Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Based Spaces 16 hosted by StarterLabsHQ. Based Spaces 16 delved into the realm of blockchain research and development, highlighting the practices of Atlanta Chain in the incubation and coworking sectors. With a remarkable capital formation exceeding $45 million, the discussion revolved around the significance of community engagement, innovation, and exploration of funding avenues within the blockchain ecosystem. Atlanta Chain's focus on real-world applications of blockchain technology and its impact on traditional industries emerged as key themes throughout the space. Participants learned about networking opportunities with Atlanta Chain and the strategies for successful fundraising in the evolving blockchain industry.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 53


Q: What is the main focus of Atlanta Chain?
A: Atlanta Chain focuses on blockchain research and development for real-world applications.

Q: How much capital has Atlanta Chain raised so far?
A: Atlanta Chain has raised over $45 million in capital formation.

Q: Where can individuals learn more about Atlanta Chain's capital formation?
A: Individuals can find more information on Atlanta Chain's capital formation on their official website.

Q: What role does community engagement play in blockchain projects?
A: Community engagement is crucial for fostering innovation and collaboration within blockchain firms.

Q: What are the benefits of on-chain capital formation?
A: On-chain capital formation offers opportunities for funding and growth in the blockchain ecosystem.

Q: How does blockchain technology impact traditional industries?
A: Blockchain technology has significant impacts on traditional industries and processes by introducing innovative solutions.

Q: How can individuals network with Atlanta Chain?
A: Individuals can explore potential collaboration and investment opportunities by networking with Atlanta Chain.

Q: What are the key strategies for successful fundraising in the blockchain industry?
A: Key strategies include community engagement, innovation, and a focus on real-world applications.

Q: What sets Atlanta Chain apart in the blockchain research and development field?
A: Atlanta Chain's emphasis on incubating, coworking, and substantial capital formation distinguishes it within the industry.

Q: What opportunities exist for investors within the blockchain ecosystem?
A: Investors can find opportunities for growth and funding by engaging with blockchain firms like Atlanta Chain.


Time: 00:15:47
Atlanta Chain's Research Focus Exploring Atlanta Chain's dedication to blockchain research for real-world applications.

Time: 00:25:19
Incubating and Coworking Practices Understanding how Atlanta Chain fosters innovation through incubating and coworking.

Time: 00:35:56
Capital Formation Milestone Celebrating Atlanta Chain surpassing $45 million in capital formation.

Time: 00:47:08
On-chain Capital Formation Insights into how Atlanta Chain approaches on-chain capital formation.

Time: 01:05:32
Blockchain's Impact on Industries Discussing the transformative effects of blockchain technology on traditional sectors.

Time: 01:20:14
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring the role of community engagement in driving innovation within blockchain projects.

Time: 01:35:50
Networking Opportunities with Atlanta Chain Highlighting the networking possibilities for collaboration and investment with Atlanta Chain.

Time: 01:48:21
Funding Strategies in Blockchain Insights into successful fundraising strategies within the blockchain industry.

Time: 01:59:44
Real-world Applications of Blockchain Examining how blockchain firms like Atlanta Chain focus on practical, real-world solutions.

Time: 02:10:07
Investment Prospects in Blockchain Ecosystem Discussing the investment opportunities available in the dynamic blockchain ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Focus on blockchain research and development for real-world applications.
  • Highlighting incubating and coworking practices at Atlanta Chain.
  • Emphasizing capital formation exceeding $45 million.
  • Promoting on-chain capital formation via a specific website.
  • Exploring the landscape of blockchain and real-world asset tokenization.
  • Insights into successful fundraising in the blockchain industry.
  • Strategies for fostering innovation and collaboration in blockchain firms.
  • Importance of community engagement in the development of blockchain projects.
  • Impacts of blockchain technology on traditional industries and processes.
  • Opportunities for funding and growth in the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Networking with Atlanta Chain for potential collaboration and investment opportunities.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Time Zones

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Okay. Hello, GM, and good afternoon for those who are not on the GM time zones. For me, it's finally again, this not so eastern Europe time zone in London time now. So for me, it's late afternoon compared to evening, where I had been spending some summer time in my home country. Nice to see you all again here in the best basis. We are still waiting for a couple more speakers, but I see that quite many has joined already. Welcome, all the speakers. Let's ping the remaining ones. And please all remember to retweet the space so that we get a little bit more listeners over here. Exciting times. I was in Singapore last week. Very good wives. I don't know if anyone else were over there, but happy to hear about that in a couple of minutes when we still wait for the remaining beakers. So hold tight for a couple of seconds. Perhaps people are having some elon issues that they cannot get online. I don't know what is going on, but usually people have been quite actively joining sharp 16 my time.

Waiting for Speakers

So, yes, welcome on my behalf and let's. Let's wait for a minute or two and then we can kick off. Also, please, if your speaker. Please do raise your hand or request the speaker slot. So we will lift you up over here fairly quickly. That I can see pretty only as a listener. So please do request a speaking slot. technical things. All right. I only see Pardis is waving his hand, but not actually to be lifted. Okay. Hopefully he will get up. Okay, cool. All right. More and more people. Great. I think. I think we can start a couple more should be joining still. They come if they come, but we can start the best basis. I hope everyone is doing well. I was personally in Singapore token 2049 with the rest of the crypto world. The wipes were pretty good, in my opinion, and in general, quite bullish, I would say, on an expecting mode that, you know, the real bull run is behind the corner, and we will all make it back one trade.

Discussion about Singapore

Right. Was anyone else in Singapore? If you were, what are your thoughts about the event? Freddie is over there. You're waving your hand already. Yeah, I live in Singapore, so I was there. Of course. We should have caught up. Yeah, we should have. I traveled around from. From here, Europeside. But it was definitely worth of the travel. So anyone who hasn't been in token 2049 as of yet. There will be next one, of course. Next. Yeah, I thought it was really cool went to. I participated in a really good ordinal space, ordinal event, a whole day event. And then I went to the base hackathon, which was really happening. Met Mister Miggles and a bunch of other projects. Really good to just speak to people who are in the same space, to be honest. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Even though we are very active organizing these online events, it's also really nice to meet people in the real life events.

