Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Being an Ally to a Terrorist Could Land You in Jail hosted by officialEFCC. The Twitter space delved into the legal ramifications of supporting terrorism in Nigeria as outlined by the EFCC, the country's leading anti-corruption agency. Participants were educated on the importance of compliance with terrorism laws and the severe consequences individuals or organizations may face. The session emphasized contacting the EFCC for further information or inquiries regarding anti-corruption efforts and legal procedures in the country, stressing the significance of understanding and adhering to relevant laws to maintain a law-abiding environment.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What are the potential consequences of being an ally to a terrorist in Nigeria?
A: Supporting a terrorist in Nigeria can result in legal actions and prosecution by the EFCC.

Q: What is the primary focus of the EFCC in Nigeria?
A: The EFCC is primarily engaged in combating corruption and upholding the law in the country.

Q: Why is it important to be aware of terrorism-related laws in Nigeria?
A: Understanding and complying with terrorism laws are essential to avoid legal complications and ensure a law-abiding environment.

Q: How can individuals and organizations reach out to the EFCC for inquiries?
A: Contacting the EFCC through the provided email or phone number is the recommended approach for seeking information on anti-corruption and legal matters.


Time: 00:15:42
Legal Ramifications of Supporting Terrorism Exploring the severe consequences of being associated with terrorist activities in Nigeria.

Time: 00:25:19
EFCC's Anti-Corruption Efforts Insights into the EFCC's dedicated efforts to combat corruption and uphold the law.

Time: 00:35:55
Contact EFCC for More Information Providing contact details for individuals and organizations to inquire about anti-corruption matters in Nigeria.

Key Takeaways

  • Supporting a terrorist can lead to severe legal repercussions in Nigeria.
  • The EFCC is focused on combating corruption and enforcing the law in the country.
  • Awareness of laws and regulations regarding terrorism is crucial for individuals and organizations in Nigeria.
  • Contact EFCC for more information and inquiries regarding anti-corruption efforts and legal matters.

Behind the Mic

Morning Greetings

Good morning, everybody. Happy wax Wednesday. We'll have our guests join up. Waiting on my co host, waiting on my guest. What's up, Noviks? And then we'll go ahead and kick it off. And there's cats.

Initial Conversations

Hey there. Hey, what's up? I can hear you. Sounds good. Shoot an invite over to SAS. Let me refill my coffee and I think they'll be ready to start. How you doing, Sass? Sass? Yep. I take that you can hear me. Yeah, I'm good. How are you guys? We are well. What's up, power pole? Oh, no, my favorite. I think wallets in the entire ecosystem. Oh, 100%. And he knows it as well. Yeah, right. All right, let's go and kick this off.

Welcoming Sass

Good afternoon, wax blockchain. Thank you to everyone who's joining us today. I don't know about you, but I cannot wait for or summer to be over. It has been unbelievably warm week after heat wave over here. So thinking about the warm weather, it makes me all warm inside. And that kind of makes me feel like when I think about the guests that Ghost Cam invited today, she's been turning up the heat on the blockchain with her free feline creation. So if you're here hanging out, please, everyone, welcome to the stage Sass, creator of the cat Stickers collection.

About the Cat Stickers Collection

The cat stickers collection can be described as a collection of cute hand drawn cat nfts on a mission to make you smile. Collect these cute cat nfts, trade with others and earn badges as your collection grows, she is always adding more cats to collection, and you can never have too many cat stickers. Sass, welcome to Wax Wednesday. How are you? Thank you. I'm good. Just finished work. I'm ready to talk your ear off. So. Yeah, thanks for having me.

Introducing Ghost Cam

Oh, yeah. Excellent. And then also joining me for today's wax artist hang is my co host, Ghost Cam. Ghost Cam, welcome. Hey there. Hey there. I am, like, super excited we finally have Seth here. I know, me too. Ghost Cam, are you a cat person or are you a dog person? That is an unfair question. I'm like Ghost Cam because of my dog Ghost. But I also have two cats and I love cats and I think it gets along better with them.

Comparing Cats and Dogs

Maybe also because, like, I have a Great Dane and I just can pick up my cats and put them somewhere else. This is impossible with my dog. Wow. I would admit the first thing I would do is put the cats on his back or on the dog's back and maybe ride them around. But I'm not a dog person, so I might be overstepping or not knowing how to act with dogs here. I'm definitely firmly in the cat side of things here. So I'm excited. Thank you.

Diving into the Interview

You're on my good side. The right side. That's just the right side. There is no wrong side. I know, I'm kidding. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. All right, so we'll be diving into our interview in just a moment. If you haven't already, please retweet the space. Go ahead and invite all your favorite friends, cat lovers, people who love cute and cuddly nfts. Send him an invite to come hang out with us for a little bit.

Audience Interaction

And like in before in our other wax artist spaces, we'll be inviting our audience up on stage to join if you've got a question for our guests. So if you do, raise your hand, we'll bring you up to ask the expert. So, sass, welcome to wax Wednesday. Let's kind of dive into the beginning. What inspired you to create the cat stickers collection? What's kind of your origin story?

