Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour hosted by PortaltoBitcoin. Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour showcases a revolutionary custody-less interoperability protocol for Bitcoin transactions, enabling seamless swapping of assets between different layers without relying on custodians. Partnered with major platforms like Coinbase and OKX, the protocol ensures reliability, security, and efficiency in handling cryptocurrency transactions. By eliminating the need for custodial services, users gain more autonomy and control over their assets, reflecting a trend towards decentralized and user-centric solutions in the crypto space. The emphasis on security, speed, and decentralization positions Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour as a significant player in advancing the evolution of cryptocurrency transactions.

For more spaces, visit the DEX page.


Q: What makes Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour unique in the cryptocurrency space?
A: It offers a custody-less interoperability protocol for seamless swapping, revolutionizing Bitcoin transactions.

Q: How does the protocol enhance user control over their assets?
A: Users can swap assets directly without requiring custodial services, providing more autonomy.

Q: Why is the support from platforms like Coinbase and OKX significant for Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour?
A: It ensures reliability, security, and credibility for users utilizing the protocol.

Q: What benefits do users derive from the interoperability features of Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour?
A: Enhanced flexibility, efficiency, and speed in handling Bitcoin transactions across different layers.

Q: How does Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour contribute to the evolution of cryptocurrency transactions?
A: It paves the way for smoother and more secure transactions, reflecting the trend towards decentralized solutions.

Q: What role do partnerships with major platforms play in boosting the protocol's adoption?
A: Partnerships with platforms like Coinbase and OKX increase credibility and attract more users to the protocol.

Q: How does the focus on security benefit users of Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour?
A: It aligns with the increasing demand for secure and decentralized cryptocurrency solutions, providing peace of mind to users.

Q: What sets Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour apart from traditional custodial services in Bitcoin transactions?
A: It eliminates the need for custodians, empowering users with more control and direct asset management.

Q: How does Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour address concerns around transaction efficiency?
A: By enabling swift and secure swaps between different layers, users experience faster and smoother transaction processes.

Q: What message does the partnership with Coinbase and OKX send to the cryptocurrency community?
A: It signals the shift towards decentralized and secure solutions for Bitcoin transactions, gaining industry validation.

Q: How does the custody-less feature of Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour impact user experience?
A: It offers users a seamless and autonomous way to manage and swap their assets, enhancing overall transaction convenience.


Time: 02:15:40
Custody-less Interoperability Innovation Exploring the groundbreaking protocol allowing secure and direct swapping of Bitcoin assets without custodial requirements.

Time: 02:25:18
Support from Major Platforms Understanding the significance of backing from industry leaders like Coinbase and OKX for Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour's credibility.

Time: 02:35:59
Efficiency and Flexibility in Transactions Highlighting the seamless and efficient asset swaps across different layers facilitated by the protocol.

Time: 02:45:27
Decentralized Control for Users Examining how the protocol empowers users with control over their assets and eliminates traditional custodial dependencies.

Time: 02:55:14
Partnership Impact on Adoption Delving into how collaborations with Coinbase and OKX boost user trust and adoption rates for Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour.

Time: 03:05:42
Security and Reliability Focus Discussing the protocol's emphasis on security and decentralization to meet the growing demand for trustworthy cryptocurrency solutions.

Time: 03:15:19
Speed and Autonomy Benefits Explaining how users benefit from faster, autonomous transactions due to the custody-less interoperability features of Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour.

Time: 03:25:37
User-Centric Transaction Experience Emphasizing the user-friendly and efficient transaction environment created by the protocol's innovative features.

Time: 03:35:28
Future Outlook for Bitcoin Transactions Speculating on the impact of secure and decentralized solutions like Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour on the future of cryptocurrency transactions.

Time: 03:45:22
Innovation and Adaptability in Crypto Examining how Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour reflects the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency towards more secure and efficient transaction models.

Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour introduces a unique custody-less interoperability protocol for seamless token swapping.
  • Users can swap native BTC, Ordinals, and Runes between layer 1 and layer 2 solutions effortlessly.
  • The protocol is backed by reputable platforms including Coinbase and OKX, ensuring reliability and security.
  • This interoperability enhances the flexibility and efficiency of handling Bitcoin transactions across different layers.
  • The ability to swap assets directly without custodial requirements provides more autonomy and control to users.
  • The protocol's support from industry giants signifies growing interest and trust in decentralized solutions for Bitcoin transactions.
  • Efficient interoperability mechanisms like these pave the way for easier and more secure cryptocurrency transactions.
  • The partnership with established platforms like Coinbase and OKX amplifies the credibility and adoption potential of the protocol.
  • Users can experience smoother and faster transactions by leveraging the custody-less interoperability features of Bitcoin Alpha Happy Hour.
  • The protocol's focus on security and decentralization aligns with the evolving needs and preferences of cryptocurrency users.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Yeah. Jim. Jim, everyone. Gm guys, thank you for being here. Thank you, Yasmina, for being here and being here early. Thank you, my co-host. And welcome. I think we should retrieve the space link for others to join. Let's start by eight. Five. Once it's five minutes, we kick start. Okay.

Kicking Off the Space

Without wasting much time, I think we should kick off this space. Nutella, give us a recap and detail on the moment of clarity. Before I would bring up Yasmina to talk. Are you there? It. It seems you are rugging. Okay, okay. Yes, I was rugging earlier. GM. Gm guys, welcome to another episode of Moment of Clarity. My name is Nutella King. You can call me Nutella or Kingdom. A multi-chain content creator and a content manager, I contribute to the success of Web3 projects and brands on a larger perspective to content creation. Right.