Meeting People in Real Life

Kind of. Oh, you are that person behind that account. Amazing to see you or even grab someone from the sleeve and oh, we have been in the zoom call. Amazing to meet you in person. And it kind of feels like a family over there. So really excited to wait for the next events. For myself here in London, there are a couple of events, then I think I will go to Dubai. There is finance Week and Dubai and some event. And then there is of course, Thailand. Bangkok, Devcon. I cannot get this song out of my head. You know, if you remember this one night in Bangkok that was super old, but it obviously teases me all the time that I really need to go to Bangkok. Next one. But yeah, let's go back to the business. I think we have a new listeners here as well. Haven't heard about our speakers as of yet. My name is Subi, I'm co founder of Starter. We do idos and a number of other things, but I let the rest of the speakers introduce themselves for the listeners.


Let's start from there. I can take it from here. Hello everyone, I'm Larry from Drake exchange and we are a perpetual futures text that is launching soon on base with the goal of making perpetuals and different advanced trading strategies very easy and accessible for users. Whether you're super experienced trader or just getting your feet with trading. So yeah, we're launching soon. We've got a lot of really exciting things coming up. Just got accepted into a really exciting pitch competition. So yeah, definitely give us a follow. Join our discord. Yeah, love to hear who else is next. Hey, everyone, thanks for having me. I'm Vaz, founder of Velvet Capital. Actually still in Singapore, staying here for a while after talking 2049. We had a booth at the main event and obviously there were like 700 different side events, couldn't make all of them, but I think I've been to at least 30 over the weekend.

Velvet Capital and Strategies

So yeah, pretty intense. What we do at Velvet, essentially we help streamline defi portfolio management and social trading. So our platform, anyone can create their own portfolio, they can trade, yield, farm going and out of different defi positions and then let other people join them. So think of it as a social layer for Defi. We launched on base recently, completely live. So check it out. You can create any sort of strategy you want, trade meme coins, or, you know, farm different projects for yield. So it's up to you. Feel free to check it out. Hey, everyone, my name is James with mega base on Trump. Yeah, we're front running the base narrative, front running the politify narrative, and we've been around since May 28, so about four months now. We have our roadmap laid out from now till the election in November. And then once Trump wins, we have four more years. So, yeah, so looking forward to the spaces and talk to you soon.

Excited Market Sentiment

GM. GM Rob here, coming here with treble. We are an up and coming defi hub and V four dex coming to base. Very excited to be a part of these spaces again. yeah, you know, launch is coming up soon for us. the excitement in the market's picking up, and I think we're in for some good times coming. Let's get the star spaces started. GM. GM. Guys, this is Simon of baby tiger on base. We are the first reflexive mint coin on base. We're trying new things. We're basically fucking around and finding out. And I hope we have a very cool space, and everybody is very welcome and happy to join. I think I can jump in. I'm the founder of bratis. We're an NFT project celebrating eighties vibes, fashion, and Matt Fury's character, Bret.

Bratis Project and Events

We're also a token project. NFT is stage one, and tokens is stage two, currently minting. So check us out. Okay, I think that was. That was everyone. Skylark, I have actually invited you to speak as well. I don't know why the invitation is not going through, but perhaps you can check that out. Perhaps it's Elonissue Ilhanisti once again. But, yeah, good to be over here with a little bit more positive vibes than since last time we spoke. We have talked about this so many times in the crypto. Crypto spaces that, you know, the market or sentiment changes in seconds when we see green candles. And now it looks like the market is again favoring us. I was just talking with. Hi. Hi, Skylar. Sorry, I started to mumble over here so we can take a little bit of market insights after Skylark has introduced himself.

Market Insights and Sentiment Check

Thank you, GM, everyone. I hope everyone's doing well. I'm glad to be back on the spaces right now. Just to give you a quick intro about Skylark. Skylark is an on chain and platform for brands, communities, our creators, to create quests and further engage their audience. And we've been live since May and currently running the campaign with Block Scout, which we've met and we collaborated from this very spaces. So if you're interested in checking out our current campaign, it's wrapping up in a couple weeks, but you can go to my page and you learn more. Interested in working with other people as well. Looking forward to the spaces today. Thank you. All right, thank you. Marga, you have your hand up.

Campaign and Community Engagement

I was just going to add to the intro. Everyone in here, go repost this space on their ex account and all their Telegram accounts. Go repost it. I'm going to do the same. So let's post a space. Yes, thank you. Of course, when you are speaker in the spaces and even the community members over here, it's pretty advisable to retweet the spaces. You will get followers and you will be heard as an industry key opinion leader. Right? Not paid opinion leader, but key opinion leader. I love the term, this poll term, I just heard it some weeks ago, and nowadays, using it. Okay. All right. But, yeah, let's. Let's go to the sentiment of the market now.

Market Sentiment Discussion

So I already said that the wipes in Singapore, I think they were amazing. And of course, there were so many events over there happening. No way I could have run from 700 different kind of places. I'm really happy. I met a lot of old friends over there from the BSC times and with the people whom I haven't talked for a couple of years, even online. So for me personally, it was a really exciting trip and so on. And of course, the sentiments were really good. But what are your takes on the current market sentiment? And do you see already excitement in your own community? What is coming? Is there already people, when DGE and Wendy, when marketing, when listening talks going on, or are we still on our toes in terms of the community sentiment and perhaps the launches that are nearing for many of us?

