Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space BETWAY SPACE: WEEKEND FOOTBALL, EPL BANTER, BETTING TIPS & FREE BETS hosted by BetwayNigeria. The Betway Space on Twitter engages football enthusiasts with a mix of weekend football discussions, EPL banter, betting tips, and free bets. By sponsoring prestigious football clubs like WestHam and Atletico Madrid, Betway enhances brand credibility and visibility within the football community. Emphasizing responsible gambling and providing resources for assistance, the Space creates a safe environment for engaging in betting activities. With a focus on inclusive content and community engagement, Betway's Space successfully targets a diverse audience, offering valuable insights and entertainment.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How does Betway's sponsorship benefit its brand presence?
A: Sponsorship of top clubs like WestHam and Atletico Madrid boosts brand visibility and credibility within the football community.

Q: Why is promoting responsible gambling crucial in betting spaces?
A: Encouraging responsible gambling practices prevents addiction and ensures a safe betting environment.

Q: What resources are provided for assistance in the Space?
A: Engagement links redirect users to resources promoting responsible gambling and offer support services.

Q: How does the Space balance football banter with betting tips?
A: Integrating entertaining banter with informative betting tips creates a lively and engaging atmosphere for participants.

Q: Why is it essential to cater to a diverse audience in sports betting?
A: Engaging a wide range of football fans with inclusive content like free bets maximizes audience reach and engagement.

Q: What is the main focus of Betway's sponsorship in the Space?
A: Betway's sponsorship focuses on enhancing community engagement and providing valuable insights for football betting enthusiasts.

Q: How does the Space contribute to the promotion of legal gambling practices?
A: By emphasizing responsible gambling and age restrictions, the Space advocates for legal and safe betting practices.

Q: What benefits come from combining sports, entertainment, and betting content?
A: The integration of sports, entertainment, and betting tips enriches the user experience, fostering interaction and entertainment.

Q: How does Betway utilize its sponsorship for brand recognition?
A: Leveraging sponsorship of top football clubs like WestHam and Atletico Madrid boosts brand recognition, trust, and engagement.

Q: What audience is Betway targeting with its content in the Space?
A: By offering inclusive content like free bets and football banter, Betway targets a diverse audience of football enthusiasts and bettors.


Time: 00:15:43
Brand Sponsorship Boost Discussion on how sponsoring football clubs elevates brand visibility and consumer trust.

Time: 00:25:17
Inclusive Betting Tips Engaging a wide audience with diverse and inclusive betting tips for football matches.

Time: 00:35:40
Responsible Gambling Advocacy Emphasis on promoting responsible gambling practices and age restrictions for a safe betting environment.

Time: 00:45:21
Insights and Entertainment Mix Blending informative betting insights with entertaining football banter for an interactive user experience.

Time: 00:55:12
Community Engagement Focus Highlighting the importance of engaging and supporting the betting community for a vibrant Space.

Time: 01:05:33
Content Diversity Strategy Utilizing a mix of sports, entertainment, and free bets to attract and retain a broad audience of football fans.

Time: 01:15:40
Promotion of Safe Betting Practices Advocacy for promoting legal gambling practices and providing resources for responsible gambling and support.

Key Takeaways

  • Betway's sponsorship of top football clubs enhances brand visibility and credibility.
  • Inclusive betting tips engage a wide range of football enthusiasts.
  • Promoting responsible gambling and the age restriction is emphasized.
  • Engagement links provide resources for responsible gambling and assistance.
  • Incorporating football banter with betting tips creates an interactive and engaging space.
  • Leveraging sponsorship boosts brand recognition and consumer trust in the community.
  • The Space offers valuable insights for football betting enthusiasts.
  • Continuous engagement and support for legal gambling practices are highlighted.
  • Combining entertainment, sports, and betting tips enhances user experience and interaction.
  • Utilizing diverse content like free bets attracts and retains a larger audience.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Our channel it. Our channel it. Hello? Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear me? It. Hello? Can anybody hear me? All right guys. Good evening everyone. Yeah, good evening everybody. Please, you're welcome to the betwixt piece weekend on football banter and betting tips. So please if you're on the space I would urge you to do the needful. Please repost the space for others to join. That's the only criteria for you to request for the microphone residing it for repository space for others to join. Let's have a very good evening. So mister Uche, how you been? How was your weekend? And how was the week so far?

Football Excitement

Okay, good evening betwixt sports fans out there. Good evening Jeffrey. It's been an awesome weekend filled with lots of footballing excitement and we can't wait to go again. I know everybody who is joining up wants to share their experiences so far from the last weekend of games in European leagues which we definitely had a very wonderful experience. And I can't wait to hear your experiences so far because I know lots of your teams did well. Some teams didn't do well but hopefully this is weekend game too. Most teams will come out shining at the end of the day. Welcome Jeffrey.

Discussion on Bundesliga

All right, thank you very much for that warm intro. I can see a few people are joining the space. Please guys, help us in needful repose the space. You can send the link to your friends on your WhatsApp or wherever. You know you have people who won't talk about sports so they can join and we can have a very good evening. Today we'll be basically talking about what happened over the weekend, talking about the transfers. So first we're talking about leaks. Yes, to kick off. Some are kicking off today and I'm talking about a whole lot of things like that happened over the few, the last seven days right now. Yeah. So let's do the needful and like I said, we post and you request making a request.

