Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Bridging the Knowledge Gap Toward Safer Shipping in Nigeria? hosted by OlumideIDOWU. The space 'Bridging the Knowledge Gap Toward Safer Shipping in Nigeria' delves into critical topics such as energy transition, climate finance, and promoting sustainable shipping practices. Experts emphasized the importance of knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation in driving impactful change. Discussions highlighted the role of youth engagement, community involvement, and policy implications for achieving environmental sustainability. Leveraging innovative technologies and fostering partnerships were key themes to boost climate resilience. The session underscored the significance of addressing challenges and seizing opportunities in the infrastructure sector to create a safer and eco-friendly maritime environment in Nigeria.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.

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Total Listeners: 2


Q: How does energy transition contribute to sustainable development?
A: Energy transition reduces carbon footprint, promotes renewable resources, and ensures long-term environmental sustainability.

Q: What role does climate finance play in supporting eco-friendly initiatives?
A: Climate finance provides funding for green projects, encourages innovation, and accelerates the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Q: Why is youth engagement crucial for sustainable environmental practices?
A: Youth bring fresh perspectives, enthusiasm, and drive change towards a more eco-conscious future.

Q: How can organizations collaborate effectively for climate action?
A: Collaboration allows for shared resources, expertise, and amplifies impact in combating climate change.

Q: What are the policy implications for sustainable energy and shipping?
A: Policies can drive investments in renewable energy, set standards for emission control, and enhance maritime safety regulations.

Q: How important is community involvement in driving environmental awareness?
A: Communities play a vital role in implementing local solutions, raising awareness, and fostering sustainable behaviors.

Q: In what ways can innovation and technology advance shipping safety measures?
A: Technological advancements like AI, IoT, and data analytics enhance monitoring, maintenance, and emergency response in maritime operations.

Q: What are the benefits of networking and partnerships for boosting climate resilience?
A: Partnerships bring diverse expertise, resources, and support community resilience in facing climate-related challenges.

Q: How can knowledge sharing lead to impactful changes in promoting safer shipping practices?
A: Knowledge exchange fosters best practices, lessons learned, and enhances preparedness for maritime safety incidents.


Time: 00:15:42
Energy Transition for Sustainable Development Discussions on transitioning to renewable energy sources for a cleaner and greener future.

Time: 00:28:19
Youth Engagement in Climate Action Exploring the pivotal role of young individuals in driving environmental awareness and sustainability.

Time: 00:40:55
Innovative Technologies for Safer Shipping Insights on leveraging technology to enhance maritime safety practices and prevent accidents.

Time: 00:55:10
Policy Implications for Environmental Sustainability Analyzing the regulatory framework and policies shaping sustainable energy and shipping practices.

Time: 01:10:37
Community Partnerships for Climate Resilience Highlighting the power of community collaborations in building resilience against climate change impacts.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of energy transition in sustainable development.
  • Role of climate finance in supporting eco-friendly initiatives.
  • Challenges and opportunities in promoting safer shipping practices.
  • Youth engagement for sustainable environmental practices.
  • Significance of knowledge sharing for impactful change.
  • Collaboration between organizations for effective climate action.
  • Innovation and technology in advancing shipping safety measures.
  • Community involvement in driving environmental awareness.
  • Policy implications for sustainable energy and shipping.
  • Networking and partnerships for boosting climate resilience.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Yeah. Good morning, good evening. Good afternoon everyone. I'm sure we are very, you know, cool everywhere. We are joining this call. From today I will be talking more on the issue of shipping levy and I'm very sure most of us have actually get to understand the issue of shipping and how it's affecting our community and I'm going to be looking at how we are bridging the gap knowledge towards safer shipping in Nigeria ahead of the conference happening in London from the 30th to 4 October. So I just wanted to listen to what I'm going to be sharing to you with you today. I will be focusing more on the issue that is affecting most of our environment, most of our community understanding the current state of shipping in Nigeria because a lot of people don't really talk much about that.

Shipping Levy and Environmental Implications

I was looking at the importance of the $150 shipping levy that has been proposed as an alternative, as a solution for the opportunity that we are looking at. I also been looking at the environmental implications of neglected shipping practices that it has been going on recently in the country. I'm also going to be looking at the role of government in addressing shipping challenges because there's a lot of issue, a lot of problem that is going on that people are not really talking about. Then how can we enhance maritime education and training? How much training, how much education does our maritime people actually have in pushing for this kind of levy we are talking about? I also be looking at collaboration with international bodies.

