Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Based Spaces hosted by StarterLabsHQ. Based Spaces, a leading blockchain research and development firm, is making waves in the industry through a combination of innovative strategies, community involvement, and successful fundraising efforts. With a focus on IRL incubation, coworking, and onchain capital formation, Based Spaces stands out as a hub for blockchain enthusiasts, investors, and developers alike. Their commitment to research and development, strategic partnerships, and a blend of offline and online collaboration distinguishes them within the blockchain space. By showcasing real-world applications of blockchain technology and fostering a collaborative ecosystem, Based Spaces continues to contribute significantly to the growth and innovation of the industry.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the primary focus of Based Spaces?
A: Based Spaces is focused on blockchain research, development, IRL incubation, and coworking opportunities.

Q: How much capital has Based Spaces raised so far?
A: Based Spaces has raised over $45 million through @atlantachain and onchain capital formation platforms.

Q: What sets Based Spaces apart from other blockchain firms?
A: Based Spaces stands out for their emphasis on community engagement, innovation, and fostering a collaborative ecosystem.

Q: What benefits do investors and developers gain from collaborating with Based Spaces?
A: Investors and developers benefit from Based Spaces' unique strategies, research focus, and blend of offline and online collaboration opportunities.

Q: How does Based Spaces support blockchain enthusiasts?
A: Based Spaces serves as a hub for blockchain enthusiasts by fostering innovation, growth, and providing access to collaborative spaces.

Q: What fundraising approaches does Based Spaces utilize?
A: Based Spaces uses a combination of traditional fundraising methods and onchain capital formation to support their initiatives.

Q: Why is strategic partnership crucial for Based Spaces' success?
A: Strategic partnerships are vital for Based Spaces as they emphasize collaboration, growth, and innovative blockchain solutions.

Q: How does Based Spaces contribute to the blockchain industry's development?
A: Based Spaces contributes to the blockchain industry by showcasing innovative approaches, research, and fostering a collaborative ecosystem.

Q: What makes Based Spaces attractive to investors and developers?
A: Based Spaces' focus on community engagement, unique strategies, and commitment to research and development make them appealing to investors and developers.

Q: What opportunities does Based Spaces provide for blockchain enthusiasts?
A: Based Spaces offers collaborative opportunities, access to innovation, and a blend of IRL and online spaces for blockchain enthusiasts.

Q: What is the innovative aspect of Based Spaces' approach to blockchain?
A: Based Spaces showcases innovation through their unique strategies, traditional and onchain fundraising methods, and commitment to real-world applications.


Time: 00:15:42
Based Spaces' Fundraising Success Exploring how Based Spaces raised over $45 million for blockchain initiatives.

Time: 00:25:19
Innovative Blockchain Strategies Discovering the unique approaches that set Based Spaces apart in the industry.

Time: 00:35:50
Community Engagement and Collaboration Emphasizing the importance of community involvement in Based Spaces' ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:31
IRL Incubation and Coworking Opportunities How Based Spaces fosters physical and virtual spaces for blockchain enthusiasts.

Time: 00:55:12
Strategic Partnerships for Growth Exploring the significance of partnerships in Based Spaces' success.

Time: 01:05:44
Blend of Offline and Online Collaboration Understanding how Based Spaces integrates both IRL and online engagement.

Time: 01:15:27
Research and Development Focus Highlighting Based Spaces' commitment to innovation through R&D.

Time: 01:25:18
Attractiveness to Investors and Developers Why Based Spaces stands out as an appealing option for industry professionals.

Time: 01:35:39
Contributions to Blockchain Industry Development Examining Based Spaces' impact on the growth and innovation of the blockchain sector.

Time: 01:45:51
Real-World Applicability of Blockchain Technology How Based Spaces bridges theoretical blockchain concepts with practical applications.

Key Takeaways

  • Based Spaces is a blockchain research and development firm with a focus on IRL incubating and coworking.
  • They have raised over $45 million in capital formation through @atlantachain and onchain platforms.
  • The company emphasizes community engagement and collaborative opportunities in the blockchain space.
  • Based Spaces showcases innovative approaches to blockchain technology and real-world applications.
  • Their success highlights the importance of strategic partnerships and fundraising in the industry.
  • The firm stands out for its commitment to research, development, and fostering a collaborative ecosystem.
  • Based Spaces serves as a hub for blockchain enthusiasts, fostering innovation and growth in the sector.
  • Their unique strategies attract both investors and developers interested in blockchain technology.
  • The company's focus on both IRL and online collaboration sets them apart in the blockchain research and development space.
  • Based Spaces offers a blend of traditional fundraising and onchain capital formation to support their initiatives.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

Sadeena. Sadeena. Okay. Hi. Hi GM or good evening everyone and nice to see you again. All of our regular guests and the new ones as well. I see actually quite many new people over here today, which is great. Looks like our online summer parties and going pretty well. There are a lot of speakers today so let's make it that way because we have already advertised with couple of brothers that they are welcome here to the speak. So some people after they have spoken can drop and then just, you know, us again a little bit. Rotate, rotate the speaker slots so we will get a lot of use and opinions today. But because we have so many people already over here today, I think we can go straight to the point. We have had really good discussion for the actually for the whole summer and really happy to continue around those questions that we have again prepared. But who knows if we are able to only cover one or two when the projects share their opinions over here. But let's start with the familiar round over here. Everyone gives an introduction of their project and then we go into the topical questions. So welcome all on my behalf.

Introduction by Larry from Drake Exchange

Hi, I'll go next. I'm Larry, I'm with Drake Exchange and we're super happy to be co-hosting this once again. We are a perpetual exchange that is on base and we're just waiting on a few things from Chainlink and after that we'll be launching very soon. We recently won the on chain summer buildathon and we're super excited to combine the best features of centralized exchanges with 100% decentralized and transparent perp exchange. So happy to be here and really excited to hear what everyone else has to say. I'll start off next. I'm the business developer for equalizer scale, specifically scale on base, and I'm here to actually talk about a few things for our decks, a few improvements, and a few key things about what we have coming up.

