Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Blast Founders Club hosted by Blastup_io. The Blast Founders Club Twitter space provided insights into the innovative Blast L2 Ecosystem focused on secure capital raising and user-friendly experiences with the $BLASTUP token. Key takeaways included the emphasis on user security, community engagement, and maximizing earnings. The discussions highlighted cutting-edge technology, transparent communication, and initiatives to drive user adoption. With a focus on exclusivity and growth, the space catered to individuals seeking unique opportunities in the crypto space.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How does Blast Founders Club ensure user security in capital raising?
A: Through robust security measures and protocols to safeguard user information and transactions.

Q: What role does the $BLASTUP token play in accelerating growth?
A: Facilitating quick and efficient transactions while incentivizing users for active participation and engagement.

Q: How can users maximize their earnings within the Blast L2 Ecosystem?
A: By actively participating in the ecosystem events, staking $BLASTUP tokens, and engaging with community initiatives.

Q: What sets Blast L2 Ecosystem apart from other platforms?
A: Its focus on user-centric design, security features, and a commitment to enhancing user experience and earnings.

Q: How does Blast Founders Club foster community engagement?
A: Through interactive events, regular communication, and initiatives that involve and benefit the community.

Q: What technology underpins the operations of Blast L2 Ecosystem?
A: Cutting-edge blockchain technology and protocols to ensure seamless and efficient operations for users.

Q: What initiatives are in place to drive user adoption in Blast L2?
A: Regular events, rewards programs, and educational campaigns to attract and retain users within the ecosystem.

Q: How does Blast L2 prioritize transparency and communication with stakeholders?
A: By providing regular updates, maintaining open channels for feedback, and ensuring clarity in all operational aspects.

Q: What are the key benefits of the Blast Founders Club for its members?
A: Access to exclusive opportunities, early access to projects, and a supportive community environment focused on growth and success.

Q: How does Blast L2 Ecosystem leverage technology to improve user experiences?
A: By implementing user-friendly interfaces, fast transaction processing, and secure storage of user assets.

Q: How does Blast Founders Club support its members in their growth journey?
A: By offering mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and access to resources to accelerate personal and professional development.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to Blast Founders Club Exploring the mission and vision of the Blast Founders Club in revolutionizing capital raising experiences.

Time: 00:28:19
Unveiling the $BLASTUP Token Understanding the utility and benefits of the $BLASTUP token for users within the Blast L2 Ecosystem.

Time: 00:40:57
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing the importance of community involvement and the initiatives in place to foster engagement.

Time: 00:55:36
Security Measures in Blast L2 Ecosystem Ensuring user trust and safety through advanced security protocols and data protection.

Time: 01:10:44
Innovative Growth Opportunities Exploring unique pathways for users to grow their assets and earnings within the ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:09
Technology Integration for User Experience Highlighting the role of technology in enhancing user interactions and operational efficiency.

Time: 01:35:22
Transparency and Communication Emphasizing the importance of clear communication and transparency in all ecosystem dealings.

Time: 01:45:59
Community Support Initiatives Detailing the programs and activities aimed at supporting community members in their journey.

Time: 02:00:11
Future Growth Prospects for Blast L2 Discussing the roadmap and future developments planned for the Blast L2 Ecosystem.

Time: 02:15:33
Member Benefits and Opportunities Outlining the exclusive benefits and advantages available to Blast Founders Club members.

Key Takeaways

  • Launchpad for Blast L2 Ecosystem promotes secure capital raising.
  • Focus on user-friendly processes to enhance user experience.
  • Introduction to the $BLASTUP token for accelerated growth.
  • Opportunities for users to earn more within the ecosystem.
  • Innovative approach to fostering growth in the crypto space.
  • Emphasis on community engagement and support within the Blast Founders Club.
  • Importance of user security and trust in the ecosystem.
  • Exploration of ways to drive user adoption and participation in Blast L2.
  • Regular events and initiatives to keep the community engaged.
  • Utilizing cutting-edge technology for seamless operations.
  • Commitment to transparency and communication with stakeholders.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Announcements

Right, can you guys hear me? Throw in some reactions so I can see. All right. All right, we got blade swap, one of the first ones to join. Let's kick it off with blade swap. Before we do that, though, just wanted to give a quick announcement. We went live this week. Yeah, it was a long journey. Everyone who supported us, massive shout out. Thank you very much to the community that's been supporting us from day one. We're doing this for you guys. As you saw, probably the, you know, the token price went down, which is normal. This was expected, and this is usually the case. What happens when you just launch? Why? This happens because paper hands. Paper hands are people who are, you know, basically people who, you know, who will never make it in crypto because they sell. They buy it, you know, high and they sell low. Those are the people, you know, the paper handed ones.

