Bitcoin Beach Grants Winners – @BitcoinLoxion


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Bitcoin Beach Grants Winners – @BitcoinLoxion hosted by Bitcoinbeach. The @BitcoinLoxion Bitcoin Beach Grants Winners space delves into the transformative power of Bitcoin on community-driven projects and financial inclusivity. Through engaging discussions, the space highlights how Bitcoin empowers underserved communities, fosters grassroots innovations, and drives real-world social changes. From financial literacy to decentralization, the space showcases the versatile impact of Bitcoin, emphasizing its role in social empowerment and economic resilience. Dive into the evolving narrative of Bitcoin, shifting towards community impact, and global societal improvements through decentralized technologies.

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Total Listeners: 21


Q: How does Bitcoin impact financial inclusion in underbanked areas?
A: Bitcoin provides secure and accessible financial tools, offering alternatives to traditional banking for underserved populations.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the success of projects like Bitcoin Beach Grants?
A: Community involvement fosters ownership, sustainability, and diversified growth opportunities for local initiatives.

Q: How does blockchain technology ensure transparency in fund management?
A: Blockchain enables a tamper-proof ledger, ensuring transparent and accountable financial processes for grant distribution.

Q: Why is financial literacy crucial in adopting cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?
A: Understanding the fundamentals of cryptocurrency usage empowers individuals to utilize digital assets effectively and securely.

Q: What makes Bitcoin a catalyst for social and economic change in communities?
A: Bitcoin's decentralized nature and financial accessibility enable communities to drive social initiatives independently, impacting real-world economies.

Q: How can grassroots projects leverage Bitcoin to drive sustainable societal changes?
A: Integrating Bitcoin into local projects creates a decentralized economy, fostering economic independence and community resilience.

Q: What makes Bitcoin a versatile solution for global impact?
A: Bitcoin's scalability and borderless nature enable it to transcend geographical boundaries, facilitating impactful projects worldwide.

Q: How does Bitcoin empower individuals with financial sovereignty?
A: By providing direct ownership and control over assets, Bitcoin empowers individuals to manage their finances independently, promoting self-reliance.

Q: In what ways does Bitcoin contribute to social empowerment beyond financial gains?
A: Bitcoin facilitates community-driven initiatives, fostering empowerment, innovation, and sustainable changes in social structures.

Q: Why is the narrative of Bitcoin shifting towards community impact and social resilience?
A: As Bitcoin integrates into grassroots projects, its narrative evolves to emphasize social change, community upliftment, and economic empowerment.


Time: 00:14:27
Bitcoin's Impact on Community Empowerment Exploring how Bitcoin initiatives empower communities to drive economic change.

Time: 00:25:50
Community-Driven Projects with Bitcoin Discussing the success stories of local projects fueled by Bitcoin and community engagement.

Time: 00:36:18
Financial Inclusion Through Bitcoin Examining how Bitcoin tackles financial exclusion by providing accessible financial tools.

Time: 00:45:29
Bitcoin's Role in Grassroots Innovation Analyzing how Bitcoin fuels grassroots innovation and sustainable development.

Time: 00:56:40
Empowering Communities with Bitcoin Highlighting the empowerment of individuals and communities through Bitcoin's decentralized features.

Time: 01:07:22
Bitcoin's Influence on Real-World Changes Illustrating how Bitcoin transcends digital assets to impact tangible social and economic transformations.

Time: 01:18:15
Sustainability and Resilience Through Bitcoin Exploring the sustainable changes and resilience fostered by integrating Bitcoin into local projects.

Time: 01:29:07
Bitcoin as a Catalyst for Social Innovation Examining how Bitcoin drives social innovation and empowers communities to enact positive societal shifts.

Time: 01:40:50
Global Impact of Bitcoin on Communities Discussing the global reach of Bitcoin in empowering communities and fostering economic independence.

Time: 01:53:03
Narrative Evolution of Bitcoin Towards Social Empowerment Tracing the evolution of Bitcoin's narrative from financial investment to community impact and social resilience.

Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin can revolutionize traditional financial systems, providing opportunities for underbanked communities.
  • Community-driven initiatives like Bitcoin Beach Grants empower local projects to thrive.
  • The importance of financial inclusivity and education in fostering sustainable economic growth.
  • Blockchain technology offers transparency and security, transforming how funds are managed and distributed.
  • Bitcoin's impact extends beyond digital assets, influencing real-world social and economic changes.
  • Collaboration between technology, finance, and community engagement drives innovative solutions for societal challenges.
  • The scalability and adaptability of Bitcoin make it a viable solution for grassroots initiatives and global impact.
  • Empowering individuals with financial sovereignty through decentralized technologies like Bitcoin fosters self-reliance and empowerment.
  • The narrative of Bitcoin goes beyond investment and speculation, encompassing social empowerment and community resilience.
  • Incorporating Bitcoin into grassroots projects creates tangible and sustainable changes within local communities.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Can hear you Ramon. Okay. Hello. Hello. How are you? Paco, where are you? Where? In the space. I'm calling Paco. Paco is walking here in the Pito park. Paco de India. Yeah, Paco de India. Paco de Mexico is already here in the. In the space. Yeah, I'm here. Hello everyone. Let's see Herman in here.