Community Engagement and Technology

What is the level of collaboration that Nigeria is looking at when it comes to international bodies that can support the idea of the shipping levy that we see then? What are the community engagements and awareness that is happening and how many communities are being affected? What is going to be the engagement? How is it going to look like, you know, everything is, you know, moving towards technology. We're going to be looking at technological advancements in the shipping sector and I'm going to be talking about how do we establish a clear regulatory framework? Because maybe the framework that we have now is not actually solving the problem of the communities across the world or communities across our country, which is very important to talk about.

Investments and Monitoring Regulations

How do we start investing infrastructure for development? These are the conversations that we are going to be having today. We're going to be looking at monitoring and, you know, enforcement of regulations because there's a lot of effective monitoring measures that we need to put in place. How do we prepare for the upcoming unim climate summit? What is going to be the role of Nigeria? And I'm going to be sharing some sort of recommendation for nigerian government, because this is another way for us to push enforcement to a way whereby we can be able to understand that our recommendation reach the right people. And the proposal of the $150 shipping level, how do we prioritize it?

Role of Nigeria in Shipping Industry

How do we make sure that our shipping levy is mainly working for people? And then we conclude on that. And I'm not going to take much of our time today because I just want to share some of the key points ahead of this meeting that we need to be looking at so that we can be able to achieve our own aim as a country and as a people. So Nigeria, with its extensive coastal line and significant maritime activities, actually play a vital role in shipping industry of West Africa. And, you know, with Nigeria's large economy, large business area, it's very important that we know that in West Africa, we are running one of the biggest shipping industry.

Challenges in the Shipping Sector

However, this sector actually faces numerous challenges, you know, including lack of adequate regulatory framework, insufficient technology, and even a general knowledge gap in maritime safety practices. We also look at the consequences of these issues are very dear and is affecting not only the shipping industry, but also the surrounding communities and the environments. Couple of communities in Lagos. Look at Oko Ifa, looking at the area in Apapa. A lot of these people actually going through a lot of shipping activities that is affecting their food, affecting their fish, because most of them live on fishing. And it's very important that we talk about this problem.

Importance of Knowledge in Safer Shipping Practices

So for us to promote, you know, safer shipping practices, there is a pressing need to actually bridge this knowledge gap by ensuring that all stakeholders are adequately informed and even equipped to handle maritime operations responsibly. And at the United Nations IMO conference that is happening in couple of days, we are looking at the importance of the $150 shipping level. And one of the critical measures put proposed to enhance maritime safety and even to protect the environment is the introduction of a shipping levy of the $150.

Funding Initiatives with the Shipping Levy

And I think it's very important for a country like Nigeria to also look at this levy as a solution, because this levy is aimed at funding initiatives that will improve safety standards. And we also enhance regulatory framework and promote environmental sustainability in the shipping operation. And for us, if we implement this level as a country, Nigeria can generate actually substantial revenue that can be directed toward training programs for maritime workers, upgrading part facilities, and even investing in research and development for safer shipping technology.

Technological Advancements and Training

Because, you know, when we talk about technology, we know it's something that is very important. But do we also have the, you know, the techniques or do we have the people to work on this technology to advance our shipping level. And that is why we need that training programs for all our maritime worker. So it is important that we talk about this issue moving forward. And it is important that this issue can solve a lot of problems for the people that are living closer to the port.

Environmental Implications of Shipping

And it's something that we need to start talking about. We also need to start looking at this issue very critically because environmental implication on this shipping practice is very key. Shipping activities in Nigeria presently have been linked to, you know, civicant environmental pollution, including the oil spillage in the Niger Delta, even in the Papa ports, waste discharge and even emission from vessels. These are really affecting the communities. And you and I also understand that if we don't take urgent action, you know, this practices not only degrade marine ecosystem, but also pays health risk to, you know, to coastal communities. And these coastal communities are communities that our friends, our family, our children, our brothers, aunties are living.

