Binance X Spaces


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Binance X Spaces hosted by PulseGhana. Binance X Spaces is a hub of innovation and insights in the cryptocurrency world. From discussions on DeFi, NFTs, marketing strategies, to the influence of AI and the Metaverse, this space covers a wide array of topics that are shaping the future of digital assets. Experts delve into the impact of cryptocurrency volatility, the importance of community building, and the significance of reliable infrastructure for blockchain projects. Join conversations on gaming integration, wallet security, and the opportunities presented by the Metaverse for immersive asset ownership.

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Q: How does cryptocurrency volatility affect investment decisions?
A: Volatility requires careful risk management and strategy adjustments by investors.

Q: Why is community building essential for crypto projects?
A: Communities provide support, feedback, and drive adoption and sustainability.

Q: What role does DeFi play in the financial sector?
A: DeFi offers decentralized alternatives to traditional financial services, promoting financial inclusivity.

Q: What are the benefits of NFTs in the digital realm?
A: NFTs enable unique digital ownership, provenance, and monetization opportunities for creators.

Q: How does reliable infrastructure impact blockchain projects?
A: Infrastructure affects scalability, security, and user experience in blockchain ecosystems.

Q: Why is marketing important for crypto projects?
A: Effective marketing drives awareness, adoption, and success of crypto projects.

Q: How is AI influencing the evolution of digital assets?
A: AI enhances data analysis, security, and automation in managing digital assets.

Q: What is the significance of gaming integration in blockchain?
A: Gaming integration adds utility, engagement, and new use cases to blockchain platforms.

Q: Why is wallet security crucial in the crypto space?
A: Secure wallets are essential to protect assets and ensure safe transactions in the crypto environment.

Q: What opportunities does the Metaverse offer for asset ownership?
A: The Metaverse enables virtual property ownership, unique experiences, and economic interactions in a digital space.


Time: 00:15:20
Cryptocurrency Volatility Discussion Experts analyze the impact of price fluctuations on crypto investment strategies.

Time: 00:25:45
Building Strong Communities in DeFi Exploring the role of community engagement in the success of DeFi projects.

Time: 00:35:10
NFT Revolution in Digital Ownership Discussions on the transformative power of NFTs in the digital ownership space.

Time: 00:45:30
Infrastructure Development for Blockchain Insights on the importance of robust infrastructure for blockchain project growth.

Time: 00:55:15
Marketing Strategies for Crypto Success Strategies for effective marketing campaigns in the competitive crypto market.

Time: 01:05:40
AI Integration in Digital Assets Exploring the applications of artificial intelligence in the management of digital assets.

Time: 01:15:20
Gaming and Blockchain Synergy The fusion of gaming and blockchain technologies for innovative solutions.

Time: 01:25:35
Ensuring Wallet Security in Crypto Tips and best practices for securing cryptocurrency wallets.

Time: 01:35:50
Metaverse Opportunities and Challenges Discovering the potentials and considerations in the evolving Metaverse landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Cryptocurrency volatility impacts investment strategies.
  • Understanding the importance of community building for sustainable projects.
  • The role of decentralized finance (DeFi) in transforming traditional financial systems.
  • Exploring the potential of NFTs in revolutionizing digital ownership.
  • The significance of reliable infrastructure for the growth of blockchain projects.
  • Marketing strategies play a crucial role in project success within the crypto space.
  • Innovative technologies like AI are shaping the future of digital assets.
  • Gaming integration in blockchain platforms is gaining momentum.
  • Wallet security is a top priority in the crypto ecosystem.
  • The Metaverse presents new opportunities for immersive experiences and asset ownership.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Setup

Sadeena, Sadeena. Okay, I've seen the guy wasn't on the call, so I wanted you to get him. I've sent him the co host in. Right, the Louis bar guy. Okay, so I've sent him the co host invite, so you can accept. Then you start posting the spaces to the other guy joints. You can hear me on the spaces. You can hear me on the spaces. It.

