Big Uglies Podcast – Tuesday Sports Space


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Big Uglies Podcast – Tuesday Sports Space hosted by JoshDenny. The Big Uglies Podcast – Tuesday Sports Space discussed a wide range of topics, from sports event cancellations to stand-up comedy, food shows, and conservative perspectives within a largely liberal industry. Guests shared personal experiences, creating a relatable environment for the audience, while exploring cancel culture's impact on diverse entertainment spheres. The space struck a balance between serious discussions and light-hearted moments, offering versatile content for listeners interested in lifestyle and entertainment topics.

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Space Statistics

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Q: What was the main theme of the Twitter space?
A: The main themes ranged from sports event cancellations to comedy and food shows.

Q: Who were the key guests in the space?
A: Stand-up comedians, podcast hosts, and Food Network show creators participated.

Q: What role did conservative views play in the discussions?
A: Conservative perspectives were highlighted in the predominantly liberal industry discussions.

Q: How did cancellation impact the topics discussed?
A: Cancellations influenced discussions on entertainment and societal issues.

Q: What platforms were mentioned during the space?
A: Platforms such as Food Network and other podcast hosting platforms were referenced.

Q: How did the guests relate to the audience?
A: Guests shared personal experiences, creating a relatable atmosphere for the audience.

Q: Were there any humorous moments during the space?
A: The conversation included light-hearted moments related to comedy and food shows.

Q: Why is diversity important in podcast content?
A: Diversity ensures varied perspectives and keeps the content engaging for a wider audience.

Q: How did cancel culture influence the discussion?
A: Discussions delved into the impact of cancel culture on different entertainment spheres.

Q: What was the general tone of the space?
A: The space had a mix of serious discussions and light-hearted banter, offering a versatile experience for listeners.


Time: 00:15:42
Sports Event Cancellations Exploring the reasons behind the cancellation of sports events.

Time: 00:25:18
Comedy and Podcasting Insights into the world of stand-up comedy and podcast hosting.

Time: 00:35:55
Food Network Shows Discussions on hosting food-related shows on platforms like Food Network.

Time: 00:45:30
Conservative Perspectives Debating conservative viewpoints in a predominantly liberal industry.

Time: 00:55:12
Cancel Culture Impact Analyzing the influence of cancel culture on entertainment discussions.

Time: 01:05:47
Diverse Content Creation Importance of diversity in podcast content creation for broader audience engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • Cancellation of sports events due to various reasons.
  • Individuals shared their experiences as stand-up comedians and podcast hosts.
  • Insights into hosting food-related shows on platforms like Food Network.
  • Discussions around conservative viewpoints in a liberal-leaning industry.

Behind the Mic

Discussion on Loudness

Hey, that shit loud? It was loud, huh? Beep. All people beep. Boop, boop.

Introduction to Sports Talk

Yeah, it's just, it's like the whole music. yeah, so I gotta say this. This is. Welcome, everybody, to the Tuesday sports space. If you're listening to this after the fact, I gotta say, I'm starting to think that the sports franchises we follow are trying to murder us.

Discussion on Teams and Playoff Drought

Starting to think. Listen, I'm a fan of two teams who have. That are tied for a 13 year playoff drop. Which would be the New York yet and the. As in there yet to be good. Yeah. And the Mark Ruffalo Savers. Yeah. Oh, God, I can't even think. You wouldn't like us when we're angry. We're never angry. We're so bad, bro. It's just so. It's like, it's a, you know, if I were a more diehard sports fan and I had guns in the house, I would be tasting them every day following these sports teams.

Current Performance of Teams

I just watched the Phillies get, well, it's not over yet, but they've absolute. The rape scene is over. Their shit has just been pushed in on national television by the Mets. They just went down seven to nothing at the top of the 8th. And, dude, it's a, it is, it's. The pre is very depressing. Some money together. Yeah. And the fucking Dodgers lost yesterday.

Recent Games Recap

One one or some shit like. I know, I saw. How do you. San Diego. So it's. It's one in that series, right? Yanks are one in their series. It's like, this is one. It's about to be two one mets by a lot. By the way. Like, in the Phillies, when they're losing these games, they're not just losing them, they're getting absolutely fucking obliterated.

Reflections on Baseball

You think baseball is cool again or not? Yeah. Do you remember when baseball was really, like, everybody was into baseball? Like, there's even movies about periods in time where everybody was in the baseball thing around the shit. Well, I think Ohtani helps. Right? Like, when you talk to baseball fans. But you know what's interesting is, like, he's not white. Yes, but what's interesting is what's interesting to me about baseball fans right now is everyone openly acknowledges that Shohei Ohtani is the greatest baseball player who ever lived.

Cultural Perception of Baseball Players

And we have the ability to watch him right now. And I don't know if it's because he's asian, but people are like, yeah, so that's interesting. And you're like, are you going to tune in? They go, I don't think so. Yeah, but there's crazy. Well, there's a thing about an american doing it. Yeah. So I also, you know, I don't know about how it was at the time, but I got to think Babe Ruth being like, a fat white guy who that's like, point Joe everyman is better than, like, a super soldier asian man.

Baseball's Cultural Shift

That's the point. Like, the ultimate democracy, that is baseball, where everybody plays. And you're like, who's this fat guy who's like, dude, he's on the same team as that ass black dude who's been running around the bases? You're like, yeah, yeah. He's like, this game is crazy. You're like, I know. Everybody gets kind of slow. You go, don't take your eye off the ball because it's about to.

Conservatism in Baseball

Yeah, it goes, right. You know, like, that is not being sold anymore, right? Yeah, yeah. That's a great. That's a great point about, you know. The game isn't being sold well. We've talked about this on the show for the last two, three years, is that, you know, that they just. They have got to find a way to make it exciting.

Improving the MLB Experience

And as much as it's dollar hot dogs, when you're there, it's. There's, there's. The tv product is absolute garbage. You know what I mean? And they don't do a good job of selling their stars. And I think. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they have the same, like, boring white guy problem that the NHL has, and then all of the Dominicans and I, in Japanese, don't speak any English.

Cultural Representation in Sports

Yeah. But there's a certain thing about it, right? So, like, not to be like Tony Soprano, like, what happened to the Gary Coopers, you know, the strong, silent types. But I saw this thing the other day. Oh, I know why I saw it. Because San Diego Padres are playing the Dodgers. So the Padres had, like, their thing, and it showed up on instagram or something, and it was them honoring Tony Gwyn.

A Tribute to Legends

And it was just like when he had his, like, whole number and name, like, in their ring of honor, whatever they had, and just like Jeter, just like, it's a real baseball thing to do, the guy and cliche the tip of the cap. Like, you just go out there and you sort of just give him a little tip of the cap and you go back.