Conversation Kickoff

You want to. You want to start us off Roman? Sure, just let me. I'm going to take it here. Yeah, just give me 1 second. Or. You want me to. Paco, start us off? Sure. Paco, you want to lead us off? Of course. So. Hello everyone. This is another space with the bitcoin beach grants winners. Today we have Tulisa from Bitcoin Luxion, a project in South Africa. They have a great initiative there building a circular economy and also education projects. So why don't you take it over? Welcome to Lisa. Is that pronounced correctly?

Introduction of Tulisa

Yes, it is pronounced. You pronounced it correctly. Hello everyone. My name is Tulisa from Kylie chan, Cape Town. I'm also a south african citizen. Yeah. Guys, before we move forward can we. Can we all share the space like these more people can connecting. And I'm also trying to invite Herman Viktanekasi but I know you are really close, right. And we want to hear also from Herman and how bitcoin Akashi have been leading the way for the rest of the project in this area.

Inviting More Participants

Alright, so I reposted. If everybody else can go ahead and repost, get some other folks in here and then. Yeah, we'll get some background on the project and the leaders and get more of the backstory and then we'll have the time for questions and. Nice. Today we have some of the other folks from there in Africa that have been able to join. So Rapundo I see is out there obviously Armand. So why don't you. Why don't you go ahead and lead us off, Roman?

Discussion on Bitcoin Projects

Sure. So bitcoin lockson is one of the grants winner on the past bitcoin beach grants that we did with Geiser and the Beacon Circle Economy Federation. And as Paco was saying, every Tuesday we have a new space with the new bitcoin circle economy. And we're excited today to have bitcoin luxuriant. So Julissa, why you don't give us an overview what is bitcoin Luxion and how you started creating this bitcoin economy, this bitcoin project in South Africa?

Starting Bitcoin Luxion

Okay, first of all we started bitcoin auction started this year, right after bitcoin adoption in Cape Town. That was happening in Cape Town in January. And after the conference, we took a drive from Cape Town to Mussel Bay, where we got to see and experience what bitcoin egas is doing over there. And that inspired me and also gave me a motivation to come here and implement the same things that they are doing in Mosul Bay. Here in Kailiju, we are doing weekly meetups every Thursdays.

Weekly Engagement and Education

We also have like sessions where were doing. We are doing choices. We recently finished my first bitcoin, which we assisted by bitcoin Wundu. We also have onboarded few shops here in Kailitza, where those shops, they do accept bitcoin payments. We also have a garden where everyone who's working at the garden is earning their stipends in bitcoin. So we are building slowly but surely, and we are trying to make sure that everyone knows and understand what bitcoin is.

Mission and Motivation

To go a bit more further. The reason, except for being inspired by bitcoin Ekazi, the other reason I came up with this thing to start in Khali chat, it was because I've seen people going through a lot, being told a lot of things, and they didn't have much information and much education. So I knew that there's something that we needed to do as a bitcoin community in college so that people can know and understand and receive the correct information regarding bitcoin. Yeah.

Significance of the Project Name

I'm curious, can you tell us what the significance of the name of the project? So Lakshmi is also loction is called. It's more like location. It's also. It means the same thing as Ekasi. It means the same thing as my home. It means election, means a lot of things to different people. For me, location means my place, my community, my society. That's what it means to me. But to everyone else, it's also like the same thing.

Process of Starting the Project

Hence, we are more looking up to what bitcoin egas is doing in order for us to be able to do the same thing here in Kili. So it's more like that. And what was kind of the process that you went through to start the project? Was there something already ongoing with the garden aspect of it that about, or was there already a community group organization? There was this something that you started from scratch and then how receptive have people been to the bitcoin component?

Challenges Faced in Implementation

It was started from stretch. When we started bitcoin, Lochin in the garden was also started from there. I was thinking of ways of, because the vision is building a circular economy, and you can't just stand in the corner and start giving people bitcoin. So instead of people buying bitcoin, I thought it would be much more easier, much more safer for people to work and earn bitcoin. So we started the garden in order for us to be able to pay people with bitcoin so that they can also assist us in building the circular economy within Kilij.

Experiences with Resistance

And when it started, I'm not gonna lie, we had a lot of difficulties and ups and downs, but each and every day, I feel like it's a learning curve in terms of the garden. And each and every day, there's something new. But the vision is bigger than everything else. The vision is making sure that the whole Kylie Chan knows and understand what bitcoin is and what bitcoin stands for, irregardless of the obstacles and everything that is happening.

Importance of Education

I believe that doing these things this way, it might help someone or some people in order for them to be able to meet their ends, meet at the same time, to be able to use bitcoin as their store of value. And you said there was a number of issues. Was that specifically around people understanding bitcoin and using bitcoin? Or was it more on the gardening aspect, or what kind of challenges did you guys face? Or still continuing to work through?