Starting the Binance X Spaces

Okay. Good afternoon. Welcome to the binance X spaces with Paul's, in conjunction with binance. So I'll hand over to my co host, Mister Lewis, to take over the spaces. Thank you. Thanks for your patience and waiting on the line. Okay. Okay.

Understanding Cryptocurrency

So I'm really excited to share my little knowledge about the crypto space and also tell you as beginners, or whether you are a beginner, whether you are an advanced trader, to also learn a bit about cryptocurrency. Now, you've heard about cryptocurrency. So what is cryptocurrency itself? Now, you know that cryptocurrency is just like digital currency. So it is secured with some level of cryptography, and it makes it very impossible to actually counterfeit it.

Difference Between Cryptocurrency and Traditional Currencies

Now, with cryptocurrency, just unlike other traditional currencies, cryptocurrency itself, it's very digital, unlike the other local currency, like the fiat currencies, what happens is that people can even counterfeit it and government can intervene like they are controlled by the central bank. So cryptocurrency has come to stay, and the future of the Internet is actually cryptocurrency. Okay? So I want to share some other few things with you now.

How Cryptocurrency Works

How does the cryptocurrency itself work? Now with cryptocurrency, as I said earlier on, it exists in electronic form, okay? Unlike the other physical currencies. Now, the science of security, or the cryptography attached to cryptocurrency is the science of secure communication, which uses the algorithm to, I mean, to secure or to protect the data in cryptocurrency. Now, with cryptocurrency, they are secure.

Security and Access in Cryptocurrency

It comes with secure transaction. That means that you cannot tamper it in any way. Okay? You can never tamper it in any way. And it is only people who have authorized access that they can. I mean, they can access the crypto. Now, there are different kinds of cryptocurrencies. So we have some cryptocurrencies that it's purposely used for payment, and we have others that are used to create decentralized apps.

Examples of Cryptocurrencies

For example, when you have a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, like SRP, like bitcoin cash and the rest, these are cryptocurrencies created to actually solve payment issues like transfer money from one person to the other. Now, there are other crypto currencies that are actually used to create decentralized apps. For example, ethereum.

Supply Limitations in Cryptocurrency

Now, one thing you should also note is that when it comes to cryptocurrencies, they are just limited in supply. So, for example, bitcoin has over 21 billion in market cap. Now, when it comes to currencies, depending on inflation and other policies, the government can intervene whether to buy more currencies or to pump more currencies into the economy.

Benefits of Cryptocurrency

So it has unlimited supply. However, when it comes to cryptocurrency, there is a lot of, I mean, there is limited supply when it comes to cryptocurrency. So I hope you are enjoying the session and you are learning a bit from it. Now, we talk about cryptocurrency. So what are some of the benefits? So what are some of the benefits of cryptocurrency now? Let's look at a crypto coin like XRP ripple.

Cost Efficiency in Transactions

XRP ripple was created to solve cross border payments, okay? So it was created to solve the fees that the banks actually charge when it comes to cross border payment. Now they are charging with XRP ripple, they are charging about 0.001 xrp. Unlike you transfer money from one bank to the other, where you pay swift, you pay commission.

Speed and Accessibility of Cryptocurrency Transactions

There is, okay, so with cryptocurrency, the cost of transacting, the cost of sending money from one country to the other, or from one person to the other is very low. Now, transferring cryptocurrency to. So transferring cryptocurrency to is very fast and secure. Okay? It's very fast and secure.

Global Transactability and Investment Opportunities

Now, wherever you are around the world, you can also transact in cryptocurrency. Now, when it comes to investment, there are a lot of investment opportunities with cryptocurrency. Now, when you go to the binance platform, an amazing platform, very amazing. Now, with binance, you can trade futures on crypto. Okay? You can even trade cryptos on margin.

Investment Growth Potential

Now, remember in 2017 when XRP ripple moved from zero point three to three dollars, that was over 1000%. I moved about eight thousand dollars to one hundred twenty eight thousand dollars in three weeks. That was in November 2017. So there is high opportunity when it comes to cryptocurrency.