Sass's Origin Story

Okay, so this is, I think my community would have heard this, like, a million times, so I'll keep it short, but I started work somewhere, and the guy that was, like, one of my colleagues, he knew about wax, and he was an artist on the wax space, and he saw me drawing at lunch one day and he was like, oh, you should totally make nfts. I was like, what the hell is an NFT? So I did a lot of research and he sat with me and I very impulsively, which is really not like me, but he encouraged me to mint an NFT.

Initial Excitement with NFTs

So I was like, hahaha, I'm just playing around. It's no big deal. And then I just kind of got really excited about it and I just kept making nfts. So, yeah. Awesome. Ghost. Typing sound like, I would really want to know how. I mean, you said, like, yeah, I was making nfts. You said you had that friend who was into wax already. So were you provided with the knowledge or did you actually dive into, like, how do I do this things?

Introduction and Initial Queries

Definitely. Thanks, SAS. Noviks. Noviks wanted to come up and had a question for SAS. Please go ahead. Are you muted? I can't hear anything. Can anybody here? Noviks. Noviks, maybe check your mic on your phone or on your device. Let me come, we'll come back to you because I had another follow up too for collabs. So like when you, how do you see collaborations like impacting your growth in an NFT space? Is it necessary to have collaborations to grow? Is it an accelerator? Is it slow you down? What do you think when you look at, when you're looking at a collab overall move for an artist?

The Importance of Collaboration

So I think they're a very big part of like growth. So I don't know, like, for me I think it definitely led to me getting a lot more people because when you kind of collab with somebody new it's, you know, exposes your collection and your art to new people. And I think that is like a big, it's a big thing that will help you grow in the space because if nobody knows about you then, you know, nobody knows about you. So I definitely think it helps a lot. And it also, like, I can remember in the beginning lots of people would find my collection through other people and then they would share it to other people and it was kind of like a snowball effect like that. And you know, collabing with other people definitely helped people find me easier. So, yeah, I think that would, I think it definitely helps.

Genuine Word of Mouth and Collective Efforts

Yeah, the cross pollination and the word of mouth, I think at least the word of mouth definitely is very genuine. When you're talking with buddies or someone or other interested collectors of what you're creating, it really can help boost it. All right, Noviks, let's try again. I'm not hearing anything. Try muting your mic and then speaking and see if that bug is still happening on Twitter. It doesn't pick up any sound from his side, it seems. All right. I think he's reconnecting. So let's go ahead and. Excuse me, I think we had a couple questions about kind of self doubt. Go skim. I'll throw it to you first.

Discussing Self-Doubt in Art

Yeah. Self doubt is probably a really big thing for every artist somehow. I think it's also part of growing, like, of becoming better. So how do you deal with it? Says, how would you advise starting artists or artists in general or whoever to deal with that, with self doubt, with criticism? I mean, not every criticism is done in a nice way. Yeah, that's, that is a big thing. I'm terrible with self doubt. My brain will tell me everything I do is terrible. Terrible. So I definitely get that. And, yeah, as you said, like, you'll always get criticism.

Navigating Self-Doubt and Seeking Support

Not all of it's really good, but, you know, there is some that is valid. So I think for, like, self doubt, I'm not really sure how I deal with it. I think the thing for me is, like, I can either create the art and release it to the world, and if people don't like it, they just don't like it, that's fine. Or I can just, you know, stop creating art at all because I'm too scared. And I think that would suck. So I've always just kind of, the doubt is there, but I'm like, no, I need to do this. So that's kind of how I get through it.

Surrounding Yourself with Positivity

But one thing that helps me is, like, surrounding myself with people that kind of calm those fears for me and lift me up when I am feeling doubtful. I'm not talking about PP and sniffers. They'll be like, the first people to, I don't even know, like, they just torment me. But, like, I can go to my partner or my family and be like, you know, what do you think of this? And they'll give me honest opinions, and it kind of makes me feel a little bit better about my work. And if they don't like, something I can, like, fix it. So, yeah, I definitely, you know, think that's.

Réassessing Past Work

That helps. But I also keep. I keep, like, little reminders of things, like positive feedback that I've had in the past or maybe something that I've really liked about my work. And then when I ever am feeling a lot of that self doubt, I just kind of pull up that file and I'm like, okay, like, people have liked my work in the past, so I think I can apply that to my work now and say that they might like this as well. So when your brain is telling you horrible things, you can, you know, tell it like, no, that's true. That's. Sorry. No, that's not true. Here are the facts.

Learning from Mistakes

So, yeah, that would be my advice. I'm wondering, like, so it's definitely like, you. So you have, from what I'm hearing from you right now, it's like you have, like, some couple pieces that you've looked at that, you know, are. That you love, you know, are loved. And so it helps when you're feeling. Feeling like maybe like you're lost a little bit or you're not as confident is you had. Do you ever look back at something that you created or make something and you just. You just really don't like it and it's kind of like, maybe motivates you in an opposite direction.