About the Host

So enough about me, it's good to have you all here today. I remain your co-host for this space series which happens every Thursday. 07:00 p.m. UTC Moment of Clarity is an interactive session where we bring in legends who has made a solid mark in their respective niches. And last week we had more than 4k people tuned in to listen to Miki, the founder of Web3 Arcadia, as he dished out so many insights. We have had Crypto Mama on the space. We have had Jana NFT on the space. If you missed out on any of the space session, you can go to the recording because it was recorded.

Introducing Yasmina

So we. Here is another legend about to take us through her journey from zero to nine figures. She has made a remarkable name as a content manager and KOL manager. If you're mentioning names of KOL managers on the space and Yasmina is not there, then the list is not complete. So let me know. Hyper up much too much. I'd allow her to introduce herself because if it was left to me to continue, I'd go on and on. So, Yasmina, please, you have the mic.

Yasmina's Introduction

Yes. Hello, everyone. Thanks for having me in this space. Really happy to be here with you all. Yeah, just to introduce myself a bit of I'm in the space. Seems like three years now. I started like everyone grinding for whitelist, trying to make money with some NFTs trading and everything like that. Then I started to find some small jobs just to have a connection, some experience in the space and then started to work as mod, then head mod community manager for different projects. In the beginning, it was free because.

Career Progression

Yeah, the goal was to. How to say that? To develop my connection to. To develop the network and also to provide value, to show who I am, what I can do, what I can provide. This is how I started to get some job opportunity and yeah, I started in the community niche and later on I was hired by CDFI and I'm still working there as KOL manager and I'm also working for different other projects and, yeah, mainly as KOL manager, content creators manager. And that's pretty. It's about me and yeah, I'm from Belgium as well.

Building Connections

Okay. Thank you so much, Yasmina. Thank you so much. Really very pleasure having you. I was surprised when I just, talked to you about my space, just for a while, and you said you could come. I said, wow, that's foolish. Okay. To be honest, I'm not joining a lot of spaces because, yeah, I'm a bit feeling insecure when I am on the space. But yeah, it's part of how to say that, of the experience.

The Importance of Comfort Zones

And it's important to jump out of your comfort zone if you want to evolve. So, yeah, it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you so much. Okay, without wasting time, let's kick start with our questions. We want to make it like a 60 minutes space and nothing more than that. So I would like to ask what inspired you to start your journey as a KOL and content creators manager? Like, what inspired it on the journey?

Inspirations and Challenges

I just met it and were like, boom, let's go. Well, to be honest, everything related to this job wasn't planned at all. Like, as I said, I started as moderator, head mod community manager and I was really in this niche during two years. And then I took a break one year before. Yeah, it was last year, actually. I took a big break of several months and I came back in the space and I was like, okay, now I want to do something totally different.

Entering Collab Management

And I saw that at this time, collab managers were printing a lot when they were doing their collab for a big project. And I was, okay, I'm going to do some collab management. I'm going to try. And what I did is that I was in a group on Twitter with different people and the group was founded by a really big KOL. I think everyone knows this KOL. I'm not going to mention the name. And in this group, everyone was talking, sharing insights, etcetera.

Providing Value

And I was like, okay, it's cool to talk and to share information, etcetera, but I want to do something to provide value. Right? And then I started to like to get whitelist spots for this. The member of this group, it wasn't paid, no one asked me to do it. I was just like, I want to provide value and I want to be noticed by everyone in this group and by the KOL himself as well. And this is how I developed my network a lot.

Career Breakthrough

And then I saw CDFI posting a job in a KOL management niche. And as I had the connection, because of my previous collab management job in this group, even if it was not really a job, because I did it by myself, I was really confident to apply for it. And I was hired by the team really quickly because of my connection. And this is how everything started. I was doing things really well, I think.

Recognition and Growth

And then some people, some projects came to me and said, oh, okay, I heard about you, can you handle our campaign? And I started to post more and more insights about KOL management on my Twitter as well. And these insights were like, how to say that really appreciated by my audience. And I was noticed this way as well. So, yeah, this is how everything started.

Reflections on Planning

As I said, it wasn't planned at all because when I started, KOL management wasn't really a thing. But then, yeah, it was like that. All right, thank you so much. Yes, we know it hasn't always been easy, you know, how you started and would like to know your challenges when you started. When you first started, how were you able to overcome these challenges?

Overcoming Challenges

Yeah, well, I think that the main challenge that I was facing is that I had no connection at all. Then I took a big break, like I said last year, and when I came back to the space, yeah, I wasn't connected to anyone, to be honest. Like you can scroll down to in my Twitter and you will see that one year later my Twitter page was empty. No one was connecting with me, etcetera.

Building a Network from Scratch

And I think that was the big challenge here, like having friends, a connection, a big network, etcetera. And this is why when I came back in the space, I was like, okay, I need to do something different. I need to provide value so people get to know me, right. And this is what I've done when I started like to do some collab management job for free because no one asked me that.

Establishing Reputation

I really did it just to provide value and to show my skills and I wanted the people to know, okay, Yas is providing us with whitelist and yes, it's providing us with good whitelist. It's a way, like, it was a way for me, for people to remind my name. Right. So, yeah, the big challenge was really about network and connection and for everyone in this space here.

The Takeaway on Networking

I think if you want to have a career in this space, it can be in collab management, keyword management, in content creation or anything. The thing that you really need to work on is really your network because it's really everything. You can have the best post. You can do your job in the best possible way. If you don't have the network, if you don't have the connection, it would be really hard.

The Importance of Providing Value

And to have the connection, you need one to connect with people. It can be through Twitter, through discord or anything. And you need to provide value as well, even if it's like for free in the beginning. Yeah, yeah. Thank you, Yasmin. I figured out this whole thing is just about providing value, right? Just about providing value.

