Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space BANDOKIDS Trapping out the timeline. hosted by Nickis_Dead. Delve into the unique world of BANDOKIDS where Jpeg Addict's weed-related content, the role of Waifu @HeckinGleppin, and the BANDO WORLD ORDER's Discord build services shine. Engage in professional discussions and request quotes via direct messages.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What is Jpeg Addict known for within the BANDOKIDS space?
A: Jpeg Addict is recognized for content related to smoking weight in weed.

Q: Who is Waifu @HeckinGleppin and what role does she play in BANDOKIDS?
A: Waifu @HeckinGleppin is a significant figure within the BANDOKIDS community.

Q: What is the purpose of the BANDO WORLD ORDER?
A: The BANDO WORLD ORDER facilitates discussions and activities related to Discord build services.

Q: How can one inquire about professional Discord build quotes?
A: Direct messages can be used to request quotes for Discord builds within the space.


Time: 00:07:42
Jpeg Addict's Weed-Related Content Exploring Jpeg Addict's notable content about smoking weight in weed.

Time: 00:11:18
Role of Waifu @HeckinGleppin Understanding the significance of Waifu @HeckinGleppin within BANDOKIDS.

Time: 00:15:30
BANDO WORLD ORDER Initiatives Insights into the activities and discussions organized by the BANDO WORLD ORDER.

Time: 00:19:03
DM for Discord Build Quotes Information on how to request professional quotes for Discord builds via direct messages.

Key Takeaways

  • Jpeg Addict's presence in the space is notable for weed-related content.
  • Waifu @HeckinGleppin plays a significant role within the BANDOKIDS community.
  • The BANDO WORLD ORDER fosters engagement around Discord build services.
  • Professional quotes for Discord builds can be requested via direct messages.

Behind the Mic


Our channel it. What's up, power? Yep. Here you perfectly fine, brother. Awesome, awesome. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to memes for all. Make sure you guys comment at the bottom, right, the little bubble at the bottom. Tag some people. Tag some projects, power. Go ahead and play some music, brother. Let's go. We'll go live in a few minutes, guys. Tag people your thing, sadeena. It.

Discussion about Music and Vibes

It's a water if you don't feel if I. Sadeena. All right, all right. Bullish, power. Bullish. Good choice of music, man. Good choice. Good fucking choice, man. I was like, I forgot we're in a Twitter space. Ready to start the club, sir. Ready to read a. Pay the digits to start the club, baby. I was like, man, I was about to get my fucking glow sticks, you know? Yeah. Ready to go. Brings back so many memories, man. So many memories of good times, you know? That's right. Yeah. You only. You only live once.

Living Life to the Fullest

You only live once, that's for sure. Damn right I want to live once, baby. You got to live it good. Got to live it good, man. Yeah. Well, fuck, man. Everybody, welcome back to memes for all. Just know this is open space for people to shield any meme coin they're buying. Any meme coin, they're bullish on. You can be a developer, you can be a, you know, you can be a community member. Doesn't matter. We don't give a fuck, man. It's all about networking, connecting with other people. And at the end of the day, man, this is fucking crypto, you know? We just want people to make money. That's what it is about. That's right.

Networking and Money Making

Doesn't matter if you're a dog, a cat, a monkey, a freaking, you know, utility project, whatever. The whole point is to make fucking money, man. We're in crypto to make money. That's why we're in crypto. We're not here to find your next best friend or find your next future husband or wife or none of that bullshit, man. We're here to make money. That's what we're here to do. If you're not in crypto to make money, I don't know what the fuck you're in crypto for. There's really no other reason. There's really not. So, yeah, man, feel free to request the mic. Show us whatever the fuck you want to show us, you know, power finally got a phantom wallet.

The Crypto Game and Opportunities

He's ready. Fuck is ready to ape in on some fucking busted ass Solana three dollar full ape project. He's ready. I need. I need to launch this. I need to launch a Solana project with just $10 in liquidity, sir. Fuck it. Full send it, bro. Full send it. You know, I kind of. I kind of want to do it too. Just fun, bro. I think. Yeah, I think it'd be fine just to say, all right, guys, I'm putting $10 on the liquidity. Let me know when this shit's sitting at a thousand. You know, you won't be able to. Sell until it's like, probably at 5 million, sir.

