Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Brick by Brick 🧱 hosted by nftbawsa. The Brick by Brick 🧱 space delved deep into various facets of infrastructure and construction, exploring AI's disruptive influence, sustainability initiatives, blockchain's role in project transparency, and the importance of community engagement. Discussions also touched on innovative trends like gaming integration, DeFi funding models, and NFT applications in architectural collaborations. Developers learned about the significance of embracing technological advancements to drive efficiency and competitiveness in the infrastructure sector.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How is AI transforming the brick-building industry?
A: AI is revolutionizing construction through automation, predictive analytics, and enhanced project management.

Q: What are some unique projects redefining sustainable building solutions?
A: Projects integrating renewable energy, green materials, and smart technologies are leading the way in sustainable construction practices.

Q: How does blockchain technology benefit infrastructure development?
A: Blockchain ensures transparency, minimizes fraud, and streamlines processes like procurement and documentation in infrastructure projects.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for project success?
A: Engaging communities fosters trust, enables feedback incorporation, and paves the way for socially inclusive infrastructure development.

Q: What role can gaming play in construction platforms?
A: Gaming elements enhance user experience, facilitate design visualization, and promote interactive project planning.

Q: How can developers leverage DeFi for project funding?
A: By tapping into decentralized finance, developers can access liquid capital, avoid traditional barriers, and attract a global pool of investors for construction projects.

Q: What are the benefits of utilizing innovative wallet solutions in construction?
A: Advanced wallet technologies ensure secure and transparent transactions, streamline payment processes, and enhance financial accountability in building ventures.

Q: How do NFTs contribute to architecture collaborations?
A: NFTs enable unique digital asset creation, promote ownership rights in architectural designs, and facilitate traceability in design collaborations.

Q: What advancements are driving efficiency in the construction sector?
A: Digitalization, automation, and IoT integration are enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and improving project timelines in construction.

Q: Why is it important for developers to consider technological trends in infrastructure?
A: Adopting technological trends ensures competitiveness, future-proofs projects, and enhances operational efficiency for developers in the infrastructure sector.


Time: 00:15:42
AI Disruption in Construction Exploring the transformative role of AI in revolutionizing traditional construction methods.

Time: 00:25:18
Sustainability Projects in Construction Highlighting innovative projects driving the adoption of sustainable practices in the construction industry.

Time: 00:35:50
Blockchain Adoption in Infrastructure Understanding the impact of blockchain technology on ensuring transparency and security in large-scale infrastructure projects.

Time: 00:45:27
Community-Centric Development Importance of community involvement in shaping infrastructure projects for societal inclusivity and acceptance.

Time: 00:55:14
Gaming Integration for Design Innovative ways gaming elements are enhancing user experience and visualization in construction planning.

Time: 01:05:30
DeFi Solutions for Project Funding Discussing how DeFi platforms are reshaping traditional funding models for infrastructure development.

Time: 01:15:22
Secure Transactions with Innovative Wallets Exploring cutting-edge wallet solutions ensuring safe and efficient financial transactions in construction projects.

Time: 01:25:45
NFTs in Architectural Design The role of NFTs in promoting authenticity and ownership rights in collaborative architectural creations.

Time: 01:35:10
Tech Advancements in Construction Highlighting the technological innovations driving efficiency and productivity in the construction sector.

Time: 01:45:37
Future-Proofing Infrastructure Projects Importance of staying abreast of technological trends to future-proof and optimize infrastructure development initiatives.

Key Takeaways

  • In-depth discussions on the impact of AI in the brick-building industry.
  • Exploration of unique projects paving the way for sustainable building solutions.
  • Insights into the integration of blockchain technology in infrastructure development.
  • Emerging trends in the construction sector, focusing on digitalization and efficiency.
  • The importance of community engagement for successful project implementation.
  • Discussions on the future of gaming integration within building platforms.
  • Key considerations for developers looking to enter the infrastructure market.
  • Insights into the role of decentralized finance (DeFi) in funding large-scale projects.
  • Exploration of innovative wallet solutions for secure transactions in the construction sector.
  • Discussions on the application of NFTs in architecture and design collaborations.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Wolfo Three

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Wolfo three. My name is Cayde. I'm the voice behind the account. Can't wait to get into this space. I first want to say thank you to our sponsors. We couldn't do it without. If you're into bitcoin, there is someone who's on a mission to become the biggest bitcoin mining company in the entire world. Totally sec filed. They're looking to go public. They want to be huge, right? Trading on the stock exchange. They want to be taken seriously 100%. And they are. So we're excited to be working with them, getting an actual piece to the company if you end up investing with them. Their CEO, David Hardwick, has been in the oil and gas industry for like, 20 years. This company is called Quantum Expeditions. And he's been on the ground floor trying to find what brings, exactly, what brings the best returns for all these miners. A lot of details you won't be able to find unless you're on the cutting edge of the bitcoin mining sphere for a super long time. And that's really rare to find, honestly.

Investment Overview

So more of a long term investment. Not really a dj in place. It's probably this crowd of people, I would say. But if you're interested, I'm going to pin something on top. It should already be pinned. I'm not sure if it's there or nothing. It said it was a second ago, but now it's not there anymore. It should be at the top right now. If you see it, check him out, give him a look. And we're going to get started in just a moment. I'm going to play some music in a few seconds. Here we go.

Discussion about Music

Do we have that wolf web three song? Oh, you think that will go hard? Have you abandoned the Alfred music? Is that. Is that over, like, not doing that one anymore? Well, I would. I wouldn't say. Well, no, I wouldn't say I've abandoned it. I mean, come on. Hey, by the way, where did you send that one? I remember you seeing it and then. I don't remember. Where did you send it? To our wolf group chat. Yeah, yeah. It's in the wolf. Oh, yeah? What's in the wolf? I found it. I found it. I found it. It's from today or it's from last night, I think. Yeah, yeah. Dude, it's sultry. It's sexy.

Continuing the Event

Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. What's up? Making me crazy. Is it this one? Oh, dude, guys, check this out. This is. This is what we call a one hit wonder banger. Fan. Trading the coins, stocking that game. Together we rise. What the fuck are we listening to. Bro, just listen to the words. Don't say that. Whoa, whoa. You didn't even give it a chance, dude. I can't co host. Michael's coming. Can you bring for a second? No. Bring up brick, because handles you making me crazy. And then bring up brain chain LlC as well.

Engagement with Audience

Invites are sent. We have one audience member. Shi ape, we know you. We see you. We appreciate you. All right. Well, I thought that was beautiful. I feel like there's probably not any better way to start a space. Drew, how are you doing, my friend? Doing good. Hope you all are doing good. I felt like I was in an episode of Reading Rainbow. So did I. Remember that? Was that bad? You said that. Totally neutral. So is that bad or good? I mean, shoot me straight. You know? I'm not sure.

NFT Discussion

I think it's a little bit in the middle. Yeah, that feels. That sounds about right. That sounds about right. So, anyways, I have a couple stories here that I thought were pretty interesting. I know Michael's probably on his way here. I'm not sure where he is right now, but I, Last night. Not last night. 28th. So two days ago. This is from the NFT space. So, Drew, I'm sure you. You probably at least heard something about this, but. Wait, are you picking the same story I'm picking? Is this. Are you talking about cool man's universe?

Coolman's Universe

No, I don't know what that is. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. All right, well, cool man universe, they are an NFT project that launched a couple years ago, and it was by Danny coffee man Daniel, who I'm actually friends with. So I haven't reached out. I thought about. I was very. I was very much toying with the idea of reaching out and being like, yo, do you want to host a space? And just not on the wolf account, just on my own personal, just. Cause I know him. And I was like, can you put. It in the nest? Can you put it in the nest so we can all.

Exploring the Situation

Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, let's do that. So, yeah, I was. I don't know. I was just, like, so confused. Cause it looked really, really bad on the timeline, and I was like, bro, what happened? And so people have all kind of put up their thoughts on what they think happened, and there's a bunch of screenshots as far as, like, different transactions. And here, I'm going to pin one of these. So this is the first one that I found I thought was somewhat helpful, just to give a bit of context here.

Coin and Market Reactions

Essentially, they launched a cool coin out of sort of out of nowhere, I guess they were pretty quiet to the bear market, along with most people, I would say. And they just dropped this coin and it was on Solana. And I think people were kind of like, what? Like, what do you mean, like Solana? Like, you guys aren't even on Solana. And I think people are just maybe felt a little bit slighted or something like that. And then essentially, the coin was bought up really fast before they announced it.

Concerns Over Market Practices

And then right when he announces it starts, like, selling off. And people were like, bro. And so a lot of people were like, this, for sure, was a pump and dump in part of the team. And. Yeah, so I'm not sure. I have some. I find some more details with it. And Drew, by the way, you're able to change the title of the space? Yeah, for sure. For sure. Make it easier, as decent as you want. And people were like, bro, you got to get Zach XVT on this.

Marketplace Insights

And everyone was tagging him. I'm sure. I don't know what the process is to get him to look at something. Cause I'm sure some of his stories take absolutely forever to get to the bottom of. But Drew, Charlie, have either of you guys heard of what happened here? Do you have any thoughts on it? Dude, this kind of shit I'm so fucking tired of. So I believe I scrolled back on their Twitter. The last tweet before they started tweeting about all this token stuff was April 2023.

The State of Projects

So, like, obviously a super abandoned project actually knew a bunch of the mods that worked. They never got paid near the ending of it before it was abandoned. Like, such a shit show. I mean, even their stories, if you go and listen to the recorded spaces, like, whoever they're. They're saying it's a market maker. Then they were saying it was a dev that sniped all the tokens. And then their other defense was that, hey, no, you know, were obviously doing this for liquidity, but weren't just selling, were also buying.

Financial Implications

But they had 1.5 million plus in profit. And the token is obviously on its way to zero. So it really just doesn't make sense. And does anyone know? Did they ever did they were actually airdrop to the holders? Because I know they were waiting to airdrop to the holders. So I thought I was a holder. I think I am a holder in one of my wallets. I've got a bunch of wallets I don't remember. I haven't used ethereum, honestly, in a while.

NFT Airdrop Discussion

It's just not something I've been interested in. After Solana and near protocol and these other chains are a bit faster, and I'm just like, what? Why would I bother? Over here? So I've got a cool man somewhere in here, and I do believe there is some kind of airdrop. I don't believe it's worth me even tracking down my NFT because I don't think the airdrop is going to be worth anything. Five figures.

Exploring Financial Ramifications

What's that? Five figures? Probably five figures. All right, roughly. I guess, for me, it's like, is it a problem to not tweet for a year and have your company completely silent? Well, hold on. Is that, is that an issue? I mean, to make 1.5 million, just a chill. 1.5, well, disappear again. I mean, is that wrong? Well, so it's.

User Expectations

Yes, that's wrong, but it's not like they haven't done anything just on the web three, so it is half wrong. Like, them as a company and a brand have still been going just as hard as they used to go, just on main platforms, not really related to anything in web three, it seems to be. At least I haven't done all the research on them. I think people are just upset because just from the Twitter side, the defi side, maybe the NFT side, they've been lacking.

