Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Bitcoin to DeFi w/ TraderJoe

This space is hosted by garden_finance

Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into essential aspects of marketing in the web three and DeFi space, focusing on community engagement, ethical marketing practices, and sustainable growth strategies. Speakers highlighted the significance of capturing and retaining users through branding values, the pitfalls of predatory marketing tactics like ‘coal strategies,’ and the benefits of organic marketing approaches. Participants shared insights on engaging users, promoting genuine experiences, and leveraging platforms like Garden Finance for promotional activities. The space concluded with acknowledgments for collaboration, encouragement to complete the Trader Joe Quest, and appreciation for the community’s support.


Q: How can marketers capture and retain users effectively?
A: By distilling brand values and community experience to attract the right audience.

Q: What are some shady growth tactics to avoid in marketing?
A: Strategies like ‘coal rounds’ that are predatory and unethical.

Q: What is the importance of organic marketing strategies?
A: Organic approaches help maintain a clear perspective and judgment in marketing efforts.

Q: What should users engage with to unlock rewards in DeFi projects?
A: Completing the Trader Joe Quest on Garden Finance can unlock free seeds and additional benefits.

Q: How can marketers ensure sustainable growth in web three marketing?
A: By focusing on building an engaged community and providing a positive product experience.


 Collaboration Kickoff: Introduction to the collaboration between Garden and Trader Joe.

Discussion Topics Overview: Outline of the main topics including marketing, community building, and Bitcoin in DeFi.

User Experience Focus: Emphasis on improving the swap experience.

Marketing Trends in Web3: Insights into the trend of overcomplicating messaging in Web3.

Importance of Branding: Discussion on the critical role of intuitive design and cohesive branding.

Organic Growth vs. High-Pitched Marketing: Debate on the effectiveness of different marketing strategies.

Community Building Strategy: The importance of building a core group of loyal community members.

Future Plans for Garden: Garden’s roadmap for improving user experience.

Closing Remarks: Summary and appreciation for the insights shared during the Twitter Space.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of building an engaged community for sustainable growth.
  • Leveraging organic strategies over predatory practices for long-term success.
  • Engaging with users to ensure a positive product experience and retention.
  • The value of distilling brand values and mission for attracting the right audience.
  • Shady growth tactics like ‘coal strategies’ can be detrimental in the long run.
  • Encouraging authentic and organic approaches for marketing.
  • Appreciation for community engagement and sharing of wisdom.
  • Utilizing platforms like Garden Finance for promotional opportunities.
  • Completion of the Trader Joe Quest to unlock rewards and incentives.
  • Appreciation for participation and support in the Twitter space.


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