Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space BLS CPI v Truflation: Henrik Zeberg on Macro & Elliott Wave hosted by truflation. Henrik Zeberg's insights on macroeconomics, Elliott Wave theory, and the comparison between BLS CPI and Truflation within the decentralized infrastructure space provide invaluable knowledge for investors and enthusiasts. The collaboration with major players like Chainlink and Coinbase adds credibility to the project, while the use of over 18 million data points and real-world asset indexes ensures thorough analysis. The focus on transparency, censorship resistance, and reliability underscores the benefits of decentralized infrastructure, offering a more open and trustworthy environment. Zeberg's expertise sheds light on market trends, enhancing understanding and decision-making processes for participants.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does Truflation differ from BLS CPI, and why is it important?
A: Truflation provides an alternative view on inflation, incorporating factors that traditional metrics might overlook, giving a more comprehensive understanding of price trends.

Q: What advantages does decentralized infrastructure offer over traditional systems?
A: Decentralized infrastructure ensures transparency, resists censorship, and promotes reliability by distributing control among network participants.

Q: Why is the collaboration with Chainlink and Coinbase significant in this context?
A: Backings from established entities like Chainlink and Coinbase enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of the Truflation project.

Q: How can investors benefit from understanding Elliott Wave theory?
A: Elliott Wave theory provides a structured approach to analyzing market cycles and potential price movements, aiding investors in making informed decisions.

Q: What role does data play in the decentralized infrastructure space?
A: The space leverages over 18 million data points, real-world asset indexes, and extensive information for analysis, contributing to a more robust decision-making process.

Q: How does Truflation contribute to the overall decentralization of the infrastructure sector?
A: Truflation's focus on providing transparent, censorship-resistant inflation metrics aligns with the core principles of decentralized infrastructure, fostering a more open and trustworthy environment.

Q: Why are transparency and censorship resistance essential in this space?
A: Transparency and censorship resistance ensure that the infrastructure operates openly and securely, safeguarding against manipulation or centralized control.

Q: What insights did Henrik Zeberg share about macroeconomics and its relevance to investors?
A: Henrik Zeberg's expertise delves into macroeconomic trends, offering investors valuable perspectives on market dynamics and potential risks.

Q: How does the decentralized nature of the space impact trust among participants?
A: Decentralization removes single points of failure and control, fostering trust among participants and reducing reliance on central authorities.

Q: What role do real-world assets and indexes play in the infrastructure landscape?
A: Real-world assets and indexes provide tangible value and reference points within the infrastructure, adding depth and stability to the ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:42
Elliott Wave Theory Insights Exploring Henrik Zeberg's analysis on using Elliott Wave theory to forecast market cycles.

Time: 00:25:18
Truflation Versus BLS CPI Comparing the differences between Truflation and BLS CPI to gauge inflation accurately.

Time: 00:35:56
Decentralized Infrastructure Advantages Understanding the benefits of transparency, censorship resistance, and reliability in decentralized infrastructure.

Time: 00:45:29
Chainlink and Coinbase Backing Exploring how endorsements from Chainlink and Coinbase add credibility to the Truflation project.

Time: 00:55:17
Data-Driven Decision Making Leveraging over 18 million data points and real-world asset indexes for robust analysis and insights.

Time: 01:05:42
Truflation's Impact on Decentralization Discussing how Truflation's metrics align with decentralization principles, shaping a more trustworthy infrastructure environment.

Time: 01:15:29
Transparency and Censorship Resistance Exploring the importance of transparency and censorship resistance in ensuring the integrity of the infrastructure space.

Time: 01:25:18
Macro Insights by Henrik Zeberg Gaining valuable perspectives on macroeconomic trends and their implications for investors from Henrik Zeberg.

Time: 01:35:56
Building Trust in Decentralization Examining how the decentralized nature of the space enhances trust among participants and minimizes single points of control.