Baseball's Cultural Values

Baseball's not flashy. Baseball's not about the divas. They don't like if you flip bats. They don't like when you fucking do things that's like, hey, that's not in the unwritten rules. You know? Like, yeah, baseball's really very, not to, for lack of words, conservative in that regard.

Tradition in Baseball

Like, the, even the most, like, humble thing and great thing you can do is like, tip your cap and be like, thanks, guys. It's kind of like they need. It's kind of like they need the spice that's in the movie major league. Like, maybe show one of the Dominicans doing voodoo. Maybe they should be eating the cats and the dogs.

Lighthearted Banter

They're eating the dog. Eating the dog. Seven things. That's what they do. You know what I mean? But like that. Yeah, there is no, that's why they. Call them the guardians now. I don't know if you know this. In Cleveland, they're guardian them.

Cultural References

The cats, they got a garden. Yeah, they need those gargoyles in the. They're watching Haitians. They don't like them. In the underworld, they don't. That's why the Egyptians, not fans of cats.

Pop Culture References

Yeah. Wasn't there, wasn't there like a haitian character in the movie Constantine who was like a demon or something? I mean, I'm just saying, it tracks. It definitely tracks. I just. I just remember the mommy being afraid of cats.

Cats in Mythology

He's like, oh, like what, the cat? He's like, yeah, they're like the keepers of the underworld. You're like, yeah, that checks out, dude. Fucking cats are. Yeah, makes sense.

Cultural Commentary

Yeah. The only thing worse than liking cats is liking eating cats. I can't think of anything worse. Liking the jets. It's pretty fucking bad at this point, dude, I'm telling you.

Frustrations with Teams

Pretty close. It's pretty close. Every year they find some. I can't even have one fucking year. Air Rogers is healthy, and they managed to fuck this up. Also.

Coaching Decisions

If you're gonna. If you're gonna fire Robert Sala, if you're gonna fire Robert Sala, why not October 7? Well, he waited till October 8. He walked in there, and after all the jew ceremonies he had yesterday, you know, he walked in the building.

Conspiracy Theories

And here's the thing. And, and this is kind of. Do you think Woody Johnson paraglided in to just like. No, but, no, but, no, but here's the thing. So there's a couple of conspiracy theories out there that said around the building or even not around the building, but just like, in his office in some places, Sala would have the lebanese flag.

Speculations about Ownership

Oh, okay. And that whole thing. And so Woody Johnson, check this out. Rich straw. That was the proverbial straw. Well, I was gonna say that Rich Samini posted earlier that basically, like, remember, this wasn't Woody Johnson's selection in the first place.

Previous Ownership Decisions

Christopher Johnson selected him when Woody was being the ambassador to the UK there. Woody was appointed by Trump in that position. He very much is super pro Israel.

Political Ramifications

And so, like, it is not lost on me that the day after that, like, I wasn't being facetious. I kind of was. It was tongue in cheek, like, when I had posted that.

Cultural Insights

But, like, it. I really did re, like, realize, oh, shit, dude. The lebanese muslim dude he just fired is the day after the whole. They all had ceremonies and all types of shit like that.

Tensions in Management

And, you know, obviously, in a city where they never forget and, you know, this guy celebrates 911 differently, it's gonna be hard to be on the same page as his fucking owner, right? So I just picture Salah being like, Kumail Nanjani in the movie the big sick when he's like, yeah, we lost 18 of our best guys that day.

Understanding Ownership Culture

Yeah, exactly. And none of them played special teams. And he was just like, how do you guys celebrate 911? He's like, celebrate 911? He's like, yeah, you know, it's just funny that both parties would both have, like, a hamburger, hot doggy sort of event.

Reflecting on Cultural Practices

Yeah, I think. Except that, you know, the Palestinians like to strap all their hot dogs together and serve them in bulk. Yeah.

Political and Cultural Discourse

So, like, I don't. I don't know how much of it, like, the next day. But, you know, on that Monday, $157 million got awarded an aid to Lebanon. That probably pissed off Woody.

Personal Observations

And he's just like, I have one of these guys. Yeah. I just think I'm just so fucking mad. Like, you have no idea what this means.

Frustrations with Management Decisions

Like, it's week five and you fire the coach before you tried to make a trade for Devontae Adams? You out of your fucking mind? Like, then you don't fire the offensive coordinator, who, by the way, is the reason that everything is fucked.

Coaching Accountability

You got a 40 year old quarterback who is throwing the ball 54 times a game while he's shaking the rust off. He doesn't want to be doing that. But you're throwing him out there and he has no problem being accountable and, like, taking the blame for the team.

Reflection on Coaching Strategy

But he shouldn't have to do that shit. You're a piece of shit for that, Hackett. But Hackett thinks because, you know, Rogers is his buddy and he's a superstar and all the blame will go on him anyways.

Scapegoating in Football

He kind of will be like, oh, I'll get scapegoated as a coach. And a bunch of players have been saying, like, he doesn't have confidence. And you cannot be a fucking. All you are is an OC.

Coaching Roles and Responsibilities

You're not the head coach. All you have to do is call plays. You don't have confidence. That's your jobs. Have confidence in the plays that you draw up.

Evaluating Coaching Competence

What the fuck am I going to execute? If you draw up some, you like, hey, coach, is this going to work? And you like, I guess, dude, we'll see. Like, what the fuck?

Understanding The Dynamics

I mean, this is in a weird way, too. I mean, we talk a lot about the similarities between Philadelphia and the jets, but they both had head coach problems ending last season and going into this season.

Management Challenges

And it was like ownership was sort of like, well, maybe we're good enough to, you know, get around the coaching issue. And I think they both have proven to.

Need for Cultural Identity

They're not. There's no amount of NFL talent, because there is so much NFL talent. There's no amount of talent that can get you around a locker room that has no identity and a coach that has no identity.

Lessons from Successful Coaches

And so I go back to what we said at the beginning of last season when were talking about our favorite guy, Motor City, Dan Campbell. And people were saying, like, oh, you know, a lot of people in the NFL, Dan, don't think you really, you know, are that sharp when it comes to X's and O's.

Approach to Team Culture

And he was like, let him keep thinking that. Because I think you can lose coordinators and you can change the X's and O's and you can change scheme, but what you cannot do is lose the culture in the locker room.

Coaching Impact on Culture

And that, to me, is something that I don't know if Salah ever really built. It definitely wasn't there after Aaron Rodgers.

Lack of Leadership Vision

He never set a culture. Even when they were on hard knocks. He was like, all right, guys, to, it's time we build an identity. I was like, what?

Questions on Team Identity

Don't you have one? How great would it be if when he said that, he just took everyone. You have a turbine underneath your seat?

