Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Blockchain Fridays: Celestia Weekly w/ Initia, Zaar & Prism. Updates hosted by koolcryptovc. Blockchain Fridays: Celestia Weekly provided a deep dive into the latest updates and insights within the blockchain space. Industry leaders like Initia, Zaar & Prism shared valuable perspectives on DeFi, development, gaming integration, and more. Discussions on AI, innovation, and the metaverse highlighted the evolving landscape of blockchain technologies. Community engagement, SocialFi, and trading strategies were also key areas of focus, emphasizing the importance of diverse projects and advancements in the industry.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 93


Q: What were the main updates shared during Celestia Weekly?
A: Celestia Weekly featured updates on various blockchain technologies and projects.

Q: Who were the key industry leaders contributing insights to the space?
A: Initia, Zaar & Prism shared valuable perspectives on current trends and developments.

Q: How does DeFi influence the blockchain space?
A: Decentralized finance (DeFi) plays a significant role in reshaping the blockchain landscape.

Q: What is the significance of community engagement in blockchain projects?
A: Community engagement is vital for fostering growth and adoption in blockchain initiatives.

Q: How are unique projects contributing to the blockchain ecosystem?
A: Unique projects are driving innovation and diversity in the blockchain space.

Q: Why is AI important for blockchain functionalities?
A: AI enhances blockchain capabilities and user experiences through innovative solutions.

Q: What role does the metaverse play in blockchain technologies?
A: The metaverse presents new opportunities and synergies for blockchain advancements.

Q: How does SocialFi impact decentralized applications?
A: Social finance (SocialFi) plays a crucial role in enhancing decentralized applications (dApps).


Time: 00:15:42
Decentralized Finance Trends Insights on the latest DeFi trends and their impact on the blockchain sector.

Time: 00:25:18
Innovative Blockchain Solutions Exploring cutting-edge solutions and advancements in blockchain infrastructure.

Time: 00:35:55
Gaming & Blockchain Integration Discussions on the fusion of gaming projects with blockchain technologies.

Time: 00:45:33
Community Engagement Strategies Key strategies for effective community engagement in blockchain projects.

Time: 00:55:11
AI Applications in Blockchain Discovering the impact of AI on enhancing blockchain functionalities.

Time: 01:05:27
Metaverse Innovations Future potentials and innovations in the metaverse for blockchain integration.

Time: 01:15:44
SocialFi in dApps Exploring the role of SocialFi in decentralized applications and its benefits.

Time: 01:25:19
Trading Strategies & Wallet Importance Insights on effective trading strategies and the significance of secure wallets.

Key Takeaways

  • Updates on blockchain technologies and projects shared during Celestia Weekly.
  • Insights from industry leaders Initia, Zaar & Prism on current trends and developments.
  • Discussion on the growing importance of decentralized finance (DeFi) and its impact on the blockchain space.
  • Exploration of innovative solutions and advancements in blockchain infrastructure and development.
  • The role of gaming and unique projects in shaping the future of blockchain ecosystems.
  • Importance of community engagement and marketing strategies in blockchain projects.
  • Consideration of AI and innovation in enhancing blockchain functionalities and user experiences.
  • Insights on trading strategies in the blockchain market and the significance of wallets for asset management.
  • Exploration of the metaverse impact on blockchain technologies and potential synergies.
  • Discussions on social finance (SocialFi) and its role in decentralized applications (dApps).

Behind the Mic

Introduction by Speaker 1

I'm busy putting my team on it is pull up with the beam I put that girl in a beam she make a mess and she clean up she call her friend and name Tina two or three song drop a few hits on a layla ever since I've been single Shayna I'm gonna make it famous at bullshit wanna be matrix dodger car like the matrix dodge a call like steady on top better believe they keep praying on my fire better believe Imma die on top better believe I just watch my off seam up y'all better believe y'all better believe y'all better believe y'all better perceive y'all better believe yeah y'all better believe, yeah I'm just such young.

Reflections by Speaker 2

Dirty plastic I'm gone off weed of acid magic my mind is doing backflips, gymnastics all my albums classic all these fake rappers they stay capping about a whole lot of that ain't happen middle finger plus dumb cause I stay snapping they fronted on me I may back.

Continuation by Speaker 1

It 600 I may back it baby.

More Insights from Speaker 2

We ain't in the same bracket they rhyme waves this is Lake placid.

High Energy Exchange

You want to be high for this?

Commitment from Speaker 2

On God I'm a ride, I'm a die for this looking better, you make us I'm confident, tell it swallow my cockiness.

Reinforcement of Belief

Believe I just watch my ops team up y'all better believe y'all better believe y'all better busy, oh, yeah Autumn all.

Technical Details

Travis cat this automatic pantograph cinematic give me mattress, baby download the crevices looking for the killer murderer got no assist Jake lash I'm in the city with it.

Pledges of Persistence

Better believe oh, yeah they keep praying I'ma fall y'all better believe I'm a die on top better believe I just watch my ops team up y'all better believe y'all better busy y'all better believe y'all better busy y'all better believe.

Casual Conversation Begins

Oh, yeah what up, what up?

Greetings and Week Overview

Was going on? Happy Friday, guys. Welcome to another episode of Blockchain Fridays with lessest.

Commencing Weekly Session

Let's start weekly. We got czar here. I think we supposed to have the guys from initiative here also.

Coordinating with Paco

Paco, I'm kind of confused, man. Where you at, bro? Are you Paco? Are you. Are you on the. On the main page today, man? Or which one are you, Mandev?

Clarifying Requests

Am I saying to request for both? I don't know which one. You just accept the mic for both.


All right. I'm not sure. So I'm bringing back up and I'm looking for the guys from. Oh, I see.

Introducing Fairblog

Oh, I see. The guys from Fairblog. What's up, guys? I guess joint.

Ryan From Prism

Ryan from Prism is also going to be here. Okay. Anime PFP son should be here soon, I think.

General Excitement

And. Yeah. Excited, guys. Yeah, yeah.

Technical Check

So the guys know Zarzar is here, added. You guys, I think your mic just went off.

Initiative Discussion

so what about initiative? I can't, like I said, it's pfps. I can't really tell, though.

Identifying Initiative Members

So which, which ones are the guys from initiator, you know? Oh, it's son, but I think he's not here yet.

Identifying Roles

He also has a lot. Okay, I got you. Yeah. You know, their faces. Just let me know when.

Session Overview

When these guys arrive. So welcome to show, guys. We hear every Friday, man.

Topics of Discussion

Just talking crypto talking. Talking crypto talking. Was it called, you know, talking about celestial?

Introducing Upcoming Guests

But today we have. We supposed to have prism. We supposed to have, you know, Czar was here earlier.

Next Steps

I think it just dropped off. And the guys from initiative also here, we just, we have like an hour, not too long, just talking about what's going on in the modular ecosystem and we'll move on from that, man.

Expressing Gratitude

But first of all, thank you guys for being there. I know it's Friday, and you know what?

Audience Engagement

I want you guys, if you could retweet this page to me, that'll be awesome. And that'll be cool.