Building a Brand

Once you start solving a problem, providing value, from there, the connection building starts. But I would like to also ask, as an experienced KOL manager, what do you think is the best approach towards building a brand? Like as a content creator? Well, to create a strong brand, and this is what I have done as well, and that I am still doing, because I don't think I am the best.

Establishing Your Niche

I'm not a KOL at all. No, I'm just a content creator, let's say like that. But to create a strong brand, I think the first thing is that you have to find your niche. And this is really important because, for example, if you check my Twitter, you can see it by yourself. If I am talking about KOL management, for example, in my post, it will perform really well because it's my niche.

Consistency in Content

If I talk about another project or something like that, it will perform less. So I think, first, find your niche and see what you want to provide, what you want to talk about and what you want to specialize in. That's the first thing. The second thing for me, and it was really a game changer for my side, it's the old how to say that the branding, like the PFP, your banner, your bio, etcetera.

Recognizable Branding

Because now people, for example, knows me as the Azuki girl with pink hair, and they can recognize me even if they don't read my name right. So this is really important to have like a PFP that everyone will recognize. And also, yeah, to build a strong brand, I think you need to stay consistent in what you are posting and to pay attention at what you are actually posting.

Engagement and Interaction

Because if your Twitter, for example, is full of retweets, one day you talk about BTC, another day you will talk about, I don't know, gaming, NFTs, etcetera, it's like, it doesn't really make sense. I'm not saying that you can't talk about different stuff on your Twitter, but what I am saying is that, yeah, people need to know. Okay, Yasmina is this girl with pink hair and she mainly talks about, I don't know, KOL management, for example.

Advice on Networking

So yeah, it's like a kind of consistency, I would say. Thank you so much, Yasmina. So the next question, how were you able to build a strong network? This is to help people that are finding it hard to network with others in the space. So we'd like to know how you're able to build a strong network over time. Yeah, in the beginning, as I said, how I was able to do it when I was in this group, like I explained, I was giving whitelist so more people getting to know me.

Building Relationships

This KOL helped me a lot as well by engaging with me, etcetera. And here, yeah, if I have to recap, it was about giving and providing value in the beginning. And then like it really depends on what you are doing. If you are doing KOL management, when you come with an offer to different KOL and content creators, of course they are going to talk between them and say, oh, you can contact this person, she has a deal, etcetera.

Engaging with the Community

The easy way, let's say. But if you are not doing any job for the moment, I would say if you take Twitter, don't hesitate to engage with the people you want to connect with. And I'm not talking about comments like, let's go. I agree, like this kind of nonsense. Comments like just if you want to connect with someone, make sure to engage with this person and to say your real opinion, to say interesting things and to be consistent in that.

Consistency in Connections

Because the person you want to connect with will say, oh, okay, this person is sharing some good insights, some good opinions. She or he is replying to my tweets daily and you will be noticed. This way you can also DM the people you want to connect with, not just with a hello or some stuff like that, but like sharing any opinion or anything you want in them is also something that works.

Final Thoughts on Networking

Not with the big questions, of course. And yeah, as I said, it's really about, yeah, I said it a lot, but it's because it's what works for me. So yeah, provide value in any way you can do it. For me, it was just giving whitelist spots in a group to different people. They requested nothing from me, but I did it.

Creating Value

But you can do plenty of stuff. Just think about that, how I can provide value, how I can be different and what I can do for the other. Even if in the beginning you have nothing in return, what you will have is like, yeah, a network of connections. And that is what is really important in this space.

Understanding Yasmina's Influence

This is, you know, lots of people now won't even know that. Okay, Yasmina is this. Until I tell this person, this is what Yasmina do. Yasmina might have been trying to connect with that person in particular, but because the person don't really care. But when I now tell the person, this is the only person who can help you in this and that, yeah, the person will really come back to you, even pleading to connect with you. So I think, That's really cool. we move to the fifth question.

Engaging the Audience

But before that, I would suggest our listeners here with, like, if you've been here from our start, I don't see the half. Half of this section. If you have been here from the start, I know you have really gained a lot. Should be prepping your questions at the end of this space. But right now you can follow the host, the co host, and follow Yasmina here for more insight and for more follow up on her page too. Then to the fifth question. Yasmin, I would like to ask some do say there are differences between Kol and an influencer to you, please can you throw more light difference between a Kol and an influencer?

Yasmina's Insights on KOLs and Influencers

For me this will be quite easy, I think. I won't do the difference between qs and influencer, but I maybe kols and creator, if you agree with that, because in both case they are kind of influencer, right? But they are doing things differently in a sense of a Kol will have a conversion rate, a good conversion rate, while a creator, a content creator won't have it. And it's not something bad, but it means that when I'm running a campaign, I have some KPI and I need to check with the client. Okay, what do you want to reach? What is the most important for you? If you have. I don't know, I'm just saying a telegram app to promote you want to have conversion, right? And in this case, what I am going to do is to focus more on Kol.

The Importance of KOLs in Campaigns

Because this Kol, when they post something, they have an impact. Their audience is well connected and it's waiting for this Kol to post something interesting. And this Kol will convert while creators, they will more be reused. And this is my opinion, it might not be the case for everyone, but for me, I will use creator when the project wants to. How to say that? To flood the timeline and to have more view, more visibility on a project, right? And if you compare keirls and creator, you will see it will be really quite visible. You will see that the creator won't convert like a keral is converting. And this is the difference, the main difference that we can see and that we are seeing with the stats, actually.

Crucial Differences in Roles

And I just want to highlight here that both are needed. Like we need qs for conversion, for sales and we need content creators to have more visibility, to have more eyes on a project or anything. So both are really important. And that's why you are seeing more and more project and founder using even small creators in their campaign. Even if these creators are having one k, two k follower, it doesn't matter. They are still being used because they have like this, I'm not going to say impact, but this power of visibility, let's say. And yeah, they are, like I said, both are really needed in a campaign.

