Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space BETA Updates – Townhall hosted by ValeriaStudios. The Townhall by Valeria Games offered a glimpse into the future of gaming with exciting BETA updates, user-centric development strategies, and a commitment to transparency and inclusivity. Through collaborative efforts and community engagement, the company is set to elevate the gaming experience. Innovation remains at the forefront, driving Valeria Games' mission to deliver cutting-edge gameplay and unforgettable experiences to players worldwide.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What were the main BETA updates discussed?
A: Valeria Games revealed new features and improvements during the Townhall.

Q: How does Valeria Games engage with the gaming community?
A: The company actively seeks feedback and suggestions from players.

Q: Why is innovation essential for Valeria Games?
A: Innovation drives the development of cutting-edge gaming experiences.

Q: What are the upcoming game features that users can anticipate?
A: Exciting new features were highlighted, promising enhanced gameplay.

Q: How does Valeria Games prioritize user experience?
A: User experience is a focal point in the game design and development process.

Q: What collaborative efforts were mentioned during the Townhall?
A: Collaborations with other industry leaders were discussed to benefit gamers.

Q: What feedback mechanisms does Valeria Games utilize?
A: The company uses various channels to gather feedback and suggestions from the community.

Q: How does Valeria Games ensure transparency in communication?
A: Open and transparent communication with the audience was emphasized.

Q: What role does community inclusivity play in Valeria Games' strategy?
A: Inclusivity and diversity are core values driving community initiatives within the company.

Q: What goals were outlined for the next development phase?
A: Specific goals and milestones were set for the upcoming phase of game development.


Time: 00:15:49
Exciting BETA Updates Revealed Valeria Games introduces new features and improvements.

Time: 00:25:02
Enhancing User Experience Focus on improving user experience in game design and gameplay.

Time: 00:35:11
Community Engagement Strategies Engaging with the gaming community for feedback and growth.

Time: 00:45:25
Future Collaborations Teased Hints at upcoming collaborations to enhance gaming experiences.

Time: 00:55:37
Innovation at the Core Innovation drives Valeria Games' development strategy.

Time: 01:05:44
Transparency in Communication Valeria Games emphasizes open and honest communication with the audience.

Time: 01:15:58
Diversity and Inclusivity Initiatives Community-driven initiatives for inclusivity and diversity within the gaming world.

Time: 01:25:01
Setting Goals for Future Development Clear goals outlined for the next phase of game development.

Time: 01:35:19
Upcoming Features Sneak Peek Highlights of exciting new features to anticipate in upcoming games.

Time: 01:45:30
Interactive Feedback Channels Valeria Games uses various platforms for interactive feedback and suggestions.

Key Takeaways

  • Exciting BETA updates unveiled during the Townhall.
  • Insights into the future direction of Valeria Games.
  • Collaborative efforts to enhance gaming experiences.
  • Engagement with the gaming community for feedback and growth.
  • Key highlights on upcoming game features.
  • Transparency in communication with the audience.
  • Innovation at the core of Valeria Games' development strategy.
  • Importance of user experience in game design.
  • Goals set for the next development phase.
  • Community-driven initiatives for inclusivity and diversity.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Game Updates

Okay. I think Sharif wants to figure out a way to screen share to get things in discord. But thank you guys for coming again. Real quick, just click on the comment section in the bottom right, and that'll take you to the tweet of the spaces. Like, and retweet the spaces. Keep your eye on Discord. We do have an update of the game coming out today. Brand new update for you guys. A lot, a lot of new improvements. You'll see, like a drastic, drastic jump from the, from about a week and a half ago when we posted our last patch. I'm sure we'll have the patch notes as well with like, a detail of everything that has been changed. But, yeah, that's coming today. New update, new game file. Big, big improvements. So keep your eye out for that. But, Sharif, is everything good settled?

Discord Screen Sharing

Yeah. I'm trying to see if we can go into discord. but let me, because I wanted to show the visuals for a lot of the stuff that were talking about. So, we can stay in the Twitter space here. And what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go into our discord and I'm gonna share my screen and anyone who is able to join the discord and see that as well. The voice will still be from here, though. So I'll leave the voice on here, but some people who might not be able to view on discord might not see exactly what I'm talking about. So I'm just going to go to the big stage. Beta updates. Okay, so if you guys can join, jump into the discord. And I'm just going to go live now and again. I'll keep the audio on here, but anyone who wants to see the visuals, yeah, please jump into there.

Game Client Updates and Requirements

So we have lots of exciting updates we've done. It's been a lot of work since the last patch. We've done a lot of changes have happened. You guys should be able to see my screen there now if you guys are downloading the new updates. I know we wanted to do patch updates, and this game client did require some bigger changes to the actual game client itself. So please download the new game client. If you log into the old one, you will have tons of issues. So you will also need a new username and password. Your old username and password will work, so you will still be able to log in with your old username and password, but you'll run into tons of issues. So please make sure that you log in with your new username and password and you can get a new one.

Password Updates and Account Creation

Robert will be updating the bot. So if you type in beta, you'll get a new password that hasn't been used before. Just go ahead and create a new account. So if you guys are watching my screen now, what I wanted to do, and again, I apologize for anyone who isn't there. We'll post a video later this week explaining the vision for the game. And one thing that I felt was really missing last time is because the way that we launched the game, a lot of people did not see the vision. Now in New York, we had a much more completed product, right? And now a lot of people might. Well, in the last time, a lot of people were looking at the product and saying, hey, you guys took a few steps back. And we did.