Mistakes Drive Improvement

Not necessarily to. Not necessarily cut a confidence, but maybe just to kind of, I want to say push you, but I don't think that's the right word. Kind of push you, like, or kind of give you, like, impetus to want to try something new or try another. Another aspect or try different things. I think I'm going to start rambling, so I'll just let you answer. Definitely. I think there's definitely some cat stickers I look back at and, like, I've made a few mistakes, and it really peeves me. I hate mistakes when I make them.

Reflecting on Mistakes and Growth

At least I'm quite forgiving of other people, but not myself. So, yeah, as you said, like, I will keep, like, some of my favorite stickers to kind of give me a confidence boost. And then for the ones where I didn't really like it, which I've had a few, I've noted, like, what didn't I like about it, what's making me feel that way, and then I'll kind of use that. Like, I keep note of that. And then when I am making art or whatever, I can, you know, just remind myself, okay, you didn't like this thing, so don't do it again.

Lessons from the Past

And that definitely has, that has helped also, like, looking at your whole body of work, like, everything you've made. My community is currently laughing at me because one of the NFTs I minted had two sets of eyebrows. I will never forget two sets of eyebrows. But I mean, like, you just take note of it. You never do it again. Like, I have a list of things that I've messed up in the past and I just, every time, like before, I meant, I checked through it to make sure that none of those mistakes are in there because, I mean, that's really all you can do when you make a mistake or you don't like something.

Avoiding Recurrent Mistakes

You just have to make sure you don't do it again. Because if you do it again, then it's just kind of like, oh, come on. And. Yeah, so there's that. No, that's good advice. Trying to, if there's something wrong, try to limit how often it's. You see it. That definitely makes sense to me. All right, third time's the charm. Noviks, are you working? Are you working? Hey, I think I hear something. Hello? Yep, I hear you.

Engaging with the Audience

So, good day, everyone. Let me just go straight to the point. So, Saskia, I don't know if I pronounced it correctly. Speaking as someone who is also interested in creating his own NFT collection in the near future, I would like to know what challenges you have faced in building and maintaining the cat stickers NFT project and how do you plan to evolve or expand the project in the future? Okay, well, hello. Thanks for those questions. You did get my name right, so well done on that.

Challenges in NFT Projects

Not many people do that first try. I've had some very interesting variations of my name challenges. Gosh, I feel like there's ones that crop up all the time. When I first started out, it was, you know, pricing and, you know, how to create the drops, what else? How to create the drop schedule, how to engage people. And you kind of just got to go through trial and error. You can have a look and see what other people are doing because it's always great to learn from people's success and mistakes.

Trial and Error Approach

So whatever other people were doing, what I was doing, what they were doing, that was working, what wasn't working, I kind of just used all of that to develop my own project. And I hope that answers your question. There will always be, like, things that come at you, but you've just got to take each challenge, like one step at a time. I always say that you've got to I think we call it at work you have to eat the frog, which means like, it's a terrible analogy.

Handling Challenges with Positivity

It just means like when something challenging comes your way, try and like eat it quickly, even if you don't like it, so that it's out the way and then you can move on. So I would often like ask my moderators, I would ask other artists in the space, I would look at what they were doing to kind of solve what challenges I was going through. So yeah. Thanks Novik.

Further Recommendations

Oh, I'm sorry, Tommy. No, no, go ahead. If I can add something to that, I would repeat what Fang said back then, like, do your homework. Just make a plan about what you actually want to do. What do you see as the goal of your thing? Is there something you want to create or is it how sas does it? Just about releasing the art and making people happy with it.

Staying Focused on Your Goals

Just focus on your own goal and figure out what people would like and then you'll have it a lot easier when you just start out of the cold, approaching people or just releasing things on like shooting into the blue. We say in German, like without a plan, just trying all the things, it might just confuse people and you lose focus of what you actually wanted to create. So I'd recommend to house said it, talk to people, get the information together you think you will need.

Collaborative Support in Art

Ask for feedback, find people you trust and ask them to help you with things you can't do alone. You don't have to do everything alone. No monument is built alone. But the main thing is that you still enjoy what you're doing along the process. Because if you start hating certain aspects about it will poison everything else.

Creating with Passion

So really find something you actually like not to hit, like the hype, the market, whatever, but something you really like and enjoy to create all you will, you really will run out of motivation very fast if you only do it to hit anyone else's expectations. Do the thing you love. That would be my advice on that. That is amazing advice. I second everything that goes camp said.

Closing Remarks and Gratitude

Very, very clever. Thanks, Ghost Noviks, did we answer all your questions or do you have any follow up or anything? Yep, 100. Perfect. No, no. Thank you very much, novice, for coming up. You have anything else that pops in your head, go ahead and raise your hand. All right, so I think we're kind of, where are we? Ghost town.

A Shift in Conversation

I've lost my place. You do the ghost teeth. All right, this is what just popped in my head when were last talking. So. Yeah, because we're so fast, like Ces. Is so fast and I'm talking a mile a minute because I've had too much coffee at this point. Something I wanted to call out.

Community Engagement and Contributions

Correct me if I'm wrong, I remember cat stickers doing. Did cat stickers do, like, a rescue for cats locally? Yeah. So we did, like, an nFt sale. We collected a whole bunch of money, and then I gave it to some of the, like, local shelters in the area. So we either paid their vet bills or we bought, like, a whole bunch of food and medical supplies for the cats.

