Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Bridging Web2 and Web3: Onboarding the Next Billion Users hosted by Micro3io. Bridging Web2 and Web3 technologies to onboard the next billion users is crucial for the evolution of the Web3 industry. DeSoc aggregation and NFT Infrastructure As-A-Services play pivotal roles in empowering users and driving engagement in the Web3 environment. Tokenization emerges as a key strategy to foster broader participation and value creation, while decentralized social platforms offer autonomy and ownership to users. Overcoming scalability and interoperability challenges is essential for the seamless integration of a larger user base in the Web3 space, signaling a transformative shift towards decentralized and user-centric interactions.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does DeSoc aggregation contribute to tokenizing user engagement in Web3?
A: DeSoc aggregation enables the creation of valuable NFTs based on global user interactions, fostering engagement and value creation.

Q: Why is NFT Infrastructure As-A-Services crucial for the Web3 industry?
A: NFT Infrastructure As-A-Services provide the backbone for NFT operations, facilitating seamless tokenization and scalability in the Web3 environment.

Q: What role does tokenization play in expanding Web3 participation?
A: Tokenization allows for broader user involvement in the Web3 ecosystem by creating digital assets and incentivizing engagement.

Q: How can decentralized social platforms empower users in the Web3 space?
A: Decentralized social platforms offer users ownership of their data and interactions through NFTs, promoting autonomy and engagement in Web3.

Q: What challenges need to be overcome for Web3 to onboard the next billion users effectively?
A: Scalability, interoperability between Web2 and Web3, and user education are key challenges that need to be addressed for mass user adoption in Web3.


Time: 00:15:42
Tokenizing User Engagement with DeSoc Aggregation Exploring how DeSoc aggregation transforms user interactions into valuable NFTs in Web3.

Time: 00:26:18
Empowering Web3 through NFT Infrastructure As-A-Services Understanding the critical role of NFT Infrastructure As-A-Services in enabling seamless tokenization for the Web3 industry.

Time: 00:37:59
Overcoming Web3 Challenges for Mass User Onboarding Addressing scalability and interoperability issues to ensure the successful integration of the next billion users into the Web3 ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of bridging Web2 and Web3 technologies for mass user adoption.
  • Utilizing DeSoc aggregation to tokenize global user engagement in the Web3 space.
  • The role of NFT Infrastructure As-A-Services in empowering the Web3 industry.
  • Tokenization as a key strategy to enable broader participation in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • The significance of empowering users through NFTs and decentralized social platforms.
  • Enhancing user engagement by leveraging NFTs within the Web3 environment.
  • Exploring the potential of NFTs in transforming traditional social media interactions.
  • Addressing scalability challenges to accommodate the next billion users in Web3.
  • The need for seamless integration between Web2 and Web3 technologies for user onboarding.
  • The transformative potential of decentralized social platforms in the Web3 landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Waiting for Participants

Allo, allo. Hello guys, I think we should wait for a few minutes for evictions and everyone returning in. Hey, hey. Glad to have you here, Mandy. Okay, I think we have a few minutes until the spin start. Hello guys, we're pinging vixen so please be patient a bit. We will kick this face off in the next minute. Thank you. Hello. Vacation time it. Sorry guys, we're waiting for eviction so I'm pinging the team so please be patient a bit. Yeah. Thank you for your time tuning in this space and we'd love to have all of you here.

Updates and Features

I think at the moment you can head into microfree IO we're having interchange summer fest which is going on until October and apparently there's a huge update with a product in September. So I think it's gonna be like a journey where we bringing the true power of social fi to combine that with gaming. So I think, you know, most of the time people try to enter social fi without like having sort of interactions over but it's kind of minting nfts and live it there. So we want a deep connections between all the players to actually create a web free social graph.

Project Narratives and Community Engagement

So what we're building in upcoming phase is like tell us, you know, social fi narrative over gaming interactive plot. So it's coming within this September. So I think if you like micro three, you know, stay tuned, bear with us in this journey and I would love to have you on board all the vixen fam, all the, you know, community members and eviction ecosystem. And apparently there's going to be a very cool features that allows all of the one id holders to get into mic free for that. Yeah.