Time: 01:45:29
Real-World Assets Integration Understanding the role of real-world assets and indexes in adding stability and value to the infrastructure sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the significance of Elliott Wave theory in predicting market cycles.
  • Exploring the relationship between BLS CPI and Truflation to gauge inflation accurately.
  • Decentralized infrastructure offers transparency, censorship resistance, and reliability.
  • Chainlink and Coinbase backing add credibility and trust to the Truflation project.
  • The space integrates real-world assets, indexes, and an extensive amount of data points for analysis.
  • Henrik Zeberg's insights shed light on the macroeconomic landscape and its implications for investors.
  • Inflation analysis becomes more nuanced by considering both traditional CPI data and alternative metrics like Truflation.
  • The decentralized nature of the infrastructure minimizes central authority control and enhances trust in the system.
  • Collaboration with over 60 providers strengthens the reliability and robustness of the infrastructure.
  • Usage of Elliott Wave theory can provide valuable insights into market trends and potential price movements.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, everybody. Somebody please give me a thumbs up if you can hear me. Okay? All right, cheers. Let's wait a couple of minutes, let everybody join, and then we're going to get started. In the meantime, I'm going to start calling up folks here. I see David just joined. GM. GM. Can you guys hear me? Loud and clear. Nice. How are you, David? Good, good. Waiting for the space to start. I see a lot of familiar faces in the audience. Jones crew, I'm going to invite you guys up to speak as well. It GM. Jump. Screw Gmdeh. How's it going, guys? Not should be coming along shortly. Going good. Thanks for joining us, man. Very excited. I also see that the orange crew has joined. Welcome, Kohaku. Let me invite you up here.

Gathering the Audience

GMGM. Yes. Perfect. Yes. Thank you. Thank you for inviting us. Absolutely. We're happy to have you. Cool. Just a few more minutes. Let's let some folks roll in and then let's get this show rolling. By the way, two chairs is in the audience. He's going to be looking at the chat. So if you guys have any questions, feel free to drop them in the chat. And he's communicating with us. And we'll make sure to get to those questions either if it's relevant, in the middle of things, or at the very least, at the end of this chat. Cool. Do you want to begin? Let's do it. All right. Hey, warm welcome, everybody. I'm mesky. I'm joined by David, our founder, and a bunch of our launch partners here today.

Discussion of Today's Goals

We have orange, we got Jones. I think we have a few more joining later on. And then I see a lot of familiar faces from our community in the audience, which we love to see. Welcome, everybody. Today's theme is going to be centered around supersede and how we aim to become the hub for LPDFI and sustainable Defi. Right. Among other things. But those are some of our kind of biggest goals. And I think this group of launch partners is the perfect cohort of people to achieve that goal with today. What we're going to be talking about is just that. We're also going to give our partners a chance to intro themselves to the audience. We're going to showcase you guys off. We're going to look at some brief testnet phase two highlights, and after all that, we're going to kind of wrap up with some closing remarks.

Event Structure and Expectations

Take a look at what's happening next, what the plan looks like for Q four, and then we're going to close out, I think all in all, we're expecting something like 45 minutes. But don't hold me to that. These things sometimes tend to run a little long. But let's see. I think we can get started with some quick intros. David, if you want to kick things off, just a very brief intro about yourself. For those that don't yet know, I think most do. But a very brief intro from you, myself, and then we can move on to our partners. Sure. So, hi, I'm David. I'm the founder of Supersede. Been in crypto since early 2014. Back then, mostly as an outsider, bought a bit of BTC and, yeah, occasionally check prices, but got serious about crypto in 2017. Discovered Ethereum.

David's Background

Had a great year investing, participating in token sales and icos, and I. Yeah, ever since 2017, I'm full time in crypto. And since last year, I started working on Supersede together with our current team. So really excited about what's to come. Awesome. Thank you. Quick intro, my side. I'm responsible for community marketing stuff here at Supersede. Previously been in similar positions on Arbitrum at a smaller defi protocol. That's how I know a bunch of you chads here in the audience today. Been in crypto a very long time. Very excited for what we're building with supersede. But I think enough about us, I see a lot of our crew in the audience as well. But let's move on to introduce some of our launch partners.

Launch Partners Introduction Process

And, guys, if you can keep it brief, just give a short personal intro, who you are, who's talking, and then we'll get into the project intros later and maybe Kohaku, do you want to kick things off? Yeah, sure. Hi, everyone. I'm Kohaku from Orange Finance. I mainly work on business side of things at Orange Finance, and I'm very happy to be here today. For my background, I went masters in finance. I went to London after I graduated from university. And around 2018, I got into crypto. I firstly started nFT market in Japan. So my crypto career started with NFT. It was before the NFT bubble, but gradually me and my colleagues interest and focus shifted from NFT to DeFi, especially during the last.