Future Plans for Animal Welfare

Yeah, that's something I'm saving up. I mean, I've got a lot saved up at the moment to do another one. I'm just kind of waiting for the price of wax to go up a little bit to kind of, like, get the most out of that donation. But that's definitely something I want to do again soon. I've actually moved to another city across the country, so there's a whole bunch of new rescues I can donate to.

Art and Commitment to Causes

Yeah, that's one of my favorite things about my project. Yeah, I really. I really like that, too, because you obviously, just from looking at the art, it's obvious that you're a fan of cats. So I think it's really great. And when I heard about that, it really. It's really good. I think when you're an artist and you can affect that kind of just. It's not a huge change.

Positive Impact of Art

Right. It's a small change in a local area, but it meant the world to the cats, it meant the world to the people working there. And I think it's really good when you can. I see how you, like, take your art and you. You use it to help affect a really positive change in the world. Oh, thank you.

Encouraging Local Support

Yeah, it's. I've always got really upset about, like, how badly animals are treated, but, I mean, if you focus on, like, all the bad that's happening in the world, you'll just be really sad. So what I do is I kind of ignore it, and then when I can do something, even if it's really small, I will, you know, do whatever I can.

Making a Difference, No Matter the Scale

And that is, you know, that's all you can really do, is just do what you can make. Even if it's a small, little difference, it's a big difference to that one person or that one cat or something. So. Yeah, absolutely. Let's welcome to the stage Nuno from the famous scrap homestead.

Welcoming Nuno to the Conversation

Nuno, welcome. Always a friend. Always good to see you and hear your voice. Welcome, welcome. How are you. How's it going, guys? Pleasure to jump on the stage. It's been a hot minute. Great to see everyone.

Questions from Nuno

Yeah. I actually have two questions for Sass. I think she knows what to expect. For now, I'm nervous. First question is, when are you moving out of South Africa? Sass? Oh, I'd love this again. So before anybody, if anybody's curious, I do know Nuno quite well.

Clarifying Current Location Plans

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not going anywhere for now. I just moved across the country to, like, the least south african town in South Africa. So, yeah. Do with that what you will. On to the next question.

Addressing Nuno's Queries

All right. You know, I just. I had to do it. We worry. Next question in this. On a. On a more serious note.

Discussion on Passion Projects and Engagement

Yeah, I know. I know how you relate to cat stickers. I know it's definitely a passion project. I know it does obviously take. Take some time just wondering or would love to hear a bit more of your thoughts and insights on how you navigate some of the more turbulent waters, let's say, in the space, and. And what your focus is to keep you going even in those harder times, let's say.

Navigating Challenges in the NFT Space

That is a very good question. Right now, I'm just kind of keeping my head above water. I'm focusing on the people that, like, do enjoy cat stickers and do enjoy my work. Obviously, the NFT space all over has kind of taken a dip, which kind of makes me quite sad. But there's still people that are in the space and, I mean, I've still got some of my core community members and just chatting with them and seeing them all the time kind of makes it worth it to me. Like, even if it's just a few people, it really makes my day, my week, my month. I've made so many friends through cat stickers. So for me, it's just kind of become kind of more than the NFT. So even if they, like, weren't NFTs involved, I would still, you know, want to be in the space.

Commitment to the Community and Creative Process

I would still want to be chatting with all these people. And I hope that, like, my community kind of feels the same way. Like, I don't have. I'm not going to give up anytime soon with cat stickers or NFTs. I'll keep making them as long as people want them. And I'll always be here to, like, chat and stuff because that's so much fun to me. So, yeah, I hope that answers your question. Very good one. Thank you. Thank everything that you, I love everything that you're doing. Thank you. Well, thank you, Nuno. I miss all the spaces with you and all the calls, but, yeah, you're a legend in the space, so thank you. And I'll pass it on to Tommy now.

Continuation of the Interview and Exploring Creative Techniques

Thanks, Nuno. Thanks, Nuno. It's great to have you. It's good to see you. We have a couple other questions that are kind of in that same vein, but before I toss the mic back to Ghost, let me. I wanted to ask this because this kind of popped up my head. I'm assuming that when you made the stickers that you sold for the charity that you did, they're kind of like a series, like a special series. I'm wondering, when you're creating your cats, does. Is it. Do you get, like, do you. Sorry, I'm just going to stumble over my words. Do you create, like, one cat and then you're done? And you go to the next cat and then you're done? Or do you kind of have, like, kind of, like, an idea of, like, different.

Insights into the Creative Process

I'm thinking of what I've been seeing recently. So I saw Buzzking, did street fighter dogs, and it was like a whole, like, series of different ones. Fang's doing, like. Like, battle momokos. Is there something, like, we have, like, a whole series that you release, or is it more of a one by one? So I usually do, like, one by one. So whatever kind of pops into my head or whatever I feel inspired to make at the time. I do have some ongoing ones, like the custom cats. I make custom cats for people. So that's kind of its own little series. I guess there's some themed cats that I kind of add on to. I used to do, like, little collections of cats that I would drop in a pack.