Introduction to XTV

XTV is a streaming app that Elon is about to come out with at any fucking second now. And I think it's going to be a lot bigger than, you know, what Grok is. Not grok the project, but grock what it is. And I think. I think he's going to start chilling and shit like crazy. Us as a community, you know, this. This came out with the first tease that Elon made back in April. And Xavier has been doing nothing but grinding. It's a CTO. It's nothing but us grinding over there. You can check out our chart. There's nobody that's done it like us. And we got a nice marketing wallet. We are pretty much ready to front run this goddamn narrative. And the more days pass and it hasn't launched yet, that means the more we can accumulate. And that's all we've been doing, bro.

The Excitement Around the Launch

I just think it's a banger. I think. I think it's something good, bro. I think it's some good. And plus, look at how the Solana, you know, Solana's got the biggest jeeps in the world, but we managed to find all the fucking diamond, Anders, and we got them on our team. So we're pushing, man. We're pushing. We're just, you know, trying to get our name out there, bro. First of all, I want to say, your fucking PFP is so fucking bullish, bro. Like, I just. I'm just keep looking at this fucking goat with glasses and a pipe. That's me. That's me. All day, baby. All day. That shit is great, bro.

Community Sentiment

Like, congratulations that the PFP alone got me bullish. Goddamn mountain goat. Goddamn mountain goat. No, but, like, what? You know what? You know, we talk a lot of shit on Solana, bro, but we feel that you can make money anywhere. And that's the reality of it. You know? The reality is that it doesn't matter what blockchain. You can make money on any blockchain, you know what I mean? And it's like. It's like, you know, there's been a lot of big bangers come out of Solana. I mean, we had Giga recently that went to hundreds of millions that came out of Solana, you know what I mean? And the community. That CTO was insane, bro. It was insane.

Acknowledge Community Efforts

So, yeah, man, don't, don't. Don't take to heart what we say. We just talk a lot of shit. It's what we do. We do. You know, I'm just fucking with you guys. Like, fuck with us. That's it. That's it, bro. That's it. You know, we're just. We're just couple of fucking ogs that bought a lot of Ethan. That's all. We fucking think rent the world. But the reality, there's a lot more out there, too, you know? Look, brother, man, I mean, like, hey, man, there is one accomplishment that I have never, ever seen or experienced, and. And that's me seeing on soul a freaking project launch without any liquidity.

Challenges and Community Building

I've never seen that before. And then a pumpkin creates. No, but, like, man, let me. I'm looking at. I'm looking at your. Your Twitter page right now, brother. I'm actually. I'm actually gonna pin that last image you posted of the chart. Just check it out, bro, for you. Just because it's. It is actually really bullish, man. Like, I mean, look at. I actually think the HTV is actually. Our XTV is actually a good ticker. It's actually, bro, we've been working hard, man. That's why our chart looks like that. It's nothing but grinders. That's. That's. So this is 100% community driven, huh? 100%, bro.

The Power of Community

Yeah, man. How many holders, bro, we built up our own marketing wallet. We got. We got good marketing. You know, right now it's nice, but as days passes, man, we keep on adding all the whales and stuff. We keep adding to it. We don't. We don't do some shit. And y'all need to be a part of this fucking community, something different, because there is nothing like us from time. I know everybody says the same shit, community and all those stuff, but, bro, you got to go over there. Look, man, we got cartoons running because right now, there's nothing about XTV, right? We got cartoons, we got.

Projects and Initiatives

We got fucking comics running, man. We. I'm telling you, bro, we do shit just for the community. Just so you know, keep people happy and stuff like that. I'm telling you, bro, we got some. We got some special over here. When it fucking launches, man, we're gonna fucking moon, bro. Bro, I fucking love your energy. Bro. All you guys, look, man, look, man. We're gonna fucking. We're gonna build a whole empire of tokens, bro. We're gonna all. We're gonna do this. This bull run is print. That's the whole plan. Just print.