Kohaku's Journey in Crypto

I mean, defi summer, probably around 2020 or 21, and. Yeah, and we started build Defi protocols, and that brought me here today. Yeah, that's. That's it. Awesome. That's all about my background. Yeah, perfect. Thank you so much. Shreddy, do you want to go next? Good morning, everybody. Shreddy here from Jones the spaghetti man. Just in charge of a wide range of community bd and marketing things for Jones. Been in Defi for quite a bit. I got my start at a little known protocol called Olympus Dow and then joined Jones shortly after. I've been there, you know, basically since the beginning. We're super happy to see supersede come out, knowing the guys on stage and the builders for quite a while.

Shreddy's Introduction and Background

And I'll kick it over to notch to give a quick intro from his side. Everybody. I'm not BD over at Jones prior to that.

Introduction from Olympus and Dolomite Crew

Also cut my teeth over at Olympus and I'm a tradfi guy by trade. Pass it off to the next. Awesome. Does the Dolomite crew want to pick it up? Sure. This is Corey here, one of the two co founders at Dolomite. First got my start in crypto in about 2015. At the time, I was building some game modding software and PayPal shut me down, so started taking bitcoin for payment, but that otherwise got me more involved in the industry and got to see the rise of Ethereum and as they say, the rest is history. Amazing. And I also see Bullet X has joined the chat. Do you want to take it away, everyone?

Bullet X Background

Bruce from Bullet X. And yeah, my background is I'm the tech co founder of Bullet X. And before Bullet X, we also built a couple of 35 products. One of them is on mental, Fusion X. And we are exploring this. We are building the native amm on supersede as bullet x. Bullet X is like a concentrated liquidity, where you can run, you know, all. Where you can do all the things like, which you usually do on univ three and all. So basically, our goal is to make bullet x the native liquidity layer of supersede. Very cool. Thanks for sharing, guys.

Supersede Protocol Update

Before we dive deeper into the supersede vision and what each of these protocols plays in it, just a quick recap of where we're at so far with supersede. Right. So a very quick status update. Essentially, we had phase one of our testnet bridging over. We got a lot of testnet eth on our testnet, right? And we're currently in phase two where we're showcasing some of these apps on Testnet, which we'll later deploy on main net alongside you guys. And we've had some really good traction so far. We have almost 170,000 total deposit transactions onto our chain. Nearly 13,000 testnet eth, 55,000 unique total depositors. So things are trending in the right direction. And this is for us to essentially see things are going well, get people to know supersede, showcase our apps and really just be ready and prepared for mainnet later this year.

Introduction of Partners

So, short update there before we go into the supersede vision, maybe we hop back and give our partners a short intro about themselves. And then as me and David walk through the supersede vision, we're going to kind of call on you guys for your expert opinions. You guys are, you guys are the resident experts on LPDFI, sustainable liquidity, different sort of lp strategies and more. Right, but let's go with orange finance again if you want to give a very brief project intro and then we'll get into the practical applications late. Kohak, are you there?

Orange Finance Overview

Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, yeah. Let me introduce orange finance playthrough. So Orange Finance is an automated liquidity management protocol at the forefront of LP DeFi innovation in the DeFi space. So currently our LPDFI volts are live on strike right now and we excited to expand the LPDFI ecosystem to supersede. So LPDFI protocols for whom not familiar with LPDF protocols, which this is like utilizing LP positions on concentrated AMM such as Unison V three, to craft derivative products such as options and pups. So on LPD five protocols, users can actually expect higher use because the current liquidity to earn sub fees in AMMse, while unused liquidity can be lent as options or perpetuals and earning premium, derivative premiums from those trading. So it enhances the capital efficiency of LP ing.

Simplifying Liquidity Management

And orange finance itself is try to simplifying the LP experience because it's quite challenging for our daily users, like by rebalancing liquidity positions and frequently day by day. So it's pretty hard for those users and orange finance is simplifying those experience and automating those experience and try to offer this epidural efficient opportunity to every different users. So, yeah, this is a brief introduction of orange finance. Very cool. Thank you. And I think that fits perfectly with the, what we're trying to do at supersede. Right, sustainable liquidity and enable new, actually sustainable sources of yield.