The Role of Government in Mitigating Environmental Issues

Then the introduction of the shipping levee will play an essential role in mitigating these environmental issues by providing necessary funding for monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulations. Because without immediate action, the health of Nigerian coastal regions that are suffering from these acts, as well as the livelihood of the communities that rely on this ecosystem remain at risk. And we need to see that there's a time for us to take action. Like they said, it's a time bomb. And if you don't take urgent action, it's going to affect the unborn children as well. So the role of the government in addressing these shipping challenges is very key. The Nigerian government has a pivot rule, very important role in tackling the challenges associated with shipping, because by taking a proactive measures to establish, you know, we need to establish a regulation and actually invest in maritime safety.

Enhancing Maritime Education and Training

How many of our maritime staffs actually understand this process? Because the government can, you know, significantly reduce the risk associated with the shipping activities. Moreover, the government must actually prioritize the safety of its citizens and the protection of the environmental menace the economy is gained. Then a commitment also to safer shipping practices will ultimately yield long term benefits for both the economy and the environment. So it is very important that our government take responsibility in addressing these shipping challenges so that the people that are staying in the coastal region and their life is, you know, on this issue of ecosystem will live long and enjoy the development of where they are staying. So we need to start looking at how can we also enhance maritime education and training.

Investment in Educational Initiatives

Because if we have good, adequate training, we have adequate supports, we have adequate education, it's very good for them to start looking at the proper solution to, you know, enhance our maritime education. And one of the most effective way to bridge the gap of knowledge, or the knowledge gap in the shipping sector is through enhancing maritime education and even training programs that can give them adequate knowledge. And by investing in the educational initiative, the government can also ensure that maritime professionals are well versed in safety protocols. Because if you have safety protocols, they will be able to move fast. You know, environmental regulation and even modern shipping technologies will support the area that we are looking at.

Collaboration with International Organizations

So this will not only improve safety standard, but also empower individuals with industry to make informed decisions that are prioritized environmental sustainability. And this is the only way we can enhance maritime education. This is the only way that we can support our staffs in the maritime industry. And this is the only way we can prove that standard that can lead to prioritizing environmental sustainability. And for us to get all this done, we need collaboration. And that collaboration can not only be locally, it can also be intertwined with international bodies and collaboration with International Maritime Organization, such as the International Maritime Organization.

Benefiting from Shared Knowledge and Best Practices

The IMO is very crucial for Nigeria to align its shipping practices with global standards. We have a lot of international organization as well, like the Pacific environment, which they are doing wonderfully well in supporting advanced technology transfer, you know, so that by working together with these people, Nigeria can be able to benefit from shared knowledge, resources and even best practices that have been successfully in order, you know, in other countries. And it has been working in other countries to push advancement of shipping levy, to push the advancement of shipping industries, and even to support our pots of authorities in driving knowledge, in driving investment in driving support for international standard.

Community Engagement and Local Awareness

So with all this, we cannot do it alone. We need to create what we call community engagement and awareness for our people to be able to, you know, engaging locally, you know, communities in, you know, discussion about shipping practices and their impact is essential for fostering a culture, safety and environmental stewardship. So we need to raise awareness among community members. We need to help the government to encourage active participation in monitoring shipping activities. And we also need to report violations in our port authorities because community involvement can lead to better compliance with regulation and even increase accountability among shipping companies.

Addressing Compliance Among Shipping Operators

Operators in Nigeria. How many of the shipping operators actually are dealt with rules and regulations, actually engaging community to support them because the discharge of vessels into the water is actually affecting them. By creating awareness, by engaging the community, we'll be able to create accountability among the shipping companies that operate in the country. Issue of technology we need to adopt modern technology that can cyclically enhance safety and efficiency in the shipping industry. Technology such as the real time monitoring system, we need that to support our pollution issues.

Advances in Waste Management Solutions

We need also to automated vessel tracker. How many of them are using this? Most of them are not tapping into this. And we need to also see how we can advance waste management solution that can help us to mitigate the risk associated with shipping operations. You know, these are ways that technology can actually advance the shipping industries or shipping sectors in Nigeria. The government needs to also create an incentives, you know, an adoption of this technology by, you know, providing financial support or tax breaks to shipping companies that invest innovations, innovative solutions.

High Shipping Taxes and Government Incentives

Because, you know, the tax on shipping level is also very high sector. So we need to see how the government can, you know, incentivize the adoption of this technology for the people in the community and companies that are operating in the port area. How do we also look at establishing a clear regulatory framework? You know, a clear and, you know, comprehensive regulatory framework is essential for ensuring safe shipping practices in Nigeria. When I say clear regulatory framework, what are the frameworks we have now that is helping Nigeria to, you know, to tap into shipping practices? You know, the government must actually look at the way to establish and enforce regulations that addresses key issues such as vessel maintenance, waste disposals and even emission control. Because if we do this, Nigeria can create a more transparent and accountable shipping environment that prioritize safety and environmental protection.