Game Vision and Team Prep

But the reason for that is because the vision for this game is, in my opinion, much better than the vision that we had in terms of, like, the high end capacity or the, you know, like, how far we could go with the last game versus this game is a lot. Is a lot higher. So here in team prep, you're able to now move your Valerian's across and you're able to basically prep your team however you like. Of course, you can still go ahead and move pieces around the old way, but now you're able to kind of drag people and place them where you want. And you can swap back and forth this way as well. Now, one thing that's very important to know is how this will work in terms of the battle.

Battle Mechanics Overview

So if I put my tank in the middle front row here, he is only going to be protecting the Valyrians directly behind him. So he will not be protecting any. Like, if I place, for example, a Valyrian here, even though Liero's in the back row here, shrapnel will not be protecting him because shrapnel is not directly in front of him. So if I want him protected, I gotta place him over here. And obviously, we still have a bug here. You can see the icons should be moving around. And this, there's a bug here, too, because this save button, the clickable area is too big. It's overlapping with the square. But the reason for that is because we're updating the screen here. It's going to be like a bit of a different Ui.

User Interface and Interaction

So you got to click save in the corner. If I click save here, it opens up the box. And same with editing items. So. So you can see here. So once I have my team figured out, and I know who, obviously, I wouldn't be putting him at the front. I'll be putting him back here, maybe placing him at the front and then something like that. Now, that's the first thing. So the next thing that I want to talk about is in the battle itself. And this part is going to be a little bit, maybe I don't want to. I'm going to try to explain it in the best way I possibly can and hopefully not make it too complicated.

New Battle System Features

But when you go into a battle here. So let's say, for example, I am, let's say, where am I? Over here. So when I enter a battle, you're going to see in the new q system, you're going to see there's this number that's been added to the Valerian, and we have a new splash image here. Valerian. The name of your opponent is also showing up now. Much better. So what you see is you see this number underneath the Valyrians. And this number is basically representing their speed, let's say. And the lower the number is, that basically means that they're going to be next to attack. So if the Valyrians at zero, that means they're going to be next to attack.

Speed and Attack Mechanics in Battles

And so you can have a Valyrian who's extremely fast attacking multiple times before another valyrian attacks, and there will be a slight delay after they attack, before their speed is recalculated and they're placed back into the queue. So technically, if you're extremely fast, you can attack, and then after a slight delay, be, as you can see here, this Valerian is attacking multiple times in a row because it's extremely fast. So it's attacking, and then it's being placed back into the queue. So the battle is not automatic. It's not in order. But you can see I also, I cannot. I can't target this Valyrian here.

Targeting Mechanics and Visual Effects

I can click on it, but it will not target him because there's a Valerian in front of him. But I could target this Valerian in the second row because the Valerian in front of it is dying. So that's how the targeting works. Now, what your job is, basically, you can, tons of VFX have been added. So we have added a whole bunch of VFX to the game now. So you can see the poison VFX. The icons are there. So we have added all the VFX for the items, the shield VFX, the VFX for pretty much every item is in the game now. And what I want, what did I want to show you guys here? I'm waiting for, like, a speed up item.

Gameplay Improvements and Card Mechanics

And also the other thing is you don't have to drag the card all the way across anymore. So let me get into another match here. So let me jump into another match. I'm looking for, like, a speed up card. And of course, you have your buffs, you have your debuffs. But, for example, if you have a very fast Valerian and you can't slow him down enough. So here. Perfect. I have a group speed up card. And by the way, the items on these cards, the names are going to be changing, and it's going to be very clear what they do in the future. So in the future, it's going to be very clear what the card does.

Clarifying Card Functions

It's going to be like attack plus 20%, heal plus 50%. So now that I've speeded up my Valyrians, you saw that Liro was eight, goes down to five. It's basically gonna speed up my Valyrian in terms of the Q. And I can do the same thing on my opponent's side. I can slow them down. If it's a single target card, you no longer have to drag it all the way across the map. Like, a single target card. You can basically, it stays here, but I can. I can kind of move it around and select who I want to target from here.

Strategies in Managing Valyrian Speed

Here. And so the speed is, like, one aspect of it. Controlling the queue or managing your spot for your Valyrians in the queue is one part of what your job is. It's basically if you have a Valerian on the other side who's extremely fast, extremely quick, constantly auto attacking, then it's your job, basically, to control and manage that speed of that Valyrian, whether it's through slowing him down, stunning him, etcetera. And at the same time, you're trying to kind of gain control of the queue as well by speeding up your Valyrians, buffing them, etcetera.

Recapping Overview of Battle Mechanics

And so every time there's a slight delay and this queue gets recalculated, you want to make sure you have as many valerians on there as possible, and you're taking as few hits as possible. So this is part of the new battle mechanic that we've added. And it was a massive change, and that's what were working on last week, was kind of organizing and managing those changes. It's a new battle style completely from what it was before. But I think with this new battle style, it's gonna make things a lot more interesting. Of course, you still have your attack cards. You can still attack with champions.

Attack Mechanics in Combat

You can still do damage. Let me do a PvP match with myself here. So you can still attack, you can still do damage, and you can still buff and debuff, stun, sleep. All of these things have been added, but the items, again, are not working exactly as they should. And I want to make it, I want to point this out very clear. The energy refill rate, the cost of items. All of this stuff is placeholders, even the artwork. Last week, were focused, the devs were focused on the logic for the game. The devs were focused on basically implementing the logic, getting the queue system and the logic and the speed and everything to work.