German Bundesliga Returns

Don't worry, we're going to accept everybody's request. But for now let's just see, let's see how long we can get people on the space. So Jamal, legal kicks off today and Mister Uche, I would love you to maybe let us know what we're expecting over this weekend. Okay? Yeah. So German Bundesliga returns with a bang. The defending champions wouldn't lose any domestic game in team of Bayern. Leverkusen, who has two Nigerian footballers, Victor Boniface and Teller will be definitely bringing it to the balls because I know a lot of people are saying they might not be able to retain the title because, yes, one of the perennial winners, which is Bayern Munich, has actually reinforced this season.

Analysis of Teams

And they have a new coach in Vincent's company who is definitely going to give Bayern Leverkusen a run for his money. Bayern Leverkusen actually didn't sell most of their players. They try to retain the bulk and the crop of players which they had last season, which is actually a very good thing, because most times when a team wins the league in German Bundesliga, they tend to sell off most of their stars, but they've tried to hold on to their stars for another wonderful season. So it's going to be, to me, more like a two horse race again. It's going to between Bayern Munich and Bayern Leverkusen. I don't know, but we shouldn't also look down on Dortmund.

Contenders for the League

Borussia Dortmund, they also have a very good and decent team. They still have lots of talent in that team. And trust me, they might also be one of the contenders for the league. So those are my three best contenders for the league. So watch out for the Bundesliga and watch those games today. The first game starts by 07:30 p.m. tonight, where Borussia Monchengladbach will be taking on Bayern Leverkusen. But trust me, I must tell you, there will be goals on this one because both teams are attacking, attack-minded teams, trust me. So watch out for that one. If you're a betting person, I advise you put your money on that one.

Manchester United's Journey

All right? Thank you so much for that. We can see we have also big accounts in the house. Oxygen is in the house. Oxygen. Welcome to the space. Our own one and only Manu in PJ with Sabi, the only red Winnipeg, I greet you. You're welcome to the house. Feel free to request for the mic. We can talk. So we can talk about and transfer lately because we'll be dealing on Premier League teams shortly. So let's start with Manchester United, since we have a Manchester United person here. Although everybody here is all Manchester United from the local Finns.

Manchester United's Performance

So, for the first match on Friday, Manchester United did the needful. Although. Although it took them to the last. The last minutes of the game before they would have, you know, they got the goal that they scored that day. But looking at the Manchester United team and, the amount of players that they have brought in, like someone. Someone said rightly, that this is a pro IX team, because literally all the players that ten need actually worked with an Ajax back here in Manchester United. No doubt we have a whole Dutch board of coaches and this expect maybe the Dutch flair football in Manchester United, but so far so good for what you watch Manchester United against Fulham and I think they were missing a whole lot of. A lot of, shall I call it, the chemistry.

Future Prospects for Manchester United

We are just trying to come back like a normal, a newborn team. Do you think Manchester United is going to go far this season? And do you think Manchester is going to go far this season? Or you think you could say something that is about Manchester United or you think there's something different in Manchester United? We are not saying. You can kindly request for the microphone and you're welcome to the space. Our friend from far away, wherever she is in diaspora. Olivia, welcome to the space. So you guys can request for the mic and let's have a full house. So this question goes to you.

Onana's Impact and Transfers

I know you're a Man United fan, although you want to be sentimental, but yeah, so far so good. With the recent signing, the Ogate deal, is it a. Is it confirmed now that Ogate is coming to Manchester United? So that deal is still on the pipeline, but it's most likely going to go down this weekend from the look of things, because he hasn't played any game for Paris Saint Germain and his mind is made up on joining Manchester United, even if it's for a loan season and with an option to buy. So I think that deal will definitely pull through because Manchester United has really done well in terms of the transfer season.

Chelsea's Strategy and Ownership Changes

That bought complete 20 players. So, hey. So now the Chelsea owner is actually getting squads. And he's trying to emulate Manchester City's pattern City group. That's why they've gotten Strasbourg. And now Strasbourg has gotten a good coach from the blue. Cool. Now, if the good coach there in Strasbourg is doing very good with the smallest player you give to him and he can consume them and make them good, and then the senior brother here in Chelsea is not doing well, they will swap the coach overnight. Okay. The guy that the Manchester City bought from Girona, everybody is saying that the guy is too good, it's too good. But Manchester City. But very simply because he has already played under the City group. Yeah. So you can see a Man city has lot of. Lot of clubs in you and far for South America, in America itself and strategy.

Scouting and Player Development

So now people always asking questions, how is it that just wake up on Monday and decide to see Pep have seen the players he wants. They have scouted the players and they have sent them to all the City group teams, either on loan or they purchase them, just waiting for the time for the player to get ripened and then boom, is in the first team. And that's the same thing that your club wants to do, Manchester United want to do. I think I saw them talking about Manchester United going for is it nice in France? They want to get a club to in France. So they are like the Naos group already has nice. So all right, fine. So now. So now it's a case of Godola opening everybody's eyes to a different pattern of football, because it is very, very messed up here.

Loaning of Players and Club Management

How do you expect your club, a big club like Manchester United, want to loan, let's say, for example, you want to loan Onana to one of these Premier League clubs. And Onana is going to be keep playing because he's alone, but because of the club. We look at you like, Onana will be playing every day for us, keeping for us, and he become one of our part of our team. And then he will not say he wants to go back to Manchester and will now look, no, should be on the bench. So that is why most of these clubs are having a second team. So instead of loaning the player to a team that might not add to the development of the player, why don't you send them to your team? B, Chelsea owner actually wanted to have a team be back.