Coaching Statistics

I just don't understand how, first of all, and McAfee show they covered all this about these stats that I didn't even know. He has a worse winning percentage than fucking Todd Bolson in three years there.

Performance Metrics

In the three years that he went there in the first half, outscored by 276 points, which meant they got off to the slowest possible starts that you could come off to in a football. And in a football game.

Coaching Style Critique

And quite frankly, that's how he coaches. It's just a very lackadaisical, all right, guys, let's go out there and do it. And then they have a stiff defense who's stagnant, doesn't give up a lot of yards and points, but don't break.

Offensive Strategy Challenges

Yeah, they're always in the game that it was just like, okay, how about we score some touchdowns? And then he has no way to evaluate offensive line talent or develop it.

Head Coach Responsibilities

And he's a defensive coach, right? So, like, I feel like defensive coaches, to be able to develop all the offensive talent possible, because you would know how to beat defenses.

Reverse Coaching Dynamics

And the opposite, I think offensive coaches would know how to coach up safeties and shit like that because they'd be like, this is how I would beat your shitty zone coverage.

Coaching Fundamentals

If your hips aren't right, I could do this. Like, you should be able to coach the opposite side of the ball. And as a head coach, your job is to manage personalities, especially the high paid ones, and form the identity of the team, but put your team in the best position to win.

Importance of Management Skills

The second thing that comes with that is clock management. And he's arguably one of the worst clock managing quarter head coaches in the National Football League, has been that way for three years.

Impact of Coaching Decisions

It didn't matter about Zach Wilson. It didn't matter about Aaron Rodgers or, you know, anybody else you could think of. The come in last year, we had no.

Assessment of Player Development

They tried to address the O line, and they. They whiffed on you. And I watched tape on the kid from Penn State. We're like, this is the worst tackle in the draft.

Assessing Draft Decisions

Why is he ranked so high? Is it just because he's big and black from Penn State? Maybe? And they're like, well, he hasn't given up a sack.

Evaluating Player Performance

And go, they run quick game. That's a three step drop with their quarterback. One, two, three. Ball is out. He's fucking.

Coaching and Player Development

I mean, is his footwork is that of a drunken circus clown? Yeah, he was like, anybody can watch faith. Yeah, he was clanking his ankles together.

Assessing Athletic Ability

He doesn't have much bend. And they're like, he hasn't given up a sack in the big ten. And you're like, okay, well, and this is.

Draft Evaluation

And this is the problem with, like, you know, this is why, and I got to give you credit, because you called this. You said it would be Salah before it was Douglas.

Coaching Accountability

I said it should be Douglas before Salah turned out. You were right. But here's the reason why I go back to Joe Douglas and I don't know if it's Joe Douglas, per se, or it's the scouting or it's who has the final say on who gets picked.

Front Office Dynamics

Because sometimes we know this with the power dynamics in front office and coaching and ownership, it's not always the GM who has the final say on a draft pick.

Evaluating Draft Success

But what's interesting to me is we already talked about Foshanu being a bad pick. You've got to give credit where credit is due.

Promising Draft Picks

With the year of Garrett Wilson, double J, the pass rusher from Florida State, and sauce Gardner all in the first round, they are all core pieces for the next decade.

Recognizing Team Successes

Two of them were offensive and defensive rookie of the year. So that's a huge win. But you kind of got to look at, like, the concerning thing about, well.

Assessing Past Drafts

They'Re not all hits. Sam Darnold. Sam Darnold is the quarterback of the best team in football right now.

Concerns Over Player Development

So there has to be some concern about, like, okay, clearly we know how to evaluate guys.

Quarterback Development

Why can't we get it out of some of these guys, and particularly at the quarterback position? And I think in some cases, they're overvaluing potential versus productivity.

Reflecting on Draft Decisions

When you look at a guy like Sam Darnold or you look at a guy like Zach Wilson, I don't even know that they were bad picks, but I think they were guys that needed development, and in both cases, they weren't able to do it.

Understanding Player Potential

And then Sam Darnold is now somewhere where he's thriving, and who knows what will happen with Zach Wilson. But if you went with a production over potential model, you would have drafted Lamar Jackson instead of Sam Darnold, and that would not be an issue.

What-If Analysis

You would have drafted, you know, and that's just the Sam Darnold draft. I'm trying to think about who Zach Wilson was up against, but I'm sure there are more accomplished players that could have been taken at number two overall that year when you abandoned Sam Darnold and started all over again.

Identifying Issues in Selection

So, you know, I don't know what the issue is there with the, is it the coaching staff not being able to speaker two.

Understanding Team Dynamics

I can tell you how they're, this is the dysfunction of the jets, right? Like I said, so Woody Johnson says basically is like, salah wasn't his guy, right?

Ownership Decisions

Well, Salah never wanted Zach Wilson, right? Salah was like, how the fuck did you just let Sam Darnall go out the door?

Reflection On Player Moves

Right? We could have developed him. We could have worked with that, right? He never wanted.

Leadership Challenges

So you and here you got an owner who didn't want to coach. You got a coach who didn't want the quarterback.

Addressing Team Dynamics

And then Joe Douglas was like, I know what to do. I'll bring Aaron fucking Rogers in here and a bunch of other fucking weapons to go with our other shit and that'll fix everything for everybody.

Attempting to Resolve Issues

Okay? And they're like, all right, let's see. Right? So Joe Douglas in a way, like, they're not all hits, right?

Evaluating Team Success

He got the offensive defensive rookie of the year. He got Bruce hall. You got fucking Braylon.

Assessing the Draft Strategy

But there's been some fucking whiffs like that offensive lineman instead of Brock Bowers. There's also the fact that you took the running back after you took Braylon.

Questioning the Approach

Right. You drafted another running back after that. Like, we couldn't use that other position somewhere else.

Analyzing Selection Decisions

Right. So. Well, and by the way, those are good picks. Those are. They were. I don't have a problem with any of those running back picks.

Highlighting Draft Inconsistencies

But, but then again, okay, so to me that, but I mean, after you. Draft Raylon in the fourth, why would you go and waste that other pick.

Final Thoughts

On a running back regardless? But this is the point where I'm talking about.

Offensive Strategies and Philosophy Changes

The left hand is not talking to the right hand. Right? Those are. Yes. And what I mean by that is those are good picks. If you are changing your philosophy to we're going to run the ball. We're going to be the best at running the ball. That doesn't mean you then have game plans where against the bat the best passing offense in the NFL, you throw the ball 50 times. Right. And then this is like you should. Be running through that bullpen of running backs and Aaron Rodgers job should be play action, closing drives out within the inside the red zone. Like it should be like Denver's for Payton's first year in Denver. Yeah. Where he handed the ball off a thousand times because he had a neck injury.