Mentality Towards Trading

You know what I mean? A lot of people get all emotional and get all attached and they lose. We're not here to get emotional, mo. We're here to make money. So I'm a big shout outs to you. I am gonna check your project out a lot more, a lot deeper. I think. I think it has. But it has something there. For sure, bro. For sure. Yeah. Go. Bridgetti's over Pablo, man. I got. I got this stupid ass phantom wallet, sir, with some Solana in it already.

Personal Experiences

I was like, I've been waiting, you know? And then. And then they had that glitch. For a minute, I thought I got rugged. I was like, where the fuck's my salon? I haven't even bought anything. It was just a phantom having a glitch. So it's back. It's back, though. It's ready to go. So I appreciate you guys, man. And notice that's a daily chart. That's not a five minute chart. That's a daily chart. We hold, baby. We hope that's all that matters, bro. Daily saw. That matters.

Interest in Community and Charts

Fuck the minute chart. All right, man. Thank you, brother. Thank you for coming on. Nice pitch, man. Nice pitch. Yeah. Appreciate, boys. No problem, man. Yeah. Power. The next person you got. Tony, man, fuck Tony. Can we skip Tony? No. Hell, no. No. No, man. This is the. This is the only Tony that I just deal with, man. Tony is like the pump guy, bro. Man, I fucking love this piece of shit.

Nero and Solana Conviction

So any holder over at Nero and Solana, we're buying the bags because we believe in the conviction and the narrative. You know, we're not pushing it because we got paid or we're not pushing it because the devs hold 80% and we know the price can get manipulated. We're pushing it because the narrative is the dogecoin sister, bro. And it's on the hottest meme coin chain. Who let the dogs out, bro?

Community and Dogecoin Success

You're a clown, man. I fucking love this guy. Fucking love Tony. No, you got it right, bro. At the end of the day, look, man, at the end of the day, I mean, you go back to the dogecoin days, bro. It was a community that sent Dogecoin to the fucking moon, right? It was. It was the people. Because the Dev ran off and, you know, he gave up on the project. So, you know, Dogecoin was actually the first ever CTO ever made. So it's. It's a big deal. It's a big deal. And if Nero is run by the people and it's doing this good already, dude, it has fucking unlimited potential.

The Irrelevance of Developers

That's what it has. And at the end of the day, man, it doesn't matter how good the dev is. The dev is irrelevant. At the end of the day, it always comes down to the community, the people that believe in the project, and that's what it's about. So, yeah, man, big shout outs to you and Nero, bro. Biggest shut outs, guys. Appreciate it, brother. Appreciate you both, man.

Power of Community

And I always say, bro, communities, the best utility, right? So if you ain't got a fucking community, you ain't got nothing at all, man. So we definitely got a community. So thanks, power. Thanks, pablo. Appreciate you guys, man. All right, man. For sure, man. So we got mob. Yeah, mob. Mobe. Hey, yo, what's up, fellas? I'm feeling the vibes of, bro. Please tell me you've heard of the same money over bitches.

Community and Humor

Money all day. Mob, right? Mob. So check it out. We have a cat. Check this out. This shit is funny to me. We have a cat named bitches who's. Got money on his mind. So he's got money on top of his head. It's money over bitches. Pretty simple, bros. This space. Holy fuck. We were a true CTo as well. So no paid shields, none of that. And it's just true. Fair launch. So we all work for bags, too. And I think it's time for people to stop fucking around and just go find a community.

Finding Your Tribe

Find your tribe and believe in the fucking project, man. If you're gonna go, jeet, just don't cheat on each other. Like, find your. Find your community and vibe with them. And so money over bitches. Hey, the community that trades together stays together. So we're just trying to get out the trenches, bro. You killed. I had a mute myself because that shit is so fucking funny, bro. It's a cat with fucking money in his head.

Creating Value and Fun

Let me post our white paper real quick. Let me. Let me show you the white paper. Okay, there we go. There. I posted a white paper. I just. I just came up with that today. That fucking said, money over bitches. Money over all these bitches, bro. People aren't serious about getting out the trenches. Bro. Hey, man, I want to buy, sir.

Discussion on Solana

What? What? Oh, you're gonna fucking love this. We're on Solana. You're gonna love this. Now, this how hard we fought for this ticker, bro. Listen, if you look at our chart, this is how you know you're a real fucking dj. And when you can look at a chart, be like, oh, yeah. I don't care. I don't give a damn on the white paper when it comes to meme coin. Let me see the chart. All time. All time high. 9.8 million. We ran it up.