Financial Structures and Changing Dynamics

The invitees in Netherlands, they did everything possible to say it's not possible. You can't have two teams, even CSK Moscow. But right now the football has changed. What have changed? I don't even say even RB Leipzig and RB Salzburg are being owned by one particular person. And if you are in the same Champions League, they can't be the same group. If they are going to meet on the quarterfinal, they will have to bring a new strategy to make sure that both teams can play together because they are from the same owners. So you see, football has changed. Football has changed because now football is now market and gambling.

Chelsea's Future Prospects

So what's your projection for the season as a Chelsea fan? What are you seeing? For Chelsea or for the league itself? No, for Chelsea. Well, I think every Chelsea fan should just know that. They say there's this popular saying that anytime a child is giving birth, somebody dies. So Asla is a child, Asli. The child has been giving birth from London. So we are dead now. They should rest for the past eight years or thereabout. They don't know what they call Champions League. And you know, being on the top steel driving seat. So it's their turn. They can go ahead and we are. We can rest for them. Just like Manchester United has accepted that Man City is no longer the noisy.

Manchester City vs. Manchester United

No, no. Man United has not accepted that. No, no. I disagree with that. No, no. They still remainde. They still remain. City still remains the noisy neighbors. So we'll leave it like that. They don't have. They don't have a history. A backed history like Manchester United. So please do not break down Manchester United city. Yes, there are new boys, new bloc, new agenda, new things. But no, they can never be Manchester United. The red still rules that city. Thank you. So I think right now, I've been waiting for anybody to come up here and say something regarding Liverpool.

Liverpool's Current Situation

Is this Liverpool? Are they losing their swagger? They don't really have fans anymore in the space. I don't understand what is wrong with Liverpool. They are doing good, but they don't. They're not even confident for themselves. It had before. Now you see Liverpool fan come up here and say club. I'm a club for life. I'm a cop for life. We are going to. Right now they can't even say anything. I don't know why do I have Liverpool fans in the house? Please. You're a Liverpool fan. Please comment and I request for the mic.

Comments on Other Clubs

I'll give you the mic to talk. Welcome Mister mice. Welcome Mister Ayodhegi. King David. I see you, my brother here, tundebabs. I greet you brother. Especially faith, Samuel de Cache and Mathias. You're all welcome to the space over the weekend on other leagues and other leagues. Yes. Let's go to the most notable league and the most hated club in Nigeria right now. Napoli. Napoli is the most hated club in Nigeria because they are treating the whole african best like man. And they lost. And they lost.

Analysis of Napoli's Performance

I was blaming when Nigerians are putting on Apollo in their ticket to win, like, guy, are you okay, Napoli? We won't scatter your player name. You're going to put them to win. They last woefully. Jeff is not like that. So the thing is, a lot of Nigerians expect Napoli to do well because of they have a very good tactician and Antonio Conte. But I think that Conte is going to struggle because the truth is he hasn't had the time and the luxury of time to build the kind of team he wants. He's still battling with Chelsea as regards release clause to get Romelu Lukaku.

Victor Osimhen's Situation

And they're still battling on that. Yeah, it's still. It's not yet confirmed, but it's still in the process. And they still need to push out Victor cement to create space for all these things. Now, I like what you said. Push out. That is the problem. Why will you push out my brother? Yes. See, let's look at it like this. That's an insult to all african players. Well, like seeing the sale of the player. Well, I understand you on that point, but if you look at it, I think the club didn't do well in terms of the way they managed this whole Victor Osimhen process. I feel they should have let him go last summer when the Saudis came for him.

The Future of Osimhen

I think it would have been a better place for them to have made money and cashed out and they would have. Would have moved on from this saga. But dragging it till this time, it might, is already looking a bit messy. The player is upset. He hasn't played any game and the club doesn't have plans for him. So I just feel they should have handled this case a much more better way than they have done so. But it's all good. We hope he gets sorted because we want to see our own nigerian star playing again and happy again, because I know right now he might not be definitely happy.

Player's Career Decisions

That one is. Sure, definitely, he's not happy. And I also think that. I think it's not really a question of whether Napoleon wants to offload him. Yes. If there are. There are offers from Saudi Arabia, actually, and if it was left to Napoli, they would have sent him straight to Saudi because they would get more money, obviously. Do you understand? But I think it's a question of whether Osimha wants to go to Saudi Arabia. Osimha, for me, still feels he's still, you know, at his, you know, still in his prime, he would want to make impact in Europe.

Impact of Playing in Saudi Arabia

And of course, you can't. He can't be the best player if you are playing in Saudi. Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia looks like, I mean, with all due respect to Saudi Arabia, are. You calling Saudi Arabia farmers league? No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm trying so hard not to say. Yeah, indirectly you're saying it's the farmers league. I can see that. Doesn't that look like that? Do you understand? So Osimhen definitely does not want to go to Saudi. I'm so sure he's looking at finding a club in Europe and no club in Europe, definitely, for now, will want to pay the kind of money that Napoleon wants.

Financial Considerations for Players

Okay. Let me ask you this question. If Victor Siemens was your brother, and you are seeing the money that Saudi is offering, and you know how important we Africans will look up for money and everything, and you know what that money is going to do for him in the long run. Will you advise him to take the deal from Saudi or will you tell him to go and make name in Europe? Which one will you offer him? Be truthful. Well, I will ask him to choose his happiness. Happiness for me is important. More important than money? No, to be honest. Right?

Career Paths for Young Players

To be honest. Exactly. I still think he has. He has something to offer in Europe. I wouldn't even advise him at this age. Like, you're not. You're not 30 something yet. I mean, you're still in your. What are you saying? For players who went there who are still young, we still have the abbey who just went from Aston Villa to. Those guys are not ambitious. You can be a lazy serious. Are we saying that a player like Otavio, who is in our NASA, is a lazy player? But you see what that guy is. Work rate is tremendous.