Giveaway Announcement

All right, thank you so much, Yasmina. Before we continue this space session, I would like to remind you guys all the giveaway. So we're having a giveaway at the end of the space, we would announce winners, and this time around it's different. So we would be giving out two winners that we are picking our winners from. You know, people that can ask a very nice question to Yasmina. So, yeah, so the next question on our list is, what are some common mistakes? You know, you see small creators, or creators generally make? What are mistakes that you can point out that, you know, creators make? And how can they be able to avoid making these mistakes while building their brand as a content creator or as a cure?

Common Mistakes of Content Creators

Well, here again, it's quite easy and I think everyone here in the space will agree to the common mistake that we are seeing currently is that a lot of creators, and even qls, to be honest, not only creators are using all the same format, all using the same words and the same type of post when they are promoting or talking about a project. This leads to like zero impact because when someone is going in on the timeline, they will see a post about a project, okay, they will read it, but then if they scroll down, they will see other creators talking about the same project. But nothing is different, right? It's the same info is shared, the same format is shared. The other mistake is like some of creators are sharing like block of text that no one really reads.

The Importance of Personal Touch

And I'm sure the creator himself or herself knows that, right? And yeah, now that we are seeing a lot of project using these small creators and that they are seeing a lot of opportunities, they are just accepting money and taking money. This is what matter. And this is really sad because working for a project, if, even if you are having like $100 or $200, I think you have to make the most of it and to show who you are. Because if you are doing this job well, like you are writing something in a really organic, original way, it can be via video, it can be anything. If you are doing this job well, there are like 900%, you will be hired again.

Dedication in Content Creation

But I have the feeling that, and I'm not talking about all the pos and all the creators, but I have the feeling that a lot of them for the moment, are just taking the brief, making like barely any research on the project. Like if you ask them for a question about the project, I'm even not sure they can reply to it because they're just going to write quickly and post just to have the money. And that's really sad. So yeah, the common mistakes I think is like first, not how to say that, not being original in the reports, just like copy, pasting the brief, which is really bad actually. Also using chat GPT and all this stuff like as KL manager, we can easily see if the post was made with chat GPT or not, to be honest.

Evaluating Authenticity

So this is a mistake as well. And not taking the job seriously because of the money is another mistake. Because like I said, if you do the job correctly, if you give your most during this job, like in promoting the project, you will be hired again. It's. And it's not about your follower accounts or anything because to be honest, I paid a lot of small creators so there are opportunities for everyone. The thing is, just like you have to take it seriously because you are sharing about a project, you are part of the marketing of a project. And this is really important. It's important for your brand, for your connection with the KL manager, but also for the project that you are promoting.

Yasmina's Major Wins

Wow, that's super. That's great, Yasmina. Thank you. Thank you so much. I think, content creators, small influence, small content creators who are aspiring to be big will use this to like correct their mistakes and also from their grow. if this is not too personal, I would like to ask what's your biggest win moment in the space? T you date? Yes, Mina, can you just repeat, I'm not sure I understood the question. Yeah, I'm asking like, what's your biggest win in the space? Like Tina? Oh, okay. In a campaign or NFT trading or no matter.

Financial Milestones

Yeah, like your biggest win. I know. Even if it's a campaign, nft trading, none of them is equal. Like the biggest. Yeah, okay. I would say ten k in like few seconds with a trade. Let's say that. Yeah, I think it's not the, it's not a big one compared to what everyone is having and doing. But yeah, it was one of, it was a trade that I will always remember to be honest because, yeah, for us here in web three, in this space, we are like used to see huge amount of money being win, etcetera. But yeah, even one k is still a big win when you compare that to a real life money and how you can win it with hard work, etcetera.

Campaign Success

But yeah, it was ten K and for a campaign it was more or less the same. The campaign was really huge and I was able to get a good amount of money with it. Yeah. Okay. That's really cool. That's really cool. You said ten k is not a lot. Ten K is like a lot of money for me. For you? Yeah, I think it's a lot. Like, no matter where it is for you, even though like, you know, the way money is being bridged in this space, you'll be like, ten k is not involved. Everyone knows ten k is something.

Defining Personal Worth

Actually, it's just when you hear these projects, this is $100 million, this, that. No, at least, you know, when it's yours, it's always kind of different. Okay. I think Nutella network is logging again. But anyway, let me move to the next question. Okay. What are some key qualities that you look out for while hiring a Kol or a content creator? I think this question will like make a lot of people diversify or make a change and know where they are making mistakes or like where they need correction. Yeah. What are the key qualities you look out for while hiring a career?

Key Qualities of a Content Creator

Yeah, well, here, to be honest, the first thing that I am screening is the Twitter page. Like the post that the content creator or the KL is doing. Like how, what kind of information the creator is spreading. How consistent is this creator as well? If I'm seeing a Twitter page with three retreats in a day, of course I won't. I won't settle a deal with this creator because I think it's like not a high quality page. Let's say it like that. I'm also looking at the impression. I'm not going to lie like figures or metrics. Let's say metrics are quite important.

Understanding Metrics

So I'm checking the impression and most recently, I'm putting a lot of attention to the comments. Why? Because for some page you will see that this kol or this creator has a good amount of followers, let's say like that. And when you check the post, you have also quite a good amount in terms of impression. But then when you go to the comments, you will see that there are no good comments. Like all the comments are coming from, but from account. And yeah, this is a red flag. I'm also putting attention to the followers, but like I said in the a lot of campaign we need smaller creator.