Development Focus on Game Logic

And now what we're working on is basically we have the art team working on making the arthem these cards as simple as possible. And then of course, the devs are going to be working on balancing and making the game a lot more playable. But these are some of the things that we wanted to introduce in this patch is basically the new battle mechanic. Your objective is to get your valerians to the top of the queue, get them attacking, get them battling, whether that's surviving them and keeping them alive, or whether that's through slowing down your opponent or speeding yours up.

Player Objectives and Champion Attacks

But that's your whole objective, is to get your guys to as low as possible. Champion attacks technically shouldn't have a number because they're priority. I know it says 2500, but they shouldn't have another number. And so that's how that part works. We still have. I don't know if I can get one of my cutscenes active here during the match, but let's go do this. And let's say, for example, I have two targets here, and I actually want to focus on obsidian.

Interactive Gameplay Mechanics

I can click on Obsidian. I won't be able to click on the Valerian's in the back row. I can click on him because vulture is down, but you can see the targeting now works. The targeting, we had some bugs in it before, but now, like the Valerian, you select, you won't be able to select the ones you cannot target. And you get the group houses I'm pretty sure is not working correctly. But this would be a great item if you do have. If your opponent is taking over the queue and you want to slow them down, you, group paralysis done to fall out of EQ until the next.

Game Balance and Optimization

Until the next refresh comes in. So as you can see the game is a lot more playable now. And let me activate a special and finish them off. So, you know, we added these little splash logos in there. We're working on the transitions, though. We have different teams working on different parts of the game. But for the battle, full transparency, there's only two people allowed touch the battle. So those two people are working on the battle. Nobody allowed, nobody else is allowed touch it.

Battle Development Transparency

You'll notice we did some optimizations on the rock environment. The environment has been improved. It's still continuing to get improved. So while we have these people working on, and again, like I said, there's only two people right now that can touch the battle, that are in a position to work on the battle. Everyone else is still working on other things. So we still have the people working on the environment and everything like that. And right now, battles are lasting too long. We know that the balancing, again is not in the game yet.

Game Mechanics and Patch Notes

What else do I want to. Let me just pull up the patch notes, which we'll be posting as well. Yeah. So a lot of time was spent last week working for the logic of the queue. And if you battle an opponent now, it does show their name. These are just minor bug fixes, will be in the patch notes. But basically, if you battle an opponent before the name wasn't showing up, the name will be there now. So you can see here. So you got the name there and just the new image before the battle starts. And then we have again, most of it was the logic for the queue. I know this time, a lot of people are probably thinking, you have the items in the game now, and they do the VFX. That was actually not what most of the time was spent on. The items were last added, all in the last two days. Most of this, most of the work here was actually done on the logic end. That's the logic for the queue, the speeds that calculations.

Understanding the Battle Logic

And it's something completely different because it's not like, hey, it's your turn. My turn? Your turn, my turn. That's not how the battle is going to play out. This isn't about like, oh, there's ten valerians on the field, it's shrapnel stern, and then it's, you know, Lero's turn, and then it's obsidian's turn. It's like, no. Everyone has a speed stat that's calculated based off of certain metrics which are hidden. And we could, some of it will be shared, potentially, like, if people really want to dive into the game, but it's not something a player needs to calculate. What they need to understand is, hey, my guy's super slow. I don't know if he's going to be able to get an attack off this other guy is really fast. I need to slow them down, and I need to take control of the queue.

The Dynamic of Game Control

And now, okay, it's great that you have control of the queue and you have your Valyrians attacking, but you also need to make sure that you're doing enough damage, and then your opponent might be able to. Maybe your opponent tries to control the game a different way. He's not so much worried about the speed. He's trying to control it by sleeping your Valyrians and not giving him a chance to move or whatever the case is. So obviously there's still some work to be done there. But that's what the dev spent most of their time on is working on the logic for the queue and then the next step for our next patch will basically be the balancing. So now the devs are okay. Now that we have the logic for the Q sorted out and how we want this part to play out of, now let's focus on balancing the game and there's gonna be more items added, of course, but kind of focused on all of that stuff.

Patch Notes and Future Changes

But they really wanted to get this out there for all of you. What else? Let me just pull up the patch notes quickly. Give me 1 second. This is a different screen so you guys won't be able to see this screen. Let me just pull up the patch nodes. Give me 1 second here. All right, so dungeon molds are open. Six new valerians have been added to chess. So there's six new valerians you'll be able to pull from chess. I'm just trying to show the resurrection VFX but I can't sleep my opponents. But you'll see like even if I sleep my opponents here, they're still going to attack because so I just want to make it clear the items are not properly playable inside of the game right now. That will be coming soon.

Patch and Updates Timelines

I can push the devs for a quick patch mid week, but don't quote me on that quite yet because I know every time I we asked for a patch it does slow them down a bit. So I can ask them for a patch mid week, but they only like two to three days to kind of get a good balancing in there. But they've committed to a patch every weekend and so definitely we'll have a patch next weekend. As for a patch mid week, I'll give you guys an update on that shortly and I'll let you know if that will be available. So let's see, what do we have here? We have six new Valerian's have been added. The new Valdex for the item is available in the game, but it's still ongoing.

Updates on Features and Improvements

New champion VFX is added on the Valdex. Let me see that. New champion VFX is added on the Valdex. I'm not sure exactly which one that's referring to new PvP page which you guys saw. It's still a work in progress as well. Team prep is being optimized, also still being worked on. And the new queue system was added, which is where most of their time went. And they fixed a bunch of bugs, which I'll post as well, like the scroll bar display on the inventory system. Small icon clickable range. There's a lot of icons that we're going to be increasing the size of. So when you go to like friends, for example, this icon at the top is bit small. We're going to make that a bit bigger.