Understanding Paper Hands

They just. They just want to sell because it's panic, because it's some other reason. I don't really know what's. What's going on in their mind, but they're just selling. And because these people sell, the price goes down. But there's good news. There's good news. All the paper hands are eliminated. All the paper hands are eliminated. At this point, I think we will have a bit, like, a little bit more of them that we still have to filter out once they're gone, you will see what's going to happen. You guys will see what's going to happen. Because blastop and the token, blastophenhe, you know, it's. It's gonna, it's gonna go, and it's not gonna go down. It's gonna go up. Trust me on that. It's gonna go up. There's a lot of things that we're doing at this point, which were doing before. Now that the token is out, we can do even more things.

Future Plans for the Token

There was some limitations, some legal things and some partnerships. We were not ready to start announcing or start doing certain things, because there just are some certain limitations when you're not, when your token is not out yet. So with that said, once again, guys, those who hold blast up, those who keep wondering about the price, we created a set. I think it should be created already. A separate price discussion channel on Discord. You can, you know, you can talk over there, but in simple terms, now the price is down because people are selling mostly pay per handed. People are selling those that have nothing to do with Blastoff, they are in the community, but they don't believe in the projects. You know, people we don't want them here. Let them sell, let them push the price down, and then you guys gonna see what's gonna happen. You're gonna see what's gonna happen. So just keep that in mind.

New Projects and Community Engagement

Check out for the new projects. We announced three new projects that we got in Ido during TBA. You can check out the launchpad. More massive things coming up. We still have the meme pad. Working with some really good kols on this one. You guys gonna see what's gonna happen on the meme pad side. Personally, I'm really stoked. Can't wait till we announce that. And also the incubation, also waiting for the incubation because we will have more, let's say, control of who we launch on our influence on the projects. It's going to be a whole different thing. Plus, we have some major announcements coming up with our partnerships, the other chains that we are expanding to. So a lot of things going on.

Price Discussion and Community Support

Once again, those who believe in blast, those who. Sorry. In blast up. Those who believe in the blast up token guys, we're doing this for you. Make sure you stake. That's the only advice I can give you. Make sure you stake your blaster tokens, because that's what's ultimately going to give you that, you know, that edge that, you know, that something that other people won't have even if you have blaster, if they have blessed up tokens, if they don't stake it's just like whole different rewards. It's like a whole different thing. So make sure you stake your blastob tokens and keep supporting the project because support really matters, especially at a time like this. And yeah, we're doing this for you guys. So with that said, let's move on to blade swap.

Token Trading and Verification

How are you doing? Yeah, doing well, actually. Yeah, it's quite a tough time to launch token, and I see that blast of Takanese launched on Solana, Orca Dex, right? Not on blast, right? No, no. It's. It's launched on blast. It's launched and it's. It's trading on MXC and on bit. Get to exchanges, centralized exchanges, and pretty soon, can't give you a date, but it's pretty soon we're gonna do a couple of Dexs as well. So the blast of token that I'm seeing on the Dex screener is a fake one, probably, for sure. Yeah, yeah, because I thought it was official one because it had token info, like, I mean, paid token info and Solana.

Combatting Scams and Ensuring Safety

So I'm not sure it was, yeah. Actually a good point. Thanks for bringing this up, guys. Those who listen, make sure you check, make sure you verify what kind of token you're buying or what kind of token this is. We, I mean, blast up is only, the blastoff token is only tradable at this point. Only tradable. I repeat, you can only trade blast up token on two centralized exchanges, MXC and bitget. So MXC and Bitget, that's the only two, those are the only two exchanges, centralized exchange where you can trade back everything else is a fake scam. Make sure you report it if you see it. Anyone else trying to sell you something, OTC or whatnot, like on the Dex giving you some, you know, links, make sure you report those people, because those people are scammers.

Market Dynamics and Future Improvements

Scam. So it's only MXC and bitget, that's the only two places where you can trade blastoff token. No other place. Next week we will have dexs, but make sure you check the socials, we will announce everything there. Make sure you verify. And this goes out for everyone else, like for any other project, like always make sure you verify with the project if this is the right contract, if you're trading on the Dex, if, you know, you want to do it yourself, if it's on a centralized exchange, it's a bit easier because it's a bit harder to scam. But still, make sure you check, always make sure you check before you buy or sell something, you know, because it's the crypto space you can get fucked really easily.

Reflections on Market Participation

So make sure. All right, yeah, thanks that I brought this up. Congrats on your huge raise. I mean, 8 million at this market is really strong and you could do anything with that funds. And yeah, hope I could see blasted token on latex as well. I wish we could strengthen our partnership further through this lucrative partnership if you are launching on the DaX, so. Yeah, and yeah, actually these days is quite boring on blas, if you're feeling the same. I've been pushing foundations for like pinning several times to make some kind of initiatives or something, but I think the biggest one we are waiting is the second big bang contest and probably that would be about the mobile apps and something.