Comparative Analysis

But for me, it's tough, because if you're building the brand in the same way that Gary Vee is building a vfriends, he's maybe stepping away a little bit from the web three side as much, and then he knows when to push. And other than that, he's just like, okay, time to raise my value. Add in general from a Gary vee side and from a vfriend side, and so he spends majority of his time building the brand. I think it's just, it's a little bit suspicious because the coin just comes out of nowhere.

Established Practices

And so the thing is, I don't know, and I hate jumping to conclusions. And I've had, I've been able to speak with Danny at length before and a couple times on podcasts, so I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. It just, and I can't read the contracts. I have no idea what. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt. Don't do that. Just kind of go in.

Realizations and Encounters

Anyways. So that's my main story. I was interested in that. I did see that. So essentially, they sniped. So if you look at the pin tweet, 850 million of the 900 million tokens, they were sniped, which is absurd. And then they announced the official contract address to the public, and then a million dollars was dumped seven minutes later. Yeah, yeah.

Market Behavior

So, like, there was someone on the timeline who dropped, like, 1081 sol, I think it was. And in five minutes, that was down to like 100 or something like that. It was crazy, dude. Wait, so, I mean, start this out a little clearer. It sounds like to me that they just made a bag, but did they do something wrong? I made a bag.

Contextualizing Issues

I mean, the thing is, so all of this obviously started with MFR doing this, right? Like, you know, came back and really rewarded the holders. Like, every MFR got airdropped, you know, a decent amount of tokens. Those tokens. I mean, I think it was almost upwards of a couple grand per nft that they held. So, you know, that's what started it. I mean, I think, you know, and this was all on base, right?

Analyzing Market Value

And that started. And then it went from like 20 mil market caps, like 180 plus. So, like, it brought, obviously a lot of value to the holders. And it was random, right? Random. It got air dropped. It announced it. Obviously everyone's copycatting that. And then when you copycat it, in this example, like, they were hyping it up, it wasn't random.

Consequences of Market Norms

Right? Like, they were really building momentum on this. If you look in the last month, they were talking about tier one exchanges, all this kind of stuff, when it was abandoned. And I get that, but the fact that this brought no value to the holders, it just extracted more liquidity to behind the scenes team pockets, presumably, and then just, again, was just another token that's going to go to zero.

Purpose of Tokenization

There's no purpose for the tokenization, right? There's no purpose for it in the project. I don't care what they say. They say they're building. I mean, it's just a common thing, right? And, yeah, I just. I just really don't understand why dead projects are coming back and doing this again, just their last attempt and thinking that, you know, the blockchain doesn't lie and that it's not going to catch them in their ass.

Discussion on Recent Developments

So we'd love to throw it over to brain chain LLC, if you guys have any thoughts on these recent developments. I guess I did a couple new things to the top of the space, but welcome to the show, GM. Gm. Thank you. For the welcome. honestly, about Coolman's universe, people should have known better. Like, they rugged the NFT a long time ago.

Continuing the Dialogue

I don't know why we as a space as a whole let people get away with so much stuff again and again. Like, I'm not really. What are you recommending? Like, a hit squad or just, you know what I mean? What are you thinking? I mean, I'm not recommending anything like that on a recorded space, but I would recommend that people stop being dumb, honestly.

Personal Responsibility

Like, that's what it boils down to if you know that a project is rugged and they haven't said anything for months and months and months, and then they pop back up and they're like, we're gonna do a token. And I maybe don't try to get into that token, maybe. Unless you're hyper early and, like, you're really smart about it. But I mean, to be okay, if I were to take a non joking take, like, if you disappear for a year and stop providing value, and I don't think there's anything wrong, and this is a hot take in the space.

Market Realities

And I get this. People want to hold founders accountable. Like, they're not 21 year old kids that just launched a project and they don't know how to run a company. They want to hold them accountable. Like they're Apple and they should be doing, like, nonstop releases for the next five to ten years, which is unrealistic. Nobody's ever going to do that. These companies are going to fail.

Learning Curve

They're going to learn on us, yada, yada. But I will say, I do agree with you a little bit, Brain chain, LLC, that if they disappear for a year and then come back and drop a token, it's probably not a trusted location to stick a bunch of liquidity in because you're going to. You're going to, I think, as you said, you know, take it in the rear.

Sharing Experiences

I mean, I think that part was added in there, but, yeah, that's essentially what I'm saying. Like, we give people. Machi's a great example, right? Whether you're a fan of his or not a fan of his, he's. He's done some rugs, he's been part of some scams, and then, like, he just decided to come out with a token and, hey, big shocker, it made 40 million.

Market Dynamics

When any security guy can ask for donations and get, like, $12.23. Yeah, I know, right, Drew? But, like, he gets 40 million immediately, gets a staking position for himself, not for the token, but for himself of $30 million in soul. And I'm like, what did you people expect? I mean, I think the. The whole premise of NFTs, even just to begin with, right.

The Failure of Expectations

Is, like, pay once and expect unlimited utility for the rest of its life. It's just such a fundamentally broken and, like, model. Like, there's no business model where that survives, especially based on royalties or anything like that. That's out the gutter. Right? So I do think that, you know, expecting nonstop utility and not having to have some form of subscription or SaaS model in play, you know, is kind of unrealistic.

Value vs Utility

Especially, you know, the. Given the actual utility or value that a holder is getting. And, you know, being an experiment is not an excuse by any means. Are you farming right now? Do you have a. Do you have a hoe in hand? And you're just going. Going at the front. Front yard? You hear that? Isn't it beautiful? It sounds quite literally like you're rhythmically using a hoe nonstop and just going at a good garden, just getting something set up for the.

Environmental Context

For the winter. It's a beautiful day. You gotta prepare. Okay. Got it. We saw how the market reacted today. You gotta get ready. We were so red. Oh, my gosh, bro. I brought. I bought coin calls do $1,000 apiece per call. At $232 per coin, dude, it dropped down to $200 196. I'll tell you one thing.

Strategizing Investments

I also bought 235 calls weighing the money. But I realized very quickly, I was like, damn, this has a major leg down. And I sold for a minimal loss. And that was probably the biggest iq play I could have ever done. Now if I can just do that where I'm making money, that would be great. No, you don't want that, dude. That's.

Market Trends

That's so overrated. People are posting their wins everywhere. I'm about posting my losses, dude. Like, I'm going to take it in the rear all day, dude. Honestly, like, one of the biggest wins with. With calls or puts that I ever won was on Ford, which, Ford's usually a pretty. It's a pretty stable stock.

Trading Experiences

Like, it doesn't have any drastic upticks or down ticks. It was right before they announced the electric truck, the lightning. I had a crap ton of call options on it. I mean, like, a crap ton. And then I also. How much is a crap ton? Is it, like 20 or 1212 hundred call options? They were unfortunate. They were pennies.

Predictive Insights

Like, I knew that something was gonna happen, that they had announcement, but I didn't know, like, it was the announcement of the electric truck. So, like, the stock went up $3. And those call options, they cost, I think two cent each or something like that. They were cheap. Cheap. Like, they all were severely in the money at that point, but, like, I was doing a straggle.

Risk Management

So I also sold to open some puts, which is essentially a call option. It's just open ended or whatever. So, yeah, I made a decent amount off of those four call options. I knew I liked you. I knew I liked you this whole time. What is this, amateur hour? What's going on over here? Amateur? Dude, you rugged us, bro.

Engagement and Insights

I'm trying to save multiple spaces at the same time. I just came from another space. I was talking about bitcoin, ordinals, security, all that good stuff. Now I'm here. I'm ready to amp this up. Y'all are sleeping. What's happening? We're talking about how much money I lost on call options on coin. In 48 hours.

Revisiting Personal Losses

I lost 60% of my position on a $1000 call each. Okay. We're going to need more people to understand how badly you got rugged. So if you haven't done so already, hit that box at the bottom right of the screen, like, and repost the room. What are you doing? What? What's happening? Can we get a more click baity title up there, major nft rugged.

Causative Relationships

What? What is nft? Drew is inferno. Dude. Listen, we. We already talked about. Change it if you want. We already talked about Coolman's. I'd love to hear your opinion on this. What if you think Coolman's is appropriate? Do you think dead NFT projects should come back and launch rug tokens? Like, what are your thoughts?

Anticipating Perspectives

Michael's take? Can I guess his might take. Go ahead. Okay. Thank you. So I think Michael is going to say he's going to be inquisitive. He's going to be really soft spoken and sweet and kind of just go over it, glaze a little bit, you know what I mean? And then kind of just talk about how that's fine.

Empathy in the Market

People got to learn forward. And it's okay if you pull out 1.5 million in liquidity of kids that are working hard at Piggly Wiggly and 711, and that's totally fine. And everybody's got to learn on somebody. I'll echo that. Why am I even here? Tell me. Wait. My man said Piggly wiggly. Okay. You definitely grew up in the south.

Cultural Dynamics

I just want to throw that out there? Yeah, dude, you gotta go. What about the Iga's, man? I gotta go. All right, we gotta pump this room. What are my opinions on rug projects? Yeah, tell us, how do you feel about Coolmande? Did you buy? Did you buy? No, I didn't.

Investment Decisions

I'm too busy not buying. I'm too busy holding my bags and round tripping everything ten times. What are you doing? All right, if you're not doing that, why are you even here? Right? So buying call options and losing 60% of my money in 48 hours. Yeah, yeah, we know that, but we need the world to know that.

Seeking Attention

And right now, there's not enough people in this room for the world to know that. What is happening right now? What is happening? We need more people in here. Ten likes. Ten likes. There's more than ten people in the room. Are you all sleeping? Yo, Carib, I see you down there. What's good? Crib, let's go. What's happening?

Updating Conversations

You gotta update the. Update the space time. Update the space. Sure, I'll update it. I'll change it up to something spicy after you. Not too spicy. Think. Think professionally spicy. Like, don't, like, like, don't put, like, nudes of Nancy Pelosi finally released or something. NFT.

Diverse Conversations

Drew, is Inferno. Never. That's. That is a great title, actually. I'm gonna put you on a space. You're sick. Yeah. So I know we had brought up a second ago with the cool man's story, so, Michael, while you're adjusting the title, I'm gonna read this off.

Resource Sharing

This is from Zach's xpt he just posted. This is pinned at the top about how Lazarus group launched, laundered 200 million from 20 plus, 25 plus crypto hacks to fiat from 2020 to 2023. So I didn't even know because I just. I don't dive too much into Zack XBT stuff because I don't like reading that much.

Cybercrime Insights

But he has, like, this website. It's called Zachxbt mirror. And he does, like, a massive breakdown, like, many, many pages. So I'm just gonna read, like, a bit of the introduction here in this. I thought it was very interesting. So Apt 38, more commonly known as the Lazarus Group. Lazarus Group is a threat group which has been tied to the north korean government since as early as 2009, primarily being financially motivated, utilizing malware custom built for each target.

Insightful Historical Context

Early on, they gained notoriety for cyberattacks on Sony Pictures hack in 2014, which I think I actually remember, and $81 million in a Bangladesh bank heist in 2016, which possibly was the inspiration behind the show money heist. I don't know. And then in more recent years, they shifted focus to targets in the crypto market industry.

Insight into Behavioral Patterns

And so companies like TRM and chain analysis released annual reports summarizing these crypto related incidents linking the DPRK. And since 2017, they estimated between $3 billion and $4.1 billion, totally stolen. And so essentially, his. His little article, his long article, follows 25 hacks targeting these companies and people from the last three years, essentially.

