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Big Friday Main Event Pre-Tourney Space Powered by Natfrogs!


This space is hosted by Web3PokerClub

Space Summary

The Twitter Space provided a platform for sharing various perspectives on both mundane and imaginative topics. Participants were encouraged to engage by liking and retweeting, fostering a sense of community. The conversation included casual greetings and expressions of well-being, such as wishing each other a 'Happy Friday.' Deeper discourse was punctuated with reflections on challenging times metaphorically described as 'stormy winter,' and discussions on topics like family heritage. The space was used both for simple, everyday exchanges and for diving into more profound, thought-provoking questions. The tone balanced casualness with insightful commentaries, creating an engaging and reflective environment.


Q: How can participants engage in the space?
A: By liking and retweeting the room.

Q: What was the initial greeting?
A: "Hey, everyone."

Q: What was mentioned about Friday?
A: Expressions of 'Happy Friday' were exchanged.

Q: What is the reference to 'stormy winter'?
A: It implies a challenging or dramatic time.

Q: What is the significance of 'family tree'?
A: It suggests a discussion on personal or ancestral heritage.

Q: What type of questions were asked?
A: Questions that provoke deeper thinking and imagination.

Q: What was described as 'pinnacle of it all'?
A: A metaphorical peak or ultimate point in a scenario.

Q: What kind of tone was set by the interactions?
A: The tone was casual and engaging.

Q: Was there any mention of specific ideas?
A: Ideas associated with memory and introspection were discussed.

Q: What kind of content was shared?
A: Narrative and descriptive content, painting vivid imagery.


Time: 00:02:46
Hey, everyone.

Time: 00:02:47
Just setting up the space today, just like, and retweet the room when you can.

Time: 00:02:51
Hey, Pam.

Time: 00:02:52
Hey, happy Friday.

Time: 00:02:53
Happy Friday.

Time: 00:02:56
Yeah, happy Friday.

Time: 00:02:57

Time: 00:03:00
How's everything, Pam?

Time: 00:03:02
I'm okay.

Time: 00:03:03
I'm just, I'm a little bit slow today.

Time: 00:03:05
Oh, no, my sleep is off because I had these two very large injections in my back, which made me, like, yesterday I slept, and then when I woke up, I was up till like three in the morning because I felt like I.

Key Takeaways

  • Engagement and participation happen through likes and retweets.
  • The conversation included casual greetings and social interactions.
  • The discussion explored complex ideas and thoughts.
  • References to memory and the passage of time were made.
  • Topics included family and personal experiences.
  • Insight into individual perspectives was shared.
  • Analysis of pinnacle moments in life or scenarios occurred.
  • Descriptive narration of different scenarios was prevalent.
  • Imaginative and thought-provoking questions were asked.
  • There was a representation of continuous and ongoing processes in discussions.