Current Market Outlook

Yeah, I mean, seems like the market, like you said, it's definitely heating up. September historically has just been really bad. I think the worst month, on average, the whole year, the past five or six years. And it's the same way with traditional finance, just a bad month. But, yeah, we got October coming up next, which is exciting. Markets heating up. And, yeah, I've definitely seen a lot of people just in general on Twitter or in our community, just stoked. And we keep getting asked when we're launching. And I just have to keep saying soon. But people are excited. It's great to see the excitement come back. For a few weeks there, everyone was a bit apathetic and upset and angry, and then everyone went to Singapore and went to 600 side events. The market's back, so I think we just need more side events. That's what it boils down to.

Community and Future Engagement

How about others? Did you have opinions from your community? Sending sentiment check. Now, I would just add to that. I mean, you know, it's funny in crypto how in September everyone says it's. It's bearish, and what kind of happens is everyone gets scared and pull out, and then you start talking about October.

The Power of Collective Belief

They're using the word October, and we kind of seem to talk things into existence. And, yeah, so everyone's going to be all in. And just because that's kind of the general consensus with all the communities and everyone, like you said, all the influencers using uptober, I expect it to be absolute rocket ship based on history and also just kind of what we're talking into existence. So I think everyone's kind of gearing up for that. And, you know, there was a lot of retracements and charts and, yeah, it'll be easy to see a big parabolic upswing. Right. So let's go. Let's get the end of the year started. Q four.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Yeah, that's a good addition. Sometimes I have thought about this by myself as well, when everyone is saying something, should I believe it or counter trade? But I have come to a conclusion that I should actually believe. It's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy that, you know, when everyone starts to say something, that this is going to happen. It actually happens because everyone believes it. I mean, I guarantee if someone would be doing some PhD research about the cryptopsychology, it would be a quite groundbreaking research. Over here. Okay. All right, Brady, do you want to add something over here?

Positive Community Sentiment

Yeah, I mean, we have an alpha channel in our community, and everyone starting to post screenshots and graphs of meme coins that are starting to go up again. So we can definitely feel that the sentiments are getting better. I think also, if you look at base as a chain, I mean, it's entering sort of a banana curve or parabolic growth. Right. We passed 50 million users, and it's only going up from here. I mean, all the indicators for base are super bullish, I think.

Hyped Community and Market Turnaround

On our side. I think it's just been incredible to see how fucking hyped the entire chat has been. Everybody's just ready to get those face ripping gains in. I think definitely the sentiment is back. Just as everybody said, October is just around the corner. Everybody knew September was going to be historically a bad month, but, so everybody who pushed through, everybody who made through is just ready, ready to get into the next pump. So yeah, I think everybody's just super hyped. Everybody's either. If it's Solana ethereum memes are pumping, which for me that's like the last thing to pump. So we just know everything is about to take off.

Personal Insights and Market Observations

In my opinion, things are definitely looking good. I mean, I'm personally very stoked. I've waited all the summer for my leverage positions to turn green. It's finally happened. So I think, I think the market is having a very nice turnaround right now. Bitcoin is obviously still ranging. Ethereum hasn't really broken any real resistance yet, but from the altcoin activity that I've seen, it's been looking very nice. A lot of the lower volume altcoins with lower market cap compared to the big guys have been recovering to their early summer prices. So this is what I'm liking to see as far as the altcoin season beginning because I feel like the altcoins that have been beat down tend to recover first before bitcoin starts cracking previous resistances.

Excitement About Future Developments

And this is exactly what we're seeing right now. Our community stoked. They're asking us about when, you know, when we're launching, when token, when TGE, when all this stuff. So, you know, the sentiment is definitely picking up. I think, I think I on chain world is ready for some defi finally. There hasn't been any new Defi activity. There hasn't been any new liquidity, any new styles of liquidity provision on any of the chains the last few months. So I think everyone's ready to get started, ready to bring that liquidity in.

Reflections on the Crypto Ecosystem

Yeah. Well done. Treble with your trades and like we had this couple last month over here, were just surviving and making friends in the best ecosystem. But it's obviously going well. We did survive over here and did the work in creating connections and networking over here in best basis and in number of other places. But yeah, I see that rift is sending hearts and hands over there. Please go ahead and please do give us a short introduction because you didn't say that as of yet.

The Rift Project Introduction

Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much, Sal. And it's great to be up here on stage with legends, manga, Trump on base. Absolutely love seeing you guys treble. It's amazing the things that you guys are building. Bratties. I know about you guys, I haven't met you just yet, but basically what rift is, we're rapidly yielding future technologies and we're a platform that allows the full collateralization of assets and the hybrid nfts on twelve plus chains. And we are getting ready to launch here. We're getting ready to unleash the rift on chain. It's going to be crazy. There's so many different tools that projects can use.

Importance of Collective Thoughts

Tokens, nfts and eventually rwas and many other types of assets. So I mean, we're just pumped, you know, we're excited for everything that's coming. You know, I would just like to say. So I was talking to one of my friends that's been a major Og in the space for a long time. And he's talked recently to some pretty massive traders and people that have hundreds of millions of dollars. And it's interesting how they trade and what they take as signals. And one of the things that they take as signals is looking at astrological signs. They look at astrological signs and then they also focus on metaphysics.

Impact of Thoughts on Reality

So they focus on metaphysics. So think about this. Every time that you think a thought, there's literally like a radio tower in your brain. There's a place called the pineal gland. It's a crystalline structure, and everything you think it sends a frequency out, sends a frequency out to everything around you. And they have been able to scientifically see that these frequencies or these thoughts that are sent out, they can affect, you know, on the metaphysical plane or on, you know, different dimensions of reality. And so when we're all thinking, all of us, when we're all thinking collectively and saying, it's October, you know, things are going to move, it's, you know, the markets are, you know, are recovering.