Evaluating New Creators

So if the Twitter page has one k followers or two k followers, and I see that this person is quite, how to say that consistent is posting about, I don't know, things interesting about project and the account is quite healthy, then it's good. Even if the follower count is not big, right? So, yeah, I'm putting attention to all of this metrics, quality of comments, number of retweets that we can see on the page. And yeah, just to be clear to everyone here, we can easily know if an account is posted or not.

The Reality of Social Metrics

So even if you have 100K followers and five k impression we like and comments, etcetera, I can know if this account was voted or not. So metrics don't really matter in that case. All right, thank you so much, yasmina. Now to the question of the day. How were you able to move your portfolio from zero to nine figures? Okay, I'm just going to be totally transparent here. I didn't make nine figures yet, but, yeah, for the salary that I have so far and the money that I'm making so far, I was able to do it via all my jobs, to be honest.

Career Transition

It's not really about trading because I'm not really trading crypto or meme coin or shit like that because I don't really have time. I get everything via my job, to be honest. And because I was able to focus one and single one niche that is in line with me, that is in line with what I like doing. And I think that when you like to do something, you give your best and you have the outcome of this. And, yeah, this is how I am able to make my money. I left my web two job a few weeks ago now, so I'm full time web three because now I can be full time web three.

Monetizing Creativity

And everything is thanks to my job and thanks to the skills that I was able to develop, to be honest. Yeah, and also, yeah, I will also add another part is the money that I'm making with content creation. That's also an important part because I'm also doing content creation. I'm not a QL or anything more, a content creator, let's say. And this is also a good way to have a revenue in web three. I think it's like monetizing your Twitter page or TikTok or anything. I don't know. But this is a good way. So that's why it's really important for you, whether you are a big account or a small account, to focus on your brand.

Consistency and Brand Building

Really, even if it takes time in the beginning, even if you feel that no one is noticing you or anything, just focus, be consistent, and don't give up when it comes to brand building. Yeah, that's really great. Yeah. Thank you so much, Yasmina. You know, one thing is to focus. There's a lot of people, when they see that, okay, this person is a content creator and he's making thousands of dollars, they will say, whatever I'm doing is not the right thing, that we move to dark side, then we stay there and see that this person is doing this one.

Avoiding Distractons

They will now divert, come back and say, that is the one that is printing now. But that's really not it. When you focus, be consistent on whichever one you're doing. Yeah. You will surely make it. Get your own paid when it's due. And one time. Okay with that, I guess you've tried. Yasmina, we have less than 20 minutes to end this piece, and we like to bring some listeners up to ask their question. And, yeah, you answer them, then we in this place.

Listener Engagement

Okay, Shippon CEO, the first speaker, please ask your question is out from the speaker room. Let me bring up another person. Okay, soft alpha, you can speak now. Please ask your question. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. Come. All right, my question to Yasmina is, I know you are a contest. You are a career manager, right. And my question is, how do you connect a curiosity project? How do you manage to connect a period to a project to do marketing for them?

Connecting Projects and Influencers

Do they kind of tell them that you have this career to work with, or do you have a marketing agent that you bring to the project? Yeah. So how I do that, to be honest, I don't have a clear answer on that. I'm like, so as I said, I started at cd five, and then I was, yeah, giving deals to a lot of people, a lot of Kos, etcetera. And this is just like, how to say that via connection and via everyone talking about. Yeah, about this niche, KL management, etcetera, and people saying, oh, yeah, I know this.

Networking and Discussion

This girl is doing that you might want to discuss with her, etcetera. So I get most of my deals via the connection and via the people talking between us and also via my Twitter, because I am sharing a lot of insights about KL management and all the information, etcetera, around this topic. And some founders just saw my tweet and wanted to connect with me, so I jumped on the. With them, and this is how I get. I got. So I would say with the connection that I have and also via my Twitter and the post that I'm doing around this topic.

Introduction and Acknowledgments

I actually see blendy hosting, so that's why I tried to thank you, my boss, for being here. Thank you for coming. Yeah, yeah, bro. So, luckily enough for me, it's just me that is speaking. So that's why I just want to say hi. Yasmin. Blendy. So it's a good one, posting space like this to encourage us coming up that, yeah, we can also start with zero account and grow big like Yasmin and, you know, become one of the biggest ko manager in web three. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you so much. Thank you. Our next speaker is Nate. All right.

Transitioning Speakers

Yeah, yeah. JM Blade, GM, notella King. Jamie asked me now, I think you've hosted this place before when you said, I'm crypto mama, digitech, and some other persons. So I was present there too. So I just want to ask you, Jasmina, for people that are quite new in like, the space in crypto and web theory that wants to know, Janice, we have different aspects of crypto. The trading, airdrop, the community manager, content writing, creating memes. Would you suggest or would you advise that they check or they like going through the different aspect of crypto before they can see one particular one that they are good at or they should just one?

Understanding Your Niche

So your question, just to be sure, is, like, how to be sure in which niche you want to grow? Is that the question? Yeah. If you want to start with mod or community manager or if you want to be a KL manager or anything, how do you know that? Right? Yeah. Yeah. I think it's all about experiencing. Sorry. Like, when I started in the space, as I said, I started in community side. So with doing most community manager jobs and also how I started this, I just was super active in the disc at this time and was showing that I have the skills of a community manager.

Gaining Experience

And it was for a big project, actually. And I was just doing a community manager job without having a community manager role or without being a community manager for the project. And that's why I was hired. Just to jump in what I was saying earlier, like, provide value without expecting anything and you will see the outcome. But yeah, to answer your question, it's really about experiencing. Like, I started with that and then I wanted to check how it is to be a collab manager. So I did it and now QL manager, I did it. And now I'm sure I'm not going to do community management anymore because it's something that doesn't suit me really well.

