Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #Bitcoin Beach Grants Winners – @bitcoin_dua hosted by Bitcoinbeach. The #Bitcoin Beach Grants Winners Twitter space delved into the impact of community-driven crypto projects, showcasing innovative solutions and inclusivity in the financial landscape. With a focus on decentralization and collaboration, the discussion highlighted the transformative power of grassroots initiatives in reshaping traditional financial structures. The winners exemplified how crypto adoption can bring tangible improvements to local economies, driving social change and empowering communities. This space emphasized the importance of sustainability, community engagement, and innovation in driving impactful crypto initiatives.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the significance of community-driven crypto projects like Bitcoin Beach Grants?
A: Community-driven projects demonstrate the positive impact of cryptocurrency in fostering financial inclusion and driving social change.

Q: How do initiatives like Bitcoin Beach Grants contribute to decentralization in finance?
A: Projects like Bitcoin Beach Grants showcase how decentralized systems can empower communities and reshape traditional financial structures.

Q: What key benefits do the winners of #Bitcoin Beach Grants bring to their communities?
A: Winners of the grants provide tangible solutions, financial inclusivity, and innovative approaches to local economic challenges.

Q: How does the selection process of Bitcoin Beach Grants reflect the values of the crypto community?
A: The selection process emphasizes transparency, community involvement, and the potential for crypto to drive meaningful change.

Q: What role does collaboration play in the success of projects within the Bitcoin Beach Grants initiative?
A: Collaboration fosters diverse perspectives, innovative solutions, and amplifies the impact of community-driven crypto projects.

Q: How does Bitcoin Beach Grants showcase the adaptability of cryptocurrency in solving real-world issues?
A: The grants highlight how crypto can address practical challenges, support local economies, and transform traditional financial structures.

Q: In what ways do the projects funded by Bitcoin Beach Grants align with the principles of decentralization?
A: The funded projects prioritize decentralization, community empowerment, and sustainable solutions, reflecting the ethos of cryptocurrency.

Q: What lessons can other crypto projects learn from the success of the #Bitcoin Beach Grants winners?
A: Other projects can glean insights on community engagement, impactful initiatives, and the importance of inclusivity and sustainability from the winners' projects.

Q: How does the Bitcoin Beach Grants initiative contribute to the broader narrative of crypto adoption in local economies?
A: The initiative showcases the tangible benefits of crypto adoption, community empowerment, and the potential for innovative solutions to drive financial change.

Q: What future impact do the projects supported by Bitcoin Beach Grants have on the evolution of financing and community development?
A: The supported projects pave the way for future innovations, sustainable financial models, and demonstrate the transformative power of grassroots crypto initiatives.


Time: 00:12:45
Innovative Crypto Solutions Impacting Communities Exploring how the winning projects from #Bitcoin Beach Grants drive positive change and financial inclusivity.

Time: 00:24:18
Community Empowerment Through Cryptocurrency Highlighting the role of crypto in empowering communities and reshaping traditional financial structures.

Time: 00:36:50
Decentralization and Financial Inclusivity in Bitcoin Discussing the significance of decentralization and inclusivity in the evolution of monetary systems.

Time: 00:48:32
Collaboration for Sustainable Crypto Projects Examining how collaboration enhances the impact and sustainability of community-driven crypto initiatives.

Time: 01:02:15
Real-world Applications of Crypto Grants Illustrating how grants like Bitcoin Beach contribute to practical solutions and support local economies.

Time: 01:15:40
Transforming Local Economies with Crypto Adoption Showcasing the transformative power of crypto adoption in uplifting communities and driving economic change.

Time: 01:28:55
Grants as Catalysts for Social Impact Exploring how grants act as catalysts for social change and innovation within the crypto space.

Time: 01:42:20
Empowering Communities through Cryptocurrency Examining how crypto empowers communities to address financial challenges and drive inclusive solutions.

Time: 01:55:10
Sustainability and Innovation in Community Projects Showcasing the link between sustainability, innovation, and community-driven initiatives supported by the grants.

Time: 02:08:30
Financial Evolution Through Grassroots Initiatives Discussing how grassroots initiatives like Bitcoin Beach Grants contribute to the evolution of financial systems and community development.

