Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Bitcoin Conversations: Bitcoin’s Governance and Community Involvement hosted by CoinWOfficial. Delve into the intricacies of Bitcoin's governance and community involvement, emphasizing decentralization, consensus mechanisms, and user education. Explore the dynamic interactions within the Bitcoin ecosystem, focusing on transparency, innovation, and sustainability. Witness the impact of community engagement on Bitcoin's development trajectory, balancing stability with the drive for continuous improvement. Join the conversation on how Bitcoin navigates governance challenges while empowering its global user base. Discover the key principles that underpin Bitcoin's governance model and its implications for the future of digital assets.

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Q: How does decentralization contribute to Bitcoin's success?
A: Decentralization ensures that no single entity controls the network, enhancing security and censorship resistance.

Q: What role do consensus mechanisms play in Bitcoin's governance?
A: Consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work validate transactions, secure the network, and incentivize miners.

Q: Why is developer engagement crucial for Bitcoin's scalability?
A: Developers work on protocol improvements, scaling solutions, and maintaining the network's health.

Q: How can the Bitcoin community promote user education?
A: Community-led initiatives, educational campaigns, and resources help users understand Bitcoin's functionalities and benefits.

Q: What impact do governance discussions have on Bitcoin's roadmap?
A: Governance discussions shape protocol upgrades, network enhancements, and long-term vision planning for Bitcoin.

Q: Why is transparency important in Bitcoin's ecosystem?
A: Transparency builds trust, accountability, and community confidence in Bitcoin's governance and decision-making processes.

Q: How does user participation influence Bitcoin's evolution?
A: User feedback, involvement in proposals, and network voting mechanisms shape the direction and features of Bitcoin.

Q: What values guide Bitcoin's community engagement?
A: Inclusivity, user empowerment, consensus-driven decisions, and decentralization principles underlie Bitcoin's community interactions.

Q: What environmental considerations are relevant to Bitcoin's governance?
A: Addressing energy consumption, carbon footprint, and sustainability are key considerations for Bitcoin's environmental impact.

Q: How does the Bitcoin network balance innovation and stability?
A: Incorporating new features while maintaining network security, reliability, and resistance to attacks is a critical balance for Bitcoin's development.


Time: 00:14:27
Decentralization and Bitcoin's Governance Exploring how decentralization underpins Bitcoin's governance structure and decision-making processes.

Time: 00:35:42
Consensus Mechanisms in Bitcoin Understanding the role of Proof of Work and its importance in securing the Bitcoin network.

Time: 00:55:19
Community Education and Adoption Discussing strategies to educate and onboard new users to Bitcoin to foster wider adoption.

Time: 01:10:05
Transparency in Bitcoin's Ecosystem Highlighting the significance of transparency for trust and accountability in Bitcoin's governance.

Time: 01:25:30
Innovative Solutions for Bitcoin Scalability Exploring innovative approaches to address scalability challenges while maintaining Bitcoin's core principles.

Time: 01:45:18
User-Centric Development in Bitcoin Examining the importance of user feedback and user-centric design in shaping Bitcoin's evolution.

Time: 02:05:37
Sustainability Goals and Bitcoin Discussing the environmental impact of Bitcoin and strategies to enhance sustainability in its governance.

Time: 02:20:49
Balancing Stability and Innovation in Bitcoin Striking a balance between introducing new features and maintaining the stability and security of the Bitcoin network.

Time: 02:40:15
Future of Bitcoin Governance Exploring potential shifts and advancements in Bitcoin's governance structure and community involvement.

Time: 03:00:22
Empowering Bitcoin Users Empowering users with control, information, and decision-making abilities within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralization is a cornerstone of Bitcoin's governance model.
  • Consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work ensure network security.
  • Developer engagement is vital for enhancing Bitcoin's scalability and efficiency.
  • Community education plays a key role in promoting wider adoption and understanding of Bitcoin.
  • Transparency and inclusivity are essential for fostering trust within the Bitcoin community.
  • Governance discussions often revolve around protocol upgrades and network improvements.
  • Bitcoin's community involvement impacts decision-making and ecosystem development.
  • User empowerment through self-sovereign control is a fundamental aspect of Bitcoin's ethos.
  • Social responsibility and environmental concerns are factors influencing Bitcoin governance.
  • Balancing innovation with network stability is a central challenge for Bitcoin's growth.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Remarks

