Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the progress and transformations within the NFT space, reflecting on the cleansing cycle observed in 2021. The conversation speculated on the likelihood of witnessing a cycle akin to 2021 in the future, emphasizing the cyclical nature of trends in bull markets. Key factors for successful NFT projects, including community strength, team quality, and project evaluation, were highlighted. Participants discussed the nuances of different NFT projects, stressing the importance of traders, strategy, and decision-making based on project specifics and market conditions. The space provided valuable insights into the NFT space, emphasizing the importance of narrative, expertise, and tools for navigating the complexities of the market.



Q: What was the NFT space like in 2021?
A: The NFT space experienced a cleansing cycle in 2021.

Q: Will we see a repetition of the 2021 NFT cycle?
A: There is speculation about a potential repeat of the 2021 NFT cycle.

Q: How does the rotation of trends occur during bull runs?
A: Trends typically rotate during bull runs, shifting from meme coins to major NFT projects.

Q: What role do communities play in the success of NFT projects?
A: Strong communities are crucial for the success of NFT projects.

Q: Why is the team behind an NFT project crucial for its success?
A: The team behind an NFT project significantly influences its success and development.

Q: What factors should be considered when comparing different NFT projects?
A: When comparing NFT projects, factors such as community strength, team quality, and project potentials should be evaluated.


Time: 00:05:54
Engage with Community: Encouragement to hit the request button and share different takes.

Time: 00:18:31
Identifying Plays: Starting the discussion on how to identify trading opportunities.

Time: 00:25:00
Web2 to Web3 Trends: Importance of recognizing trends transitioning from Web2 to Web3.

Time: 00:33:54
Narrative Importance: Discussion on the significance of narratives in trading strategies.

Time: 00:40:21
Spending Time in Spaces: Advice on spending time in spaces to understand community sentiment.

Time: 00:51:35
Take Notes: Importance of taking notes during discussions.

Time: 01:35:58
Personal Strategy: Advice on figuring out what works for you in trading.

Time: 02:04:10
Advice for New Traders: Key advice for newcomers to the trading space.

Time: 02:06:09
Networking Value: Emphasis on the importance of connections in the Web3 space.

Time: 02:16:30
Educational Value: Focus on providing educational value in discussions.

Key Takeaways

  • The NFT space went through a cleansing cycle in 2021.
  • We may witness a similar NFT cycle as in 2021 in the future.
  • Rotation of trends often occurs in bull runs
  • transitioning from meme coins to majors.
  • The significance of strong communities in the success of NFT projects.
  • The importance of evaluating the team behind an NFT project.
  • Understanding the differences and potentials of various NFT projects.