Combating Misinformation

Okay. When we started bitcoin auction, people have already had different experiences with bitcoin, whereby people. There was a guy proof. Let mention names. People would meet people and be like, hey, give me your 500 friends, for example, and I will buy you bitcoin. And then most of people got scammed through that, and now they didn't trust anything that has to do with bitcoin. So we had to go back and rebuild and make people understand exactly that.

Building Trust through Education

Sometimes you just need education in order for you to be able to not be. To not get scammed anymore. I believe that once you have a knowledge of something, you can never go wrong with anything that you're going to implement with the education that you got. And it was around that. And when we started building the shek, because we have a shek here in kylie. When we started building the shack, when you wrote outside bitcoin, there was a lot of noise.

Community Resistance and Obstacles

And the noise was not positive noise, but each and every day, when you meet one person and you explain to one person and you give them. You give them the. You give them your time to explain thoroughly what bitcoin is, what bitcoin stands for. It's easier for the next person to come the following day and be like, hey, you told Herman that bitcoin is this and that. Can you please explain it to me as well? I want to understand better.

Building Understanding

So it was those kind of obstacles, and with the garden, there was a lot with the garden. When we started the garden, there were lots of ups and downs. When we started cleaning the place to do the garden, people put in tires and started burning the place, all because of not understanding the vision behind what we're doing. But each and every day, as I said, we are pulling through and making sure that people do understand why we are doing this thing and why we are so patient in people understanding that bitcoin.

Future Aspirations

It is a better money, and we all need to understand that one day, all of this thing, bitcoin might be a solution in every situation that we are facing right now. So what would you say helps you break through to the people? Have you found a something specific that helps them understand what your guys goal is and why bitcoin is better money? Is it just simply a matter of spending a lot of time with them, or is there certain ways that you can help them kind of think about bitcoin and help them kind of have that breakthrough?

Strategies for Engagement

I'd like to believe that each and every person has their own strategy on how to make sure that people listen. For me. When we started, because we didn't just start with my first bitcoin classes, when we started with Trezor, it's kind of crazy. When we started with Trezor Academy, when were doing the treasure lessons, we started hosting prize, where we invited most of people to come in.

Creating Opportunities for Learning

And that was an opportunity for me and the people understood bitcoin to explain and give the persone one conversation so that you can explain thoroughly to them. And then we. Once were able to do that, and now five or ten people understood, it was more like a word of mouth. When I tell Glenn what bitcoin is, they get to the cowash and they start speaking about bitcoin. Even though the person who's going to give them the information, it's not going to be accurate 100%, but it gives them that thing of, I want to know what's going on.

Growing Interest in Bitcoin

Hence, we started finding people coming in the shack, knocking, trying to understand, and starting asking questions. I'm not. I'm not going to lie and say everyone is away, but I think it's. It's a journey where each and every day, if you meet two or three people, for me, it is a success, because now it means that bitcoin education is getting out there, and people are starting to open their eyes and understand what bitcoin stands for as well.

Understanding the Background

Can you. Can you give us a. A little bit of your background? And I think will be really important for people to understand your background. And I know you. We hear that you get inspired by bitcoin and Casi, but what made you thinking and want to create this bitcoin circle economy in this township in South Africa?

Personal Background Influence

Okay, I see bitcoin is in this way. If you say big background, you mean my bitcoin background, right? Yes. Okay. I think, too, just your general background, too, like that. Are you. Is. Are you from this community? You know, is this why. Why specifically in this area have you chosen to work and just for us to understand a little bit more of who you are and then how bitcoin came into your. You know, to play with that?

Roots in the Community

Okay. So I was born and raised in Cape Town, in Kailitsha, and I spent my whole entire life in this community. I wouldn't say I'm popular, but few people know me. And I've had fewer relationships with people because I used to play soccer before my olden days, and so people knew me from there. And when we started opening the shack, it was easier for people to.

Familiarity and Trust

It was easier for me to approach people because they're already familiar with me. They were already know me because I grew up in the community. I'm not sure if you answered that correctly. Yeah, no, that's perfect. And then to understand at what point you were exposed to bitcoin and why you saw that as something that would benefit the community, was it just from what was happening in Akashi or just kind of understand that interplay?

First Encounter with Bitcoin

I first heard bitcoin through some. Through a friend.

Initial Skepticism and New Insights

And I'm not gonna lie, the friend didn't give me the correct information. They just told me that. Not saying that, they didn't give me correct information, but they were like, hey, download this, and then you can download this app, and then you can go. Always go to pick and pay and buy with bitcoin. And I've always been skeptical because of the things that I've heard and seen that were happening in my community. But when this person started introducing me to 21 pages bitcoin and 21 pages I read through that, I understood. That's when things started changing for me. And opening it gave me an eye opener. And the way I see it, I see bitcoin, for me, as a tool, is I see bitcoin as a revolution whereby we are, I am making and I'm speaking my. My throat, my truth, because I don't think that it's fair if I can wake up each and every day and work, like, 20, 12 hours a day and still find people taking things that do not belong to them.