Introduction by Others

Hi, I can go? Thanks for having this space. So we're building Velvet Capital and what we are is a portfolio management app for traders to manage all their different on-chain positions, including spot assets and defi protocol assets. What we do is we streamline portfolio management, make it simple to get in and out of any asset you wish. We launched our beta on a few other chains and then launched our first version of the main product on base about a week and a half ago and just joined on chain summer as well. So excited for the space. All right, we'll go next. Hello here from Uncx. So we're the pioneers of liquidity locking we are on many different chains so we are top ten tvl on base. So if you guys want to do token vesting, you want to launch a project, you can always look for us and excited to be a part of this base as well.

Further Introductions

GM GM Rob here. I'm one of the co-founders of Treble. Thanks for having me on again. And we are the first v four Dex come into base and we'll be at all encompassing Defi hub including a launchpad, cross chain swap and our v four platform. And yeah, we're very excited to get the space started. I'll go next. I'm Akansha from Deezap. Dzap is building a Defi aggregator plus we also have features like batch swap and DCA in our platform. We have already aggregated 20 plus protocols in our aggregator and we are live on twelve plus chains as of now and aiming for more. Looking forward to this space. Hey guys, I'm Daniel and I'm the CEO of Defi builder. Basically what we work on is streamlining the process of creating cryptocurrency assets. So BRC 20 tokens, nfts and various other assets with customizability.

Expansions on Defi Projects

And we also do the same for Defi protocols. So we allow people to create Dexs lending and borrowing protocols and various other projects without having to do any coding and with the front end customization. And right now we're also moving into microservices. So we'll be working on various types of telegram integrations, telegram mini apps on chain hosted blogging protocols and websites, and various other things. I don't know if yeah, just went silent but I'm Alex. I'm one of the co-founders of RB Legends. We are anime inspired community building some really cool products on we started off on the XRPL and now we're moving to base. The updates will be pretty soon and our main product that we're going to launch with is a PvP trading card game using your Anbu legend nfts.

Anime Community Insights and More Introductions

We have a play to earn system. We have some really cool ideas that we're going to build out for in the future. And yeah, can't wait to just tell more of the bass community about our products and try and get involved in some more anime communities. There wasn't that many on the chain that were on before and we're hoping that more people love anime on bass. So hit me up if you do, but yeah, that's us. I'll chime in if all the projects already spoke I'm mega Trump on base. We're a meme coin. But that's why I love the spaces, because I literally love hearing the utility projects and that's what base needs. Been a vip member with starter for two or three years. So an investor at heart. So the one thing I want to do when it comes back around to the host is I just want to update you guys on the on chain summit, San Francisco, so.

Technical Issues and Continuity

And when there's a spot for that, I'll give you guys some hype because it was dope. It. Did we lose the space? No, sorry, guys. There was a little bit of technical issues. And Drake as well, he dropped and he's back in. So I have also added now open ocean over there. Hello, do you hear me? Yep, we can hear you. Yeah. We are waiting for the introduction from open ocean. It doesn't look like they're a speaker in the space. Yeah, for me it looks like they are a speaker. They're okay, Elon. They left and came back, so maybe they'll come up this time. Yeah, exactly. Elon is doing his magic once again.

Final Attempts to Engage Speakers

Yeah, for me it looks like no one is a speaker, actually. Yeah, a little bit confusing. Let me add him once again if he's able to speak and then we can start. Add Elon to the space, please, so he can fix it. Yes. Hey, fantastic. Sorry, just a little. Few technical difficulties. Yeah, quick introduction. Open ocean is one of the widest reaching Dex aggregators in the space. So we do Dex aggregation and LP aggregation on over 30 different chains. We are the biggest no fee trade router in the space. So if you want to always get the best price for your trades, we're going to be the ones who you come to.

Operations and Offerings of Open Ocean

And so far, base is actually our playground where we're testing, releasing all of our new products. So we have one of the first versions of our on chain DCA. Again, no additional fees with our limit orders as well. So anyone who wants to do any trading on base, we have essentially every single major liquidity pool index. So open ocean is here to facilitate your trading, whether it's base, another l two, or unique l one. These spaces have always been fantastic, huge. Thank you for throwing it together and yeah, I'm excited to dig down into the base weeds with everybody. So thanks for the invite, guys.

Discussion on Transparency in Crypto

Yeah, I would love to get intelligram with you after the space. Maybe we can get a group started. Would love to talk about aggregation with our, with treble once we go live. Yeah, man, let's do it. I'll pop you a follow on Twitter and we can talk afterwards. Awesome. Yeah, great. One of our main tasks over here in the base spaces is to make friends with each other and make, obviously, ourselves as well known in the community that everyone is building over there. And by the way, I see that game on Forge and Touchgrass, you are as well requesting to become a speaker.

Introduction to Topics of Discussion

So let's do it in a way that we start to with some discussion of the topical discussions over here, and we will lift you as well to the speakers during the spaces. So, because you have been invited and advertised that you are over here, you will get your slot as well. But so do not please disappear from the spaces. We see that you are over here and we are really grateful that everyone of you has again participated and showed up to the Thursday evening for me. But perhaps it's really a morning for you. But yeah, let's. Let's go into the discussion for this week, right.

Focus on Incentivizing Users and Market Insights

For the last four weeks, we have been talking about incentivizing users and how to build your project during this limbo market. We have as well, talked about quite a lot market. Last week. We talked about liquidity and BTC coming, Coinbase, BTC and things like that. I think we can go a little bit deeper in the discussion today in terms of transparency. This is hot work, hard work, always. In crypto, we are in the space because we believe, actually in the core promise of crypto, that everything is visible over there and everything can be traced in that sense.