Jones Protocol Introduction

But I feel like the next protocol to follow that off is Jones guys, shred of your notch. Do you want to kind of give a short primer on what Jones does? Notch go crazy, brother. Well, I was going to say, you said short, so I figured usually you might want to take it, but yeah. So, Jones, interesting kind of happenstance. We started off as a protocol built on top of dopex and over time kind of evolved into working on vaults, and then we kind of moved into the LP management space, which is where we're kind of casting our die. We think that we've got something special and so that's what we're focusing on and where our passion is.

LP Management and Expansion

So we are building what we would like to think is some of the most, if not the most efficient LPs out there. And we are expanding very fast. And when Meske kind of hit us up about supersede, I just kind of watched the video actually, from the really great presentation that David did over at ECC, and it was like perfect timing. And yeah, we're just really happy to be a part of this. This is going to be a really special place. So we're honored to be here. Amazing. Yeah, we appreciate the kind words. And you did manage to keep it short, which is also nice.

Overview of Dolomite

Hey, from that, let's segue into Dolomite. So once again, this is Corey here from Dolomite, one of the co founders. And Dolomite's a lending protocol. We're really optimized for layer two from an architectural perspective, we try to offer a lot of unique features like broad asset support and passing through of native defi functionality to your assets. So if you have an asset that you're used to using, that maybe you can vote with, you can stake with claim rewards, compound rewards, etcetera. It's kind of a given that when you deposit those assets into a lending protocol, you lose those native capabilities.

Dolomite's Distinct Features

So Dolmit's the first lending protocol to allow you to still retain those cool things that make Defi and actively allow you to power against your asset at the same time. And beyond that, we're constantly looking to add more portfolio management features and things that will make the site increasingly easier to use, that you can manage your portfolio really easily. And really excited to be on supersede in particular, because as we look to deploy on new layer twos and new networks, it's really important for us to be on chains that show alignment. And for the longest time, we've seen chains masquerade as this by like offering grant programs and like, you get this really vicious cycle of chains farming.

Concerns about Chain Alignment

The Dapps. The Dapps form the users and then somehow no one ends up happy. And we're really looking to see, looking forward to seeing like how supersede shakes up that meta considerably by doing things at the base level of the chain to really align everyone together. So really excited to be here. Love the vision for the chain as a whole. And I think that we're going to really make defi fun. Again. Amazing. Thank you, Corey. Totally agree. I think there's a unique opportunity here, and in all these projects you guys are from, they fit so well into what we're trying to do.

Bullet X's Vision and Shared Liquidity

But before we dive deeper into that, Bruce, was there something you still want to add? I know you gave a short intro the first round over. Yeah, definitely. So basically, I really like the idea of supersede, of providing the yield directly to the users and all. And when. Yes, when we first discussed with super sick team, and we already knew that a couple of our friends like Dolomite and Strike are already being onboarded. So this looks like that is what make us very much interested, because the whole idea of making, you know, a combined composite ecosystem, okay, where one layer, like multiple protocols being built by partnering with each other, okay, and utilizing the shared liquidity and all.

Forward-looking Collaboration

So that is what something we are looking forward to. And for that, we want to make the, you know, bullet x as the base layer of that. So by partnering with the protocols like Orange finance and people can do the LPD five, strike and all. So this is really exciting for us. Awesome. Appreciate it, Bruce. And you're right, there's a very unique effect where we can essentially layer these protocols on top of what we think is a very unique system.

Supersede Overview

Right. And I think that segues really well into our next talking point. Right. The unique aspects of supersede and the synergies we can achieve with you guys. And just a very brief intro for those who are just joining us. The supersede protocol is essentially a. The first blockchain that repays your debt. And the way we do that is we're a unique combination of a layer, two self repaying loans, and a robust stablecoin ecosystem. And there's a lot of components to that, right? So we're introducing some new primitives with super collateral proof of repayment and much more.