Charts and the Community's Strength

We're at 100. 3130 thousand right now. That's a fucking retracement, sir. Retracement? Yeah, well, we. Dude, went the first CTO team I was on because I've been here since twenty seven k and I was in another space where people were talking about bringing people together, collaborating good vibes, and then they shit on me for round truth in my bag. But, you know, it's not about. It's not just about me.

Commitment to the Community

I made a choice to suffer with my community, bro. That's how much we believe in this coin. Two telegrams, two twitters, one got. The guy tried to extort us, the dev that cheated like 1 hour in. And so we had to create a new telegram. Then our Twitter got masked reporter had started new Twitter and we're still here. Like, we just finally got to a place where we can. We got rid of all the cancer, all the cheats. We have a cool community.

Plans for Growth and Community

We got a plan to make money and vibe. And that means, like, fucking going anywhere to make money. It's not sitting on your ass waiting for calls or waiting for your bags to move. Like, people don't want to work for the bags. You should be making money to get out the trenches no matter what and have a plan even for that. So it's just fitting, man. You know, bitches, he gets bitches.

Building Together

He's got his mind on this money and his money on his mind. He loves pocket and snoop. He's a big fan. Dude, I'm fucking dead, right? Can't stop with this fucking power. Money over bitches, bro. I got. I gotta beat my mic. I'm laughing so hard behind. I know the cat, bro. The cat kills me. The fucking cat, bro. Look at the cat.

Brand Recognition

Fucking holding up, Benjamin. Look at that Walmart watch. The Walmart watch. Think about this, bro. This is a 30 year established web two brand mob. I was there. I'm an older head. I was there when mob. When Pac started mob. Like, how many projects spend all their time and effort trying to get it into web two? Money over bitches is a 30 year brand. It's already established.

Commitment to Tokens

That's why when I saw this ticker, I was like, no matter what, I will fucking lock my jaw on this shit and I will take this ticker if I have. This is moon or does type of token power. Hell yeah. Lunar darts right here. Bet on the street, motherfuckers, man. Like, I'm from the streets. I know. I know about all this stuff. It's like, you can't have people trying to run a street project like this if they don't know about the streets.

Cultural Involvement

That's just my opinion. And we're gonna die. We're gonna deep dive into a lot of the culture of kingpins, gangsters, both, real and fictional. Like, we have so much content material to pull from, you know? So, yeah, tap in, man. Tap in with us. I'm trying to fucking build with. With people that, you know, are good people and don't fucking trash projects that need help, you know.

Engagement and Community

I mean, bro, I can't stop. But this cat, bro, like, I have a thing for a cats once in a while, you know? And this fucking cat got the best of me power. Look at this fucking cat. I just pissed pin at another. Another thing. Look at the jumbotron, brother. Look at the fucking cat with the fucking dollar money hat. Look, mandy, whatever happened with fuck money over bitches, doesn't matter.

Brand Loyalty

I'm following this page, bro. I gotta follow. Fuck with me, man. I've been here four years. Like I'm doxed. Like, we get on video and smoke blunts and dabs and all that shit. Like I'm Dox, man. You know? Fuckers are crazy, bro. See, that's the crazy thing though. I'm a chain whore.

Diverse NFT Engagement

Like, I've got nfts probably on eleven chain fucking eleven blockchains. Like, I just. This is where I ended up. So. Planning my flagpole. We're gonna build, bro. We're not fucking around. We're gonna have fun to make money. Well, it takes a lot of. It takes a lot of guts to call your blockchain horser.

Grit and Humor

It takes a lot of guts to call yourself. Well, man, I have blockchain aids, bro. At this point, he's gonna turn, like, raw dogging fucking. I know you saw that video of the. Of the dude that was laying on top of the other dude saying that was his girl. The dude said you're trying to. Never mind. I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna laugh at the picture that was posted.

Community Driven Fun

This is hilarious, bro. I can't stop. I can't stop, man. Somebody else request a mic, bro. Somebody else got a request a mic, bro. Guys. Oh, God. That was good, man. Mobs over. What do you say? Money over bitches? Yep. Money over bitches, man.