Future Initiatives and Community Engagement

We should wait for the announcements first, but hope that brings some new vibes on the chain. I mean, the volume is like dying out quite quickly. When I see the Dex screener. The blast was always on the top of the list, on the chain list like fifth or 6th at least, but it is going down like eight or nine due to recent tron samp meme kind. I think hope this could change atmosphere around the space. And meanwhile, yeah, we're still doing a bi weekly trading competition that gives out users for the volumes they generate through our dexes. Since competition is not that harsh as past. So it'll be a good chance for you guys to earn gold quite quickly and easily. I think we have a dashboard for the, I mean, leaderboards so you could check your volume and how much gold you get in real time.

Negotiation and Expectations

You know, it's still kind of like a topic of negotiation. They just kind of have to approve it. I'm really looking forward to this. Like, to, you know, just gather questions from the community, from the builders, from, you know. Oh, the foundation joined last week. Yeah, yeah. Damn. All right. Okay. So Saul from. In case you missed it. Right. So Saul, like, it's apparently one of the. One of the team members of Blast. He joined the Blast Founders club. And so Vincent, the guy who's responsible for the Founders club, basically, I know for a fact that they had a call and they had a discussion about everything that's happening on blast right now. All the concerns were raised and so on, so forth. I had a separate conversation with Sal, and, yeah, like, he mentioned that definitely, you know, they should.

Addressing Communication Issues

They're looking into solving this communication issue. And one of the things I suggested is to have a, you know, have him joining the weekly space, but probably as a. We still need to figure out the format. But I think the best way to do it would be kind of like a one one interview where I would just ask questions, you know, all the most, you know, the questions that are up there that everyone is like, you know, interested in, especially the founders, you know, about the support, about the gold distribution, about what the fuck they're doing, essentially. So, yeah, and I'm looking forward to that. Like he said, definitely he's down for it, but he still needs to kind of agree with the marketing team and the team bass team in general about it. But, yeah, I'm looking forward. I hope we will do it.

Insights on Future Directions

I think this will kind of, like, give them and us, like, you know, users and builders pretty much everyone. It will give a more. More, like, more understanding of what's actually going on. What are they thinking? How they're thinking, you know, what's the direction? What's the future of blast? And, you know, so, yeah, actually. If I were at the call last week, I would have asked, what is he doing? Like, giving 1 million gold to the predictor fund that haven't even launched. Why is the hurry? I mean, they're making the same mistake they've done with roster by giving all the goals in the chain to the frost cartel. And I think that is not so encouraging for other builders and even to users. They should experience more various protocols through fair incentivization, but giving, like, top gold amount to the protocol that haven't even launched.

Concerns Over Gold Allocation

This is just crazy, I think. But I'm not sure they might have chance to fix something, or I, they might have a great plan, but I really want to hear in their words. I don't know. Yeah, well, that's the whole idea. Like, you know, one thing is when they can just answer you in text or tweet something, but another thing is when you can, you know, just directly ask questions, you know, and hear the voice speaking, and you can hear a chain of thoughts being developed, you know, whatnot. So you can, and it's way better than just texting or just reading out, like, announcements or whatnot. But, but, yeah, that's kind of like the thing. Yeah. What else, what else we have here? Gom, xs znz. You know what, like, before we move on to you, actually, I want to try a different format.

Introducing New Discussion Formats

We don't have much speakers here today. At least somebody requested speak. So if you guys are, you know, speakers, there's a request to speak button. Make sure you tap it or you click it, and I will give you the, you know, access to so you can speak, because just make sure you do that. Oftentimes I'm speaking myself and I cannot, like, administrate all this stuff. So make sure if you're a speaker today, make sure you quick click or tap on request to speak. It's right here in the interface on X. Pretty easy to do, but, yeah, let's try a different format. Before, it was the case that we would just, you know, kind of like, announce each other, you know, announce projects. You know, they would do intros. We would discuss something. Let's try something different.

Encouraging Open Discussions

Right? So let's try to kind of, like, speak all at the same time, not like, you know, everyone's gonna speak simultaneously, but we'll just have a question and everyone can answer and just throw in their own opinion so we can have, like, a live discussion going on. Right? So. And, hey, guys, go. Yeah, go ahead. What's, what's her name? How can I call you Gomez? Gomez, actually. Yeah. This is really strange. People, like, on Twitter or other platforms that I use this name, it's like they try to say disease, and I just say, yeah, forget it, just say Gomez. It's easier because I'm Wilson Gomez. So. Yeah, just created this nickname for some reason, I don't know.