Community Insights and Feedback

So there's certain UI things that are just a little bit smaller than we like. But yeah, there's been a lot of progress made over the last week, but a lot of the progress, a lot of time did go into the team prep. And if. If anyone wants to come up and ask questions about this, will I have the game sharing here? But remember, log in with a new password, so make sure you're using a new password to log in, please. And make sure you download the new game client. And we have signed the contract with Ether now, so I know the experiment, the experience on ether, some of you said it wasn't that great, and we understand that because ether was actually. Ether was not optimized by any means.

Technical Support and Feedback

So just so you guys know, ether was on a test net, on a test container. The whole thing was a test deployment. We just wanted to see if it could work. And now we will have an actual team working with us on either property. So we actually have a proper team that will be supporting us. We have 50 containers that we got for ether now, so we'll actually be setting up with them properly now. But you can see, like, for example, mirror image VFX is in the game now if you guys are still watching the screen, so you can see like the mirror image VFX taking the next hit. So that's what we've been working on.

Q&A Session with the Community

But let me see if anyone wants to come up here and have any questions that they want or anything they wanted to chat about. We could go through the AMA questions. There's a lot of questions down there. Okay. Hello. Do you mind? Oh, I didn't even know they did this, but they actually have, like, if you tap it, so you don't click it tells you, like, who the targets are available, which is cool. I didn't even know that, but. Hello. Yeah, could you mind pulling up those ama questions? So let's see, and then we can kind of go over them.

Community Questions and Tokenomics

Yeah. Okay. I was trying to get the. Okay, nice discord. Minimize your, your stream so I could still see your stream. Okay. Will there be token burning in the future with the new token as there was before? Tokenomics don't change. Our tokenomics model is staying the same. We're not making any changes to it. Yeah, so we never really had token burning. We had token sinks. Yeah, we had, like, token sinks people. Use a token for. And then the plan was, after all those initial tokens get distributed, then we can redistribute everything that sunk to the landowner so that, like, land can continue to have value after its initial 35% distribution.

Game Development Confidence and Feedback

So nothing changes from that side. From lady Samurai, a lot of things have been reported in closed beta, whether feedbacks or bugs. How are you guys feeling about where the game development is right now? How confident are you able to do everything you had planned for September without the team overworking themselves? Yeah, the team's definitely grinding. I won't lie. The team is grinding. So Sunday is their only day off. They're working six days a week, and they took Sunday off. They're working, they're grinding.

Addressing Team Workload and Future Plans

But we understand, like, as a team, everyone understands. It's go time, so no one's complaining. We all, we're all adults and we have a job to do. It's not like it's going to be like this forever. But I explained to everyone basically that September and August, sorry, August and September are going to be very important months for us. And there's a lot of things that we need to do and we need to get ready for. So everyone's on board and they know that this pace won't last forever. But we just made such a massive pivot again with the battle mechanic that, yeah, it's gonna be a crazy couple months, but everyone is ready for it.

Community Engagement and Developer Invites

We're all passionate about what we do. Everyone loves what they're doing. So, Lil Dill, I brought you up on stage. What's up, my man? Yo, how's it going, guys? It's been a little bit since I've come up to talk to y'all. Yeah, yeah, it's been like a, it's been a while. I remember you're like one of the few people that would come up what was up. Yeah. Lots of progress since then, so. Looking great. I'm still bullish as I was way back when.

Continued Support for Development

We're bullish, too. We're bullish, too. No. So I just wanted to speak to seeing everything you guys are presenting. I think it's looking great. Progress is awesome. So I just want to go back because you were saying about the midweek updates and stuff. Me personally, I think it sounded like that would be less efficient. So, I mean, if someone else feels strongly opposed and wants to come up and speak on it, I mean, they can, I would say, you know, you guys, just not worry about that.

Community Feedback on Update Frequency

I know there's some loud voices that can come up. Happens in all the communities, right. That just, you know, they want things now. But I feel like, you know, a week, once a week is plenty. And if it's gonna make things more efficient on your end, I mean, I think everyone can see how hard you all are working. So just wanted to give my support there. Like, I think it's better if you guys don't force, you know, these midweek updates if it's gonna slow things down. I think anyone can see that, you know, the product's looking great.

Developer Appreciation from Community

I appreciate that, my man. That actually means a lot, man. And I'm gonna share that with Richie and highway as well because they spend about four or 5 hours to do a patch and it's like two days for the two days of work on the patch and then like half a day sometimes to pack it up. So it definitely slows them down. So I really do appreciate you saying that it's not the most efficient, but the community has been very patient with us at the same time. So, you know, the number of times we've changed our mind and gone in different directions and, you know, stuff like that.

Maintaining Community Trust and Developer Goals

So that's why it's like, I also want to let them know, like, hey, you know, we haven't forgotten about you guys and you guys are still a priority. The community at the end of the day is still a top priority for us. So I want to see if resurrection works, but yeah, so I appreciate you saying that. And it would be more efficient for us to stick it to the weekends and obviously the next weekend patch. Hopefully people are able to see the progress from one week to another and see how much was changed, how much was added.

