Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space conversation revolved around the advantages of BNS in comparison to traditional DNS systems, showcasing the ease and efficiency of managing blockchain domain names. Key takeaways included the simplicity of operations like renewal and transfer, the user-friendly nature of BNS linked to drag-and-drop website creation platforms, and the accessibility of BNS tools to UI developers and non-developers alike. Highlights encompassed discussions on creating blockchain domain names, exposing BNS functions, analogizing BNS usability, and future plans such as venture bootstrapping and securing grants through BNS runbooks. The space niche was identified as Development Agency.


Q: How does BNS simplify blockchain domain name management?
A: BNS allows for easy renewal, revocation, and transfer of names.

Q: Who can interact with BNS?
A: UI developers and non-developers who install the necessary tools.

Q: What analogy was used to explain BNS usability?
A: Creating websites using drag-and-drop platforms like Wix.

Q: What functions does BNS expose?
A: BNS offers various features beyond just namespace creation.

Q: Can users run autonomous operations on BNS contracts?
A: Users, including non-developers, can perform operations autonomously.


Key Takeaways

  • BNS streamlines the creation and management of blockchain domain names.
  • Users can easily perform actions like renewal
  • revocation
  • and transfer using BNS.
  • An analogy with platforms like Wix was used to showcase the user-friendly nature of BNS.
  • UI developers and non-developers can utilize tools to interact with BNS effectively.
  • BNS empowers autonomous operations on blockchain domain names.