Creative Inspirations and Managing Burnout

I don't really have time for packs anymore, so I'm sure we're going to get to questions about burnout later. But, yeah, I kind of keep it focused one design at a time. And if there is, like, kind of a collection of cats I want to do, I won't put pressure on myself to do them all at once. I will kind of release them over time. So, like, last weekend I did Barbara, which was inspired by Barbie. Barbie the movie. So I think my next one will be Ken, obviously. So sometimes I do that, but usually it's just kind of like a once off cat, whatever. I feel like, really? So, yeah. Awesome. Thank you so much. Go ahead.

Artistic Process and Technique Management

I wanted to interrupt with an art question, actually, a process question. Like, you know me, I'm doing like 1919 things at a time. Like always, all the time. And I finally convinced says of a call up and says has like the super cute and clean collection. And my ex-wife who's have a little more adult approach, although we are still 13 plus like I make sure that we keep around that line. So it was very cool for me to like be allowed to include something from cat stickers that like Mimi pet, you see, for example, and I wondered, your art always looks super clean and I sometimes have to. I now take notes, actually, like written notes in a notebook, in an actual like physical notebook with a pencil, which brushes I use or which like ways I use for certain things that I do all the time.

Maintaining Creativity and Art Quality

Like the blend your waifus that are repeating or for the wax waifu pfps that I make them look consistent. So I actually. Oh, one second. I have to turn off my keyboard because the old cat is coming keyboard on again. I wondered how you do that. Do you have a certain set of colors brushes, you use your specific own things? Did you evolve that with time or do you just work with standard things and pick it as it comes? So I used to get so stressed about like exactly that. Like keeping everything the same, using the same brushes and the same sizes and everything.

Working with Consistency in Art Creation

It was super stressful. So I think it was actually Joinity from Digital Ducks that was like, why are you spending all this time, you know, physically drawing them? So I now actually use vector, which I use a program called Figma, which is a vector program. It's actually free. And I feel like your art would actually work quite well in it. But you basically, like, I went into, I mean, you can Google vectors, they'll probably explain it better than I will. But vectors are like a mathematical way of drawing. So you kind of plot like points and the program will fill in the line for you. So when I make my cat, I kind of just copy and paste one that I've done before.

Art Techniques and Personal Preferences

So it's exactly the same. Like, that makes me so happy. My brain really loves that. And then obviously I add on all the different things that are new. So for me, that's how I do it. On my iPad, I did used to have like one brush and I would only use that one brush. Sorry. If you can hear bang in the background, that is my chinchilla running on a wheel. But yeah, so I would use like one specific brush and I would kind of duplicate all my past artworks and work from there. But it always stressed me out. Like, there would always be things that were different.

The Advantages of Vector Art

So vectors kind of made everything consistent, and, yeah, they're super clean. Like, you could blow a vector up the size of the Empire State Building and it would still be super crisp and you don't lose any quality. So that's why I love vectors. I hope that answers your question. It does. And now that you mentioned it when chinchilla. Liquidity wen chinchilla stickers wen chinchilla. I do need to do that. Yes. I'll post a picture of her on my discord later. How's that? Sounds like time for a cross. Okay, definitely.

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

I was going to comment when you said that you switched the vectors, and it kind of makes it a little bit easier for your brain. I think it really helps. I think you said consistent. It makes everything kind of look consistent. You kind of. So when I'm looking at something, if I see a cat sticker, I can kind of know right away what it is. Like, oh, I know what that is. It looks just like the cat stickers collection. I think that's really useful when you're kind of building up your. Your style as well, or when you're just trying to maybe build out your NFT collection.

The Importance of Planning in Creative Work

Yeah, that's, like, such a big thing. Kind of what ghost cam was saying. You can start and, like, do all sorts of different things and go all over the show. But so I studied branding, and so one of the big things is, you know, planning before you do anything, coming up with your strategy, coming up with your plan, and then sticking to it and making sure that every touch point, which would be your NFTs, your social media, anything that, like, somebody would come into contact with, kind of has the same look, the same vibe, the same messaging. So I've tried to, like, keep that going, and it makes me happy that you can recognize cat stickers, but, yeah, definitely consistency so people can, you know, recognize your brand, recognize your work, is quite important with NFTs.

Addressing Burnout and Creative Challenges

I agree so much. Okay, so let me. Let me try to pull us back on track here before. Cause we've got a little bit of time left. Things are coming around nicely. I think we covered a little bit. We talked a little bit about how you can stay creative and not getting yourself tired out. When you mentioned when you're making a series of cats, you don't do everything all at once. Is spreading out your creations help avoid burnout, or is that just. Is that something that you do as needed, or is that just something you do all the time now because it's built in?

Personal Experience with Burnout and Time Management

So, definitely had to do with burnout. So I've been doing this for a hot minute now. It's been a few years. I had a really chill job. I could do a lot more cat stickers. I could draw in the afternoons, but then I had to get another job and this one's a bit more hectic. It takes a lot more of my time. And in the evenings I'm kind of dead. And then, I mean, having an NFT collection is a lot of hard work. Like, I always laugh when people are like, oh, I'll make NFTs. I'm like, it's not just drawing, it's you're going to make the drops, you got to make social media posts, you got to promote it, you got to get your community, you've got to do all of that stuff.