Behind the Mic

So now that you've all been entreated to join listen to us for the last one hour, it's very much my pleasure to now introduce probably one of the most exciting space's event that I have the honor of hosting in the last, you know, almost two plus years that we've been doing Twitter space because this gentleman we have, and we have also known for a while one on one. So I'm going to ask you to drop the highly detailed bio from start to finish and relationship that we have and kind of focus more intently on why we're enthusiastic to very much introduce to the No Trend family all the way from Miami, Florida the 305 Donovan Russo. Again, gentlemen and lady, while it may be a little unusual for some of you to hear a number of folks, including our host will speak, of course, we love to cover the timeline on his story with NFTs, so Donovan's story. Perhaps one of the most meaningful subject matters to highlight here in the ROI is he's, first off, a published author. He's also a journalist. And of course, what is quite topical is his area of expertise, which is exactly why he's here. So without further ado, super excited, book is called Steven Caine, the exposure of NFTs. You can order that on Amazon, of course, or anywhere on retail and super honored and grateful to have him on here today. Thanks for having me, everyone. Oh, no, no, hold on, brother. With the Jerome Powell announcement on inflation just in this very moment, I figured it was perfect timing symbolic. Well, I mean, with everything that's been going on with inflation, that's one of the reasons why I started to write the book initially and then started to buy these weird, crazy minting these NFTs. So it's it's all kind of correlated in one way and can explain that further as well. No better time than now. I I'm curious if you which I would love to get to know more about in terms of how you historically being involved with NFTs, and then the recent developing story that you just mentioned. Yeah, sure. So obviously, I would say deep down, anybody who's, you know, involved or wants to see a ton of progression within the NFT space or really anything in web three probably has some background in the arts, right? So the arts for me started at a very young age. I was very interested in graphic novels, comic books, cosplay, Japanese animation, but then it ultimately led to gaming, right? So I went to school in Michigan, Wayne State met Lily Marquetta there, whose family has a foundation that really, really fosters a lot of different areas of growth through gaming and video games. Took a couple years of coding, or not coding technical design courses for video games and coding, but that ultimately didn't end up being an area where I loved, but kindle the interest in storytelling. That kind of brought me ultimately to New York. And in New York, I had this, I had this thought of carrying forward that interest in storytelling that ya started in Michigan is going to take it into the Big Apple. If you know New York, New York is is a place that everybody feels attracted to or feels the ability to become better in some sense. And ultimately, that led me into having a career into fiction writing using that skill set that I garnered in Detroit back into taking that into New York now. But New York was very competitive, as you can imagine, and it wasn't formal education. It was more street skills garnered more readers from more New Yorkers and showcasing my skills. So the ability to socialize with New Yorkers that kind of led me to the steep incline that I was able to really hone in on that skill set of learning different styles of storytelling, which ultimately then led to secondary career in journalism, copywriting. And then the breakthrough moment for me was when I was introduced to crypto and Bitcoin in 2017. A bit disheartening because obviously saw the massive stark drop of Bitcoin back in when it you know ultimately tanked which drew me away from it, but drawing back to it in 2018 2019 again and then although we had that COVID downturn everything drew me back. You know when I look back on it now everything makes sense in terms of that storytelling aspect but I started to think long-term growth opportunity within the NFT stories you know I was writing for different industries. Fiverr helped me along the way in terms of getting propped up as a writer but I started to see the value in NFTs in storytelling. So you see a lot of these emerging markets but I felt there was a need to convey through storytelling. Consequently writing that book that I ultimately published is also reflecting in historical moments within the NFT space. I'm very curious you know there's been these interesting blockchain additions with the digital ledger you know Web3 tied with Twitter and NFTs how you I mean correlated that into you know your storytelling. Certainly, and I think just to extrapolate on that when I talk about storytelling because in many ways a lot of people look to Twitter which is where we have where NFTs is often been orally launched and there's moments of you know humor, criticism, but at the same time you also have you writing the book and balancing what ultimately is going public and private leveraging NFT and Twitter user storytelling. Can you expand on that in terms of how that correlates too? Absolutely, so I mean to draw into that it's very interesting because if you look early museums versus what we regard now Web3-ish type of decentralized platforms the biggest hurdle I think to a traditional form of publications how can you market we now see with NFTs right now everything's decentralized so you having that storytelling aspect and balancing it with what is traditional Brick and Morty's businesses digital form and it's ever more increasingly difficult to separate the two but once you have the storytelling that's why it's always very crucial to have branding because you have to help realize the audience where you're drawing from and seeing NFTs now with how some of these things like Twitter leveraging how they conduct and how they do so and seeing that and actually bridging fandoms like look at OpenSea MagicEden platforms you know you see brands leveraging that right now so it resonates as to why some of it you're seeing yeah I get that 100% and there's topics as well like among creators kid-sized individuals like you're saying on YouTube or TikTok realizing that how you're storytelling some are traditional some are highlighting savings a bunch of stuff and hearing this I appreciate that I'm trying to reach out how folks on Twitter you know for NFTs and I view some of them creating content like our aerospace freights and showcasing augmentation and it's everything that's coming out very powerful for certain brands you're having these niche markets that ultimately building a longer-term value and seeing that something going on like when Instagram eventually serves full NFTs they're going to be seeing a massive shift like you said from traditional book right away you think perspectives on different forms of storytelling adapting to that whereas so I'm going to totally support those transition shaping you? Absolutely on that point seeing the proud product on OpenSea and various platforms traditional assets because seeing what these various brand offers you need to look into bottom line seeing that maturation with NFTs and Twitter because you're stepping forward you know that like NFT is going to eventually augment I think with physical assets where it will require long visionary approach in terms of marketing and positioning for identity because the identities brand very true you have celebrities ultimately stepping into everyday market value long-term you seeing holding value versus right now it's more instant gratification short-term it's a very difficult thing to draw out the impact value identity long-term if they can market that successfully is that true? Absolutely, again kind of like taking back to the journey it was very challenging for the last thing we need to emphasize Donovan when went through that 2017 phase seeing the crash but again it was a great transition was solid then 2018 I imagine seeing impactful on aspects seeing social media use NFTs in storytelling bringing value back to seeing opportunities to market leveraging identity digital artistry demonstrating current success story so taking into that consider taking a leap forward how they transition thank you highlighting that I appreciate bringing up fundamental any areas NFT that place value on seeing reflect on how it relates to taking that further like you know you point out my book seeing transition mainstream unblock NFTs from leveraging your QR code everyday life bringing everything seeing potential absolutely on that I was curious seeing NFTs slowly installed mainstream products seeing adaptation your book identifying what human social impact bottom line everyday person highlighting aspects is that fair to say? Absolutely the symbolic so far looking into things on NFT journey seeing areas society knows you know seeing that that's true mind-bending that's I think interesting so conversation makes sense more grounded seeing transition NFTs my next question what ultimate message should audience take reflection in this conversation what brand long-term aspects we're taking focus on NFTs being used what your input so summarizing that drawing back to again storytelling everything don't need to be grammatically correct but drawing inspiration financial situations leveraging hope aid inclusivity NFTs and identify not missing creativity so NFTs offering something also think positively and seeing connecting don't shy gathering digital communities to grow so really that something could take away from this that make sense? totally value thanks for that that's super impactful thank you Donovan truly appreciate insights the conversation reflect long-term impact emphasize book detailing valuable forward-looking industry final thoughts add understand web3 NFTs digital identity because social media you know how it's evolving something bottom line impacts everyday life absolutely my pleasure being here look forward seeing NFT projects building connections seeing holding value growth great thanks I want the audience how NFTs directly social impact and explaining something as you point Donovan pleasure thanks everyone thanks hosting it's huge pleasure and wrap seeing conversations how these affecting future sighting aspects thank you all."

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