Enhancing Maritime Infrastructure and Safety Practices

It is very important that we establish clear regulatory framework and we also need to start looking at investing infrastructure development. Our infrastructure needs to be enhanced. Our infrastructure needs to be supported. So to support safer shipping practices, Nigeria must invest in the development and maintenance of its maritime infrastructure. I think we have one in the oral in Aquaribo. How are we looking at that shipping port? To make sure that there's practices that is safe and there's opportunity of investment in those developments and the maintenance of the maritime infrastructure. We need to say we can upgrade our parts, our ports. We need to say we can improve navigation risk so that navigation aids for people working in the port authority, port stations and how we can enhance emergency response capability and even critical components of this investment.

Importance of Safety and Infrastructure Investment

So it's important that we look at safety. It is better that we look at infrastructure. It is important that we look at investment in development issues and improving infrastructure. The government can actually ensure that shipping operations run smoothly. Why maximizing potential as that? Because if we don't take action now, then it's going to cost us a lot of money to reverse this problem. So we need to start looking at how do we monitor and enhance of this regulation because effective monitoring and enhancement or enforcement of regulations and critical are very critical for maintaining compliances among shipping or companies because shipping companies need to look at what are the risk, what are the opportunities and what are the investment opportunities in this industry.

Monitoring and Enforcement for Regulatory Compliance

So that is why monitoring and enforcement of regulation is very important. So the government can, must also increase the capacity of relevant authorities to conduct, you know, inspections and even enforce penalties for violations. Because if you don't put penalties, don't put measures with these shipping authorities or shipping companies then will not be able to strengthen the enforcement of mechanisms that's supposed to be for non compliance and even encourage shipping operations to adhere to safety and environmental standard. So these are the, you know, how we can actually bridge the knowledge gap, you know, towards the safer shipping in Nigeria.

Preparing for the UN IMO Climate Summit

And also looking at l two, the meeting starting on the fourth, sorry, on the 30th in the United Nations Imo Climate summit in London. I think as Nigerians, and this message is directly to the, you know, respective agency, the Minister of Environment, the Nigerian Port Authority, another regulatory body that works in the port authority area. As Nigerians, we need to prepare for the, as we prepare for the UN Imo climate summit in London from September 30 to 4 October, I think it is essential for the government to prepare a robust plan, strategy that will address challenges faced by the shipping industry. When I talk about strategy, I'm looking at strategy that can minimize the risk.

Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

And this plan should not only highlight the need for safer shipping practices, but also demonstrate Nigeria's commitment to environmental sustainability, because engaging with international stakeholders during this summit can help us or help Nigeria to ensure support for its initiative and showcase its dedication to combating climate change. We have the highest pot business. How do we make sure that we set a standard? How do we make sure that we address these challenges and we support the shipping industry by making sure that we are not only demonstrating talk, we are demonstrating commitments to, you know, environmental sustainability, and also to make sure that our initiatives are being showcased so that we can get maximum support to combat the issue of climate change.

Investments in Training and Safety Initiatives

Personally, for me, as part of the delegation for this conference, I'm also looking at some key recommendation from the nigerian government. Let us start looking at how we can implement the $150 shipping levy so that we can prioritize the introduction of the shipping levy to fund safety and environmental initiatives within the maritime sector. We need to enhance training programs for our people, invest in comprehensive maritime education and training to equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge for steeper shipping practices. It is very important. How do we start looking at strengthening regulatory frameworks?

Community Engagement and Technological Advancement

We have some frameworks that is not been implemented or does not be followed through that has not been worked on. So I think nigerian government needs to look at how we can establish a clear enforcement regulations that address safety, environmental practices of protection and even compliances among shipping companies, because that is the only way we can strengthen our regulatory framework. We need to also see how we can foster community engagement. How much work have we done in engaging communities closer to these shipping centers, our ports? So we need to look at engaging local communities in discussions about shipping practices and even their impacts, encouraging activities or active participation in monitoring activities.