Power and Education

So I believe when. When I. When I understood bitcoin better, I saw that I got my power back in terms of my hard earnings. Yeah. That'S nice. Can you. Can you give us a little bit of the idea, the dream, the plan, the goals in a short, medium, and long term goals that you have, the dream, what are the things that you're working on now? What are the things that you want to accomplish in the medium term and long term goals? Okay. With the project. With the bitcoin project, the vision is quite big, because if I can start from the garden, when I look at the garden and the guys who are working at the garden, they are earning in sets, it means that they can always go to the nearest shops that we've onboarded and can purchase whatever that they need. That gives people, a lot of people, an opportunity to employment. It's not a full time employment. It's not a lot of. It's not a lot, but it's something that people. It can help people.

Addressing Community Needs through Bitcoin

Maybe a week or two. And for me, when I look at the garden and I look at the space that we have, it is the more we grow into the garden, the more people can come and start earning and making sure they meet. They can meet their ends meet as well, each and every day. Because if you look at the crime rate in Kailitzer and when you ask the people why there's such things, they will tell you there's no employment. There's not enough jobs. There's this and that. So I thought to myself, if there's something to do each and every day, maybe that could help people to reduce the crime rate. I'm not saying that I'm a superhero. I'm going to change everything. But I'm saying the little that I can do in terms of bitcoin, with bitcoin in it, then that can also.

Vision for Bitcoin Education

If I can. If bitcoin can change one or two people's lives for me, that's okay. And the vision is just making sure that bitcoin education gets to the whole Kai liter. The vision is that people get the correct and the right information about bitcoin and so that they can be able, as well, to teach their kids and their grandkids and give people and their grandkids power back on their hands. And if I can go back to the shack, I think that if we could have a bigger space or a community center whereby people can always come and learn more about bitcoin and ask more questions about bitcoin and understanding what bitcoin is and what bitcoin stands for. For me, that would be everything, because education at this point in my society or in my community is everything.

Comparing and Learning from Other Communities

I'm curious as to what you would say would be some of the similarities and some of the differences between. We know that each bitcoin circular economy is unique and meets kind of unique needs in that community compared to what you see happening with bitcoin. Akashi, what are some of the things you've replicated and then what are some of the things you've done differently? Obviously, the garden is a unique aspect of what you guys are doing. And I love that. I love that fact that they're encouraging people to grow food there in the community. But just be curious to what you see as the differences and some of the similarities. I'm going to dwell more on the similarities. I think I am just to be honest, I'm just coping and pasting whatever that they are doing.

Implementing Successful Strategies

Because if they've done this since 2021 and they're still continuing to do it and it's working for them, then why not use the same strategy that they have? So we have painted few shakes. We've painted bitcoin ubundu. We've painted bitcoin ecass. We've painted blink. We also have bitcoin lockshin logos one of the shacks in Kailitzer, whereby each and every household owner gets to earn 7000 sets each and every year after two weeks. And we've took that from bitcoin. Egazi. When I saw the shacks at Egac this year, when I went there, I was like, this is really beautiful. And it also gives people an opportunity to be able to earn bitcoin and have that feel of having their power back.

The Importance of Bitcoin Education for Youth

Because I believe that bitcoin gives people power over everything. And the other thing we've took from them that I'm still trying to implement even more, it's the education, teaching the young kids so that when they grow up, they understand. They grow up knowing and aware of what's going on and what's happening within the bitcoin, circulate within bitcoin. And I believe that once you start teaching a ten year old and a nine year old about bitcoin by the time they get to the age of 15, they are able to meet their peers in high school, they're able to meet their peers at school, and they get to share that kind of information during break time, during school time.

Sharing Knowledge and Community Growth

For me, that is the biggest thing because I believe that the more younger kids that we have in the shack and learning about bitcoin, it's more working because they're able to meet other kids at school from different communities and they're able to share the knowledge and the education that they got from bitcoin. Lockshin. Amazing. Amazing. And for everyone, just that is connecting. Now we're having the Twitter space that we have every Tuesday with the new bitcoin circle economy, and today we're learning everything about bitcoin locks on building. They're building a bitcoin circle economy in a township in South Africa.

Community Impact and Future Plans

And it's super amazing to hear what you guys are doing there. And we have here Herman from bitcoin. Ekashi. How do you feel, Herman, to see this new project getting inspired by you guys, what that means for you? Yeah. We can hear you. Yeah, man. It's super cool to hear that. There's other projects picking up the bull and running with it in South Africa in similar settings to what we're operating in. This is one of the things that I really would like to do as much as possible to support, because ultimately that's what we want to see.

Supporting Circular Economies

We want to see circular economies emerging in several different locations. So it's really cool to see. It's sort of heartwarming to hear that the conference that we helped to organize in Cape Town played a big role in sort of kickstarting this project because that's also, that's, you know, that's precisely why we wanted to do that conference, to encourage further adoption. So, yeah, it just makes me really happy to hear the story. And obviously, I've been following them very closely, you know, watching what they've been doing, and it's just incredibly cool to see.

