 on pump fun right now. So like I am after all the airdrops. But Ryan, I saw you had your hand up. You want to chime in. It's a bit loud where I am, but I just wanted to say I am super excited for the advent of, you know, this type of tech and gaming especially. And I would love to collab and see how we could make some moves with VR.

Identifying Community Members

One thing I want to be able to keyword like, I want to find based community members. Like, can we identify based individuals and degens? Because chat GPT has no idea. When I say, give me something, DJ. Can you give me the definition of a based community member? No. Look, it's hard to explain it, but you feel it. Okay, I can't help you with that, man. We can't build a human gut feeling algorithm. Not yet. We're not there yet. But if you give me some data points, like I can do data. If you tell me you want people that hang in discord for 13 hours every day and then six other hours on Telegram and that always answer questions in all your community channels, we can probably pull that data from somewhere.

Data Collection for Better Insights

We can do a lot of Twitter research, pull a lot of data from Twitter. We can see if that profile did a lot of comments below the posts of that person. There's a lot of data we can pull and put that into the idea as well. So, yeah, I think we're getting there, but not on the gut feeling level. All right, well, I have faith in you, simul. I think that if anybody gets it, you guys will be able to read my mind and find me some based community members out here. Pulse, any questions that you've got.

Value for Marketers

I mean, I know you're a marketing guy. This stuff must be interesting. I'm over here trying to quantify how to measure basedness now, so I'm going to work on that between now and the next time I talk to you. That sounds like something we might have to quantify. My thought process on the marketing side of it is how valuable it is going to be able to be for other marketers to prove they are who they say they are. I don't know how many times I've seen groups that have been duped by fake kols or fake marketers and stuff like that. So that's another side of identification that I think will be a big deal.

Innovations in Airdrop Distribution

I'm also intrigued at the idea that you guys have done the boarding groups on the airdrop. I think that's a good idea, too. What I would ask is, you mentioned earlier that there were some problems with web two. It seems like you think that web two has got some really big problems that you think web two might be broken? Can you tell me one or two of the ways that you think that web two is currently broken compared to what you guys are working on? I mean, do you want to, do you feel like your data is worth something? If the answer is yes, then you're being rucked.

Critique of Web2 Principles

If the answer is no, you're probably being stupid. So it's either one of those two. But honestly, it's just fast. It's normal. Now, we arrived at a point where we're like, okay, we're going to give all our data for free because we get access to those fancy, nice apps, and those apps are eating our souls, and then we give even more data to them and more souls is being eaten. And then at some point, we just give up on life. Like, it's a big vicious, like, I'm kind of bearish on the, as you can hear on the kind of attention model in web two, social media, because it's just so, it's just you literally, like, the incentives are just so misaligned by the corporations because obviously the businesses, they want to grab your attention as quick as possible, and they're all competing with each other for your attention.

The Cycle of Data Usage

And the platform itself wants to help those businesses to maximize the attention they can squeeze out of your brain for their ad, you know? And now only with this in the room, you need to imagine, okay, what will those stakeholders do to achieve their goals? And they'll do everything. And you're in there kind of in between those two parties being squeezed like a lemon and not getting anything in return. They're making billions, but, like, targeted ads. I don't know if it's the largest revenue source in the Internet, but it's definitely one of the largest. Like Facebook, Google, you know, like, all of them, they're making a shitload of money.

The Need for Change in Web3

They are in the top in the stock market for a reason, and it's all data. It's all based on data, and we don't get anything in return for it. Right. I think this problem has been talked about a few times, but it's never really been solved for. And I love the ideas that are already going on in web three. We have shit like brave browser going on that is really cool already. And they're trying to tackle similar things and it's working. And people understand that something is going wrong and it could be better, but it's super tough to crack that nut, honestly. But you got to start somewhere.

Starting Points with Solana ID

And I think with Lanid, we're trying to start somewhere and at least tackle the crypto audience with it, because I think they get the point. That's an audience that kind of resonates as well with this philosophy of, hey, I think your data is worth something. Let's loop you in. You built your own data backpack with us, and you decide, you know, if you want perks, if you want value in return, you're being transparent with the data, and you still don't need to share your personal identifiable information because we can use the k proofs and you can keep your Twitter handle in your backpack, but we can still tell the application that you do own a Twitter account.

Broader Implications of Data Sharing

We can still tell the application that you have more than 50K followers without telling them exactly how much you have. And there's much more we can build on top of that. And then go ahead. Your real one for mentioning brave browser, though. I was just going to say, I don't hear that mention nearly as much as I used to. Yeah, yeah. But it's a solid project, I think, and it's a good idea as well. And it kind of worked as well. Maybe the problem is also that people then expect, if I switch to a model like this, where I get paid for data, I make five k a month. Okay, maybe, you know, like, that's also unrealistic.

The Importance of Privacy and Data Value

But some. Some value exchange should happen. And it's also. It's not only about the value exchange of dollars, it's also about the privacy issues. The thing is just people already care about privacy, including myself, like, you know, like, we don't. We always talk about it, but then we don't. Right. Well, it's. It's too. It's too easy to skip over it sometimes. I think you mentioned that earlier, that if it was just easier for people to do, they'd be more secure. I have a thought, and I have a closing question I usually ask people, because you've got a huge group of people that come from the roundtable that are coming here and hearing about what you guys are doing at Solana identity for the first time, and they're excited to hear about it.

Final Thoughts and Community Engagement

And then you got your group that has followed you. They've been following what you guys are doing. So you've converged these two groups of people. What would you give them as final thoughts before we leave the spaces today? Yeah, I mean, definitely, you know, don't give up on. Let me start there. I don't want to talk too long, but let me start there. We've seen some ups and downs in the past. I think the tech is real. I still believe that. I came for the tech. I stay for the tech. I came for the people as well. I stay for the people.

Emphasizing Good Practices

There's a lot of bullshit going on in crypto, but there's a lot of good people as well in crypto. And I think you need to just make sure that you cut out the shit and focus on the good ones, as always, in life, and then you stay, and then you keep around. And that's what we're trying to do at Solanaid. Like, we're really trying to do honest work, being transparent with what we're building, trying to build an honest community of people that care about data, care about privacy, care about being in the financial loop, but also want to make money. Right. They also want to get something in return.

Invitation to Join the Community

They want to be early. Right. They want to get incentives. If that resonates with you, like, if you're someone where you think, like, okay, I think those topics are something for me, then you should just join us somewhere. You know, we're on discord, we're on Telegram, we're on Twitter, and we're growing. We just started, but we're growing, and there's a lot of shit going on. There's some really cool stuff happening also. End of this month, related to our token, and I think joining our communities now might be a good time window.

Acknowledgment and Appreciation

Yeah, well, I appreciate that, and I know there are a lot of listeners that have left comments, and everybody's excited to have been here. I want to say thank you to everybody that listened in. Thank you to everybody that left to comment. In particular, thank you to the speakers that come up on these panels. When we send out the invites, we don't know where you guys are, but we appreciate it when you pull up and make yourself a part of our show and add to it. We couldn't do it without you.

Concluding Remarks

And I am very fortunate, having been live today, to have been supported by David Ten X and the co host panel. I appreciate you guys, and I appreciate Mario at the roundtable and David for letting me be here today. Guys. Yeah, guys, this one was a banger. We appreciate all the listeners for coming out, all the speakers for coming up. Simul and Solana identity for making it known that my data is valuable. My data can identify baseness. Everybody, we'll see you at the next Mario Nafana roundtable spaces.

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