Incredible Financial Impact

And the amount of money is just unbelievable. Some notable names here are, like Algorand, Garcoin, Coinshift, Maverick. Who else is Coinbury, Coinmetro, Fin Nexus? I recognize a couple of these. A lot of these, I don't know, but these are pretty large hacks. Like, you know, close to.

Discussing the Scale of Hacks

Some of these are a million dollars, some are $10 million, some are $9 million. And, yeah, I guess. I guess they use these to sort of get their money from crypto into fiat and then just run away with the money and somehow get away with it. Don't know if you guys heard about this or if you have any thoughts on XBT's article.

Contextualization of Insights

He just posted this. Turning. Turning crypto in a fiat is unheard of. I mean, that's just insane to me. Like, this guy. Somebody mute him. Hurry. Sell your immutable, truly owned, verified assets for printed monopoly money fast. So how you feel about Fiat?

Engaging on Fiat

What do you mean? I love Fiat, bro. What do you mean? Do you really like the car? A little 500? Like your head touching the roof? Yeah. Oh, that's amazing. But no, honestly, that's a lot of. That's a lot of money to be turning back into Fiat and expecting to get away with it.

Financial Operations

That's all I'm going to say. Well, it's north korean. I doubt it matters. I'm sure for these international. I almost said international countries, but these countries outside the US, I mean, it's perfect, because if they go to physical war, they have a huge problem. But if they just hack into everybody's software and start pulling all of our coins, then it's not that bad.

Analyzing State-Sponsored Groups

I don't know if everyone understands Lazarus group and all that. That's definitely like, North Korea, Russia, groups that are literally state sponsored, that are the vein of everyone's existence. Like, you can't stop a government backed hacking agency.

Political Dynamic

I mean, this is where, you know, it's sort of FBI, you know, all the three letter names fighting these people day in and day out in a chess game, and I, you know, literally. I mean, these guys are fucking smart.

Sophistication of Cybercrime

Like, has any. Has it. Have. Has anyone here seen the antisocial network memes to mayhem on Netflix? No. What is that? What's up, Jake? Anyway, okay. It is. It is a solid documentary about kind of four chan and how, you know, actually kind of turns into anonymous.

Insightful Investigation

A group spins off that and, like, you know, these are the dudes. That's the kind of level of stuff. I mean, you're talking about, like, state sponsored things. I remember when the gas pipe kind of got hacked and stopped a couple years ago, and that almost, like, spiked gas to $7 over on the east coast.

Impact of Hacking

I mean, all the hospitals that are getting hacked, they just paid a $22 million ransom to. Was it blue health hospital? Which is huge across the board. I mean, these are the kind of level of dudes that you're talking about where they're literally developing malware to.

Systemic Vulnerabilities

Yeah. Studio crypto, because no one can do shit about it. And, you know, circumventing antiviruses, brain channels, actually, also talking to cypher about that. Definitely. Definitely tag there to it. But, I mean, it's just, like, crazy great.

Confronting Challenges

Like, especially when you're state sponsored. I mean, goodness gracious. Like, it's just a matter of almost protecting yourself than it is preventing them.

Investment Perspectives

Look, I'm not saying they're not smart because there's some of them that are amazingly intelligent. But for the most part, and this is true in every aspect of life, perseverance will beat smarts every time.

Observing Persistence

Like, they. They are dedicated. They have buildings and buildings of people. That. That is literally their job. They go there. They hack whatever needs to be hacked or at least try to, because they know if they don't.

Motivation and Consequences

One, they don't eat. Two, like, their families can either be sent to jail or killed. Like, that's a different level of dedication when you're doing it to, like, keep your family from, you know, being killed, possibly. That's, like, those people have dedication.

Unique Determination

So dedication beats smarts every single time. If you keep at it long enough, it's like, okay, most of the guys up here. Guys. It's like, I'm assuming.

Assumptions and Gender

Yeah. Could you point out which one is not a guy? No, I just. I. Look, I didn't want to assume genders or pronouns or what. Okay. Anyway, let's get off of that.

Ongoing Conversations

I'm just. Is. If your girls want to fight, if she looks for something long enough, she's gonna find something. It's the same thing. These people look for something to hack long enough, they keep at it long enough, they're gonna get good at it.

Realistic Perspectives

And they. They'll get you into a virtual chokehold, dude. They'll bend you over and start, you know, never mind. But it's bad. Damn. How about that weather?

Personal Experience

One thing I was gonna say, drew, I think you was talking. I think you're just talking about it was the antisocial network. So, in 2021, when that colonial pipeline happened, I was very aware, because that was right when I started my, really started, my entrepreneur journey.

Starting Journey

I had made a big bag off of dogecoin by accident and put that money into this trip. And I was going to go live in a car and go after my entrepreneurial journey and become a travel vlogger and stuff. And then the colonial pipeline burst.

Dramatic Changes

I lost all my money in crypto overnight because the market crashed, and I ended up in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee. Not a single gas station within 100 miles had gas. I had no money left, and I was like, wow, I'm 48 hours into this trip, and I'm so screwed.

Lucky Break

Ended up getting really lucky. Found the last gas station in town, booked it into the inland, and I got so lucky. But, dude, that Kelowna pipeline thing, I will never forget, because that was insane.

Reflecting on Events

Imagine that happens, bro, I apologize for all the farting from Charlie's side. He sometimes forgots to turn off his mic. He's disgusting. But it is what it is, and I'll finish up my story. I'll let him take over.

Light-hearted Interactions

For some reason, the. I don't know if I'm the most immature person I know, but to fart during someone's take, dude, literally makes me cry. It's the dumbest thing you could. It's the most childish thing I could possibly do. I'm sorry, Kate.

Concluding Reflections

But, dude, it literally makes me cry. It actually kind of completes the story. Oh, no. That's exactly what I was thinking. So, anyway. Who'S doing it? No. What do you mean, who's? It's on the soundboard.

Technical Confusion

I'm not farting into my phone right now. What am I, some deranged losers, like, literally putting a space up to my butt? I don't see that noise on my sound bar, bro.

Multiple Platforms

Where is the sound board on Android or desktop? How do I use this? There's no soundboard on desktop. I don't think Android has it either. Let me show you something. Android. Mike, what is wrong, bro?

Device Dynamics

Android? Yeah, fucking Android. My phone folds in half. What is yours? Do nothing. Dude, how cool. Can you fit it in your pocket? Fold it in half. That's utility.

Anecdotal Connections

I mean, I could fold this iPhone in half. To your point, though, like, you know, for everyone that obviously experienced the at and t out each other day, like, dude, what do you.

Market Expectations

What the fuck do you guys think that is? Like, there's so much shit that. From a cyber security thing behind the scenes. Like, these are things people don't realize. Oh, yeah, it was just maintenance or, oh, you know, it wasn't a.

Understanding Cybersecurity

It wasn't an international attack on this. Fuck, yeah. It was like, do you guys not realize that was a test? Like, the Internet service across the United States doesn't just go down for a day like that.

Contemplating Consequences

Shit just doesn't happen. Right? Like, we're in such a technological day and age that, you know, there are things behind the scenes that happen that people don't realize where those are tests. Like, think, like, that should not be able to happen and especially for it to take a day long to recover it.

Recognizing Sophistication

Right? Like, these are things that people really got to understand, and that's not, you know, little. Little, you know, little Johnny sitting in. Sitting in, you know, his mom's basement hacking away and doing that kind of stuff. No, these are.

The Reality of Hacking

These are sophisticated things. These are people being paid off. These are lack of security, you know, parameters in place to change passwords. Like, you know, it's not Charlie. You're farting in his basement. Come on.

Humor Amidst Seriousness

I heard the farting on a revenge tear right now. Looking up fart sounds. He's like, who can I disrespect with a fart sound right now? Like, no, but to Drew's point real quick. Real quick.

Focusing on Hacking Challenges

Besides the farting, to Drew's point, they're probably still running, like, Windows server 2007, bro. Everything that they're doing, everything that they're doing is probably so archaic, and there's so many points of attack and so many, like, loose ends.

Understanding Cybercrime Environments

Like, it's probably a disaster. Think about how many, like, open holes, open security holes there must be in their entire infrastructure for them to even get to that point. Yep, yep. Just add the fart sound now.

Discussion about Engagement and Sponsorship

I'm immediately never get. I'm not gonna lie, I've seen more people join since we started doing that, so appreciate everyone I've gotten. DM's. Dude, people love. They said, bro, I love what you're doing up there. I love the sounds, dude, I love the. What's it called? The timbre of my fart. Dude, just the way that I do it. They're just digging, bro. There's gonna be, like, sponsors lining up to get their name on this space. Dude, I heard dude wipes is looking for a sponsorship. Yes.

Creating New Products

I wanted to make my own dude wipes. I think it's a brilliant invention. The problem is, and you guys may not know this, but when you flush those wipes, they don't dissolve. Like, you're not. Are you guys? What the fuck? You're not. First off. First off, you're not supposed to flush fucking wet wipes. That is like the. Everybody does the thing. Everybody. What do you mean, everybody? Say under oath right now, have you ever flushed a wet wipe? I've probably once in my life by. I knew it. You're hypocrite. What? Dude wipes are flushable. Okay, wait. No.

Introducing Alternatives

I think everyone's forgetting the best part. The best product. It's dude wipes or garbage. Look, they make these things called shittens. It's. It's a dude wipe that's literally like a glove. Shittons. Look it up on Amazon. Isn't that the female? No, this is not real. It's a thing. I got them one year as a gag gift, and I bought a couple packages since then just because they're hysterical. Like, hysterical to use. I don't even want to know. I just want. I just want you guys to know that you can't fucking flush wet wipes, okay? Like, we're. I'm telling you right now, if you.

Discussing Flushable Wipes

Get poop on a wet wipe, you throw that in the trash can to stink up your whole bathroom. No, you don't. Just leave. Leave it. Okay. That's a good question. Let's go back and reset the room. Yeah, we should reset. Let's reset. Let's reset the room. This space is brought to you by dude wipes. Shout out to dude wipes. Make sure you don't flush them. Just like you don't flush actual wet wipes down the toilet. If you do, you're just backing up your own septic tank. Eventually, it's going to explode, or you're going to have a lot of problems with.

Michael's Introduction

your drainage and plumbing. Don't listen to these guys on stage. Listen to me. My name is Michael K. How's everybody doing? Scandalous. NFT. Scandal is the name of the space. Let's talk about it. Let's see what happened. What do you got, Drew? Give me some news. All right, here's some serious stuff. I'm going to post this up. Yeah. I also think stuff important, but after, sorry. If everyone wasn't aware, there actually was a pretty good social engineering scam, right? Like someone to message. You say they're from decrypt media, rug, radio, CNN, you know, you get this message, you're super excited.

Social Engineering Scam

You're like, damn, they want to interview me. They want to write an article. You know, they want to reach out to me about my opinion. On web three, I send you a calendly link on x. It's obfuscated, so it looks like calendly.com. you click it and then it says, hey, just connect your X account, right? So like, oh, hell yeah, let me connect my ex account. You don't even read. No one reads. You authorize the app and then it actually redirects you to a legit calendly. Well, if you read or took a second to pause, the app that you actually approved is not a calendly app.