Shifting Sentiment and Its Significance

Like all these different things that we're thinking. I mean, we're just perpetually compounding that effect altogether. And so I see that happening. I see this sentiment is shifting. And it's real, it's physical, it's spiritual, it's metaphysical, it's amazing thing to watch. And just like Sal was saying, for me, it's about your convictions. So when everyone's going against the grain and saying, oh no, everything is dumping, like, as long as you know your why and you know the reality of this technology is going to transform humanity forever, and we're at the inflection point of what can I change the destiny and uplift billions of people.

The Potential of Technology

I mean, it's just crazy what this technology is capable of doing. And so I'm all here for it. I'm all here for it. And, you know, we're looking to build with others that have that same vision, and we're just pumps. We're pumped. I mean, it's. It's a crazy time. It's going to get crazier and, you know, we're just cutting out the noise and just, you know, going for, you know, providing as much value as we possibly can in the markets.

Diverging Perspectives on Astrological Trading

Great, great speech. Does anyone want to add from their sentiment? Jordan? Oh, my God. I was on another spaces when, they were talking about that, the astrological trading and all that. And that's just so, that's so hard for me to get behind. But, like you said, those guys got big money. But, it's. It's wild, right? I can't. I just. I don't under. I mean, I'm going back to, like.

Correlations in Nature

Just because a cow moves doesn't mean that the tree. There's no correlation with things like, they were talking about the moon and the tide and all this stuff and how that relates to the markets. And I'm like, that relates to when I go fishing, like high tide depends. I mean, so crazy. So I'm about to change your mind on that. I'm about to change your mind on that real quick with the tides. Okay. So, you know, the body is about 70% water, maybe 75% water.

Scientific Perspectives on Natural Forces

You know, I learned. I learned about this. So before I got into crypto, actually was a sports massage therapist, rehabilitation specialist, actually, in 2019, got to be a rehabilitation advisor for the Ukrainian military. And when the moon is going through its different phases, it actually is pulling on the water that's in your body. And so there are potentially. That's why they say that a full moon makes people go crazy. And there's actually scientifically based evidence that it does affect you. It does affect you.

Circadian Rhythms and Their Impact

And also it affects. There's something called the circadian rhythm. And that's where. That's where the rhythm of the different cycles from the sun to the moon and when you're sleeping and then the quality of sleep that you get with the REM cycles. So if you go to bed after about 10:00 usually you're not getting the full REM cycle. Right. And that's because of the circadian rhythm with the moon. It's actually, the moon is responsible for that, which is crazy, right? It's crazy.

Exploring the Unknown

So, I mean, there are deeper things, and I understand that, you know, the astrological stuff. Like, I'm more lean on the metaphysical, like, because, I mean, that. That stuff is really fascinating. And if you want to. If you want to dive deep into this, go on to YouTube and watch what the bleep do we know? What the bleep do we know? It's a. It's a probably like an hour and 45 minutes movie that talks all about metaphysics and how, you know, how energies affect and different things and all the science based around it.

Understanding the Complexity of Reality

It's a really fascinating stuff. And so. But, but, yeah, I mean, I know. It's. The thing is, there's so much that we're not aware of that's going on around us at all times. Right? And so there's so much unseen, and we've really only scratched the surface of what we understand in that realm. Full moon, mega Trump on base goes up there. There you go.

Embracing Diverse Ideas

So now. Yeah, I hear you. Maybe it's one thing you can take into factor with a bunch of other things, but no, I've heard that on other spaces, so it is interesting to take that in. So point taken. Yeah. And I think it's quite important in crypto space to be open to all sorts of ideas over here. So better to listen rather than just, you know, judge everything we cannot know.

The Landscape of the Crypto Industry

Better to be kind of with open mind. I think most of the people have ended up to crypto and they have had their, like, kind of a natural curiosity to all sorts of new things. What is happening? But, if anyone doesn't anymore want to add to this, sentiment topic over here, we could actually go a little bit in the deeper, on the news side, what is happening? So we do know that in crypto, I can say this as a woman, this is a very kind of male dominated industry.

Challenges Facing Women in Crypto

There isn't too many women working in the space, and if they are, they often send to make the influencer account with the boobs and bottoms. That's one sort of influencing mechanism. Yeah, yeah. I have considered by myself as well. Sex sells, right? I mean, it's. Yeah, primitive. Go ahead. Yeah, but I have considered myself as well. Should I boost my twitter? I can't exist, but I have.

To Engage or Not to Engage

Just wait until the onlyfans token. Just wait until onlyfans tokens go. Feel hot again. Yeah, sorry to say. Come rocket to the moon, baby. Yeah, I apologize every single woman who is working in the industry. But I personally think that this is not perhaps the way to create the credibility, if that is the goal. But, you know, it's another topic. But what I wanted to say is that crypto is, as we know, it's very male dominated, and it's like we tend to worship even good and bad actors.

The Dynamics of Reputation in Crypto

Look at Justin sun. So one month ago, before sun pump, he was a terrible guy, and now he's again a God over there because he made the green candles over there. And now we have, actually, this week should be Zz be releasing from the trail. What do you think? What is the impact to the market and our projects as well? This should be really good for every project that launched with finance.

Market Implications of BNB

Well, I mean, there's also a theory that since held what was, like a third of BNB, that it was all technically staked, and now it's getting unstaked. So make your own opinion on that. Well, I think. I think that CZ is definitely smart enough with that BNB, use it in many different ways for leverage and defi, all kinds of different things that he'll be doing with that.

Speculations on Market Movements

But, yeah, I think there could be a major rally, especially around BSC, you know, for.