Perceptions of Player Ambition

He gives you 101. Why do you. Why did you run away from Europe? I mean, I mean, it's simple. If you know you still have something to offer in Europe, you wouldn't. You would definitely know, leave Europe. We have. We have three retirement leagues in the world. Number one, Mls. Mls. Number two, the arabian league. Number three, South American League. Check it out. All of them. Okay? Why? You're your prime. Why, why do you not go to all those leagues? Why is it now? Look at my brother. My very good brother Jirud, Oliver Jiroud is gone.

Current State of Soccer Leagues

He decided to go to America. I mean, before. I missed a highlight before american league, bro, don't worry. You don't even want to watch soccer. No, no. Don't make it. Don't make it look that bad. It's not that bad. Recently, Orlando City. I think it was Orlando City. If you see the scruff. The scruffle that they were doing in the. In the box. In the 18 box. Yeah. Just to score a goal. You will be shocked. It looked as though. As if I was watching like division two in nigerian league, to be honest.

Entertainment Levels in Soccer

It was so messy. Like, I can't imagine that's. That's like the top league in USA. It's. It's something else. I beg you guys. You guys are mean. You guys are quality leagues. Yeah. I mean. Oliver B. Welcome to the space, Oliver. So let's leave Germany and Premier League because everybody is so Premier League here. And let's go to the Catalans. Yeah. The people that don't have money to buy players, but they can, they have mouth to go for players. Barcelona.

Barcelona's Financial Challenges

Let's go to Barcelona. I know Baka fans are ready to chew. Real Madrid fans, no problem. It's always number for Real Madrid. Maybe. I don't think they. They were just too confident of themselves for that. Game is fine, I understand. But let's go to Barcelona. Barcelona wants to sign a player. They will have to sell four players or force their sale. Why? What happened to Barcelona? So are you trying to tell me that all this. Why they'll be winning Champions League, getting world best. You're just using this.

Impact of Barcelona's Historical Performance

They are contributing, using the money to pay their debts because the club looks. Even West Ham has money in terms of transfer than Barcelona, as far as I'm concerned. So let's talk about the spanish leader. Do you have bakafans in the house? No, no. But let me. Let me just drop in on that one. The Spanish la Liga has been a very wonderful and impressive league. We've had the two horse race, we have had the three horse race. We have the four horse race.

Competitive Nature of La Liga

And I think we're back to the three horse race again because this season is going to be an exciting one. We have Barcelona, we have the defending champions, Real Madrid, have added Kylian Mbappe to that attacking strike force, which, trust me, will deal with any defense reincarnation. So the thing is, we also have Atletico Madrid. Those ones, they've done a very wonderful transfer season. They brought in Julian Alvarez, who is going to be one of the top strikers in this season. They brought in Kono Galaga from Chelsea.

Players Boosting Team Performance

A very strange signing. I don't know what they saw in him, but definitely Simeone knows his kind of player, so he definitely knows what he saw. They saw energy. Yeah. So then they have Solo, who was one of the highest goalscorer last season in La Liga. So they are for fire. For fire. They are going to chase Madrid. They are going to chase Barcelona. But I still feel Real Madrid might still have the edge looking at Barcelona. Barcelona is having difficulties not because of the president's administration, but it's from the previous administration.

Management Issues and Future Prospects

They had issues in management. They had issues in everything. So I was on the other day, I remember I saw someone shared something. Barcelona now delivers Pisa. It's so strange. They sell everything sellable. They sell their pitch, their chairs. There's nothing they don't sell. If possible, they will soon be selling. They will soon be selling pure water. They also have Netflix. Challenge for Barcelona. No, it's that bad. Nobody expected Barcelona to go this, to this point whereby they can't sign a player in order for Dani Omo to play.

Challenges in Player Signings

You know, that is one of the reasons Gundogan is going back to Manchester City, because they need that space to be cleared to register Dani Omo for the league because Omo hasn't played a game for them. So they have a lot. And I don't see this changing within the next five years because look at it, they also have a very big project, the stadium, the revamp of Camp Nou, the new project, which is not. It doesn't come cheap, so they're going to have a lot of issues.

Financial Instability at Barcelona

But my. My own point of view right now is I don't still get it, why players still wants to go to Barcelona with all this whole problems, paying half salary, paying not. Not signing and all those things they're still owing Manchester City. I saw a tweet the other day. They wanted to, they said, for Gundogan, they should give a robbery. And I was laughing and the next thing I saw, there was a tweet that said, Man City said, okay, come and pay us between now and 31st for the Ferrari tourists who they bought.

Struggles with Financial Management

And you see the whole problem is just muzzled up. But I just feel they need to get their acts right. If not, they're going to struggle. They will. Well, I like to. I beg to differ a little bit. I don't think they will struggle that much. Yes, they have financial struggles here and there, but looking at that team, right, the team is actually not as bad as we make it out to be. I think. I think we're looking at Real Madrid and trying to compare and that's why we're coming.

Comparative Analysis of Barcelona and Real Madrid

Most people are coming to the conclusion that Barcelona will struggle. They don't have a team that's on par with Real Madrid. But for me, I think they are not that bad. Now, I'd like to come from the perspective of Real Madrid now. Real Madrid, yes, they bought Mbappe and all of that, but I saw their first match and if you really analyzed that first match, you will notice that there is. It looks like there is an imbalance somewhere. That thing does not look balanced to me.