All my hoes get time out. All your hoes getting slammed up the ap stove. We burn them out. Money on money. Go here first. All my whole wash nails. What's up, guys? Julia. Jules. Hey. Hello. Hi. How are you? I'm currently dying. Why? A migraine. Aw. Or maybe I got the trick the monkeypox in. Don't say that, Mel. I don't know. You're all going to have the fucking monkey pox. I don't know how great that is for business if all of you just go down sick.

Discussion on Monkeypox

Well, actually, can't you only get it from sexual activities? I thought it was from breathing the same air. No, I don't. I think so too. But I'm hearing that, like you only get it. It's like an STD. I don't know. Maybe. Jules, what do you know? Well, only thing I know is what G told me and she said that it's by contact. Just. It looks like it is true physical touch. So of any kind. Kissing? Yes. That's good. That's very interesting. From materials, contaminated clothes. So you guys are fucked if one of you has it. Really? Fuck, J. I have monkey pox.

Claims and Concerns

You have what? Monkey pox. No, you don't. Stop lying. I do. No, if you had monkey pox, we all would have monkey pox. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I was gonna be like, kind of bumps. Mosquito bites. Cause you're in Mexico, right? Yeah, I'm in Mexico. And my room is so humid. I literally came home and my bags have like fungus from the humidity growing on them. What? Yeah, like, I'm not even lying right now. I need to see pictures. I need proof. I will send pictures. Like I have to wash everything. Everything's what?

Concerns About Humidity

And I have to. And off course, like, I can't just run to Home Depot and buy a dehumidifier because, you know, Mexico, small city. So I have to suck it up for like a week while Amazon delivers my dehumidifier. But anyway, what are we talking about today, g? Clearly fungus. And I feel like we're in a like fucking epidemiology class right now. What are you talking about? You know what you meta though? The God, the ticker's fungus guys. No, I'm actually pissed off at Tron guys today. And I'm waiting on fucking four things to migrate. I feel like it's been 9 hours now. Like, what the fuck is going on with this chain?

Technical Issues with Tron

Wait, Julia, what did you use to like, migrate? Like, your stuff over to Tron. Oh, just straight up, maestro. So you can just use the bot. It's like you can bridge on there to any chain, and then you can now trade. Trade tron on maestro. So I did it all inside there. Oh, that's. I regret it. I fucking regret it because I'm literally sitting there. These coins aren't migrating, bro. I feel like Justin's son is literally physically standing in front of a computer and deploying these coins himself one by one.

Waiting for Migration

Like, I swear to God, one of them. I've been waiting 4 hours to come out of sun pump. That is a joke, bro. That is a joke. I love that. Julia's accent just makes it better. It really. I know, right? Like, I really just want to hear you talk all the time. I don't care what it is. but no, I haven't. I. Can we stop bridging things? Like, we need to figure out how to come across off the bridges. What do you mean? Like, I don't think normies are going to be bridging things. Right? Like, they're not going to want to wait, can I tell you guys?

User Experience and Accessibility

Go ahead. No, talk to me. I was going to say I, you know what I said earlier? I'm going to. I'm actually in the process of doing it, but there's no way I'm going to be able to post it by tonight. But tomorrow I'm actually making like a whole tutorial of how to do it. Like an easy way. Perfect, perfect. You know who has also a good one? Rodney made a video today on bridge. I saw. I was like, oh, wait for Tron. Yeah, yeah. He made it look really easy. He did.

Developer Suggestions

So, guys, I guess the new meta. I feel like, I feel like if there's a dev in here listening, you could get so fucking rich if you just came up with a bot for us that uses straight up USDC and bridges that instantly to another chain. So, like I'm talking, you've got like 1020 grand in USDC. You want to buy an ETH coin, you can directly go from USDC to whatever chain that's on. I think we need something like that personally because this whole, like, for shitcoins, it's just difficult.