Braveheart Moment

For the leader, you know, coming back, almost like, it's almost like a braveheart moment, you know, coming back and, you know, freedom. But, I mean, he doesn't actually, you know, he doesn't actually get killed. So, I mean, that's. That's a, that's a great part. You know, this particular arc with CZD. Yeah, I agree. Over here, like I mentioned, it's like, to a large extent, crypto is kind of a fanboy culture, and people tend to follow big figures over there. And so I would say it's quite bullish for binance, BNB, BSc, whatever it is nowadays, how do we call it? I don't remember anymore with all of these trends, BNB, perhaps it was. So it should be bullish for that one. But, of course, do not go into terrible leverage longs. Based only on my opinion over here. But good to see.

Meme Coin Season

Hello? Yeah, totally. And I could totally see. I could see a complete surgeons of many teams going over and speculating and launching on BSC. We've actually talked with a few launch pads on BSC just recently, and Binance smart chain, they're going pretty heavy on preparing a pretty big meme coin season over there. And actually, Rift, we're going to be deployed on BSc as well. So we'll be providing our tools for all those meme coins and all those coins and everything for hybrids. So I think there's going to be a lot of opportunity over there once he gets released. So who is this kind of a godlike person on base and when do we get the same kind of boost? That will be the time that will show. But of course, very bullish on base and that retail who are coming, perhaps they are considering kind of meme coins as the gatekeepers, you know, like in the restaurant that, you know, it's, the meme coins are throwing people in the chain, and from there, they should be deluding if this is the right word or kind of a spreading to other coins as well.

Community Dynamics

This is how I actually see how the meme coins are so popular within the ecosystem and why ecosystem actually want to get those meme coin systems into their chain? Because they actually work as a doorman in a bar that come in and see what everything else cool we have over there. Okay, Brady's, you want to add something? Did you guys see any get out of jail meme coins launch yet? Because that seems like could be the matter for when he gets out. I don't know if you saw any yet. I don't think I've seen any. I've heard, you know, I've heard through the grapevine a few teams are thinking along those lines. So I'm sure you'll be seeing something. You'll be seeing something. Yeah. Financial advice? Yeah, you'll see five of them. Pick the right one. That'll definitely be a narrative that can. Fly or you'll see 10,000, you know, off of pump fun, like launchpads.

Leadership in the Space

Right? Yeah. Realistically, probably more in the thousands. But, you know, I was just going to comment on base. So, I mean, yeah, I mean, we don't have any, you know, major founder that's in prison or jail or what have you. But we do have Jesse, who is leading the charge. And, I mean, this guy is unbelievable. I mean, the energy that he has, the vision he has, the conviction he has, how he's building with everyone. He doesn't even, he doesn't even pick favorites. That's one thing I love about this guy. Like, he doesn't pick favorites. He's just, he's like, hey, I'm here to support all the builders that want to bring billions on chain, and let's all do it together. Right? Let's all do it together as no gatekeepers. I mean, you see Jesse, like, commenting and liking posts, like, really small, like projects. They're just starting out, it's just, it's a beautiful thing to see.

Challenges in Community Building

And that's another reason why we chose base to be our home. Yeah, that's a really good point. I want to add over here. So as we all builders know, community building is very difficult. I mean, building a real community, of course anyone can bought their accounts. Anyone can kind of, what is the word in English when you give some gift and then you think that people come really super loyal. Of course there is a percentage that will come, but building a real genuine community is super hard. And in my opinion, communities where this kind of leadership figures are able to support even the smallest accounts and the smallest projects, they actually do amazing work because they make these people feel welcome. There are a lot of chains that don't even look at, you know, oh, you are such a small guy. I'm not going to even like your post. And that is not, in my opinion, personal opinion, that is not kind of a spirit of the crypto where we have started, kind of an open, decentralized community and able to make friends and connections through the, through this online web three.

Authenticity and Engagement

I don't even like the web three word. But you know what I'm talking about. Talking about here. Okay. Brady and then Maga. I mean, I want to comment on Jesse because he's a man of the culture. I mean, he's been buying meme coins. He's been buying nfts. We had our own little fanboy moment when Jesse minted a Brady and posted about it. Super stoked about that. I have a story about Jesse, one of our good friends in the space. He runs weekly spaces about everything based. And I think Jesse started to follow his account when he had maybe 20 or 50 followers. And recently this guy had his 50th anniversary space and Jesse just showed up and spent 510 minutes in the space talking about building. It was really cool. And honestly, I haven't seen any other chains where the team is so active in getting engaged with projects across the board.

Jesse's Authenticity

And the thing, and the thing about that, Brady's too, is that Jesse is genuine. He's authentic. He's, this is authentically who he is. It's not some strategy. It's not some advisor that said, hey, you need to do XYZ to get engagement and build this chain and, you know, build everything up. No, it is the core. It is his heart, it is his spirit. He lives and breathes it every single day. Yeah, I was just going to echo what Brady said and Jordan hit it on the head with rift is when you did bring up CZ, you know, obviously you got Justin sun with Tron and then CZ. And the first thing I was thinking of was Jesse. So I just was going to echo that sentiment and they basically already said it. And I think I did mention on the spaces a few weeks ago. I mean, I went to the on chain summit and heard Jesse do his interview in San Francisco with Jake gain.

Future Prospects and Airdrops

And it was like 45 minutes long and it was super interesting. He's laser focused, has a huge vision for base, and that's kind of our based USA leader, right? Hopefully he won't be going to jail like CZ and working with Coinbase, who's already listed on the Nasdaq and New York Stock Exchange. So we got a lot of credibility. And that's why I think a lot of these base projects are here is like, you know, we're front running the base narrative and think, you know, Coinbase has the most active users with 180 million. And it's just going to be a natural rotation from ETH and Coinbase over to base layer two. And that's kind of why we're here. So Jesse, and he has a clear vision and he's working very hard with Chintan Chaturi, I don't know, pronounced his last name, had a Coinbase wallet to make. Basically, you know, real world use case for using USDC and or any crypto.