Challenges Facing Real Madrid

Okay, maybe it's just my own perspective. I'm seeing three forward, I mean, three forwards who want to play from the same side. Like, there were times where Mbappe, Vinicius and Rodrigo were all playing from the left, even though that's not their starting position. Yes, Madrid always have the way to go around these things and all of that, but I do not think they are so far ahead of Barcelona. Look at Barcelona, too. They have this lamb in your mouth.

Emerging Talents in Barcelona

That guy. That guy is one for the ages. I mean, that guy is super talented. What that guy will do for Barcelona this season will be amazing, to be honest. So I don't think they are so far behind. I think it's going to be a very tight competition between them and Real Madrid. It has always been, and it will still be. The only problem is just the finances that they are. They just cannot sort out.

Potential for Barcelona's Revival

They just can't sort out their finances. If they are able to sort it out, I think they will still. They are still the top club Tbn Barcelona. And you know, Barcelona, because of their peer degree, people will always want to play for Barcelona. That's. That's for sure. So even I was seeing a news recently where, the, this guy from Atlantic will be about, what's his name again? This, Nico Williams.

Continued Interest from Players

Yes. The guy is very interested in joining Barcelona. It's just this money issue that is a program, so Barcelona is always a top club. They will give Real Madrid a run for their money. I really believe in them and I'm excited. I'm actually looking forward to how, you know, this competition, this torso for the league will turn out this season and the fact that Atletico Madrid as well are strengthened. Very top, nice acquisitions, just like you said.

Anticipation for the Upcoming Season

So I think it's going to be an exciting league to watch this season. My only problem with La Liga is that unlike Premier League, where you can look at about seven teams. And see, these teams have a chance, you know, of fighting for top runners. It's not like that in La Liga. In La Liga it used to be. It used to be like that. We used to have like four or five teams, you know, that would have. Know Jossel and fight for the league.

Current Landscape of La Liga

But right now it looks like it's just about three of them. I mean, Sevilla, they fell. Fell off so badly. So, so bad. So Madrid, even Valencia. Even Valencia, yes. Valencia fell off badly. It's terrible. So it's just basically real Madrid, Barcelona and Atletico, you know. And somehow these three guys, they always still give us the entertainment that we want in La Liga. I think it would be a nice season.

Discussion on Team Performance

They are still a good team. I saw their first match did well. played for. Played for a draw. They were at rear Betis also. So they are still a good team. Yes. But I don't think they have what it takes to, you know, to push those top three guys in La Liga.

Match Updates and Betting Tips

Okay, an update just drops as we are currently on the space. Bayern Levakuzin have open scoring against Borussia Mochon Blabak. One goal to nil granny Zaka with a wonderful goal, a wonderful strike in that one. So that game is currently on. So go out there, put your money where you, where you believe you're going to get something. So trust me, go out and watch that game and watch till it proceeds.

Excitement for Betting on Teams

Levaku said one was good morning last season in betting. I just hope they continue that form. And I'm so excited. I was, when I saw the goal pop up on my notification, I was like, okay, this is it. I think we have another lever kissing to bet on this season. Those guys were amazing last season.

Looking Ahead to Weekend Fixtures

All right, oxygen, before we call it a day on the space, although we still have a few minutes left here. So, we're looking at the weekend fixture. we have mice in the house too, looking at the weekend fixture. So, we really want, Uche, please. You're gonna help us on this. We're going to. I'm going to call leaks out.

Discussion on EPL Predictions

I'll call leagues for the weekend and then there may be oxygen and mice. We can just talk about who's winning and what we're expecting in the leagues. So we could probably get an accumulator. Yeah. So you'll be the one to do the. Just get a book and buy it, write it down, probably.

Upcoming Matches in Premier League

We're going to make a post tomorrow. I might post it tomorrow. Or we can post it wherever tomorrow. So let's start with our traditional leak. The eplan wins. Like we're having matches this weekend on APL. So what are you expecting? Let's see, let's see, let's see. Let's start with the fixed choice.

Specific Match Predictions

We have. Yeah, we have kickoff, Ellie. Kickoff. Brighton, Manchester United. Yeah. So. For me, for me as a punter, personally, I don't like Eleki Cups. Right. And now Manchester United is the one played the Ellie cook off. So judging by, I mean, judging from my little analysis of that game, I think Brighton are, Brighton play the brand of football that actually stresses Manchester United.

Brighton vs Manchester United Analysis

They stress manu because they play good for football. So anything that plays good football will stress Manchester United. So I'm looking at a goal, a go for that, for that match. My United definitely will score, but they will concede. That's what I think.

Expectations for Aston Villa vs Arsenal

Okay, another match to look out for in that EPL. Aston Villa Arsenal. That'S going to be one for life. That's going to be a mouthwashing. Yo, bro. Good evening, Jeff. Yeah, Miles, welcome, bro. How you doing? I'm a network heading Ms Bs. Agreed. The household. Yeah. Welcome, Miles.

Panel Predictions for Weekend Matches

So let's do all about, we're going to come to our son villas now. Okay. I want to do it this way. Oxygen, you're going to give us predictions for Premier League, your predictions for the whole Premier League games or your Premier League games or whatever prediction you do, you're doing here right now, which we are going to accommodate it or people on the space ahead.

Detailed Analysis of Matchups

They are going to accommodate it. Oxygen, this is Oxygen's Premier League focus. You're going to focus everything for the day, Miles, you're going to give those a favor to focus all the matches for La Liga. So we're going to have Premier League and La Liga for predictions here.