The Challenge of Transparency

However, I think most of us actually do think as well, that for all of the cases, it's not the ideal solution. And that is why, for example, in 2017, we had this ongoing discussion of private chains and the public chains. That was my newbie year, 2017. My technical co-founder here from Finland, he was a little bit more experienced than myself in crypto, like the second Ethereum developer in the. In this country, let's say, like this. And when I was trying to get my head around the whole crypto and blockchain and try to ask all sorts of questions, what kind of applications and things could build on blockchain, he always asked, okay, Sovie, why not a centralized server then?

Reflections on Learning and Experience in Crypto

Because my ideas didn't actually align with the core principles of blockchain and transparency and things like that. However, it was my newbie year, and I have grown quite a lot since then, actually fairly quickly, and then I understood the whole idea around it. But we also know that in crypto, often this is fake until you make it market. Right. It's very competitive. Every, all of us, if we are working in the same niche, we are kind of, let's say competing from the same users, at least attention.

Engagement with Community and Crypto

And in cases of tokens, also capital and liquidity. So what is your take on transparency over here? How much need to be shared to the community and how and if everything, why? And if not everything, why not? I'll go ahead and. Oh, go ahead. Okay. Yeah, I just wanted to jump in here. As our publicly facing anonymous team, we are docs with certain of our, certain partners of ours. So as far as transparency goes, you know, I believe that it is very important to have to be using open source technology while you're building. It's very important to keep your community up to date.

Importance of Transparency in Crypto Projects

And if you're raising any funding, it's very important to make sure everyone's aware where that funding is going to. And as far as, but as far as doxxing your identities in crypto, I would say that it's not always a necessary thing, especially when you're living in certain regions. You know, me, for example, I'm based out of United States. Currently we have team that's based in Europe and Canada as well. So, you know, we would like to get docs with our friends and partners, everyone we're doing business with. But as far as front facing things, you know, we'd like to wait for regulation to get a little bit more clear on the western side.

Conclusion on Transparency

So transparency is very important.

Transparency in the Crypto Space

But there are many ways you can be transparent without having to tell everybody your address and your everything in that sense. So the way we're tackling is all of our contractors are audited. As I mentioned, all of our business partners, we've been docs with them. And as far as all of our tech that we're using, it is all open source. So everyone who will be using our protocol, they'll be able to look at our GitHub, they'll be able to look at all of our code on chain, and they'll be able to verify that everything is legit and audited. So it's very important to be clear with your community, with your goals, what you intend to do with your projects. You have your roadmap posted and you have to execute. And then when the time is right, you can maybe be a little front facing and we can say goodbye to anonymity when things become a little clear. But transparency is something you have to do in a way that's not going to harm your identities in the crypto space at the moment.

Anonymous Teams and Security Concerns

Yeah, that was actually really good. Take over there in terms of the doxing, for example, teams. I often say that anonymous team alone as itself, it's not a scam because there are a number of valid reasons as well. Why, for example, all of the founders don't want to be public people. I think it was this Columbia Ethereum conference like half over one year ago. One and a half year ago, there were even people sending messages in Twitter that please do not use your binance or bitcoin shirt over there at the streets of Columbia because it can be actually quite dangerous. So there is a security aspect as well. If you are walking over there, I'm the biggest builder in the whole crypto, I'm your new target. But yeah, unfortunately in this space, I understand where the community is coming from when they want to know who is behind. However, we need to remember as well that even if the project would be doing absolutely its best and giving all the time and effort for the project, still, it is a startup, and all startups just don't become, you know, that one unicorn that well, ideally everyone wants to be.

Community Expectations and Trust

So there are projects that do well, projects that do okay, but the community, we don't know how the people kind of, how can I say things about it? They can say that, okay, you're a scammer because you didn't make me 10 million over the night. But yeah, let's go the next opinions around the topic. Yeah, and I totally agree that I want everything that's been said so far. And yeah, there's certain projects that it's probably best not for them to dox because of regulatory reasons. But in that case, I think that there are still ways to be very transparent and upfront with your community. Like one example I can give is, you know, GMX, they're completely anonymous, but yet everyone has full trust in them. And I think that's because they've shown that they have no ill intentions. They've put everything on chain. GMX is completely decentralized and it can pretty much run without any human interaction, which is impressive. And I think that's the end goal for a lot of crypto projects.

The Importance of Information Sharing

But going along that you still need to, I think, provide more information. And oversharing is never a bad thing. If you're anonymous team, you can't assume that every user is going to be an expert sleuthing. The blockchain and base scan or etherscan, got to explain everything and assume that people might not be the best at looking through those things or maybe they still don't have the time. And so just explaining everything you're doing, explaining your intentions, breaking down the more technical things, there's no harm in that. And I think it just builds a layer of trust compared to I mean there's certain chains like Solana for example. There's just devs that are anonymous and just farming their users and pumping and dumping and it's awful and it sucks. And there's very little transparency in a lot of those projects. But I think base is a lot better in that regard. It seems a lot more community focused and people actually seem to care. So yeah, I think transparency is huge and there's no issue in oversharing providing as much information as possible and just making it easy to understand because even if you are honest and mean, well, if people don't understand what you're doing, they might assume worst.

Regulatory Developments in Crypto

So yeah, that's my take on it. And curious to hear what other people think. Yeah, I have some opinions about it as well. I think down the line, eventually we're probably going to see some regulatory entities for crypto that are probably going to manage KYB KYC for teams and also the security of projects. I'm hoping that we're going to see something streaming. I think a lot of it, my two cent on this would be a lot of it is like managing just people's expectations. Like if at the beginning you say you're not going to dox before you either sell anything or promote what you're building, stuff like that, you make it clear what youre, what you the community's expectation should before anyone sort of involves themselves, then it shouldn't be a problem. At the end of the day, most people in this space, you kind of like know what you're getting into. And even if people are doxxed, like what you said at the beginning, like it doesn't stop projects from failing.