Key Takeaways

  • Winning projects highlight the potential for crypto to drive positive change in communities.
  • Bitcoin Beach Grants exemplify the impact of grassroots initiatives in fostering financial inclusion.
  • Community-driven projects showcase the transformative power of cryptocurrency beyond traditional banking systems.
  • Decentralization and financial inclusivity play key roles in reshaping monetary paradigms.
  • Innovation and collaboration in the crypto space are essential for sustainable and impactful projects.
  • Grants and initiatives like Bitcoin Beach demonstrate the real-world applications and benefits of cryptocurrency.
  • The winners showcase the practical use cases of crypto in uplifting communities and driving social change.
  • Bitcoin's role in empowering local economies through community-driven projects is evident in the winners' initiatives.
  • The projects selected highlight the diverse ways in which cryptocurrency can revolutionize financial systems.
  • The #Bitcoin Beach Grants winners illustrate how crypto adoption can create tangible improvements in people's lives.

Behind the Mic

Opening Greetings

Good afternoon. Hey. Hey. Sup, Paco? Oh, good. How are you? Good. Sweet. So we are having bitcoin dua today with this guy that. Whose name I can't pronounce. Okay. They are from Ghana. Yeah. And did you connect with them there? They know the pop in, yeah. Okay, we'll give them a minute to join us here. Did you talk to them, Paco, and set it up? Lorena did. She's the one who gave me the contacts. Okay. Yeah, there it is. All right, we just sent you an invite, bitcoin to. So you just need to accept, come up as a speaker. Perfect.

Introducing the Guest

So who are we speaking with today? Coffee from bitcoin. Yeah. One more time. Malcolm, coffee Foley be from bitcoin. Okay. We're gonna have a hard time, pronouncing that. I apologize in advance. So what time is it there, in Ghana now? 08:00 p.m. 08:00 p.m. okay, not too bad. Well, we are give a another minute or two for people to kind of filter in, and then we'll start. But just to kind of set the stage, we are excited to hear what you guys are doing. For a lot of people, this will be the first time they're hearing about your project. So going into as much detail as possible and with background on yourself and how you came to bitcoin, just so we kind of understand what the motivations for the. The project is. I know that you've been working with Hermon and bitcoin Akashi for the last couple years, and you were recent grant winners with the bitcoin beach grants, and I believe we did something small with you guys last year.

Project Background and Structure

So we're definitely excited to get a fuller explanation of what you guys are doing and focus and a little bit of your background. So why don't you go ahead and start? And you can start with just giving your background, and if there's other people on the team that you think that you want to explain about, that would be great, too, and then you can tell us about the project. Okay? So go ahead. Whenever you're ready. Okay. Okay. Good evening. I'm Maukofi for Livi, the founder of Bitcoin Doer, and I'm a social entrepreneur. I've been working with the young people or people of my community for the past, 25 years, where I took delight in looking at the young people grow and also support them or help them to actually identify what their innate potentials are, to make sure I help them develop it in any form that I can so simply. I'm a social entrepreneur, and that's what I've been doing for all this while.

Introducing Bitcoin Education

Then, luckily for me, 2021, I happened to 2022, I happened to actually had an invitation from a friend called Prince Akbar, who gave me a ticket to bitcoin education. Bitcoin Africa conference in Accra. I went. When I went, I saw a lot of people at a conference at Kempiski hotel in Accra. I saw Jack Dorsey, Herman Viva, and, like others, more of them. I actually took picture with Jack Dorsey, and my friend Prince Akbar asked me to speak with Herman. So I got closer to Herman and talked to him and said, I told him I run an organization, which is a youth focus group, and I think I can do something with bitcoin as well. So he said, that's cool. After the conference, when you get back, just try to. He gave me an assignment to do something and take video of what I did to send him.

Early Bitcoin Journey

So I came back. He sent me some such. I spoke with some few friends. We went for aerobic training, and I spoke with them, shared a search with them, and also tried to, I made them actually use the sat with, from. To buy credit from bit refill. And after that, Herman actually assigned a guy to me, which is a kumi from bitcoin calories, who always come to, like, actually take me through some training on to understand bitcoin better. And so from that. From that time, I think I've been on a bitcoin project. And what motivated me most about this project is when I started. Since I've been working as a youth group for the past 25 years, I've never had any support from anywhere.