Predictions for Brighton vs Manchester United

So then anybody who wants to do is edit from the both sides. So Brighton, Manchester United, you're saying go. So to be honest, yeah, 1.5 should be on the safer side. Oh, that's good. The next game there is Crystal Palace, West Ham. That's a London.

Analyzing Crystal Palace vs West Ham

There'll be, there'll be goals in that London debut as well. It's, it's a, I mean, historically produces goals. So I think I'll be going for go as well in that match. Yeah. A go about 2.5 over one point.

Continuing with Manchester Predictions

Okay, so you have to stand. You have to stand one place. You can be in Manchester. You should either be in Manchester City or Manchester United. Are you going for 145 or you're going for chance mix? let's go for chance mix. I'd like to take Google over 2.5 for that one.

Upcoming Matches and Predictions

All right, that's x. X over 2.5. Let me get, let me jot it down. Fulham, Leicester City. Yeah. Leicester is back to the league. I think. I'm looking at a two plus Amica for Leicester City.

Specific Betting Strategies

Okay. For Leicester City. Brighton, it's 1.5. Crystal Palace, West Ham, Christopher's western. Jeff X. Yeah, I feel do my own share for Sharon for this business. Navy. No, don't worry. Get your tone. No, no worry.

Discussing Future Match Expectations

Just day. Don't worry. Get your tone. So you have the time to start memorizing the Laligas. So we have in a full hand Lester. It's a full hand. Lister, what's your. You said you're handicapping Leicester plus two oxygen.

Leicester Handicaps and Predictions

Yes, yes. Plus two for Leicester. Yes, yes, yes. I. That's asian. Asian handicap 1.5. Plus 1.5. That's fine. Yes. Yes. All right. Manchester City sits down.

Manchester City Predictions

We're already know you're going to stay home to win, but the odd is very small. So the odd is what order should we hand? Are we going to handicap? Not at each feature. At one go or half times 0.5?

Match Conditions for Manchester City

I think half times 0.5 will be fine for that match. That's what I would go for. The both of them play open football. They are making the same mistake that Bondi made last season. They are opening up too much.

Match Strategy for Both Teams

They are not playing to survive. They are playing to play like a Premier League team. So I think there will be goals. First half go for that much. All right. Southampton, Nottingham Forest.

Analyzing Southampton vs Nottingham Forest

Southampton, Nottingham Forest. I'm a little bit. I'm not so sure about that one, but I also think they're both. They play the almost same kind of football. So I'll go for 1.5 as well.

Tottenham vs Everton Predictions

Okay. Tottenham Everton. Totem win over 2.5. Totem win over 2.5, home win or 2.5? All right. Astan Villa Arsenal. Yes. You're back to it.

Focus on Aston Villa vs Arsenal

The last two matches against Asna, I mean, against Aston Villa, Asna lost. That's. That's the funny thing. So I'm so. I don't know. I'm thinking of giving Aston Villa a plus.

Betting Considerations for Aston Villa

A plus two and the cap two goes ahead for Astangelo. Okay. Home Astan Villa. Yes. Astambula is the home team. Yeah. So I just give them, like, let's give them a 1.5 Asian and the cup ahead.

Upcoming Sunday Predictions

Oh, I think that should be about 1.3. Order something. All right, that's nice. Bonnie Mount Newcastle. That Sunday printer, Sunday fixtures. Okay for Sunday morning.

Prediction for Newcastle Match

I've not really checked this on the fixtures, but let me just go. Mine instinct. I think a Newcastle win or draw? I think so. I think a Newcastle should win this one because bottom one, they are not yet.

Considerations for Bournemouth Match

They've not yet joked they had a. They bought a new striker, Evanielson from Portal, but I don't think he. He would have jumped into their group yet. Yeah. Bonnie mouth can be surprising at home.

Goals Predictions for Matches

I hope you know, that's another thing. But there'll be good. Definitely. It looks like there are ghosts. If I was to go for Jeff second half, 0.5, second half goal. Right.

Final Predictions for Matches

I think that's also 0.5 because I might struggle in first half to knock on and then maybe one go second half or so. I don't know. So it should be good for the. I think people on the space should be hearing that.

Analyzing Wolves vs Chelsea

Yeah. So should we go for second half, 0.5 or you want to still maintain. Your extra second five? I like to go for second or zero point fight. Anybody can string up surprises in second half.

Predictions for Wolves vs Chelsea Match

All right, so wolves are Chelsea. Funny enough, right? Funny enough. I think. I think Chelsea always. Chelsea may not really play that well, but they always find a way to score.

Expectations for Chelsea's Match

That's what I have seen about Chelsea. They will not play. Well. That game is a return for Neto. He's a former club, so he might actually want to do something magical. You never can tell.

Analysis of Chelsea vs Wolves Game

I still feel Chelsea. Chelsea might need this one. It might just be a one goal margin. Because definitely Chelsea cannot hold wolves from scoring. They're going to score, but Chelsea might win.

Confirmation on Goals for Chelsea vs Wolves

Are you saying Chelsea scores? I mean, wolves go. What? Yeah, I think go is fine. I'm on the fence for this one. I'm not so sure I'm even thinking the match will produce that many goals.

Final Thoughts on Wolves vs Chelsea

I don't know. I like to. I like to keep mute on this Wolves Chelsea match. So Chelsea has done you. They've done you strong thing. I'm telling you, I'll play that game first.

Game Strategies and Future Checks

Ten minutes draw. Everybody should rest after ten. Minutes is their business. So Wolf Chelsea is aesthetic for now. We are going to come back on that. Liverpool, Brentford. That's another game.

