Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The discussed Twitter Space revolves around the Black Panther Token and its related initiatives. The hosts provided an insightful overview of the token, highlighting multiple upcoming opportunities for members to earn tokens. Emphasis was placed on the importance of community involvement and continuous engagement. The strategic plan involves expanding the project globally, particularly focusing on the African continent. The community was encouraged to follow new community initiatives to stay updated. The hosts shared information about the distribution strategy for the remaining tokens and stressed the necessity of regular updates to build a strong audience. Community support is pivotal, with notable members backing the project. Additionally, building a charity wallet is part of the broader mission of the initiative. The session concluded with announcements about future interactions, underscoring the commitment to frequent and consistent community engagement.


Q: What is the main focus of the Twitter Space?
A: The main focus is on Black Panther Token and its associated projects.

Q: What are the upcoming opportunities mentioned?
A: Opportunities to earn Black Panther tokens through various events and rounds of distribution.

Q: How important is community involvement?
A: It is emphasized as crucial for the growth and success of the project.

Q: What are the global expansion plans?
A: Plans are to grow the project across the African continent and globally.

Q: What steps are being taken to engage the community?
A: Regular updates, community pages, and frequent interactions are planned.

Q: Who are supporting the project?
A: The project has support from key community members and influencers.

Q: Is there a charity aspect to the project?
A: Yes, there's a focus on building a charity wallet as part of the mission.

Q: What is the strategy for token distribution?
A: Detailed insights into strategic distribution of the remaining tokens.

Q: How is communication handled within the community?
A: Through regular Twitter Spaces and updates to keep the community informed.

Q: What is the future plan for interactions?
A: Commitment to frequent and consistent interactions with the community.


Time: 00:01:10
Introduction: Introduction to the Black Panther Token and its significance.

Time: 00:09:15
Upcoming Opportunities: Discussion on earning Black Panther tokens.

Time: 00:22:30
Community Involvement: Emphasizing the importance of community engagement.

Time: 00:30:05
Global Expansion: Plans for global and African continent expansion.

Time: 00:36:10
Community Pages: Encouraging members to follow new community pages.

Time: 00:42:20
Strategic Insights: Insights into token distribution.

Time: 00:48:45
Consistent Communication: Importance of building an audience through consistent communication.

Time: 00:55:00
Community Support: Influence and support from notable community members.

Time: 01:00:10
Charity Wallet: Focus on creating a charity wallet.

Time: 01:05:25
Future Plans: Detailed discussion on future community interactions and plans.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to the Black Panther Token and its significance.
  • Detailed discussion on upcoming opportunities for earning Black Panther tokens.
  • Emphasis on community involvement and continuous engagement.
  • Plans to grow and expand the project globally
  • especially in the African continent.
  • Encouragement for community members to follow and engage with new community initiatives.
  • Strategic insights into the development and distribution of remaining tokens.
  • The importance of consistent communication and updates to build a strong audience.
  • Support from notable community members to grow the project.
  • Emphasis on creating a charity wallet and the broader mission of the project.
  • Announcement of future plans and commitment to frequent interactions.

