Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into a gamified trading platform tailored for both traders and gamers, offering a novel experience of fractionalized gamer trading. With a focus on Rev share and cash flipping, the platform aims to bridge the gap between trading and gaming mindsets. The forthcoming four-day campaign promises a diverse range of spaces with top partners and Chaos on board, igniting excitement among participants. The prize pool distribution favors top gamers and traders, while the platform’s onboarding process is geared towards providing a comprehensive understanding of the game’s dynamics. Excitement and anticipation surround the game launch, hinting at a compelling engagement for users across the platform.


Q: What unique concept was discussed in the space?
A: The concept of trading fractionalized gamers combined with a gamified experience.

Q: Who is the target audience for the gamified trading platform?
A: Both traders and gamers were targeted to engage in the platform.

Q: What options were available for users on the platform?
A: Users could choose to hodl for Rev share or flip for cash.

Q: How did the discussion highlight the audience’s preferences?
A: Most of the crypto Twitter audience resonated more with a trader mindset than a gamer mindset.

Q: What was the focus of the upcoming four-day campaign?
A: The campaign aimed to provide a diverse range of spaces with top partners and Chaos on board.

Q: What was the prize pool distribution announced?
A: 35k was allocated for the top 100 gamers, while 15k was reserved for traders.

Q: What was the main goal of onboarding users to the trading platform?
A: The objective was to familiarize users with the trading platform and provide insights into the game’s backend.

Q: What excitement surrounded the upcoming game launch?
A: Participants expressed enthusiasm for the game launch, hinting at its high engagement potential.

Q: What unique concept was discussed in the space?
A: The concept of trading fractionalized gamers combined with a gamified experience.

Q: Who is the target audience for the gamified trading platform?
A: Both traders and gamers were targeted to engage in the platform.

Q: What options were available for users on the platform?
A: Users could choose to hodl for Rev share or flip for cash.

Q: How did the discussion highlight the audience’s preferences?
A: Most of the crypto Twitter audience resonated more with a trader mindset than a gamer mindset.

Q: What was the focus of the upcoming four-day campaign?
A: The campaign aimed to provide a diverse range of spaces with top partners and Chaos on board.

Q: What was the prize pool distribution announced?
A: 35k was allocated for the top 100 gamers, while 15k was reserved for traders.

Q: What was the main goal of onboarding users to the trading platform?
A: The objective was to familiarize users with the trading platform and provide insights into the game’s backend.

Q: What excitement surrounded the upcoming game launch?
A: Participants expressed enthusiasm for the game launch, hinting at its high engagement potential.


Time: 00:05:24
Introduction to Web3 Gaming Discussion, The initial focus on Web3 gaming and the importance of the upcoming tournament.

Time: 00:15:08
Building New Narratives, Emphasizing the need to create and lead new narratives in the Web3 gaming space.

Time: 00:20:52
Onboarding Web2 Users, Discussing initiatives for transitioning Web2 users to Web3.

Time: 00:32:29
Marketing in Web3, Highlighting the importance of understanding Web3 culture for effective marketing.

Time: 00:43:05
Continuous Content Creation, The role of content creators in driving the Web3 gaming space forward.

Time: 00:46:25
Data Utilization, Using real-time data to inform strategies and improve project outcomes.

Time: 00:49:23
Monetization Methods, Exploring monetization opportunities through live streaming and other formats.

Time: 00:57:47
Educational Content, The need for educational content to help users understand and engage with Web3 gaming.

Time: 01:02:06
Navigating the Platform, Encouraging users to engage with the platform and participate in the discussion.

Time: 02:02:10
Wrap-Up and Future Discussions, Summarizing the discussion and inviting continued participation in future events.

Key Takeaways

  • The platform allows users to trade fractionalized gamers
  • appealing to both traders and gamers.
  • A gamified trading experience was designed for web three gamers
  • offering Rev share or cash flipping options.
  • The space emphasized the amalgamation of trading and gaming mindsets to cater to a broader audience.
  • The four-day campaign showcased a mega lineup of spaces with 30-40 top partners and Chaos on board.
  • Excitement was palpable for the upcoming campaign that promises significant exposure and reach.
  • with 35k for the top 100 gamers and 15k for traders.
  • The focus was on onboarding users to the trading platform and providing insights into the game’s backend.
  • Participants discussed the potential of the game and the trading experience on the platform.