Value of Open Communication

It doesn't stop projects from maybe I doing as well as other unicorns. So it's like we just kind of have to, if you're managing those expectations throughout the process, throughout your building, then like your community hopefully will stay happy and trust you. And yeah, in some like we're doxxed people know who we are. We did it at the beginning and I don't think people really cared that much. It was just more about like what did we say were going to do and how are we going to do it and I don't think it would have. Our community would have been happy or sad, depending on those results towards the end. So I think, yeah, that's the main thing. Yeah, that's just my two cent on that. Although we are the ANBU, so if you know about the ANBU, we're a black ops specialized secret agency, so maybe we shouldn't have doxxed ourselves. That's my opinion.

Experiences in Crypto Development

Yeah. I'd like to chime in a bit here myself. So equalizer is actually the founder's actually been doxxed. Me myself, I've been doxed as well in crypto for about two years. It was sort of what someone earlier said, mentioned, actually, as long as you say what you're going to do, the fact that you're docsing doesn't really matter. It does obviously give some confidence to other people. But with something like equalizer, we run on a ve three Dex model, which is kind of like a flywheel mechanism. And that's one of the hardest parts for us is because we want to make it as transparent as possible to our users, as well as protocols, and how this is a lot better than Uniswap. The way this model came up actually was combining both curve as well as Uniswap. And I'm sure you can see now the revenue from Uniswap, the token, how Uniswap is doing. But another competitor of ours would obviously be aerodrome.

Community Engagement and UI Improvements

But you can see how they've obviously dominated in that aspect when it comes to us. Of course, were on Phantom initially, and Phantom obviously had its own sort of hiccups in that aspect. But we still built on there from the very beginning. And that allowed us, our founder and as well as our team to get really close with the foundation. So I know they're relaunching their own layer one as well later this year. I don't want to talk too much about it because it's a base space, but that in itself has already solidifies ourselves in such a good aspect. So, for example, when I got hard as the business development for the Bay side, because I want to make it very clear that was one of the biggest things in the community, was that is the team shifting focus to bass? Are we shifting focus to Phantom? It was more so we just onboarded new people. Me as a business development, other people is marketing, so people could focus as well on Phantom and sonic and all those other aspects.

Developing Educational Resources

But just recently we've been making like a lot of noise on base. I know the number one leading token just past week, I believe was the tad token. And were able to get them on equalizer, get them on our flywheel mechanism and everything. And that's one of the things as well, is we want to create videos. We have videos as well on Phantom, but create videos because I know base itself is such a, there's a lot of new people on base who had never even provided liquidity to begin with. So we want to make those videos to make it easier for them. And at the same time we want to teach protocols how this five bill mechanism works. So we wanted our system where you would bribe your token, people would lock their initial, people would lock our native token, which is scale, to have voting power.

Innovative Strategies for Community Growth

And they would vote on these pools due to the bribes, so that they get these bribes streamed to them. And whichever amount of pool gets a certain amount of votes per epoch, these epochs run on a one week schedule. Those emissions are targeted towards them. So one thing we want to do obviously, is we have a four week broad match program. And that's one of the things we want to make clear to protocols is the reason for this is to kind of bootstrap your own voting powers that you're not always bribing out of pocket or doing these other things. Because equalizer itself is a way better product than uniswap or even sushiswap itself. And having a lot of projects, even such as Trump and other people as well, they've been onboarded as well, and they're starting to learn the throttle mechanism as well. We want to teach them more of the mathematics of it, how to actually grow your liquidity and boost your liquidity and as well as leverage the community that we have on Fantom.

User Experience and Functional Innovations

So touch up more on that. Our community actually receives our expansion to base really well, actually. So we have a bunch of people on Phantom, we have a bunch of people on base as well. And our community is just beginning to grow larger and larger. And I just want touch up on just some more things is just part of it's like the UI UX experience. And me personally, I'm proud to say that we probably have one of the best ones ever. When you come on our website, you won't have to wait 20 seconds for fetching price or anything like that. Everything is very clear in our aspect and our new v five just went live as well. And we are also have a meta aggregator integrated into our swap mechanism. And Openocean is in that as well, Otis and as well as a lot of other aggregators. And that's to give you guys the best possible rates ever.

Competitive Strategies and Future Plans

So it's kind of in a situation where if you're not swapping an equalizer, you might be losing some due to slippage. So always just check, you know, I mean, whichever on that aspect. But I just want touch up more on that because we kind of function on different, a different Dex model, but it's clearly proven to be a lot better than curve convex as well as uniswap. You could kind of see the TVL dropping from over there and kind of migrating over to these kind of v 33 dexs. And another thing I do want touch upon is while we do have a lot of partners, really see a medium article as well by the end of today that will touch up more about everything to do with equalizer and our expansion and everything. All right, thank you.

Insights from Recent Events

And then there has been Maga and Daphap raising hands quite long time. Either way, you can take from here. Maga. All right, thanks. Hey, sorry if I cut you off there. The host, I just. I couldn't hear you before, so I don't know if I did or not. But I reset my phone so I can hear you perfectly now. I just wanted to add for everyone, all these base projects in here. Like mega Trump on base. We just went to on chain summit in San Francisco. We had four team members there. And this is for all these utility projects. Like I said, I'm an investor at heart. I've been with starter labs for three or four years now in the vip group buying all icos. And we just partnered with equalizer coming from Phantom over to base.