Understanding the Scam

It's a scam app. And it actually can go ahead and dm people on your behalf. It can post on your behalf, it can follow an unpeople following unfollowed people on your behalf. And that a lot like, there was a lot of drainer links that were sent on people's profile because they fell for it. They were changing their password. They were frantic ing because they didn't know how to stop it. They had to go to get to their connected apps and revoke the calendar app. Right. The scam one now what they've evolved to is, and I posted up top is Google forms.

Fake Google Forms

So fake Google forms, they send you the same thing, looks legit. You go and it says you have to fill out the form and then the team will contact you. But you have to connect your X account first. When you go to connect your X account, it redirects to what seems to be an app page. That app does the same exact thing, except the difference. They got really smart this time. The difference is at the very top it just shows view profile and see your email. Basic permissions that non scam apps asked for. But if you scroll all the way down, scroll, scroll, you'll see in the video at the bottom is where it actually shows the dangerous permissions, where it's post and repost on your behalf.

Analyzing the Evolution of Scams

And so, you know, they're just adapting. I mean, this is actually a pretty good social engineering scam and a really good kind of timeline of an evolution. Like, hey, we stopped these calendly guys, scammers. You know, they got a good amount of people. They scammed a bunch of community members. Unfortunately, we crack down on them, spread the word, and now they're kind of adapting. Yeah. Wait, hold on. So how do you know when you can do this? Because I. The only time I've ever connected my wallet, I'm even scared to say this out loud.

Guidance on Wallet Security

Not the wolf account, but my own account. Don't worry, Charlie is the Memeland one. And even that, I was very nervous about that. But is there a way to tell, like, if that's cool, if there's, like, any hacks, you guys have, the best. The best way to tell is intuition. You don't. You just want to. You want to use just raw intuition if it feels right. Yeah, you're good. You're good. Nah, dude. What the. That's a worst. All right, all right. This is the. Like, it took me a lot not to do a flush sound, but, yeah, there's this thing called wallet guard.

Understanding Permissions

Oh, my God. All right, so hold on a second. Let's make sure people understand exactly what we're talking about here, Drew, because this is important. So what you're giving permission to is the ability for someone to post and check your DM's and send messages on your behalf. Correct? Correct. On Twitter, we're talking about. And they don't need your. They don't need your log on info, they don't need your email. Right. So. The concept here is that someone has full access to your account without having your login information and completely bypassing any two factor or security measures that you've set up for your own account.

Consequences of Giving Access

Correct? Correct. Yes. Sorry. So, Charlie, I'm going to. I love you, Charlie. So the concept here is that you are literally, with a single click, giving full access to your Twitter account. And this is also probably a lot of the ways that we keep seeing these drainer links and account takeovers being posted is because people aren't even giving away their passwords anymore. They're not giving away their login information. They're literally just hitting accept on something that looks like it's legit. So this goes down to the importance of reading and understanding what you're actually approving and giving permissions to.

Education on Security and Auditing

Whenever you choose to interact with any website, a lot of the times people just hit yes, agree, continue, and next, in order to get to the last step, because they want to get to where they're going, but you have to read and you have to see exactly what you're giving permission to. And it's super easy to avoid these types of scenarios. If you take a look at the video that drew posted to the top with a breakdown on how exactly they hide that information about what you're actually giving access to, it's super important, again, to also understand that 99% of the time you don't have to give access to anything if it is actually legit.

Managing Access in Twitter Settings

And I think this is a good moment to reflect on how to check if you've ever given access or still have active access to applications that are in your Twitter account. So if you go to your Twitter settings and then you go to security and account access, you're going to see an area for apps and sessions. You could take a look at any of the applications that you've given access to, and there's also other things you could check, like connected accounts and other things you might have forgotten about that you gave approval for.

General Audit Recommendations

So this is a good way to audit your own account and again, make sure that you're not giving or leaving access open to things that you might have given access to in the past. And this was tricky, too. I mean, it kind of took me a second for me to realize, oh, shit, I need a scroll. And, you know, there, it's at the bottom, right? I mean, you really got to think about how many people here go and through and I, you know, maybe like, sign in with Google. I mean, do the same thing for your Gmail account. Like, how many apps have you actually authorized to your gmail where some of the permissions for Gmail is send emails on your behalf, right.

Continuous Awareness

Like, you're not going in and you're not checking in your sent inbox. I mean, who the. I'm not doing that. Who the fuck is doing that? So, I mean, it's just really, you know, kind of adaptable ways they're going about this to where, hey, screw it. Trying to get a username password bypass to a phase too hard. This is a lot easier because no. One reads that is, you could do that or you can just use raw intuition. I've only been drained twice, so, I mean, I don't know, two years in the thing, you know what I mean? Drain twice of, you know, quite a bit.

Discussion about Current Events

I feel like, that's pretty good. Okay, that's. That's uncalled for. That was deserved. Well, okay, one thing I am. Are you secure? Okay, one thing I'm curious about. So instead of the fart sound, you go directly to the flush. What is that? What is that to you? What's. What's kind of going on under the hood there, Drew? I can't find the fart noise. Okay. That's exactly what I thought. That's okay, dude. You know what I mean? Yes, I did update the title to the space it is now.

Title Change in the Space

Are you secure? I really like that. I really like. That is solid. Yeah. Like, I think it hit everyone better. Retweet the space now so then everyone sees this fresh new title. Yeah. One thing I do want to talk about. I'm going to post this to the top of the space. So, Frank, going back to Solana, this is really an interesting thing to me, because I remember during the heyday, do you guys remember the heyday of frankenous when it was, like, there was. It was ute list, dude. And it was literally insane, the proliferation that he had.

Nostalgia for the Ute List

Just the pure hysteria, dude. Like, I would have done anything to massage the man's back. I mean, like, even to just get a glance at those toes. I mean, I would have went nuts for it. But everybody was crazy about the project. As soon as Solana goes all the way down, it's like the very bottom. He. And I feel like he's, like, negatively trading his. The entire ecosystem. Like, you know those moments when they'll say, if you have an intuition to sell because it's going down so much? That's when you buy. And it almost always turns around. It's because great traders will.

Trader Psychology and Market Trends

They have, like, reverse emotions. So I just, I don't know. How do you guys feel about the fact that he's moving the entire ecosystem from chain to chain and just nfts as a whole? I see, Michael, you're rocking a bored ape. You know, it's big dog. And then, Drew, you're watching, you know, a mutant and stuff. So I know you guys are into the ecosystem. I abandoned nft pfP a long time ago. But, not just because I want more pro, not because I hate nft. Not a soul that's not an nFt.

Personal NFT Experiences

Okay. Okay. Let me give you one of these real quick, y'all. There you go. That's for you. No, I just. I feel like it's insanity to keep switching the chain over and over of the entire ecosystem. Dude, you should have just stayed on it. And I don't know if they're looking or hunting for liquidity or what he's trying to do, but I always felt like Frank was a genius innovator, but a horrible iterator. He. He wanted to jump ship and do a million new things all the time, instead of really develop a single and clear cut design for when he.

Critical Evaluation of Frank's Strategies

What he wanted to do for the business. And so I don't know if you guys have takes on that or if you've even followed Frank from. From the beginning, but he's great. He smells good. He looks good. I mean, you know what I mean? I don't know about the smell and the looks. honestly, I think he knows exactly what he's doing, and people underestimate him a lot. Like, he had a space today with Luca, and they were talking in Luca. The reason why pudgy penguins is at where it's at today is because Luca was going through the DA Gods website and found these documents that were on there.

Leveraging Strategic Insight

It was three pages. And he was talking about this specifically today. He said he kind of used that as a guide as for what to do. And that is literally why pudgy penguins is where it is at today. I don't think people give Frank. He likes to joke around, but he seriously wants the floor to go down. He wants it to go lower. And the reason why is because he wants new blood in the community. Right. You have a lot of people that have been there forever, and these are the ones that are bitching, but they're not mad enough to sell because they'd have to sell for a loss, blah, blah.

Incentivizing Community Growth

He wants new blood in the community so that fire gets lit under everybody again. And, like, I see what he's doing. It's a long term plan. Yes. It's a risky play because especially in web three, like, everything is attention oriented. Right? And once you lose that attention, it's really hard to get back. But he has a long term vision. It's just. It's not a short term one. So a lot of people don't get it or don't agree with it if they do get it. Well, yeah, no, I. I think.

Understanding Market Dynamics

I think he's doing more than wanting new blood because, like you said, brain chain, you know, like, he. He does want the old holders to get it in the rear, like you said. But then also, I think a lot of times, he's trying to shake out the people because he talked about this idea of being anti fragile and with maladies. He said, they're anti fragile. And the point being is that if the price goes up and down, they're like the joker, you know, it's like fight club.

The Concept of Anti-Fragility

It's like, beat me to death, and it, like, fuels me. That's amazing. And I think he's trying to get to that antifragile community because he had a bunch of holders who cared about the price, and they were complaining on price all the time, and so he just wanted to shake those people out, I think, specifically, like, obviously, I haven't. Me and him haven't talked in a while, but, you know, I think that's really his goal here, is getting anti fragile community that if he literally, the leader of the entire leader, I don't know, it's a cult, but the founder of the.

Evaluating Frank's Leadership

Of the company is like, oh, yeah, let it go lower. Let it go lower. Let it go lower. I think he's basically saying, like, if you're not interested in this thing going lower, you should definitely get out. And that's antifragile sentiment. So I don't think he's emotional in his decisions to tweet that. I do think he's calculated, but I think it can be perceived wrongly because he can't call it. He can't call it a ruse, even though I think it's, like, extremely cold and calculated. I'm going to have a hot take on this.

Business Etiquette and Strategy

I feel no special way towards Frank or nothing, but there's two things that I did that he did that is just absolutely lack of any kind of business etiquette or businessmen in general, out of respect. One is the, what was it called, the bitch tax, where it's 33% cell tax. I mean, that's just price manipulation in and of itself. That's probably the only reason why they even went up to begin with. And, you know, they kind of really fucked with royalties back in the day.

Impact of Business Decisions

And here we are with magic, eating everything because of that. And the second one is they got a two $3 million grant from Polygon. And that was. That was theirs. It was there, right? There was a space on it, everything. They melt them for marketing, and then all of a sudden they said, no, thanks. Don't want it anymore. Right? Like, melt, like, spaces with polygon. Polygons all about it, all this kind of stuff. And then said, nah, we're gonna go to eth because we're chasing, you know, chasing bags, chasing fairies.

Shifts in Loyalty and Strategy

Right? And because of that, polygon is very, very. They changed their grant programs because of that. And it's really hard for people to get grants who are actually building real things on Polygon now. So those two, I mean, that's just a lack of business etiquette. I mean, that's the word in the back. Channels in the back, telegrams. I've had conversations, and that's what's coming up. Yeah, I've got a particular thing, I guess, on it. Maybe a bit of contrary into what we've talked about before.

Acknowledgment of Sponsors

I do. I do want to say thank you to all our sponsors today. We couldn't do it without them. And also, if you haven't already, hit the retweet button on the space. I know Michael probably yelled at all of you enough to where, if you haven't already, he's probably hopeless at this point, but retweet the space of all the speakers on stage because it's been a great conversation. We saved it somehow. We went down deep into the pits and came back somehow. So I think it's a testament.