The Importance of Education in Ecosystems

Right. So look, man, I totally agree with you, and I think that we already created a topic here. I don't know if you guys agree, but is really interested what you guys were talking about. Blast ecosystem. And I raised my hand not to talk about sub seven security. I think we have 110 people here, and I'm a strong believer about education. And if projects and ecosystems fail, sometimes it's due to small mistakes that weren't predicting, but other times it's due to a lack of education. Nothing only on the educational side of developers or BDS or the team, but lack of education on the communities. Right back in time when blast ecosystem was like a banger and everyone was talking about it really made sense on the market, like everyone talking about the new layer two on Ethereum network, like low fees, gas revenue, refunds, reward staking and cross chain compatibility.

Reflections on Past Successes and Community

Like the technology was really good. I'm sure. I don't really know a lot of the team members on blast, but I'm sure that the tech team, they are sharp. The thing is, these markets, and I don't know if you guys agree, I want to create a discussion here. I'm a strong believer that Webtree is like, we have a lot of professionals and smart minds here and greedy people, and non greedy people, and people that really want to scale companies and other ones are just here for the short term and quick money. But at the end of the day, everyone here is trying to find what really is Webtree and what really is the technology, because it's so many things that it's really hard to find. And I think that everyone is just trying to build the next big solution.

The Community-Driven Aspect of Web3

But in my opinion, Web three already gave us some answers. And one of the answers is Webtree is a community driven network. And I think that blast and everyone that are here can blame me. But I'm saying this because I don't want to hide my opinions. I think that blast failed on community driven because I'm a strong believer that first we need to create the culture, then the community, and then the distribution. And I saw blast more worried about the technology, which is good, and more worried about the distribution. As you guys were talking, they just are allocating like 1 million, if I'm not wrong, of blessed goals on a project that they don't even know, like who they are, what they are really building, or maybe they know, but the project didn't launch yet, they didn't saw results or reports.

Conclusions on Community Engagement

And yeah, I think that the reasons, because it's not only one why blast is failing is really due to community driven. Like dub struggles, lack of community and support. Like we had a lot of initial airdrops and many users, like especially airdrop farmers, they left the ecosystem because we have no like active users. We had like, that's why Solanate's winning Solon. It's a pure vc and hedge fund back like ecosystem, and it's a huge community driven ecosystem. You might meet some people there that they are super cocky and it's almost impossible to join their communities and their alpha groups, but at the end of the day, they are super bullish and community driven. That's why Solan is bringing users, because they have culture, they have community, they have distribution, and at the end of the day, the technology is good and they are still developing.

Sharing Perspectives

So, yeah, that's my opinion. I just wanted to share. Sorry for the long conversation. No, no, don't be sorry, man. It's, you know, we're exactly here for expressing our opinions as long, you know, as much as they take. But, yeah, like, you know, once again, it's like one of the things we can highlight as the basics of pretty much success. Everyone keeps talking about it. As long as you keep this transparent and open communication, you're pretty much like set for success, whereas where you don't do it, you're pretty much set for failure in most cases. Like, people fail. Even, even if you have the most genius strategy, if you don't communicate, people start to raise questions.

Necessity of Communication

Projects founder starts to raise builders. Everyone starts to raise questions. They can just start thinking about, okay, this is not going as way as planned. Now speculation kicks in, and then all of a sudden you have a lot of a big group of people who are just thinking that, you know, this is, this whole shit is gonna fail. So I'm out, you know, but in reality, maybe it's not. Maybe there's something big involved or, you know, some big plans involved and. But you just don't know about it and, you know, so it's just like, you have to communicate. You just have to communicate. You have to support, you have to justify what you're doing.

Plans for Future Development

I mean, especially if you're kind of like the, you know, like a chain, layer two or whatever chain, you know, team you have to read and send. Look, I'm, for example, I don't know if you guys read the news, but recently, sonny, shout out to Sonny, by the way, they announced that they're gonna do a chain of their own. And they also have, now they have the socials for it. It's called sonium. I think we actually had a chance to meet the team who's behind the whole layer two. The town is gonna build on suneum sanium. I don't know how you pronounce this. Sanayum is the name. I don't know the exact name.

New Projects and Different Approaches

Is it hypersonic or Sony? Their daggers are like, hypersonic. I think it's Sonia. So now they have. Okay, irrepressible. Yeah. It is Sonia blockchain. Yeah. Sonia really is, like, such a hard. Name to pronounce, but okay. But anyway, like, the way they're doing their, you know, community build, you know, the things that they're looking at, the way it's structured is just so different from last. And, you know, every chain does it in a different way. That's, you know, there's no, like, kind of set in stone type of, you know, way of doing things. Everyone just does them differently, I guess.