In Need of Improved Solutions

It's just really difficult trying to bridge from one chain to another as the meta changes. I actually know a developer who used to work for Google, and he can, like, develop a bot with any kind of configuration. I feel like maestro does it really easy for us to bridge. No, that's true. It's true. It is easy. But I don't want to bridge. I just want to be able to be like, he's an east coin, he's a soul coin, and just go directly from USD, you know?

Appeal to Developers

I agree. I think we need that. Well, Devs, if you're listening, get to it. All right, we need to put a PSA out there. Yes. No, but wait, there's literally. There's literally. There's six retweets. Are you joking? Let me go check this. Jake, end the space right now. I'm not. I'm not wasting my breath on this bullshit. Like, for real. Seven retweets, 62 people.

Engagement and Community Building

You guys better go, like, and retweet the room right now. Actually, the minimum to come up here is to retweet. So if you're sitting up here and you're. Yeah. Did you retweet this? He did it. I'm about to boot you off the stage. All right, doing it right now. Did you retweet the room? Because I'm about to let you up here, so you better retweet. Virtue is actually a Latin.

Introduction of the Next Speaker

All right. Singer, so I want to listen to him. All right, bowl 90 seconds on the dot, G. Are you gonna time it? Yeah, give me 1 second. Okay, so you're gonna have 90 seconds, then you're gonna let us, like, give you feedback, and then you can rebuttal, and then we'll move on to the crowd to see for them to vote. Perfect. Whenever. All right, thanks. Ladies and gents, this is the first bull on Solana.

Pitch for the Upcoming Project

You are not gonna want to miss this, because this team has done several previous projects that have been successful on Solana. They've got the experience. They've onboarded ten kols to support the project's growth and awareness. This is no bullshit. You want bullish vibes, you get on the bull, right? That's. That's what everybody wants, is we don't want bears, and they're going to annihilate any bearish sentiment out there.

Marketing and Community Engagement

So the team has full marketing and content with a lot of funny memes, art, and animations. As you can tell on the x, they're very active. The internal community is strong and active, not even 24 hours old. So while you're waiting for your. For your projects to bond, come look at Bull, because we're already live, and we already hit an all time high of 2.8 million, and we're currently at 1.2 million.

Conclusion and Invitation

And there's a lot more cooking for this bull. So come join us. Follow our socials and come hang with an experienced team that knows how to run projects. Thanks. Thank you. Bull. Bullish. You made it under the timer by, like, 30 seconds. I saw that Rodney already, like, Ronnie's backing you guys, so that's bullish.

Positive Feedback on the Project

Yeah. The team has definitely knows which. Which influence to reach out. Influencers to reach out there, too. Sorry. We ask that you hold your comments until we're. We're done giving feedback, and then you can rebuttal. First time here. Thank you. Of course. No problem. All right, so I would say, like, for normies and just people, you know, getting onto, especially onto this chain, and it's new, I would recommend putting the ticker and the contract in.

Suggestions for Improvement

In your bio versus as a post, so that way they can quickly, like, copy paste it and look it up as well. I do see that it is, like your pin tweet, but I think it would just better in the bio. And so how old is this currently? Just over 24 hours old. It's a day and 4 hours old. Okay, but what chain is it on? Tron. It is on Tron.

Observations on Market Trends

So things were saying on Tron is, like, things are just mooning if it holds. Like, I see one thing at a one mil, and literally the next day, it's a 25 mil. Like, over and over again. So, I mean, I'm not saying, you know, I'm not, like, shilling bull up here, but Tron has a volume right now, and I like, it's holding. I haven't been rugged over there yet, so I don't know what it's like.

Final Thoughts on Market Activity

But if it's holding, that's the good sign. Julia, where's my little Tron? Like, Quant? I was rugging a single thing, had to leave, come back, and I just heard the last thing I had was join an experienced team, so you might have to skip me. You might want to also put the link to your telegram in the bio. You want to draw people in.

Emphasizing Community Engagement

That's a good point. Let them know. All right, guys, I do see the volume is good. The website is solid. Yeah, the website is really clean. I like that. I haven't seen it. Let me go check. And your socials, they seem to be really active. I would just say keep up with the socials. And, yeah, you have to build a community, hold spaces, etc. Don't lose that volume, because I know in the beginning, because it's a hot market, and Tron is a hot chain right now.