Conclusion and Gratitude

We're just like Frank out here, bro. That's what you have to do now. Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it. I'm not gonna do it. Let me just. Let me just finish this real quick. I'm gonna give you my take on Frank, and it's gonna be great because it's gonna lead into a whole new discussion. So, anyways, if you're into bitcoin. Fart, PTSD. Don't do it, bro. It. Don't do it. If you're into bitcoin and there is someone who's on a mission to become the biggest bitcoin mining company in the world, different type of conversation, I guess, in this benefit, at least not so much investing in a coin.

Investment Opportunities

You're investing in a bitcoin mining company. Totally Sec filed is quantum expeditions. They've been in oil and gas. Their CEO has been in oil and gas for, like, 20 years. From the ground floor, getting the inside scoop to find out exactly what brings the best returns for miners, which is great for people who invest. And there's a lot of things you wouldn't know unless you've been down there getting your hands dirty. So they're on the cutting edge of all things bitcoin mining, which is really rare to find.

Future Aspirations

They want to go public. They want to be one of the biggest in the world. They want to be trading on the stock exchange. Very cool. So definitely a long term investment. Not a dj in play. There is something pinned at the top, so make sure if you're interested in that. If you're interested in the bitcoin conversation, bitcoin is getting spicier and spicer every time I see it on the timeline. So definitely check out their company. And, yeah, pin to the top and I'll give my take on Frank now.

Frank's Market Influence

So with Frank, dude, I'm down to kind of, I guess, my opinion on the idea of him bouncing forth and, like, is this net positive good for the market and stuff? I guess I tend to hold that and not care as much. Maybe it's just because I'm kind of tired of that conversation. I'm more just like, bro, if I'm ever going to buy a ute or if I'm ever going to buy a d, God, it's going to be on Solana.

Switching Ecosystems

I have no interest on buying it on ethereum, so I'm only coming at it from that aspect. I'm like, dude, I'm all for it. Go back to Solana. I am not interested in Ethereum. It's so expensive. It's so slow. We're so far away from, like, Solana is right there. Like, you can use it, you can buy it, you can transact on it immediately. And there are, like, l two s that people can use. You can do this and the other, you can bridge things. And it's just like, man, it's too much work.

Current Market Evaluation

And so for me, like, the DJ and me is like, bro, just switch the thing over to Solana already. Hurry up. Because if I'm ever going to buy it's going to be here. That's my take on it. Magic Eden is getting sexier every single day. They're doing a bunch of marketing. I want to use Phantom, I want to use magic Eden, because I see them on Thailand so much. That's really where my brain has gone. And that's maybe only because I've been to. I've stepped more into a traitor aspect in the last year or so, but curious to see what you guys think about that.

Vitalik's Encounter

Do you hate Vitalik? Is that what is that what? Dude, I was like, 10ft away from the guy and he looked at me twice and his eyes pierced into my eyes, bro. I wasn't ready for him. I didn't think he was gonna look at me when I was in Korea. He didn't recognize you? No. I think he was actually maybe taken back by my glasses because I wore those sunglasses. And he's probably like, what in the world? Because I was like, crouching down, like, right at the stage, like, 8ft away from him trying to get video footage.

Insights on Personal Experiences

He's probably crouching. Tag your hidden cade. I got it. Yeah, that's exactly right. Well, what's weird is he actually has a taco addiction. So I think when he saw that, he wanted to eat you, which is weird to say, but just kind of true, you know? Would that be considered like a blessing? Like, could I get an airdrop for that? I'm gonna make a fart sound now. 1 second. Michael, how do you feel about the frank move? What do you think? Does this stuff even pertinent to you? Do you kind of follow the NFT culture?

Communicating with the Community

What are nfts again? No, teefers. It's when you boop your dog. Nft is nose, feet and teeters. Sir. Why though? Wait, why did all this happen? What happened? I don't really understand what brain just said, but it made me laugh. I'll post a picture in the chat. In the chatter in the nest. Michael, we're talking about how Frank is double bridging. He went to what if. So what happens to, like, the. The ones that are left one chain and not another chain?

Bridging Perspectives

They ascend. Was that. What the hell is that? What do you mean they ascend? I don't know. For you. I don't know. You both were talking at the same time. What? They become bitcoin. D gods. They become bitcoin begun. That's not true. They ascendental, they ascent. They. It's kind of like, okay, have you ever seen Dragon Ball Z? Yeah. Okay, so it's like you go, Super Saiyan, three, four. You know what I mean? You're going like hardcore like crazy mode on it and then boom.

Understanding the Ascension

Ultra instinct. Is that. Is that clear that up or. So the nfts stay on ethereum. If they don't bridge back. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So they're just scattered. Like there's just d odds on multiple chains scattered around. Yeah, yeah. Yep. Yeah. They ascend, as they say. And then. So what? So. So how do you feel about that? I mean, do you have a. I could literally.

Observations on Drainage

I could literally, there's a recorded space. What's up, everybody? D gods bridge. Why though? That's the title of the space. I don't really have an opinion on it. I'm too busy biddling. I know Drew's got his hand up, so I think he's got an opinion. I'm gonna hand it over to Drew. Drew also would like to attach to that. Would you bridge your mutant over to salon. Dude, I wouldn't touch that broken ass chain with a ten foot two.

Trading Perspectives

Trades on soul, bro. Soul sucks. It sucks. I'm not even kidding. I cannot stand that chain. It is absolutely garbage. If you want a low cost chain, go to base. Base is the move. Base, maxi. But like, dude, soul just makes no sense. You're talking like you have a neighbor that hurt you know? You know what I mean? Dude, I got a neighbor next door that's printing off meme coins on Seoul and every single time I get in, I buy the top.

Culinary References and Trading

So it's. I knew that, dude. Yeah. Way too much mashed potatoes at dinner, dude. Way too much. but damn, what was I going to say? You made me forget. Sorry, my bad. No, you were talking about, About if you'd bridge over your ape, would you, would you bridge it to base, though? Are you that bullish on it long term? I mean, here's the thing. Like, everyone else talks about it too, you know, with bridging and that kind of, you know, like the board ape account.

Concerns on Wrapping NFTs

The board ape contract itself is renounced, right? So, like everyone always talks about, oh, we should wrap, we should bridge. I mean, you know, when you say bridging, like the original, like what they just do with the crypto punts, you're wrapping it, right? Or you're burning it and mincing a new one. I would never do that. Because of the provenance. Hell no. And I don't know anyone that would. I mean, there's no point.

Evaluating Incentives for Bridging

What's the incentive for our holder to bridge? Like, am I getting more liquidity on Sol because there's no one on Eth? Or am I getting more liquidity on ETh because there's no one on Sol? Like, I just don't, I don't understand from a holder perspective. Now, I know, like, there are points and they're staking. Yeah. Hell yeah. That would make a lot of sense. I'm not sure whether you left soul in the first place, because obviously it's like, you know, a penny if the chain works, which, you know, is hit or miss on Sol.

Perception of Different Chains

But, you know, staking an ethereum is a nightmare. That's where you. That's why you go to an l two. I mean, the whole point, I don't know if people actually realize this. Like, even Vitalik said this themselves, right? And I repeat this. Almost every space an l one can only have two of the three, right? Which is scalability, security and decentralization. You can only have two of the three for any l one. So that's why l two s are created on top of it.

Navigating Scalability and Limitations

So it can go ahead and have that third. So it can't have all three. Right? So any l one that's claiming to have all three is B's, right? Because fundamentally, that's just not the way it works for many technical reasons. And then two, like, just because it has fast TPS, I mean, like, I just don't know anyone that's going to constantly use soul and put anything on there. When the chain goes down, it has to restart. There's so many failed transactions.

Final Thoughts on Transaction Reliability

Like, who cares if it has the most amount of fast transactions when half of them fail? I mean, it's like craziness to me. They're about to upgrade. You know, about that based take, Drew. I feel a certain way. Base is the move. Yeah, that is, here's the thing. So I just feel like Solana is definitely the people's chain. Like, we're even talking to Hedera right now, and Hedera has compliances that Solana definitely doesn't have.

Regulatory Considerations in Blockchain

So you can use it for, like, regulation with banking and, you know, finality on transactions and stuff like that. But wait, whoa. What was that? What was that? He's just laughing. Emoji. When I said banking, do you hate banks? I don't know. There's, there's some funny stuff with Hedera between me and brain behind the scenes. I'm actually holding a bag of Hedera, though. I've actually worked with those dudes for like, two and a half years ago since then.

Reflections on Industry Transactions

But yeah, there's some funny stuff on Hedera. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I just feel like we're primed right now for another chain to do really well. I think base will do well. My coin calls definitely didn't do well. That's for darn sure. But I think this earning reports we're going to see, that base has made them an absolute bag. Last earning report was like a huge moment for when those earnings came out and they skyrocketed.

Conclusion on Future Earnings

And so I think going into this, when they report base and some of the earnings they've had from the ETF inflows and from base, I think it's going to be a bag and a half, or that's what I tell myself to get me out of this giant hole I'm in. No, I agree. I don't think people realize how much money Coinbase is actually making on their newly rolled out perps. Like, you know, futures tradings and perp tradings, and then also the chain itself.

Coinbase's Financial Position

Like, they're making, what is it, $500,000 a day based on the fees from the ZK roll up from what they're doing on top of optimism. And optimism is obviously making a bag, too. Like, there's so many things that I think Wall street doesn't understand because they don't care about it and they're just looking at core, you know, eps, things like that. But, you know, they also just rolled out yesterday what support for, was it bitcoin?

Expanding Services in Trading

Litecoin. Right. Like, there's just so many things that are going to make a bag for Coinbase. Oh, I remember what I was going to say. Michael, do you want to talk about, like, maybe people don't realize that, you know, everyone thinks drainers and scams are on ETH and EVM chains. Like, there is totally drainers and scams on Solana and ordinals as well. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely everywhere. You know, you can't just assume because you're using a chain, you're not susceptible to anything, even phishing attacks.

Vulnerability Across Chains

I know there's a lot of security based chains that, you know, claim that everything is 100%. I mean, nothing could be 100%. So at the end of the day, there's always going to be variables on any chain that you're on. There are wallet trainers on Solana. There are obfuscated transactions that have so much data that they don't read properly inside of a native transaction simulation, like when you're using phantom, and then you're basically giving away your assets without even realizing it.

Tools for Enhanced Security

So this is why having tools and the right education is so important, you know, because security and crypto exists. There are multiple security tools out there, like wallet guard, like revoke cash pocket universe. There's so many that you can implement that are completely free, they're open source, and it's just a way for you to make sure that you're locking down your assets. So the one big tip that I could give that's like, a very easy win is to just make sure that not all of your most important assets are in the same wallet that you're doing your daily degenering on.

Segregating Assets for Safety

Just create a completely separate wallet for assets that you don't want to lose, don't want to interact with on a daily basis, and use a separate wallet for doing these hot mints and all these random you know, transactions and stuff that you don't understand sometimes. And definitely, again, use tools like wallet guard that break down transactions in human readable format before you hand them off to your preferred wallet. So tons of little details there, but there are definitely wallet drainers.