Strategies for Maintaining Passion Amidst Challenges

It's more like a 24/7 thing. So I definitely did reach a bit of burnout. So I took some time off and I came back and we kind of my moderators and I helped me devise a plan for how I could keep going. And because you don't want to keep doing something you don't like, that makes you really tired and sad. So we said, okay, well, what can you manage? So I said, okay, well, instead of doing like two stickers a week or one a week, I said, okay, let's do every one every two weeks. And that gave me a little bit more breathing room. I didn't have to think about cat stickers 24/7 that helped a lot.

Rediscovering Creative Joy and Cathartic Expressions

And then just, you know, trying to find my passion for drawing again. So, you know, looking for ideas. That really made me excited because, like, sometimes you can sit down to draw and you're like, oh, I really don't feel like drawing this one thing. So what I did now is I only draw kind of what I feel like. So I'm not going to force myself to do something. So, like, for the packs and stuff, if I force myself to do a pack, it's a lot of drawing, take us up a lot of time, a lot of planning.

Flexibility in Creation Process

So I said, well, you know, let's try something else. Let's do. You can still do collections or themes, I. But I'll just release them slowly, one by one. And that's definitely helped, you know, me feel a bit less stressed about cat stickers. So I've definitely had to, like, as my situations have changed, I've had to adjust how I run cat stickers. Thankfully, my community is quite, they're quite patient with me, which is so nice. But, yeah, you just have to find ways to make it more enjoyable again.

Building and Maintaining Community Engagement

So, yeah. I'm actually afraid to say something like, this is so well planted. Everything. Oh, my cat actually had to let the cat out because it was scratching. So sorry about that ghost thing. You have the next. You have the next question, ghost. Yeah, next question. Good idea. I wonder, like, how you always sound so super confident. So how do you manage to, like, stay like this? I mean, the space, you know, it, you're around for a very long time, has more and less competitive times, but sometimes it's like you can't do anything right.

Managing Confidence and Support in the Community

I mean, you said that you pull a lot of inspiration from your community, but how do you actually manage this? Do you have a plan, schedule? Do you have a timer saying, okay, take time off, now you need a break? So my timer is powerful. He will give me help if I don't do what I'm supposed to do. He helped me develop, like, a schedule and everything. So he kind of irritates me. Like, if I miss a Monday announcement, which I frequently do, I will get hell for it.

Support Mechanisms and Handling Accountability

It's just nice to have somebody. I say nice. It's good to have somebody to keep you, like, hold you accountable. So if you want to do something, having somebody on your team on your corner to force you to do it is really helpful. And in terms of confidence, I may sound confident, but probably not the most confident person, but, you know, you gotta fake it till you make it. I guess you've got to just, you know, do your best.

Constructive Feedback and Community Connection

And if you're happy with it, that has to be enough. And as I said, like, surrounding yourself with people that can give you constructive feedback and also just give you that little bit of support when you need it. Some days I'm. Some days I feel really, you know, down and not very confident at all and having, you know, people say, like, no, come on, Sass. You know, this is really great. You're doing great. It helps a lot.

Community Loyalty and Building Success

So, yeah. So you've actually built. I'm terrible today, Tommy, I'm sorry. I see the cursor moving the cat stickers collection is such a super loyal following. I mean, sure, a part of it is the time you're around already and performed on a consistent base every week. Although I know Power Pole would say something different, but I know that, too. I have him as a mod, too, and he's actually a gem. A wonderful person, actually, although he can be like a slave owner, but in a good way.

Community Building Strategies

So I really would like to know, how did you do it to build such a community? I mean, I was lucky in that regard because I had the connection with Cryptomonkeys. I already knew you, for example. So how did you do this? What would you tell people to do to build their community? Well, my secret big surprise is powerful. And I sniffers really, like, I have to attribute most of it to them. Also, they'll kill me if I don't say that.

The Role of Community Support and Engagement

But, yeah, so they help me all the time. I remember in the beginning I was all over the place, relatively speaking, and they kind of joined and they helped me just implement really cool community building. Things that keep the community active because, you know, people aren't going to stick around if they're not having a good time. And I think the other thing, so there's two things that I think really help. It's the consistency. As you said, PP will probably say I'm not very consistent, but, you know, relatively speaking, I am quite consistent.

Maintaining Community Activity Through Consistency

I'm still releasing cat stickers. You can kind of predict when it happens and I will let you know when it doesn't happen. So it's the consistency.

The Importance of Communication

And then the other one is communication. Like, I think people aren't really. I mean, they love my cat stickers, but I think they also like interacting with me. I hope, I hope that doesn't sound too cocky, but, like, what I mean is if you just releasing your stickers or your nfts and you do nothing else, you don't talk to people who like your work, you don't respond, you don't do anything to give back to them. They're going to kind of get a bit sad and leave. So my biggest thing and something, I mean, I enjoy doing is chatting with all the people. And I think that's what makes cats tickers. Such a nice thing for me is because it's more about the people. They really make it. And I do everything I can to, you know, chat with them and spend time with them because I enjoy it and I hope they enjoy it.