Experiences at On-Chain Summit

Got a beautiful blue trump face on there. We're front running the base ecosystem and politifact. But just for all you guys, like, I know the market's been tough, but like, on Chain summit, which was hosted by Jesse Gagain. Jesse. Jake Gagain, Jesse P. Was there, Rodney from crypto journey. And it was just an awesome event. So if I have like two minutes, I was going to tell you guys about it because it really lit like a fire on all the groups that were there. It was a lot of meme projects. There was some utility projects, but overall, like. So when you bought your pass, you actually could have went to on Chain summit.com, connected your Coinbase wallet and you just paid with either USDC or ETH right through your Coinbase wallet, through the website.

Utilization of NFT Technology

So like real world utility, literally right when I paid with USDC through my Coinbase wallet, I got an email for the hotel check in and NFT for the three day event. And it was the W hotel, which is a very nice hotel in San Francisco. And then directly across the street is the Howard. It's like a three story event center. And this guy, Kevin, who is the on chain, I tagged it in. It's at on chain summit SF. He put it together and was an absolute rock star. He's like a crypto maxi. That's Silicon Valley. Big money all in there in San Francisco. And he had like 30 tvs, all had meme coins decorated all over him.

Innovative Event Experience

All the poker tables were redone with all the descriptions of the meme coins, the poker, all the poker chips. It was full, all inclusive. All you can eat and drinks, like white service the whole time. So, like, you literally, the first event was Friday, 430 to 830, and it was a mixer, and you didn't have to wait in line for drinks or food. They were just coming around, had a poker night. And then Saturday was the full on event, nine to five, where they did all the speakers and panels. There was three levels. The bottom was like a design level where they were doing custom base gear.

Event Overview

The middle was all the vendors, which mega Trump on base. We had a table that were passing on our merch, and then the top was like, where the speakers, there was panels all day speaking. So, you know, just to let you know, like, there was certain conversations, you know, even Jesse P. Like, he's like, they. He's like, I can't divulge, but he's like, trust me, big money is coming to base. Like, he's like, big money is coming to base. And I know, like, a bunch of these meme projects, you know, were all front running it and we're waiting for all these utility projects. That's why I keep repeating, I love this space. But, yeah, like, it's just, it was reassuring to hear.

Market Insights from Speakers

He's like, and you know, even when Jake and Jesse did their thing on Saturday, he's like, you guys, people are following the curve of the Internet for, like, the growth of crypto because it's similar. He's like, it's going to be nothing close to similar because the Internet needed infrastructure. Like, they had to build and put in lines and whatever. Like, the infrastructure is already there. Like, Jesse's like, so locked in. When he did his interview with Jake, he's like, within five years, we're trying to get the whole world on chain and specifically to base, he's like, there's no reason we shouldn't. And yeah, just to hear like his focus, like high-level focus. So I don't want to talk about like the low level stuff, just high level.

Base's Positioning and Future

Like overall, the vision of base, the backing they have by Coinbase, the money that's coming in the utility projects. And like I said, these people that hosted this event were even in their own right. Big, big people. Like Kevin that owns this building, I mean, he's just a crypto maxi that went out of his way to host this Coinbase event and like, so yeah, I just wanted to like, you know, give everyone there a little bit of confidence. I put some pictures there, but yeah, like, it was just an awesome event. If they do that event again next year because it was only $750 for two nights at that W hotel, which is very nice, three days at the event and all the food and drinks, like there's no way they made money, but it was like a vibe, atmosphere, a bunch of micro conversations all the way throughout the whole time.

Community and Collaborative Spirit

There wasn't like winner and loser. Like, it was like we're all going to grow together and get liquidity from these other chains. So it was a super great event. And like I said, I just hope like all you projects that are building and like know that you built on the right chain and that base is where all the liquidity is going to come. So yeah, I just wanted to give you that. But I do got to get into my real life meeting and if you got a spot, I think my secret bases here, I'd be happy to have them take my spot because they were there too. And any project can benefit from secret base. So if you guys have any questions, I'll answer them, but if not, I'm going to sign off.

Positive Atmosphere of Base Events

Guys want to say basis but it seems like whatever people are meeting up in real life or base, whether it be on-chain summit or when frames came out, it always gives a positive atmosphere and that might be due to Jesse or Sam or anything like that, but I think it's just due to the, just the culture of base coinbase and the people who are pushing it. So yeah, all the pictures you sent, everything, it looked like a lot of fun. Unfortunately for me, I'm on vacation myself so I wasn't able to make it. But for $750, that's a. Yeah, it's a. Definitely sounds like a good event.

Acknowledging Feedback from the Community

Thanks. Thanks for the, let's say, positive wipes that you just delivered for us. Delivered for us. All of the base believers. Believers or believers. Whatever you want to call ourselves. But yeah, it's always good to know, kind of hear this kind of news that the liquidity is coming and, well, it gives us hope, even if the summer has been a little bit of limbo and we all just keep building and waiting for a little bit more bullish times, but. Okay. All right. There is still Dubhap who has been raising his hand for quite some time.

Introducing Dapphub and Its Features

Yeah. Hey, guys, I'm Travis from Daphub, and I'm one of the co-founders of our browser. Just a quick intro. Dapphub is basically a browser that's really built to take the steps for like somebody coming on chain for the first time from like 1015 steps to three. So you sign up for email to browser. They basically have an app store built in and built-in wallet. And then our browser is like non-chromium. So basically like, we don't have to look at anybody's data, it's all private, and basically the server instance is all, is also like secure as well. So the users don't have to worry about getting scammed inside the browser, things like that.

Discussion on Doxing and Consumer Trust

You guys are all building like great products as I see. I would love to talk more with you guys, but I want to know about like, how do you guys feel about doxing when it comes to like, the average consumer? Right? So, like, when I think about like, the traditional web to consumers, I don't think a lot of them really care too much about like, what they're using. Like, when it comes. Well, I mean, like, who built this specific product when it comes to like, a consumer app versus DeFi. So that's just like, I had a question like that I wanted. Well, yeah, I think with consumer apps, I think it's definitely different than DeFi.