Excitement and Challenges of Upcoming Matches

Liverpool, Brentford. That's a dicey game. It's a dicey game. Brentford can be. It can be a bone in the neck sometimes when. When they decide to switch on.

Predictions for Liverpool vs Brentford

But I'm seeing the 1.5 in that game though. I don't think they want to. Liverpool win over 2.5. But then the odds will be too low considering the fact that Liverpool street win is 1.2.

Opportunities and Obstacles for Liverpool

Yeah. African strikers up front. Anything can happen. This go rush was against Brighton. They are showing the highlights. Oh, my rush.

Game Analysis and Player Performance

I want to send this villager we have. Okay, wait. The Rashford we had before was Marcos Rashford. This one we have now is Marco Rashford. Because I'm nothing.

Transition to La Liga Discussion

Let's go to La Liga. Sir. Mister Miles, let's hear from you. La Liga. So let's hear your prediction for La Liga.

General Predictions for La Liga Matches

Okay. One game is already gone. That one should go. No, because I can't go. So we have a Sevilla Villarreal. Yeah, that's.

Challenges in Upcoming La Liga Matches

Hello, is it? Yeah, with you? Yeah, that's a via. Via. That much get tricky. Because those two people, they be weary, but I give them home.

Goals Expectations for Sevilla vs Villarreal

Or Google. Sevilla Villare hope or Google Transmix. Okay. Our homeboy. Go. Pleasure. FC with that now.

Final Thoughts on La Liga Predictions

So Osasuna and. Okay, I'll give last match. Mayo can win. So I give Myoka Mario drove Real Madrid last match.

Recap of Previous Match Performances

Yeah. Okay. Mario drove Madrid. Yes, yes. But I give my. I give my car. There a way. It will by 1.5 handicap.

Head-to-Head Match Expectations

You don't check the head to head first. Let's check the headway. Head to head. Malloca has won two times.

Final Predictions for Osasuna vs Malloca

Osasuna has won once. They drop for home pass normal. Okay, so let's go. Let's go with your prediction, Osasuna.

Match Predictions Recap

Are we. Are we aware to win, avi? Yeah. No, no. 1.5. Okay. Away 1.5.

Final Betting Strategy Insights

Yeah, I'll go with that as well. So third fixture is third picture is people will not get money versus people they won't buy. I didn't look at laughs, but no guy won't be passed back out.

Discussion on Player Performances

We want Nico goes. I give back. Yes, ma'am. Those two brothers, they did that. They go score.

Concluding Thoughts on Predictions

And no mana, but no guy. But if at all, we'll give back a benefit of that. That's another angle. I see that angle.

Discussion on Final Match Predictions

So Getafe and Rio. Valaciano. Israel. Yeah. They're not getting with again.

Concluding Remarks

Yes. So let's go to espionage. That I don't understand. Because they are players. Go euros, go olympics.

Predictions for Madrid Matches

That's what they call the celebrity and still lose for house. Hey, that's it for us. No worries.

Discussion on Future Predictions

Okay. So should I go in, Abi? Yeah. No, no. 0.50.5. Just one go. Just one go for the game.

Final Overview of Betting Odds

One go for the game. That's 0.5. The odd no come out where now? So let's give away 0.5.

Concluding the Analysis

Chris had. Check your time. Take your time to check it because after that one, next one is Madrid Valadolit. Everybody could shut. Madrid.

Wrap-Up of Predictions

Madrid. That's all. We shall Madrid win for first. For first match. Some people call them draw. Do not matter.

Final Remarks on Madrid Predictions

Just leave them. This one is sure is show. Madrid sure. Now whom? Now they must win for whom they remind.

Discussion on Scoring Predictions

Okay. What if I go with more? Give more. Give us my error. I had. Now.

Final Thoughts on Predictions

You're not yet setting on what you want to select. Let's keep that one asterisk. Like Wolves and Chelsea. Question mark.

Final Wrap-Up

Madrid. Madrid. Straight win. Legginess, Leganes and La Palmas. Corner, corner. Corner, 7.5.

Concluding Remarks on Corner Predictions

Leganis corner, 7.5 corners. All right. Yeah. Alaves and rebetties.

Match Predictions Recap

Okay. Funny enough that the Ghana's last farmers last match. Now this is corners they play. Both of them. No, I mean their last eight to eight.

Introduction to Betting and Predictions

Yes. Alabes and Rebecca Balaji. Hold on. Yeah, we do with you, my brother, we did it wrong. It's not legal. They had to. So I'll give you guys. I'll give you guys bonus on german league. Everybody bonus on german league. Play all german Bundesliga 0.5 half time, playing with your spare phones and lock up. Anything can happen. They can just score 0.5 halftime. That's what they like doing what you call chain game. If they all play draw first half, they can play 2.5 seconds. If they play 0.5 first half, they can play 1.519 minutes. So my bonus with that. You don't need Fonta to tell that one. Just try them. Just pay 501,000 because. I like. Because no more every Saturday, what I do every Saturday is this. 12:00 01:00 they play Bundesliga too. I play all of them 0.5 half time. I play all of them 1.5 half time. Play all of them 2.5 full time. And I play all of them both team to score full time. Because 1.5 the odd is always very tiny.

Discussing Predictions and Odds

So I don't. If they decide to play google all through, I will bring my ticket from nowhere. People will say, this guy predicted it too. But they don't say this guy played all of them, you understand? So it's always normal. And I said, up to german league, they score first half. They did, they did. Like last season when the season was about to end, they all play 0.5 half time and Premier League was about to do the same thing. I only my United spoiler, they don't play 0.5 after everybody played 0.5 half time last season. So it's called the chain game. So Awonku, Alavez and Betis. Are you done? Mice, are you there with us? The Alabaster game. What are you predicting? I think of 1.5 because. The last game, Atetico Madrid versus Girona. Stubborn Omar go play the play.

