Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

In this insightful Twitter Spaces session, industry experts shed light on the evolving landscape of the gaming industry. Topics ranged from the integration of blockchain technology, which promises more secure and decentralized gaming environments, to the pivotal role of community engagement in fostering player loyalty and boosting game popularity. The discussion also touched upon the use of AI in creating more intelligent NPCs and personalized gameplay experiences. Looking ahead, the speakers highlighted a future ripe with decentralized gaming platforms, while noting the current dominance of mobile gaming. Effective monetization strategies, such as in-app purchases and subscription models, were explored, alongside the growing importance of cross-platform compatibility to enhance accessibility. The conversation also emphasized the rapid evolution of game development tools and the value of collaborations in driving innovation. User feedback emerged as a critical component in refining and improving games, illustrating the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the gaming industry.


Q: How is blockchain being used in gaming?
A: Blockchain offers decentralized game economies and secure transaction systems.

Q: Why is community engagement important?
A: It drives player retention and can positively impact a game's popularity.

Q: What role does AI play in gaming?
A: AI is used for creating smarter NPCs and personalizing player experiences.

Q: What does the future hold for decentralized gaming?
A: More games will utilize blockchain for in-game economies and ownership.

Q: Which platform is currently leading in gaming?
A: Mobile gaming is seeing the highest growth rates.

Q: How can games be effectively monetized?
A: Through in-app purchases, subscription models, and ad revenues.

Q: Why is cross-platform compatibility important?
A: It allows players to enjoy games on multiple devices, enhancing accessibility.

Q: How are game development tools evolving?
A: Tools are becoming more user-friendly and integrating advanced technologies.

Q: How do collaboration and partnerships benefit game development?
A: They bring in diverse expertise and can lead to innovative solutions.

Q: What is the importance of user feedback?
A: It helps in refining the game and making necessary improvements.


Time: 00:05:10
Blockchain in Gaming

Time: 00:12:45
Community Engagement

Time: 00:20:30
AI in Games

Time: 00:30:15
Future of Decentralization

Time: 00:40:05
Rise of Mobile Gaming

Time: 00:50:20
Monetization Strategies

Time: 01:00:45
Cross-Platform Gaming

Time: 01:10:20
Evolution of Development Tools

Time: 01:20:30

Time: 01:30:00
Importance of Feedback

Key Takeaways

  • Blockchain is revolutionizing the gaming industry.
  • Community engagement is crucial for a game's success.
  • AI enhances player experiences through smarter NPCs.
  • Decentralized elements are shaping the future of gaming.
  • Mobile gaming maintains a dominant market position.
  • Effective monetization strategies are vital for sustainability.
  • Cross-platform compatibility is increasingly important.
  • Game development tools are evolving rapidly.
  • Collaborations drive innovation in the gaming sector.
  • User feedback is essential for game refinement and improvement.