Personal Insights and Future Potential

I love watching the project evolve and grow. And I personally have not been there, but Lutando took our bitcoin Landcruiser and when to visit the project. So we have sent some of our team to go and visit bitcoin Loch Shaun, and we'll definitely go again. It's not too far from where we are. And, yeah, it's just really cool to see. I want to just make sure that they understand that we are there to support them and really want to see them keep building.

Experiences in Kailitsha

Latundo, can you share with us a little bit about what you experienced there? I'm just curious if you saw anything that you saw that they were doing and thought we should be doing this at an Akashi. Hello. Hello everyone. Going to Kayelicha was a great experience for me. I never been in Kailitzer. I just passed in Kairita. But going to bitcoin location I did experience the life of Kairita and there is a lot of power there and many people they are struggling a lot.

Facing Challenges in Kailitsha

So to Lisa, by opening the bitcoin auction project in Kielicha, it seems like it's a great idea because like I did, I was scared going to Kailasha because I know how dangerous Kailisha is. I just hear about people that Kailitza is very dangerous. And I did got a chance to go in Kailitza, but I was very scared to go there. And even the team Herman did organize me some toy like a paper spray gun just to be safe in Kailasha. But I did risk about myself, like to go Kalisha very risk.

Positive Reactions to Bitcoin Initiatives

And many people, they saw the bitcoin land trouser and they. They were starting believing that, Teresa is doing something like legit. They contract. And also people, they say, like, okay, Teresa, now you are putting us on the map. And many people, they were so happy to see the big contract and meeting many people. And we did able to paint our logo in Kailasha. And it was very cool. I did experience a trade experience and I was there just to help Teresa and also to show Teresa how the strategies have to use to onboard the shops.

Verifying Community Efforts

But I was there to just to verify, like when I'm here. I was not trust, but I did go to Kalita just to verify. Awesome. Well, I know we have a number of other people from other circular bitcoin economies. So I would. If you guys have any questions or just want to voice your support, would love to hear from some of you guys. Fernando, you wanna. You have any question? You wanna support? Put a good word of support for the ten election.

Addressing Crime and Poverty

Can I say something? Am I audible? Yes, please. Maybe I don't say this a lot. Karlita is known for a lot of things. It's known for its own high crime rate. I agree with Rutando. It's known for its own poverty and stuff like that. But I would like to believe that there are also beautiful things that are happening in Kairitra and Kairita. I would like to believe it has its own room to expand and be a better place.

The Impact of the Bitcoin Community

And when I look at. When I look at bitcoin and I look at the bitcoin community and I look at how bitcoin legacy is, I believe that the little impact that we are pushing within the community, Kylie cha. Can better again. It's just that sometimes people, they believe that seeing is believing. And I'd like to say that the more people. The more people starting to see how bitcoin is, what bitcoin stands for, and how the community. How bitcoin community is, it would be much more easier for people to trust again in bitcoin.

Hope for the Future

I'm not sure if I. But, yeah, that's what I wanted to put it out there. Put out there. No, I love that. That is. That is perfect. When we sit, we can sense that. We can hear that in your voice, that hope you have for your community there, so definitely love that.

Contrasting Experiences between Locations

Herman. Yeah. I just wanted to. When Talisa was speaking, it made me think of something. I think one of the things that's worth pointing out is there's one very obvious difference between the locations that bitcoin Ekashi and bitcoin Lochshan operates in. And that is the fact that the township where we started our project is way, way smaller than Kailitsha. Kailitsha is a massive, sprawling township outside Cape Town.

Challenges and Opportunities

And I think that adds quite a lot to the challenge. I certainly feel like it would have been more difficult to start what we did in a bigger township, but then again, it also provides a much bigger opportunity. And I think one of the things that I'm incredibly excited about is the fact that it is located. It's so close to Cape Town and that it is so much bigger and that the scope for impact is so much bigger.

Anticipation for Future Developments

There really is a massive scope for impact. I kind of sometimes feel a little envious because it's so much easier to convince people to come to visit Cape Town as opposed to Mossel Bay, which is a little bit off the edge of the map. So I'm quite excited to see what happens there. And definitely, we'll be keeping a close eye on and following it very closely. Very, very exciting future.

Community Population Insights

Before we go to Lufthando, how many people live in this township? What is the difference between the township, Herman, where bitcoin does he have the project, and Kaulita, how you pronounce Kaulitza? So I think Talisa should correct me if I'm wrong, but I know, obviously, I'm a little bit more familiar with where we are in Mossel Bay. But the township where we operate, it's no more than 20,000 people.

Size Comparison

And that little small part of the township in which we operate is probably no more than about 10,000. So it really is quite a small community.

Population of Kailitsha

And obviously, there are different communities within Kailitsha. But I think the overall population of Kailitsha is way, way bigger than that. But Teresa would know better. Yeah, I think. I think Kaliche would multiply most of three times because it's 200,000 people living within the community of only in Kailija. Because there are a lot of sheikhs. There are a lot of. There are different townships within Kayelija. And it comes back to what I've been thinking of Herman lately. Even though we are located bitcoin, lotion is located in Makaza. And we are trying to spread the education within Kailitsha. And if you are coming from n two n, you get to see nye there. I was thinking, how about. I was thinking, how about I start trying to put up some banner that bitcoin is education over there so that everyone who's coming from Kalichi and going out of Kalicha get to see that and they start growing some questions within their heads and start asking more important questions about bitcoin. But that just was. That was just my thought of it. Yeah, but Kalicha is really big.