Maintaining Momentum

So definitely keep the volume with socials. So we're gonna vote? Yeah. All right, guys, thumbs up, thumbs down. Or question mark if you're unsure. Ready? One, two, three, go. All right, see, I see a lot of thumbs up. Some hundreds. Thank you both. Thank you for coming up. Hope wish you guys the best of luck. Hope to see you again soon. Appreciate you. Of course.

Transitioning to the Next Participant

Next up, we have fed show. You have 90 seconds. Talk to me. Okay. Well, I mean, it's okay. I'm also a gringo, so. No, I'm just here for the memes. And honestly, I like what he had to say about bull, but the only thing that concerns me about it is that I don't trust someone that can't even verify their x page for their fucking coin.

Questions About Intentions

Wait, are you here. Are you here to be a judge or for a panel? Are you here to show your back? No, I'm not here to show. I just. I just requested you guys approve me. I have no problem getting kicked off. You can chill as a judge. I like that. I like that. I like. Yeah, you're cool.

Casual Interactions and Close

Fair chill. Thank you. Appreciate it. No worries. All right, so. So then that leaves us to Fluffy. Super cute. Fluffy. I like your little PSP. You have 90 seconds. Oh, I was the name of my cat. Hey, everyone. Thanks for letting me up. Happy Tuesday. Big fan. Mel and Jake and everybody else are the host here.

Introduction of Fluffy and the Project

We're Fluffy Zero X 65. We were kind of rating and joking around with Jake on his podcast the other night. We are an original boys club character in the Matt Fury universe. We've had an opportunity to do a true community takeover. We've got a clean ox 6.5 contract address. We've been live now since July 11. We ended up doing the CTO on July 23.

Project Developments and Milestones

We had an all time high of about 1.48 million just a few days after that. And then we had the Ethereum crash of 2024, where it dropped about 30% in one day. But we've got two full time animators on board. We actually built a streaming Inc.

Introduction to the Character and Community

And we're excited to roll out and create a narrative around this original character on Ethereum. You know, building a community as well as consistency for everybody else that's involved. So excited to be here. Thank you again. You can check us out on our website@furiesfluffy.com, exurifluffy and Instagram furyfluffy.

Feedback on Presentation

That was very fast and concise with your words. Also, under about 30 seconds, you had 30 seconds left. Yeah, that was really good. Are you guys on Sol? We are on Ethereum, we're actually collaborating with multi chain projects. So for us, we are here for the long term.

Project Developments and Community Engagements

We've overwritten both the Dexs, kind of going about the CTO routes, brand new website, rolling out assets. We had a big roll out for Matt Fury's birthday, and we're doing a community poker tournament. Jake, Mel, if any of you play poker, we're using virtue poker this Friday with about four other projects from the Matt Fury universe on both Ethereum, base and Tron.

Market Cap and Growth Journey

So obviously you guys have a strong commute if you guys are doing poker tournaments and you guys are on ETH, which has what's your market cap? So right now we're just about 600. We've gone over a million, just up from really, like a low of 28,000 on the 23rd. We just worked slow and steady to get the developer out who had at one point, almost 10% of the tokens.

Community and Marketing Strategy

So I've had an opportunity to be kind of very early to Ethereum base Solana avalanche over really the last eight years. And for us on base, you're really competing with Brett. Right? At one point, I think about two weeks ago, Brett had over 90% of the liquidity on base. So a lot of these new narratives, that's really kind of like the target on your back a bit.

Building Dedicated Communities

For us, we're building dedicated whale wallets. We're working with various communities, cross chain, cross channel, doing fun activities like poker, kind of like these, what I call upgradable community experiences, and really playing this kind of slow and steady game rather than kind of the quick burst where you hit an all time high of 5 million and then you kind of chase that back for the remainder of the life of the token.

Future Partnerships and Collaborations

First of all, our partner companies and groups is actually called Bad Cat on base. Their original Matt Fury narrative, they kind of turn this cat blue. They're a resilient community, so we kind of recognize that from other communities on base. On Solana, we just partnered with Memezilla.