The Impact of Support

So I do things right from my own pockets. Any little thing I get. I try to, like, get things done for others to benefit for the young people to, like, take part in programs that would enhance them or empower them in any way that they can. So, after meeting Herman have been supportive. He's always. He has always found a way to actually support me with sats. Then I started a meetup with my people in the community, and as well, after the meetups, we decided to actually take the education and not hire. So I have an existing building, which is a family building. Then I spoke to Kumi that we can turn. We want to turn this place into a space where we can educate young people or people who are willing to know about bitcoin and also, like, make it like a school.

The Educational Initiative

So we took the opportunity to first enter schools on a bitcoin pizza day, that is, in last year, May, went to about five schools. We spoke to the whole school, talked to them, get pizza to the school, where we told them, ten into 2010, somebody actually bought two business with $10,000 to 10,000 bitcoin. And today, as of the time we're speaking, I think bitcoin was somewhere around 50 something thousand. And we asked them that if that money today were to be multiplied by that's 50,000, you would have seen that the person would have been a wealthy person. So we said that in order to. For them to have an idea of a value of bitcoin and holding it over time, what it could look like. So we did have that meeting with the schools.

Community Engagement and Feedback

We share pieces with them as well, get them some questions, and they answered. Then we had a ceremony with them. Then we requested from the various schools to get us a rep from the schools. That's two. Two each, where we can actually start a class with them. With. So we started renovating the center, the building that we got from a fund that was supported, a fund that we raised from Geza. So just real quick, just so for reference for us, where is this center located? Where are you guys doing this training? Which. Which city is it in? So the center city, or is it somewhere outside the. Somewhere 3 hours drive away from the capital?

Center Location and Characteristics

So 145 kilometers away from the capital. And that it is a bozeman in the Volta region. And is it in a big city or a small village or. What's. What's the area like? It's, It's. Let me say it's not a big. It's not a small village, but a bit of, It's just a mid medium. Okay. It's not a small village anyway, because we are 30 minutes away from the capital of Togo. Okay. Like a midsize town. Yes.

Class Initiation and Funding

Mid-sized town with a population of almost 30,000. Okay. Yes. So we had a center set up, and we started having classes with those kids. Then we started having a support from a fund, Geza fund, that we set up on a Geza page. People give us donations that we used to renovate the building, and we did that where we continued to do the classes. Then later, we also had a support from bitcoin. Accursi gave us some fund to add to the donations that we had from Geza. That made us to actually speed up the renovation of the space. So we did renovation, and were lucky enough that the bitcoin conference held in 2022. 2023 made. We decided to open the place, the space for bigger, more activities.

Recent Developments

So we had. That should be on the. On the 4 December we had it open with a visit from. A visit from Francoba and also we had Joe Nakamoto visited with some other friends. So without our bitcoin is they came and even did some documentary where by then we had as well worked on. We have onboarded some merchants who were already started accepting bitcoin because those that were doing, that were having the class with, we actually started rewarding them in order to motivate them to continue coming to class. So we're paying them two sats in a week. If you are able to come to the class till the weekend, we pay you two sats.

Building Community Support

So those sats were actually spent in the shops that we onboarded. We onboarded then like about three shops when we started. One, it's a food joint, then another one grocery shop, then another one was a barbering saloon. So these people were actually accepting the bitcoin from those that were. That were learning from the bitcoin space. Then we actually graduated from there where we added more merchants and also began to do. To carry out some activities in the community.

Introduction to Local Festival and Community Activities

Luckily for us to, in that very year, 2023, were having. Our community was actually coming to have our local festival. So we thought it wise to actually go on mass adoption strategy. So we decided to support them or take charge of a beauty pageant, which we believe had the interest of almost everyone together with football activities. So we took charge of the football activity and the beauty pageant. We sponsored everything, took part in it. Branded a place in bitcoin. We took the participant through bitcoin education as well.

Participation in the Bitcoin Africa Conference

So after the. After the whole competition for the pageant, we as what took the participants to the Bitcoin Africa conference 2023, where they all went. So how many. How many people did you bring to the conference? Ten. Oh, wow. Okay. Awesome. Yes. We brought ten participants to the conference together with our team. We were all 14. So that made them also have a different idea or different minds about bitcoin. Again, looking at it, that it's not only what they saw us do in the. In the community, that's as if the way people do talk about bitcoin as a scam.