Diversifying Your Investment Portfolio

With cryptocurrency it can serve as a source of, as a way of diversifying your portfolio, okay? Now, investing, we have risk on and risk off assets. Now, sometimes when the currency, the risk on currencies or the appetite of certain currencies for people look to other investment opportunities or having assets like gold, like cryptocurrency, so that they can push their money there to make some extra cash.

DeFi and Alternative Investment Assets

So there is a lot of investment opportunity. When you go to the binance platform, you can also deal in Defi, okay? You can also deal in other kind of investment assets over there on the binance platform. Now, I also told you that with cryptocurrency, it's a way of diversifying your portfolio.

Autonomy and Control in Cryptocurrency

And when it comes to cryptocurrency, nobody, I mean nobody will come and hold your neck, okay, to rather withdraw your money or whatever. Now, you have control over your wallet, okay? You can choose to do anything with your wallet. No government can come in and come in, I mean, worry you when it comes to crypto currency, okay?

Types of Cryptocurrency Assets

So I've already told you about the fact that we have two payments of cryptocurrency, which is the one for payment, okay? And we also have other ones which are for utility and platform tokens. Now, Ethereum, with Ethereum, it supports decentralized apps, okay? And DeFi, which is Defi, and nfts.

Understanding NFTs

Now, when you talk about nfts, they are non their kind of assets or they are kind of tokens that represent certain things like an ad, like videos and other stuff, okay? Now let's look at some resources. Where can you actually learn cryptocurrency? Where can you actually learn about cryptocurrency?

Learning Resources for Cryptocurrency

Okay? Now, when it comes to cryptocurrency, you can learn it from several sources. You can go to binance, you can go to binance. And there are lot of education on how to actually trade cryptocurrency.

Learning About Cryptocurrency

You can go to Reddit, you can learn a lot about cryptocurrency, okay? You can, there are so many books out there that you can also learn cryptocurrency from. Now, we are also looking at the potential benefit and risk of investing in crypto, okay? Now there are a lot of benefits, as I've told you about, there are a lot of opportunities, like investment opportunities, fast transactions and other stuff. Now, there are also setbacks, or they are also disadvantages, or they are also, should I say, risk of investing. Now, when it comes to cryptocurrency, there is a lot of volatility on the market. So cryptocurrency, around 2017, there are about one crypto can make about 50% a day, which is very volatile. Okay? So before you actually trade cryptocurrency, you need to look at your risk, pre calculate your risk before you. I mean, trade cryptocurrency, and you shouldn't trade with money that you cannot afford to lose. Okay? But it's a very good way of actually maximizing returns when it comes to investment.

Using Binance for Trading

Now, what are on Binance? So let me check in this. Now, on Binance, you can also go there and go and trade futures. Okay? You can trade futures on Binance, which is a very way of maximizing returns. Now, binance is also a great platform. There are so many opportunities. There are people who even do buying and selling. When it comes to the p two p service, binance P two p service is one of the most secured p two p arena that you can actually transact your business. Now, I don't know. You are not here, but if you look at my Binance, you can see that. You can see that I have some money in my binance, about 4k USD in my binance, that should tell you that I also use binance. And it's one of the most secured platform that you can actually use to trade cryptocurrency. Now, most of my money as a forex trader, as one of the leading forex traders in Ghana, and as one of the pioneers when it comes to forest trading in Ghana, I've used binance. In fact, I keep more money or I transact a lot on the binance platform than even my local bank. That should tell you that I trust binance a lot.

Safety and Security of Exchanges

So you guys should also learn more about the platform and how you can use it to your benefit. At this point, I would invite questions. If you have any questions you want to ask me, I'll be ready to answer them. Thank you. Yeah. Guys, do you have any question? Do you have any question? Is there any question that you want to ask? Is there any question that you want to ask? Okay, so, yeah, okay. Yeah. Jill. Hello? Yeah. Okay. Please. I hope I'm audible. Yeah. I wanted to know when it comes to safety with the decentralized and centralized exchange. I've been in crypto for a while. Which one will you say is best? Because we've seen what FTX did to most of us where they had access to mobile money. So we had to choose that platform over binance because of the p two P and then anonymous sending money to someone else on binance and hoping that they credit your account. But ftx came with a momo police where you could just move your money from Momo to the centralized exchange. But at the end of the day, they collapsed and those who didn't hear the news very early lost their funds.