Behind the Mic

“`json { “response”: [ “Let me show you this, right?”, “So for this chat here that goes, would you rather hang out with all your exes in one room?”, “Would you rather be in a room full of your exes?”, “I shared that to my husband and he freaked out.”, “Yeah, so nobody would want that.”, “Shout out to pleasure seekers as well.”, “But that kind of brings us to the whole NFT thing.”, “We’re coming on two years now, right?”, “And I really kind of started realizing from an outside perspective, things may not seem like they’re fucking, you know, tennis floor price 20th.”, “Oh my God.”, “You know what I’m saying?”, “And from 2021, I feel like nfts have kind of gone through this like cleansing cycle, if I can coin it like that, right?”, “A lot of these quote unquote blue chip projects got tested, right?”, “It even, you know, we even got rid of, supposedly people that were diamond hands and they’re no longer diamond hands, they’ve exited.”, “There were all their liquidity outside of this space, right?”, “But Subasa, man, because again, bro, you were such a huge, you know, I mean, I’m pointing you like this, right?”, “You were a huge player in the 2021 trenches of the NFT run, right?”, “Just, just to kind of start off this conversation, do you think we will see something like a 2021 NFT cycle again?”, “Right?”, “What are your thoughts here, Subasu?”, “Yeah, I think it’s a good question.”, “I think that we will see that because every cycle it goes like every, in every bull run, we go to rotations.”, “Like when you have meme coins, shit coins.”, “And then you go on to the majors, like BTC, ethereum starts rallying.”, “Then you see NFT’s coins rallying like NFTX or whatever coin that supports these NFTs.”, “So I think similar thing will happen in the coming bull run.”, “And NFTs has always been a laggard compared to all tokens.”, “So we just said, you know, the rotation, last bull run, how it happened.”, “NFT was the last one to pump.”, “So I do see that thing coming back again.”, “And also in 2021, there’s a lot of players had been, majority of people were new.”, “Unlike this time, the people who survived this bear market, they’ll be on the lookout for NFT projects because they didn’t survive 2021.”, “So we might not see like a 10X or something that happened in 2021.”, “But we might see like a steady growth from here or going forward.”, “That brings a really great point because again, from being a part of this market from just a purely speculative or just trading, right?”, “People miss the fact that even in 2021, yeah, we had the board apes and punks and a lot of really cool memories if you were here as an early adopter, right?”, “But then what happened was like a huge issue with liquidity for the next year.”, “Like three to four or five months selling off all throughout 2022 just to get back and maybe right only in 2023.”, “Right now, if you would speculate, right?”, “In the NFT cycle, do you feel like the true value and I feel like this is such a cliche debate.”, “But do you feel like the true value for NFTs are like revealing themselves now?”, “Because we went through two years bro.”, “Yeah.”, “All these equinox, all these moonshots, all these projects.”, “But the thing is like when I feel like when you survived the bear market, you get a better sense of the projects that are actually working and the builders that are still around.”, “And the artists that are still around in this dull market still working hard and those projects tend to take off in the new cycle.”, “The only thing that concerns me is we might not see like a huge 2021 run that we saw or the frenzy because we will be going into a bull run with very low liquidity.”, “So that concerns me.”, “And this time around I think the narrative, like the storytelling, it will matter a lot because, you know, we’ve seen like in last bull run your avatars worth 100th or 200th is just an image, right?”, “So what’s more?”, “What’s more?”, “Because so what I read, I take pride in as looking project is building now or most of the founders now are building and has with it.”, “A lot of these builders that survived are building like actual real value, whether it’s gaming or art or community, they’re building that real value.”, “So those projects will succeed in the future.”, “What about yourself man?”, “How have you kind of like seen this whole NFT market?”, “Because I mean you dude, again, you’re one of these kind of OG guys, right?”, “Yeah.”, “When you’re just like kind of riding up.”, “Yeah.”, “But like reflect on these last two years, what are some of the things that you noticed?”, “The biggest takeaway for me is like we see a lot of projects failed but it’s not because of the main projects or the core guys like because of the external pressures like the macro economics of the market.”, “But the projects that survived they got the chance to like refresh, rebrand and rethink their strategy.”, “And coming into this bull run, I think it will be more measured because last cycle was just crazy like everyone was so new.”, “There was so much liquidity that was not harnessed properly.”, “So as builders the projects that survived got the chance to rethink and redo their strategy and come out stronger in the future bull run.”, “So I think it’s bitter step but it’s positive wherever who survived this bear market.”, “Keep building.”, “That’s great to hear I mean and you know what I like it I like just speaking out on this and I like it we in a weird spot as well right?”, “We got bitcoin ETF supposedly on the hook.”, “People waiting for it they’re like what’s next move gonna be as well?”, “And you know what bringing that into this conversation it’s a fair point right?”, “Because the whole market and everybody’s waiting on BTC run to hit all time highs and we know it has hit all time high I think it just made a new all time high today right?”, “So what do you consider as like quote unquote blue chip NFT’s right?”, “That survived the bear market?”, “Do you feel like obviously you said Azuki is one of the new ones?”, “But is there any that you can lead us on here?”, “Fundamentally sounds that can probably continue to trend really well 2024 2025?”, “I think you mentioned one of the things C Bass is a great builder.”, “He’s building a lot of value in Lucanetz.”, “Lucanetz his work is very technical and got a lot of support so I think projects like Lucanetz will continue to thrive.”, “And artists wise.”, “I’ve been collecting pieces from Fowoshus and Xcopy but I think Fowoshus is gonna have a solid run coming in because in last cycle we didn’t saw his full potential being realized.”, “So I think for artists it would be crucial time coming bulls run for NFT’s to realize their full potential.”, “Artists like Fowoshus will definitely thrive in the coming market.”, “But yeah it will be interesting for sure.”, “Yeah you mentioned a project that yo we both kind of been eyeing up Azuki Azuki it’s literally like the most insane things that I’ve seen come out.”, “We’ve actually had somebody that said either buy an Azuki or get fucked you know.”, “And I’ve been asked this question as well.”, “So will a 2 eth project at this price hit 200 eth?”, “What’s your take on that?”, “What do you feel like will be the foundational drivers?”, “And again adoption is one.”, “What are some of the key factors that will drive a project like Azuki guys?”, “So for Cap I think they are pretty solid projects but it’s different strategies because the thing is like if asset side they have equity I mean majority of these projects like Bored Ape and Azuki they haven’t even dropped a token right?”, “So the thing is we’re still yet to see a token drop and a lot of people are waiting for that.”, “That can be a catalyst for the next bull run especially for these projects.”, “So for Azuki it’s having strong fundamentals and I feel like they are strong community.”, “So community wise Azuki is really strong they are building something real value and more importantly consistency that’s one thing.”, “Unlike other projects Azuki project has been consistent in delivering.”, “So that gives me more confidence for the projects like Azuki or other projects we’re looking for that because fundamentals does matter it’s not just about the JPEGs.”, “He’s too humble right now.”, “So personally I like Azuki or Fowoshus both of them are good prices coming in strong for next cycle.”, “But fundamentally I think makers like Lucanetz will continue to thrive just based on the track record, consistency, and the people behind the projects.”, “That’s very important to me.”, “Bro you know you feel that there’s obviously advantages.”, “There’s pros and cons to every relationship.”, “Right?”, “And one of the things that I love seeing is all the stuff that Azuki puts on just the events by themselves man.”, “I feel like I missed out.”, “The Azuki community is strong.”, “They have been basic heads down guys working on good things.”, “So fundamentally that’s one of the things that other projects can learn from it.”, “Readjust their strategy and try to improve on.”, “Another one being a very good builders like Lucanetz.”, “That’s someone who I highly respect.”, “So someone who would even in amateurs there’s a lot of choices and a lot of tough decisions to make because they all have different timelines depending on their execution and stuff.”, “So when it comes to simple comparison, why would I buy an Azuki versus Bored Ape?”, “Because Bored Ape has already dropped, the apecoin is already out.”, “So and a lot of airdrops or a lot of benefits we already got.”, “I was the Bored Ape holder as well, so I got all the airdrops and apecoin so what’s next?”, “Right?”, “So for Azuki there’s a token that’s not has been dropped yet so you’re still waiting for that.”, “So these are the things that we have to consider and also basically like, if you have not enough liquidity right?”, “I wouldn’t recommend, like, oh just buying the dip.”, “Because, you know, it could be like we are just at the start of the bull run and you know the majors to be honest.”, “Like, if we started the majors, right?”, “Like bitcoin has hit all-time high but ethereum is nowhere close to all-time high.”, “So the thing is like we might see like a crazy run next year like on the majors.” ]

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