Ensuring Focus

I'll be cool. Let me, I'm going to. Let me make sure we've centered this in the groups.

Coordination with Team Members

Okay? Okay. Parker's man's message me, I'm just checking to make sure nothing else is going on to make sure we got.


Okay, cool. Okay. I already sent it. Also, Barack. Barack.


Appreciate you both for sending the space out. So just reach the space. We'll start in a bit.

Checking In

So. So, pac, what's going on, man? How's, how's the week being?

Final Thoughts

This busy, I'm sure, right, man? Yeah, it's been a busy week, but all in all, very good.

Personal Update

I saw that you doxed yourself, man. Oh, yeah.

Future Plans

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I was playing, planning to do it. I've always planned to do that, but I just felt like it was time because I'm doing so much, man.

Diversifying Platforms

I'm trying. I'm trying to start my own YouTube channel, my own TikTok channels, which are already have already.

Awaiting Launch

I have YouTube channels ready, but I'm not. I'm trying to convert my. Because I have, like, a massive Instagram and YouTube channel for fitness and dieting.

Transforming Focus

It was pretty big, so. But now crypto is taking over my life, man.

Rebranding Social Media

So I need to convert my. My social media pages converted to crypto now. So I decided to go.

New Beginnings

Go live. My face is out there, man. So.

Excitement to Proceed

So, yeah, that's it. yeah, man. So let's. Let's start this stuff.

Timing Discussion

Let's go. so should we wait, what do you think, Paco? A bit before in these, I guess, come in the guests in prison, or we.

Pondering on Guests

Or should we just go straight with the guys bazaar.

Guest Preferences

By the way? So it's asking if we want him as son or initiative.

Deciding Preferences

What do you say? Oh, I didn't hear what you. What did you say, bro?


Oh, son is asking if we want him a son or initiative. Comments?

Audience Awareness

Nisha, man, come on. So.

Education on Initiative

So we can have people here, any. Anyone that doesn't know what initiative, they found that page.

Emerging Trends

That's the next. Next big thing in crypto right now.


Join is join as the official account, for sure, because. Because what happens is not everyone really knows exactly what initiative is, what was going on.

Expanding Reach

I have a different audience from different platforms. So people that come, that normally follow me, they would come learn from the actual initiate itself.

Engaging Audience

Like, look at Zar right now. A lot of people. What's that?

Following the Trend

Z. They'll click on the page. They'll go on. They're going to pay.

Educational Goals

So, yeah. Okay, let me learn about Zahdemental. This toward Zardo.

Clarification on Importance

So this is why it's important to 100% come as the initial page.

Inviting Ryan

yes. By the way, you want. Can you invite Ryan up?

Engaging with Ryan

All right. Ryan. Where's Ryan? Where's Ryan?

Checking In

Ryan? Ryan. I'm not sure what's.

Clarifying Roles

Oh, that's kitty, though, right? Maybe he can correct me if I'm saying something.

Understanding the Situation

Okay, okay, I see. Right? Okay. I just follow Ryan.

Transition to Ryan

I'm gonna bring you up right now. You up.

Continuing Engagement

Awesome. Also, I'm gonna bring you up. I just bring initiative.

Focus on Agenda

Bring. Bring your dues up here. That's cool.

Follow Up Inquiry

I'm gonna send you guys. Give me a second, guys.

Making Adjustments

I'm saying initial cohost. I'm saying Zara co host.

Next Steps

You guys just accept that, be pretty cool, and we'll keep moving.

Welcome and Affirmation

Yes. So welcome to show, guys. You guys, amazing, man.

Gratitude Towards Participants

I appreciate for coming. Okay, you guys, are all here now.

Introducing Initiative

We got, we got initiative here. We got, we got paco here, my bro.

Continuing with the Show

We got Zara and we got Ryan, man. So let's stop with the show, man.

Time Management

We're here for the hour. I want, I want to respect you guys time.

Every Friday Discussion

We, I do this every Friday. We talk about celestial, we talk about other modular ecosystem projects.

Prioritizing Audience Time

And I don't want to take too much of your time. I appreciate you guys for being there.

Invitation to the Audience

So the audience, if you can't let me reach through this space, make me get more audience in there, because I wanted to hear everything these projects I've been doing, man.

Acknowledging Progress

But you guys have been doing well. What I'm going to do is, we'll probably kind of split it.

Dividing Conversations

We'll start with initiative first, then we'll do Zara, then prism.

Engaging Questions

And if anyone has any questions, you go request from the mic.

Focus on Projects

We're here to talk about the projects. We're not here to talk about airdrops when I hate to talk about talking price.

Informing the Audience

We just want to know what these projects have been up to for the past couple of months. So I appreciate you guys for being there, man.

Introducing Initiative Team

so initiative, I don't know who's behind the account was. Let me introduce yourself.

Greeting from Initiative

Hello. It is brothers on here.

Committee Roles

One of the co founders of Initia, often chief BDsm officer, business development, strategy, marketing.

Team Introduction

How y'all doing? Appreciate the blockchain Friday conversation.

Collective Greetings

Happy Friday. Happy Friday. Happy Friday.

Casual Space

Yeah, so what we're going to do is, you know, we, this is a very informal space we just talked to.

Project Updates

We'll ask, we're asking them questions about your protocol projects. Any updates is going on, and we'll give the mic to the other projects.

Support from Co-Host

And my co host, Paco, he would also, was it called. He would also ask some questions if you guys any.

Proceeding Format

And we'll just go from there, man. He's a very loose space.

Setting the Tone

I normally, I like my spaces loose. I think it's easier that way.

Gathering Insights

So let's do this. Let me, let me get introduction from all the guys, too.

Identifying Contributors

So who's behind the accounts? What's going on?

Engagement with Members

Whoever's behind the SAR account. So Saul has already been in our spaces before, and he gave us a lot of very good sleeping techniques that actually, like, I really recommend anyone to follow, but Saar and also Ryan, you guys have to give us your favorite sleeping technique in Ryan, when you have to intro yourself.

Cultural References

I think that's Kirito from Sword Art online. Would. Am I wrong?

Continuing with the Dialog

Anyway, sorry. You can. You can continue, man.

Addressing Techniques

And by the way. For which ones?

Questioning Techniques

Which what techniques?

Discussing Techniques

So. No, yeah, you have to tell us, like, something that, like, you know, like, dude, like, in crypto, like, you get very stressed.

Handling Stress

There's a lot. There are a lot of things going on, sometimes you just need to, like, sleep.

Personal Techniques

What's your, like, go to technique for, like, sleeping really well?

Response from Speaker 3

Oh, man, that's a. That's a good one, actually.

Stress Management

You know, first thing has been, like, you know, maybe, like, maybe, you know, not health advice, but, like, some melatonin is actually really great.

Alternative Suggestions

Second, like, for people that don't want to take that, I think, like, chamomile tea is pretty much perfect as well.

Practical Advice

Like, a double fucking bag of, like, chamomile tea is always really good.