Fun and Humor in Marketing

I like this guy. I'm sorry. I don't care what anybody says. I like him. He's doing nice. I was waiting for. I knew he was gonna mic hunt. Oh, no. We launched yesterday. Like, we launched 24 hours ago. And my cunt had such a rough night with people going in and out and in and out of my country over and over again.

Community Engagement Feedback

The first time I ever heard this story was in the, it was a movie called Porky's. And if you haven't watched it, I suggest everybody watch it. Cause it's funny as shit. And there was, like, a dude who called a chick, he picked up the phone, and he called some chick who was working at a restaurant, and he was like, could you, could you page my cunt real fast? And the chick was like, oh, is my cunt in the parking lot?

Final Thoughts on the Discussion

So, Mike Hunt, what is your market? Captain? What is my what? I'm sorry? Your market cap. Our market cap is, like, 22k. Like, we're still on pump fun. We haven't graduated radium yet. We're very new. We're a day. We made it a day. So we. That's a big deal on pump fun.

Introducing the Group

How's everybody doing? We got Mike Hawk or, no, my kind. Mike. Mike Hawk. Mike Hawk. And then we got Mike. I wasn't Mike Hunt. Mike. It's Mike Hunt. Yeah, I think they're related, but, yeah. Gee, what's going on, guys? How we doing? I see we're really getting deep into the beams here with Mike. Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Feedback Discussion

Yeah. Do you have any feedback from. I can't even say it. Do you have any feedback for Mike? No, I do not have any feedback. Hold on, hold on. Does he have any feedback for what? I don't have any feedback for Michael at this very moment. Damn. You guys are making it hard for me. Okay. I will say it is kind of a genius move to label it Mike Hunt. Hunt. Hunt. Not cunts. Okay. But. Because when it comes to, you know, I guess, yeah, I mean, the AI is working for you guys. I would definitely encourage. Would you buy those g. I, you know, kind of looks like. Okay, it does kind of look like one of those shows, you know.

Relating to Media

Oh, what does it remind me of? Hold on. Silent hill. Yes. Silent hill. That's what it reminds me of. So, you know what? Like, I could go for it just because it's, like, got that, like, creepy horror story kind of vibe. Yeah. If you can make that spin on it, I think that would be good. Just because I don't know, when it comes to, like, actually, like, let's say you guys get on an exchange or, you know, you started doing listings they might not go for. For my Nance listed for the jump, maybe coinbase. I don't know.

Personal Growth Philosophy

I don't want. I don't want to get on exchange. I want, I want my content to grow organically. You know? Like, I think that's important. I think. I think the bigger my cunt gets without some kind of weird exchange stuff and without, like, throwing several hundred thousand people in it, I think that's better for everybody. Like, organic growth for my cunt is the best thing that could possibly happen. And as long as it gets stretched out by so many people, it would be amazing.

Meme Coin Potential

Listen, I don't know where this is going to go and if it's going to succeed or not, but you kind of look at the elements needed for a successful meme coin. You got funny and you got memorable. So. And, you know, the kind of sense of humor people on x have. So, you know, it definitely has potential. I don't want to buy this shit. Like, I'm not going to lie. I haven't laughed so much in such a long time. And the thing that tops it off is like, when you guys first started these spaces a week ago, were told, you know, keep it pg, and now we've moved from off the rails.

Cultural References and Backgrounds

No, I agree. So, Julia, fair disclosure. Like, I'm half australian. I have Australia's pass, australian passport. My father's from there. So, like, it's good to meet a fellow Ozzie. I believe that this will absolutely fucking send. It's just a matter of time. I've got a conviction play that's like my baby. That is not something that I've shown here and not something that I will show in here. When I'm dealing with my cunt. However, my cunt is hysterical.

Humorous Personal Reflections

It's funny as shit. Every time I talk about it, like, I laugh. So it's like. Like, when I talk about it and everybody's like, oh, no, fuck you. This is stupid. It's like, okay, I still laugh my ass off because it's funny as hell to talk about. You know what I mean? So I hope you all enjoy my cunt. I hope you all enjoy joining our telegram, because our telegram is fucking hilarious. I hope you all enjoy. Dude, I can see my Twitter posts. Because our Twitter posts are hilarious and, like, come hang out.