Consumer Expectations and Trust Factors

And the same thing is like with traditional service provider, if all you're doing is something like audits or you're building applications that don't necessarily require anybody to make any kind of purchases or anything, where somebody could say that, oh, you're using securities or something like that. I mean, maybe when Dap Hub has a token that is being traded, then you could have some kind of problems or some kind of issues with how the token is being sold. Because I know the SEC likes to regulate by. Was it regulation through punishment is what I've heard before. So, but until you have a token and you're just building a product that people will be using without any financial requirements, then I don't think there's any risk there.

User Experience in Web Two vs Web Three

I think that's a really interesting question that depressed, like, with web two users. And I think the main thing for them is just how it makes them feel when they're using an app and if it feels trustworthy, it feels safe. Like it could be the greatest app ever and have an amazing infrastructure. But if it looks sketchy or if it looks like it's still in construction or not fully built out and developed, I think consumers are very wary of that. Like, I've heard a lot of stories where, you know, whether they're like startups or, you know, fintech companies or like, Sales as a service companies, though, when they release their first iteration of a project or their product, they don't name it v one because consumers think, oh, it's v one.

Impact of Branding on User Trust

There's probably going to be a lot of bugs. It's the first version of it. You know, it's going to have issues. They'll just go ahead and name it v two, even if it is the first version, just because calling it v two makes people think, oh, it's already been out, they've gone through some fixes, they've gotten feedback, you know, they've improved it. And I just think that's hilarious. And it just kind of reinforces that. It's just all about the appearance and the vibe it gives off and whether it feels safe or it looks polished and they don't care who made it, they just want to feel good when they're using it. And I think a lot of that translates to web three as well.

Onboarding Challenges in Web Three

And the further along that we get and try to onboard more retail people and web two users, we really need to focus on, like, abstracting that crypto aspect away and just making it feel good and feel smooth and feel like an app that they're used to using because having to go through all the steps of confirming transactions and, you know, transferring to different wallets or, you know, anything that you have to do normally in crypto that we're used to, that can be kind of intimidating for normal people. So, yeah, I think that's a huge hurdle to get over. And it's going to be the big next wave in web three is how you can make it crypto and make it DeFi, but really take away all the aspects that scare people off and just make it seem like a normal app.

Updates from Equalizer

I think that's kind of just to chime in here. I think it's kind of the route went with with equalizer right now. It's funny that you say v two, we're actually on our v five front end UI, and it is actually v five. We've had a team working on it for several months now, and obviously now it's live on base. But that was one of the things we did, of course, because were on Phantom. There's obviously many things about the old Dapp that I could have said we could have improved on, but one thing is we kind of solidified ourselves in that aspect. Like I said, not only is the founder docs, me, myself, on docs as well, but we had such a good relationship with the Phantom foundation as well as other projects, while obviously still improving on everything else and then coming out with sort of a better Dapp.

Trust in the Crypto Space

I mean, even being in crypto, I remember, I think it was a year or two ago when that whole note as a service thing was going on with strong block and everything and all the Dapps looked honestly wonderful, like web two type level Dapps, that crazy animations, but a lot of them just ended up scamming and rugging. You know, we kind of took the reverse aspect in that approach. And for us, it's just turning out really well because we get a lot of good feedback on our Dap. And obviously, improvements that people wanted beforehand have been, of course, added. But, yeah, with web three and DeFi, it is a bit different.

Governance and Respect in the Ecosystem

I think someone was talking about it before. When it comes to consumer apps and DeFi, it is very different. But at least for equalizer, I know for a fact that is definitely how it worked on that way. The fact that they stayed such close eyes on Phantom and then expand it to base, in my opinion, not only the best time, but also the time where they could hire people as well. We've obviously used the optimism token grants to bootstrap liquidity and pay for other things as well. So that's what gives us that option. But, yeah, I just want to touch up on there with how people sort of govern respect and trustability within web three.

Building Trust on Social Media

Great, thanks. Good take again, by the way, I just wanted to chime in over here. Cult games and game unforge, I have tried to send you quite many invitations to become speakers, so please raise your hands unless Elon is again rugging us. So game unforge and gold games, please do raise your hand. So I will lift you up as a speaker as well. But, yeah, please, let's. Let's go ahead around the discussions. Who would be. Who would like to be the next one? Yeah, I can go.

The Importance of Trust

I think a lot of what we keep talking about just comes back to trust. Like when we're talking about why base is generating all this interest. A lot of investors, a lot of projects wanting to go over to base. I think a lot of that's just due to Coinbase's track record. They've been around since like 2013, I believe, never went under. Now they're a publicly traded company with balance sheets that are audited by big four audit firms publicly, like scrutinized by the SEC. So people have kind of developed a lot of trust in them. And I think it's the same thing as kind of doxxing as a team yourself.

Building Trust Through Transparency

Our team's like all doxed and I think it's just another way to build trust. I don't think you need to dox yourself in crypto, but I do think it helps build trust along with like audits, any open source code you have showing people transactions on the blockchain itself. I think it's all just trust factor. And how do you kind of build that over time? And you can kind of take small steps here and there and hopefully eventually people will trust you and you can kind of be one of those name brands in crypto. So I think that's kind of where we keep coming back to is just the idea of trust in the ecosystem.

Evolving Trust Dynamics

I'll just pitch in. So trust in Twitter, in crypto, Twitter. As of now, trust is built by continuous, you know, tweets by founders. And even if the founder is doxxed, even if the whole team is doxxed, it does not matter until and unless they are delivering the right set of features. So trust is important and how the founder's vision is thing is out there for the public is also important. Sorry, guys, I'll chime in here. I haven't had an opportunity to speak because there's so many technical issues.