Promoting Advanced Technology in Shipping Operations

We need to start looking at investment in modern technologies. We talk about technology because that is one of the ways we can enhance activities and shipping ports. So let us see how we can promote the adoption of advanced technology that enhance safety and efficiency in shipping operations. Providing incentives for companies to innovate.

Incentive Tax Reduction and Community Engagement

Because if we provide this incentive tax reduction, they'll be able to create more space for communities to engage and for communities to benefit from the, you know, actions that goes on in the shipping area. So for me to conclude this conversation, I just want to say that bridging the gap, the knowledge gap, towards a safer shipping Nigeria is very essential for protecting both the environment and the livelihood of our coastal people. Because the coastal people or coastal communities are really facing a very, you know, earth issue.

Living Conditions and Necessary Initiatives

A problem that is contributing to, you know, them dying very young is affecting their fishing practices or fishing opportunities they have for their livelihood. You know, they propose shipping levy of $115 play a vital role in funding necessary initiative to actually improve safety and also sustainability. And with this collective action and the commitment from the government, I think the shipping industry can transform into a clean, safer and more environmentally friendly sector and benefiting all Nigerians.

Safety Measures and Global Maritime Community

And everybody's able to see that our coastal communities, our communities that are closer to the port will be able to have, you know, a safer life. So as the United Nations International Maritime Organization Climate Conference approach, which is starting on Monday, that's the 30 September now it is the time for Nigeria to take decisive action and set a standard for a global maritime community. If we can do this, then we'll be able to solve the problem of the issue of monitoring and enforcement in our regulation, investing infrastructure development and establishing a clear regulatory framework that can lead to community engagement and awareness and build more collaboration with international bodies for the enhancement of maritime education and keeping the support of government to the people.

Closing Remarks and Call for Contributions

So thank you very much. I just feel like sharing this information with us so that it is very important we bridge the knowledge gap towards a safer shipping in Nigeria for the people and the planet. I don't know if anybody have any contribution. Let me give you the mic if you want to say one or two things before we round up this conversation. Thank you. You can request for the Mic if you have any contribution or any.

Acknowledgments and Future Engagement

Keep on. Yeah. Thank you, Musa. Thank you, Musa. Thank you. Yashao is mine. Thank you for joining. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, Mohammed, Jamil, thank you for joining. I may not be able to call all your names, but thank you to everybody. I just want you to follow through this platform. In couple of days, I will be sending out some information. How the conference is going, what is happening, what is Nigerian government doing, and how do we make sure that we inculcate the support for our regulatory framework?

Understanding Climate Change and Responsibility

How do we make sure that everything that we are doing is following through what the government is looking at as well? Because that is the only way we can get this done. So for everybody that want to understand the shipping levy, you just need to, you know, just type it online. You'll be able to understand that the injustice of climate change is the countries that suffer the worst impacts, you know, and it's really causing a lot of damage, you know, and is affecting a lot of people.

Global Initiatives and Local Community Impact

So I personally am proud that Nigeria is going to be in this meeting so that they can adopt the global carbon prize on shipping at the United Nations IOMO conference. And I'm proud to be joining the Pacific environment in pushing for setting a strong and equitable carbon levy on global shipping. Because at this conference, at this meeting, it's going to take us to a, whereby we need to start speaking for the experience of our local communities on the front line of the climate crisis.

Accountability for Global Polluters

I would cause a no small part of the tax free fuzzy fuel shipping. So it's very important that we start looking at this because the global polluters pay for its pollution. And it is a critical part of clearing up this industry in a way that does not burden and already most vulnerable people. So it is very key that we start looking at it. So do you actually know that the world has never been closer to making, you know, for this first time, a global polluter pay for its emission?

Vision for Shipping Levy and Future Progress

We need to start looking at how we did pay. They must pay for this because it's very simple. Our policy needs to set itself right. We need to start looking at the game changer for the shipping levy. We need to start looking at how we can make sure that a levy of at least $115 will help speed up shipping's transition from fossil fuel and generate critical finance that vulnerable countries need to adopt or need to adapt.

Conclusion and Future Engagements

So thank you very much for joining. And it's not a 30 minutes conversation to give you guys updates on what's going to be happening ahead of the IMO conference in London in couple of days. Thank you very much and hope to connect back with you as we continue next week from 30th to 4 October. Thank you very much and have a great morning, evening, afternoon where you are joining.

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