Nero and Its Highs

You got. Fucking Tony came in with Nero, fucking followed by that fuck, yeah. That goat with the glasses. And then this guy comes in with the. And the money, bro. Technically. Technically, Nero is. Is a female dog, right? But we have a bunch of boss ladies, so I'm just gonna say, nero, we're gonna make you a boss and an extension of gratitude from our family, man.

Plans for Tron

Just stay tuned. We get. We want to show some love to you guys on Tron, right? That's where you guys are, right? Come on, man. Come on, man. Come on, man. Jesus, bro. Listen, I've been in the trenches, bro. There's Nero. Zero hero fucking. I got you, though. We're gonna lock you, man. Same blockchain, sir.

Blockchain Whore

Same block shade. This is how you know I'm a. This is how you know I'm a blockchain whore, cuz. I don't. I didn't even know, like, apologies. Apologies. No disrespect. I fuck with you. I fuck with you. First and only one that matters. But that's. That's Tony.

Verification and Community Growth

You see that? You see that gold check mark? I see it, bro. I. Bro. Hey, yo, pay for it or apply for it. They just gave it to us, man. Either Elon did or Twitter. Someone bought a bag over at Twitter, bro, just through our goal. Fucking bait. You know how hard it is to gold check Mark, bro. We woke up one day with a gold check. Like, what the fuck?

Gold Verification

Nero got a free gold verification. That's crazy, bro. I would. I would. I would not take that light goat it. Look, man, this is what fucking goat. It's what you do, man. You get yourself some Nero and you get yourself some of this fucking cat with a dollar in the head. Oh, I ain't even got started yet, brother. Just wait.

Brand Perception

Somebody. Somebody was shitting on us in another space. And I'm not going to say any names, but I might or might not have a me. May or may not have a meme of their head in a hand where the guy's got two hands. One says money, one says bitches. Well, I might have his head in one of my hands, bro. Every episode we make, man, we get.

Humor in the Community

We get one guy that just fucking makes us laugh to death, bro. And today, the fucking cat with the dollar done it, bro. Good job. Good fucking job. I'm glad, man. I'm glad. Thank you. Now, bro. Now, guys, hey, get power. Might have to buy a bunch of shit on salon and just for the culture, just for fun.

Fun and Culture

It's cuz these guys are entertaining like that. The more shit we buy in Solana, bro, the more entertainment will have every show, bro. Think about. At least you get your full dollars worth, bro. Not like fucking east. You can't even buy nothing on eth for a fucking dollar.

Gas Fees Discussion

Yeah. Look, man, were. We're doing. Our gas fees were under a dollar. And then fucking Vitalik fucked it all up, bro. As soon as he tweeted, ethereum is good, that shit went to $3. It was over. I don't like those gas like that, man. I wonder things back, bro. Like, at least be.

Market Changes

At least be like, at least be like a $1,000 just so people can talk, you know what I mean? Feeling like goddamn b and b right now. I feel like bnb, bro. I feel. I feel like it, bro. Like, what happened? It's the dark horse happened, man. Like, we used to, like, be proud of our.

Memories of Market Value

Yeah, we used to be proud of that Gatsby being a $1,000. Now it's like $3, bro. Shit, man. Makes me want to go to Solana just because it's a lot. Exactly. You know what I mean? Vitalik dropping the gas fees actually made it bearish, bro. Not gonna lie.

Community and Memes

Very bearish. I made em bears. Now people. Now people like Tony can come with his $5 and actually ape like he actually does. You know what I mean? Oh, it's kind of bearish. No, man. Now, man. No big shout out to you guys, man. You guys were killing it the fucking year.

Current Market Observations

I'm still looking at $0.94 now, bro. East the gas, man. We can't afford this shit, bro. We can't afford this shit. The economy so brutal, man. Like, cost of living going up. I don't like it. We could not afford this $0.94, bro. This shit's crazy.

Future Prospects

Vitalik better do something about that. He said gas was gonna be cheaper. Now. It's done a long thing, man. Now, for sure. I think. I think we should get some Niro power. I think we should do it. Yeah, get some narrow and some of this fucking. Some straight up shit.