Development of Players andQuarterback Interactions

Well, Aaron Rodgers clearly shaking rust off and getting on the same page with this. Now. I don't know what's up with the first. Now the first round pick, Garrett Wilson, who you think should be in the slot. And I agree. Here's a dude who's trying to do too much because he's not used to somebody as good as Aaron Rodgers throwing him the football. So I watched Kurt Warner breakdown of the last game and court. Warner goes, you know, watch this. Aaron Rodgers is throwing a go route to Garrett Wilson. But watch how fast he throws it. It's almost like he throws it on like a quick count. It's like he drops back, boom. He's already throwing the ball that direction, but he's on a fucking fade. It's crazy. And he was like, you know, Garrett Wilson. I know what he's thinking as a young receiver who's played with other quarterbacks. He's going, nobody's going to throw it this fast right now.

Injuries and the Team’s Performance

He goes, yeah, pal. Aaron Rodgers is. And like listening to Kurt Warner break that down, I go, yeah, there's the disconnect. He's so much better than these guys that they're, they haven't had enough time together to do that shit. You don't know how much of that is on Aaron Rodgers going, you know, to fucking late Egypt and all his other fucking places and shit. I. Right, right. You know, he thought, but in a way, again falls back on Hackett, if you know these pieces, because Douglas was trying to go, hey, man, I got you all these things. Why are you not running the ball last year? It makes sense that they're not running the ball because, you know, Breece was injured again.

Rookies and Injured Players’ Impact

Cook didn't work out. Dalvin Cook, that's why we rap on a Honda about a conda. Couldn't stay healthy. So to me, when you draft a two guys that were highly productive battering rams in college football in Braylon Allen and Davis, Isaiah Davis, you're going, okay, we're not going to let injuries keep us from running to football. Right. That's a philosophy. And that has not been the offensive philosophy at all. No, they're all healthy. Breakdown. They're all healthy. And you got, now you have a stable of running backs, one of the greatest players of all time at play action and not running the football.

Trade Discussions and Team Dynamics

He's throwing 54 times. He's 40. It's week five. What are you talking about? And to me, if I'm the Raiders and I'm looking to make a Devontae Adams trade with the jets, I'm getting one of those running backs and the. One, I said that like your Denzel Washington and that thing. I'm from around the way. I'm leaving with something. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm just saying I'm getting one of those running backs probably. And the one I would want is the bonaconda because I think he's got the most upside of the four. But, you know, and the other, the ones they drafted this year, they're probably not going to, you know, trade so quickly.

Other Factors Contributing to Team Performance

But, but yeah, I mean, you know, it just, and I don't know that making that move for, that making that move for Devante is necessarily going to do anything other than make them feel like they have to throw the ball even more. But here's, which is a concern, and. This is the only thing I would say about, I didn't think we needed him until I looked at the numbers and here's, like, the type of numbers I was like. Alan Lazard leads the NFL and drops last game, Garrett Wilson finally got 100 yards with Aaron Rodgers throughout the first five games. You know how many times it took him to do it? 13 receptions to get 100 yards in a touchdown.

Evaluating Player Performance

So. So he's not getting separation. He's not gonna. That's. And it was on 21 targets. So it was like, doom. Doom, like feeding him the ball, like, here, bitch, get 100. In a Hackett system, maybe Hackett will gain more confidence because he's got a plug and play receiver who's what. Knows all the calls, knows all the hand signals, knows the timing of the rounds, you know? And I would say the Saints, the car just got hurt last night. Make the deal today. Yeah. Which to me, you know, which. And I thought, yeah, I thought that was going to happen.

Coaching Decisions and Season Implications

Sends the message loud and clear, you know, that, you know, that your season isn't over even though you fire the coach. That to me is like, now that, why would you make a Devontae Adams trade? Because you have to send the message to that team that the year is not scrapped. Well, you're saying that you really are messages like you fired the coach to win, right? Yeah. Which people. Which, which is what they said. But you know that it's never going to look like that unless you start winning games. And I like Ulbricht, but, you know, to me, there's two things Ulbricht has to do.

Management and Team Strategies

If you don't want to scrap this season and you want to be this year's Antonio Pierce, like, if you want to be this year's defensive coordinator, interim coach, who becomes a head coach, you got to do two things. You got to walk into Hackett's room and go, if you don't run the ball 30 times this week, I'm going to fire you. And to go to my general manager, Joe Douglas, and go, we have to bring in Devontae Adams or else we have no saving grace for this season. Just from a mindset perspective. And I don't know that Aaron Rodgers doesn't need that extra vote of confidence of like, hey, man, we're still committed to you and trying to make this thing work?

Identifying Areas of Improvement

Even though it looks like we're pressing the reset button mid season? Not even mid season. We're a third of the way through. There's something else that needs to get addressed, and I told you this before. Oh, the Hasan Reddick issue. Well, that, I mean, that's, that, too. I mean, for as good as our roster is, we're missing a pass rusher because we're not getting sex, and we're missing an actual center tipman, is not it. He's light in the ass. He's getting thrown the fuck around. He's too tall. I don't like him. I don't like him there.

Game Results and Team Dynamics

It's like, so I was trying to be out there. We can't move the ball if we get dominated on the line of scrimmage. Now, mind you, are two of our losses, of the three losses are against NFC tough defenses and San Francisco 49 ers and the Vikings. The third loss is against the Broncos, which has a very stout defense, but it's pathetic that we lost that game. Yeah, absolutely. So in all three of those, you're going, we can't move the fucking ball. And it's like, literally a point of attack, bro.

Performance Analysis and Future Strategies

It's on. You can turn the film on and just be like, damn. They're just putting their hands in the center's chest and driving them back. That's sad. Yeah. Like, get it together. What do you do? Yeah. And I'm trying to think if there are teams out there, you know, the Browns could maybe be a team that's looking to move us an offensive lineman because they have a lot of salary on that offensive line. They're not going to be able to keep all those guys and Deshaun Watson's contract.

Trends in Team Performance

So that could be a team that if they lose a few more games, there could be some guys in play. They're trying to think, who else? Stephen? A line wise funniest thing about to Sean Watson. Did you see that? Yeah. The clip you sent me where he said, he's so bad that I would be okay if they wanted to arrest him. Yeah. He was like, if they arrested him for being awful, I'd be okay with that. Like, golly, how bad you gotta be if they. For them to be like, you're going to jail, dude.

Team Culture and Player Representation

And by the way, Jameis Winston is such a fucking goofball. Oh, God. Like, how bad do you got to be where guys in the locker room are starting to go, like, maybe Jameis Winston should be the guy. Yeah. Because he's borderline retarded. Right? That's so. And by the way, listen, this is the thing that no other sports show is going to talk about. We said for the longest time that maybe the thing keeping Carson Wentz from becoming one of the greatest quarterbacks in the NFL is not getting jerked off enough.