Additional Recommendations

So those are. That's pretty much the. The top two I would recommend, if not just a load of shipping throughout the day.

Final Thoughts

Usually does the trick, though. Yeah.

General Consensus

Paco likes to ask people what his sleepy technique is because most of us are slots.

Characterization of Slots

We all know slots are super lazy, so that's why he likes to ask what your sleeping technique is.

Encouraging Input

So let's hear from Ryan. Ryan, what's going on?

Introducing Ryan

Are you being. Give us a short summary about who you are.

Ryan Shares Background

Hey, what's up? Yeah, I'm Ryan.

Career Progression

I was actually working as a protocol engineer at Celestia for the past two years, and now we're spitting out to make prism, so.

Summary from Ryan

Yeah, that's pretty much. I appreciate being here, man.

Referencing Connections

Nick. Nick has been raving about you guys in the past because we talk to Nick is, oh, you get prism on the show.

Promoting Prism

Get prisma shot. I'm like, okay, we're gonna get prism on the show.

Final Scheduling

I just need to get the schedule out, man. But, yeah, man, he's been raving on you guys for.

Into the Future

For, like, weeks now, so I'm happy you guys are here.

Commencing the Show

All right, man. Let's start this show, guys.

Initiating the Discussion

Of course. By the way, cool. If we could start with Sara, it would be great because Omnia told me I have to leave in 30 minutes. Oh, for sure. So. Yeah, no problem. No problem. No, Paco, you know, you. You take this. You take this one because, you. Absolutely. Yeah, I actually. So. Well, I. I wanted to start with the. With you guys from sar because I know you guys have been. Well, you guys are really going to initiative. I guess you're going to be using the vip program. And also, like, I know you guys are building something for, like, slots. I hear it's a rainforest with a bed. So, yeah, I'd love if you could tell, like, more about that and. Yeah, like. Easily.

Overview of Czar and Zarchain

Yeah, probably worth touching on. Just a quick overview and then like, we'll dive into the rainforest side of things because we very much enjoy that, obviously, you know, we engage a lot with the. With our fellow sloths on the. On the TL. Right. So overall, like, for those that aren't aware, Czar is effectively the, you know, we're building czar chain, which is effectively known as the fun network. The idea would effectively be that it is exactly as it sounds, offers a wide variety of different applications and also just, you know, generally friendly environment for a lot of degenerate activities. You know, whether it's for better or worse, we think better. Right. So some of these things include, for example, like native on chain or digital trinkets that you can enjoy games of chance with.

The Nature of Czar and User Engagement

Some would call it a casino, maybe. We wouldn't necessarily call it that, but let's just say it is somewhat relatable. But again, as I mentioned, on chain digital trinkets for games of chance, the other side of it too is launching complimentary applications that actually go and synergize with those games of chance, one of them being Sudoswap that we announced recently. And this is kind of like part of the whole rainforest thesis, if you will, for sloths. And what we want to do with zarchain, particularly because we do feel that the sloths deserve a much better trading environment than what currently exists. Obviously no shots fired, but the idea being that obviously if they can get interwoven with us, I know it may take a little bit of time to crawl over, but if you guys can get interwoven with us on Zar chain, then we feel that it'll be a much more, let's just say, suitable habitat.

Collaboration with Sudoswap

So, Omnia, can you also explain a bit why you chose to work with a partner like Sudo swap instead of doing a club style NFT platform? Yeah, Sudo essentially allows for some rather interesting composability. It is also a little bit more familiar to swapping of a token. So many have become very accustomed with, like, let's just say like my swap feature from like Uniswap or any other kind of swap experience through a Dex on any chain of choice. So we felt like it was important to actually bring something that made a lot more sense that way in terms of how people were familiar and ultimately being able to have like a composable element with LP of the actual NFTs themselves, whether it's slots or any other collection people launch natively on Zara chain through Sudo swap or say bad kids or any other cosmos focused collection that may want to bridge over it allows you to kind of, let's just say, take the other side of the typical trade, which is a couple sides, right?

Liquidity Provisioning and Swapping Mechanics

Like you're either a buyer, you're a seller, or you're basically on both sides. And both sides would effectively make you an LP. So with pseudoswap, you can do that. You can deposit the token of your choice, like init or Czar eTH, for that matter, USDC, whatever you'd like, and effectively provide whatever possible liquidity you feel you would like to provide, whether it's one USDC or 10,000 USDC were the equivalent of any other token paired with whatever slots. Right. Or just one side and let people kind of cheat their slots into your bids and vice versa. Right. So all of this stuff kind of allows us to create a very cohesive ecosystem with, for example, the games of chance that we'll be shipping on Zarchain ourselves and a number of other apps. So there's interest from like meme coin launchers, interest from a number of NFT collections.

Why Sudoswap and its Advantages

So, yeah, I hope that helps kind of touch on why we decided to bring Sudoswap over specifically. Yeah. One of the other things I think is really interesting about Sudoswap is that you can incentivize liquidity in much more interesting ways than on typical NFT marketplaces. Like NFT marketplaces thus far, it's pretty hard to be like, hey, we're going to, you know, incentivize or give out liquidity mining for buying or selling nfts or, you know, committing volume. But on pseudoswap, since the trading is done like a pool, you can essentially just provide liquidity mining rewards to a. Pool, as you typically would. But there's actually nfts in there. Yep. So I think that'll be a great mechanism to use to be able to have an enticing treat to bring all the sloths over.

VIP System Insights

Definitely a treat. Yeah. And maybe. Yeah, go ahead. Good. No, no, go, go. Well, it's definitely worth touching on what some of the, you know, VIP system, let's just say, would end up actually looking like for NFT traders and like why we of course, want to give many treats if you want to the slots. Right. So on Zar chain specifically, we've kind of figured out a way. And actually for those that were on the last space we did actually with initiative, you may know this already, but. So I'll say it again, but the idea is with the VIP program, the overall, I guess you could say, architecture of it is that it has to be a verifiable and on chain metric.

Distribution of Tokens and Incentives

So given the scope of what we're doing with Zar chain being one of, if not like the first horizontal built chain, wherever be other apps outside of our own native app on top, the idea is that we're going to be using a fungible token to distribute what we call ZXP or ZaR XP. And then this will be effectively distributed to users on a weekly basis based on their activity. And it will span a number of things. It'll span how you interact with the NFT ecosystem on ZaR. It'll span how you interact with the games of chance, Ansar as well. So basically any and all participation with specific key weightings will definitely be encouraged and incentivized or, you know, treated well, no pun intended. So that's the idea and why we feel like it's actually going to be an extremely suitable environment or habitat for the sloth specifically.

Market Entry and Interaction with Zarchain

So yeah, that's, I guess you could say just to cherry pick on top of like what Zon mentioned, the liquidity incentivization component, were really excited about to see like how it'll mature certain cosmos nfts that have existed for other years or rather new, but have like really cult like communities like the sloths. So, yeah, I hope that helps put that into perspective. Yeah. So I do have a question, right. Because I know a lot of us, a lot of people that not too familiar with protocols built on initiative, right? Like Czar for example. Like is our, it's our defi project where a defi bubble chain where people come and swap tokens and trade nfts, is that what the goal is overall?