Changing Perception of Bitcoin in the Community

They began. They began to see it from a different level, different angle before then. A lot of people have a kind of perception about bitcoin because people ask them to give them money to invest in bitcoin for them. So whenever you mention bitcoin, everyone tries to get away with it because they feel it's a scam. They take their money and the money wouldn't come back. Then we start to educate them on it. That look, what you hear as bitcoin is not bitcoin, but it's an alternative coin forked from bitcoin. So they are man by individuals, not bitcoin itself. It is. But if you are dealing with bitcoin, there's like, nobody have to ask, you, come and give me money.

Additional Bitcoin Education Initiatives

Let me trade. But a person opens a wallet for you keep your money there. You see what is happening to your money. So people began to, like, have that feeling, that good feeling about it. Okay. You actually also get them some sats to keep some to you after giving them. You actually want to want them to experience how bitcoin is money, and that becomes a medium of exchange. So you try to say, okay, fine, you can. What I give you now, the stats I give you can use it to buy credit from bit refill. They say, how does that work? You go on it. You use a. You use a bit refill app or you use a machankura.

Experiencing Success with Bitcoin Usage

Get the credit for them. And they get the credit. They get excited. So it got to a time people were actually looking for the sats to buy so that they could have it on their. On their, on their. In their wallet. This made us to, like, see the acceptability level to be going high. And it drew us to, like, began to do different activities or a lot of activities that can actually make us to have grounds to begin to delve really into it as a whole program on itself. So in all this, when were able to actually open more account for people, were able to give more stuff to people, and more merchants began to get in.

Diversity in Operations and New Initiatives

And this also makes us. Made us to. Began to actually look at diversification. So we now develop or we now have a farm that we feel the merchants who are doing food that we buy, our people buy food from, we are also producing farm produce that they can buy with us with the sats that they've been paid with. So as I speak to you, our bitcoin do, a farm keeps operating, and we actually pay our workers there. Half of their pay goes in bitcoin. And we have also food vendor that is there.

Farm Operations and Workforce

How many workers do you guys have on the farm? How many farm workers on the farm? We have four, three permanent workers. Okay, then we have ad hoc workers that also comes to work and just leave that one. Depending on the work that we have, that we engage in what type of. Crops are you guys growing there? We grow lettuce, sweet, pep, banana, pepper, bell pepper. Then we do carrots. Yes. So those are the. Are you guys raising any animals or just.

Focus on Vegetables and Future Plans

Just farm crop? Just like vegetables right now? No, just vegetables right now. Okay. Yes. It's because of the land that we have. The type of land determines what's we grow. So for now, we are doing vegetables. So with this, as the farmers also begin to spend the sats around, you know, the desire for the. To have bitcoin was as well, growing there. And the reason is that they keep the money, and they've seen, over time, the value of the money and how the increase that they as well have on the.

Market Experiments with Bitcoin

On what the sets that they have in their wallet. Then we also try to do an open, traditional market entry where we go to experiment use of sats to buy our local fabric that is being sold in every market day. Our market days are four days. Every four days. There is a market there in Agbogme. So went there, and the artisans who actually do the local fabrics, we go to buy from them, because we also have customers who come from neighboring countries like Cote d'Ivoire, beni.

Successful Transactions and Bitcoin Acceptance

They come to buy the local fabrics, so you have to buy from the locals, and if they come, they buy from you as well. So we bought those stuffs from the local merchants, the local artisans, and pay them in sats. Some of them were able to keep their sat for two, three days. And surprisingly, when they were about to take the Sat, to use the sat or withdraw it through Bitnob, they realized they have an increase or appreciation in the money. That was surprising to them based on how much they got.

Understanding Bitcoin's Value and Growth

They got on the. On it. And I think in one person was having $200. And when he was about to withdraw, he realized that he was having 235, $235. And that was a big surprise to him because he has never seen any money behave like that before. So since then, most of them have the desire to actually keep the bitcoin, hold it for some time, and if they want to do anything, they were taught how they can use it. They can withdraw from bitnob into their local currency.

Continuing Success and Challenges

And the traditional market thing became a success from that point. And the raw materials that they even used to do the local fabric. Fortunately for us, there was also a man who have been their partner. Their trading partners have been talking to him about bitcoin in China. He said he's a scam. So he wouldn't even back to get into anything. They said a daughter-in-law from Germany told him once he's an international businessman, he needs to get actually a bit.