Reflections on System Improvements

And the logic for the queue wasn't easy. But yeah, I really appreciate you saying that, man. No worries guys. Never in doubt. You guys definitely care about the community, so that's all I had to say. So I'll let you get back to it. You're a legend. I appreciate it, man. I appreciate it. Yeah, I mean, even a week is really fast, like doing midweek and stuff. Yeah, even a week is quick on things to be pushing stuff. So I appreciate that.

Marketing Strategy and Future Partnerships

Jpeg says, what's the plan for marketing? Seems like design marketing didn't do much. There's absolutely not much attention gained from that from the Xi post. Instead of using to create a fancy video, what is your plan for the marketing? Oh, well, no, the design marketing is different. So Xi is working on. They basically, Zai wants to kind of corner the market in terms of they want to become known as the, let's call it like the gaming chain.

Community Engagement and Promotions

And so what Zai is working on is kols that are going to support that launch. There will be Xi ambassadors, and we've been working with Xi to have these ambassadors begin the same time that Valeria launches. And so the plan is that these Xi ambassadors will basically join Xi and the game that they'll be promoting. It won't. We're not going to be the only game that XY is promoting. Just to be clear, we're not saying that the only game these ambassadors will be promoting is Valeria forever, but they will be joining when we launch and they will be promoting Valeria.

Collaborative Efforts for Game Launch

Then we have our own kols that we're working on as well that are going to be supporting our launch. And then on top of that, we also have the Arbitram foundation. So we met with the Arbitrum foundation and they also are basically going to be supporting us with some grants and some support to bring on some more kols and some more advertisements. So that's a couple things. And then we also have a gameplay trailer and went with the studio that made the trailer for seed phrase and Grail and those guys trailer.

Investment in Marketing and Visuals

So we'll be working on with that studio again. And this gameplay trailer is basically where we're investing more into this gameplay trailer than we did for all the other trailers combined. It's going to be, it's going to be a minute cinematic and about 45 seconds of gameplay just showing people the game.

Core Marketing Campaign and Discord Engagement

And that's the one that will be used for the core marketing campaign. And I'm going to share something else on Discord. So again, if you're on Discord today, you definitely want to be on Discord to see the visuals. I'll share this today. I don't know if I've shared this with everyone, anyone before. Let me just quit this match. 1 second here. I quit on the other phone so I can win here and get some elo and start my unlock. Let me just see if I pull anything and then I'm going to share my figma real quick. I'll pull it quick. I'll just skip it. Okay, nice. That's so bad. Okay, so now I'm going to share a different screen on Discord now. And I want to show you guys what to expect for launch. So 1 second here. I'm glad we did this because, well, not everyone listening is watching the discord stream. We have about 30 people in the discord, and we have 40 people here. So if you're not watching it on Discord, you're gonna be missing out. So join the discord, and you can kind of see the visuals of what I'm talking about. I don't think the discord is recorded, so I feel like if you're not here, you might be missing out a bit.

Website Launch and User Flow Overview

So let me share this screen. So, this is the website that's gonna be going live during our season one campaign, and I want to walk you guys through the user flow. So the user flow will be, you log in with whatever you log in with. Your app or your Google, your email, your Twitter, whatever you log in with. It will be the same account as your main game account. And as soon as you log in, what you're going to get is a thousand shards. That's for creating an account. So we kind of are using the thousand charge as the frame of reference. And. And then after you got your thousand shards for doing that, there will be, like, a little tutorial guiding you along the way. And this is the most important piece, I think, of the information. The shard generation rate per hour will determine your allocation on Airdrop. So your token airdrop will be based off of your shard generation, not how many shards you have in your wallet.

Gameplay and Reward Structure

And then players will be able to increase a couple shards. So there'll be different tiers, and each tier will have its leaderboard. But you'll be prompted to upgrade your first shard, which is Cuckoo's fur. And that will give you, for example, 100 more an hour. These numbers are just placeholders here. So that will give you, like, let's say, 50 more per hour. And now that the frame of reference has been set, so you've upgraded Cucco cost you, let's say, 1000, and it's giving you 15.5 shards per hour. You'll quickly be able to see that once you go here, you can get 50,000 shards just for playing the game. You can get 200,000 shards for inviting three friends, 50,000 shards for joining the discord. Sorry. It's going to be 100,000 for playing the game, 50,000 for joining the discord, and 50,000 for following the Twitter. And then there will be daily activities that you can do.

Artifacts, Emblems, and Game Mechanics

Like, there'll be a certain social media post, maybe, or whatever the case is, those will all show up on your daily rewards. And so you have. What you have here is artifacts. Artifacts can be upgraded with shards by themselves. So what that means is I haven't played the game. I created an account, I got 1000 shards and I unlocked Cucos fur and that gave me 110 shards per hour. And then I save up those shards and then I unlock the next one which is great. But then you have emblems. Emblems are also going to give you shards lead but they're a lot more powerful. And these will all be in game related. So an emblem will be, for example win a PvP match. Once you've won a PvP match, you'll have a notification that your emblems unlocked. When you come to here, you'll be able to see that you've unlocked the PvP emblem dungeons, buy something from the merch store, do a trade with a friend, like participate in the peer to peer marketplace.

Mobile Mode and Partner Projects

All that stuff will be considered emblems and then you'll be able to do all of that. We also have the mobile mode so you'll be able to play it on mobile. But this is the shard campaign that we're working on. You'll have artifacts which you can just do with more shards and then you'll have emblems which will be more powerful. And then we also have our partner projects here. So there'll be an emblem which is create an account or sign up for an app for Animoca ID, like a Mocha verse iD. Sorry. And if you sign up for a mocaverse id then you'll unlock an emblem for Mocha verse. So that's another part of it that will be part of our campaign here. And then of course we'll be on Mocha versus side as well. Mocha verse will be telling their community to come play here.