Support and Feedback

So I think that's, I can share for now at the moment but you know, to have some more detail on that, we should wait for the official announcement on the vote team. Yeah. Oops. You lost your 198 date streak. So I think you can get into our Telegram group. I have a 24/7 you know, support from the team over there. You can handle that and you can require ticket support. So we're gonna look at your case and probably when I give you back on the streak that you lost.

Assisting Users

Don't worry about it, man. We're happy to help you. Yeah. If you guys have any kind of question or I, any kind of feedback for the product, for a team, you guys can just type in the comment sections and we have, we're ready to have you resolve all of that. Okay, sorry, sorry for the victions team. I don't know where they are, but, you know, if they're not going to make in the space, I think there's going to be some sort of the sharing for me as the representative from micro free within, you know, like of this sections, how we are going to onboard my user into, you know, web free.

Additional Products and Features

And there's some sort of upcoming product features that we're going to have for victims and also EVM compatible microfree. Yeah. Oh, I just got a message from victions. They're coming. Yeah, good news. Yeah, you should contact Michael Free IO on Telegram. So I think I have my team ping down a telegram link over here because we're more active on Telegram right now. You can also create a ticket on Discord as well.

Accessing Support through Social Media

So we can look at that. Probably there's a discord admin in that server and he's going to look at your ticket. And either way you're going to propose to the team. You can do that on both, but telegram is more responsive. Okay, I see that Ronin is joining the space shortly. Sorry to keep you weighted. He should have some sort of incident that he cannot join on time, but finally he's making. Yeah.

Engaging with Participants

Okay, I can see that you went on telegram for some support. Cool. I will have my team to look at your message right now. Hey, Ronan, can you request kind of a, you know, the access to speak then I can grant that. Okay, Ronan, can you accept the allows to speak? Hey, man. Hey, man. Hey, how are you doing? Yes, I'm doing great. How are you doing? Yes.

Waiting for the Vixen Team

Yeah, I think there was a lot of victims ambassador here and you know, they're waiting for Vixen team to get on the stage. Yeah. Okay. We have Vixen's echo. Yeah, I think today is gonna be about the topic that really interesting. That is going to be bridging web two and web three. So I will not keep everyone waited so we can dive into the space right now.

Discussion on Onboarding New Users

Are you good, Ronin? Yes, yes, I'm all good. Okay. Okay. So I think the topic is about onboarding the next billion users. But, you know, before went straight into the topic, so can you share a little bit about yourself, your background, where you're coming from, before you work on web three and your experience? So, yeah, cool, cool. So I can introduce about myself first.

Personal Background and Experience

So currently I'm the BDS for Vixen. And I've been in the space since maybe 2020. So it's about like, you know, four years now. And I have like, before that I was contributing in web two. Space, you know, it, like from that time is, you know, web three is something that is very strange to me. Like, I don't know, you know, I don't know about the history of like, web free or blockchain or like, you know, what is a metamask wallet, something like that.

Transition into the Web3 Space

So everything is very new to me and since the Covid-19 so I have a chance to, you know, tap into the, to the industry, you know, totally new areas for me. And I started to learn from, you know, at the very beginning, you know, and from that time I started as a, you know, marketing from the marketing team. And then since I see that, you know, the role of BD is, you know, helping the project to reach more wider milestones and also like to expand the project scope to another level. So I, you know, started to become a BDS and, you know, I'm still sticking with that until now.

Involvement in GameFi Projects

And before I came to Vixion, like, I have tried to, you know, few some of the game five projects. I would say that since 2020, gamefight is something that is really a really hot topic at the time. So I enroll in a Gamefi project.

Speaker 1's Journey in Marketing and Blockchain

I started the marketing and then I become the bds of that team. And then I keep going up and when I see that I want to go like, you know, bigger, I would say, like it's no longer just gaming and, you know, GameFi no more. I started to, you know, join chain, the bds of the chain. I have more chance to like, you know, getting to know more about the technical of blockchain, you know, the key elements and how can you find a chain that is, can be successful. And I still thinking into viction until now. And I think that is very interesting that, you know, since the gamefi, I thought I know a lot about like Webpreet but, you know, when I tap into viction, you know, there are a lot of information that I have to digest and a lot of, you know, angles to growth in the future. And yeah, I'm still enjoying, you know, becoming a bds of a chain until now.