DeFi and User Experience

I mean, like when they were there, they didn't. Where they. I think I talked about this the host last time where you could literally text to send crypto. So they're definitely on the right track of bringing that mass adoption that we're talking about. And like I've mentioned before, mega meme, you know, we're obviously a meme coin which has its own market and its own attention, and they're huge. But I'm waiting for all these, like I said, I'm an investor with starter and buying all the icos. I mean, I'm waiting for all these utility projects to get here. So the combination of our meme coins with Coinbase, with the rotation from ETH and Jesse and all these utility projects coming, base is just going to be on a parabolic curve and a rising tide lifts all ships.

Collaborations in DeFi

There's not going to be one winner in this space like everyone in this room. That was the other thing with base. It's not like it wasn't player versus player, where it's like I win, you lose. Like every project is in support of each other because we're all working to get the base chain, the liquidity that it deserves and the recognition it deserves. So like every project's in support, it's like we're not stepping over each other to try to raise our own projects. It's like we're all working together, from mean projects to utility projects in conjunction with each other. So.

Differing Dynamics Between Projects

Yeah, absolutely. I think that's interesting, what you just said about how all the projects are working together. I just kind of noticed something in that you always see DeFi projects working together, even if they could be seen as competitors, but you never see centralized exchanges working together. It's like they're allergic to each other and they just don't even want to have any association. But yet DeFi projects that could be classified as, you know, competitors, like, whatever you want to call them. I'm blanking on a good word, but yeah, I just wonder what you guys take on that, why you think DeFi projects are different than centralized or, you know, more web two crypto projects. Because I noticed a big difference in collaboration and just supporting each other.

User Interaction with DeFi

But then, yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a single partnership or collab or anything like that from binance and coinbase or binance and, ok, I wanted. To, yeah, I wanted to tackle this subject little bit, actually, you know, after the last couple of bull markets, just as a user of DeFi protocols in general, even if it's two dexes running at a similar time, DeFi protocols deem to feed off of each other. If users tend to find yield in one project and find a way to get some kind of yield, users generally try to find, trying to diversify their yield to other DeFi projects. Whether it's lending protocols, deXs, just general staking, compounding protocols, or whatever it may be, nobody wants to feel like they have all of their eggs in one basket.

Investment Strategies in DeFi

So participating in multiple DeFi protocols is the crypto version of owning Exxon stock and shell stock and BP stock. All the companies, everybody can have their own purposes. For example, we're running v four. There will be ve, three dexs, there will be perpetual dexs. Everyone has a purpose, and everyone has slightly different things they're trying to do. And even if we are trying to do certain similar things, the better one of us does, the better the next project will do, because there will be people that have made money on the first deFi protocol, and they will be wanting to diversify into the next one. And that's just from the user perspective. I mean, obviously with actual collaboration in terms of marketing and actual b. Two B collaboration. That's there, too, where different DeFi protocols can integrate each other's features into, for example, if we integrate a lending protocol into our interface on top of our.

The Cycle of DeFi Growth

To complete our defi hub feel. But, yeah, I mean, specifically from the user perspective, you know, it's never just one Defi protocol that has a successful yield and then Defi dies off. It always ends up having some kind of a. Some kind of an avalanche effect at some point. And we usually call those defi seasons. Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, I'm an investor, obviously, I'm representing mega Trump on base, but been full time since 2018. I do a lot on phantom the last few years, and, I mean, I was chasing. I would be on spirit swap, spooky swap, equalizer, paint swap. Like it didn't matter. And, like, to your point, trebel, like, different, you know, they have different relationships with different coins or projects that I resonated with, and then I would stake or provide LP with those.

Synergies in DeFi Platforms

So, basically, I could see how all those. Those DeFi platforms could work in conjunction with each other, because as I was looking around, I'm looking for every platform that offers these yields and aprs and, you know, doing some over here with spooky and some with spirit swap and some with equalizer exchange, and that makes a lot of sense to me. So, yeah, see how that works? I think. I think fundamentally, here in this space, we just have the abundance mindset, right? I mean, we come here and we're just like, okay, you know, what value can I provide? And then how can, you know, how can we synergize? How can we synergize platforms? How can we synergize projects, communities?

Positive Collaborations

And, I mean, that's what I found that's one of. That's one of the reasons I love this space so much. I've been full time since 2021, and that was one of the first things that really stood out to me was how many projects are willing to work together and not look at each other as competition. And. And I just thought that was so beautiful, you know? And I think. I think that we really have that same mentality here on base. There. There are definitely other ecosystems that don't have that, as much flowing through their veins as it were. But, but we. But we have it. We have it in, you know, like, in spades here on base, which is just beautiful.

Untapped DeFi Potential

You know, I feel like we haven't even really seen a true defi. I don't want to call it a season even. We haven't even seen a true DeFi segment of on base yet. I mean, if you. If you look back to. It's been a shortly before the arbitrum airdrop, I mean, there was a. There was a push on. On arbitrum. In two months, we saw. We saw six different dexs come out, three of which reached over 100 million Tvl and four of which reached over 100 million TVL, actually. So it's, you know, we haven't even seen the base airdrop narrative even pick up yet. I mean, a lot of us assume there will be an airdrop, and I think it would be very ignorant if Bayes didn't have an airdrop, because that would just kill off. Kill off a lot of their attraction.

What Lies Ahead

So, you know, that's. That's going to be coming eventually. And we don't even. We. We don't even know what kind of hype that will bring to defi activity on base at that point, because that's when people will actually want to start farming any kind of transactions just to show that they have activity on their wallets. And then, you know, another thing is when you talk about. When you're thinking about Defi yield as a user, too, you know, you might have, let's say, ethan USDC in your. In your portfolio, on your wallet, and, you know, all these defi protocols, even if it's the same exact. Even it's the same exact mechanism of a Dex, for example, they will all have different.