Consistency and Exploration

So I need, I think you need to experience touch a bit at everything. Let's say it like that, until you find what you really want to do in this space. I don't know if this answer your question or not. I hope. Yes. Yeah. You really did very jump to the question and I hope you Garrett. Okay. Martini. Martini can ask a question. Okay. Am I audible now? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Gm. Gm. Subladi. James. James and all protocols duly observed. Like, my question is just straightforward. Like, when consistency or being consistent is being mentioned, like we do here, everywhere. Keep showing up, keep showing up.

The Question of Consistency

I want to ask like, how consistent can one be? Can I be to the extent that, like, I don't know, it's like I keep asking my question myself, question. Like, like, is it high time for me to give up on crypto? Like, crypto is not my thing yet. Like, I've been trying to be, to stay consistent, to follow up on all people. I follow up and I'm still not getting the kind of win I want at this point. I'm still trying to learn more about Defi and all of cryptocurrency. So I hope my question is clear about consistency.

Daily Engagement

Like, how much consistency do a newbie have to show up to in the space? I think it's, to be honest, it's not about being consistent the whole day, etcetera, but at least show up daily, I think. Because when you are starting your, how to say that your career, etcetera, you have to be noticed. And if you are here once a week or once in two weeks, anyway, you won't be noticed. You are seeing a lot of other people being in the timeline every day, posting multiple times per day, etcetera. I don't think it's about that, to be honest. Because once again, you can take my twitter and you can check my post in the previous months, etcetera.

Becoming Noticed

I wasn't that active when I started. Like, it's not that I was all the day on Twitter, etcetera, but I think at least show up once a day, share one post about, I don't know, a personal experience something that it's different. I think we don't need to have every day. And yeah, every post needs to be around a crypto topic or a project topic. It can also be a personal experience, a personal insight or anything. Just so people know that, yeah, you are a human behind this account. This is not a robot, it's nothing. Someone just sharing basic insight. So, yeah, about consistency.

Consistency in Action

As I said daily, I think it's good. Not necessarily the old day. Try to reply to not really big account, but to the account that has an impact. And yeah, to show more that you are a real person, if I can say it like that and share more about your insight. If you are in a community on discord, try to give value. I don't know, like, I'm not saying to grind, not at all. But yeah, it can be helping people out, some stuff like that. Trying to join some good communities. Whether it's a group on Twitter or whether it's a group on telegram.

Final Thoughts on Consistency

Anything. And yeah, be consistent. Yeah, it's a basic sentence, but it's really important because you need to get noticing. That is really important. Okay, thank you so much, Jasmina, that really answered the question. We have like, a few minutes to go, please. Kelvin, ask your question. Kelvin, mute your mic and ask your question, please. Okay, Kevin seems not to be here. Frank. Frank, please ask you a question. Yeah, good evening, everyone. I was, I've already dropped my question on the conversation, but since so far I'm already on the. My session.

Wrap-Up with Frank's Query

Thank you so much, Blady. Thank you so much. Yasmin, thank you for joining us. Thank you so much. I really appreciate. I learned a lot from you. Well, my question is, some of us, especially me, I was on boarded to this space when I saw not coin was doing great. I got interested. I know about web three. I came in. So I've been in this space hearing testimonies from people. People like you and others. But the thing is, we are barely coping. We came from not coin. So what do you think? Like this web three? Nick, which one do you think is advisable for newbies at least to start earning from then with time, then we'll get along.

Advice for Newbies

So what do you think is advisable? Or maybe. Yes, that's my question. Yeah, I think so. If I understand the question. Good. Is that you were just unborn to this space. You are like a newbie, right? And you want to know how to evolve and how to grow in space, right? Yeah, that's it. Yeah. I think it really depends on what you want to do. This is the first question that you have to ask yourself is like, what I want to do in this space? Do I understand? Really good. Clearly, this space, this is the first thing we need to understand how everything works, how the ecosystem works, how the community side works, etcetera.

Knowing Your Direction

And when you've done that, you need to question yourself and say, okay, what I want to do here, do I want to. To trade nfts, to trade crypto, etcetera, and being like anonymous, or do you, do I want to become a content creator myself? If. Yes, if this is the case, then you will have to start your journey by simply creating actually. Right? So you will start creating content, you will start networking with people, connecting with people. It's like we explain via documents, we are reaching out in diem, et cetera.

Starting Your Journey

If it's, if you want to be a web three worker, if I can say it like that, like a mod community manager, a QL manager, I don't know. You need to specialize in this and try to find the first job, even if it's free. We don't care. What we want here is to show who we are, to show what we can do, what we can provide, and then the outcome, as I said, will come. It's obvious, like, you will have it. So, yeah, it really depends. First, understand quite clearly the space, how it works, etcetera.

Navigating Your Path

Then ask yourself what I want to do. And starting from that, you can start doing the action. If you want to be, like I said, an NFT trader or anything. I would start connecting with people by, for example, joining some good alpha groups, etcetera. If I want to have a job, which job, and then I will start to provide value in this sense, just to be noticed. So, yeah, really depends on what you want to do and your connection are really important here, even if it's with small people.

Building Connections

We don't care, just people that know the space better than you and that can help you with your journey here. All right, thank you so much. You asked me now for asking the question. All right, so the next speaker is Adi. Please unmute your mic and ask your question. Thank you. GM. Yes, me now GM to the everyone in the space and the speakers. Big ups to the host for having this space. It's been really educative and I've actually learned a lot then. So, Yasmin, I must say, you are really good at what you do.

Engagement as a Content Creator

I've worked here a couple of times and I enjoy your level from professionalism. So my question for you is, how do you, as a colon creator manager, how do you deal with multiple creators and handle the issue of maybe a creator using bots to increase his level of engagement? Like, how do you filter out real engagements and fake engagements, because real engagements is always important when it comes to activation. So I want to know how you handle that.