Introduction to Viction

And in short, about fiction. So I think a lot of people are not very, you know, familiar with like fiction. A lot of people when I talk to with, they said that like is that it's a new chain. So basically, before we prevent the eviction, so we have another name which is Tomochain. We have been operating in the space since 2018 and, you know, according to a very long history of fiction with full up and down. So, you know, until now we have fiction with a lot of, you know, ecosystem project around. We have fulfilled our infrastructure. We welcome a lot of interesting projects including as well we have come into a lot of collaboration together and we are really happy with that. And SLA one EVM blockchain.

Vision and Goals of Viction

So we envision to becoming more well known and to adopt more of the solution that we emphasize on low gas fee or even zero gas fee mechanism, as well as the adoption of, you know, app chains in the fiction worldwide chain. So we, you know, we have a very long vision, long term goals that we can approach to more web two audiences, no longer just web three, and, you know, to educating them step by step to become the actual web three citizens. Yeah. And yeah, that is basic information about myself and vixen. Yeah, what a journey, man.

Speaker 2's Background

I think, like, I think from the time 2017, 2018 is pretty tough time. And I knew thermochain since 2019 probably. So when I first came to terminal, pretty, you know, excited to see that Turbo is one of the very first l one to be listed in finance and all sort of like an OG team that, you know, founded DeFi. And yeah, you went through a lot of gaming projects through the high ups and downs in the space. I bet that, you know, you get a lot of experiences on that as well. So, yeah, I think it's pretty excited to have you here. And for me, it's Trump from microfree.

Career Transition and Interest in Web 3

So I started crypto probably in 2018. Before that, I worked in politics in the US, so I worked under the senator office in Pennsylvania. And, you know, I hired a job a little bit boring because the politics is always, you have, you had to deal with paperwork and people, you know, all sorts of Congress constituents. And, you know, I decided to quit the job and I flew back to Southeast Asia, especially in Vietnam, explore the web three dynamics over here. And yeah, pretty excited to join a lot of, you know, projects, rising gaming, DeFi, and then I stop and FedEx microfree, which is social fi zoom Dapp, which is, you know, very promising when I find out there's a niche market with fat casters going on.

Questions about Viction's Growth

So, yeah, pretty much the is about me. And I think to kick off their space, there's a question that I really want to ask viction for a long time. So I know Vixen is like, is a newly born blockchain and you're backed by coin 98, especially 98 ventures. So how can vixens grow and contribute to make web three more accessible and user friendly for public? Because you guys say that vixen is like the people you know, l one blockchain. So how can you guys, you know, do with that narrative?

Viction's Vision and Strategy

Yeah, yeah, I think when we decided to rebrand to victory is not just a, you know, coincidence or we just doing some sort of marketing. We just think that time we have like, you know, more resources compared to the past. So since 2018, since tomochin, you know, it's very different compared to the eviction position at the moment. Like we have to stand alone by ourselves. You know, I think at the time, layer one is something, especially evms is very hard topics. You know, we need minor of like, you know, marketing education to let the people know about the chain. But the gate, but the game is very much different compared to now.

Challenges and Strategic Rebranding

Like we have hundreds of different blockchains is no longer sticking to the EVM, but now we have very top performance, you know, non EVM blockchains, like, you know, Solana, like near, you know, even like, you know, many other big names. So we, you know, the play is much harder compared to the past, but it's not that something letting us behind. So after we getting the strategic investment from the 98 ecosystem or especially occupant. So we started to doing a lot of work by reviewing our ecosystem to see who are the key contributors of the ecosystem during that time.

Collaboration and Resources in the Ecosystem

And we have our own strategies to expand ecosystem. So we no longer depending on the, you know, the previous project because we have a bigger picture right now. We have the backing from the NYA ecosystem with, you know, tons of different interesting projects that, you know, instead of like competing with others, like we run into collaborations. We have the resources from nine, eight ecosystem not only about the products but also the medias, you know, the very awesome like contributors, ambassadors and kols. So we believe that, you know, with all support that we get so we can reach a higher milestones.