Impacts of Off-the-field Activities on Performance

Maybe Deshaun Watson jerking off too much. Too much. And then now no more. Maybe he's. Maybe it was all jerked out of him when he left Houston. And maybe that's what they knew. They were like, we can't resign this guy. He's all of his juices out. I got an idea. He's out of juice. Maybe they need to be on the same team, like, nigging yang and, you know. Yeah. They just balance each other out.

Character Dynamics within the Locker Room

The nig yang twins. Yeah. Carson is overflowing with confidence. We'll say brimming with confidence. Yeah. The other guy is devoid of it. They're just throwing out at practice, and he just goes, man, how do you really keep it together, deshaun? He goes, well, you know, I just unload all the time, man. You just gotta get that release in. It's like, release. It's like, I mean, I've been working on my release. I have a good quarterback coach.

Virtual Coaching and Problem Solving

And then. Yeah, man, no, I ain't talking about that. I got girls. I like how we just rebooted, remember the Titans? But instead of teaching each other about culture and. And faith, they teach each other about jerking off. Well, definitely left hand, strong hand. He just goes out there and just, like, literally just gets massages. And the owners, the owner of the Texans, as, he's like, man, I want to get traded.

Trade Talks and Players’ Off-Field Behaviors

He was just like, you've been out here getting massages from these bitches. Fuck this motherfucker. And then you would think all that would be fine if he just got, you know, together. But you had said, this motherfucker is out in LA house shopping. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, he was. He was out in LA buying a house on a real estate show with his girlfriend. And I'm just like, you should have to win a couple games in Cleveland before you can be shopping for vacation homes, dude.

Contractual Obligations and Player Behavior

Like, there's just something about a guy getting all that money in that contract, not living up to it, and then being like, oh, I'm a still live. Like, I'm winning, though. And it's like, I don't know, just there's something very un american that kind of rubs me the wrong way. Like, buy the vacation house when you. You when you win a super bowl, don't buy it when you can bare you haven't made the playoffs since you signed that deal.

Attendance and Market Dynamics

You know, you've barely stayed healthy for an entire season. I mean, what's the availability? Is the best. We'll bring Debo in here and see if he's got some thoughts. Since we're talking about Deshawn Watson. I don't know if this come in. He's on mute. But, Debo, we added you as a speaker. Welcome. Thank you. Guys. I was just curious. I know it's talking football right now, but has anybody seen the Mets?

Mets Performance Analysis

Are they really legit? Yeah. I mean, as a Phillies fan, I hate to say, actually very legit. Yeah, they look very legit there. I mean, seven two right now in the 8th, right? Yeah, they're putting a prison beating on the Phillies in this series. And, but, like, it was always, like, they spent all that money on pitching. And sure, you didn't think that they also, you know, they spent money on a couple of hitters, but they're hitting way above what they were in the regular season.

October Baseball Dynamics

Well, the thing, though, this is what October baseball is. It's like, it doesn't matter what the regular season record is at all. Yeah, but the Mets getting hot. It's just when you. Yeah, it's just about when guys get hot. And right now, dude, like, it's like every bat, they got a guy on the Mets of v a stro or whatever his name is, who was like a midseason call up, who's beaten, who's just smacking a shit out of the ball every game.

Winning Dynamics in Playoff Baseball

Yeah. And it's like, it's when you get hot like that, you know, that's when teams start to look real scary in playoff baseball. Dude, if you're swinging, the dudes are swinging the bat, too. They're not coming out of the lineup, and you're just, like, rolling with it. If you have a, if you have a bullpen, you're gonna go deep, right? So it's like, who has the, who? It comes down to, like, literally bullpen and, you know, whoever has the hot bats, because anyone, you don't want to be like, oh, is this the time where they're gonna get out of their hitting slump?

Thoughts on Series Structures

Like, it's, it never really happens. By the way, this brings up one good question I had when were talking about series. You know, I was watching face off, NHL face off on Amazon, and they're talking about the Stanley cup being the hardest, you know, trophy to win in pro sports, because you have to win 16 playoff games, and you might have to play as many as 30 something to. To win it. The five game, does that make it the hardest series? Well, it's.

Series Comparisons in Various Sports

No, it's the hardest by far. But the five game series in the division round, in major League Baseball, I think. I think more sports should go to a five game opening series. I really do. NBA used to have that. Yeah. I just don't, you know, I understand the mentality behind game seven and the marketing behind game seven, but, like, let's speed this shit up.

Revenue Considerations in Sports

Yeah, but I don't need a fucking. Seven game series to start the playoffs. The only reason that baseball do it, which I think basketball should, and go back to it, is because they have so many games, home games, and we get. Right. 163 regular season games, 80 something home games. So the revenue from the amount of games, like, in ticket sales, that's what they, like live for. The NBA was just like, wait a minute, two more games is more revenue because why?

Season Revenue Perspectives

Well, they only hold, you know, 18,000 in their arena. Right. They hold less people and shit, and. They'Re way fewer games. From a revenue perspective. I get it. I mean, it makes sense. But. But then just as a viewer. Yeah, it's insane. Yeah. I mean, as a viewer, it's like, I just think.

Excitement Levels in Shorter Series

I think it makes. I think with the shorter series, the stakes are higher in those early games, which makes it more exciting. Like, you know, the Mets go up by a game today. They're a game away from eliminating the Phillies. Then it. So it basically becomes like a must win territory for teams very early. Yeah. Winning, winning.

Impact of Series Length on Team Dynamics

Winning three instead of winning four is such a fucking difference maker. We were like, oh, shit. Where the game is on the line, you know, or the series, you got. To think it's all about the bullpen, like you said. And if you're going seven games, you're using every pitcher, every game. True.

Strategic Implications of Pitching Depth

Yeah, that's a great. So that might change the whole atmosphere of the last two games because, I mean, your guys are done, their arms are garbage, and softball pitching. Do the Dodgers come in and be desperate and have Ohtani come and pitch in the final game? If they get desperate, they've done that. They've done that with the Astros.

Historical Precedence in High-Pressure Games

Did that last, when they won last. It was last year. The year before. Yeah. To answer your question, if this. If the NLCS is the Mets and the Dodgers, and the Mets are hitting off the Dodgers, like, he's pitching his first time in the playoffs after playing for dog shit Anaheim for his entire career. He's like, oh, is a win or go home.

Player Expectations in High-Stakes Games

I throw a baseball, they ask you. To, they'll be like, Otani, you think you're gonna win the game? Yeah, I bet we're gonna win. Oh, no, I said the bet. No, I don't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He said you can bet on it. No, I'm sorry. Translators say you cannot bet on it.