Organizational Strategies

Yeah, so I think it's all about organization. And yes, by the way, shout out to you. I did because I worked with you several times and I really appreciate your content as well. You are doing really great. So I just wanted to say that, and then to answer your question, it's really about organization. I can handle multiple campaigns in one speakers first. I have a very small team with me that I trust and that is helping me with my daily tasks, etcetera.

Dealing with Bots

But I'm also really organized, having automated etcetera. And when I have to deal with content creator using bots, using chatuvt, etcetera. What I am trying to do, the best that I can do is really filtering my initial sheet the best way I can. Like how it works. Just to give a bit of insight, when I'm booked on my campaign, I have the meeting with the client. I learned about the KPI that need to be reached and then I need to start working on the list with potential creator and Kos.

Quality Control

And I make sure that this list is how to say that the best of the best. Maybe I can say it like that. So I avoid being disappointed with some drafts that I am receiving. And also most recently, and I posted about that today when I received drafts that have that make no sense to me at all, I asked the creator to rework it and even ten times if needed, even if the KO or the creator is not happy, because like, you are paid for that, right? You are paid to spread a message.

Ensuring Impact

You are paid to have an impact. You are not paid to use chat, GPT and to copy paste the text on your timeline. Everyone can do it, right? And yeah, this is how I managed that. And if the kol or the creator is not happy or don't want to change the draft or anything, I just cancel the deal and that's it. Because, yeah, I cannot be like begging everyone to have a good draft. I mean, it's your job to do that, not mine.

Conclusion and Acknowledgment

Yeah, thank you for explaining that. That's actually a really good way to handle stuff like that because you have to always get the best. So yeah, I really appreciate that. All right, the next speaker investor, please ask your question. All right, GM, Blendy, Otela, Yasmina and everyone on this space, I think I had. I saw this space the other time, but I was quite busy in real life activities so I couldn't join? Oh, yeah.

Introduction and Appreciation

Today I'm active and I joined the space. So thank you all. So, Yasmina, I really appreciate and love what you do. And from what you said, that's what I have so much experience with. the whole stuff, the whole creation stuff. So my question is very simple. So as a creator, what are those kind of content that you need to create to actually get those potential clients your page? Or, let me see, project. Right. Why in the word choose page. So I think most creators here without video creators or those that actually write content writers, so they create contents that actually drive a client to the page. So how can they go about that? What are those kind of contents that those creators can actually create to drive those potential engagements or networks or potential projects to their page? So what are those? Thank you.

Content Creation Insights

Thanks for the question. I think here, what I would say is really? So to start your content creation. Creation journey, you have to start creating content. Okay, this is basic and this is easy, but I think you need to share content that works well and content that works well. It's like sharing about personal experiences, your personal journey. I don't know, a personal opinion on something new that you learned, but I mean, a human content, this will drive a lot of audience. And when a KOL manager will find your page, they will see a quality profile that is driving traffic. Right? So I think the best is, and you can easily see that on the timeline, except for the big Kos, you will see that personal content is performing way more than project posts for the creators, because for the big KLS, it's working well. But talking about experience, and you can also see that on my profile, you will see that when I share, and I already said that, but when I share about my QL journey or some insights that I have, it's performing really well compared to when I share about a project, for example.

Discussion on Creator Strategies

Okay, thank you, Yasmina, for answering that question. I think just two more persons and we end these pacings. We've elapsed our time. Kelvin, you have the mic, then very loud. Good day, guys. And then thanks for the opportunity to get on this space. Just more of like an addition to what Yasmin has been sharing so far. A KL manager was the Cael manager back at Dowmaker, currently KL manager at a terminal. I believe I can see some, quite some familiar spaces over here. Now, I've seen lots of questions going on about, let's see how a content creator can grow. What is his value? Add to this web three space and how to find the niche of sport he or she is looking for. One thing about care managers and what we are looking for projects or for clients that we work with. First of all, I group it into three categories. I'm looking for guys who can help me build my community.

Community Building and Engagement Strategies

I'm looking you for guys who can help me bring exposure and engagement to my clients promotion. And also I'm looking for guys who can bring in buy volume. Now, one reality with the african community and looking at it from a financial development section is that most of our people don't have the bio volume. That is a bare fact. What I want you guys to focus on is you need to focus on the community building, exposure and engagement. That is what our niche of play is. So what I would recommend that you guys do is you need to grow a community and an organic community to say where you actually provide people the inside, the know how of how to, you know, maneuver through the space. If you move to build this organic community, trust me, you would have care managers who would give you a deal, like would give you all these early funding into projects, into solid ones. I think most of our guys tend to, farm engagement and all of that.

Focus on Authentic Engagement

At a glance, any experienced care manager like myself, Yasmin, would notice that you farm in your account. It's so obvious. Okay. So when it comes to family engagement, I wouldn't really advise you do that. And also one thing you would want to be doing is you need to engage, quite some good accounts on the space as well. Yeah, you need to be engaging. Like if you are young, it would probably be good to comment on some of the big guys that you tend to, you knowing the space. Because the more you comment on their post, you know, you sort of come up a bit to some of their audience. And if any audience falls in your niche play or happens to, you know, scroll against your profile, you see that, okay. You, you actually teaching people, you know, the know how and the basic steps in crypto. Because I'll tell you what, guys like wizard, Becker capital, they don't have the time to, you know, give all these little info that traders doing on, you know, on the speed.