Behind the Mic

as we’re chatting with people, the one liner that really stuck to us was being able to trade a fractionalized gamer. You hodl for Rev share or you flip for cash. So I think this has really been something that resonates well with both the traders and gamers. And let’s be real, most of crypto Twitter really put on more of a trader mindset compared to a gamer mindset. There is still a very strong niche market for web three gamers per se, but I think we wanted to add a lens that made it a lot more palatable for the traders. So I think all of this really all comes together. It’s been a few months in the making and all goes down to this four day campaign. Earlier we posted a mega lineup spaces. I think it was one of our tweets. There’s four days, 3 hours. We have almost like 30 40 of the top partners and chaos on board. Everybody on this stream right now. Just look at the type of exposure and reach that we’ve got. So I think we’re all pretty excited for this. And one more minute before we go live. So I’m going to hand it back to you. Ah, sweet. Thanks, man. And guys that are listening in, we’re about a couple of minutes from going live. But last thing here I want to make sure that you guys have in your pocket. We’ve been working with the Alex by team token quo so much, and you are absolutely at every bottom of our heart. Super appreciative. thank you so much for the continued work between our two teams. And look, there there’s been something that I found truly exciting, right? And if you scroll all the way to the F bottom, it’s said to be our looks by liquid token rewards. Right. And it says 20% goes to see core participants and customer rewards. It’s really simple, guys. Numbers don’t lie and I don’t need to pull a Steve lies, man, but 99.5% of our customers actually parked and stake their core looks by tokens, right? And the rewards thereafter will be juicy to say the least, for holding on cost. So with that, we’re going to switch over to the live setup countdown, literally all eyes on the clock here, united as to one core community. The future is cross chain on evai in mind, and let’s la Tests going to look around. What’s up in the top 50. That’s the only things it’s going. It’s the top 25. So thanks for out there, everyone. Let’s just revisit. I’m going to hit next. Amazing. Amazing. Harvey’s because he hasn’t heard yet. Also, let’s sprint. So for those who are bored stuff. Let me fill you in.SubHopping mainly really kind of keeps in mind, guys. Also disclaimer not financial advice running epic. But let’s see who climbed back over there in the top 25, 35, which is awesome. That’s because he hasn’t played yet. No one knows this yet. That being said, no, this is so much exciting. I can’t wait for tomorrow to kind of revisit. See, somewhere some of these pics are. I’ve been looking at a couple of pics. I’ve been so a little peeved at myself because I’ve seen this person who has, like, the highest kill death ratio and I could have bought it at like 70. It’s gone already to 170. So I was just like, I’m too busy talking and thinking trying to provide analysis and I’m missing out on generational wealth, not financial advice. But yeah, you know, this is a great time and, and this is a great platform to really just enjoy both the game as well as the players playing it. So I’m super excited to come revisit this tomorrow in the next coming days. Obviously, we’re doing a lot of great giveaways as well. And so make sure to participate, man. The only way to have a great time is to make sure you’re in it to win it. Yes, that is correct. Only we need a in it to win it, guys. So that is it, day one. Wrap up. No worries if you miss it, listen back to the recording. I see JYP, I see some of my familiar friends, Trav Gage, I see G as well. Dude, joining on the fun. Hope you guys, you know, if you guys have any question, feel free to reach out to me as well. I’ll be happy to get you on board or even invite you on spaces tomorrow where we could really discuss it. So if you guys are active participating in it. Guys, tomorrow same time, we will start. But segment number two, we will invite more people up, more traders as well. So we could have, you know, back and forth conversation with you guys. But on today, we just purely want to focus to onboard you guys so that it is clear for you. All right, guys, this is a wrap up of the space. I gotta go play some tunes, check it out. Tomorrow we will be back and shall game on. It’s me, you and Forza. Let’s see who climbed the leaderboard, guys. Take care. Bye bye. Let’s go look around.

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