Local Sentiments and Team Engagement

But I pitched trans. But I think it's funny because I live in. I live in Missouri. So everybody out here has the Kansas City flags, and it did. They're going hard. I'm talking about, like, from Walmart to Costco to Walgreens, they're selling the royals. And it's like, man, their main guys.

Reflections on Competitive Dynamics

I mean, you look at the. How they beat the Yankees, right? They put up a bunch of runs on them, and then you think that, okay, how are you gonna beat the Yankees? You're gonna out pitch them, right? No, they're fucking sluggers are still gonna fucking find a way to score runs. So you gotta outscore them. And that's what they did.

Evaluating Team Success and Performance

They beat the shit out of them, I think. Like, for real. Like, they just played out. Played them in all facets. And, like, that's what the Mets are doing to the Phillies right now. It's just like, dude, all phases of the game, y'all get whooped in. Like, are we serious right now? You know?

Calls for Improvement in Baseball

And here's the thing that nobody's talking about. Like, we talk about. We got. You got to find a way to spice up playoff baseball right now. There is a playoff series between the Guardians and the Tigers. And I think the team that loses that series, that city should be nuked. Like, let's really spice it up.

Playoff Series Discussion

You know what I mean? Like, let's. Let's make it, like, let's make it really interesting, right? If you happen to have a playoff series between two of the worst cities in America. Yes. Spice it up a little bit on somehow. Wait a minute. Would anybody notice, though, Minneapolis, this just. In, Minneapolis loses the series, and you're like, wait, they're not even in it? Yeah, they nuked it. They're not even in the playoffs. They did it to themselves, first of all. Yeah. I mean, is anybody. I mean, I got it. Hold on. A question, though. Okay.

Ohtani's Role in Postseason

Does Ohtani pitch before that? Because the Padres have tied that series up, and that is a. I think. I think it comes down. I think it comes down today's game, right. I think if the Dodgers win, there's no pressure. But I think if they go down, you know, if the Padres rally like the Mets rally today against the Phillies, like, keep in mind, the Phillies, isn't it. The Phillies and the Dodgers were the two teams that did not have to play their way into the playoffs. Yeah. The first season. Yeah. They were they were the by teams. So you know, that they're looking, at least the Phillies anyway, are looking like. That by or gay or something.

Trevor Bauer's Impact on Dodgers

They did that in Boston when they, Boston was in the World Series. They did that with Schmaltz. They played him three games, but they only did them three innings. But I mean, if, if Roberts and this team lose to the Padres, let's say this hypothetically, they lose this series, he's got to go right. Regardless of his contract and extension, he's going to go right. Well, I mean, you know, it's, again, the, and here's a little bit of conspiracy theory for you. I almost feel like the Ohtani gambling story at the beginning of the season and in the offseason was a distraction for the story that nobody's talking about, which is Trevor Bowers massive lawsuit against Roberts, the Dodgers and the MLB for essentially throwing this guy out of baseball from a bullshit accusation.

Controversies and Accusations

And you know, what's so when you say Roberts has to go, I don't know that's going to have as much to do with what's happening on the field as it may have to do with all of these other moving parts, because that's going to be, I mean, you talk about Ohtani's contract and what that's going to cost them. What's the contract? What's the lawsuit that Trevor Bauer has against them in the league going to cost them? You know, because it's you, you got rid of, I mean, let's call it what it is, you got rid of one of the best aces in baseball because bitches be lying. You know what I mean? And so you could have done the right thing and just said, were wrong, we apologize, you know, and. This, why is that so hard?

Behavior of Organizations

Like, you know, I always have this problem when you give. By the way, same thing happened to Jake Vertanen with the Vancouver can. Right? So, but I mean, like, you go to a hotel or a restaurant or someplace rental car, right? And, and they will charge your money. They will take your money fast. You order something from someplace, right? And then they go, we need to refund you and the refund may take seven business days. And I go, but how did you take the money instantly? But you can't give it back as fast. And it's. Well, the reality is they can. They just choose not to.

Double Standards and Precedents

Exactly. And it's the same. That is the similar. That's the same analogy that I'm trying to give for, like, these teams. Well, and, you know, to me, it was sort of like. I think it was almost like a business decision that was made using this. It was like a convenient situation where the Dodgers, like, listen, we have one of the highest payrolls in baseball if they weren't the highest payroll in baseball. And at the time they had May and some of these other pitching prospects. And they probably thought, man, we really don't need Trevor Bauer, even though we just paid him all this money.

Analysis of Team Dynamics

So, you know, we have Walker Bueller and we have, you know, we have such a deep lineup of pitchers. You know, maybe we can get out of this one. And I think they took an opportunity to get out of it without really questioning, you know, is this the right thing? And I just think it sets a really dangerous precedent for this, that kind of thing going forward. And this, you know, if to play devil's advocate, assuming Deshawn was innocent, assuming Deshaun Watson, there was no foul play other than just paying to get jerked off, which I think is what we all think that was.

NFL's Disciplinary Actions

This really hasn't hit the NFL yet. Where. And the NFL has because they have the players association. They'll do this thing where they're like, they'll put a guy on the commissioner's exempt list. They'll wait to see what happens, and then they'll make a decision. Whereas, like, in the NHL and the MLB, it's like these teams will make like, look what happened to all the Team Canada kids. They're all out of hockey until this thing gets resolved. And by the way, this is Canada. They reopened a fucking criminal investigation for something that in America would beyond the statute of limitations.

Violence in Sports

Also didn't like. What the fuck did Von Miller do? Oh, yeah, that's. Yeah, that was a hit a bitch or something, right? Yeah, he hit his ex girlfriend or some shit like that. So speaking of a dv, domestic violence stuff. He blitzed her. He blitzed her and she. And what did she have one of the jets linemen in front of her? Didn't matter. Did you see Georgia player was arrested for beating an unborn child. The way that Georgia laws work, essentially he beat a pregnant chick.

Criminal Charges in Sports

But you get a charge for beating an unborn child? Yeah, I think that's fine. No, but I'm saying I never even heard that charge. And I was like, yeah, I'm for it. Yeah. And that they. I mean, that really, niggas needs to get addressed. Like, I think Kirby smart has had the most. This guy's had the most criminals on a team since Urban Meyer. Like, I have never seen anything like that. That is crazy.

Athletes and Controversies

Next is probably the Chiefs because they got a whole bunch of shit going on that squad. I don't know how they keep winning other than the refs. The Chiefs. That team is wild, bro. Kelsey's getting, like, four yards a game, and they're undefeated. Another guy, he's been juiced. A lot of these guys have had all their juice taken out of them and they can't play anymore. You think he's. His fucking juice has been wheezed.