Core Components of Supersede

Right? But at the heart of that all is our enshrined CDP lending platform. And you can think of that as the sort of native super app built indirectly into supersede. And I think on the very high level, the gist of our entire system is that the magic happens essentially by using multiple fee sources to repay the loans of those people that use our native governance token as collateral. So that's essentially our way of returning value into the ecosystem. And those fee sources are 100% of on chain sequencer profits.

Overview of the CDP Lending Platform

Borrower interest from other sources of collateral on the CDP lending platform and then proof of repayment, which is our unique programmatic reward mechanism. Essentially a very small piece of the supply is auctioned off every day and then sold off to the highest bidder. Those returns all go back to repaying the loans of super collateral borrowers. So this is the base layer. Right. And that's the kind of innovation that we bring with supersede. And I think there are some very unique things that we can do with our partners there. But before we dive deeper into that, David, is there something you want to add into that I missed or.

On-Chain Capital Efficiency

Sure. So basically we're, all of the projects here are really focus on what I think is on chain capital efficiency, right. So in one way or another, we've discovered that the way things are done currently, it's either highly capital inefficient or can be drastically improved in one way or another. Right. And we're trying to make on chain more attractive to people and attract them from using centralized systems to decentralized ones. Now, we all do that in different ways. And with supersede we're creating basically new economic primitives that can be utilized by other applications as well integrated. And we are really excited about, first of all, partnering with the projects that we have today and more. Right. As some sort of a core defi infrastructure. And at the same time, we also want to do something that we haven't seen as much currently, which is to basically promote LPDFI and like this new primitives that are being built by the teams involved in this call today as a core part of our chain.

Recent Trends in DeFi

Recently Defi itself has been going through, let's call it like a small recession where things haven't been growing as they have been in the past. I've commented on that. Like I had a recent interview where I gave my opinion why that is, and that's not so important. But yeah, I do believe that if we manage to make Defi even more capital efficient, capital will go where it's most properly utilized. And, yeah, happy to have you all here in the call. Awesome. And I just want to segue off that. I think all of you guys are very core projects. You play a unique role in this. It's, you know, sustainable yield and capital efficient stack that we're building.

Dolomite's Role in the Ecosystem

I think I want to throw the ball to you guys a little bit on how you see yourselves building around these primitives and where you see yourselves as part of this stack. Right. Maybe the dolomite guys. You want to go first? I was really hoping you'd call on us first. Well, thanks for the opportunity. And for us, we see Dole might fitting in multiple stages, I would say, in the earlier parts of the ecosystem, while all the initial dapps are coming online, liquidity is still thin and the brand identity of the chain is still being worked on. We see ourselves as being a very simple primitive of just borrowing and lending, existing as a complimentary source of yield and potential strategy making alongside the native CDP platform built into the chain.

Collaboration and Support

So you can think of us as spark, whereas the native CDP platform is more like Makerdao, kind of like a central bank. And of course, we're going to want to make sure that we're working with the different partners here to make sure that their different LP assets and diverse receipt tokens and things are able to be supported on dolomite so that there's native capital efficiency built into all the important projects here on chain. So the stuff that made arbitrum so successful early on, which was like, the lack of tribalism, the hunger from builders to just work with each other and do cool things. Yeah, I already see, like, the group here being able to replicate that and being able to, like, take that success and really run with it from working closely with one another.

Significance of Dolomite

I'm gonna push back on Corey for a second. He's being cute about it. Dolomites, a lot more important than just being like, a simple lending and borrowing piece because of the thing he said earlier about having the ability to retain the power of your governance or your voting or the utility of your tokens. I don't know of anybody else that does that. And so if you're somebody that's building on a chain, you can partner with Dolomite and not, you know, there's this. There's this symptom when you come to a new chains where, like, what do people do? They farm lp's. They leverage loop to try and get, you know, air drops, and they ape into some cool ideas. All right.

Ownership and Utility

Dolomite allows people to still maintain a level of ownership that they wouldn't have if they just did that on like, an ave fork. So I'm gonna let you finish. But. No, but really, but dolomite is so important to that piece. And I'm saying that as somebody who just, you know, has had, like, an experience with this on blast. Like, it's just not. It's. It's night and day. What you're going to be able to do with dull night through supersede versus if you were going to do this somewhere else. But. Sorry. Thank you for that. No, you're welcome. I get a little nervous every time that nosh just cuts me off and says, I gotta say something here, and it sounds kind of like a contrarian of what I'm saying.