Game's Marketing and Unique Features

We'll be telling them to go play there. We'll be doing one with portal coin as well. So we'll be on portal coin, there'll be a few other platforms. They'll be marketing our game. So. So I'm gonna. I don't know if I've shared that before, but the Shark campaign is going to be a big part of our marketing push because it's going to be. I like to think of it as a game within the game because when you're playing the game then you come on the website and you find out hey, I've unlocked all of these emblems and I have all these shards. And then you spend those shards to increase your passive per hour. And then based on there will be a hidden point system, of course, to prevent bots and stuff like that. But as long as you're a real person participating properly and the most powerful emblem is going to be invite three friends.

Enhanced Gameplay Strategy

So we're hoping that can create a lot of hype as well. But it's a game within a game. This will be part of season one for our season one launch. And then we'll have Kols who are explaining how the campaign works. We'll have Kols explaining how the game works and all of that as well. So we'll have. We have quite a unique marketing plan set up for September that is going to be one of a kind because no one's done a campaign quite like this where you do get stuff for social media, you get stuff for in game, you get stuff for our partner projects, and you get stuff just for participating. You can just unlock different artifacts and level them up with your shards, but you got to use your shards wisely. Unlock the right things.

Balancing Game Modes

But when you get a thousand shards for signing up and then you're getting hundred thousand shards for playing the game, just logging into the game. If you're. If you're trying to participate on TGe then naturally you're going to do that. The numbers are crazy. Same with the discord. And inviting three friends is 250,000. And a lot of emblems are unlocked are locked before you invite one friend. So we really want to create a lot of hype and around the campaign. So that's what we'll be working on. But no, there's tons of marketing going on. Yeah. And then Dimitri or Python, like that video was just to announce design migration. The actual marketing hasn't really even started yet.

Game Development Updates

And then. Okay, so next question is two. Pluto says, why didn't we keep the three v three game mode and finish finalizing it one to two months ago, then add the five v five at a later stage. Two different game modes. One required more swiping and one more tactic with auto battling. Gives more variety to gamers. I can answer that. So our two main things. One is the three v three game mode had one problem that we couldn't solve and what we wanted. We want to launch the best product available. And a lot of times it's kind of like, hey, let's just get it out there. And I understand that sentiment.

Gameplay Adjustments and Enhancements

But the three v three game mode had one major problem, in my opinion that impacted the gameplay quite a bit. And that was as your Valyrians died. As your Valyrians passed away, the five cards in your hand began to get overwhelmed with items. And, of course, you can limit the hand to from five. From five cards in your hand to four cards in your hand to three cards in your hand as your Valyrians die. But when six out of the ten cards in your hand were valyrian attacks, that means you have, at the start of the battle, you had ten possible cards to pull from, which will be reduced to eight when one of your valerians die, and then it will be reduced to six when one of your valerians died. This was one thing that kind of would. Could throw off the battle.

Conclusion on Game Structure and Launch Strategy

Near the end. When you're playing with a large scope, you can start to pull a lot of items and it can cause a lot of issues. And that's one issue we had with the three V three. But the five V five is just a much better game mode. And I know that people can't see that right now, but we're going to be putting a lot of marketing and a lot of. When we launch, we're the new game. We're the new web three game. We have one shot at this. We want to put the best final product out there. And I know right now in the current state, people can't see it, but this game is exponentially better.

New Gameplay Dynamics

This game is way better than it was before because now there's a game before you even start. Okay, where do I place first? Select your lanes. Now where do I place my lanes? You got a strategic. Because you have five layers. Are you going with two tanks with two people? People behind them that they're protecting are going with one tank protecting two people, maybe two all rounders. How are you playing this part? And then during the battle as well. Now you have a little bit of an auto battler feature when you are completely overpowered. So if I want to play this game, let's just say passively, you actually could.

Game Engagement and Autonomy

So if I need to clear a dungeon, you can clear a dungeon. Now, if you're completely overpowered, like, if I have level ten Valyrians and I'm going against the dungeon with level fours and fives, I don't actually need to actively participate in the battle. My level tens will do their thing on their own because they're that much stronger. So now you all. Now you have, like, this natural auto battler portion that's been added if you are completely overpowered. But obviously, you can't do that in a PvP match. In a PvP match, you need to be engaged. You need to be speeding up your valerian's. You need to be activating the right cards and shields at the same time.

Dynamic Queue System Overview

The new Q system adds a cool mechanic where it's basically, it's not like your turn, then his turn. It's like this dynamic queue system that's happening and it's like you're trying to maintain your Valerian's in the queue while disabling them in the queue. It's a way better game. Once the vision, once you guys are able to play the vision and we get one chance, we're putting all this marketing behind it. We're putting all this effort into this launch that we've delayed significantly. But all of this has been being planned for this massive launch that we want to do. And we just want to make sure that first game that people play is the best possible game that they could play.

Ongoing Development and Future Plans

Okay, next question from Aaron. Been holding for two and a half years and after pivoting here and there, we had a three v three battler. Okay, so it's a similar question. And now we have a five v five game. At the moment it is unplayable. Why? After it seems like we're going backwards. Are we going to release the game this year? Yeah. Yeah. You guys can see the patches happening and you guys will see the patches with each patch. You'll see the massive progress. Like I said, big chunk of the work has been done and there's a lot of different people working on different things.