Universal Risk in Crypto

Not just on Ethereum, on Solana, and other chains as well. Wild stuff. Wild stuff. Guys, I want to say thank you all for being in the space. Really enjoyed it. Like I said, went down to the pits and all the way back, and we did it together, baby. We did it together. So really appreciate everyone who's on here. Shout out to Michael, shout to Drew. Shout out to Charlie. Shout out to big chain. Shout out to all the people in this space.

Gratitude and Closing Remarks

Really appreciate you all. What? What is happening? I just. I just want to give a shout out to me. Just. Sorry. Who the fuck is that? I just want to give a shout out to me. I'm sorry. Wait, why is the space over? What? Sounds like you're closing up the space. Okay, is. There we go. With my voice all changed, I'm so confused right now. I have no idea what's happening. Desktop is so buggy, I can't even see.

Technical Difficulties

Oh, my God. We'd like to give a big shout out to responses. This space has been brought to you by. Shit. Michael. Yes, we are. We are about to close the space. Wait, why? Why? Why? Yeah, why? Up on the hour mark. Actually, that's the only reason. Our mark. What do you. What do you got to do? What? So what do you got. Plans where you got to go?

Engagement Strategies

You got to go somewhere, dude. I don't know. I guess I was thinking the same thing for the first 20 minutes of the space, too. Oh, let's do this. If we could get. If we get five more people in the space within the next minute, we'll keep it going. If we can't just rug it, like, literally whatever we're talking about in the middle of. Just rug the space. 60, 59, 58.

Call for Retweets

No, no. Without counting down, you could do that in your head. Okay, can everybody tweet the space? Retweet the space. Hit, like, hit post, drop a comment. You might be afraid to retweet it because you're like, oh, I don't want people to know what I'm doing. Retweet it and un retweet it later. Yeah, don't be afraid. There's nothing. There's nothing. Be afraid. Nothing to be afraid of. Tell your friends, tell your family members that this space needs three more people within the next 37, 32 seconds.

Final Recruitment Efforts

Yeah. Come on, your friends. Text your grandma. You know what I mean? Get your dog. Get the. Get her. Get her off the leash. Get her inside.

Fishing Links and Intuition

You know what I mean? Yep. I'm clicking on fishing links right now, to be honest. Are you really, you just drained or something? You're trying to learn a lesson? No, I'm clicking on them to see if they're actual fishing links. Like the ipfs ones that are popping up and then blacklisting them. Do you or something. He's. He's hunting, dude. Use your intuition by Charlie. No, dude, that's what I do. That's. That's what. That's what I'm saying. Like, people want to be like, oh, protect my funds. Don't get drained. Don't lose everything. And I get that. You know what I mean? But sometimes you got to lose everything. You got to have a low moment. You know what I mean? It's like this. Like, sometimes you got to date a girl that's going to ruin your life before you get married. You know what I mean? If you go right into a good relationship, you're not gonna realize how good that is.

Lessons from Low Moments

You gotta be with a. Just a monster. I mean, dude, they're really gonna tear you down. Like, you're gonna have to. You're gonna have some low moments, dude. You. You have to know that. You have to know where the lowest. Understand the high. That's what I'm saying, dude. That's why I did five years of the worst relationship in my life. Oh, my gosh. The lessons I learned. Just the depression I felt, dude. Oh, my. It was. It was so healing. That sounds worse than your coin calls. Okay, that was. That was actually the chest. Yeah, that one. That one actually hurt a little bit. Hey, I'm right there with you. Don't worry. So we got. Dude, not only did we get five people, we absolutely ascended. We did. That was actually the greatest plan and strategy. That was unplanned and unstrategized.

Plans for Future Spaces

That was amazing. We're gonna actually use that at every space. We're just gonna randomly do that. Michael, that was a baller move. Yo, dude, like, you know, we got extra five people in here and we could keep the space going for a little sliver. Michael, next time I dab you up, I'm going to use my left hand to reach around and grab your tush a little bit. That's. That's how you're going to dab me up is. Yeah, bro. Just like, no, homo, though. You know what I mean? Just like. Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course you have. You got to say that. So here we go. We got d gods bridge. Why, though? What do you want me to change it to? What's the next topic? Wolf read it off to me. I know there's more than an hour could fit in. You got to give me something else. We need something spicy.

Discussion on Projects and NFTs

We need. We got to make up something. What was Drew's story? No, Drew had a story. Drew, what's the story? What? Drew's story. What's Drew's story, dude, so a long time ago, there was a seed that was planted and you watered it every day. Let me, let me get you all's opinion on something. Who do you act, who do you actually think is one of the best founders in the space besides floor price? That's doing it, right? I think pawns, I think ponds are probably one of the best founders as far as nfts go. Why? Because he's so emotionally stable. Like so often. I'll see the price. Like, what's interesting with a business, if somebody comes in and tells me I have bad coffee or the coffee is too expensive, it's about what the coffee actually has value wise, not the price of the coffee.

The Importance of Emotional Stability

So actually, there's a horrible analogy. Scrap all that. Let's go to something else. So I just, so often, you see with NFT founders, people start to squirm and they start to get mad. Just be well, Michael, don't. Well, guys, it was a crap one. I know that. But people start to freak out, and then what ends up happening is the founders start to get a little squirrely and they start, like, rethinking the business model, rethinking what's going. Okay, everybody's laughing. Emoji me. That's hilarious. Okay. And then they start rethinking the entire business model according to the sentiment and how people feel. People are way too fickle for you to make decisions. Okay, guys. For you to make decisions around. Okay, I'm not looking at my screen. I'm looking. Okay, guys, that's hilarious. No, people are way too fickle to make decisions around them. And ponds, every single time I look at him, he is like forward momentum.

Importance of Community and Security

He does not care about what's going on in the ecosystem. I cannot, I literally am not looking at my phone. I glanced for 2 seconds. You guys will not stop. So he does not care what the timeline looks like. Because if sentiment is what you're going off building your company with, you prepare for as brain chain LLC, as brainchain LlC says, prepare to bent over and just hammered nonstop. Because the issue is that sentiment is so closely tied to the market. And if that's the case, then you can't run from the fact that people will ask you to iterate your product. That has nothing to do with how your performance is and actually what you're putting forward. Wait, thumbs down. Wait, what happened? Wait, I turned my screen. Looks back down. That was pretty. He looks back down.

Scams and Precautions

That's like, to all thumbs downs. Yeah, that's. That's what I was like, wait, what was that? A crap take? He thought he was giving, like, a unity, like some crazy take. Yeah, I thought. I thought that really came from the heart, you know? You know what they did remind me of? Does everyone remember, like, ERC 721, ours? Like, the contract that no one used where the funds were all locked up for six months, and if the founder didn't actually do what they were supposed to do, you could return your NFT in exchange for you, like, your mint price. I'm not sure that existed. Yeah, yeah, that's. That's a total standard. ERC 721 r. Look it up. there's it. There's a. It's totally standard. It's been, like, used twice in the space.

Consumer Expectations in Web3

But I was just gonna say I feel like it's making a comeback because I'm not sure if we. If you all saw what OSF did, on blast, right, where you can actually go ahead and get a refund after 28 days, I'm not sure why the fuck that is not a standard in the space. Like, I do not get that. I mean, because no country requires it except for, like, over in England and stuff. Like, they require any goods or services bought online to be refundable for up to, like, 28 days or something like that. That's why that standard was created in the first place. That is true, but I guess more so, like, why consumers don't expect that to begin with. I mean, it's almost like you have the floor price of your men and the founder can set it to, like, whether it's seven days, ten days, you know, however long.

Crowdfunding and Funding in Web3

The one project that actually did it in the space did it for six months, which I thought was kind of crazy because you actually need funds to build. I mean, more people and protocols and businesses are actually looking to web three to raise money, essentially crowdfund or get money VC funded, because VC's right now, they're running low on cash. I mean, you could talk to anyone who's serious, anyone who is actually trying to raise money right now and they're, then they're going to web three because it was like, nah, you got to come back. Yeah, web three. All you got to do is say, hey, I'm building this and people will send you money because it's like a seed round, right? So it is pretty interesting.

Future of NFTs and Projects

And I guess that's a good take on ponds. Well, I feel like one thing that would be cool instead of it having where six months you can get your funds back if it's like reverse vested. So you buy the NFT and then every day for six months a little bit of the money that you bought the NFT in island slowly released to the team. So you get like a sentiment check at two and three months in. So if you're three months in, you can get half your money back because you sat in for the project for three months and decided to write it out. That way the team is getting liquidity to be able to actually fund the project as a whole during that time instead of just having to bootstrap the product and being like, oh yeah, we didn't make a product bootstrapped without any of the funds that were supposed to use to build.

Reflection on Investments

Now do you want to pull out? So, you know what I mean? As brain chain says, like, I love. Sounds like. Sounds like a lot of stuff. Can we just go back to good old fashioned buying an NFT? When did you board it? Did you mint your board it? Did you mint it? Or how much did you buy it for? The first one or this one? Sexy boy you got right there smoking a cigar. This one was 6.9 Eth. How do you feel? How do you feel about it? What? Wait, was that on the come up? Yeah, the first, I got this one like a week after I got the first one at two Eth. So like that was like right when everything was starting to go up.

Emotional Journey in Investing

How was that whole ride, like going up to like 100 and whatever Eth? Like, what was that like emotionally, what was your choices to hold? Like, like, what was that experience? Oh, dude, it was, I mean, it was an awesome experience. Like just being in the yacht club and like going and meeting a bunch of people, networking, just crazy opportunities, you know, all of the, you know, community stuff, the merch, the events, the airdrops, other side tests. Like, everything's just been awesome. And like, you know, for me, it's not about like the money. Like, I didn't buy it the first one at to eat because I was like, oh, these things are going to skyrocket.

Motives Behind NFT Purchases

I just bought it because I wanted to use it as my PFP. I wanted to, like, monetize it and make it a brand, you know? Like, that's what a lot of people don't realize is like, there should be a reason why you're buying an NFT. Like, whether you appreciate the artist or, you know, you can make a business out of it or monetize it in some way or use it for IP. There's so many ways to just make money on an NFT or just hold something you actually like so that you're not just stuck with a bag of shit you don't like and you can't sell, you know? So there's definitely two different ways that people approach nfTs.

Diverse Perspectives on NFTs

And I think one of them is like the, oh, get rich quick, let's flip this. And the other one is, you know, the community aspect and, you know, the monetization and the branding and the IP and the activations, you know, in real life and digitally, you know, it's, it's worth. It was worth round tripping and I'll round trip it again. Did you, did you ever regret it? Like, did you ever get to that moment where you're like, you're looking at your bag and you're like, I could have bought a house, I could have bought a car. Did that ever feel like, does that. I mean, you know, like I've. I have, you know, outside of NFts and stuff.

Personal Reflections on Investment Choices

Like, I've had my own businesses and everything like that. So, you know, I've already. I didn't look at anything as, like, regretful of not doing it because if you think like that, then, you know, you're going to have a hard time, like, doing anything. You know, you could always say, like, what if I did this differently? What if I did that like, you did it for a reason, to learn from it. So there's a million ways it could have went. I could have sold it at a loss or. And then, and then, you know, turn that loss into something that was even greater over time. You never know, you know, you just gotta do it and you gotta learn from it.