Community Building Advice

So I think for me that would be like, the biggest advice I can give for community building is, you know, focus on doing things the community will like. It'll generate activity. I mean, you'll have to chat to PP. Go scam. You know, PP's Phippi's really on a roll. He knows a lot about community building, but just staying consistent, staying involved and listening to your audience. So, yeah, sounds like everybody needs a power pole in your corner, whether it's a hug or advice or a swift kick in the rear to get you going, this is someone in your community who is a fan, who likes what you're doing and is a pleasure to be around.

The Need for Constructive Criticism

I think something else you said earlier. Excuse me. You emphasize constructive criticism, which I think is necessary. Just bloviating your ideas or thoughts at someone when you're trying to give feedback might not be very helpful, especially if it's all jumbled. But I think the constructive feedback that you kind of referred to is very needed if you're someone who's looking to develop their style or maybe kind of augment it with something new. Yeah. And that's a big thing, like just in life, obviously, a lot of criticism won't be really great. It won't be helpful at all. You can't please everybody. My mom's always said it to me like sass. You can't please everybody because my knee jerk reaction is to do, is to try to please everybody. But you've really got to focus in on that constructive feedback that's actually meaningful from somebody who wants to see you do better and grow. And when you take that on board, you'll just get better and you'll grow.

Navigating Feedback

So you've really got to pick and choose that criticism and focus in on the stuff that will help you and try not to let other stuff get to you. Very well said. We're about, we're towards the end of our call, but we got, if we folks in the audience who like to come up and ask a couple questions, I think we can extend our time a little bit for that as well. So if you do have questions, maybe you're timid, you didn't want to come up. Promise not to bite because powerful is not up here. So please go and raise your hand and then we'll invite you up on stage.

Future Plans and Projects

Now, I think Novik's kind of referred to this a little bit earlier. I wanted to ask, like, what's, is there anything you want to share now? Maybe a surprise or announcement or just maybe some future plans that you have with the collection? What can everybody who's been collecting and a fan of casters, what can I look forward to? To be honest with you, I don't have anything huge. I wish I could say I did have something huge, but I don't have time for it, and I think my community knows that a little bit. So really, I'm not going anywhere. I'm still going to be making cat stickers. I do want to look into making a Simpsons kind of themed cat stickers soon because somebody in my community kind of mentioned that they would like that. So that's something I want to do. Another thing huge that I want to do is obviously that next donation, which I'm so excited about. I think it's going to be quite big, and I think we can make a big impact. So that's kind of what I have in mind for cat stickers.

Personal Connection to Cats

Yeah, I mean, really? That's it? Yeah. Perfect. And then I wanted to ask, this one's just for me. Who are your favorite cats in, like, media or film or, like, are there any cats that you remember that kind of started this, like, love of cats? Did you always just grow up with cats? Like, tell me more about your relationship with the cats. The relationship with cats. So I. My mom came home one day when I was, like, eight years old. She said, go put your back to the cupboard and hold out your hands. And she deposited this little fluffy ball in my arms, and I opened my eyes, and it was a kitten. And he looked at me and scratched me in the face. So that was my first little kitty cat. His name was. His name was Tigger. And he and I were glued together, like, my entire life, basically.

Lifelong Bond with Cats

He did everything with me. He was always there. We would sleep, like, glued to each other. Every night. I would wake up kind off the bed, and he would be with his head on the pillow, taking up all the duvet. So that's kind of, like, where my love of cats started. I don't know why my mom got those cats. I think it was, like, a spur of the moment decision, and they were, like, rescue or something. So my sister got a cat, and I got a cat, and we just happened, like, I would honestly say he was, like, my sole animal. We were just so in tune. We loved each other so much. Sadly, he did pass away recently, but he was really old. Like, I think he was nearly 19, and were kind of expecting it, like, for a while. So, you know when you can just kind of feel relief, when you can tell that they're ready to go and it's better for them that way.

Reflections on Pet Loss

So I. Obviously, I was quite sad about it, but, yeah, he is everything to me. He is the reason I love cats. And I've always just been drawn to cute things. And there's, like, a lot of cats in the media and movies and stuff that are really stinking cute. I'm trying to remember, like, off the top of my head, but, oh, probably, like, the aristocats. I remember the aristocats. Marie, when she's so cute. Cute I love her. So I think, like, all those art styles of cats really inspired me and kind of fueled my love of cats. Grumpy cat was another one that I really liked. That's a real cat shame. Grumpy cat also did. Rest in peace, grumpy cat. But, yeah, just love cats.

Future Aspirations

I'm hoping to get one soon. Hopefully when we all settle down, I can go to the rescue and get myself a cat, which I'm really excited about. But for now, I just have to be a little bit patient. I have a question, too. There is the dark side of cat stickers. You know about it says, yeah, yeah. You have to talk about it. We have to be honest. We have to deliver the whole, like, the whole thing. Here, give it. Give it to us. Tell us everything. Yeah. Well, I've actually got messages from my mods who are telling me if I don't mention the dark side, they will destroy me.