Understanding Czar's Goal

The goal is more so the latter where Zar chain, you can come to have fun, right? So there are a lot of really. Exciting and really innovative products that are actually launching their own minishas on top of initiative, obviously. And we feel like those are actually really great. However, we wanted to ensure that people can also have a place on initiative where they can effectively like express their degeneracy in the ultimate form. Right. So that is ultimately what Czar is going to end up serving as we will also be building a Dex because we don't want to leak value to any other. So if you're on Zarchain, there won't be a need for you to kind of like get across or to use a specific app, like, you should be able to do it natively.

User Experience and Interaction with Zarchain

On Zarchain is our belief, even if we integrate with some of the other products that will exist. But the idea is to have as much of a kind of chain abstracted slash, just generally application abstracted experience all built on top, all natively. And then, you know, of course, you know, have never ending fun on top as well. So. Yeah, yeah. So, so. As, as users. Because I'm pretty. I'm on different chains. A lot of people follow me are heavy users on different chains. Right. So how would an average person, how would they interact with Zara right now? Is it a live test that now do we have to wait for a couple of weeks before we can actually start testing protocol or.

Current Testing Applications

Yeah, good question. So there isn't kind of live or public version of actual testing applications right now? We've teased a bit of sneak peeks, but there's been a ton of work to ultimately rehaul, like the landing page kind of experience. So that as soon as people do arrive to like the Zara website from obviously this Twitter channel, you'll be able to immediately select what type of experience you want to have. Whether it's just coin flipping or whether you want to play Zlinko, which is just our take on Plinko, but with a zenith, or you want to actually go and trade nfts of any kind. Could be sloths, could be literally anything. So the idea is like, once it is live along with initiative on day one, we feel like there will be, let's just say a variety of different things that people will be able to do.

Launch Expectations

The idea is like, pseudoswap will also be live day one with us. So the bridge effectively from stargaze for sloths to chain where they can live and exist freely and roam all over, pseudoswap will effectively be live on day one anyway, too. So that's what you can expect, what Mainnet is. Yeah, because Czar is an interwoven roll up. They kind of have a lot of the features out of the box when it comes to, as a user, how you go and interact with this chain, that's one of the value props of initiative as a whole, is that any chain that's building on the interwoven stack doesn't need to deal with getting third party bridges or dealing with liquidity or figuring out how you're going to connect to wallets or what the bridge experience looks like.

Benefits of Using Initiative

These are a lot of standardized features that we build as Initia because we want them to be somewhat similar across every minisha. The point of this is to create a collective group of chains that is very easy for users to interact with. Modularism is awesome, but one of the main drawdowns of multi chain networks is that they are different networks. And so as we move towards this chain abstracted experience, being able to control some of that product stack as initiative really takes a burden off of chains building on the interwoven stack. And so if you have any wallet, whether that be a EVM wallet like Rabi or metamask, if you're a cosmos user with like Kepler Leap, or you want to download the initial walleth, or there's even in app wallets within initiative to use with social logins, you can connect any of those directly to zarchain, czar, flip, whatever.

Assets Bridging and User Experience

And then to bring over assets, there is just a little wallet widget or a bridge widget that you can send assets from any chain. So any chain that's connected to layer zero or IBC directly into the czar chain. So if I have eth on optimism, or if I have USDC on osmosis, anything like that, I just connect my wallet and basically just hit one button on Zara's website, and then you'll be able to start interacting. And over time, some of these will become a lot more interwoven. So if you want to do a czar flip, but your assets are, for example, on Ethereum mainnet, you can just submit the transaction and then the bridging will happen in the backend. and you don't have to deal with manually bringing those assets over first.

Ethics and Philosophical Dimensions

Well, that is absolutely amazing, man. You, you're actually making, the use of apps a lot easier. A lot, a lot easier to transact to move assets from chain to chain. That's unbelievable, man. So, Paco, do you have any questions for Zara before I move to, initiative? Honestly? Yeah. I have more of a philosophical question. Like, I think it's not, like, necessarily technical, but do you feel like, okay, do you feel like liquidity is a feature or a bug? Because you could argue that, like, more liquidity, like, I feel like nfts, like, went up, like, so high in like, 2021 because they were very hard to sell. Liquidity has like, the opposite. Like, it's helpful seed, right? Like, if it's easier to sell, then it's harder for, like, the asset to go up.

Liquidity Perspectives

So it's like, I mean, like, this is just like more of a philosophical, like fun question, like I opinion here, but yeah, it's just something that came to mind. Yeah. This is something that we've thought about for a very long time, as you can imagine. And it's very subjective in many ways. It's similar to like a, it's similar to like a fungible token of like a different category. Right. So like a meme coin is gonna have a very different liquidity profile than say like a blue chip defi token, like aave. Right. So this is obviously going to play a very major role in how the market both values them and trades them. So we think the same of nfts, right?

Challenges in NFT Trade Dynamics

Like the ones that users. I think you rocked a bit over there. Can you hear us, czar? Yep. Omnia rugged. Yeah, I think you rugged. Maybe for a second I thought I rugged. I was like, oh fuck, I stopped here. No, I think we're good hairs. I'm here. Nah, nah. Damn. Are you going to drop down and come back up? All right, let's, let's go to initiative. so first of all, in, Oh, I make hairs now. Yeah, you probably lost me for a second. My headphones died. Oh, oh, yeah. You'll find out. Please go. Perfect. So basically the, just to recap really quick, like the liquidity profile, it should be very much up to those that should, that will be trading it.

The Evolution of Trading Dynamics

So, for example, the introduction of amms changed the way tokens are traded. For a long time, this didn't send everything to the moon as people may have either wanted or expected, but it did allow for things to be structured in different ways. Right? So, like, there are tokens with relatively deep liquidity on chain using amms, and there are tokens with relatively dry liquidity, so to speak, on chain as well. So all of these things, and also with respect to the actual market participants trading these things, it comes down to so many different factors too, right? So I feel personally, when it comes down to this loss, right? Something like that's higher volume collection with regards to the other nfts, they may be competing for attention wise.

Liquidity Benefits and User Engagement

More liquidity would likely benefit it. You'd probably see more lp's come in and try to actually earn yield, which we feel like can be done in a really cool and sustainably kind of like incentivized way on ZaR chain with pseudoswap. But maybe some low effort collection is probably not going to have the same success or appetite right. So it is subjective. At the end of the day, I think it makes a lot more sense for nfts. It gives me personally more confidence when I would want to purchase an ft that I can sell it for. Like, you know, even if I take a ten to 15% haircut, I'd rather do that than, you know that if I did want to sell it tomorrow, I'd likely take, let's just say, an order of magnitude larger than I would have wanted.