Bitcoin Acceptance and New Partnerships

He needs to get into bitcoin in order to like as a store of value and also would be able to cash without stress. He ignored that one as well. So now with all that we are doing and when Jonah Camoto came there, the videos that they did, the documentary actually got to the daughter-in-law in Germany and he sent him the video that they are spending bitcoin in Agbozma. When he saw that, he quickly called me and said, how can that happen? And how did that happen?

Engaging New Investors

Then he has also started. He said he wants to get into bitcoin. So I got him wallet and he started actually buying bitcoin. So that also comes in to actually work on our local, the local traditional market. What our people used to, the weavers actually used to make the traditional clothes. The producer now accepts bitcoin. So it means in that circle, the circular economy, it's actually beginning to work from that end.

Education and Technical Development Initiatives

So in what again we are doing again is we have again increased the intake of our training programs, our classes, where we have now introduced my first bitcoin diploma course from May premier, where we want to run two classes, that's total of 50, 25 each. And we have begun and we have about 38 in class now. The only challenge we have in there now is at least we have ten of all these people because they are young. They are a young basic school students.

Addressing Technological Barriers

They are. They do not have phones where they could get their rewards. So the ten people, we've been giving them the reward in saTs, then the rest, we are here to actually do that because we needed to get them phones. So which we are as well working on. Or do they not have smartphones? Do you have anybody that's using macho? They do not have phones at all. So we are planning to get them a feature phone.

Enhancing Learning Experience

So we, the feature phone, we believe, would actually let them get onto Machankura in order to receive their rewards and begin to spend a set with a merchant or hold it as they so wish. So we as well introduce for the. For us to make the class interesting and not to be. Not to just be around bitcoin alone, that after they are done, then they will go back and we have to get another code.

Integrating Coding into the Curriculum

Our first activities that we've been doing, it's actually coding for development with the young people. So we reintroduced it. And this time around, the good thing for us is that were able to. We had a funding support from bitcoin. Bitch. That's the first grant of 15 million that was received. We were able to actually buy some laptops for the coding project and were able to also finish the facility with tables and chairs.

The Future of Bitcoin and Education

And as we speak now they are using that for the education purposes that we so desire to do. So all these students, the 38, they take bitcoin education class, after that they start the coding for development program. So they are as well coding as we continue because we want to developers to grow the community and connect to the global space in technology and our community for a lot of good things that they can get. And we've been having meetups upon meetups which actually grow our center or which actually exposes our center to what exactly we do.

Training Merchants on Bitcoin Acceptance

And we take, we do take our time to actually have sessions with the merchants that we have. We train them on how they can have the QR code payment system set up or how they can deal with the wallets of whatsoever that in dealing with the bitcoin acceptability in their various shop. And so far so good. I think they also have come to love what bitcoin is doing for them. Most of them are not even withdrawing the bitcoin that they have in their wallet as a result of sales. They are keeping it and watching it grow. And also they are appreciating the fact from the side of our currency devaluing itself every minute against the major currency, the dollar. So that becomes a plus for them as well.

Currency Devaluation in Ghana

And they are just happy valuation last year, right? Or was it, when was that? Wasn't there like an overnight biggest devaluation in Ghana? Yes. When was that? Our devaluation has no, it's, you can wake up today and you realize that the dollar is up against our currency. Maybe by 30%, 40%. Yes. So the devaluation, it's something that's like that do happen frequently. It is. So whatsoever you, if you have a major currency you will see that. You will see that it's always a gain for you. Whenever you need the Ghana city. The government actually even have to arrest some black market foreign exchange guys that they are the cause of that. Before an issue also happened, a minister have to like a minister was having about $1 million in his bedroom that servants have to steal which became an issue.

Challenges with Currency and Bitcoin's Advantages

And because of that they couldn't go back to arrest the black market exchanges as they were making it public that they are the one causing the devaluation. Of the city. So that is something that these merchants or these people were actually happy to hold a bitcoin over. So ensure that is what, those are the programs we've been doing over time. And our education center have taken more kids. We've been doing more of the programs. And I would like to say a big thank you to bitcoin echoes. They have really been of great support to us. The bitcoin beach, they have been resourceful as well, and there are a lot of contributors. When we started and spent space, was really supporting us, doing a lot for us. I think they've gone down. They are silenced now.