DeFi Ecosystem Dynamics

You never know where he's gonna go with things. But, but kidding aside, though, I think it's really well said. And, like, this kind of plays into the aspect of, like, dev apathy, where, like, you know, when people are building really cool things, people get really excited by it, but then people forget, like, can sometimes grow tired of it or not so excited by it because they're like, oh, this thing that they're building is really cool. But, you know, how do we compose with that and the rest of the Defi ecosystem? You know, as we all know, like, one of the awesome super powers of DeFi is just being able to just take one asset from one platform, bring it to another, and do something really cool with it that you couldn't do elsewhere.

Maximizing Asset Utility

And this amplifies the utility that you can get from your assets, the different strategies that you can run and the way that you want to project your view of the market or yield, or how you arbitrage things. And it just becomes so expressive and fun in ways that you just can't do otherwise. It just makes DeFi a bit of a game in that regard. And the fact that Dolomite can exist as this core platform, for people to take the cool stuff they're building at DeFi and make sure that those functionalities are passed through our platform so that people can still experience them is really awesome. And if you guys haven't experienced this yet, you can go to our website and deposit the ArB governance token on Arbitrum, or the GMX token from GMX on there.

Innovations in Liquidity Management

And you'll notice that you can continue staking and doing all those cool things with it while actively borrowing against them on our platform. And we think it's really important to carry through those functionalities to really innovative chains like supersede, where there's going to be a lot more things going on there. So supersede can build something really cool into the chain itself beyond what they're currently doing, especially as development continues. And we'll be there as first party support to be able to pass that through and make sure that it gets the recognition and the utility that it deserves.

Recognition of Dolomite's Flexibility

I love that exchange. Thank you, guys. And I agree on Dolomite's flexibility unparalleled. And I think combining super collateral proof of repayments. I can already see a bunch of creative ways that you guys can leverage that, but let's move forward. We can look back on that. Kohaku, do you want to go next? How do you see orange as part of the, this core defi cohort of supersede and sustainable yield and LPDFI, where do you guys sit in that stack?

Orange Finance's Approach

Sure. Yeah, orange finance and supersede. Both of them, both of us is aiming to build, I mean, supersede is aiming to build sustainable deFi. We both aiming the more capital efficient way and yeah, orange Finance, we utilize the amms and derivatives on top of amms to seek the most capital efficient way to deliver those capital efficient way to liquidity providers and super, I mean, on supersede. So actually, we are the automated liquidity manager. So we need the protocol, I mean, the LPDFI protocol to be there.

Deployment and Collaboration

I mean, to be supersede or any other ecosystem otherwise, orange finance, because orange Finance needs to deploy our product on top of those notable LPDFI protocols. And when we firstly talk with Supersede and the strike, we both agree with the vision of LPD five stuff and strike and is coming to supersede and like. So, yeah, we share the vision and we agree with bringing more and more capital efficient LPDFR protocols to new ecosystem. I mean, super seed. And, yeah, at that time, were so get so excited about the future of Defi.

Shared Vision in DeFi

So, yeah, amazing. I think, you know, what's in common with everybody here is that the vision is very shared, right? Like, we're very aligned on this mission of making Defi more sustainable, flexible, and kind of introducing things that you can't necessarily do anywhere else because of the way the base layer is structured and because of the protocols working together. But I'm going to throw the ball over to the Jones crew next.

Opportunities with Supersede

Go for it, Shreddye. You don't want to, you don't want to go off. King all right. No, I mean, I think similar to what Kaku was saying. I mean, you know, we always talk about how liquidity is King and we've kind of seen, you know, looking through our past strategies. A lot of it comes down to the management of liquidity and how to direct it in the best way for a user to benefit, but also for an ecosystem to grow.

Strategic Layering with Supersede

And with supersede specifically, I think this is a huge opportunity not only for at a base layer to, you know, have kind of yield that supplements the properties that are coming onto the chain, but also provide a layered strategy approach. I'm already thinking of so many things that can be done with dolomite on supersede alongside Jones with some of our new smart LP products on Supersede, to just have a very clean and beneficial lending and borrowing experience for the user.