Personal Lives of Players

They weasel. Yeah, I think the juice has been wheezed. I think he's been milked. You know, I think, listen, that's the danger when you start banging a chick who's only dated faggots her entire life, is. She's like, oh, my God, I'm a real man. Let me get all this juice. And you know what, dude? He's tired of it. But the NFL is making so much money now more than before because of that. They're not letting that go away. They're not going to let that go away.

NFL's Financial Strategies

I know he's, like, stuck in a relationship now that he did that he, like, thought he wanted. And he was like, dude, I really like Tony Swift. Like, even when he's young player. Like, we're going to make this happen. He doesn't want it. Like, he's probably. And he's also looking at Jason right now going like, I want to be retired. This guy's in every fucking commercial. His wife's in every commercial.

Life After Sports

Probably making more money than. Than he was making in his entire football career this year, being a broadcaster, being a podcaster, and being in every. What a Travis on Sunday. Travis. Travis is out there still trying to catch, run fucking routes. No, Travis been doing all and holding verses. Travis been doing all the press and shit for the effect show that he's on.

Commercialization of Athletes

Oh, the Ryan Murphy show. Yeah. And he's got a podcast still. And he's doing all the same stuff as his retired brother, except he's in the league. Yeah. And still has to go to practice every day and still has. And he's also in every commercial except he sold his soul and did the Pfizer spokesperson, chef. Yeah, I love that commercial, though.

Media Representation

He shows them three band Aids because he just got three boosters. Yeah, it's so ridiculous. No, it's a two because he says two at the same time. And then the three is. I think there's at the end, he's just like, why not another of this one? Like, because the commercial is supposed to be, he's getting a flu shot and a COVID vaccine at the same time. Two at the same time.

Health Concerns

And you're just like, that's double the poison. I never had a flu shot in my life, bro. You gotta hear. Yeah. Taylor Swift is about to get the first case of myocarditis from a vaccine injury. Yeah, vax peen, I like it. She. Whatever happened with LeBron's son when that he had, like, a mild heart attack and they just went, quiet it on that real quick.

Family Influence in Sports

Well, now he's on the team, and it's the saddest form of nepotism you've ever seen. Because he's like a helicopter dad who's, like, overseeing everything. He's like, hey, Brock, Bronn is going to start tonight. And they'd be like, what? He's like, yeah. Brody's gonna start. Bronny, come stand over here. Bronnie, stand over here.

Overseeing the Future

Right? It's like, that's how it looks. Like. It looks like he's, like, overseeing everything and this kid is not even. I mean, the kid's dream is what play on in the NBA. I doubt it was, like, beyond the Lakers with my dad. But the only way he was going to get there is because his dad is doing that. And everybody goes, you know, he only got drafted because LeBron James is his dad.

Debate on Meritocracy

You go, no, he only got drafted because LeBron James is so good. He's still in the NBA. If LeBron wasn't in the NBA still, there's no way that kid goes to fucking league, right? Like, you're not going to just draft me. Goes like, let's draft LeBron's kid. No, he's six foot two, right? What the fuck are you talking about? Like, he's only there because LeBron is still active.

Team Dynamics

In fact, the warriors said they almost drafted brawny in order to lure LeBron away from the Lakers and sign with the Golden State warriors. But, quote, unquote, out of respect for LeBron, they didn't. And that's the only other team that was going to draft brawny. And their reason was clear, to lure LeBron. It's because he's still an active player, dude.

Age and Performance

And he's so good that at four. He still got a couple of years. Left, dude, at 39 years old, all the teams in the Olympics, right, are fucking going at the Team USA. And 39 year old LeBron James has to come in the game, right, and be like, okay, now we can win. Like, this guy legit is still the best player in the world at 40, right? That's why his son is still is able to be on.

Generational Talent

You know what I mean? Like, it's because he's so exceptional. And could you imagine. Could you imagine if the Mannings were like this and they were like, Cooper plays. It doesn't matter whether or not. Like, imagine if they made. If they were like, we're so good, you better let our retarded brother play around. We're not playing.

Generational Differences in Talent

Yeah, but it, like, they always go, like, the retardation, like, skips a generation or whatever. So, like, Hooper made arch. Yeah, well, yeah, but no, but the scrambling also skips a generation. So Arch is Arch senior gave his son the ability to run. That's what it is. Arches kid is going to be full blown downs.

Future Talent Prediction

He's going to be a new set of downs. Yeah. His name will be nemesis. Oh, my God. Well, speaking of retarded people making their sports debut, did you see that? Jessica Campbell, first ever NHL assistant coach, took her spot behind the bench for the Seattle Kraken today. Disgusting.

Women in Sports

I mean, first of all, they dropped it to. They dropped a two nothing lead. So I don't know if Leeds are her department, but not a good start for the lady backed Kraken. I thought Kraken is like a british term for pussy, right? I don't know. I mean, it is. It is now.

Symbolism of Names

It's a. It's an evil squid that I believe sinks ships. So what? Pussy squid. Octopus. Yeah. What a better thing to have behind your bench when you're a cursed sea monster than a woman. I. We aren't unlucky enough. Get me a bitch behind the. Behind the boards.

Controversies in Coaching

Fucking whore. Pirate. No, but what do you think about women coaching? Well, hockey is the one sport where you could argue. I mean, because they do play at some of the highest levels, and with the. With the exception of the speed and the checking, it's essentially the same sport. You know what I mean?

Physicality in Sports

And you could argue maybe basketball is the same thing with. With less physicality, but I don't know. I mean, it remains to be seen if they're capable of doing it. The problem is we're never going to fucking hear the end of it. If she sucks and gets fired, it's going to because she's a woman. If she's great and wins, it's going to because she's a woman.

Institutional Reactions

You know? And it's just. It's one of those things where it's like the identity of it is never gonna stop being a thing, you know? They still talk about black head coaches in the NFL. There's. There's a documentary on Amazon I haven't watched yet. That's like the bloch's trajectory of the black quarterback. And it's like, are we still talking about this?

Legacy and Representation

From roaches to coaches? You know, black guys can play quarterback. A lot of them still also can't. And they can't read defenses and they can't process reads. It's not that different. There's only 32 jobs. Right? Exactly right.

Shifts in Coaching Positions

So if they was directly representative of the population in which black people are 13% of the population. Right. Let's say they would. The. There would be three teams. There would be three teams with black quarterbacks. Right. Because essentially you would. You would do just, what? 13% of 32 teams? Yeah.

Statistics and Representation

And there. So each team would basically get, I mean, what would be 13% of 53? What do you mean? Six or seven? No, I'm saying if the entire roster was only 13%, be six or seven guys. Right. There'd be a lot more running the ball, I'll tell you that.

Cultural Differences in Sports

You'd get a cornerback, you'd get. Listen, if you could only get three, none of them would be quarterbacks. I'd be like, I'm getting a receiver and a corner and a path rush. You literally. You literally just described the CFL. Do you know why that is?