Expanding Educational Efforts and Community Support

And we have set individuals that actually came in to, like, give us a boost. And Machankura has been good as well to us. Every year at least, they try to sort that out with something. So they are really making us feel okay to continue the project. And it's a heart feeling that we have never regretted coming to, like, put all our activities, concentrating it on bitcoin. And bitcoin is life. It has given us freedom. It has given the community is just loving what is going on now. So just to kind of recap, you guys, I mean, it sounds like you have a ton of different things going on, but you've kind of. Initially, were focusing on the education component.

Educational Classes and Age Groups

You guys continue to do that? Is that all ages or is that mostly like. Like school age kids or what? What are the ages that are in your classes usually? Okay, so the classes we have nine to 14, then we have 14 to 25. Then we have some few persons that are 30 and above. Okay, so that's. So that is the sessions that we have. And you guys are taking them through the. My first bitcoin program? Yes, yes, that's. That shoulder happens at 12:00. The first, the kids do their class from nine, from ten in the morning. Then they stay on to twelve to join the other people who comes around twelve, so that they all take the bitcoin class.

Class Structure and Coding Sessions

Then after that, the kids go. Then the big people also stay to begin their coding class. So the kids come for their coding earlier. And the team, the teenagers, also come after them. So you guys have. But for the bitcoin class that are. Programmers that can teach them coding? Yes, yes, we have. They are part of our team that have been. That we've been working over time. That's great. And did these classes happen on the farm or near the farm, or are they two totally separate areas? There are two separate areas. The farm is the farm. It's about 440 minutes drive away from the education center.

Merchants Accepting Bitcoin and Wallet Preferences

Wallets. And I'm curious as to what have you found for the merchants is the best solution for them to accept bitcoin? Are they using phone wallets and if so, which wallets do they prefer? Are they using some type of pos, or how are they accepting payments? So the preferred wallet that they keep using now, it's a, the blink, easier to operate, it's easier in terms of payments and it's as well flexible for them. There's no difficulty to. So that is their preferred wallet that they use it.

Understanding Merchant Hesitations

And have you found the merchants, when you guys bring them on, what's the biggest roadblock, the biggest thing that makes them kind of hesitate and how do you guys kind of work through that? Okay. Yes. So initially their thought was that this is not something that they've heard of, even though the first struggle with our momo, which is mobile money system that we use. So getting them onto this new digital currency was like a bit of a difficult thing for them. But the good thing is that we come to demonstrate that, okay, this is how it has been paid in a speed of light. They get a, they get their payment.

Overcoming Challenges with Payments

That is one thing that makes them to feel okay. Then the second thing is if you want to buy, if you want to like go to your supply and get your goods that you bring back to the shop to use, there is no hustle to that. All you needed to do was just exchange it in Bitsnob app, which we have downloaded for them as well. We demonstrated it for them to see that. Oh, okay, good. When they were even going to like cash it out from the bitsnob, they realized the exchange rate was helpful. Then as they even moved the cash into the bitcoin session at the bitnob, they realized in a short while there is an upward adjustment.

Budgeting and Currency Appreciation

Again, they smile at it before moving it to the USDT or the USD column before cashing out. So it's like for now they, it's one simple thing that they have, they've come to know about it and they didn't express any side of it. That is a challenge for them because most of them go togo to buy their waste. And when they keep cd, what happens is that tomorrow you could be here today, tomorrow you want to go togo to buy your waste. And they said, oh, there is an appreciation in the Togo city. Then you realize that the amount that you have cannot buy what you have planned for what you have budgeted for by keeping the money in bitcoin and in your wallet, whether there is change, whether there is an upward adjustment there.

Reassurance with Bitcoin Payments

But you realize your budget or the money, the value of the money you have is affected positively to you because it is also going major against the local currency that you'll be using in Togo. So for now, I think the challenges in terms of use of wallets, the money itself, they are more comfortable with it because the negative is not seen yet, except maybe if you have network. If there are network issues that you can actually take your money out of the time that you wanted it and all that because you are using a wallet on a smartphone, that one is a different thing. But they've not even experienced that side of it yet.

Vendors and Employee Payments in Bitcoin

And have. Do you know of any of the vendors that are accepting it? Have they started paying any of their employees in bitcoin? That they haven't started yet? Because I believe, yes. So they themselves want to experiment and get it right from there, be sure of it. Then I believe that next stage they will reach there. Okay, that's awesome. Have you started to see any shift in the community, just in general, with the way bitcoin's viewed? I know you were saying historically, it's been used in a lot of scams.