Decentralized vs Centralized Exchange

So with centralized and decentralized exchange, which one will you best advice people to keep their money on? You see, the fact is, from the question that you're asking whether people should put it in their trust wallet or they should put it in. Binance, or. And there are some people that will come out like probably they are an exchange, but they are not necessarily an exchange. They might be an investment platform, whatever. Now there are certain benefits or there are certain advantages and disadvantages. So when you look at trust wallet, what happens is at the end of the day, you are in control of the wallet. So if you lose your private keys, you lose your money. That's exactly that. But when it comes to binance or when it comes to the exchanges, you lose your password, you can reset it. In fact, you open an account before you would actually get your wallet, register for your wallet and other stuff. So at that point they can help you, especially when you're making transactions with certain transactions, they can help you as exchange. But when it comes to wallet, you are in control of everything.

Security Features of Each Type of Exchange

So it has some benefit when it comes to security, since you are in control of everything, it's, should I say, extremely secure. But at the end of the day, some people can also hack into it. When they have your logins and other stuff, you understand you lose everything. But when it comes to exchange, you can report it, they can have some sort of security to protect your money. I remember even on the binance exchange, when you are doing p two p and someone creates a dispute, your money can be held for certain periods so that they will know that it is not a fraudulent act or whatever. So the kind of security is there is with each type of exchange. However, both of them, each of them has its own benefits and disadvantage here. Okay, then I have a follow up question, please. Did you use the FTX when it came to Ghana? No, I didn't. I guess I have to keep the question.

Choosing the Right Exchange

When he came to Ghana. Tell me about the FTX and I'll tell you whether it was an exchange. Or it was a crypto platform, FTX was the one. Some, is it some banks he brought to, he brought, it worked just like binance, but just that one had the opportunity or had the option for you to load directly from your momo to buy a USDT and then trade other cryptocurrencies on the. Oh, you can do that with binary. I know. It's with p two p that you can just buy from. Yes. Yes. By the question, I guess if you didn't use FTX, I guess the question will be a bit ambiguous or too much. Yeah. And please, if you are choosing, if you are making decision on which exchange to use, you have to be very careful because you've seen a lot of exchange and they are being hacked and other stuff. So be very vigilant when you are choosing an exchange. At the end of the day, you want an exchange which has more regulations and more secured. Okay? So that's what I have for you here. Any other question, okay.

Buying Cryptocurrency

Before anything, someone will ask, how do I buy cryptocurrency? How do I buy cryptocurrency? Okay. I know some people ask that, how will you buy cryptocurrency? Now, when it comes to cryptocurrency, on the binance app, you can either use p two p. Okay. You can use p two p. You can also use your Visa card, your Mastercard to actually buy if you're in Ghana. Okay? So it's very easy when it comes to buying cryptocurrency. Okay? And there is one thing. Now, when you are buying USDT, let's say USDT or tron, make sure if you are not using it for other stuff like Dell in decentralized apps or other stuff, then you would want to go for the TRC 20. Okay. That's paired to the dollar. It does not move in any way. Like, it's not volatile, it's stable. It's a stable coin. Okay. So going for the TRC 20 instead of the ERC 20, which is Ethereum banked. Okay, any other question, guys?

Legality of Cryptocurrency

Okay, someone too was asking me about whether cryptocurrency is legal. When it comes to the legality of cryptocurrency, it varies from country to country. A country like Ghana, we don't frown when it comes to. The government doesn't frown against cryptocurrency. It's not something that they encourage or they frown against it. Okay, so it's a free region that you can actually trade in cryptocurrency. When it comes to other countries where there are regulations, that is when you can talk about the legality. Buying Ghana, it's, should I say semi legal here, semi legal to trade in cryptocurrency the central bank does not frown against cryptocurrency, just like forex. Okay? And people ask, in which ways can you actually trade cryptocurrency? Now, there are different ways by which you can trade cryptocurrency.