Exploring New Opportunities

So we're very excited about that. And then there's also so many opportunities outside of the LP space for us. We still do create strategies based on native ecosystem apps, specifically on arbitrum these days for GMX, and I'm sure there's going to be opportunities for us to do the same thing here and overall, just optimize and make efficient all of the. Not only the liquidity, but the, you know, those ecosystem apps and how they function.

Future Developments

So, I mean, I think we're going to see, we're going to have to see how things build out, but as soon as they do, we're going to be all over them. Very cool. Yeah, I love that. I feel like you guys, you know, you did something great with aura on arbitrum and in a bunch of other solutions, I think those will be very valuable, especially to the end users.

Recognizing Smart Innovations

And I love the success you guys are having with smart LP's. I was just talking to notch about this earlier. It seems crazy, the aprs you guys can pull with this kind of innovation, and I think that's going to be just further augmented on Superseq. Yeah. And it's coming down to optionality for the user. They can decide how they want to benefit from the strategy, and we've built that into most of the pools that we're launching.

Supersede User Strategies

So the same will apply to supersede users can be a little more risk on maybe take that LP token, use it as collateral and. And pay back a little earlier. Right. Or they can just let it ride, on a much larger deposit. So it's whale friendly, it's shrimp friendly. Friendly for everybody. I love it. Jones the friendly LP protocol. Perfect. Thank you, Jones crew. let's move on.

Introduction to Bullet X

Bullet X. Bruce Leias, us the vision of how you see Bullet X on Supersede. What's your role? So, as, like I mentioned earlier, that we want to be the, like, the bottom, most layer, okay, of supersede, where, like, for any chain, it requires, you know, basic primitives, right? Like dexs or the liquidity and all that kind of thing. But we won't be stopping there. we'll be bringing the liquidity hooks as well.

Collaboration with Partners

So with that, you know, like our partner protocols, like strike and Orangefi and all, like we can have a more smart contract level partnership. Okay. Apart from that, we are planning to have a couple of other committees coming to supersede as well. For example, perk Dex and token management. Okay. Token management over here would be like, you know, no code token launch platform, token lockers and all that kind of thing, which will help other projects, which will help projects to bring transparency very easily.

Focus on User Experience

They don't have to reinvent the wheel and all. So our focus is on that part as well. Very cool. Much appreciated. And I think something that's actually very important here is even though there's some pretty complex innovations here at the base layer and then with the protocols that are kind offering services on top of it, whether it's lending, borrowing, liquidity management, whatever, I think the crossing the chasm to being very user friendly is going to be super key here, as in how do we offer this whole stack and synergy of different protocols and the base layers to our users in a digestible way?

Utilizing User-Friendly Platforms

How can people come and take advantage of these yields in a simple way? And I think that's where all of you guys play a very big part in kind of optimizing for that great user experience. Okay, very cool. Does anybody want to add anything at this point? I think went through everybody. I think the audience has a pretty good overview of what you guys do. Very broad and brief overview. Of course we're happy to host more spaces and really dig in deep with all of you guys later on.

Funding and Mainnet Launch

But is there something you guys want to add at this point? David, do you want to add something before we head on? I think we can move on. Very cool. We're actually on schedule. I'm very surprised, but pleasantly surprised. Let's move on to kind of maybe pulling things together, summarizing the key points. But before we go there, we have a couple of questions in the chat. First one is, does this project have funding or seed rounds? David, you want to take that one?

Funding Details

We do have funding and regarding details around the funding, there's not that much that we can share right now, but yeah. More info on that will come in the following weeks. Following weeks stay tuned folks. Notifications on, et cetera. Second question, when is the expected time for Mainnet? Great question. We're gunning for Q four. We're very much taking care of all the necessary preparations behind the scenes of talking to a lot of partners.

Mainnet Preparations

I think the folks here are testament to that, but there's a lot more on the way. We're looking to essentially, you know, aim for a smooth main net launch later this year. Third question. Rebates from fees are used to repay loans. How do they generate revenue for the ecosystem and continue the momentum? So I can take that one very briefly. If you think about it, essentially all of our on chain profits from those three sources, right?