I think so, bro. I think we had some good fucking bangers here. All right, $5 that way, bro. $5 over there, man, in the gummy. Doesn't know, but we actually bought something new. Got me last week, bro. He doesn't even know. We actually bought a little bit last week.

Supporting Good Projects

You know what I mean? We support. We support. We support all dogs, but this week, man, I think we're gonna have to get some nero and some of these fucking. This busted ass mountain goat thing you got going on over there, man. Cat with the fucking dollar in the head, bro.

Questioning the Logic

Like, what's crazy? The cat is holding bunch of Benjamin's and he's got a fucking dollar in the head. It makes no sense. That's what makes it so bullish. Like, where the fuck did the dollar come from, bro? You're holding Benjamin's. What the fuck happened?

Community Engagement

Where the dollar come from? You know? That's the type of shit that Tony would do. You know what I mean? That fucking dollar. But hey, man. Anybody else, anybody else want to request. The dollar goes a long way over in Salona, bro. No inflation, sir. No inflation, man. Totally sold us on that shit, bro.

Discussion About Dollar Value

Fucking said a dollar is a dollar over there. I don't even know. I didn't even know what the fuck he meant by that, bro. That's what he meant. No inflation, bro. Dollar. A dollar won't feel like $5. Yo, but yo, tell me that's not a big selling point, though. Like, for normal people coming in to that only have a. Then they got e fees that are gonna be $20 to $50 in the prime. So they only get $50 worth of their token. Where you go over to Solana, you're gonna get 99. You're gonna get pretty much all your tokens. It's really a. Like Ethan to have that competition last bull run. So I think it's gonna be a little game changer, man. I like it, bro. I think you got. I think you got a good selling point right there, man. That's like the best thing you ever said in your whole ratchet career. You know what I mean? Like, you had. You had a pretty ratchet fucking hood career. And this is the best speech you ever had, bro.

Implications of Solana's Fee Structure

I'm fighting you, man. No, Solana is the is Vegas, bro. Ain't nobody fucking tell that, bro. Like. Like the money over bitches logo is. This describes Tony, bro. When I look at that cat. I think of Tony. That's literally Tony right there. You know what I mean? Oh, shit. It's bullish, though, man. Now, big shout out to everybody that came in today. Power. It was a fun memes for all, man. We had a blast. It was. It was a blast. You guys are fucking amazing. You guys are amazing, bro. It's crazy. Always showing up, bro. These guys are showing up big time, bro. Bro. Yeah, bro. Yeah. Yeah, bro. I had a. I had to follow some of these guys that came and spoke today, bro. These guys are freaking awesome. It was. Follow some great speakers, bro.

Appreciation for Contributors

Big shout out to all you guys. We follow every speaker today. Thank you for coming to the show, man. Yeah, man. We might. We might have to start getting this Solana fucking trend going now that everybody's leaving Solana. This is where we ate there. We buy the floors. This is what we do. We buy the floors. Fuck every fuck. Fomo went into the top. Fuck you guys. I learned my lesson. I don't. It's all about replacement growth. Twenty seven k to fucking 9.8 million, DC. Eight all the way down. Like, bro, people don't have heart in this space. Let me ask you this, dude. Did you buy the dip that kept dipping? Yeah, but, Steve, as soon as I seen the ticker.

Investment Strategies Discussed

No, no, listen. I doubled my position at the bottom. I was just. DCNA and I had a talk, and I said, look, no matter if this goes to 20k, we're taking this fucking ticker, we're stripping it down to the studs, and we're gonna build money over bitches the right way. Because it. It's a hundred million dollar brand, man. At least. So let me ask you this. DCA, according to a. Tony's mathematics, is that a dollar? Is. Is that a dollar per DCA? Is that. So you get your full dollar? Is that what it is? Or when you say DCA, how much are we talking about? I mean, five figures. Atta boy. Not bad. So you, man, this guy got more money than Tony, man, fuck Tony.

Managing Finances in the Market

No, I don't, bro. I don't. I'm not over. I'm not over leveraged. Like, I've been here for almost four years. So you got to have. I have a talk with myself. Said, are you okay? If this is dust, and if I. If I really had a conviction, then it's like, fuck it. Third, like, we're gonna press as hard as we can, man. I'm glad. I'm glad you settled down. You stopped being a blockchain whore. I'm glad you're settling down. You know, you and Tony are pretty much doing the same shade, settling it down to. He found his wife, you know, find his wife.