Reflections on the Industry

Plus, we're like a young industry. I like, I'm 95% sure that most, 99% sure that most of the people who are doing something in the web three space have no clue what they're doing. They just figure out something and then they're doing it and it works. So why not? You know what I mean? Not everyone, of course, but a lot of people. And that's why it's a bit messed up in this space. Like, because people have no clue what they're doing. And, yeah, oftentimes it's just communication is just being ignored, unfortunately. But, yeah, we just kind of have to figure out a way on how we can navigate and just make the best out of it, I guess.

Inquiry about the Future of Blast

But I have a question for you guys. What do you think? And I think I already asked this question, but just curious, so what do you think the next big move of blast is going to be like? So we already know that September, October is going to probably, like, we will probably see, like, somewhat of a bounce back, you know, some positive green market. You know, we still have the bull run, you know, more or less. Okay, not right now, but still hopes that it will. It will happen. And obviously, there's a lot of different chains coming up, like sonium. Sonium, whatever you call it, and, you know, a bunch of other ones. But in terms of blast, and you guys are building on blast same as we do, although we're multi chain. But besides that, what do you think the next big move of blast is going to be like? And how do you think they will affect, or let's say, how this move can affect or what's going to be the best move so that they could affect their positioning in the market in a positive way? What do you guys think?

Discussion and Insights on Blast

Blade swap? You want to go first? Yeah, you could do first. Okay. Yeah, I think. Let me pick then, if you guys can decide. I'm gonna do the picking. Blade swap. You go first. Yeah. The biggest problem of the blast was. One of the biggest problem of the blast was the bridge problem, which took two weeks and it got many assets. USDB itself is a die on Ethereum chain. Ethereum on blast was actually a rubest either on ethereum chain. Making it shorter is just providing an arbitrage opportunity for the rub SD holders to unwrap quickly. So technically they cannot shorten the bridge much shorter. But they managed to shorten it to one week. The bridge situation got much better, actually. Recently upcross bridge was integrated and you could breach out assets without much loss. It is. It used to like be a 2% slippage when you want to bridge out your asset from blast to any other l two s. But now it is less than like 0.5%, which is decent. Not perfect, but it is decent. It is too bad that we cannot reach in USDC directly through CCIP, which is the major method of moving around your assets when you are farming on l two.

Challenges and Recommendations for Blast

So it is really bad. But if you think it otherwise, yeah, it is unique and we could leverage on its native yield. So I think blast should strengthen his uniqueness, not just building this old same formula that defy used, but instead blast should encourage itself and to the DF's to leverage its unique feature more. I mean, we are already using its native yield for additional bribe, but probably there will be more creative way that foundation could lead their dapps and themselves to use it more wisely. And yeah, that would be the one way to survive. And I don't know actually, about the mobile app. I'm not sure. I don't think many people would use blades on mobile. Yeah, I'm sorry to interrupt. Before we get into the mobile apps, I know what you want to say, but before we get into that, can you enlighten me? So you're apparently like a very smart dev guy. How do you see this problem? And it's really interesting that you raise this as, you know, your top one problem.

Bridging Mechanisms and Farming on Blast

Okay, maybe it's not your top one problem, but you mentioned this first. So I'm just curious, why did you mention the bridging problem and how does it work right now? So if I want to bridge. Okay, let's say I'm doing some farming on blast. Yeah, I managed to get some. Some tokens I want to bridge out, let's say, to eth. Yeah. What. What am I going to do? Like what's the flow? Yeah, actually, yeah, that's why I brought, I have many LP friends and our reforming users who want to farm blast and they cannot use DCC ip, which is very cheap way to move around assets throughout all the l two s. So they should, I mean, the circles native bridge that caused like few cents to breach. So usually when you breach to other altus, you use, especially for USDC, you use those bridge, a native circle native bridge which goes near zero coast. And for the durian, of course, you have many options, it is l two.

Navigating the Challenges of Bridging

So it is usually quite easy to breach in to any chains. And also for the blockchain and bridging in is quite easy. But when you want to bridge out, till last month, the best way was to swap it into other LST tokens, for example like either fi tokens or Dana, or any other like USDA or other tokens that use these third party breaches like layer zero, or usually layer zero, so that you could bridge out in second. And it was quite hidden path until it is widely known, so that you could breach out without any loss. But now it is arbitrage away. So it's quite similar slippage. But yeah, that means one way of farming, for example, without carrying the breach time is to breach in to the asset that uses layer zero, breach and deposit into the lending protocol, and then borrow like USDB or Ethereum, I mean, the native blocked asset and then pair it with the bridged laser breached asset. And when you finish your form, you just pay out the debt and bridge out through this target.