Building Strong Foundations for Future Success

You know, in the past we like a lot of fundings, but now we have more resources, we have more people, we have, you know, more contributors who are, you know, very loving the vision brand and, you know, really willing or always stay there to support the chain to be growing. So that's why like believe, we believe that, you know, with what we got right now and what we have been success in the past. So it's, you know, more or less that we still believe in that vision will be one of the common names and very popular, you know, in the upcoming, you know, bull run.

Maintaining Performance and Focus on Security

And we also emphasize on what we have been very like, good in the past that we maintain the performance of the chain with 150 nodes I will say that it's master nodes and also we emphasizing on the security, we emphasizing on the sick liability. That's why we introduced the virtual wide chain with a lot of toolkit that helps the project to be building their own blockchains. And we still emphasizing on the low gas fee offering so that when you go over to other layer ones, you know, we can proudly set that vision is among the most gas efficient blockchain.

Zero Gas Fee Mechanism and User Education

I think for the zero gas fee mechanism is something that we are really emphasizing on the web two, education content that the most barriers for the new commerce of the autospay is, you know, I've been experienced in the past. So first is like how we can install a web three wallet, you know, beside the other centralized exchange like binance or OKX. When we actually tap into the web three is where we first install the webp wallet starting with the metamask or the coin I need wallet, so on. And after that we have to learn about how we can deposit our very first native tokens to start trading or to start purchasing a new tokens or new nfts, you know, on chain.

Challenges in User Experience

And you know, it's very painful because you know, coming to the past we have like just few chains and then is, you know, really kind of, it takes a little bit of time, but it's still straightforward to know more about what the chain is doing, what is their native tokens. And you know, how we can start to entry the field. But for now, like when we have too many different blockchains and each of them have their own native tokens. So it's really hard and it's really fragmented to asking them deposit the native tokens of that chain over and over again. And then it's very annoying to educating the users even for web three native users or the web two users.

Approaching Web 2.0 Audiences

So that's why by applying the zero gas femi mechanism. So we truly believe that whenever we're working with, you know, web two interface projects, right, it's no longer just web three products. We can basically having those user behavior on chain without asking them for paying for any gas. So we can start gradually educating them to start using the basic function of the web three and then start to educating on different angles of the blockchain in terms of defi nfts or even gaming and so on. And, and I believe that is mostly what many other chain are focusing right now.

Expanding User Base and Future Aspirations

They want to expanding more user base with web two. We have billions of users out there that didn't have any web two wallets and then they really want to trying out the space of what it will be looking like, but they don't know where to start. So maybe viction can be the first. Gates. I would say the gate that, you know, they can start to entry the webp space. Awesome. Awesome.

The Rebranding Journey of Viction

I noticed there's a time that thermochain is kind of having a process to rebrand into victions. And there's a post from your co founder, Mister Ving, when he said that fiction is coming from a term we had convictions. So conviction is something that founders is kind of a traitor founder should have when they do everything, especially, you know, going on an entrepreneurship path. So I think it's a very good term to have predictions and there's a time, you know, you guys see that there's a lot of competition between l one back in 2022, early 2023, and you guys decided to go for a rebrand, to have a new interface, new look for lay one, and you start onboarding the app.

The Focus on NFTs and Engagement

So I think it's a great move when you have all of resurface, all of tokens. I think there's this, you know, there's some sort of, you know, same pattern we have to do with micro free. So at the moment we are going, you know, we position ourselves, you know, busting platform with nfts focus, not just going out min Tao for fun, but we take nfts seriously. So whoever going to mint on the platform for microfree, they're going to be recorded for their interactions and based on that we add for users.

Development Stages and Future Plans

But apparently at the end of this, you know, at the end of development stage, so tech galaxies or layer three for example, they have the token airdrop done.