Onboarding and Transport Challenges

And also, like, I did forget to mention that, like, we did onboard a coffee shop with Toulisa while I was in Kairita. And also, like, his way by Teresa. Like he did, like, he did mention that he's scared to go to the guy, like, giving a coffee shop. So the guy is too serious. Like, maybe he's gonna be fine when I go with him. Like, the guy was shocked. Also, like, to see the pecan cruiser. Like, he was very shocked. But he didn't give us hard time when he see the cardinal that, oh, wow, this car is very beautiful. So I wish also to Lisa he can have his own transport to go around Kailisha because Kailasha is too big to just use a public transport. Maybe if you can help. Luxury and where their own transport with branded, like bitcoin Land cruiser ekasi Cruza. That would be cool. And the guy keeps on asking about the crew. He keeps on asking. He keeps asking. Yeah, yeah. He was very stroked.

Bitcoin Projects in Brazil

Nice, nice. Fernando, how do you feel to see all these projects you're leading? You're building a big Pensacola economy in Brazil and Jericho. Cara, me and my wife cannot pronounce. I think we will never going to be able to pronounce the name really well. But you have been helping other bitcoin circle economies, too. So what's your. What, what you can share here with bitcoin Luxon. Fernando, are you there? If you are, you're on mute. Yeah. If Fernando is not here, we can. We can meet you. Bitcoin Ubuntu, how you doing? Hi. Hi. Thanks very much. Very well. Thanks for having me up. This is Glenn from bitcoin Ubuntu. And I. I just wanted to really commend Talisa on the work that she's doing there. I know she's already faced some challenges, but she's tenacious.

Community Engagement and Challenges

It's been an absolute pleasure working with you through all of the challenges that there have been between the weather and the pushback from community and everything that you've had there. Talisa, you've really done yourself proud in, you know, in not giving up. And I hope we'll have further occasions to work together some more in the future. I had a quick look here at the. At the last census figures for Kailitscher. Back in 2011, there were almost 400,000 people. So it's anyone's guess what they might be today. I would. I would imagine that easily have doubled by now. So probably close to a million, if not over a million people in Khalilica. So super excited to see. To see a project like this be launched there.

Updates from Bitcoin Umbrella Project

We got Ms. Fernando back, maybe. Wow. Amazing. Yeah. We have also bitcoin. Anambra, how you doing? Yeah. Good evening, guys. It's past 09:00 p.m. here. I'm Kester, and I'm the project lead of bitcoin and umbrella. So we are one of the people that won the grants by bitcoin beach. And we officially saying thank you. And we've. We've been doing some proof of work lately. On Sunday, which is the day before yesterday, we held our first meetup, our first business hangout, soggy, and the number was crazy. And from there, we got, like, five businesses on the spot that reached out to us on how they can start accepting bitcoin as payment. So, this week, we'll be going to their shops to onboard them. So I just want to give that update and tell you guys that you did a wonderful job.

Challenges and Safety Concerns

I wonder if I could just jump back in there, because I wanted to ask one other thing there, and I haven't been to visit the project in Loch Shen. Yes. But I'm really excited to. A little bit nervous. Like Litando says, it's not known for being the safest place in the world, but I gather that it's safe enough if we come and see you, Talisa. I've got an Uber driver there that's a bitcoiner, and hopefully he'll be able to bring me in and you can meet us somewhere, show us around. I would gladly do that. And I can. I can say when you allowed me, you are safe. If I'm here.

Support and Community Center Vision

You only need to say the magic word to Lisa. Well, I'm looking forward to it. I hope to. Hope to see you guys soon. Well, I would love to hear, Talisa, how you guys like, what type of ongoing support you guys need and are looking for what you found is helpful from coming in from other projects, what things we can be kind of pushing people in the broader community, bitcoin community, towards that they can know about what you guys have going on. Yeah, just generally how we can be helped. So, as Lutano mentioned, from the distance from where I stayed to the shack, it's quite far. And the distance I walk from the shack to the garden, it's also far with the tools and everything that we're holding, because when you get to the garden, you need to have all tools to work at the garden. So I think having a vehicle that is branded with bitcoin Lochin and being able to be visible to people, I think that would be like a great assistance within bitcoin Lochian.

Center for Education and Community Engagement

And when I look at the vision of bitcoin Lochin, as I said before, we are just coping and pasting whatever bitcoin ecosystem is doing at this point. And I think if we could have our own space and build bitcoin location, community center, where people can be able to get Wi Fi access and Google more and learn more about bitcoin, things like books, hard copy books, whereby people can read about bitcoin. Because I think the only books that we have, they are like ten. And if it's more like a recycling, when you are done that in the book, you have to bring it back to the center. And I wish that people can, like, be able not to share per se, but be able to anytime when they want to get information about bitcoin, they can get it. So I think a center would. Would be a great way forward for us to be able to host, like, more than 300 people, more than 400 people, because the sheik that we have, it can only host up to 50 people.