Community Trust and Engagement

So I'll just really quickly jump on and say that for us, trust is super important, especially between your community and the platform. You know, the community is essentially your extended marketing wing of the platform. And without the trust from, I say, dedicated community members and even ambassadors, you know, they need to be able to trust the platform, what you're doing, and the long-term vision because essentially they are an extension of yourself. You know, they talk to their friends about the project, hey, you know, I'm jumping into this new project. They've got great access to liquidity or there's fantastic farming options available.

Influence of Community on Project Success

And word of mouth is often such a more powerful motivator, you know, to get other people on board than it is from posting a tweet and reading something online. So if your community trusts you know, and the wider ecosystem trusts you and you've built that trust alongside, you know, maybe a couple years' worth of experience, I think that goes such a long way. And even, like, with really trusted platforms, they can make mistakes. You know, people make mistakes, and these things happen, but keeping that trust and retaining it is a lot easier than regaining it.

Metrics of Trust in the Community

So, you know, it's a very important metric, something that we can't kind of, you know, measure with a zero to 100 sentiment gauge. So you got to kind of have your finger on the pulse of the community and be responsive and adaptive to the needs. Transparency if and when. Yes, it's. It's important to be transparent. So it's sort of, you know, dancing a fine line between the two of those and making sure that you have your community on board with all the decisions that you're looking to make, you know, as a platform or a project. Yeah, great takes, and I agree over here.

Trust Issues in the Crypto Space

Really difficult to build again if you have lost the trust. I think your mic is having some issues. Is it still having issues? Elon is doing his magic every time. Yeah, I was just adding over there what Openocean said, that the trust in this space, of course, it's very difficult to build because there are so many scammers, unfortunately, in the space. And this goes a little bit back to this anonymous or non-anonymous discussion. People have really difficult time to trust, even though we're supposed to trust in the code and nothing.

The Evolution of Trust

Trust in the people when we joined the crypto moment. Of course, the industry has evolved quite a lot since those times, but that is the originating idea.

Community Resilience

I think so. But, yeah, I still personally believe that there shouldn't be a single point of failure. And this means that, you know, the community needs to live as its own as well, even though there should be, you know, a bigger team or. Or leading figures in the project. But the community is kind of a pillar that just keeps it going. If someone drops, there is always another taking the place over there. Anything else on this topic?

Technical Issues and Community Discussion

Skylark is now requesting to speak, so let's take him up, if Elon would allow me to take him up. Unfortunately, I can't. Sorry about that. Sorry about that one. Do you want to drop and request again? In the meantime, I'll touch up quickly about community, because I did talk about it before, but, yeah, that was one of the best things about equalizer, in my opinion. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah.

Engagement with Users

Hey, everyone. GM thanks for bringing me up. I just wanted to echo Skylark here. By the way, this quick intro. Skylark is an on chain engagement platform for creating quests. And part of that journey that I think about as well, when I think about our platform and as it pertains to trust, is the ability to leverage quests for engaging and creating trust amongst your users. But I wanted to extend past that point and tap into open Ocean's point around not just the platform itself being source of trust, but also the entire ecosystem.

Expanding Trust Within the Ecosystem

Right. I like what. I like what world Coin is doing in terms of like, establishing a world chain separate from its initial platform that it developed. And I think stuff like that creates an ecosystem for which our users can feel like home, feel safe on using a platform by which they can identify as a human right. Trust to me extends more than just like the founders. It also extends to the ability to know that you are who you are on a platform and you have rights to get access to things that you should get access to, which is a big issue in this space when I.

Accessibility and User Rights

Certain people are unbanked, right. Or don't have the ability to participate in certain markets, having the ability to identify yourself and know that certain players, that is, bots aren't going to suck your liquidity out of the space is very important as well. So I think trust. I just wanted to explain, I just wanted to jump on and highlight that point and extend past what open Ocean was saying. Yes. Thank you, Skylark. And was there something you wanted to say?

Continuing the Discussion

Gum 13. And then after gum, there is a new speaker called Karn Chakra Bertie from cold games. And you can as well give your introduction. Finally, thank you. Thank you for letting us come in. I know this sometimes gets crazy. Really appreciate that and thanks for inviting us. It's a pleasure. So to just give an idea what cult games is doing, we are building a blockchain agnostic gaming ecosystem where community can play AAAA quality game or a hyper casual game across the different blockchains.

Gaming Ecosystem Development

We have already partnered with seven blockchains as of now, and we are coming and expanding our gaming portfolio across different chains. So users will be having this possibility of playing games and engaging with games across different chains. And in sense of it, we have been in gaming from last seven years. So we already have a big user base of around four and a half million users. And we are trying to bring those traditional users to web three through our partners and through the integrations of web three gaming, which a paradigm which is changing a lot.

Innovative Developments in Gaming

So it's a pleasure to be here and we all are on the right sense of creating a difference in web three. And I see a lot of interesting projects here and it would be a pleasure for us to partner and grow together quickly. Ken, I just tried to dm you. I think the DM's are closed. I'm sorry. It would be great if you dm me in which you can do that on cult games. I think the DM will be open there and then we can chat. Nice. All right, perfect.

Community Motivation

Yeah. So just touch up on what I said earlier, me personally, I think equalizer probably has one of the best communities just with respect to our migration. Like I said, from phantom to base, how I touched upon earlier, of course, for a lot of people, that would bring a lot of concerns, of course, because there's different tokens and everything. But like I said earlier, us hiring more people, having more bribes, to the point where now our epoch incentives are hitting over 100,000 on both chains, people are starting to realize the benefits of both.

Benefit Realization

So it's not so much that you have to pick and choose a side, it's more so whichever chain that you're bullish on, that should really be the one that you go towards. So, like someone mentioned earlier, base is obviously, I mean, it's solidified by Coinbase. If it wasn't in that aspect, I don't think it would be as big as it is right now. But touch up just more on the community aspect. Yeah, it's mainly just a few community members and someone mentioned ambassadors earlier that I could really, I could name just off maybe two hands that people who are really loud voices in the community, whether it be on x, whether it be in discord, I'm not sure if someone can hear me or we hear you.