Diversifying Investments

For different yields, they will all give out their own government's token. They will all have their own different trading fees based on different amounts of trading volume. So it's just very smart for a user to participate in as many pools as possible with the same type of an asset so they can have diversified yields. So if for some reason, something goes wrong with any protocol, for any reason at all, you know, they're not. They don't have all their eggs in one basket.

The Future of DeFi

And, I mean, this is. This is how Defi will truly end up feeding into each other. But we haven't even seen an ounce of that. I mean, the last. The last run that we've seen Defi, the closest thing to a Defi season that, I think is when Zyber swap came out on arbitrum. You know, we saw this run with Camelot and swapfish and, you know, cyber and sharky swap and a bunch of other shit, and that was. That was sick. But it only lasted, like, four weeks and a last bull market. We had a DeFi season last like two months, three months. So this is. We haven't seen anything yet.

Commenting on Collaborations

Go ahead, Brady. You had your hand up. Yeah. I just wanted to quickly comment on the collab conversation and, you know, based on our experience and base and also from the NFT summer of 2021 where we're from, I mean, there were also plenty of collabs back then, but it wasn't really collabs, was it? I mean, it was just people chasing cloud and exchanging cloud without really an interest in helping each other. It's just, yeah, we can do a collab. Maybe we get more eyes on our project. Maybe some of your holders buy our nfts, but on base, I mean, it just feels different. We were welcomed with open arms by other pixel art projects, and they just helped us out, and we helped them out, and there was not really any expectations. It was just like, yeah, you're cool, we're cool. Let's do something together and build something that's bigger than both of our projects.

Insights on Airdrops

I got a question for treble. So do you have any alpha or what have you heard about the airdrop from base? And I'll just preface that with. I mean, I was under the impression base would not launch a token. I mean, they obviously use ETh as their native gas token. What have you heard? Is there anything that they like that we can look at as base users to get ahead of this airdrop? What do you know about it? I know there's. Granted, I don't think this project's in any way connected to base, but there's a pretty major project called Farm based pro, I believe, where they have quite a bit of users that basically automate the wallet transactions. So there's a lot, a large community there that's been just doing whatever transactions they can on base for a very long time.

The Importance of Having a Token

So if base wants to become a real dominant force on crypto worldwide, they need to have their own token, because otherwise. Otherwise, why will arbitrum not outpace base again? I mean, arbitrum orbits are heating up. A chain is going to launch their own blockchain as well. That would be an arbitrum orbitz. So as the whole super chain, arbitrum orbit, whatever you want to, you know, the multi chain narrative of these stack chains, arbitrarium, optimism, you know, whatever it may be, there will be tokens coming out of the mode network is an op stack chain that has been getting a decent amount of traction lately, but their token is based on a points based system to where, you know, you do certain transactions, you do a certain amount of bridging, and then you earn points, but you don't have any idea how much those points will translate into an actual airdrop.

Expectations for the Airdrop

So with base, the only thing that makes sense is that they will deny everything, and then they will have a retroactive airdrop for protocols that have been building, for daos that have been participating on there, and for users that have been the most active. And chances are that snapshot has already happened. So, you know, it's just one of those things where if base wants to become this dominant force, if base wants to basically over become the new BSc, but with ethereum as gas, the corporate chain of the world, essentially, you know, they will need a token. Otherwise, I'll just put my liquidity. Well, I mean, we're building treble here. But if I were a user that's going to put my assets into a protocol, some on a chain, I want to earn as many different tokens as possible, and just earning protocols, governance tokens and is not enough.

Exploring Future Potential

I want to earn stake in the actual chain that I'm using, and the only way to have that stake is to have a governance token on that chain, which will be based. Okay, yeah, with, like, optimism. You know, they have their op and matic, you know, their matic token, but those are all used for their gas, their native gas token. So this would be a little. Not op. Not op is not used for gas. Op is op is just governance token. Same with arbitrary Arp tokenization. And then from the way I believe arbitram specifically works is that there's a theory in gas fees. You know, you use ETH for transactions and then arb token holders can earn ETH as a part of those for, as a part of that, for stake.

New Collaborative Tools

So I foresee being able to stake base and being able to earn some form of yield through ethereum fees on the base network. So what you're suggesting is basically the base token would be their governance token, whereas eth would stay the gas token and what runs everything, which I think was really smart of base to keep like that. So. Okay, okay. That makes a lot of sense. That would be awesome. I would love a base airdrop. I've been active all over the place, I hope. I think we all would. Yeah, exactly. I'm here personally still waiting for metamask airdrop with my, all of my 130 30 accounts on my wallet. So let's. Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed for the base ecosystem.

Collaborative Efforts

But yeah, there's still rift. Rift. Who wants to speak? Go ahead. Yeah, no, I love everything that's been said in this conversation and talking about the different ecosystems and what they're potentially going to be doing. I did want to kind of go back to collaborations and kind of what I think it was. I think it was. Was it Trebel? Was it Trebel that was talking about it? Talking about, you know, how it was kind of like a meme, right, in 2021 with the different collaboration. No, it was bratty's is bratty's. They're off the stage, at least on my side. But yeah.

Innovative Collaboration Features

So I think you're going to see a lot more collaboration and collaboration tools that will be coming out that allow for more direct partnerships and direct like effects, a direct effect to that particular coin or that NFT or that asset. And with Rift, we actually are building for the. One of our really awesome features is that we have multi token collateralization. So you'll be able to do collaborations like MAGa Trump on base, baby tiger on base could do a collaboration together and do a hybrid NFT. Maybe it's a giveaway, maybe it's some type of utility, maybe it's something to represent that partnership, but they would be able to collateralize their tokens into these hybrid nfts that represent that partnership and that would directly affect the tokens by taking it out of the circulating supply they could create a fee structure that's on it so a revenue channel could be built.