Logistics and Community Interactions

Not even 50. Let's say 20, because it's not that big. So if we can have a spot or a place whereby we can be able to host more than 200 people when it comes to having bitcoin meetups, bitcoin education, and also if people, they are interested after any adoption, bitcoin and they want to come to Kailasha so that they can have a space whereby they can just sit down and be able to have a civil conversation, I think that would be the greatest thing ever. What do we want to do? We've got a. We're about 45 minutes in. We usually try to keep it under an hour, but we have time for some questions. So if there's people in the audience that have some specific, additional questions, go ahead, Aramon, why don't you start us off? And then if anybody else just put. Your hand up, I've got a quick question.

Community Engagement Through Shack Painting

I just wanted to find out how many. How many shacks have they painted? I know of three. I think they painted. The most recent one was the blink wallet. And then I know they did their own logo one of the shacks. And then they did a bitcoin ikasi logo and maybe a Matankura one as well, I'm not sure, but just wanted to check with Toulisa. How many shacks have they painted now? So far we've only painted four. We've got two more to go. We've got, we've got. We recent. Today we did bitcoin, Ubuntuan and Sunday were doing blink. And then on during the week we're also gonna do Machankur, I'm also gonna do Trezor.

Opportunities for Business Involvement

But if there's someone interested and they would like their logos to be put it up in Kailey cha and. Yeah, I would gladly do. So. How'S, how's works? What's the. Someone want to put their logos down there? What's the process? Is there any. Can you explain us a little bit about that? So we. If you would like, in terms of with. If you would like to put your logo or your circular economy logo in Kailitzer, you just have to understand that we are strictly giving back to the people who are allowing us to pen their shares. And as I said, we're just implementing the same thing that Acas is doing.

Building Sustainable Local Economies

Each and every after two weeks, we make sure that the shack owner gets to receive 7000 sets and so that they can be able to also meet to get their meet there to make their ends meet. As well. But that is done via bitcoin location so that we can be able to go to each and every houses and be able to. To pay them in bitcoin. Yeah. And then they'll be able to spend that bitcoin at the community. Community gardens buying probably price subsidize the vegetables. Right? The extra veg that you guys produce? Yes, yes. Nice. I can just maybe add something there. I think the shack painting thing is it's a fantastic way to get small amounts of sats flowing on a regular basis because that's one of the key.

Challenges in Circular Economy Construction

That's one of the key challenges that you have to solve and in building the circular economy is you got to onboard the shops, but then you got to solve the spending side of the equation too. So who's going to be spending the sats and doing the painting?

Artistic Integrity in Marketing

It's a great way to get sats flowing. In our case, what we found works best is we don't actually sell it as a marketing type of thing. We would paint the logos of organizations and wallets and things that we use ourselves in the project. And it's not necessarily something that companies come in and pay for. So it's not a marketing exercise per se. We found that if we do it that way, then it just gives the whole thing a little bit more integrity because we don't want to start selling wall space on people's homes as a marketing type thing. Although some of the companies whose logos we have ended up painting have definitely been very supportive of the project. But it's sort of like we would have, I think, with, we chose which logos to paint. It's not like companies have been approaching us. We kind of like singled out the projects that we found useful in building out the project. And those are the logos that we selected to paint. And then if there was some support forthcoming, that would happen afterwards.

Financial Support for Families

And the families receive type of rental every month on sats, is that correct? Yeah. So in our case. In our case we pay 7000 sats per week. It's enough to buy, you know, bread and milk and a few basic grocery items. I think bitcoin. Bitcoin Lockshon does, I think to lisa said 7000 sats every second week. So it's not a massive amount of money and. But it's enough to buy something useful on a weekly basis. And in our case, the condition that the families who live in those shacks, the condition that they receive those sats under is that they don't convert that to fiat. They have to spend it as sats or save it.

Rejecting Unwanted Advertisements

A question. How many chip coins have been coming to Lisa to. And also for you, Herman, too, asking you to paint the logo in one of those. Yeah. Many, many. But we say no. So far for me, I'm not gonna lie. I haven't been approached by anyone. Whichever logo that we put it out there, it's people that we know and we've had a relationship with. So I'm not gonna lie. We haven't. Yeah. Nice. Nice. I could also just. I just also want to clarify. We have also been approached by companies that want to advertise completely unrelated things. And not necessarily shitcoins as such, but, you know, just like, unrelated things. And then it kind of, you know, just have to reiterate the fact that it's not really a marketing exercise as such. But there has been a few people, but it's not an advertising exercise. So it's just a very polite no whenever that request comes through.