Betting Strategies and Observations

The winner half then. So if anyone score, if go home, score first any other game team. One. Thing about homeless call now what? He may be that yes, neither home we or it's not a game video. We say game that they go and draw. No see. Mini now Omar go. To win or Google home. Exactly that knife at all. That's why I see one decent ticket for time. Let's say one guy they tag. Everybody says what's possible now I will check the market. We choose not say I think I wait to score and new or whatever. Okay. Draw or any clean sheet and they don't play draw. They should not get but what happened for the match now because the old.

Reviewing European Leagues

So that's that for the major league. So let's check other leagues around Europe for the weekend. Sorry we are going to take more of you guys time. Let's go to Sierra. Nobody they take any apart from the three clubs now AC Milan as long as if AC Milan day home Inter Milan they will eventually stay home. The three of them will be choose so we know what you want to for that league. Inter is playing leeche so Inter should win. Do we agree with that? Yes. Agreed. Agreed. Verona beats Napoli day home to play Juventus. We are not sure of Juventus if. They are back there still be a new team based on morta thiego mortar is still blending his team. The team nova gel so you can't expect so much but the 50 try.

More Analysis on Matches

Okay. Ferontina and Venezia that Ferntina this one really trust them. I don't even know how serious this will be for this season. Well. Just collect only one thing that is Inter Milan as Roma and poli back to their number four. Anybody that as Roma and police sometimes it did very tricky. Empolina if you can't decide to turn up. So let's go with Inter Milan. Lucci only one match for Sierra. Be careful guys. German models Liga like I said and I keep saying what I've said. You guys should do the need for as you can see this by playing two one everybody will score 0.5 half time german league everybody will play 2.5 market. If you don't play 2.5 come to my DM and I'll give you my account passwords and login.

Final Thoughts and Future Plans

Everybody must pay 2.5. So german league is the first. The first match for the week. I'm not advising anybody to go and bank is winning on any of those team because anything can happen. This is not opening season opening match. So teams nova gelatinous. So as far as I'm concerned if you can play them 0.5 half like I said, it's going to be very good. Let's go to our french league. PSG is playing today. They already winning 20. And we have Leon Monaco. Leon, Leon. Leon Monaco. That game looks tricky. That game should come out with goals. What are you seeing in that game? That game should come out with goals. Anybody with idea there? Everybody's not playing myself.

Discussing Football Players and Teams

Greenwood. Sure. Go see my. You know it's dead lose not be my. You know. England and Chris you know. Many clubs I wanted to buy Greenwood and they are threatened them. They threatened them. The same way that they killed this guy's career andrew Johnson. Players threaten. See you see that Ukraine like that. When they won't pour your hand, they will fall your heart without thinking twice. The guy does switch allegiance. Now. It is telling for don't do silver. Stella. It's too late. Sterling. If you remain there, it's too late. So we are going to go with myself straight win. I guess so. Everybody is agreeing on that.

Closing Remarks and Community Engagement

Lily. Angus. Lily. Lily. Yeah. Was more 1.5 because trouble played draw safe. So let's go. 1.5. Yeah, we are doing whatever France. We need to carry more people for France. Because I be born two person tickets. The league that can never be predicted. Netherlands play 2.5 go at the same time. But they will carry their bros. You will be back three. I don't think I play. No. I ask what happened? I said they play for round three. I mean, I have played yesterday. I mean, they played today. Okay. I have played the Europa League.

Reflections on Various Football Leagues

I have played Europa yesterday. They push their game for which I don't understand. I'm not seeing them. They run three pictures. So Netherland league. Netherland league doesn't look sexy to me. Apart from PSV is away. If PSV day home, I possibly plays PSV straight win. So they are away and they are playing Ameria city. We don't know if America can decide to be a ton in the flesh. But America have not won any match. So should we go with PSV away win? I think PSV. Yeah, I think PSV.

Final Predictions and Wrap Up

They suppose collect our own. Okay. A problem. Beats the big tips. So let's keep that one side. Then finally we should go to portuguese league. Portuguese league. This is a match. Day three, FC Poto is at home. Poto is playing real Avi. I don't know if how the game looks. Poto is playing real Potter is in a good form. Photoshop win Potash, you win that much. Poto home to win. She'll be fine. Befica is playing home too. Befika is trailer. The difficult to win is 1.20. And Estella is also in a good form. Make sure they played.

Evaluating Odds and Betting Strategies

They have scored 1.5 in the last five matches. So 1.5 was the odd for 1.5. All four. 1.5 is very small. One point twelve. 1.17. Spotting is life now. Sports team is playing fire lines. Also their life. Yes. They're playing away. Zero. Zero. Yeah. Six minutes. So let's go. Let's leave. Well, I think we are good with this one. So, we should do some. We should do a combination of these games. then we can get it on the best ten odds.

Community Engagement and Future Meetings

The best ten odds we posted on battery page. So I will send it to battery admin to boost the best and odd for the weekend from the combination we combined here on the space. Then the other ones that have been combined by the combined by mice and oxygen. I'll tag both of them. I would. I'll post them and I will merge them together to get a mega odds. You never can tell. What if this weekend is the weekend to win the millions of. I'm looking for just 100 naira or thereabouts. So I want to say big thank you to everyone who's come to the space bet code. You're welcome, bro. Thank you guys for being with us from the beginning of the space.

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