Token Listing and Next Steps

They listed the token on the exchange. So what should they build next? So the only way they do is to get into, you know, make themselves into l two blockchains or even l three built on arbitrum or op stack or something. But I think it's like a traditional way that we, that they go and develop. But there's so many l two s and l three s out there. So for us, our next move to onboard Live, the topic, say the next billion users is we find that people are really interested in playing games and gaming is the easiest way to have the web two user to notice what is going to be the next big thing in web three. So I think it's going to be in September. We're going to introduce our next credential on chain verifications. We call that gene.

Introducing the Concept of Gene

So, you know, we call ourselves a micro freeze or micro is something to associate with Gene. So Gene is like your Microsoft in your body to, you know, to fill up your, you know, energy and build up all of the, you know, living things. So I think Gene is going to be a very good credentials that it eliminates all of the, you know, KYC process from different, the apps that we integrated microfree and, you know, you guys can onboard once with Gene and it carry across the microfree, you know, ecosystem. And, you know, believe me that it's going to have a track record for all of the interactions that you have on platform. And there's gonna be a very exciting update we don't have. So I'm gonna share with you first here for the user and community perspective.

Building a Social Graph

So we gotta build a, what we call that a social graph. So I think you're gonna see that in web two, there's a social graph that connects people between, you know, Facebook, YouTube, for example, dating app site Tinder. So whether you see any kind of content you interested in any kind of interest. So there's going to be more recommendations for you to fill out that platform. So if you like a car, they're going to show you pictures of a car or any kind of cars that is hot in the market right now. So we're going to have a recommendation system for the people that are already in the space and for newbies. So we're going to collect all of the interest for people, whether they like Defi nfts or gaming any kind of interest they have outside web three.

Algorithm and Upcoming Game

So we're going to have a algorithm to calculate that. And based on the information we have, foster and pushed up the information that match with the interest on the questing and also content creations. And there's a, in an upcoming way, there's gonna be a huge game that we're gonna have because we're gonna tell the story of social fine. Two games as well. So pretty much it's gonna be the next big thing that we're gonna not go for l one or l two, like where you guys are going, but it's more into social five focus. So that is a little bit of my micro free. And, you know, we already see the same pattern with Vixen, so pretty excited.

Education and Web Three Adoption

And I think the next question I have, eviction is pretty much about web three adoptions. So how do you think about the role education play in the vixen strategy to try web three adoptions? I think this is based on my experience when I see 98, especially evictions that you guys host any most host a lot of events for newbies, for people, community to get to know each other, you know, understand more about web three, how to use web three safely. So can you show an example of your educational initiative? Yeah, sure. Sure. Yeah.

Onboarding Users

I think it's awesome that, you know, we are still continuing our works of, you know, onboarding millions of users or even like billions, you know, it's already, you know, have been discussed around like our team about the strategy of what we will be doing next. You know, what should be the like proper educational contents that actually matching with their needs. So I think like more or less like we are still in the early stage, you know, even compared to our last bull run. We have like, you know, tons of like new web three citizens. Like we have seen a lot of new projects. You know, they are really active, they are really, you know, having their own like, you know, lives living with the WordPress base.

Web Two and Web Three Integration

So I think like that is something that is very positive that, you know, even the web two, you know, a lot of institution they are, you know, becoming more open to, you know, working with Web three products. That's why it reminds me of like the recent activities that we did in the 98 ecosystem that we have been partnering up with, you know, for peace Visa and you know, actually it's really having that done in the past like, you know, when the people are still very, you know, I would say that like they are not very welcoming, you know, Webp partners to be working with them because till that time, you know, till the last bull run, like people are thinking that Web three is all scams or maybe it's still the zero sum games, there's no benefits to the users.

Positive Outlook for Web Three

But now we have seen that more and more projects we have the ETF's, we have a lot of good news about the future of web three that becoming more friendly to the users. And then I will say that in the long run there will be no longer the definition of web two or web three will be merged in the same phase that it will be coming to the real life. Everything will be putting on chain, you know, without people are realizing that. And you know, the final goal is like how we can make the user experience or the other people lives are becoming more seamless and more, you know, worthy and according the, like the educational contents that we providing I think like it's very, you know, we separate that into like different like phases.

