Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space brings together longstanding community members to discuss the evolution of collaborative participation in the ecosystem, particularly focusing on the tokenization of music. Reflecting on familiar faces and long-term engagement, the participants realize that innovation and new strategies are required to attract and retain interest. They discuss the potential of applying DAO principles and continuous rewards through token holding, creating deeper relationships and ongoing value. Learning from other platforms' experiences, they stress the importance of understanding and nurturing a core user base. Overall, the conversation highlights the challenges and importance of sustainable model innovation in maintaining an engaged community.


Q: Why is collaborative earning important in this ecosystem?
A: Collaborative earning can strengthen community bonds and create shared value.

Q: How can community offerings be made more attractive?
A: By incorporating fresh ideas, learning from past experiences, and innovating strategies.

Q: What lessons can be learned from Pinterest?
A: Understanding and deeply engaging with a core user base before scaling is crucial.

Q: Why was the initial tokenization of music not interesting?
A: It lacked depth and innovation, offering little beyond existing options.

Q: How does holding tokens contribute to better relationships?
A: It fosters continuous rewarding and creates a sense of community ownership.

Q: What historical context helps frame current efforts?
A: Comparisons to historic events like world wars can underscore significance and challenges.

Q: Can free speech truly exist on social platforms like Twitter?
A: There are limitations, and certain speech may lead to censorship or penalties.

Q: How do algorithmic biases affect content differentiation?
A: AI algorithms often struggle with context, potentially leading to misinterpretation and unjust moderation.

Q: What was the evolution of token models in music tokenization?
A: From basic holding models to ones offering ongoing value like airdropped content.

Q: Why is it essential to appeal to early adopters?
A: Early adopters play a vital role in shaping and sustaining community engagement.


Time: 01:25:00
Recognizing Familiar Faces

Time: 01:25:20
Reflecting on Past Conversations

Time: 01:25:38
Evaluating Community Attractiveness

Time: 01:37:15
Tokenizing Music's Origins

Time: 01:38:01
Enhancing Community Relationships

Time: 01:38:10
Continual Value for Token Holders

Time: 01:25:06
Questioning Collaborative Earning

Time: 01:25:31
Stable Community Presence

Time: 01:25:46
Challenges in Attractiveness

Time: 01:37:48
Innovative Token Models

Key Takeaways

  • The community comprises familiar faces indicating stability.
  • There is a push for collaborative earning opportunities.
  • Reflection on past experiences can lead to strategy shifts.
  • Fresh
  • attractive ideas are needed to engage participants.
  • Learning from failures and successes of other platforms is valuable.
  • Initial tokenization lacked depth and engagement.
  • Utilizing DAOs and token models can enhance community relationships.
  • Holding tokens can provide continuous value like airdropped content.
  • Early adopters need to be nurtured for sustained engagement.
  • Comparing to historical events can provide context to current efforts.

Behind the Mic

[ "Why are we not all earning together something on BSV?", "Like, why are we not all, yo, can I just.", "Sorry.", "We just had a long conversation.", "You and I agreed on a lot of things.", "We made some points, but I think it just said something that, like, sparked in me a realization that we're going.", "We could be going about this the wrong way.", "You said you've seen the same faces in here, the same 30, 40 faces in here forever, right?", "And I make the joke often that there's only 300 of us.", "It's kind of from the Sparta 300 kind of deal, right?", "But we're all.", "We've been here forever.", "Clearly, the stuff that we've been coming up with hasn't been that attractive.", "There's like an itch that we all want scratched, right?", "And we're spending a lot of brain cells on it, and there might be a little bit of opportunity to redistribute that wealth.", "And if we were redistributing that energy by investing in the community as a whole, and then so for example, let's say we started getting really good at coinsperse campaigns, right?", "And we had a thematic campaign for every month for which 300 people showed up very consistently.", "We could then almost become, like, the storefront and intellectual property for all kinds of campaigns because we'd have the people.", "And at some point, maybe we could either vote on who gets the reward for doing the work for the campaign.", "It can be subdivided.", "We could sort of be the muscle and the engine for making these campaigns successful from start to finish.", "And we learn a ton along the way because we've done them with the resources we have right now.", "If we're investing in ourselves and investing in our own community, the net effect is better, right?", "I'm just spitball right here.", "Of course.", "I've said this for years, man.", "I think the biggest problem with BS fee is that too many people are afraid to leave a line of code.", "They should see open source software is the biggest no brainer.", "It is a number one strategic advantage.", "There's nothing secretive about what we're doing.", "I put the whole business model up on my website.", "Yeah.", "Everything that I'm doing, it's up there.", "Why am I not scared that anyone's gonna take it?", "Because I have conviction that the way we're doing this is the best way.", "And if anyone else can run with it and I'll sue them because I created it.", "We're a subversive team, dude.", "When we collaborate, we're going to be unstoppable.", "I don't have a bone of competitiveness in me.", "I get my ass carried in every online video game I've ever played.", "Like, I get carried everywhere.", "People who are better at me make me better, and I thrive in that environment.", "Dude, you may make some games that may put you on top, who knows?", "Who knows what'll happen?", "Don't hold your breath on that.", "I'm just being honest.", "I gotta go soon, but I want to touch on this, man.", "I'll be super transparent with people.", "I've been working on BS Fee since August 2018.", "First show we're Bitcoin fund management group.", "It was a dark place with some dark people.", "We started Geist to try to make something positive on the piaform.", "There's a very specific reason why I left the company I was working for.", "So BS fees are not a currency.", "Have you heard of algo enforceable contracts?", "That is a hundred percent true.", "Aura sapien.", "Right.", "Aia's not here building libraries.", "There's no point in compounding what we have here because it validations are unordered.", "We don't have enough infrastructure built yet.", "But it's an environment that fosters experiment and innovation.", "I don't mind, man.", "Being important ain't about price with the right mindset.", "Ok, I think we've gone bit off tangent here.", "Ok, now we're talking about consequences.", "You got anything to add, Kurt?", "I want to talk about the word cheating.", "Yeah, man.", "I lost the sound, sorry man.", "Not at all.", "All of it.", "I've built three businesses.", "One was a vending business with a down button one dollar coming out of parking meters.", "Two local slots we had, it was more of a hobby to collect vending machines.", "It wasn't very passionate.", "But creatively, it was a moonshot.", "Just goofing, made some money, found a director to get it in order.", "I rode with some folks who are genius developers who get it.", "Anyway.", "Any more quotes for moderators, or do we sum up?", "'Headshots on NHB'.", "Any thoughts, Kurt?", "Yeah, so what Drew was talking about is just that open source is the way to spark that collaborative environment.", "We're close at connection.", "And I think the opportunity, talking about the capability of being in on the cryptocurrency wave, is the same kind.", "It's almost like a second chance.", "There's still room for the community to jump on.", "We have that ingenuity to get the next framework or the next protocol or build bridges to its success.", "We have good ideas, and there's 300 people here that could start pilots on what things BS fee can do for applications.", "But there's an opportunity top start like what Drew is saying.", "Thank you, guys." ]

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