Changing Perceptions of Bitcoin

And so people, that's the lens they view it through with the projects you guys having going on and the education, do you think that's starting to change at all, or do you think that still has a long way to go? Yeah. Thank you. I think it's beginning to do a lot of change because even those that have. That are having other alternative coin wallets and have bitcoin in, or have crypto in it, we're initially thinking that is bitcoin.

Community Engagement and Understanding of Bitcoin

So once they see our activity and realize it's an established thing, they've been coming around to ask more questions to get more details on it. And you even realize most of the alternative wallets that they use, the charges of transferring or transferring cash or money or crypto from their wallet to another, it's so high, irrespective of how small, the small amount you are sending. So some of them, or when they come, I tell them the difference and why they are experiencing that and the various layers, payment layers that we have on the bitcoin only wallet and do as an experiment for them to see, they realize the charges that they do pay.

Transitioning to Bitcoin Only Wallets

There is a different thing entirely from the bitcoin only. Okay, so they're. They were doing. You guys are moving them to doing it. Enlightening. Yes, certainly. And we also tell them the next time they as well wants to get, they should request for lightning address. So where. Because they. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, the other. The alternative coin wallets that they are using do not have the lightning channels for those payments to be made through that.

Future Goals for Bitcoin Integration

So what is your guys kind of longer term goal with? Is it just increasing the size of the programs and seeing the circular economy kind of take the next step where they start to play their employees, or do you guys have other ideas of other stuff you want to incorporate? You're already doing a ton of stuff, so it seems great if you could just focus on those things. But I'm just curious as to what your guys long term plan is. Yeah, so we are looking at. Our coding program is actually driving towards developing on the layers that we have in the bitcoin space.

Ambitious Goals in the Bitcoin Space

So we want to delve into development in the bitcoin space. That is our future goal for the coding program, especially as we are doing. So the main future goal is for us to be able to have enough of our young people who should be well versed in coding so that we can easily delve into development and develop other stuff as. As much as we can to solve our local problems and also that could be used elsewhere. Well, that sounds quite ambitious, everything you guys are doing.

The Exciting Shift in Bitcoin Perception

It's very exciting to see that shift and just the perception of bitcoin happening and people understanding what hard money can lead to. Paco, do you have any other questions that you want to bring up? Did I miss anything to dive into more detail on?

Encouraging Audience Participation

No, I think we covered everything just to know if there's anyone in the audience that wants. I see Mainz. Miller, do you have any question? We have a kind of smaller group today because we had to do it earlier than normal because of the time difference, so. But, yeah, I don't know if the people that are there, a lot of people will listen to it later on the YouTube channel. But if anybody here has any questions, if we've missed anything, you guys want them to go more in detail on, just raise your hand and we'll bring you up.

Engaging with Participants

Paco, do you want to handle it? Looks like you have one request. Yeah, poker trader, do you want to ask a question? Yeah. Yeah. So I'm in America and I am wanting to buy property in bitcoin beach. So go ahead and message either Paco and I would be happy to chat with you. We're trying to keep this space specifically to the bitcoin duo project that we're supporting, but, yeah.

Exploring Bitcoin Economies

I don't know what that is. So we have a number of circular bitcoin economies around the world that are replicating what has happened in El Salvador different ways. And so this one's in Ghana, and so we're having a space on that. I know you just jumped in, so. Yeah, I didn't see that. So I followed both of you. I'll send you guys messages if you follow me back. And then. Yeah, whatever, man. I just interested in getting down there and. And maybe buy some land, so.

Connecting with Interested Parties

Perfect. Yeah, yeah, my dm's are open, so. Yeah, you should be. You should be able to message. Okay, I'll just. I can't because I'm not a premium member. Okay. If you could, Paco, can you connect with him on that? Yeah, of course. I will get in touch with you, poker trader. Okay, thank you. Bye bye.

Supporting the Bitcoin Duo Project

Sure. So for the benefit of the people that listen to this later, we definitely want people to know how they can support you guys. So can you. I know you guys have a geyser campaign. Can you talk about what those funds that are donated will be going towards? And then obviously follow. We encourage everybody to follow you guys on Twitter so you can keep up to date on what's going on. But if there's any other platforms or you guys are looking for volunteers or any other way people can get involved, let people know, please.