Microfree and Its Differentiation

So like I, you mentioned about the quest platform like how micro tree is different compared to galaxy or task on or any other quest platform. So I know Galaxy since the last bull run and they are very top of the mind. Most people came there to learn more about the project. They're doing quizzes, they're doing both off chain and on chain tasks to showing that they are dedicating in the projects and then they can get something returns. But you know, it's still like, you know, you do something and the project giving you something, you know, it's really hard to educate them to become the loyalty members like as they receiving the rewards and then there's nothing holding them back or like how to say like how we can retaining them with more exciting activities.

User Retention and Engagement

So people are, you know, kind of get out of that and then you know, jump into another project. So that is very painful. And I've seen like when we first met right when fiction first met Michael Tree. So we seen that we have a lot of like interesting ideas that we can do together. First is like, you know, I love the puzzle ideas. Like, you know, we providing four different like pieces of puzzle that, you know, people will have to collecting that to getting the master prize pool and you know, we have to educate the user step by step, like, you know, if we have four pieces. So people have to learn about foreign goals of the vacation chain and then, you know, making it more gamified, you know, compared to like, you know, very old school way that, you know, people came to the task, they see all the list of the tasks, they do it step by step and then they get the rewards and then they remember nothing.

Gamified Learning Approach

So by we, by the way that we applying that with micro tree. So I believe that, you know, our view users or even our, you know, projects can, you know, having more ideas to doing with their projects and stuff. And you know, it's much more how to say like exciting and meaningful for them. So beside the getting something as a reward, but they can get the good memories with, you know, the activities and then we can continue to educate them with further activities. And that is first of the education. Like we want to bring the task on chain. We want to making that, you know, more valuable.

Future Vision of Education and Web Three

Also our next education is like, you know, we want to moving them, you know, not just only the social task but also like to becoming the real web free citizens because everything on fiction is, you know, zero gas. You know, you can go to like the games, you can go to the Defi protocols, you can do something like that, but you don't have to pay for the gas fee or even like, you know, they don't have to remember that there is a term called gas fee in the chain. And they just continue to interact with the chain to know more about the chain. And the more they learn, the more information that they get from the chain.

Building Loyalty Through Education

They can become like, you know, attached to the chain to, you know, to become our real citizens, which mean the loyalty members. And we will be not stopping that. We will providing more utilities that they can play around. You know, we can gamify all the, you know, user educational content. We can making that as, you know, continuously creative and meaningful as possible. Hello? Hello? Sorry, maybe I got main network got interrupts. yeah, wonderful.

Future Collaborations

So, yeah, I think we gotta. Okay. Sorry, can you guys hear me? Yes, I can. Sorry, can you guys hear me? Oh, I can. Okay, yeah, cool. Sorry, I just got, you know, some sort of Internet disruption a bit. So yeah, pretty much for evictions, we're gonna have a very cool partnership since the very last campaign that we did for evictions one id and also the ecosystem projects that we do on interchange simfs. And I must say that it's a wonderful experience.

NFT Use Cases and Future Goals

And, you know, technically free NFT use case that Vixen is mentioning.

The Current State of NFTs and Web3

I can see that there's a very huge narrative out there, but not many people is seeing that. So it's called real world assets, tokenization, everything. So basically what you are going to see is that web free is like at the very beginning of the development and the adoption stage. So we got to just see the bitcoin, Ethereum, ETF going in this market pretty much for the last five months, since 2024. And we see BDCs going all the way up to the all time high, but we do not see any kind of, you know, web two heart and traditional money into the web three. So that is a big narrative we, I am personally seeing and microfree is seeing. So once the banking traditional money system, you know, stock market is coming into web three is going to be huge. So there's an NFT, you know, utilities gonna benefit for that.

NFT Utilities and Use Cases

So I know that there's some sort of companies that are experimenting the NFT use case, for example, within the Tesla car. So if you buy a Tesla car right now in the United States, there's gonna be an entity tied over with that car. So it gonna show you all of the, you know, data that about the car you bought, like how many miles that you travel, how many times do you charge for the car, how many times that you have, you know, like fill up, repair the shop, what happened? Maintenance. So it also display like your last price that you sold it to the next buyer or you’re, you know, insurance is available or not. So pretty much everything is tied into that NFT for a car and that kind of nfts they're experimenting they call dynamic NFT. So pretty much victim. I think you guys can look at that and they are doing pretty much good work in having nfts as a batch that they have for one id.