Community Support and Future Trends

Wife changing money. So proud of you guys. I'm proud of you guys. The fucking. He'll be back. He'll be back in November, sir. Right there, right there. Back. He'll be right back with EtH in November, sir, waiting for him. Man. This is the problem. This is the thing with Tony, bro. Yeah, he was his first love, man. He can't let go. You know what I mean? Exactly. That's what it was. That's what it was, bro. And like, gas fees, I'll let go anything. Shit. Tony. Tony sounds like he's my guy. Like, he sounds like he's my guy.

Encouragement for Active Involvement

So I'll see all you guys. Yeah, I'm sure we'll get to some trouble. November, right there. Back on Ethereum, sir. I'll be waiting. I'm only going to hold MSI, bro. See all of you guys. I'll be waiting. You fuckers, bro. You guys are great. You guys are great guys. Well, thank you, man. Thank you all for coming to memes for all episode three. We will be back on Friday at what? What time is it? Power? 10:00 p.m. eastern. Yeah. Yep. Back same time on Friday.

Expectations for Future Discussions

What's up, man? What's up? Hey, man, I figured might as well get the show in here. Since no one else is coming up, I wanted to show Teddy bear on Pulsechain. It is the number one meme on pulse chain and it's been running that way for quite a while now. You talked about staying power. This coin has been going for a year and seven days now. It has had a all time high of 43 million. And it is now at 11.2 million market cap.

Community Engagement and Promotion

That's some good staying power right there, bro. That's some good staying power. Nice. Yeah, man. For sure. It was inspired by Richard Heart's Louis Vuitton Teddy Bear and the dev his name is James Ellis Osborne and he worked for Terra Power, Microsoft, Intel, HP and NASA. He also worked with Bill Gates. There's a lot. There's almost 19,000 holders. The holders are very spread out, so that's very bullish. You want me to tell you one thing, Shane? Yeah. I think we need to see a lot more comedy, bro. A lot more meme.

Leveraging Community Fun

Meme ish stuff. You know what I. What I have heard of Teddy multiple times, what I haven't seen. It's a lot of the community, like, going crazy on Twitter. You know what I mean? And I think once you guys pick that up, man, that thing's gonna do pretty well. Especially because you guys been on top this whole time. Yeah, I appreciate that. I agree. I think there needs to be a push for sure. And that's what we plan to do. So it needs to be. It needs to come from the community, man. Like, you guys just gotta be fun, entertaining, and that's it, bro.

The Role of Community in Meme Coins

That's all you gotta have. Because, look, it doesn't matter what the team does. Doesn't matter what. You know what. Who are they connected? Microsoft. All this stuff. At the end of the day, bro, it becomes irrelevant in a meme coin. You see what I mean? Because you're not a utility coin. You're a meme coin. Right? So the. The big push always comes from the community. Pushing the memes. That's what it's about. So, you know, don't get so caught up in who they know, where they came from, who they are, you know, shit, it could be connected to Elon Musk.

Importance of Engagement Over Connections

But if Elon Musk doesn't drop the fucking twee with the teddy bear in the meme, it means nothing. You see what I'm saying? For sure. It's all about. It's all about the community, bro. Just got to be fucking crazy. Fierce and full sin. That's it. Full sun, the teddy bear. Yeah, man. Fucking make some bullish means of this fucking teddy bear, bro. This is the third time I hear about this teddy bear and I yet to see a meme about it.

Creating Memes and Humor

Yeah, bro, like, I want to see something like. You ever seen the movie Ted? Remember the movie Ted? Yeah. Make some bullshit like that, bro. Just. Just to go back to your community, bro, and tell them to go full fucking meme sector, bro. Yeah, 100% me. Forget who you know. Forget what utility you have. Just go full meme. Just make it funny. That's it, bro. All right. Money over bitches.