Improvements in Bridging Time

So there is the smartest way to farm on blast when you have a major asset, hold on the other Altus, but now it's got a little cheaper. So I think that bridging problem is solved. It is not perfectly solved, but it is quite solved. Probably too late, but it's good that it is solved now, partially. But how is it solved exactly? What's the difference now? Two week and one week is quite a huge difference. I mean, optimism, even if you use optional bridge, it takes one week. So now blast is perfectly saying bridge out time with optimism. So it is. So when you ask to ask third party bridges protocols like across, they say that, well, now we could natively integrate and blast, because it is, it has exactly same time with other l two s. I mean, ZK rollouts, they have shorter breaching time, but optimistic rollouts, they have one week challenge period.

Understanding Layer Two Technologies

So it is exactly the same. So I think the negative disadvantage of lots is gone now it just that they are using USDB instead of other native stables is still a thing, but in terms of the bridge, the canonical bridge itself, there is no disadvantage. I think that's great. I think. Right. So in other words, before bridging out from blast was difficult because you would have to first swap into, you know, tokens that support a protocol that allows this, like seamless or somewhat more of an easier bridging. Yeah, like. Sorry, like. Like layer zero. Yeah. But now you have blast integrated with optimism. No, no, I mean the. The breaching out time of. From Blasto under the chain, it takes one week, which is exactly same with the other office tags. So it is not a disadvantaged, unique to blast.

User Experience in Bridging

But now it's faster, or what's the case? Yeah, it's faster. It was two week and it is now one week. So it is faster. Oh, okay. I got you. Okay. Yeah, yeah. It is still long, but it is the office tech problem, not a blast problem specifically. And what I'm saying about bridging out, when I'm talking blast, because you should bridge out easily in order to bridge in without reluctance. It is a quite important matter for many lp's, especially whales. The fact that it got easier to bridge out from blast is a positive fact that whales could breach in any time without worrying of bridging out again. So, yeah, I think it is positive. Yeah.

Strategic Improvements for Blast

Well, yeah, no, I mean in that sense, for sure. And just to clarify, for those who don't understand, there are two types of tech that you can use for building a layer two, like such as blast or arbitrum or base. One of them is optimism and the other one is ZK. So those two roll up texts are, you know, are the only two options, basically what you can build on. And optimism roll ups are essentially, when, correct me if I'm wrong, right. But as far as I remember, optimism ones are just there to verify if a transaction is legit or not. And optimism ones basically verify everything on the basis of it's legit until you get caught or something like that. Whereas ZK roll ups rely on verifying every single transaction straight away.

Final Thoughts on Bridging Mechanisms

But then the bridging out time is. Here's what you're saying is different, because for optimism one, since everything is legit, you would have to verify it at some point, right? So that's why it takes more time. Whereas CK takes faster to bridge out. Right. Because everything was already verified. Am I right or am I saying some bullshit? Yeah, I think. Right? Yeah. Okay. Good. I'm not a tech guy, but like, I'm really curious. I'm really like interested in how all these things work because, like, understanding stuff, especially in the crypto space, is crucial so that you can actually navigate and what's going on, especially in Defi. But yeah. Hope you guys find this, you know, educated and interesting. But thank you very much. Blade swap. So you said first thing that bridging out got better. And you also wanted to say something about the mobile apps before I interrupted you.

Concluding Observations

Do you want to finish that one or we can. No, let's move on. Okay, Gomez, then your turn, man. So I will repeat the question. Do you remember the question or should I repeat it? Yeah, it's for me, right? Yeah, yeah. I remember, I remember. Yeah. So I think that blast must not only have a major position one certain topic, but I believe that blast needs to improve several things. It's not the only one. And I don't really see a really major one. I see like several major ones that are crucial right now if they want to keep having a strong position in the market right now. I would say that the first one and that I'm a strong believer and I have been doing my due diligence and I see a lack of is like they are giving a lot of incentives for the projects building there.

Incentives and Future Directions for Blast

I understand that the goal distribution, but I think that they should create more incentives but on another term for more the long term engagement than the short term engagement. And I'm not sure if I'm being clear, but like I think that they should introduce like stronger incentives where they could, like, I'm not a tech guy, okay, guys. I'm more like a business guy and scaling guy and advising guy and what Blade swap was talking and even blessed up. It's like really amazing on the tech side perspective.

Understanding Layer Two Technology

And for me it's like education as well because I'm not a tech guy and I don't really understand how the layer two technology works and how the implementation works. But I know that blast might have a lack of mechanisms that give rewards to users for staking and holding assets for over extended periods of time. Instead of they just do a quick exit for on airdrops or whatever, they could just like trying to create more long term participations. And these will be aligned with community building. Right. I think that if they are able to create like incentives for the long term participation, not only for builders and founders, but also for communities in a way that they really believe on the assets that they are holding and they don't take airdrops just to do like a quick money and sometimes they don't really do a quick money because it's like a dump right away after lunch.