Focus on Balancing and Quality Assurance

So when I say next weekend, you'll be able to, you know, see the balancing that's been implemented into the game and everything like that. I don't mean that's the only thing that's happening. Right. Other people will be able to do other things. So we have other people working on the VFX here. Another person's working on the lucky draw, another person is working on the UI, another person's working on this piece. So, yes, we have. Everything is kind of focused around the battle right now because once the battle is ready, we're ready for launch. But as the battle is going on, all the other stuff is still being built out and tested and we added a QA team as well there.

Server Stability and Improvement Efforts

They haven't been able to do qa because it's like, oh, we got the patch ready, get the patch out. But there's still. We got Qa going on in the back end. So, yeah, the bat. The game is definitely coming up this year, but you'll be able to see the development of the game now. That's why we wanted to do it this way so you guys can compare last week's game to this week's game and then next week you can compare it to this game and you guys will quickly see the rate that we're progressing at and how hard everyone's working.


Cool, cool. And okay, next question from clip. How come the servers are going offline for upwards of 24 hours multiple times? I thought this new system meant they could just very briefly take it down, move to move changes from dev to prod. Are they just building directly in prod? That's crazy. No, no, the servers. The servers have been significantly worked on. That is another thing that they'll be in the passion. There's been big server improvements that have happened.

Server Improvements and Communication

We did switch servers a couple weeks ago and there is a team working on the servers as well and they've made massive improvements to the server. There are times when the servers will go offline, like in this case we have a new game client but I'll ask the desk to communicate that better if they bring. How come the servers go offline for a day at a time? Yeah, okay. We can check it. Yeah, I'll look into that. But it shouldn't be going offline as much anymore because I know we have made some massive improvements to the server over the last week.

iOS Test Flight and Development Updates

How early do you think we should get Apple iOS test flight if we are looking to launch in October, shouldn't we already be testing on iOS unless we are looking at no app store for season one? That's a good question. And the devs are currently. The devs are currently actually working on that. I'm not going to give a timeline on it right now, but testflight is something that they're working on and packing things up for the iOS version. So I'm not going to give a date on it, but I just wanted to let you know they all have access. The devs have got access to the iOS and Google Play as admins and they're working on creating the test flight versions there as we speak.

Deadlines and Team Responsibility

Will some of the team consider taking responsibility bracket meaningful one with constantly missing the deadline? Seems like there is no repercussions. If they can tell us what they have in mind, I'm more than happy to hear it. Yeah, I think we've been pretty solid on the deadlines for the last few months. It's been on point. Yeah. But if they have some suggestions or what they have in mind, I'm more than happy to hear it. We've offered doesn't work on Magic Eden. Current offer can't be accepted. Okay, I'll forward that to the Magic Eden team.

Game Involvement and Team Vision

What involvement do Halal Sharif have within the game? It feels like there was more involvement than the three v three. That felt like their vision for the game. But the five v five feels like it's the vision for the studio and the devs. This was your game. You guys are gamers. We back what you thought was fun. Like, basically, how do we trust that the new. The new vision and what's the involvement there versus before? Yeah, yeah, no, this is. This is a good point because the devs are the ones who suggested the new game mode.

Transitioning to the New Game

So this was something that came from the devs, but we still sat down, thought about it, and we're like, yeah, this game is going to be way better. And I know the team can't see the vision for the game because of its current state, but once you guys are able to see the vision for the current game, everyone will agree. I don't even think it's subjective. I think if you enjoyed the last game, it was because of the state that the game was in. It was obviously very playable. And this game is not as playable once you guys see the vision and once it gets to that playable state that the old game was in, I don't think there'll be a single person who will say the old game was better or more fun. I genuinely believe that.

Working on Content and Marketing Strategies

And we're just as involved. Like, we understand the game, we understand what's happening. We still go back and forth with the devs. But in order to get the best game possible, you have to. You have to. You have to trust the people who are great at this. The Devs have created tons of games before. They have tons of experience in this space. But I'm not saying we're just going to listen to everything they say and do whatever they say, but at the same time, when they explain the vision for this game, I'm like, holy shit. Yeah, this is a way better game. And it will be. Once the game is in that playable state like the old game was, I think everyone will see that.

Marketing Collaborations and Timelines

Cool, cool. What is this partnership with game in or gaming platform about? Solid on the socials. And when does Matt marketing start to come and play? How many weeks before season one does he start? Oh, so, hello, you can kind of take that, but he's been helping us a lot with the web two and web three side of marketing, and we're building a backlog of content. We don't want to be in a situation where our posts are inconsistent on social media. So we want to make sure that we have enough content, two months worth of content backlogged and ready to go.

Streamlining Content and Marketing Efforts

So Matt is currently helping us tweak all of that content, but we don't want to be in a position where it's like we post a piece of content and then we're working to get the post that is two or three days later. And Robert just gave us the green light that the new passwords are ready. So if you guys want to get your passwords and download the new game client, you can. But we don't want to be in a place where it's like we post two pieces of content and we're working on the third one. We want to have two months worth of content.

Managing Content Consistency and Launch Plans

If someone goes on vacation for a week, if someone leaves, if something happens that we constantly have a stream of content going to our social media. That's what we're working on right now. And to answer your question as to when it will go live, you'll see it about a week before season one campaign starts. Start to see Kols, you'll start to see the social media pickup. You'll start to see the gameplay trailer. But this will all be when we want. Most of it will happen when there is a call to action.