Liquidation Profiles

Right. So, yeah, I hope that makes sense. But I would lean more towards feature just to answer the question in a very simple, straightforward way. Yeah, no, that's. That's a good argument. I think that's a good argument also, like, I feel like it's. It's also like very hard to quantify. Like, I mean, like having like an objective on this I feel like would be wrong. Yeah, but it's like. Yeah, it's something that I was also like, thinking about, so. But that's actually like a pretty good answer. Yeah, I feel like that's also why it's like kind of easier to maybe launch like an NFD collection first in the beginning.

Challenges in NFT Market

Yeah. Like it's a. It's way easier to do than like launch a minque because like, then you have to worry about like volume liquidity. Exactly. And it's just like a much harder task, like with nfts, it's just like you launch in it. Exactly, exactly. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, we've seen a lot of other, let's just say, like, I won't say financial implications, but like financial tools built around this to like options or nfts. There's been. For nfts. There's a lot of cool stuff to be done around it, but let's just say it. It makes more sense for people to kind of, at least today.

Understanding NFT Value Perception

Right. Like, for people to kind of justify a. Being a, you know, some sort of job salary into a meme coin as opposed to an NFT. Right. Due to the fact that people are usually conditioned to the fact that nfts like, will largely have. Have a way. Way kind of riskier investment profile than something like a meme coin. As funny as that sounds. I mean, like if I were to rank it, right, like you have a fungible token, likely on the defi side, maybe something blue chip next.

Risk Profiles in Trading

The farther you go out on the risk curve, probably have some sort of meme coin from a somewhat reliable source, I guess that wasn't sniped or cto'd or whatever. Right. And then like really far out on the risk curve is likely some sort of NFT collection. Right. Which is why just for example, something to do with like mooncats the other day like ripped like 150 x and people were just extremely confused. Like how does that still happen in the NFT market? The reality is it doesn't take much for that to happen, especially when you have a super thin order book.

Market Dynamics and Manipulation

Right. So yeah, it's kind of like a meme coin. Right. You can very much manipulate the liquidity profile to allow know thousand dollar buy to rip it, like, you know, thousand percent. Right. So anyway, yeah, I think like lower cap collections, like for sure. Yeah, yeah. Like I think it's like, yeah, like it's actually like super interesting because as you say, like I feel like NFTs can even like be more like even more risky than like a meme coin. Like it's really, like, it's really weird and I, but I also feel like NFD is like another like big issue with them is that the distribution is like very bad.

Distribution Challenges in NFT Market

Yeah, because like if you're NF t, like it's really expensive, you have a bunch of people that can only like feed from the sidelines but can't really buy. I feel like that's one cool thing about meme points is that you can get in with like $10 and have. Exactly, yeah, it's, it's interesting. It's definitely like an interesting thing. Yeah, but anyway, cool. Yeah, actually, like just to kind of cap off this, that funny discussion. Right? Like say you had the ability right now, right, to like LP for slots or even like in the first week of the launch, would you have done it yourself?

Hypothetical Engagement with LP

You know, given how much they traded, given the prices that they went for, given the multiples that people made on them, like, would you have been compelled as an LPD for slots early on with any token of your choice initia, USDC, et cetera? I mean, probably on my end, yes. But also, like, I feel like, dude, like just being able to LP, I feel like it gives you like an extra distribution than having like an NFT collection. Like, I feel like it really limits you.

The Value of Liquidity Provisioning

So I mean, like, in my opinion, like that's a cool, like, I see that way. Like that it helps you like grow the buy and it helps you to like have more people with skin in the game. Yes. Which are then going to be sensitive. I still like, push because I feel like one thing that web three does really well, like, people say web three has no pm's, but I actually disagree, because, like, now it's like, your users are also, like, your customers, but you're not treating them as customers. It's like, oh, we're trying to sell them something, but you're actually giving them the sense that if you are successful, they are successful.

Empowerment through Web3

To end me. Like, that's really powerful. Yeah. So anything that makes distribution better, to me, it's good. So I'll probably say yes. Yeah.

Initial Reactions and Acknowledgements

Yeah. Nice. Yeah, that's interesting for us to hear, as well, so, yeah, I appreciate that, man. Yes, I know. I know. You mentioned you're trying to leave, so we’re trying to catch you before you left. So. Are you. Are you. Are you. Are you leaving now? Or you can hang for a bit. I think it got some czar. Amir, I think you said you're leaving, but I wasn't sure if you. If you can hang with it. Oh, well, I guess now, like, also, like, we can move to prism, which I think you guys are doing some also, like, some pretty cool stuff. Like, slightly different, maybe, like, a little bit less speculative, but. Yeah, like, Ryan, like, I would love to, like, hear, like, I think all the community would love to hear, like, what you guys are building.

Ryan Introduces Himself and Project Background

I saw your chat on, like, modular summit, which is pretty cool, because I actually didn't know that signal, for example, was, like, not really encrypted. I always thought, like. Well, signal is, like, oh, no, it is. So. Yeah, I'll get to that in a second. Yeah, so, hi, I'm Ryan. I said. I said this at the beginning of the call or space or whatever, but I was a part protocol engineer at Celeste for the past two years, and now I'm founding prism, by the way. Like, I don't. I think I need to get one of these slots where? What are they on? Forma? They on. Other. Stargaze. All right, what was the big. What was the big shout out to the slots in the house, man. Yeah, Ryan, you got to get one, bro. You got to get one.

Discussion About Initial Impressions of the Testnet

Yeah, I know. I know. What was the great. At the beginning of the call? I know. What was the sleep thing I missed there? You guys were, like, talking about. Oh, yeah. No, no, you can give us one of your sleeping techniques. It's like, dude, like, you're working encryption. I have to give a sleeping. Yeah, like, one that works for you. You know? It's like. What does that mean? Oh, like, for example, something that makes you fall asleep really fast. Like, you're working on encryption all night. You are super stressed. Good sex. Oh, wow. I guess, I mean, what else are you getting? That's, that's a good one, though. That's the way to cap off a long day. That's a good one. No, I don't know.

Addressing Security Concerns in Messaging Apps

Okay. No, that's a good one. I agree. Anyways, the, oh, also, Turkle, I know that there's a lot of turkish people, turkish usernames in here. I noticed. That's pretty cool. Anyways, so I guess I can kind of explain the problem first. That'll make the most sense. We're a lot more simple than like, Zara and Anisha. They are like Ultra Chad's building some super complex stuff, but we're just a super simple primitive on top of celestia. So the issue is that there are these end-to-end encrypted messaging apps and the end-to-end encryption works perfectly fine, right? So if you look at signal, for example, that works great. Like, your chats are end-to-end encrypted. Signal has actually the gold standard protocol for encrypted messaging. But the reason I said it's a Psyop in the original announcement post is because we're all led to believe that it's enough when it isn't.

Understanding Key Exchange Mechanics

I mean, okay, so let's say you want to send, you want to have an encrypted chat with somebody. What does that look like? You open one of these apps, you type in their phone number or like, you have their contact, but all that's really behind a contact is a phone number. And to start an encrypted chat with somebody, you need to have their public key. Like, that's the way the cryptography side of things work. You need to do a key exchange first. Except you have no way to derive their public key from their phone number. So you have to ask signal, ask WhatsApp. Hey, what is this dude's public key? And they can lie to you about that. And if they do, then they can man in the middle of you, because they can then set up an end-to-end encrypted chat between you and themselves. They can just send you their own key pair and you wouldn't know.