Trading Methods

So it's either you buy the coin and you hold it so that when it appreciates, you get extra profit on it or extra return on investment on it. Now, that is when you keep the coin in your binance wallet and you expect the coin to grow for a period of time. Okay? Now, there is another way that you can actually trade it on margin. For example, you can go to the binance futures and actually predict with your experience or with your knowledge about forex trading price action. All these theories that you use when you learn about forex trading. Now, you can actually use the analysis in forex trading to actually forecast the direction of certain crypto. Then you can trade it on futures or as futures on the binance app. Now, you can also go to any forex broker platform where they allow trading of crypto.

Margin Trading and Other Practices

Then you open an account with the broker, choose the leverage and actually make some money, like forecast the market and trade it. Okay? So there are so many ways. There are people who also mine the crypto, okay? There are people who mine it and actually make some returns on it. So there are so many ways. Now, there is also decentralized finance. Now that is a financial ecosystem built on a blockchain that, and I think there is one in binance for lending, I mean, lending for investments and other stuff. They are on the binance platform. You can also deal with, how do you call it, NFTs. But NFT is quite something that you don't want to risk so much if you can afford to lose, because the potential is also huge. Okay?

Understanding NFTs and Wallets

NFTs talk about the fact that it's a representation of an artwork, or probably, I mean, a song, video, whatever. Then they create it in the form of tokens, which is built on the blockchain. Then you decide to invest in that. So there are so many ways that you can actually. So someone is asking about what are crypto wallets? So this wallet is being provided by the crypto exchange, like binance, where you can actually create an account. When you create an account, you have access to wallets. Now, those wallets are just like your bank account. So you can choose to deposit money in it and transfer money from your wallet to another wallet through cross border payments globally, anywhere that you are, you can transfer money to those wallets and trust you mean, the transaction fees are quite cheap. They are very cheap compared to the.

Blockchain Technology

I mean, transferring money with traditional banks. So it's something that you should be looking at. Okay, so what measures does your. Okay, so what are. Okay, what is a blockchain now? Sorry, Louis, I think Jillian has been up for a while, so if you can allow him to ask this question. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I just want to ask this question again that will there be a point in time where Africa in itself will accept this technology so that it makes transfer. Right now it's making transfer of money easier for most of us because I. I don't have to, I don't need a strip account or a Paypal. And these accounts in itself can be. You can't register when you are in Ghana.

Future of Cryptocurrency in Africa

So I want to ask, is there a way or will there be a time where Africans would understand this technology and then use it? Because at least it's been a while for. It's been a while. It's been out here a while. And when you even talk to your friends about cryptocurrency, they feel it's something that accepts differently there. You have to be maybe an elite to get it back. It's not that way. So I just wanted to ask that question. Okay. So I believe that the future of the Internet is web three. See, people have already accepted cryptocurrency and Africa has really embraced it a lot. When you go to Nigeria, other countries, they've accepted cryptocurrency, but there will be a time where they are going to combine cryptocurrency, blockchain and other stuff together to form the Internet.

Embracing the Future

You understand? And that is the future. It's either you join the queue or you stay behind. That is the future. So I believe that Africa has already accepted it, but there is more work to be done. And trust you me, cryptocurrency is something for the future.

Understanding Blockchain Technology

Okay? So someone is asking, what is blockchain? So blockchain itself is just, it's a ledger. Okay? It's basically a ledger that is used to store data. Okay? And blockchain is bigger than cryptocurrency. It's very secured. And cryptocurrency is both on the blockchain. So that someone is also asking whether crypto can be hacked. Crypto is very safe, but it has its vulnerability. Okay? It has its vulnerability. Now, if you don't keep your password very well and someone have access to it, the person can actually have access to your account. Binance has. Have certain features that can actually protect you by using your fingerprints. You can actually use your other security features to actually open it, like fingerprint and other stuff, passwords to actually confirm before you actually enter into your account.