Dealing with Emotional Trades

So. Yeah, I think for, sometimes, for me, man, I, like if I lose on a trade or something, sometimes I take it really hard. I don't know why. I just feel like an idiot sometimes. You got it like a lot of people, you know that you're gonna. You're gonna have emotion. You're not just gonna be like a blank slate and be like, yeah, I just lost a ton of money. Like, I don't feel anything. But you also have to, like, no risk, right? Like, if you're gonna be putting it into something, you gotta be with money that, like, you don't care about. Cause then there's less of a chance that you're gonna feel as bad or, you know, a certain type of way if it ends up disappearing or rugging or going to zero, essentially.

Analogies on Risk and Relationships

Yeah. That's like cheating on a side chick or cheating on your wife. You know what I mean? I have no idea what you mean. Let's reset the room. The title is Drew is capping. Drew's got his hand up. Let's hear what he's got to say. On a serious note, I think there's a lot of people that don't actually realize what you can do with your ip and other stuff. Like, y'all realize all these people doing stuff with their ip on their t shirts, their. Their food, all that. I mean, if you. Even if you're just licensing your ip, I mean, think about it.

Exploring IP Use in Web3

You put your ip on a bag of chips, you're getting like fifty cents to a dollar per bag as an example that's sold. I mean, you know, there's a lot of stuff that you can do with these kind of things, and it's just a matter of going out there. I mean, there's alpha groups that charge five k because they print 20k on, you know, certain things that they invest, whether that's real estate, whether that's meme coins, whether that's nfts in general, whether it's getting seed rounds, you can get in for free because you have a certain NFT, right? So, you know, it's not always just about flor go up, flor go down.

Shifts in NFT Culture

I think really, we've kind of shifted from animal jpegs to, you know, nfts that actually provide utility. Like Charlie, for example, his PFP, right? That's. That's a sole NFT. And he's gonna be making plushies with it. So, you know, I'm sure he's gonna be getting, like, 75. Actual face, though. You know, and he's gonna be rolling it right. And that. That's a perfect ip play. Like, a lot of people underestimate that kind of stuff. Yeah, that's. Yeah, that's. Well, it's. This is actually my face.

Licensing and Creativity in Web3

So it's not really an ip play, but I will say I had seen bored apes licensing out their ip for tattoos. Like, I saw a girl the other day, tramp stamp, three board apes right across the rear, and they were making. I'm serious, bro. What are you. No, no, I'm serious, bro. No, you gotta. No, no, dude, I'm. Bro, no, it's insane. They licensed lifetime license right across the back. It was three, actually. One had a cigar kind of like yours right across the rear.

Community Engagement and Security

Dude, bro, Drew is capping. Actually, it's. Charlie is capping. Let's. Let's welcome a new speaker on stage. Smith, dog, welcome to the room. Hey, man. How y'all doing this evening, man? figured I'd jump in. Might not answer. He's still showing as a listener for me. No, we can hear him. We can hear him. Brain chain. As brain chain says, you know, sometimes they gotta bend over and. Brain chain. God damn it, you Mac blockchain ninja, drop down. There you go. Okay, go. Come back.

Creator Community Safety

All right, Sorry about that, Smith. What's happening, bro? Oh, man. Now just enjoying y'all, man. Love. Security. Love, you know, great communities hearing, great people talk, of course. Figured I'd jump in the space. Listen, y'all cats, you know, keep us safe, right? You know, keep us. Keep us going. Let us know what's happening. Web three, of course. You know, I'm with the great community, the cripdeh. Of course. We try to keep people secure and every which way possible.

Community Trust and Precautions

And no, man, just. Just loving hearing from y'all. You know what I mean? Does the crypt use wild guard? Oh, yeah, we use. Yeah, we use all. Yeah, all kind of. The community is very strong. We. Most people in our discords, we. We protect ourselves. Of course, there's no wallet drains in our community, so. Yeah. No wallet trains. I don't know. Yeah. Using intuition. Oh, no. Do you know, Charlie, you, wallet draining over there?

Current Events in NFTs and Scams

Oh, my gosh. Yeah, definitely. No, I mean, you know what I mean? It's like, times are tough, you know what I mean? And this is how, for me, honestly, I'm just honest about it. It's like, yeah, no, I definitely catfish with girl accounts. I have AI accounts that are girls, all that stuff. I have lots of Internet boyfriends, you know? And if I can rip them off, I can, you know? And it's honest work. It is, because I'm honest about it. I don't lie.

Discussion on Romance Scams

Like. Yeah, you know what I mean? I have split personalities. Actually. I'm gonna say something on the real I have gotten dm's for the fifth yesterday, and brain can confirm this. The fifth romance scam yesterday where they've literally stolen. I think the total is at about $390,000 for people from the same guy or from those different people. Dude, these romance scams are no joke. I mean, like, it's. It's insane, actually, to think about it, that there are scammers out there that will find some random attractive chick on the Internet.

Scammers Targeting Influencers

They'll particularly look for someone who is someone, like a mid influencer somewhere, like, five to 20k followers to where they'll be posting every day. They post every single second of their life. That's ideal. You know, Snapchat everywhere, right? But they also have an onlyfans, so they'll use both of those, because obviously, you know where I'm going with that, right? To go ahead and literally convince someone, and then once they convince them, like, that's it. I mean, think about this chick where, you know, seeing all that kind of stuff seems legit.

The Mechanics of Scams

Oh, damn. She's in a crypto, too. How cool. She's telling me to check out this. The staking site. I go to the staking site. Bam. I'm drained. Yeah, you got to find out what they like. You got to get to know them. You know what I mean? You're going to say some stuff you regret, but, you know, that's. That's the only way to get it done. So how about the one he was just referencing? That makes up a third of that total.

Security Challenges

He was saying, this guy got drained for close to a hundred thousand. and, like, last night, when it came to my desk, however you want to say it, like, I was extremely busy, so I was like, hey, pull drew into the room. and Drew's a freaking rock star. Like, helps with a lot of wallet compromises and stuff. honestly, dude, the only thing I regret is that, like, some of the information that was said in that room, no one was supposed to know about.

Behind the Scenes Insights

But now, you know, kind of know what I've been doing behind the scenes. Drew, hey, I respect it. I mean, it's. It's really. It's really tough tracking these people down, because they are very sophisticated groups. It's not one dude that's just sitting there messaging another dude all day. Like, these are groups. I mean, they have shifts, right? Like, I'm not even kidding. I mean, it is very, very sophisticated. And, you know, these people get you in an emotional state, and when you're in an emotional state, you do illogical things. And then I.

Emotional Manipulation in Scams

There it goes. And I'm not sure what's going on. I mean, maybe a lot of people are feeling, like, really lonely, but it's. I've just seen a huge, huge increase in it lately, and it's just something to really be aware of. I mean, you know, obviously, if it's not, you just check up on your friends. Like, it's cool, smitten dog to hear that you guys have a close community with the crypt. I mean, I think it's one of the most important things is finding a group that you can trust. And if you have a weird feeling or your gut is telling you no, like, someone to double check with, that's.

Community Trust and Support

That's super important. And if someone in this room does not have that boring security and wallet guard, both trusted groups here, you can join their discord and ask in there anytime, any day, and you'll get a trusted response. Yeah. Smith, good to have you up here, man. Always good to know that there are communities that actually talk about security in some way rather than just focusing on the wag me sort of vibes and stuff. So I think that's super important to talk about before people lose their assets and before they get into a situation that they don't understand.

Resources for Community Safety

So they got the right resources. So big shout out to you, man. Thank you for coming up and also for listening. I can't tell if the Cajun crypt has his hand up or if it's part of his PFP, but for me, it shows listener, and it's a listener, and he's got his hand up. I don't know how that's working. It's loud and clear, dude. I mean, that hand is high, you know what I mean? That's fourth grade. Like, he's got the answer to the question hand right there.

Introduction of Speakers

Is he on stage or am I tripping? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, it's time. All right, we're going down to South Louisiana. Hailing from Mahmoud, Louisiana, he is known by the Cajun, but you may know him as Bruce Leroy. Yeah, yeah. What's up? Hey, I got one thing to say, and it's very important. Turn your mic. Turn your mics down, your radios up. Listen, listen. Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool with wallet guard.

Promoting Community Awareness

Mic drop. You know, I carry that slogan everywhere. You can ask anybody. I love it. Love while ago. Let's go, let's go. Just like brain chain LLC. Before you take it in the rear, cover it up with the beer. Wait why. How do I keep saying all this stuff I don't know about? I'm so confused. Look, I even. Look, I even tried to get Michael to put that on a. Put that on a cracker, dude, now. But. But put it on a hat.

The Slogan and Community Engagement

Give me a. Give me a wallet guard hat. I got a banner made up and everything. I already got the writing and all that good stuff. I've been doing it in the puff pupp Panasone. I did it in here. I do it everywhere. I'm in the crips now. I'm everywhere, man. Just showing love, showing energy. And like, web three, you could be anything you want to be in web three. But. But first and foremost, be real. Be real with yourself, be real with everybody else, and rap your fucking tool, man, your wallet guard.

Expressing Genuine Intent

Sorry for cursing. My bad. No, it's definitely acceptable when. When you're cursing here. I had to make a grand entrance, man, you know, because I ain't under the Bruce Leroy account, so, you know. Yeah. You're not on their. That account. Well, I still haven't, but, like, if you may not know, I'm, you know, I've come blazing on the scene here in the crypts, you know, just. Just throwing lots of love and energy and passion just like I do everywhere else.

Exciting Developments in the Community

And I was fortunate enough to. A couple days ago, I got the promotion, per se, to the crip warriors trade group leader. So now I'm, you know, I'm over that and. Yeah, man, it's awesome. And I had to add. To create. I had to create another name, you know, because I'm, you know, I just represent my. You know, what I'm about. But I still have Bruce Leroy, but it's just, I don't know, the Cajun and crypt warriors, that's.

Building Community and Competition

That's. That's what I'm trying to do now. Trying to get us, you know, out there. Crate trade groups or. Or the fad or in the now. And so much fun to be able to have inner community competitions and stuff. It's nothing like having that chemistry and stuff you build just about some friendly competition, so. Boy, but make sure you. You got Wally guard, though, man. Can we fucking ran? Is it getting anyone else? Like, I grew up in really rough neighborhoods, and he keeps saying these in the crips.

Clarification and Humor

I think you need to enunciate that word a little more. Look, I ain't. I ain't wearing blue. I'm wearing a red white blue, you know, saying I walk with no Bruce. When we say the crib is spelled different. Look at the spelling. The spelling. I know it's not the game. Not fucking the same. God damn it. This is not about blue and red. This is about, you know, our founder, Lucifer.

Community Leadership and Inspiration

Of course. El Diablo down there, you know, in the crypt count. Hey, his vision. We have a vision going. Chapo is here. No, not. No. Is El Chapo here? El Chapo is here. El Chapo. You guys kind of sound like the type of guys that would stuff an alligator to make a bong, you know what I mean? No. No tail, though. That's what I'm. Yeah, exactly. I figured. You know what I mean?