On Membership NFTs and Collaboration

So, you know, one id is, I think is potentially is going to be the next what I call after, you know, the, you know, universal id that I have never seen before. And there's one more use case for nfts. I think you guys should have looked at the is the membership NFT token. So I think this oneid has done pretty well since the very beginning of the projects. So there's some sort of nfts going to act as a membership pass so they can grant access to exclusive community and the grant holders the access to some sort of special event content or voting rights. So I think I see that within my last, you know, coming into token 2049 and coinfest last year. So they have NFT card over that. We want whoever we mint nfts like for a couple of dollars to get access to the event for, you know, private parties and sort of that. And I think this also applies to one id as well.

Future Possibilities with One ID

So in the very beginning of one id, whoever got the one id first get the airdrop tokens from a lot of projects within victions. I also, you know, one of them, so lucky me. Yeah, yeah, I think that's the, you know, some sort of the use case that you guys should, you know, mention should look at for nfts at a moment. And yeah, pretty much we cover all of the cases. But I think there's one last question that I love to ask Ronan for that. So you think that how can vixens and microfree collaborate together to create engaging educational content for our community? Have you had any ideas on that, Ronin? Yeah, I would say for quest platform at the moment or for different projects on the market, they have different approaches to like how they can, you know, grow the users or how they can keep the users to continue using their platform.

The Importance of Quality User Engagement

So some are just, you know, back to basic. They're working with a lot of different projects to expand, you know, as many projects as possible as expanding their networks and, you know, making the platform will be, you know, continuously getting new projects, getting new activities around. But I would say that it's not sustained because, you know, if you are just hopping from one to another. It's really hard to build a very like, you know, close relationship with the project itself or, you know, it's really hard to making the two bds of the two projects sitting together to think of, you know, what we should doing strategically to getting the, not the users in a quantity but more on the qualities of how we can get more quality users. So I would say for our collaboration like, you know, between vixen and micro free, you know, we have did, you know, a lot of awesome works on how we can educate or how we can making the quest platform, you know, becoming more exciting.

Enhancing User Experience Through Gamification

You know, it just, it's not just quest but it's also gamifying them. So, you know, people are enjoying that. You know, it's no longer boring, it's no longer, you know, quest to earn something like that. You know, it's more meaningful. That is what I've seen in our fiction communities so far. And for the long term we still want to stick into, you know, the gamified contents like, you know, we have the summer fast that is, you know, really, you know, impressed me because, you know, it's making the micro tree as a very big world and then we contains like a lot of different chains, you know, with their projects included, you know, we can make each chain is a kind of an island or even like a cities or even a country and then merging that together to a very big map. And then in my point of view, like you did a really quick work, you know, of communicating in a way that no one on the market had been done previously.

Future Collaborations and Goals

And it's very straightforward. For example, if a user they like fiction so they just click into the fiction island and then they enjoy all the activities of the project within vixen ecosystem and then they getting something and they also recognize as contributors. And I really love the way that, you know, Linea has been doing to educate the users as well. Like, you know, beside the rewards that they can get from the quest, you know, some of them might contain, you know, the contribution points I would say, you know, for the ecosystem that, you know, whenever they interacting with the activities organized by the chain with the partners so they can getting a very significant point that, you know, it can proving that they are contributing to the ecosystem and they are the real users because if they are just the quest participants so they can just generate a very long list of different wallets and then they just joining as many as possible and then they try to claim the reward and that's it.

Reinforcing User Engagement Through Credentials

But if we have some kind of credential as you mentioned at the beginning. So it's really great that we can encourage people to stick into the chain and to doing continuously to proving their, you know, it's kind of like, you know, proof of work but in, you know, in a more funny way or very exciting way. And I think we have done like, you know, the very good ways. And in the next collaboration, I want to looking forward to like how we can, as you mentioned, tokenize the communities, like how we can emphasize more on, you know, tap into more communities. It's just nothing around vision or microtray, but also we can get more potential to expanding our collaboration into more communities that, you know, enroll in Web three, you know, looking for exciting activities because we have been doing very well.