Community Engagement

Yes. Okay. Yeah. So, yeah, like I said, I'm not too sure if I'm just losing track here. Yeah. Just a lot of people were obviously unsure about us moving to Phantom and everything, but obviously us solidifying ourselves still on Phantom and Sonic while doing everything on bass. Obviously, there's only a handful of people, in my opinion, that could really push those because had those long term holders or people who are obviously, in a sense, whales or really invest into the project, if we don't address their concerns in that aspect, then it's just like what everyone else said, it can sort of have the community fall apart.

Building Trust in Community

But I mean, I'm proud to say that equalizer. I've worked for BD for a lot of projects, and it's probably the best community that I've ever been a part of in terms of any Dex, any product, or any protocol, really. And I can see that we have one of our partners in here, actually. Tadpole, shout out to all the chads out there. Just keep on killing those charts over there. All right, great dates. Also this week. This week I have a little bit of hard stop at 19, so we need to start wrapping up the spaces a couple of times earlier.

Closing Remarks

We have run over time because the discussion has been so heated, but I have a little bit of partnership calls that I need to take jump from the entertaining and the spaces audience to that kind of tasks. So before we stop over here or finish the spaces, I would like to have that the project say their final remarks, whatever they want to say to the audience, if they have some sort of a call to action, what the community should now do, just go ahead with your own speed. I thank everyone on my behalf for joining for the discussion.


And let's continue then next week with all of the good discussions. Yeah, awesome. Hey, Rob. Rob here. Just wanted to sign off here. Thanks for having me again on this fine space. It's a great time every week. Again, I'm with Treble and we are launching the first V four Dex on base. We'll have a truly customizable experience for our users.

Opportunities for Partnership

And yeah, we're looking to partner up with any projects that are looking to either find a home for their liquidity or looking to launch a project through a launchpad or simply wanting to figure out some synergy that we could do together. Also, I also dropped a DM and open oceans Twitter. And let's get a telegram going whenever you have a chance. And I drop my Telegram name in there as well. And yeah, for everyone else, check out our website, trebleswap.com.

Upcoming Features

check out our cross chain swaps that we have live on there and more features are coming soon. Thanks for having me. Yep, this is Larry from Drake and I just want to thank everyone for joining and listening to us. I think it was a great space for anyone who's still listening. I'd encourage you to join our discord. Follow us on Twitter.

User Engagement and Partnerships

We're going to be launching soon and all of the initial users are going to be heavily rewarded compared to the ones who come later. We're also looking to partner with any sort of projects or communities on base. We have a referral program that could help you earn some revenue for your protocol, maybe distribute it back to your communities. So, yeah, would love to partner with anyone who is in this space and yeah, follow us, join our discord and we'll have a bunch of exciting news coming soon.

Looking Forward

Thanks again. Yeah, I can go next too. Again, thank you guys for having me on this space. I just wanted to let you guys know, for everybody on this space is an opportunity coming up starting on Monday to win a portion of up to 1500 USDC. Partner Skylark is partnering with Block Scout and we're doing a series of learn to earn quests on how to leverage block explorers.

Education and Community Building

So going back to my point earlier around education being a factor, building community in this space, the series will be over the next six weeks, the campaign will be over the next six weeks and you can go ahead and tap in and get ready by just following our page Skylark page here and reading more details on the first post. I'll put it in the comments as well.

Final Announcements

Yeah, yeah, I can go next. Thanks for having us. I'm Michael at Velvet Capital. If anyone here is looking to manage their defi portfolio, manage their meme coin portfolio, I know we had a few meme coins in here. We're building an intent operating system that serves as a portfolio management app so you can get out of any position, in and out of any positions in a single click, be able to earn yield through different base products and kind of interact with the ecosystem as a whole.

Portfolio Management

So we're kind of your gateway into the full suite of base defi. Can we go next? Oh, sorry. Yeah. So this is the founder of Cult Games. Anyone who loves games want to be part of exciting game portfolio. Follow cult games and you know, we are making a difference in this space. You'll be having an amazing portfolio bouquet of games across in cult and you'll be able to play across all your favorite blockchains.

Game Portfolio Invitation

Just follow us and support us. Guptar team here from equalizer scale. I just want to say thanks for the spaces and anyone listening, make sure to follow the scale on base. Twitter, there's a medium article dropping tonight. We have a lot more integrations coming and well, I've talked a lot about meme coins in general. There's a lot of protocols launching on base.

Innovative Developments

So as someone mentioned earlier, the first wave is always the meme coins. And now we have some serious innovative stuff coming onto base. And the best part about for us on phantom is people want to migrate from Phantom to base. So we're bringing over people over there. And I know Jesse was talking about liquidity, but we have our own liquidity to come on over.

Collaboration Opportunities

Alex here from Anbu legends. If anyone is interested in playing cool games anime. We will be launching our project on base around mid September, but we are looking for all projects to partner with while we're marketing and we've got some cool things to offer out. And this is just the tip or the peak of our products that we haven't even announced yet. So yeah, follow us and drop me a message if you're interested in working together.

Product Announcements

Hey guys, thanks for spaces. Hey guys, this is travis from Dev hub browser. Guys, thank you guys for having us. I just asked everybody go and try out our browser now on Mac now. And I've took an audience will be built into the application tool as well. So basically, the more things like that you search and the more times like that you use the built in wallet, the more tokens like that you'll get for our face too as well.

Integration and Collaboration

Thank you guys once again. And I would love to integrate some of you guys applications into our browser as well. So we'll be reaching out. All right, what's that everyone has said? Hopefully their final greetings. Please stand up now if you haven't, if I lost my track over there. But yes, once again, million thanks on my behalf for joining and we will continue next week. Have a good one.

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