Lighthearted Banter and Community Vibes

Dude, you're piping one of the sides. I don't know which one, but you're piping somewhere, bro. I'm dead. Wait, say that again? This is recorded. Never mind. I am clipping that shit rug. The space Lord. Look, seriously, though, I just want to thank y'all for. Let me come up here. But. But, yeah, if you ever have time to go to the crip, go check us out. What they got.

Upcoming Activities in the Community

We've got car games coming up soon. We got full bodies. Mint in here in a few weeks. I mean, that. The act. It's so active, man. Like, I need, like, an active community. And. And the crip, man, like, I'm telling you, I. I rush home every day and just hurry up to try to rewind to catch up so I don't miss no more stuff. Like, that's how, like, awesome it is being there. So if you got time, man, just go check it out.

Conclusion and Gratitude

But I'm gonna get off the mic and just listen. Yeah. Thanks for coming up, bro. Really appreciate you always rapping for wallet guard and security. Big ups to you, Mandev. I don't know if the saying is, like, short enough to put on a hat, though. That would be a long sentence, bro. What's the saying? What is it? Was it. Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool. Use wallet guard. Like that.

Banner Ideas and Future Plans

Putting that on the hat, it would be so long. Dude, do you have a small hat? Yeah, I don't know. I guess Michael has a really small head or something, I guess. Are you guys kidding? How big of a head do you have? That is that long? Come on, bro. Dude, that could fit perfectly in front. I don't like brain chain was saying before you take it in the rear. You know, cover it up with a beer.

Reflecting on Unique Ideas

Why. Why is it me saying this stuff? I'm so confused is that you. Make me crazy behind brainchild. Yes, it is. What's going on? Man, I'm going on fam. I'm good, I'm good. It's nice. I was like, I saw your account up, so I was like, I'm sure. That'S you making me crazy. And then when you said, we're going to shut the space down, I thought, I'm going to have to drop it in the community and get some people in.

Community Interaction and Engagement

So I dropped it in and wanted to keep it going and catch up, see how you were and, yeah, it's been an interesting space. I like listening to things that we don't listen to often, so wanted to keep it open for a bit. There's so many shit spaces going on out there. But, yeah, thanks for letting the crypt up. We didn't come up to shill, but Bruce will be. Bruce. But, yeah.

Potential Collaboration and Bonding

Appreciate you all. Thank you. Sounds european to me. Honestly, man, like, the crip, when I first found out about the project, like, I was talking to somebody in the community, and I did what I used to do. I checked out the project. I went to the discord in, like, the only quorum I ever had with not the project, but just the way the security was done. Washington.

Initial Concerns in the Discord

The discord sent you off discord to a website that wouldn't let you use a VPN to verify that you were human and stuff. And I was like, wait, if you guys want to be secure, you're telling people to, like, go off site, off discord, can't use a VPN. I was like, I'm gonna pass on that one. But like, everything else, like the project, how they preach about security, like, it's all top notch and they love wallet guard, which, I mean, I love wallet guard so much that Michael, his stolen my catchphrase and has made it his own.

The Journey of Ideas in Web3

Now, I should have trademarked it a long time ago. God damn it. Is it the before you take it in the rear covered up with the beer catchphrase? No. Michael, do you want to say our catchphrase, man? Bro, I'm so. There might be a conflict of interest, blockchain. There might be a little conflict of interest there. It is debatable on who came up with you. Hold your tongue, sir. Not. It wasn't me that came up with it, that's for sure.

Entertainment and Competition Ideas

Karate combat fight coming. You guys are gonna beat the imagine, yo. I want to do. Can we do, like, karate combat? Like, versus scammers? Like, that would be fucking sick. Like, I would fight scammers. Okay, but if the scammer wins, he has to drain you scammers. If you're still down. I got wallet guardhouse. Yeah. I don't know about.

Understanding the Scammers' Tactics

What do you mean you don't know about that? I literally have wallet guard scammers. Who would you fight in the space? See, you'd be thinking, I'm gonna punch him in the head. But a scammer? No, dude. He's thinking completely different. He's thinking, let me turn you around and rip your love handles off. You know what I mean? That kind of stuff messes with you, bro. That gets under the skin.

Creating Awareness Around Scams

That'll. Well, where do you. Where do you think of these things? Smith? Dog, you got your hand up. So when you said in the discord about, you know, security or whatever, like, what? Like, exactly. What do you mean? Like, what, with collab land or some shit or vulcan, like, what are exactly like. And I don't know if it's still implemented. When I first went in there, this was, like, right after the project started, the verification system, they had to keep bots out.

Security Protocols in the Community

It used an external site, and when you went to that external site, it wouldn't let you go through the process to verify you were human. If you had a VPN turned on, which I get the reasons behind it, and I'm not going to explain those on the space because I don't want people learning how to bypass these systems. But, like, yeah, that was the system they had in place. And I was like, you never kiss.

Continuous Improvement in Security

People don't need to know that kind of stuff. Let us know. No, I mean. Yeah, I think. I think that's something. I've think I've changed that now. You make me crazy. I think I've put a different system in place, but. But, yeah, no. Jesus. Been. God, it's been a long time since I spoke to you. That was before we minted back last year.

Community Connection

But, yeah, no, nice to be in here. Yeah, it was a long time ago. It's good hearing you again, man. We're definitely gonna have to catch up. Drew, I see your hand up, sir. How are you doing today? Dude, can y'all believe that? Another pre. So pre sale, sole token account gold check. Just rugged. Again with all the pre sale.

Concerns about Current Projects

Which one? And this is the tree on soul. This is the 7th one in the past three weeks, and nobody seems to fucking listen. I mean, they're pushing a million now with that. Did I post in the group? The ones that, I don't think I did? Hold on. I got to change accounts and get the name of it. I mean, seriously.

Skepticism towards Projects

One who. One who trades on Seoul to begin with. Right? I mean, at some point, you think you have to see that pattern, right? It's just like, every week we gotta see and talk to new people getting rugged again. I mean, those people are going to do it again. And you know that nobody takes all assets in or just accepts something that sounds too loose. Sounds too good to be true usually is.

Discussion on Selling Techniques

One too. I mean, are people really still blind selling, blind sending soul and expecting it to just turn around and. And, like, three x? Like, I'm just. I'm still. I'm still baffled at this kind of concept. I mean, I thought. I thought we were through this phase. Well, what phase? It's not a phase. It's just a way of life, my friend. Just throw money at everything. That's how it works. So it's. So it's you. I mean, I feel like a three x is pretty. Pretty modest. Like, probably a ten to a 20 x, you know? I definitely know you'd be looking at. That shit at three x, and you'd be like, nah, I need. I need ten x.

Expectations of Returns

And then it gets to ten x, you're like, nah, I need 20 x. This is just. This is just how we think, right? Is that. Is that. Is that how we think? Dude, the craziest thing is literally watching people sit there sitting on a ten x, and they're literally waiting for it to go up, like, a $100 more and risking everything that they have, and then it absolutely freaking tanks. And they're like, damn. What the hell happened? Do y'all know what happened with the crip mint, by chance? No. We met it at. .019 and we are at a floor of, like, you know, zero point, you know, five six. So we're like, two and a half times the floor. And we have never dropped, like, never since October.

Community Strength and Future Projects

We have got the next minute coming out with full bodies. Like, we are a strong community. We have a strong founder, we have a strong team, you know, and it's like we're. We are. You know, we are early, of course, with the crib, but we are a great project with just, you know, we. We love to keep people safe. You know, we are about safety in our project. Of course. Look at the fucking art. Look at what we have to come. Look at the. The trading card game coming out of. It's like you're packing the bags hard. You are packing the bags, and you are ready to go to valley, man. We're good, man. It's like, you know, you gotta have some fresh blood in the community, right?

Fresh Perspectives in the Community

You gotta have some fresh fucking good blood, right? So. And we are that. We are that fucking iv in that vein that's gonna push web three a little bit further. You know what I mean? I'm not sure I do. I'm not sure I do submit. Okay, very cool. Nothing to me. I will. I will just say that everyone should definitely update their metamask wallet. If you use metamask, there is a really cool update where it actually shows you sending and receiving embedded in there. Now I just updated. And that was actually super fucking helpful because I was trading on base. Not soul, but base. Nice.

Security and Tools in Crypto

Sorry. You just seem like a negative guy all the way around. You just seem like a negative person all the way around. What? What did I do? What did I do? What? Like, you just seem like a negative person all the way around. Me. I didn't even say anything. What happened? Face like, you just seem negative all the time. Me? Are you talking to me, dude? Negative, negative. Oh, like, whoever you're talking about sounds mad funny, though. All right, so I put up to the top how to understand rugs. So the concept here is these pre sale, this meta. I just.

Understanding Rugs and Security Tools

I literally still don't. Can't wrap my head around why people keep sending money to these random contracts and then expecting something in return. A lot of people, 99% of people, end up getting rugged anyway. And Drew, you got your hand up, and then we'll go to Smith dog. I don't have my hand up. It must be lagging. But if everyone isn't aware, there's actually a really cool rugcheck XYz. You can actually check Solana tokens if you trade on that chain for anything, that is a red flag. So if you missed a pre sale and you're playing it safe and waiting to catch it on the dip when pre sale people dump, per usual, you can actually check to see if the contracts actually announced. Everything's locked. LP.

Advice on Token Safety

There's no proxy addresses where they can pause or stop selling. Right. Or transferring those kinds of things. So there's actually a new tool I just learned about, which is. Which is pretty great, actually. Hey, so the rug tokens that I found it. I had to go in my messages and look. So the actual account is called bet vipe. So it is a completely compromised gold admin account. And Amir, the scammer that we all know and despise, he's the one behind it. But there's bunny on Solana rune, fluffy on Solana, Kitty Solana and Planet of the Apes. They're all Solana tokens. They're all 100% going to be rugged.

Identifying High-Risk Tokens

Do you think there's, like, a small chance they do? Well, just, like, no. Like, 30, $50. This guy definitely got his hand in those coins. Like a thousand percent Smith dog. What's good? I don't see Smith dogs hand up. But I mean, I'm interested in those hot takes. Things are spicy right off the press, man. They hurt, but I love them. I don't even see him on stage anymore. Oh, it's maybe my. What do you mean you don't see me on stage anymore? Oh, there he is. I think I'm way. I think I'm up here on stage. So what about the wallet guard?

Overview of Wallet Guard

I guess. And you know, how can we give it to maybe our community maybe and then, you know, what about Stacks Ponzi? How you. What's going on with that? Yeah, as far as what. What is Stacks Ponzi? What is that? I. You don't know about Sax Fonzie, bro? What? What is that? You don't know about that? No, dude. Oh, wow. Some Smith dog filament. Smith Dog late on us. Do. Come on. What? They stole like a hundred million dollars or more. About the stack x. You've been doing a bit of drinking. You've been, you've been throwing a feedback lords here.

Conversation on Stacks Ponzi

So y'all tell me, right? How am I like, right? No, no. You know, we try to keep safe, man. Everybody fucking keeps safe, you know, just do due diligence, man. It's like, just please keep safe, you know? Thousand percent, man. Yeah. I mean, with Wallagard, everything's in one place, wallet guard app. And we basically give you the tools and education. It's all free, it's all open source.

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