Describing the Solution with Prism

So that would mean that an app like signal could actually let governments read your chats if they really wanted. I'm not saying they do. I highly doubt they actually do. But they have openly in their documentation that they provide zero cryptographic guarantee that the person you're talking to is who signal says they are. And prism solves this. We implement a publicly verifiable key directory that lives on top of Celestia, and the chat app can directly see for itself that the person behind that public key is who they say they are. These operations on the key directory are ZK approved and then put onto Celestia. And then your chat lite client, or, I mean, your chat app just connects to the Celestia chain, downloads ZK proofs, and can verify them within milliseconds. So I think that this is the way that you're going to get light nodes everywhere.

Light Node Adoption and Internet Security Issues

Like we're not going to get with financial apps, sorry, but we're all in cryptos, we're all using like financial apps all the time. But how often do the people you know outside of crypto actually touch their financial apps? Not that often. I think the real way to adoption is by getting light nodes embedded in the apps that everybody is already using all the time anyways. So one of these things is messaging. But actually this problem exists everywhere else. So anytime you visit a website, you see like that little lock in your browser saying that your connection is secure. That's actually bullshit because nation-state actors like governments can and have many times in the past, singled out specific people, collaborated with certificate authorities to issue them a fake certificate. And what this means is that if a government is doing an investigation on you, they can simply, and it doesn't even need to be your government, they can simply collaborate with one of these certificate authorities to provide you with an invalid certificate.

Impact of Security Breaches on User Privacy

And what this means is that your browser doesn't notice it's invalid cause it's technically valid, but they can still read all of your traffic, like normally when your connection is secure. That means, for example, on Twitter, only you and Twitter know what's going on. Like the answers to the API calls. But if a government does this, they can see everything in plain text. They don't even need to collaborate with Twitter. They can just see your login details, your DM's, whatever they want, because all that network is unencrypted. So you could build a browser extension as well with prism that would let you verify these certificates directly and protect you from such attacks. A ton of Internet infrastructure is based on this simple idea. And with Celestia, it's the first time that we actually have the technology available for us to fix this and make something better.

Discussion on Initia and Its Purpose

Yeah, yeah, that. All right, that was a lot. So I definitely do appreciate what you just said about privacy is 100% importance in crypto or wherever, but may not say crypto I can say that because I think our industry's, it's open, which is fine. But I do agree with what you said. That's, that's pretty cool. I appreciate you for that. Mandev all right, so I do have some questions for initiative. First of all, I just want to say congratulations on the raise. You guys raised another massive amount of money from, you know, from some really big dogs in our industry. So big ups to you for that. So I think I just want to go back to it again, which is a lot of people in this space right now might not be familiar with. Nisha, can you, if you give just a regular, as easy as possible explanations to the average user, what is initia and what does it hope to solve?

Initiating Projects Developed on Initia

Sure. So we like to call initia a network for interwoven rollups. And what that means is we have a layer one plus an interconnected system of layer twos. Essentially what we're doing is we're rebuilding how multi-chain networks should look, feel and operate by kind of rebuilding the entire stack. That means the architecture framework that is used to build new chains, the product stack that end users use when they're interacting with these chains, and then the economic systems that kind of tie all of them together. So the initial L one is essentially a system that's built for a roll-up centric future. Now we're in this modular expansion right now, and we all have the belief that over time, the way that we're going to scale crypto is through lots and lots of individual chains. The problem with that is often this type of modularity or this idea that we're going to have lots and lots of individual chains creates a lot of confusion for either developers or users because, you know, these aren't separate blockchains.

Challenges in Achieving Modular Systems

The ideal solution would be if we had one like monolithic chain where all the state can be shared and everyone is interacting with it. But frankly, that is not a scalable choice. And in the long term, if we imagine we're going to grow to thousands of applications, to millions of users, that's not a way that we can proceed. We know that modularism is the future. Now, how do we make it as easy as possible for teams to build app chains, remove as many frictions when it comes to liquidity, user access and token migrations. And then that's essentially what initiative does. And so we've been working on this for about two years. We have about eleven layer twos on initia that have been publicly announced. We just wrapped up our testnet about a month ago and we're moving ahead to mainnet very soon.

User Experience Comes to the Fore

Yes, yes, I do. I'm sure me and a lot of users here, we did use the test that it is unbelievable how smooth it was. It was probably one of the most smooth testers I've ever used ever. It was unbelievable. And I think, and I do have a question about that. What? Why? Why was, why? Why is it that it was that smooth? I don't, I don't. It's because normally when I use testnet, there's always some kind of issue is buggy. But this one was different. And I used the guys blackwing and I'm like, the test check for initiative was unbelievable. So the question is why? What did you guys do different from all the projects to make your testing so smooth? Thank you. Those are very kind words. Appreciate you for checking it out and trying it. We did get cooked the first week, I gotta say.

Preparing Infrastructure for High Usage

Like a whole bunch of shit went wrong. We did not expect so many users to come and try out initiative, so we are pleasantly surprised. But that also meant we were a little bit unprepared. But as the weeks followed, we definitely beefed up our infrastructure and ensured we were ready for the amount of users that were trying out initiative. And I think it's just been a culmination of so much effort over the past two years that went into the product, went into making the UX as seamless as possible, but also went into the architecture stack. And then one of the things we really wanted to do was have a suite of applications to actually play with on day one. I think a lot of ecosystems focus on quantity over quality, but we're in the camp that all you really need for success is finding a few applications that really take off, that are compelling for new users and that people want to play with.

Launch Plans and Project Highlights

And so from day one on Testnet, we wanted to have that experience so that on Mainnet when we launched, we have at least eight to ten layer twos from day one that people can play with. So I'm really happy you played with Testnet. I hope you evolved your Jenny and she didn't die. But I thought we gamified it pretty well. Mine died, actually. Dude, you know Seth well, Paco. Paco's too busy, man. He's too busy. So he didn't see Jenny, man. I mean, I did do it for like two weeks, but yeah, then I was like, yeah, I failed you guys. Ako hates dogs, only sloths. So that's really cool.

Integrating with Different Ecosystems

So, so I do have no question here. And I'll get, I'll give them my. To Paco. So with initiative. So basically, where you guys live in the cosmos ecosystem? Are you guys outside the ecosystem? You know, are we, are we into Solana, into all the blockchains? Are we just keeping it just on this, on the cosmos side alone? So I'd say initiative uses the Cosmos SDK, but I wouldn't say we classify as the cosmos ecosystem. I've been talking about this a little bit today on Twitter, but I'm not really sure what defines the cosmos ecosystem. We definitely use the SDK and we contribute to it, but on initiative, you can use any wallet.