Behind the Mic

Said I like you on the Dutch in my car when we touch, where your kids when we're high we could go three, six, five said I like you on the Dutch in my cup when we touch, where you kiss, when we hide we could go three, six, five said I like you on your touch in my cup when we touch where you can't go three, six, five, we could go three, six, five, we could go 3653-6535-3653-6536-5365-3653-6536-536. You. Got these five that I like you on the touch in my cup when we touch where you kiss, when we. Hide. Then I like you I'm the judge in my cup when we touch where you kiss, when we hide we could go three, six, five said I like you on the touch in my cup when we touch where you can't when we hide we could go three, six, five said I like you I'm the touch in my cup when we touch where you kiss, when we hurt we could go 3655 we could go do six, five we could go do six, five, we could go do 653-6565 I've been hiding for you too long now till you. Don'T know. Never let you press on. You wouldn't let it go. Drink. It, look around. You feeling down. My other. My other. Worry. You will regret a lot. Took you long enough to go away finding ways to find me. Getting on. Spending all your prime day pass down. Is this what you want? Get the message down. No, we could talk about replacing songs. I would deem you my princess gone. But they don't know how long. I love you. All right. So more stuff that is there about the NFT to continual confusion that came on since the MMP last year. How much aggregate money have y'all spent on studio quality sound treatment to make sure the soundtrack doesn't sound like trash? Lemme answer. That's Bombshell Bold typing. 20k. But still, I have a studio in my oyster house too. That probably cost about 50k. That's simple. That's very simple, Bombshell. 15k. 10k. I lost the interest when I saw 25 bucks on the sweepstake last month and still paid for the soundtrack when DR sounded it late as clean by Thursday. Yeah, only onesie with a lawsuit is allowed to yell about. Dude, I've been chilling like a billion dollars here. Mason's demand for the intro to songs boil down Boethius. Is too much for your honey. Yeah. Put Bezos on that track. This ain't jokes. Different browser will definitely be hooked to perform in Arista, Beverly, United by this who don't just follow me. First problem. While they're performing with the web tree business doing breathtaking engineering's living on FOMO tweets have to see what's a trend? I mean, common sense, right? The LED you put. Oh, you think it's anyone play appliance on Monday just after the capping of their signatures VUB beyond? Crack! Absolutely not. Dude! Less therapy. Sell it to meta maybe on to the world? I'll put it on Bondi by Google and sell out. Eh, eh. Just school. Just chill, bro. Dump school and have your personal foundation. Like, why not? So you tell him? So guys, that was massive number that we had today. So thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for tuning into this week's segment of GAMBIT showdown. And thank you so very much for making this entire week a wonderful week for all of us. So thank you so much. And yeah, we have a couple of special guests that we will be announcing later on in day three. But day four can be the biggest day because we finished everything off with a crazy balance. And day five, we will have a special touch up as well. But thank you so much for tuning in. Let me bring up the wrap up. I will see you guys in the next episode here on to 30, all right? I will see you guys there. Once again, this is Banski just signing you off today. Bye. Peace. Take care. Peace. Gonenight. Gonenight. There's definitely something off though. The audio level is insane in the marketing metrics, though, and we needed to really check out if every time when we do spaces, the number spikes and where they push us off our. Dude, I'm 54, bro. Whoa. How'd you put. How did that flip so fast? That's crazy. My place earning. My place earning. Nice. Nice. This guy, this guy. Look. Look at this, look at this. It's just recent, dude. It's just recent. Take a look at this, right? This. This is the guy that I bought yesterday. Look. He never lost one match, bro. Crazy. I need to buy in. Crazy, right? What am I. What am I doing? The moment I went. The moment I said it. Look at this. Look at it. The moment I said it. somebody bought it today. So is that you? I feel, like, low key because you're not streaming. You're like, okay, puke. Say that. Let me buy it. Let me buy it. Oh, no, that's. I think that's our community. I just bought the one you just talked about. I did go. Okay, okay. No, I'm super excited. No, this is the crazy part though, right? You're nailing so many things on the head. So, you know, in the analytics world, right, it's called statistical significance. I think 100 games is statically significant for day four. Anything underneath you may, you know, it might be anomaly and then you're looking at trending. If you look at the trending of how they're performing 100%. So you're nailing it. No, the best thing about this is like if you look at the player history and you realize that, all right, each four days they are playing it, then you know for a fact, like this guy's going to grind it out till the competition ends and maybe after the competition, right? Because guys, the competition is only for the cash, the giveaway, which is 50,000 giveaway, right, but the players still continue to earn for you. So do not get sideways in terms of, no, I'm not on the 50 litre board. I can't get, you know, the prices and stuff. Do not worry about that. Because like if you get a good purchase, the game continues, they play. It's. It's a never ending cycle, bro. Well, you know, Ellison nailed it from the get go, right? If you, if you write yourself down, like puked and really hone down on what are the next couple of points that I need to improve, like, you know, especially points when it comes to the stabilizing part, this one as well. Tokens, super important, right? Because this