Security Features and Vulnerabilities

So as much as it is safe, there are certain vulnerabilities that you also have, I mean, notes, so that you also don't make mistakes. Yeah. So how does. Okay, okay. And when it comes to the hacking of crypto, yes, I've told you about the safety of crypto, but it has. I've told you about the safety of crypto, but it has its vulnerability. What you can also use is what we call a nano ledger. So we have something called nano ledger, as there are other upgrades that you can actually store your crypto on it. Okay. Which will be separated from the Internet. So anytime you want to access it, you go and plug it into your laptop and use it. Just. It's a hard way that stores the crypto. So if you want to, I mean, separate your crypto from the Internet, then you would want to get a nano leisure to actually store your crypto. Yes. So that's one way you can also keep your crypto safe.

Misconceptions About Cryptocurrency

Guys, I need more questions, any question. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. Your question. This one of that. Okay, so, guys, I think. Okay, so let me address this. There are a lot of misconceptions about crypto, about whether crypto is for. It's only for illicit activity. So we spoke about the fact that you can do cross border payments and other stuff. People are saying cryptocurrency is a Ponzi scheme. No, cryptocurrency itself is not a Ponzi scheme. It's a digital asset. So if any company wants to run a Ponzi scheme, they actually use crypto as the biggest digital asset for transaction of the. Use cryptocurrency as the digitizer for transacting. Okay, so crypto itself, it's not the Ponzi scheme. However, we have bad companies that use crypto for this kind of ponzi. Now, I don't know.

Differentiating Between Cryptocurrencies

Okay. Someone also asks, what's the difference between bitcoin and ethereum? Now, when it comes to bitcoin, it was just like XRP, repo, and the others. It was created as a digital currency, okay? To transact from one person to the other by Ethereum was created to support decentralized applications. Okay? So you can have certain applications that was created from Ethereum, but for bitcoin, XRP and the rest, I said that, you know, have one account of WhatsApp to enter. If where you are can you reposition yourself? There's a lot of noise behind Niger. I am Togolese, but I am from. Dana right now, so I don't. Sorry, Louis, I think you can go ahead.

The Future of Cryptocurrency

Hello, Louise? Yeah, please, can go ahead. Okay, so, so I want to give you a little advice. If you want to ask any advice from me, what I'll say is that the future of cryptocurrency is web three. And everybody should seek for that knowledge, the knowledge to learn about cryptocurrency, forest trading, whatever, so that at the end of the day, you can use that to actually make investment decisions. It's not, cryptocurrency is not limited to just the investment bit, but there are other things. I mean, the Internet very soon is to be full of blockchain, cryptocurrency and the rest. So I advise everybody to learn cryptocurrency and make sure, as much as there is a lot of security, there are also vulnerabilities. Okay? So make sure you actually check the exchange.

Choosing the Right Cryptocurrency Exchange

You verify, know, the kind of exchange you want to open a wallet with. For me, I tried Binance, so I would always encourage everybody to choose Binance. Have a wallet over there, you can have access to your money anytime you want it. Okay, so basically, that's what I will tell you. Now, if you want to learn how to trade cryptocurrency, you want to learn how to trade forex for free, you can also visit us, and we'll be willing to help you in that regard. You can DM me and I can help you to learn those things for free. Okay? Any more question? I think since there are no more questions, I would bring this space to a close and hope to see you again next time for another edition.

Closing Statements

My name is Louis Bwa. You can call me Doctor Harmonix and see you the next edition. And please make sure you open an account with Binance, the most preferred crypto exchange of choice, if you are in Africa, anywhere around the world. See you. Bye. All right, thank you, Louis. And if there are no more questions, thanks, everyone, for joining the spaces. You can DM Luis at Dr. Underscore harmonics. If you have any other questions concerning cryptocurrency. Thank you very much for making time with us.

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