Welcome and Room Regulations

Doctor degenerette, thank you so much for coming up shilling your bags. All right, really quick, I see that people are here that weren't here in the beginning, so welcome. But as you guys are coming in, please retweet the room. And also if you're on stage, I will knock you off if you haven't retweeted. And yeah, I'm checking. So who retweeted so we can move on with them? I say dumer, we actually met. I'm trying to do it. I'm trying to.

Retweeting the Room

Mark, we met you. Yo. I am trying to do it as we speak. Is it not under Jake Dumer account? Retweet the room. I know, I'm looking for it. I just, it came up. Click on the little purple box. Purple pill. Okay. I appreciate you. I'm stupid. You know what? Doomer has to wait their turn because get popped was up here. But let me check if get past actually retweeted the room. No, you guys did not. You have been sitting here for 20 minutes and you guys couldn't have retweeted the room.

Community Engagement

Y'all better just let me show Jules. I actually retweeted on my, I was on my personal account when I retweeted and then I switched to this account, actually. okay. That's fine. All right. We're gonna go to get Fox, then Jefe, then Doomer, and then probably gonna call it a night. So think, you know, people, the projects requesting come back and request tomorrow. We're here Monday to Thursday. Get pacs. Talk to me. Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm on stage. Anyway, so basically get packs is just play on the monkeypox deal going on.

The Get Pox Project

It's a CTO, launched six days ago. It was rugged the first day after like, maybe, I don't know, an hour or so. And then we just kind of rallied. The all time high is eight hundred k. And then after it rugged, the CTO team, we took it back. We took, let me check to 700. Where did it go? Like seven. Just above seven hundred k. I don't remember exactly. Right now it's only at like 70k ish. But other than that's basically it. We're just, there's a good community that raids hard. I mean, we can knock out like 20 tick raids across with like retweets, likes and stuff.

Community Resilience

And they were really active on that and raiding. So right now they're just, we're just building a floor, buying up all the dips that we can and just trying to get more people in and waiting for monkeypox to take over the world and kill all the humans. It only infects the gaze. Somewhere to be learned. Yeah, that's it. Not exactly, but what's that? I was disagreeing with Ferracco, that's all. Oh, yeah. So hold on. How did you say my name? Oh, my God. Ferracco. What in the world was that? Okay, but back to get pox.

Appreciation for Community Efforts

I would, I would just love to say that I do appreciate a true friends warrior like you, somebody that, you know, sees a coin through a high market cap and then have it get completely rugged and still stay faithful to it. That takes a lot. You know, I appreciate the work that you're doing. It's people like you that do make a difference in communities. And I can just tell the excitement that you had in your voice, brother. You know, keep doing your thing, man. I'm looking at the pox right now, and I. I like ctos like this when they can really start to run and get some traction behind them.

Building Relationships with Coinbase

So I'll add you guys to my watch list. Cool. Yeah, there's a. So there obviously, you know, there's been multiple since in the past six days, we watched, like, five or six other pox or mpox coins come and go. And so we've even gone into one of the coins, their telegram, and had, like, a VC with their telegram, and just not to, like, shill or spam, but just offer them another option, because we all know we're in multiple coins. So what we've been doing is watching the other coins once they rug and then if they're struggling, we to.

Encouraging Community Growth

Hey, we're not here to tell you to sell your coin or stop pushing your coin, but, you know, we're all in multiple coins. So if you're looking for something, the same narrative, and you want to come into another coin, you know, we exist. You can come join our community and, you know, hopefully get back the money you've lost, because we're still enough low market cap where, you know, it's easy to. You can easily pull a whatever x as we work our way back up, because none of us are going anywhere. You know, I know people say that all the time, but the truth is.

Team Commitment and Community Strength

The truth is people leave. But I think our team's pretty committed. Most of us have been here the whole six days that we've been in existence through. Through the rug and then through a couple whales leaving. So that's where we're back at right now. That's super respectable. Like, virtual was saying, you know, the fact that you guys are still around and you're here showing your bags. So I respect that. I, like, stay consistent with it, brother. I genuinely do believe that monkeypox will definitely become a big thing in the next coming months, maybe.

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