is the only and only time that you could ever get a silly token. Merry for now. And you know what is ridiculous, man, like if you look at it, right. Every time, you know, I tried playing with you was before. It doesn't hit man. The answer it lags. Yeah. Yeah. The game has improved so much since day one like how was it before man I really want you to share this bro. It's crazy. It's hilarious. Honestly, I'm in disbelief man, like day four. Awesome. Awesome sessions, awesome players, everyone played mad soccer three days. Crazy dude. I would say the team is just so much. So there's so much improvement on the PJ I in terms of the game stability that like if you look at our social media channels, they are reporting these things immediately. Awesome. Really awesome. Well, what else do we have? Puke to FDP queue, bro. See, that's what I was talking about. The first one. We obviously gave away the second one, too. We're going to give the third one as well, right now within the next two minutes crazy. Like dude, man, it's going crazy. All right, guys. So for all you listeners that are in here invite as many of your friends to join in because we're going to go live with our Jumbo FDQ token in two minutes. While you guys are in the waiting room. Just want to let you know that we also have special guests on the space today. So once I'm done with this, I'll bring him up as well. We're going to have a conversation about the game, about tokens. I hear you, bro. You may. You haven't checked US, huh? Yeah, bro. But this is crazy. You know, like, it's amazing how no problem to the Luchanos. They're beautiful people and dude, the ranking board is crazy. Like, they are playing it like. There's no more competition. Like it's it's like, bro, finish, finish it fast. So what's going live fast? But I will be honest with you. Peeled. We need to do some prep before we could bring our guest in. Hey, bro, good job on Julieta. Appreciate it. Thank you, man. Thank you. You're going to have fun tonight, bro. And no, we will do. I'll see you in a while. Man, I swear, I feel like I'm on talk show. Like bringing all these folks in to the viewers that are listening, right? So if you have any friends, right, they're into like gm and like crypto and they want to make some tokens, go ahead and invite them in right now in the space because we're going to talk some good stuff tonight. And I don't want anyone of you that's listening right now, especially those that are working out there anywhere around the world. Right? I appreciate your love, man. You guys have been tuning in and all just trying to onboard yourself into the game. I appreciate that. Let's help onboard more people, right? You know, it's amazing right that like we have the Jupiter case, right? That was aligned last month. Like nr let's go fast. Jim Tony, can we see how it was ranked last month and how it was predicted? I still watch the stream, right? So I was both finishing it. You know what? You're amazing, bro. Like, come on, man. Why did you buy? Why did you play? Because the analytic and these weights love playing with these lunar guys. It was the only strategy to like pump up our show earlier on to the end of the week, right before this week. No, you're absolutely right, bro. Like, for me, right? Like in terms of what we want to talk about is literally to see how the guys performed and how this game is evolving. So yeah, great, great point to bring up, man, Jim Png, like thumbs up for your question. Who else do we have? All right. Just going out here. So someone asked regarding the rankings. So the only reason why we rang them up is we do take into account both kind of players who play on our nights before we closed for events or around stats, how they played well until they were honored to look at mr or me, Pras prop. Another thing is right if you guys got any questions, right? Like for me and Jim's Panda here, just tag us in one of the tweets, drop in a question. You know, show me your trading strategies, take a screenshot of your portfolio, drop it down because I feel like we need to open a little bit more time. I know you guys have been busy playing, trying to onboard yourself into the game, doing all of this crazy stuff. But do not forget to join this because this will be the last jumbo phone that we will be giving out on spaces as the four days has already ended and you like what the heck has just happened? I just joined in for the last five minutes. Do not worry because every spaces is recorded, live stream is recorded as well. Just go over to better showdown gambit. You could view every single thing that is happening on there once a guy scan. If you love this game, do play because less than, I would say less than 12 hours, man, less than 10 hours. We are closing things up. So if you are, you know, almost there in a little boat, do put more effort. Play. Tell your loved ones, I can't sleep with you today because I need to open up my eyes, play the game and this is how I'm going to bring you out on a nice date. Or even maybe, who knows, you're number one and you could go for a lovely holidays with all the money or even the prizes that you want, right? I so guys, once again, shout out to the team. Shout out to all the listeners who have been tuning in like and retweet the space. This is puke signing up from you guys. And just a disclaimer if the puke cast fam is tuning in if, you know, you guys have been showing love on spaces as well, which is something that you guys always do. Tomorrow morning instead of flying over back to KL Min and Maeve actually did a little detour. We will be going to Hong Kong. All right. We'll be going to Hong Kong to attend an event back on Monday. So do stay tuned because we're going to cover more content for you guys. Once again, guys, thank you for tuning in. Take care. Bye bye. Peace out. I'm going to go get a sega. Cheers. Let's go, guys. Enjoy. Imagination. Fantasy plantation. Fantasy imagination. Fantasy. Ecstasy. Ella Elder else.

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