Moderators and Collection Dynamics

So obviously, my moderators like to make my life hell. They have created their own collection, cat stickors. You can't get them confused. It's cat stickers, Miss Cat stick wars. I can't really say much because I know whatever I will say will get me into huge trouble. But I did have to mention them. So if you are intrigued, you can't speak to me. You have to go to my discord, and there's, like, a dark alleyway. You'll see. It's, like, literally called the cot alley or something. You can go speak to the weirdos in there and they will let you know what gats tickles is. And the other thing I have to say while I'm on this tangent is banana pie. Don't ask me why I have to say that.

Concluding Thoughts

You'll have to take it up with PP. I'm still laughing. It's so funny how we are, like, totally manipulated. He's so wonderful. He's genius. But, like, really. Yeah, we are. We are actually. We're in this together. I was about to say I think we're the same boat. You just have to laugh about it. Yeah, but then you get, like, all the help and loyalty as a trade off. I don't know. Yeah, that's true. That's. It's like, we sold, like, it's selling a kidney, but you can keep your kidneys. You're just reminded every day about, like, having sold your kidneys.

Final Announcements and Gratitude

Exactly. That's exactly it. Well, you've definitely confused me. Ghost camp definitely got me confused here. I think we are. Yeah. I just took a look at the cat stick ores collection as well. And they look pretty cool. Pretty cute. They kind of remind me of another collection that I won't shout out right now. Yeah, say less. All right, all right. Fair enough. Fair enough. Okay, I think we're about time to wrap it up. Ghost cam, do you have anything else, or should we get ready to go ahead and shut it down? I don't have any questions anymore. I mean, still wen chinchilla stickers, but besides that, I'd love to hear from you if you want to be on the panel.

Upcoming Guest Invitations

I try to do it in two weeks again, but I'll always try to maneuver around the, like, official workspaces if I can't hijack Tommy's space. So if you want to be there and hang out and talk about your art and your collection and whatever, how sass. This is also, like, the secret admittance that we are blackmailed, like, all the time. All the time. Yeah. Just hit me up, and you can be up on the panel. I'd love to hear from you. Perfect. All right, let's go ahead and. Let's go ahead and close down for the day. Thank you, everyone, for spending your afternoon or your evening with us.

Final Thoughts and Goodbyes

Before we part sass, I want you to be able to have a chance to give your last thoughts. Do you want to tell everyone where to find your stickers, where to find the community, whatever you'd like. The floor is yours. Oh, thank you. I guess I just wanted to say thank you for everybody for listening in the, and thank you guys for being such excellent hosts. It's always a pleasure chatting with you guys. Really happy to just, you know, share the space with you. Regarding cat stickers, you can just go to my website, catstickersnft.com.

Community Engagement and Discord

I've actually done a huge revamp on that recently, so if you haven't checked it out, that would be a cool place to start. And then from there, all of the things happen in discord. So if you're keen to join the shenanigans, irritate me, request cat stickers. Help me name them. You name it. Just come and chat with us in discord. So, yeah, that's. That's all for me. Thank you so much, everybody. Well, thank you, Saz, for joining us today. Ghostcam. Is there anything else you want to invite anyone or touch on before we break?

Words of Encouragement

Just like the same thing as always. Every artist started as an amateur set. Ralph Waldo Emerson, who actually, like, got somewhere. So don't give up. Just do your thing. Do what you love, and you actually can't fail. So like, I hope I'll see you soon on the next flex artist space. Thank you. All right, so that's going to be our show. I got a couple announcements. First off, sass, thank you so much for letting me interrogate you. Ghost. Thank you for helping putting a our artist spaces together. It's been, I think, a real treat for everybody.

Acknowledgments and Future Engagement

All of you listening now right now are tuning in to check out the replay letter. Thank you for joining us today as well. So before we break, here are a couple of announcements we will not have. I will not have a wax Wednesday space next week. Don't miss the wax drop space which took a break today. They'll be back next week at their normal time which should be 11:00 a.m. pacific. Breakman usually goes on twitch a couple hours ahead of that around nine.

Introverse Tournament and Upcoming Streams

So you can check them out there as well. And that rolls right into that space. If you're looking for some action as well at the introverse tournament is currently underway, you can head over to introverse IO and represent your favorite wax collection in the battles there. Don't represent any other collections. Wax only as you know. Right. And finally, speaking of introverse, tomorrow I will be hanging out with Christiah on stream. I think we're going live around 09:00 a.m. pacific.

Celebrating Community Engagement

All my times are Pacific so we should have another fun chat. Last time I was there we played a couple of games head to head. I think she's going to be doing a little bit of cosplay, so come and check that out. We'll be playing some rataquest, we're playing some introverse and maybe a couple of surprises. So join us at Twitch TV. Twitch tv queen Christiah. All right, thanks again, sass. Thanks again, Ghost Cam. Everyone listening. Thank you for joining us.

Final Goodbye and Well Wishes

Remember, keep creating, keep exploring and I'll see you next time on wax Wednesday. Call someone you care about and let them know you love them today. I'll see you next time.

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