Support from the Community

100%. And thank you. Thanks for clarifying this point we have here. Andrew. Andrew. How you doing, brother? What's up, everybody? Another great space. I'm driving, so I'm gonna be safe as possible. And short and sweet. I just wanted to say thank you. I hadn't heard a ton about the bitcoin auction project, but it was great to hear. I'm really excited. I've been learning how to garden myself and trying to do some growing of vegetables. I love how you are taking the, like, ikasi framework and then adapting it. That is so cool. I would love to see more and to see more promotion. I think that the gardening idea is just so aligned to slow low time preference, growth and health and longevity and hope and so, yeah, thank you guys for sharing this cool idea and what you're doing.

Gratitude and Encouragement

And, yeah, shout out. Thank you, Bitcoin Beach, Mike Roman and team and Paco. This weekly space is. Yeah, keeps. Keeps it going right among. Among all of the. Even within bitcoin price talk and all this drama or whatever. This space is a place to come to bring it back to the center of why we're doing. Why we're doing this and what's really important. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you, Andrew. And for who doesn't know. And Andrew is one of the person that have been involved with Viacom Circle economy since the beginning. Andrew. Andrew was one of our bigger cheerleader, if I can say it in this way, for bitcoin beach and supporting us and helping us and encourage us. So thank you. Thank you very much for all your support since the beginning.

Coalition for Local Economies

Also, andrew and herman, Fernando, Scott, Mike, myself, we have been involved also with the federation of the bitcoin circle economies. Scott is who is leading the federation, but we all have been, you know, getting together, trying to find ways to support more bitcoin economies. And I think Andrew is like, even if Andrew is working full time with the company, he always finds time for big and circle economy. So that's amazing. And thank you, andrew, for everything, for all your support. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, my heart is in the grassroots adoption. It's really why I do this. Just in general, I think that this is why bitcoin is world changing.

Personal Commitment and Community Engagement

And the funny side note to all of this is that, you know, I'm living in the states. I founded a meetup two years ago, and we don't have. I haven't gotten one merchant to accept bitcoin and where I live. So I'm a poser here. I just, you know, I'm here learning from you all how to do things and cheerleading. Like you said, rahman, you guys are showing me the way, so I really appreciate. I'm a student. I'm a student. We will send Lutando to help you with that. Please. Please. We're gonna. We're gonna do it. Rhode Island, Rhode island, bitcoin meetup.

Upcoming Events and Future Plans

I've been saying now for maybe, I don't know, it's eight months. We're gonna have a. Some big event, but we want to do it like a. Like a small, big event, small conference. I don't know. We want to do something in. In the future to help make Rhode Island a bit. Bitcoin friendly state up here. And, yeah, we'll have to invite some of you all to educate the, you know, the folks here and what bitcoin means and why it's important to pay attention to. Amazing. Mike, we have five minutes to go. So what do you want to do? I think we can go ahead and wrap it up.

Engaging the Support Network

I just want to, you know, we just invite everybody to make sure that they're. They're following the project, that they, you know, send them sats to be able to support them. We'll have to look into, you know, if we can longer term try to raise funds for, you know, some bitcoin that for bitcoin election, and, you know, that's. That's obviously a bigger ask, but in the meantime, just to be able to support their ongoing projects, you know, but I'm not sure. Do you guys have a geyser campaign at all or how can people give to the project? We do not have anything yet. We are just having. We're just using Blink right now as a tool whereby if anyone wants to assist us with anything, they can always use blink.

Future Funding Strategies

But besides that, we don't have anything else. So it might be good to set up a geyser fund. And there's lots of the other projects here that can help you with that if it's, you know, if you need it. I think it's a pretty simple, straightforward process, but that way, people kind of know and they can kind of track the donations you guys are receiving, but would definitely encourage you guys to support this project and then obviously follow them on Twitter and. Yeah. Do you want to. Is there anything else that. That we missed that you want to make sure that we know about the project?

Appreciation for Support

No. For me, I just wanted to say, like, thank you very much to everyone who has been, like, the support structure and giving me encouragement of keep on doing the same thing that. Doing everything that I'm trying to do in Kailija. Thank you very much to Herman, to Soweto Beverenne, TC bitcoin. I really appreciate, guys, your support. It has been. It doesn't go unseen. Thank you very much to you, bitcoin bitch, as well. Thank you very much. Amazing. And to Lisa. Let's connect. In the next few weeks, there are a few conference happening in El Salvador also.

Conferences and Networking

That will be nice to have you in one of those. Okay. Can I. Can I quickly do a quick shout out to anyone if they would like to learn more about bitcoin lockjon or learn more about this project to Lisa and several people from the project will definitely be at the Cape Town conference early next year. So if you want to come and meet to Lisa and find out and learn more about the project firsthand, then you can do that at the conference. We're trying to. We're going to try and get as many people from their project to the conference as possible.

Event Details

And it should be quite easy because they really close by. What dates, Herman? Can you say the dates like these people? 24, 25 January 2025. Really, really close. Amazing. We're gonna try to send Mike there. I would love to go back. Okay, guys? Yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much. See you next week. And, yeah, Julissa, you're doing an amazing work. Keep going. As everyone say, we're here to support. Feel free to reach out anytime you feel you need it, and see you next week.

Conclusion and Farewell

Bye, guys.

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