Behind the Mic

[ "Thank you so much everyone for being here today.", "I appreciate it.", "I know everybody's got a busy schedule as usual.", "Thank you.", "It's a big topic.", "But I think it's very timely.", "So before we dive in, I am going to pass it to Amar and give a quick introduction about who he is.", "Hello everyone, it's really a pleasure to be here and be able to present to you.", "I work at Nomic Foundation on the BES ecosystem.", "Nomic Foundation is an open-source software development and R&D company that focuses on the development of solutions bringing blockchain to developers around the world.", "And today I'm going to present BNS Hawaii.", "It's a product for the end-user to create namespaces.", "And so why do we need that?", "Let's start with some history.", "So what is namespace?", "Namespace is a fancy work for a very old thing.", "It's basically a dictionary.", "It's an association we map between names and objects.", "Such as variables, functions in a computer program as well as hostname or IP address in computer networks.", "Name is mapped to an object which can be called resource records.", "And namespaces are not new.", "Right?", "It's fascinating.", "They are as old as the internet itself.", "In our case, the particular namespace we focus on is BNS neither BNS is a namespace that takes Alice or human language readable and it maps into a single global name space with unique mappings per name.", "BNS is to act as kind of a domain name service of blockchain giving you consistent readable names shortcuts for decentralized identifiers.", "So namespace is something that we can use for resilience for availability of blockchain.", "Yes.", "By scalable minimal cost.", "And how does it work?", "There are many things to be mentioned.", "And there's a possibility to import the names, the namespaces and the namespaces users have.", "We can easily import them directly from ITFS.", "And we enable users to then continue to run the applications effectively without any difficulties.", "And another key advantage is that the namespaces we import under your local system, they are privacy preserved and not accessible to anyone except the user.", "Thank you.", "We take this very seriously.", "The next part is, let's call it registrar interface.", "This is something that could be a very enhanced version comparing to what it is now days like for example GoDaddy and I'm sure you know what GoDaddy is.", "So did you say registrar in a way?", "Yes.", "Perfect.", "So what I know GoDaddy where they are able to automatically generate names in a way of a," }, "They are able to generate names for a country domain and they will show you this name is available or not available.", "Yeah.", "They will try to pre-book it for you.", "So you're saying that the user interface but into a, "Yes.", "So user interface as a concept could be linked to the registrar name.", "Yeah.", "How is it different from the rest namespaces that you just don't find.", "Let me just jump quickly to so many things BNS allows to do and you will see that it's a lot more useful and it gives us an opportunity for various other things.", "So literally it provides functionality and through registrar interface there are elements where you will have buttons creating some easy steps for user so they can literally not think about it and all the processes will be taken care automatically.", "So we are going to put these things on the backend and simplify a lot.", "So in this case you will reduce some of the layers away so it's easier for the end user to create these stuff.", "So is it the same analogy for the namespace where it allows easier creation of namespace?", "Yeah, that's the perfect analogy, yeah.", "And so I took the example of namespace, but it's not just namespace.", "It's like all the different features that BNS exposed.", "Like you have a bunch of, that you can renew a name, you can revoke a name, you can transfer.", "There's a bunch of functions that are, it's not challenging to use, but you need to know what you're doing.", "And so, yeah, if we can have a UI developer, and it's not just developers, it's pretty much as long as they can install the tool on the machine.", "Yeah.", "They are autonomous and they can run all the operations they want on the BNS contract.", "But yeah.", "So to get back to your question, it's the perfect analogy.", "So it's almost like before it was hard to create websites, but now you can go to these websites like Wix and drag and drop, that kind of stuff.", "So it allows easier sort of creation of website suddenly.", "So you are proposing to make it very easy for the user to create namespace in easily a very UI-friendly interface.", "Yes.", "Absolutely.", "And not just for developers.", "So Amar, what was the motivation behind actually making this feature?", "So to get a bit more specific although it's very useful.", "Yes.", "The first thing is so with BNS we've kept it with GS dimple focusing on developers and CLI.", "To be able to express lots of other functionalities.", "And right now these are absolutely not accessible by normal users and while this is where the product Hawaii in BNS focuses on, it's on user autonomy and easier creation of namespaces by simplifying everything for any.", "Like I said previously, you have developers and the tools they are able to create, but they have to know what they're doing.", "So in this case would you not talk about the standard dows, so like how you would have the registration renew, revoke, all of that?", "Yes, exactly.", "So we need to build these tools ourselves and so.", "What was your motivation?", "Let's say for developers to basically take to get rid of those.", "To simplify that the developers?", "Because developers are developers.", "Creating and using the tools.", "So with the UI user or Web 3 as a generic helping with functionalities and can create namespace hands down with ease.", "So would that include Cosmos?", "I don't know.", "We will see.", "Well in general because we have been hearing from Tendermint and the general the whole trends what's happening in the developer ecosystem and recently how the trend is increasing for a Web 3.0 sort of thing, do you think it will help mainstream users?", "So I see it's not just namespace and web.", "It could be anything like in other user interaction where you have your wallets, everything written in your namespace correct?", "So it's this way it's it's even easier for the blockchain revolution.", "Yes.", "So let me let me ask you something which is I don't know it's simple.", "But I was looking at the proposals and we have had a few other projects coming in.", "So there is some reservation.", "As you go to for decision making through.", "So this grant was actually seeking almost five times larger than what we usually have picked.", "Is that correct?", "Yes.", "It's mostly some of the products you had previously.", "Yes.", "It took long.", "So basically what's the main reason you asked so much?", "Yes.", "Would you like it?", "So it's not.", "It's.", "Absolutely our pleasure to explain but let's break it up into this number to see through what we do.", "So first, so as I said we are now working on almost like enhancing registrar interface for BNS where users can experience creating namespaces with ease, but it's not just for Web 3.0 it's Web 2.0 as well.", "So there's a bunch of modular contracts we had to use in a way to to create to develop one unified modular single contract and it's not an easy task.", "So again speaking functionally absolutely there are high possibilities to reach these milestones in the first place.", "But we came up with idea to basically reduce time complexity for developers through using registrar interface amiably raising it for namespace specifically.", "And again we'd love to seek support from this so that we can actually enjoy the revolution that's happening with blockchain and how user autonomy with BNS.", "Which currently needs more focus.", "Ok.", "So based on oh.", "That that's that's vastly impressive.", "So now few more specifics, the contract leveraging the namespaces wallets and other initiatives how long do you expect it to be similar to current?", "Yeah.", "So these things like.", "We are looking at somewhere round roughly it can vary from every case to case but 2 to 3 months if everything works okay.", "So any suggestion with gusto to what we can help you?", "Our community?", "Yes.", "So very honestly.", "The first thing we are seeking is few good engineers and developers who can help us in developing the registrar interface utilizing it in a very efficient time frame and.", "You are actually familiar with the code base right?", "Yes absolutely.", "So you've already accomplished few things like registrars names.", "Yes and this exactly where second phase.", "So.", "Although community has been supportive, we are seeing development pace but with the community support specifically for these things this would speed up further.", "And in the first phase itself we figured that namespace we can user friendly interface which was designed to be built.", "That is.", "That needs more manpower.", "And in these resources we need more people who really understand and you guys community you know you have been great at helping us previously our projects and stuff like that.", "So so again although skeptical I'd say for end user autonomy creation of namespace ensuring products like BNS Hawaii getting recognized and supported.", "So my suggestion would be which is that if it's the case what is one decision would you expect your stewards to keep in their mind?", "So again.", "So if they can actually help us with some resources for it and how could that influence the decision making?", "So sure I can I can say having more engineers and some people who want to have some user interfaces who can help us in the registrar interface that will consequently improve the general user experience of BNS Hawaii absolutely.", "So it's very useful that.", "Ok.", "To make sure your tourist should.", "Again stewards prove.", "To apply for a grant in such a way to get support from key players and developers.", "Who can help you scaling it for a specific BNS user experience?", "Yes.", "And so okay very glad.", "For the next follow up?", "And the other question.", "Because regarding some of the functionalities like security risk case and I know that we have the. "It's often.", "So with regard do we anticipate any challenges in BNS Hawaii as we faced that were solved or maybe anything that you guys working on that might require resources?", "Yes so.", "In the same as these things and current countermeasures that have been solved initially are stable that are fixed well within.", "So.", "When we will move forward we couldn't anticipate future that much but yes, with risks generally this is not something we have foreseen much larger but again in terms of risks Registrar interface user access privacy and autonomy security has been immensely enhanced.", "So if something new comes up, we'll surely figure in the community.", "Happily help us till now", "Okay would you like to summarize as a closing statement about BNS Hawaii and registrar interface.", "What do you like would love to receive from this community?", "So we consider you have a very lovely place we are in good terms and yes the existing zones so currently the registrar interface again keeping it user friendly experience and creation of some good solid motivation behind specifically for domain spaces.", "So our main focus is how user autonomy can be utilized for better.", "Namespace is brilliant for not just web 3 but also web 2 and creating set of features understanding both the blocks and engaging functionalities between us.", "Yes.", "So.", "Again much appreciated.", "So summarizing we feel that community support some good resources so that we collaboratively work again and create more privacy and security helping end users and creating more functionalities out of BNS Hawaii.", "So.", "Great.", "So I would again like to thank you, all the community.", "Thank you for listening.", "And you have a great day ahead.", "Thank you.", "Thank you.", "Thanks, everyone.", "Thanks, everybody." ]

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