Behind the Mic

Good evening, fellas. No worries. Well, thanks for having me. Look, welcome, everyone. Look, today has been one of those very important days within the family. So I'm thinking about being family fun. And if I seem a little down, that is probably why. And but for the for the purpose of this, I am. I'm currently the business developer for Black Panther. And I would without further ado, jump into today's agenda. So we've got a few things to run through as quickly as possible. And as you might all know, the private sale has launched. Some of you have been able to log in, download the configured wallet appropriately in in anticipation of the token generation event, which is going to be early quarter one next year. I think the rest of us have waited. I want to congratulate everyone who's been able to download the wallets and configure the wallet correctly. Thank you very much for that. Thank you for having me. Sorry, I was in about thank you. Can you hear me now? Yes. I was in a family friendly but family like thing as well today. So good to join you and to be amongst friends and family here on the on the channel as well. So I'm going to still ask you just to confirm that you can hear me. Yes, I can hear you. Can you hear me? Okay. Okay. Awesome. Thank you. I would have been really unusual. So you said quickly run through. I have to be telling a story here. That's nice. That's nice. Okay. Okay. Well, that's great. I love how technology works sometimes, you know. Well, it's fine. So good evening once again. Let me quickly call out some names who are tuning in. We've got fish head. We've got Ronak love. We've got jetty. We've got my wife. Great to have you here. Thank you very much for joining us. I appreciate it. Just seeing if the wife was paying attention. But okay. Firstly, so we all know the private sale has launched. Most people have been able to download and configure the wallet appropriately. And that is the bulk of what our conversation is going to be about today. So community mods in particular, we want to hear your feedback and the problems that you are facing, how you faced it and how you solved it. So for example, I have people complaining about maybe car, and it's all just maybe when they get the car, it is asking them for certain information. So we'll talk about that and how we can, how we can solve that problem. So Nitra, take it away. Thank you very much. Well, just kind of like I mentioned, you know, I've had the chance to intervene and talk to her before and on the amazing progress and efforts made in the private sale. And just, you know, the whole process of not just helping other pledge their own investments into our platform, but in reality more about them understanding what it is all about and the part they have to play into helping the platform grow and the project itself grow. It is amazing. It is great to see that we have over 50 people connected now. That is absolutely wonderful. So, and not more ever actually. Yes. Yes. And just seeing how, you know, the private sale has been going on and without revealing too much information because we're really keeping information that is sensitive hidden from the outside until the time is appropriate. So we don't spoil anything. But I think, you know, where we talk about the, the wallets, obviously the wallets have been enabled, the private sale addresses and everyone, I believe a messaging went out. Is that correct? Everyone already got the address and everyone already has those wallets configured correctly. So that is absolute, absolutely fantastic to know. Hello, much appreciated. Thank you so much. That is fantastic to see. And just setting that up appropriately. Cool. So one thing to take note of once this, once we've completed the process with the private sale, which I think might be everything should be working fine, but I'm always interested to just take it back and ask one or two people from, you know, from the family, from the community who have tried it out so that they can basically break down or tell us the story of how they have experienced it. And if they did face any challenges, you know, how did they basically overcome this challenge? Or what was the solution to actually fix it? Because the whole idea of Web3 is not only people at the top pushing down a solution to you, but we want to encourage everyone to work together within the community to come up with solutions for some of these problems. Because in reality, it can seem quite overwhelming if a lot of people have so many individual cases that need to be resolved immediately. Even though in reality, some of these cases can be resolved at the community level. So by people who are using and working on the platform, and we want to encourage people from the community who, when they discover a resolution to a problem to help and share with the other people within the community, you know, so they can help lead the charge of pushing that solution out, you know, and sharing it within the community, you know, so maybe point people in the right direction and alter how they have to go about getting ready for the token generation event and for the eventual mainnet launch. Great. So at this point, maybe I can, because I know that I have so many people all live in the line, and I have to quickly jump to the discussions around some of the mod groups. So at this point, I want to quickly ask if we have Amina or Obi on the call, maybe they want to quickly touch on some of their challenges possibly that they have faced. And the idea is not to just point out the problem, but to also dig into how they were able to solve the issues that they faced. Oh, sorry. Sorry, I missed out on the mic there. Can you hear me now? Yes, we can hear you. We can hear you. Carry on. Yes, we can hear you. Okay. Yeah, perfect. So amazing. Thank you very much. So one thing I want to quickly point out based on the conversation that you had mentioned earlier on, I noticed some people were trying to see if they can share kind of their experiences and how they were able to overcome the challenge and just understand from their perspective how the whole system work. One of the big things that was pointed out was the KYC process. So people who had attempted to go through the KYC process, provided they did have the appropriate documents and everything went fine, I think they were able to get that successfully done. And one thing was said around ensuring that the quality of the image is clear enough. So people need to make sure that when they are uploading their document for KYC, that they focus on getting the quality of the image to be good. Otherwise, you know, the image won't be accepted by the system. So in reality, once you've solved that problem and everything is clearly visible and clear in the image, that will basically solve the KYC issue that many other people are facing. So I know I've heard maybe about 10 different people already run into that problem where they've got like an NFC enabled document or passport, but then the image quality itself wasn't captured to be as clear as it should have been. And that was it. So I don't know if anyone else has anything else from that perspective to point out or to share. Well, look, I would like to hear from you, Digital. Maybe tell us, you know, how are you finding the whole process yourself? You got the wallet, I'm sure. And you probably have tried it out. Do you mind sharing a quick word here about your experience with us? I can hear you now. Good evening. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I jumped in a bit late, so I missed on the first part of the call. I wanted to share a few comments with you. I'm not a mod. I'm not a team member, but just providing some kind of commentary. And I also wanted to point out something. Now, as you know, I'm from a different part of the world where the wallets is being used for so many things. For the time being, I think Black Panther has about 1% interest in the community where do a lot of things in the traditional way. And there's currently no problem with that. They don't really have any alternative automation of wallets. And nobody really has that challenge or feeling left out from such a process. One of the big things with some people here, obviously, you're saying everybody should find a way to kind of be resolved. You probably had a good time to talk to a few people last week. They expressed concerns about KYC being really challenging. And I imagine there was a better way if you out there would just kind of summarize the reason for the KYC. I would also understand the purpose and the importance for it. We're not just talking about the security, but more about them understanding that if they able to complete the KYC. And that goes on to talk to our compliance team. Maybe give a quick word on how that worked out. And in reality, we just need to be more communicated. And I know that can only work by the people internally and the very people at the top pushing that kind of communication out. And there needs to be email communication. So far, everybody that I've spoken to has said it is very easy to use. It would be helpful if more communication towards actually completing the KYC process punctually and successfully gets out to the users. Okay, that's noted. I think you have a very, very valid point. Look, and I'm sure anyone else might have any other thing to kind of chip in there for us as we have about 30 seconds, because I am due to jump off at this point and hand the floor back to moderation for a closing word from all of us. Thanks for sharing your experience. I think everything you've mentioned is well noted. I believe in the family conversation. I think I want to hand it back to the host in the Black Panther team. Thank you. Thank you. Apologies are required here. That's for sure. Okay, so we thank you very much for pointing out the few challenges and the issues. You know, for that conversation that you took on board. And one of the things that I want to take away as a point you mentioned was making sure that people actually understand the reason behind a lot of the KYC requirements. One of the things that we can do from our perspective to make sure that people understand and see ahead of time. Why is this a requirement before they even need to be asked? Because nobody likes to get halted when they already think they're on the thought process or they're on their spot of fulfilling a certain event or a certain requirement. And they get stuck where they don't have the right information to kind of proceed to the next step. And they will obviously have a frustrated experience at that point. So one of the things we want to have as a takeaway from this call and speaking on behalf of the Black Panther developer team right now is that we're going to go back and we're going to sit away and see across some of the community conversations how we can build up and get this ready for the coming days. If not weeks for the next round of the distribution to make sure that information or all the pre-sales information and everything that needs to be done or pre-sell for the serious aspect of it before launch has really been taken on board and has been ready and put forward with the people who need the very good information. So thank you very much. I really appreciate you taking the time to kind of share that word. So I don't know if there is any final question at this point before we can kind of pack things up for today. It's a significant portion that's still coming, so. And there'll be many other opportunities and many other ways of being able to earn Black Panther, even after this next round, after we distribute the remaining five or 6% or so. Yeah, man. Cool. Cool. Cool. So, yeah, with that, I think if there are no other questions, comments, contributions, we can call it a day, and we'll be hanging again together tomorrow, as well as in the weekend and next week. I don't know if we are going to be doing a marathon the way you've been doing it, but we'll definitely. You know, we'll definitely be back and. And doing this more frequently and more. More consistently. Yeah, absolutely. You should, man. I try to do it back to back as much as possible every day. You know, do a space talk to build up the audience throughout that time. How long did you say before you launch? You said, like, a winter launch. So we are launched. Right. A few more days left. Yeah. Two more days left. December 14th, right? Yes. Cool. So let's do this. All right. Awesome. I can't wait for that. Yeah, bro. Please. And everyone, digital. Have a great night. Thank you so much. Our community, stay blessed and be great. Thank you. Also, don't forget to join the new community page. Yeah. That's a very important announcement. Please don't forget to follow the new community page. We've lost the previous one. So the new community page. And I'm going to share that right here underneath this space. Please, please. Fendrick, everybody else that's part of this community mods, everyone that's in here, go follow the new community page. I just shared it right there, and I'm gonna pin it to the jumbotron so you can see it. You don't even have to leave the space to see it. So, yeah, join us, and. And, yeah, let's keep. Let's. Let's keep growing this. This space in this coin, and you know that. Let's make sure that the black panther token comes back roaring and, you know, let's build this charity wallet. Let's build this protocol. Let's grow the african blockchain globally, across the african continent and african diaspora, you know, with people like black pound coin, black Pan man, you know, let's do this. Thank you all for coming through. Join the community page and see you all soon. Have a good one, everyone.

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