New Opportunities on the Horizon

They're both sharing. There's a lot of different things like this that will be coming in the next few months, and we're excited to be able to provide those types of features for projects in making collaborations a little more, not just a handshake and let's do a spaces and maybe our community is going to share some type of activation together. That's one way that we see a new collaboration type of collaboration 2.0 that's going to be happening in this space. And I'm sure that it's going to happen also. More so on the engagement side, too, we're seeing new innovations when it comes to social fi, and I think that there's going to be some exciting synergies between social fi defi gamification and how projects can collaborate together on that.

Final Thoughts and Future Directions

All right. Okay. Thanks. Thanks everyone for the comments. Really interesting discussion. Again, what we have covered during the 1 hour, we are running a little bit overtime over here, so let's take a really short call to actions from the, from every speaker over here. What do you want your community to do now? Or if you have some sort of update recording your project, please go ahead. One at a time. I'll start. So, yeah, this is just the last of it. I mean, mega Trump on base. Like I said, we. We've been around since May 28. We understand where a meme coin, there's like 120,000 projects launched per day.

Market Strategies and Community Engagement

I don't know if anyone knows the stats. I've heard tons of stats, but, you know, 99% don't make it past 48 hours. We've been around four months. We hit an all time high of 16.5 million. We've retraced down to 1 million. And currently we're sitting at 1.5 million for a base meme project. So we are front running base and politifi. We have a strong CTO team with 25 people. We have great tokenomics with 47 million supply. We did get whitelisted on equalizer exchange to deepen liquidity, maybe talk to Treble to see what the deal with that is. For Trebel, we did a marketing partnership with Bolide.

Charitable Initiatives and Community Building

We continually trend on Coinbase wallet swaps. We do have a charity wallet that are at our all time high was worth over 120,000 that we're going to donate to first responders. We had 14 members attend on chain summit. We met Jake Jesse, Rodney, Slumdoge millionaire Hennocke and we're currently making short videos with the people that made the short videos for on chain summit. So we'll have some of those rolling out. We secured an email list of 180,000 of the most right leaning political donors. So we are marketing to an email list that we secured and we started meeting with market makers and we're getting on new spaces and podcasts, even one called the mean show with some high end political figures and comedians, actually, thanks to Jordan here with rift.

Closing Remarks and Future Prospects

So, yep, that's mega Trump on base. Click our blue face, check us out. And we are legit project that have plans from now till November and once Trump wins four more years. So come check us out. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Maga. But I think you were too, a little bit too optimistic with this 48 hours. My friend just made a coin on Tron and it lived 30 minutes before the so called impulse, I mean, paid opinion leaders started to do their job. So yeah, there's a big difference being an organic and long term meme coin rather than just this 30 minutes gamble over there.

Reflections on the Current Climate

But yeah, they nowadays do not last even 30 minutes, for your information, everyone. But yeah, let's go to the next closing remarks. Whoever wants to say what they have. Their own mind, Rob here. Yeah, thanks for another amazing base spaces here. Always a great time. The markets, the market is turning around. So let's all get optimistic. And everyone who hasn't heard about treble yet, who's listening, come check out our socials, get on our twitter, get in our telegram, start chatting in our telegram.

Exciting Developments Ahead

Everything that we have is essentially built right now and audited and we are ready to go as soon as, well as soon as liquidity starts pouring in. We're keeping an eye on that USDC valuation inside base. And, you know, the fire is burning and we are well ready. We are at the start line and we'll be going very soon. Our ideo will be starting and there will be announcement for that, will not be telling you a date right now, but keep an eye on that. There will be a countdown whenever that is. And yeah, let's get based, everyone.

Exciting Features from Baby Tiger

Hey, guys, just for as the last time and to close up, were baby tagging was as I said, were the first ruble flexic meme coin. We did a pre sale which, where we raised $1.2 million and we're using all the ethereum as collateral. The trick of what separates us or what makes us difference is that whenever there's a higher margin on our loan on ETH is we use that margin to market by the tokens from our off the market which makes us go higher in price as we've done. If you compare, actually very funny enough. If you compare the chart of ETH from when we launched to our chart, it actually, you can see it follows it.

Funding and Future Vision

So it's basically like a leverage bet on base on ETH. So if you believe ETH is going to go to 510 thousand, you know where to go. You know what the safest bet is? Safest as in the not financial advice, you know, you guys know what I mean? But yeah, come check us out. Happy to speak with everybody. Welbet and rift, I guess. Yeah, I get, I, yeah, I guess I'll jump in. Hey, we just appreciate, you know, being a part of this space with amazing pioneers and you know, that are, they're bringing, you know, millions on chain and we're getting ready also for our ido.

Rift's Ongoing Initiatives

We we're not going to say a date just yet, but it's coming up here soon and we're also launching our mvp of our platform. before that we're doing different testing tranches with the community. So if you want to get into the testing, which does have some nice incentives, definitely go to entertherif.com. and I also pinned it up on the jumbotron here so you can sign up and be ready for our testing phase. And also we're looking for any project out there that wants to integrate the new revolution of hybrid nfts.

Hybrid NFT Integration

And we developed our own protocol called the Drift protocol that is more flexible, has many more options than 404. In fact, we can enhance 404 projects. So any 404 projects out there, we can actually work with you, which is cool. That abundance mindset with the drift protocol here. We look forward to bringing this platform, these tools and this project on chain to twelve plus chains here in the near future.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

Okay, thank you. I think velvet, do you still want to add something or shall we wrap it up here? I have a feeling that velvet has disappeared. Disappeared somewhere from online. But yeah, thanks again from my side for everyone who showed up over here. Great spaces like always, interesting discussions and really happy to hear other opinions than only talking with my mirror over here. So thank you for joining and thank you for all the listeners and we will see you next time.

Goodbyes and Best Wishes

Have a good weekend. And Thursday and Friday for that one. Bye bye, everyone. Have a great week, everyone.

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