Canadian Football Ratios

Well, they have to have a certain amount. The ratio. Yeah, yeah. There's a ratio that you have. So the majority have to be canadian players. Otherwise the canadian fans won't support the product. So on offense, why am I going to waste my ratio on american o linemen?

Fan Expectations

Right, right. That's five guys right there. That's five in position. So now what? Well, we play with. They play with 13 men and shit. Do you remember when they made that big article about Argentina and I have enough black players, not having enough. Because they'd have none.

Racial Disparities in Sports

They had none. Yeah, because it was their racist team. Yeah. Well, I mean, let's not throw names out there. We're just say they're a proud team. The article said that they were biased against black people because there's not enough black people on our team, they had none because they're in Argentina.

Cultural Stereotypes

Right. And all that and all the excuse. You also, I was going to say, aren't black people so bad at soccer that Nelson Mandela had to get Matt Damon to play for his team? I don't watch the movie or know anything about soccer, but I think that was it.

Understanding Cultural Identity

No, no. So it's funny because there's a whole different type of soccer. First of all, the English invented it. Right. And then, like, the South Americans and Brazilians essentially have a own style. The spanish and portuguese sort of have their own style. The Italians have their own style.

Diversity in Soccer Styles

And then the Africans are just like. I don't know, they're hurt a lot.

Discussion on Soccer and US Athletes

Try and shoot from far. You know, they run fast, but they. Nothing. There's never been an African World cup winner, you know. Yeah. They had no control. No control. They lose the ball. Yeah. So it's really funny to watch because each nation sort of has his. And it's. It's. The funny thing about Team USA is our identity is what lacks, because we have such a melting pot. And one is, like, our best athletes of young black kids. And even, like, the really talented white dudes, like Christian McCaffrey don't play soccer. They play football or basketball. Right. You know, Tyler Herro, who's six foot five, white dude on the Miami Heat. Six six, you know, should be a goalkeeper or a striker or something. You know, like these. They're that athletic.

Comparison with International Athletes

Like, the best athletes in all these other countries. Their best hope is to play some soccer. They got nothing else. Like, none of them. Maybe basketball. Well, it's the same argument we make all the time for America in the Olympics with hockey, where it's just like, we'll never beat Canada because that is their only sport, so even their black guys play it. Yeah, right, exactly. We came close. We came real close. Remember the Ryan Miller team? That was. And we j o she, Ryan. We got. We got so crazy. We got silver in that one, but it's. Yeah, that was a heartbreaker. But who do we lose to? Canada. That's what I'm saying. We almost did. We got silver in that one. That was the gold medal game. And it's just always gonna be that way.

The Popularity of Soccer in the US

But that's who you want to, like, strive to be. And when it comes to, you know, soccer in the US, it's not that it's not popular anymore. Definitely got way more popular with more immigrants coming to this country. But there is this sort of, like, and I told you this before, when Eric told you that, like, Mario Bautali was like the only black italian soccer player and he played for Manchester City, but, like, when Italy would go and play these other teams and stuff, or he would go and play, he was on a, these other club teams, they would throw bananas on the field, like, when he was playing in Italy. Like, imagine if that happened to one of our athletes in America. Like, imagine. Maybe they thought he was Mario Batali and they were trying to help him with ingredients. Yeah. Yeah.

Cultural References and Language

They were definitely from the food network. Right. They throw bananas at him. Definitely chanting monkey. And Italians. What is that word in Italian? I feel like we should know that. I don't know. Mullion is eggplant. Yeah. Something along those lines. Right? Yeah. And then Moulin yan became the symbol for dick. Yeah. That's a weird, you know, thing that. Was just because of sopranos. What? The dick. The eggplant becoming the symbol for dick. I don't think. I don't remember that. No, it's not in the sopranos. Oh, he was saying why? He knows what Molly on is. Oh, yeah. That could be it.

Coaching Changes and Predictions

Fucking. Well, anyway, good Tuesday sports show. You guys listening live? Thanks for joining us and chiming in. We appreciate it. Hold on, though. What do you got? I'm trying to wrap up here. What are you doing? Stepping on my dick? Yeah. Well, I was going to say. Are you, do you. I was going to ask you as far as, like, who got when got fired. I had made the bold prediction that all AFC east coaches except for Gerard mayor are going to get fired. Didn't think Salah would be the first one to get fired in week five.

Discussion on Team Coaches' Future

I don't. Yeah, I don't. I don't think the other two will get fired. I don't think the other two will. Get fired this season. Too many games. Really? Yeah, I think the other two are going to win too many games and, you know, I think. I think this could be the year the Bills get by the Chiefs. That remains to be seen. But, you know, the loss of receivers. Doesn't bills lose to interim coach? I'm going to say Aaron Rogers is now the coach of the jets. So what if the Bills lose to the Aaron Rodgers coach Jets on Monday night? Yeah, I don't think that makes a difference.

Predictions and Future of Teams

They would still be three and two. They have a. They have a pretty soft schedule. Okay, what about Eagles this season and we end of year to this not. Middle of the season. If you were to ask me who are the coaches that are going to be on the hot seat fired Nick Sirianni will be the next head coach fired in the NFL mid season. Like that. That. And again, these are guys that shouldn't have. Yeah, these are the guys who should not have been. They should have not been given this season as an opportunity to turn it around. They should have been let go last year and solace stayed and they realized that was a mistake.

Coaching Changes and Expectations

I think the other one that's going to go is obviously going to be Nick Sirianni. And other than that, I don't know that there's anybody else that I would say is in jeopardy of being fired, you know, mid season. I don't think Dan Campbell's going anywhere. I don't think Sean McVeigh is going anywhere. And there's so many new coaches around the league over the last couple of years. You know, Doug Peterson. Doug Peterson might be the other guy that gets fired mid season, but I think Doug Peterson and Nick Sirianni are probably the only other two that really have a shot at being fired mid season.

Potential Coaching Changes

So no, end of season. Could be. Could be. Whatever. Who do you think gets canned and is not going to be there next year? Pierce. John Gruden's gonna be a new quarterback. I mean, new coach. Everybody said green, but Gruden can't be a coach until that lawsuit is done because he's suing the NFL right now. Yeah, and I think they would have to settle and let him back in for that to happen. They already turn, but I think here's.

Current State of Coaching

Is gonna be gone. You guys already. Yeah. Yeah. The Raiders fan did. I don't know. I don't. I think Pierce is doing a lot with very few groceries. You know, I think. I think it remains to be seen that Mark Davis has the same hair trigger or trigger finger that his father had. I don't think he's going to get rid of Antonio Pierce that quickly. But I will say what we said last year. I think the problem with the culture he's trying to build in that locker room is they need a black quarterback.

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