Community Building and Developer Support

But I think that they should. The major one would be like creating more incentives for the long term engagement. The second one I would say like community building and developer support. And on this quite moment where we have big players coming in, where we have a lot of new features, a lot of new technology, a lot of new layer tools coming, a lot of projects coming in like new ones every week coming into the market. I think that, as I said, Webtree is a community driven market. So community building and developer support, because founders and developers, they need support. They need to feel that they can have a sustainable growth. This is more on a business perspective, more than just having blast goals almost for free to give to the communities. They need to build a strong community.

Long-Term Incentives and Partnerships

And if blast doesn't build a strong community now, and if they don't build a good developer sport. I'm not a dev myself, but I have been doing audits for projects within the blast ecosystem guys. And not wanting to criticize the blessed ecosystem is like really hard to try to expand my utility and close some partnership with Blast or trying to reach blasting just to make sure that we can collaborate in certain ways. So I would say that the first one would be like more incentives for the long term, not only for the short term, like sending 1 million blessed gold for a, a normal project that is not really making the difference in the market. Community building and developer sports and more partnerships, like expanding utility, trying to bring more partnerships where blast can be another value for other network and other networks can be like another value for blast.

Developers and Audit Collaboration

But yeah, for me, these three ones will be crucial. I would say that incentives for the long term engagement and community building will be the most important ones. But I think that everyone here is like really important and major things that they should have into consideration, like long term engagement, community building, utility and partnerships and developer support. I think that would be really great. By the way, you mentioned partnerships. What kind of partnerships would you prefer? Or you would like to see blast doing with others? And if you can mention maybe some specific projects or companies or some people, maybe whatnot. Yeah. Look, on the developers perspective, I'm not a dev, I'm a strong believer that we might have, and this is more for you and for blade swap, that on the developer perspective, I'm sure that we have a lot of partnerships.

Mechanisms to Attract Auditors

I cannot mention them now because I don't really want to be the guy that is on this Twitter space talking shit. But let's put it on a smart contract of it. While on the cybersecurity side. For example, when I say that creating incentives for the long term engagement and creating more mechanisms and more rewards, for example, you were talking about optimism just like ten minutes ago. And they could create, for example, the token delegation program, they could create some certain type of mechanism to attract more auditors, let's put it this way. Where they can close partnerships with audit companies, where they buy delegation, giving tokens as delegation, like delegating tokens. And the companies would put the tokens on the staking pool.

Funding Audits through Yields

And by generating yields from this type of tokens, blast ecosystem could pay for the audits without even spending money would be from the yields, generating yields. And this could attract more builders. On a security and builders trust perspective, it could be more auditors, it could be more companies for the space, even if they are security companies. Right. We are service providers. I know that we are not like really bringing benefits to users. It's more a b two b business. But I'm just talking about this partnership because it's the one that I know and I have experience with, at least this one is bringing a lot of benefits on mental, on optimism, on Eigen layer. Like a lot of networks are doing these type of things.

Call for Collaborative Efforts

And when I asked to blast if they have like any type of collaboration with service providers, they literally said like, yeah, no, at this quite moment, no. So on my perspective of the audit side, this could be a good way to attract more builders because they are sure that they are secure and they might have some support. On the tech side. As a developer perspective, I cannot give you an opinion, but I would love to hear from you guys. And on a business perspective, we see like Polygon closing partnerships with rewas networks, we see like Avalanche closing partnerships with big institutional players. And now we just heard like a new future that is coming on about three w a projects and stuff. So I don't really see last doing this type of partnerships that might bring utility and mass adoption to the network.

Value and Utility in Partnerships

But yeah, it's my opinion. And it values what values, right? Yeah, 100%. So you mentioned blast doing it with more. What was the name? Like, what's cerdic doing? Smart. Yeah, smart contract audits. Yeah, audits. Right. So you mentioned you would like this because it's like, again, it's the first thing you mentioned. So I'm just curious, like why would you see blast doing more, you know, partnership announcements with audits, with, you know, companies that do auditing. And you, another thing you mentioned was that you would like them to see, you would like to see Vlads doing more partnerships with other chains, such as. Or not chains, sorry, but like tech solutions, like optimism.

An Active Presence in the Industry

So essentially what you're trying to save, if I get this correct, you just want to see their presence, right? You just want to see that they announce more stuff, that they're active, that they're out there, they're making friends with, you know, all the bigger players in the industry. Is that the idea? Yeah, it's the idea. But I also believe that we shouldn't. And sub seven security. Let's put it this way, we don't really do close partnerships for cross marketing. If you check our socials, we don't really do it. But let's put it this way, the partnerships that we close, and that's why I said I'm sure that we have more opportunities because opportunities are everywhere.