Interoperability and Flexibility in Blockchain Usage

So whether you are a rabi user or a metamask user, we allow teams that build roll-ups on the interoper stack to use any vm. So if they're building in solidity, which is what's used on EVM, if they're using cosmosm, what's used on Cosmos, or if they're even using move, which is what our layer one is in, and four of the layer twos on initia and move is what app dose in sui use. And so I wouldn't really classify ourselves as part of any existing ecosystem. I would say we use the tools within Cosmos SDK, but we are kind of our own system of sorts. And, you know, one of the parts of interwoven.

Launching Roll-ups and Connectivity

And what it means is that from day one, when you launch a roll up on initiative, you're instantly connected to everything. And that doesn't just mean other roll ups on initia or just cosmos chains, but you're also able to tap into liquidity from, you know, Ethereum, Solana, Apto, Sui optimism, arbitrum, anything like that, as well as CCTP and native USDC. When you launch a roll up on initiative, we have a very opinionated design on how these roll ups work. Rather than being a vending machine where we say you can use this interoperability solution or that one, this DA layer or that one, this wallet interface, or that, we standardize a lot of that so that these kinds of fungible choices aren't really required, we just work very deeply with the best-in-class solutions like Celestia and layer zero.

Future Projects and Launches

So that when you launch your chain, everything is there for you. You just have to focus on building your dApp. Absolutely amazing. Absolutely amazing. So I think as of right now, I know of blackwing and I think this sebisha, I think we just have Czar on so I think, can you name the projects right now that actually ready to launch on initiative? I think you said like ten or eleven, right? Yeah. So there's eleven we've announced, I'd say eight are probably ready for Mainnet. Hopefully all eleven will be. And then we have four in the pipeline that we'll be announcing soon. Tm, but some of them are Milky Way.

Participating Projects and Their Innovations

So Milky Way is the first and largest LST for Celestia, and they're now building a restaking portal as a layer two on initiative that'll allow them to use restaked TIA to secure various parts within the modular ecosystem. So that might be sequencers for sovereign roll-ups, sequencers for initial roll-ups, IBC relayers, really anything. Second is blackwing. So they are doing the modern Dex abstraction layer and they basically use their chain as an intent solver hub. What this really means is that it allows you to trade on any chain without having to deal with transferring tokens or dealing with any of that. And they have this special concept called limitless pools.

Innovative Features Across Projects

And what limitless pools let you do is perform leverage on any asset. So that means you can go long short on any meme coin or shitcoin, on any chain directly through Blacklink without having to deal with multiple wallets, different types of bridges. It's just all abstracted. So they're pretty good. Within the chain abstraction camp, there's also a product called Contro. So contro built this mechanism called the glob, stands for a gradual limit order book. What that does is it slows down the time of markets and allows users to not get front run. And it's specifically built for prediction markets, which is very timely because the founder had been working on this for about two years now.

Optimizing Prediction Market Dynamics

And the idea is that within traditional prediction markets, you're very susceptible for information delay. If I find out something sooner than someone else, I can go to the prediction market and basically snipe all the remaining upside. But with the glob, you basically remove that time element. So all I have to do is be directionally correct. And if I learn this information out 30 minutes or an hour later than someone else, my odds don't significantly change. Then there's civicia. They're doing like a fully on chain game of coordination, where basically you buy lands as you play within the game. As you buy those lands, you're putting in a group chat with someone else and everyone else that owns it, and you have to coordinate together to attack or fortify your own land.

Interactive Gaming and Future Innovations

And so it's basically, this perpetual game of coordination that I think is going to be pretty kick ass. And of course, we have czar, we have lunch, which is basically an all in one mobile consumer app. They have their testnet live right now. It's pretty clean. A product called Tucana, which is doing leverage trading. So your typical long, short, different assets. Inertia, which is a lending market, but also the LRT platform for Milky Way. So as you put, you know, you're staked TI, or you're staked in it into Milky Way to secure different things. You often want an LRT or a fungible representation of those deposits. And so inertia is doing that and then also building a lending protocol on top so you can, you know, leverage up, or you can lend against these assets and borrow some others.

Entertainment Innovations in Gaming

And then there's another really cool one called Infinity ground. They basically use AI to build all different types of entertainment. Specifically, they're really good at building these mini games. And so with the AI stuff that they built, they can basically crank out minigames every two to three days. And so if you go to their website right now, they have like five minigames that you can play with a decent amount are on chain. There's one that's called B Trump, where you're basically playing dance revolution, but you're dodging bullets as you click the different buttons, which is pretty hilarious. They're also making a initiative mini game right now that should come out in the next week. Yeah, those are some of the roll ups that are building on the interwoven stack.

Conclusion and Future Excitement

We have some pretty awesome ones coming out soon that I'm pretty excited to announce. Yo, I appreciate you. That is absolutely amazing. I'm just saying, like, there's so much going on. Finished. As I appreciate you guys for being. I've actually, I've had the founders of Blackwing on like, twice before. And like I said, there's so many things going on this ecosystem. So I want you guys doing big favor. If you want to keep updated, please give initiative a follow. Give Ryan a follow. So keep updated about prism.

Getting Involved

You need, you guys need to get involved with this. I highly recommend. I highly recommend I. Whenever initiative goes live, go and go and interact with that protocol. Whenever the minishas go live. Those are, those are the projects built on initiative. You guys need to get involved because the ecosystem is growing really fast, man. I'm excited to test it out the moment they go live. I've used, I've been using blackwing, I've been using initiative for a while, but I think I started using zar, too. I think czar not yet. Just waiting. But I've been active on all these change means I'm excited. When you got, when you go to Mainnet. I know the question has been asked of you guys 100,000 times, man.

Mainnet Release

When I ask this question, I'm going to open the mic to Paco and Ryan if you have any questions. So. So initial when may next? I'll say you had that question, like a thousand. Hopefully within the next two months, but we'll see soon. Tim. Yeah, no, so, like I said before, I, I see those tweets on my timeline all the time. I say, hey, a protocol. And they need to build. When they're ready, they will come out. There's, there's no rush. I mean, they come out today or it's two months from now. What's the difference? So I appreciate you guys take your time. I rather a project. Take their time and get it right. Make sure they don't. There's no bugs in bugs. Bugs in the protocol, nothing like that. Take your time, man.

Weekend Plans

We here, we. If you want to postpone it one more year, I'm still going to wait for you. It's all good, it's all gravy. I pop worry that long. We'll be out soon. Don't you worry. Paco, Ryan, do you guys have any questions? We probably going to end in the next ten minutes. We have any questions before we go? Honestly, like, not a lot of questions. In my end, I feel like all the questions I had are, like, a little bit long, so we'll have to, like, save them for, like, another space. But, yeah, this was really cool. Like, really cool to learn more about, like, what everyone's doing. Like, Ryan's super interesting. Like, also, like, Inisha. I feel like I didn't know you guys had, like, so much going on and, like, also, like, so many, like, cool draw ups.