Strategic Collaborations for Future Success

And then I believe that when we showing our exposure into those communities so they will like it and if we can working in some ways that, you know, strategically can, you know, it's the reason why I take the example of linear is like, you know, if we can form our collaboration into, you know, whenever our users came into micro tree doing the vision task continuously and then, you know, they can become our citizens, you know, it can be very straightforward that, you know, they might be eligible for the later, you know, benefits. For example, when micro tree have more features, have more perks that, you know, only the early adopters, only the early supporters like, you know, participating in micro tree, you know, in a very long period of time, they can get that and then same to action.

Acknowledging Community Contributions

Like if they're continuously contributing in the ecosystem or joining our activities with the ecosystem projects, you know, it's definitely something that we want to appreciate in them. And then, you know, it's also a very like motivation for us to continuously building up more exciting activities so that you know, they like it but like they also, it's not only about like they like the brand but also they love what we have been doing. And then, you know, yeah, I think that is, you know, kind of really hot topic to clarify like what specifically that we can be doing together. But you know, generally that is what I've seen, you know, the way that projects in the futures, you know, will be building their own communities and, you know, the loyalty members.

Moving Forward with Educational Content

Yeah, I totally agree with, you know, all of the example you saved for linear and also for the question that we have done on summer past. So pretty much our credentials is going to be live probably in September, I think. So, you know, there's going to be a Sobao credentials and one thing I could say is that if we can work together strategically, we can use this kind of credential to match with your oneid as well. So it's whether user, you know, like aggregates and sort of on chain interactions, on microfree, whether the min data credentials, whether we do nfts minting, whether they do requests. So they always absorb the points aggregated from victions to all of the users that have been interacting on and generating transaction evictions.

Innovative Approaches to NFT Resale and Staking

So pretty much like linear, and it creates sort of the unprecedented and never ended incentivizations for the communities. So pretty much that's what we've been looking for. And, you know, thank you, man, for raising that. And I think there's one term that we can look for is that if, you know, Vixen is going to have more educational content like video, ebook, digital artwork, I think artwork is where you guys are doing so good because there's a lot of NFTs collections throwing out of, you know, like, you know, your profile. Decentralian is one of the things I look at next. You know, next thing is going to be eternals. So we can work together and tokenize them as nfts.

Harnessing the Power of NFTs in Education

And, you know, for example, learners on microfree or learners from victims, they can own a piece of that educational content and they can potentially trade it or sell it or maybe, you know, stake it. We're looking at NFT restaking as well because right now there's, in the market, we are, we already see ETH restaking. So only ETH is where value aggregated into the stakeholders. But what if we can restake nfts so that NFT can bring more royalty to the creators, whether they have, you know, good contents, whether they provide value for the community. So, yeah, pretty much that's what I think at the moment.

Concluding Thoughts and Next Steps

But yeah, you know, let's, you know, keep the conversations, you know, going on and let's bring more ideas after the space. And apparently really appreciate it for your time here and all the community members from microfree and vaccines for being here as well. So I think let's grab up the space and I think we'll see you in the next space between microfree and victions. And thank you, Ronan, for being here as well. Yeah, it's my honor to be here as well. We always appreciate the work that microt have been done, not only the past, but also like what you are growing right now.

Recognizing Potential for Collaboration

We have seen a lot of potential and micro is still the very creative platform that we always looking at whenever we have exciting ideas that we want to share with micro team to getting more insight or getting feedback to see if we want to making that happen so how we can collaborate together, how we can make the communities to be exactly because you know we working on the ecosystem side but microtreat is working a lot with the communities or they, you know about the inside of the audiences like what they need you know on the user's perspective and also like what kind of activities that can highly engaging them to be joining.

Visualizing Future Activities Together

So I do hope that you know with our strengths you know from the ecosystem landscape from the user's understanding so we can actually think of like very you know good ideas to be collaborating with you know in the next couple of activities. Yeah, yeah. Okay see you guys for the next space and thank you pretty much for being here. Bye bye. Thank you so much. Have a good day guys. Bye.

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