Lighthearted Humor and Community Support

Money over bitches. Look how stupid that cat yeah, don't be the guy. Don't be the guy at the top. No money and no bitches, man. Luckily, the fucking cat is holding those Benjamins, bro. Because if you didn't have those Benjamins, I'd be like, that's a broke fucking cat right there with that dollar, yo. Trying to make a dollar out of ten. But then Tony would come in and say, take that dollar and buy some euro 8000 x's.

The Value of Smart Investing

That's what he would say. Smart guy. Smart guy. I say the same shit about mob. We're at 130,000, brother. Like, ten x to 1 million, you fucking kid. $1 to ten roll. Go spend it at the gas station. Full fucking sand Mo Bill. Mo Billy. Mo Billy. $1 puts us at a billion market cap. There you go, guys, you know? Yep, yep. House and go homeless. Let's go, y'all.

Strategies for Financial Success

You don't even need to sell your house, bro. Just need to sell your fucking Cheetos. That's like $5. Then you can ape. You know what I mean? That's what it is. Sell your fucking bag of Cheetos. I got an onlyfans now, bro. I'll be selling feet pics and shit, bro. You, bro. I've been behind the gas station quite a bit lately, trying to save up for a d. God. Goddamn, bro, this is. This is getting out of control.

Humorous Anecdotes and Revelations

We got only feet. Only feet and gas station. Fuck. Hey, man, that brings me back a fucking mem. $20 memory lane, bro. I went to. I went to a fucking nightclub with my. With some friends, bro. I got super drunk and then I. I got left behind, bro. They left without me. Those fuckers left me at the club, right? So I started walking. I went to 711. I was like, yeah, I'm gonna fucking get a drink and.

Personal Experiences After a Night Out

And some gum and see if I can silver up. Well, fuck did I pass down next to the garbage can? I slept outside of 711 the whole fucking night, bro. Yeah, it was. It was fucking. Wait, wait a second, Pablo. Wait, wait, wait. Your friends left you outside of gas station, bro? That man's homeless, bro. He just gotta make up a story, bro. Was a.

Discussions About Past Events

I went home, sir. I went home. That was my home. Front of 711. I woke up on my porch one time, and then I had to pay for a car wash because apparently I puked all down the fucking side of my friend's truck on the way home, bro. You know, we should do one day power. We should have drunk night where we tell our drunk stories. Oh, you don't want. Oh, my God, I got so many, dude.

Lively Plans for the Future

Fuck it. I guarantee, man. Fucking Tony got some crazy ones. I fucking. That fucker be like running naked at the fucking beach or some shit, you know? Like, I could see Tony, it's my guy, bro. You know what, though, Pablo? You know what? I bet you he's the type of dude that'll take a faith if five guys, you know, not five guys, but, you know, if you're getting jumped.

Reflections on Friends and Comedy

He strikes me the type of guy be like, fuck it, let's get beat up. Fuck it. So, yeah, he might streak, he might do, you know, crazy shit. But he does strike me as a solid individual that would take an ass whooping like a true friend. Am I right? Am I right? Hey. Tony, the five guys, can you tell us your story behind the five guys? Like, what's going on there, Tony? Talk to us.

Ending Notes and Community Vibes

See, I knew it was a trigger. I knew it was a trigger. What's going on with the five guys, bro? Are we talking like a sandwich in five guys or a burger and five guys? Like, what's happening here, Tony? The fuck you got going on over there? You guys are clowns. This fucking space was bullish. It was bullish power. It was bullish, man. A big shout out to all the projects that came on, man.

Promoting Various Projects

Fucking check out Nero. Check out money over, bitches and fuck, I can't remember. What was the other name, bro? What was the other name of the other token? It was straight. Yeah, but that wasn't the name of the token, was it? Shit. What was your token, bro? It's got straight up, right. That's the Elon platform. Yeah, check those fucking projects. Take the next big Elon narrative out.

Final Thoughts on Investments

Yeah, yeah, like, I like the name straight up, brother. I feel like buying all these fucking coins, bro. Just cuz they're all like a dollar each, bro. Just put a dollar on each one. Fuck it. At least you get your full dollar. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? But, man. All right, boys, thank you for coming. Power. We'll do this again next week. All right, bro. You guys have a wonderful night.

Conclusion of the Show

And make sure you guys check out all these projects, and we'll see you guys on the next one. Peace.

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