Community Insights

So, yeah, honestly, like, really good to see, like, people in the ecosystem, like, building, like, really cool shape guys. And also, like, great sleeping techniques. All right, that's awesome. Awesome. If anyone in the audience has any questions requested. Mic, we're probably going to end next couple of minutes. Just let me know. Because of the mic, you have any questions? I know most people are kind of camera shy or spacey shy. I could talk for twelve. Yo. I host spaces seven days a week. Host another one tomorrow, 4 hours, another one on Sunday, 4 hours. I'm on spaces three, four times a day. It's agatha talk all day long, so I don't keep you guys there. It's Friday, but before we go, we always end our spaces like this.

Plans and Social Life

I'm gonna tell you what I'm doing for the weekend, then you tell me what you guys do over the weekend for that. So what I'm doing weekend is here Friday. What are we doing today? I'm good to the store, go to some shopping. We got some another birthday party coming weekend. Got some pool party coming weekend. I got. I got small little kids, so I'm pretty busy with them on the weekends, but, yeah, nothing too crazy the weekend for me. I relax. I do crypto stuff on the weekend. Not too much weekdays. I'm nuts. I'm not with it on the weekdays, but weekends, I try to keep it family oriented. I know Paco is still single. I'm sure he's probably looking for the love of his life.

Social Interactions

So if any female slots are in there, please, Dm. Paco, man, it do still is. He's still looking for love, man. Paco. What's up, bro? Any plans for the weekend? They will go to you. They will go to initiative with Ryan. What would you probably. This weekend is mostly for working. I'm actually meeting Jacob from Celestia tomorrow. I see he's in the space, so shout out to Jacob and, yeah, probably like, tomorrow I'll work maybe on Sunday. I'm going to meet some. Some families visiting in New York, so maybe I'll meet them for a bit and. Yeah, like, I think that's pretty much like my weekend, but I think it's gonna be pretty, like, work focused, man.

Personal Plans and Future

I don't think I'm gonna search for the love of my life this weekend, but thank you. And, son, are you guys doing. That's cool. That's correct. Paco is legit. He's always busy. He's always busy, man. The dude is unbelievable, man. I appreciate Paco all the time, man. He's the one that puts up the projects for me to host on Friday, so I appreciate the bros. Awesome. A hard working dude, man. Always busy. So initiative then, Ryan, they will go over to jobs. So initiative, what the. What do you have planned for the weekend? Tonight, I'm going for dinner with no sleep. John from Hyperlane. And then tomorrow is a protocol's birthday party, so I can't say the name of the protocol, but their birthday party, they're apparently having a smash tournament, so I had to go to make sure that I maintain my role as the best smash player in crypto.

Upcoming Events

And then on Sunday, there is some cosmos events in New York City as well as some other events because Masari Mainnet, which is a conference, is happening next week. And so just starting to go mingle around and talk to some folks. I'll probably see Jake. Dude, I'm going to the same probable birthday party, by the way, so I have to be doing Spanish. Okay, yeah, give it a shot. But otherwise me and Paco might get dinner on Monday. Yeah, yeah, thanks. Thanks for that. Thanks for that. You definitely have some fun, man. Your Friday, Saturday nights, definitely gonna have fun. This weekend is for you. Definitely. I'm just home with the family, man, this weekend, just relaxing.

Conclusion and Gratitude

That's it. Ryan, what's up, man? What's going on? What's the plan for the weekend, bro? Friday, Saturday, Sunday? What are you planning? I mean, I'm just gonna go follow my sleeping advice and then fall asleep and then probably just hang out with my kid this weekend. I'm gonna try not to work. I appreciate you, man. That's it. Trust me. I get, I get. Ryan, I trust, I get it. The weekends, it's for them, so I get it. I get it. For sure. For sure. So we do. We do have one request. Ja. What's up, John? You kissed my. You got some response.

Future Collaborations

That's Jacob. That's Jacob. Great guy. Jack. I guess J is, let's say. Jack. Jacob, man. Jacob. What's up, bro? What's going on? Hey, how's it going? Thanks for having me up here. Yeah. I'm going to also be going to hang out with Paco and Zana, the protocols birthday party tomorrow. You guys, you guys live in New York, I think. Paco, I think you live in New York, man. Damn. And I was in DC. I just moved to Houston like two months ago. So, man, I was. If I. If I was Lindy, see out of took a freaking flight out there, man, to come see you guys. But don't worry in the future for sure, man, you should pull up.

Planning Future Meetings

You should pull up, man. We'll do else space in your life. Yeah, I know it's kind of hard to do stuff when you. When you have wife and kids, but. But for sure the next time you guys do stuff, man, Paco, send me a freaking invite, bro. I. You didn't even if you. If I had known this I ahead, I would come. Well, Paco doesn't. If you ever want to come to New York, I'll even like host you. So. So yeah, like, anytime you want to pass by, like, you have your slot homies and, like, interwoven homies, modular homies, anything, I'm sure. I'm actually, I'm actually new October, like mid October, but I'm going to Albany, I think.

Final Thoughts

Albany, New York. That might be kind of far from, I think, I don't know, for work stuff, so. But yeah. Yo, thank you. I don't. Hold up, you guys, time. You've been on for like an hour. An hour? Like two minutes. Thank you. Initiat. Thank you, Czar. Thank you, Prism. You guys, you guys been amazing. I appreciate you all, man. You guys have a great weekend. Paco, bro, much love, bro, much love. Me, you guys, awesome. This might be the biggest show we've done on Friday so far, and I, I think we have three full blown projects in there, man.

Engagement Recommendations

It's unbelievable. I recommend you guys follow initiative. Prism, I think he left already and Zardi left, but follow initiative, make sure you are interacting with them. So, initiative, do you have any last words, any information that we need to know before we end the space. Alpha? The Alpha is. That mainnet is coming very soon. Yep, yep. Thank you. Thank you. Also, hopefully we'll have a new minisha announcement next week. Let's go, let's go. I'm ready. I'm ready to go. Ready to go. Thank you. Thank you for coming up. Yo, if any, if you need anything from me, my DM's open to you guys, man.

Ongoing Support

We, I'm in deep. This Lester ecosystem, been in deep Foy from since November last year. I've been in deep with them for a long time, so I took my time to create Fridays. I 1 hour slot every Friday is for any modular ecosystem. So, initiative, you guys are welcome. Whatever you guys need, however I can help you guys grow, let me know. My gyms open. Thank you guys for being there. Barack, I see you crypto daily. What's going on? I see you, I see, but bala cus, bala cuz. What's up? Are you guys doing? I see on my slots here, man.

Closing Remarks

You guys amazing. Fab. Oh, I need to play block. Flip block is in here too. What's up here? Block, they were here last week. So I appreciate you guys, man. Go enjoy your weekend. Enjoy, enjoy your party. Enjoy the birthday stuff. Enjoy your weekend. Go touch some grass. Okay. And enjoy bitcoin overs, I think 66K album right there. I don't take my portfolio. I don't even look at prices is. I'm just here for love of crypto and we're all going to do very well in the future, man.

A Fond Farewell

So thank you all for being there. You guys. Amazing. I'll catch you guys next week, Friday for another episode of Blockchain Fridays, man. You guys take care. Much love, guys. Much love.

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