Effective Strategy for Marketing and Game Launch

We don't want to do marketing. Too much marketing and too much push. When it's like next week, do this. We want to do it when there's something for you to do today. When there's a call for action today, that's when we want to push most of our marketing. So it won't be too much before, but during when season one is live, that's when you'll see most of it. So there'll be an actual call to action and people will actually be able to download the game and play the game. Kind of go from there.

Beta Testing and Community Engagement

Yeah. So. So Matt's already working with us. Like, Matt's working with Calico, he's working with the animation team. He's already working with us. We meet with him weekly and he's pushing, he's helping us build out that web two social. So especially for like, the Instagram TikTok, those animations and stuff, we need to build up a big backlog catalog of stuff before we can start posting. So that takes a few months to just build the backlog so that we can post consistently like Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then tweak it based off performance.

Game Platform Partnerships

And then the game in partnership. Game in. Do you know about that. Sharif. Shareef, you're muted. Sorry, what was the question? This. I pinned the tweet here. Game. Gaiman IO GM gladiators. We're excited to welcome Valeria Studios. Oh, yeah. So should have mentioned that today as well. But they'll have our game live on their platform as well. Similar to portal pay. They're another place where you can basically just play our game.

Expanding Reach and Visibility

So it's just more reach for us. So they have a bunch of people on their website. They have a bunch of games there. And we'll just, we'll be another game there and we will be platformed and featured for a while during our season one campaign. So you'll be able to go there and play our game as well. So just more exposure for us. Cool, cool. Are we having issues with Zai migration, setting up the gasless transactions for the pack opening and stuff like that?

Gasless Transaction Issues

Because from what was previously understood, the migration was essentially done and, yeah, like, mostly everything is done, but the gasless transactions. Are we having issues with that? I don't know if Scott can speak on that, but xamarin migration is going very smooth. I know that we haven't been. The gasless part was an issue that we ran into, but we did find a solution for that and we'll announce that very soon. But last I checked with Scott, that was the final piece that was left.

Updating on Progress and Solutions

It was the gasless part. We do have a solution and we will be announcing it soon. Yeah. Basically everything is done except just the gases transactions. But. But we figured it out. Samson the hamster. A suggestion that five v five could be delayed to season two and season one b three and then build it up for later. It's two different games. Completely. It's two completely different games. It's not. It's not even the five versus three v three that changed.

Game Mechanics and Adaptation

It's, the whole game has changed. It's a completely different mechanic. And. Yeah, it's not even that we added. It's like the fact that it's five v five or three v three is not even a change. Like, that's just putting more. Like the whole battle is different. Yeah. Okay. So channel was saying, was the removal of land staking successful? I'd read rumors of some bugs. If you guys have any bugs of that. If, like, if you're having issues posting, I think Bunny sent me a screenshot of Pluto posting on our marketplace.

Land Staking Adjustments

I sent that to snag in them saying something was still staked. If you have any issues of that, just send it in feedback in the feedback channel and I'll look at it. But yeah, that's land staking has been fully removed a few weeks back and I think we haven't had any issues until today. Someone posted something about it but I mean, I just let me know, post about it and we'll figure that out. But yeah, it should all be removed.

Streaming the Beta Experience

Is it cool to live stream playing the beta on Twitch and YouTube? Yeah, I don't see why not. Yeah, it's not there yet though. Give us some time. Obviously we appreciate everyone and the support they want to give us. There's a reason we haven't gone to Twitter with it. Just give us a little bit more time. I'm going to tell you guys when you'll be able to understand, experience the battle.

Preparing for the Beta Launch

The moment I know that when you guys play this game, you'll be able to understand and experience the vision. I'm going to give you guys the green light and that's going to be very soon. Yeah. Like we haven't even posted that the beta is live or anything on our twitter, right. It's just for that internal community within discord that's playing. That's we posted it for. It's not something that we're promoting heavily.

Building Anticipation for Release

It's, it's, we have everybody in our discord we know is going to play it, test it, give us good feedback, then we can build on it. And then when it's at a point where new people who we want to come in and see it and be wowed right away, then we'll go and we'll make those pushes and make it a lot more presentable. But I mean, technically, yeah, you could stream, it's not like we have under like a NDA or you know, any clause like that. Like if you want to do that, by all means.

Session Closing and Future Communication

But it is not really in that point yet where it's something where we're trying to get that outside attention and yeah, that was the last question. So let me check real quick if you have any requests for speakers. Nope, no request for speakers. Yeah, that was the last in the AMA question chat. Awesome. I appreciate everyone and I will be posting the patch notes tomorrow or later tonight and I'll pass them on to tell.

Reflecting on Progress and Community Engagement

To post and yeah, as always, we appreciate you guys. And I know the game is not where we want it at the moment, but I hope people are able to see the game, see the vision, see the progress, see where we're going from one week to another week, and they can get a good idea of where in the direction that we're heading. Okay, quick question here. Are we getting the beta right now? Can people start playing the new beta right now?

Clarifying Access to the Beta

Yeah. Yeah. Okay, can you put a. Yeah, so can we put like a detailed announcement for people who are in the same round, make announcement of the steps, what you need to do the new beta, the patch updates, all that stuff like. Yep. And after the space is done. Perfect. Yeah, I guess it's. Coordinate with Robert and make sure the bot is ready and everything.

Final Confirmations and Conclusion

The bot is ready and the new game is on the website. The new game clients on the website. So he gave me a confirmation about five minutes ago. Okay, cool, cool. All right, sounds good. All right, sounds good. Thank you, everyone, for your time, as always, and looking forward to the next patch. It guys.

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