Niche Focus and Personal Branding

So this is something that you need to look at all these three categories. Either you're helping a project build a community or you are helping them to, for exposure and engagement. Or you can bring in buy volume. These are the three categories you need to find yourself in as a care, as a content creator. Let me put it this way. Okay. Yeah. For my english. Yeah. Thank you, Gavin. I really appreciate that. Before Digitech, we speak, please really ask your question then. Jem. Jem, everyone. Jem. Ela, Vladi, Yasmina. Absolutely loved this space so far. Okay, so I'm just going to cut down to my question. Okay. So we all know how the space is constantly evolving with new metas every single second. Today we're talking about meme points, the next we're talking about reward assets.

Maintaining Engagement in a Changing Landscape

How do you. How have you been able to maintain. Your engagement all through that period? Like, how have you been able to. Still stick, like, in people's mind, in people's head all through the time? And. Yes, would you advise. Would you advise a content creator or writer to stick to one niche? Like, just. Sorry, no one niche on a chain? Like, would you advise that creator to just create content on that chain and just be rooted there and try to create a name for themselves on that chain? Yeah, that's just my question. Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm a bit sorry here because I couldn't hear really well. I don't know if bloody maybe can help or. I don't know because it was really hard to hear you, really. Okay, I'm very sorry.

Engagement Tactics and Personal Insights

Maybe I was speaking. Yeah, yeah, I really can't hear you well. Yes, but it's not that good, to be honest. Or maybe. Just come again, then I will pass your question to her. Just you say you have to. Okay. Okay. Thank you. My question. I was saying that with the way this space is constantly evolving, how has Yasmina been able to maintain her engagement and relevance in this space? And would she advise a content creator or a writer to stick to just one chain and create content on that? That's my question. Okay. Okay. Now I heard the question. So maintaining engagement is not really always easy because you will have some days or where your engagement is really high and the some other days where it's really. It's really bad and it's not really on you, but more on Twitter algorithm.

Advice on Content Strategies

So this is one thing, but I think to maintain an engaged audience and an interested audience, as I said, it's like sharing about personal experiences, sharing about personal insights and your own journey. Actually, if you are sharing everyday about post or stuff about projects, sorry. And you are always sharing the same things, you will lose your audience interest. So it's really good to have different type of content and yet to maintain something like a healthy level between all the projects that you are posting about and your personal experiences and personal insights, because otherwise you will see that your audience will be way less engaged and your engagement will take a hit as well, which makes sense. And the second question was, I don't remember now.

Building Personal Brands

Okay, lady, can you help me? The second question, what was it? Them? Yes, if you. Yeah, I remember. Like, if it's good to have. Yeah. To focus on a lot of niche or just one. I think it's good if you focus one thing, like, it's not really. I don't think it's really good to talk about defy then about originals, then about gaming, etcetera. You can focus on, I don't know, two or even three is too much. Maybe two niches. And that. That's enough because otherwise you're in here. It's part of the personal branding. I think your audience won't really understand who you are and what you are specialized in. Right.

Final Thoughts and Conclusions

So, yeah, and it's my open opinion. Like, I won't. I. I think you won't. Will never see any defi content on my. On my Twitter. Even if I paid for that, I won't accept because I don't have the enough interest in that and my audience won't have it as well. So I think, yeah, no need to focus on multiple chains. Like, it doesn't really make sense in a personal branding and personal brand building point of view. Okay, thank you, Yasmina. For the want of time, my boss and my brother, Digitech, please, you have the mic. Hey, yo, Blady, my bro, James, bro, your co host. I think she wrote a but then Jim, to the co host. Fantastic job. Ben. Yasmina, my friend and my partner too.

Closing Remarks

I see you here. I'm honored to have you here too, on this space. Thank you. Basically, I didn't come here with any question, right. I only came to give Blade and my brother a support and of course, to, you know, ensure that I am here. But unfortunately, lady, you have to forgive me, bro. I mean, I came in quite late, but then it is never. It is something that I really had a good time. The few minutes I was here, I stepped out to get something for the night, right. So, yeah, came in late, but then big shout out to you, lady. Pictured out to Yasmina. I see a whole lot of my friends down there in the listener section. Picture to you guys.

Lessons and Support

One thing that is setting is the space will always keep giving both to creators and to the community at large. We just basically have to do a whole lot. And if you have someone right there, down there in the listener section. And you are also aspiring to be a creator someday, an influencer, a kill, right? With whatever you want to call it. I think you must have learned a whole lot from this space. And you start putting all your work together while you build your account or your audience to your desired expectation, right? This is if you want to enjoy this space. I think Bledy host this kind of space. And then Yasmina is someone that leads a whole lot of kols in the space, and she's, well, vast and have partnered with so many projects too.

Encouragement for Aspiring Creators

Now, if we check our content, right, it relates to how the, how co managers, right, can successfully manage a whole lot of calls while maintaining standard. So I think you want to give the host and Yasmin a good follow up and read their contents. I think that would help you and guide you on your way to becoming a content writer, right? So thank you so much, everyone. Lady, thank you for having me. I just came to give you a support, my bro. Cheers, man. Thanks. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you. My other boy, zis in the space, and the rest of you guys, I really appreciate stelling.

Recap and Future Engagement

Yeah, thank you. nutella, if your mic is cool now, you can have the mic. All right, thank you, guys. giving a quick recap, the host, the space would continue every Thursday, 07:00 p.m. uTC. So do not miss the next piece. And I'll be listing the winners of the giveaway session. So initially we wanted to just give two people, but so many people have asked, you know, very nice questions. And before the post goes up, soft Alpha Martin Frank Ade, an investor, you're the winners of tonight's giveaway. So thank you guys for coming to the space. I really appreciate. Thank you, Yasmina. Thank you, guys. Thank you. It was really great to be here with you all. If anyone has a question or want to discuss something much deeper or need any help with something, my DM's are open.

Encouragement and Final Thanks

If you see that I don't reply, you can bump me one day today, three days, really, don't hesitate for that. And thank you, Bledy.

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