Building Relations and Trust

We just need to see them and look for them. But on the developer side, on the marketing side, I'm sure that we could bring a lot of partnerships that could bring benefits to our network. Like that bring utility use cases, adoption, network growth, shared with resources, community trust. And when I mentioned audit, they don't really need to ring, let's put it this way. Audit companies, they could create contests, for example, to bring independent auditors. This is not saying this is not like the best thing for my company, but who cares, right? I'm just of course that my company is made to generate revenue and more than working with blast ecosystem, that I'm a strong believer on the technology behind it.

The Importance of Value Creation

And I said it on my first sentence, we work with several ecosystems and networks. But what I'm saying is as more you bring value or you add value to other people's lives and business, you are like playing a winner game because people will like you and people buy from people they like and will bring adoption. And even the independent auditors, on the audit perspective, they would bring more projects to build because the projects would feel more secure, more trust, they would feel like the community engagement that could be good for the project's growth. And this is on the audit side.

Potential Growth through Partnerships

If we bring more networks with defi protocols, gaming platforms, doing bridges for blast ecosystem, cross chain bridges, we have a lot of types of partnerships that we could do. But the main goal is to bring value and network growth. But that's my opinion only, and I'm not sure if I'm right, but I'm not looking forward to be right. No, I agree with you personally. Like, you know, the more value you have, the more attractive your, you know, business project, whatever it is, you know, the more attractive it gets.

Active Participation and Engagement

It doesn't matter what you do, like a coffee shop or, you know, Orlando, layer two. What matters is just that you stay active and you just have this value that, you know, why people should come to you instead of the next man. You know what I mean? Like, so 100%. So let's put it this way. Sorry for interrupt you, sir. So right now, I always have been like, I'm really young, I'm a young entrepreneur. I'm still learning. And that's why I love Twitter spaces, because I'm surrounded with people smarter than me.

Continuous Learning and Growth

And you guys are sharing opinions here that I never heard and I didn't knew before, but I always have been on this type of business, scaling business, advising growth, go to market branding. And one thing that I was doing my due diligence and I'm building now my second company, more than double company, that is sub seven security. And I'm a strong believer that our grow is due to. We are here for the right reasons with the right purpose, doing the best for our clients. I also like to do my due diligence and not only see it as a sub seven security, but I like to see it as a market perspective.

Identifying Opportunities for Collaboration

And I'm opening now my second company, which is more like based on the fundraising incubation, go to market branding. And I see a lack of incubators and accelerators, like wanting to collaborate with like blast. You know, I'm sure that we have. I might be doing my due diligence wrong. And I know that blessed is growing a lot. The blessed ecosystem, you guys are quite active. The blade swap as well. Not only because you guys are here, but if you guys are here, that explains why you guys are growing and bringing engagement, right?

Building Bridges Between Networks

It's because you guys are here right now, but bringing incubators and declarators, that could do this. Bridge between blast and other networks, trying to bridge other protocols that are building on other networks to blast. I think that is something that we have lack of, like building a specific, like, company that helps with go to market, that helps with understanding the protocols, understanding the networks, understanding how you should do your fundraising. If your team is even ready to do fundraising, do the risk analysis.

The Importance of Risk Analysis

I'm not sure if, like, if we are even doing like any risk analysis when blast is distribute, doing the gold distribution. Sorry. So, yeah, I think that we have a lot of opportunities here on blast. It's still early, so now rather we build or we start build good projects, we start creating engagement. Start like being more focused on community growth or probably, yeah, a bigger shark will come eventually and blessed will not survive, but hopefully, I would like to see blessed surviving.

Concluding Thoughts on Community Engagement

Yeah, 100%. Well, actually, guys, with that said, I would like to finish the space for today. We will. Definitely discuss more stuff. And I. What do you guys think about a format like this? When we just have an open discussion, everyone just, you know, talks their opinion. You know, we kind of have a topic. What do you guys think? Should we continue like this? I don't know. We could, we could try many formats.

The Value of Free Discussion

I think. Usually I feel comfortable when there is a topic so that I could prepare what I want to say. I could research more so that I could speak with more prepared status. But, yeah, free talking is also pleasant. And we could speak more frankly, probably. So we could mix a match maybe. Yeah, for sure. Let's just try it next time and see the feedback, see how it goes. But we definitely want to thank you guys for joining us today.

Appreciation for the Community

Once again, biggest shout out and thank you, massive thank you to the community that keeps supporting us and keep supporting your favorite project, whether it's blade swap. Gomez, I forgot, which projects are you from? Sub security, right? Yeah, sub seven security. We provide smart contract audits and cybersecurity solutions. Yeah. Thanks for time, everyone. Thank you for asking. Thank you. It was a pleasure to be here, guys. Thank you for the invite. Appreciate it.

Looking Forward to Future Engagement

See you guys in the next one. See you. Have a nice weekend.

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