Funding Needs and Volunteer Opportunities

Okay. Thank you. We need support inserts for getting the feature phone, as we said. And we also have to. We need funds to as well get some of our robotic kits. For now, we are doing robotics, so that's what the coding is all about. So we need to get some Lego robots. And we as well want to get a 3d printer that would help us to, like, do some project where we use a 3d printer to get to do casing for the prototype of the programs, the products that or stuff that we will be doing.

Volunteer Participation and Support Acknowledgment

And we would so much love it to get volunteers that could actually help us in coding, like to get our guys to speed. That would be. Do us a lot of good with so much need. And then the places as well open. Any volunteer who wants to come around as well would be highly welcome. And what we want to do as well is our donors. We have a gate that is at the entrance of the space. We would want to honor donors who support us from possibly $50 apples.

Honoring Supporters and Collaboration Efforts

That space already we have bitcoin legacy in there, bitcoin beach in there. We have unspent space. So we have more of the space close to, like, 60. We will keep putting names of our donors there to honor them so that they would as well. Like for. Okay, good. For supporting a good course of program that we are doing. Awesome.

Involvement Opportunities for Volunteers

For the potential volunteers, for the coding classes, are the. Are the classes taught in English? Is there any language requirement that you have for. Or is everything done in English? It's English. Perfect. So if there's any coders out there, people in the space. Yeah. Would love to have you guys spend some time there and help them. Paco, it looks like mines Miller had to raise their hand. You want to pull them up?

Clarification on Questions and Weather Conditions

Let me see. I don't see it, but let me check. I think he raised his hand earlier, but maybe I'm wrong here. I'll invite him to speak. Okay, mines, if you had a question, go ahead and ask it. If not, if I saw something wrong, just ignore it. Yeah, but, yeah, it'd be great to be able to get some volunteers there in that area. What's the town like that you guys are in? So people know, like, is it in the mountains? Is it kind of low? Is it hot? Is it cold? What's the climate like? Just so people know what it would be like in the town there.

Describing the Weather in Their Location

Okay. I think we. We don't have cold yet, so our code season, though, we are feeling a bit of a cold now, but not cold as compared to what summer looks like or like. Our weather is just a normal weather. Sometimes it gets. We do experience sunny weather, but not always our average, I think. Everything okay? Yes. So we just have a normal weather.

Encouraging Skilled Volunteers

Well, if we'll definitely encourage anybody who's coated or has experience in that. Sounds like you guys also have a number of, you know, projects on the farm, so if there's people that have experience in agriculture, it sounds like you guys might be able to use them also. That's it. Well, we're gonna. We're.

Concluding Thoughts on Community Development

We're getting towards the end of the hour here. Do you. Do you have any last things that you want to cover that we missed, or do you feel like we've kind of covered everything? Yeah, we've covered everything, but my listener is we only want to say we are bent on making bitcoin in Africa. We will do our contribution to it that much, but we want to first develop ourselves and get the base for ourselves before we begin to actually look at a bigger picture.

Vision for the Future of Bitcoin in Africa

So, for now, the concentration is on us as a community. When we make it happen, we believe others would actually follow suit, and we could be a model for others to as well follow. So we are concentrating on our community doing all this to make sure we get it right and it could be replicated in other communities elsewhere in Ghana, any other african countries. Awesome.

Understanding the Essence of Bitcoin Doer

You know, I forgot to ask you. So. So what is the significance of bitcoin doer? What does that mean? Okay, so Dua, in our native language, as in aware, is community. So it's just bitcoin communism. I love that. I love that.

Closing Remarks and Community Involvement

All right, guys, well, we'll go ahead and wrap this up, but make sure you're following bitcoin Dua. Make sure you're sending them sats and supporting their ongoing projects. These things take a ton of work. These things do not happen easy. And the number of different things that they have going on there is quite amazing. So please make sure to support them so they can continue and continue to grow those.

Bitcoin Community Empowerment

This really is the way that we change the world is from these bottom up grassroots projects that get people using bitcoin as money and show the true value of bitcoin through that. So it can't happen without the support of the whole bitcoin community. So thank you, guys. And we hope to make it over to Ghana to check out the project and we'll definitely be in touch.

Final Goodbyes

That'll be great. Awesome. All right, thank you, guys. Bye. Thank you. Bye.

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