Revenue Generation

So sequencer fees, borrower interest and proof of repayment go to repay the loans of super collateral borrowers. Now, you can think of that as token value accrual, right? And I think that's a big differentiator with supersede compared to a lot of these other layer two platforms which have next to none token value accrual. And we do it in a very unique, capital efficient way, like David mentioned.

Innovative Token Properties

Essentially, we want to give our native token properties that no other token has super collateral status, which may be extended to other tokens down the line. But early on, it'll be just something for our own token. So that's, I think, a big momentum driver in the sense that we, you know, the money that we make as a chain, it doesn't go and sit in coffers doing nothing, but we actually use it in a very creative way to deliver value back into the ecosystem.

Value Delivery in the Ecosystem

And I think that's what makes us different. It's also, I think, a big value driver to all the protocols building on top of us. Because at the end of the day, the kind of model that we have benefits everyone. That builds on supersede, that uses supersede. Hope that answered the question. Let me check if there's any other questions. Cool.

Closing Remarks

Not at this time, I think. Closing remarks, next steps. Super happy to have you guys on today. I think this is enlightening for a lot of people. We're also going to put push this recording on all of our channels. I think what we're doing here is very unique in the sense that we have a very unique base layer to build on top of and all to the benefit, ultimately, of the end user.

Defi Innovation

What we've spoken about today is building a new form of defi, something that's flexible, fun, sustainable overall, while keeping the essence of Defi with high yields and kind of new innovations. I don't have anything to add on top of that. So unless any of our partners here today, or David, or if anybody wants to hop up on stage and jam for a little bit, let me know.

Collaboration and Contribution

So I would end with a few things. I would say that our primitives require some of our partners primitives to be built on our chain. For example, if we think about let's say sequencer revenue, right? We collect those in eat, those have to be swapped into our stablecoin for repayment to happen. So that's the first, basically the first place where we actually need one of you guys to participate and where we are, like the chain itself, becomes a customer of an application.

Future of Supercollateral

What I would also add is that we believe supercollateral as a primitive. So the idea of a token becoming the type of collateral that allows you to borrow against it, not pay interest, and have your loan repaid over time from that application fees will become a standard. And we haven't really talked too much about how we hope to allow other tokens to become a super collateral as well in our CPP lending platform.

Capital Efficiency and Value Return

But down the road, our vision is to open this primitive to all protocols in crypto because we believe it's the best or the most capital efficient way of bringing back value to a token. We have all those protocols in DeFi that are generating fees, but the way those fees get distributed back token holders is flawed, in my opinion. And if you can take out a loan that could represent years worth of yield and have it gradually be like that loan getting repaid over time, that's probably the best of all worlds, so to speak, right?

Utilizing Loans for Yield

Because you can utilize that loan furthermore in DeFi to generate additional yield, and at the same time, you still benefit from the fees that your protocol is generating. So that's a discussion for another Twitter space. But we're really excited about the opportunities that we have when it comes to building these new primitives on chain. And yeah, was really pleased that we gathered a crew today and had this call.

Appreciation and Community Involvement

And thank you for participating. And yeah, back to you, mesky. Appreciate it, David. I want to end there, but before we do, I want to tackle one more question from simplicity. I just saw this one come in. Simplicity is one of our top contributors, by the way, and shout out to all of our contributors.

Community Contribution Culture

I think it's a very core way of how we do things. We want to involve the community in everything that we do. We think the success of Supersede is the aggregate of what we all do together to benefit the chain. But simplicity's question is pretty simple. Is there going to be a program for contributors in the near future? I don't know about a program, but I do want to say that we always reward contribution and we're always looking for community talent.

Recognizing Community Efforts

So there's not been a couple of instances where people from the community sort of rise up the ranks, so to say, and start picking up certain tasks within the protocol. I think two chairs here today is a good example. Recently joined the supersede team after being a mod for us. Amazing work, and there's a lot of other examples as well, but I want to end on that.

Building a Culture of Contribution

A culture of contribution is something that we want to build, and the success of supersede is shared with all of you guys. Cool. Thanks so much, everybody, for hopping on. We'll catch you at the next one and have a fantastic week. Cheers. Cheers. Thank you, guys.

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