Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Balancing Speculation and Retention hosted by spellbornegame. In the dynamic world of MMORPG gaming, striking a balance between speculation and player retention is key to success. This Twitter space delved into the strategies and challenges faced by @MonStudiosHQ in the upcoming launch of their monster-catching game. From community engagement to iterative development, the discussions provided valuable insights for developers looking to create immersive, engaging gaming experiences while fostering a loyal player base. By leveraging platforms like Discord and social media, and incorporating player feedback, developers can navigate the competitive gaming landscape effectively, ensuring sustainable growth and player satisfaction.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does community engagement impact MMORPG success?
A: Community engagement is vital for building a dedicated player base, generating buzz, and ensuring long-term success.

Q: What steps can developers take to balance game speculation with player retention?
A: Developers can focus on providing a mix of innovative features, regular content updates, and rewarding gameplay to retain players while keeping the game exciting.

Q: Why is cross-platform availability crucial for modern games?
A: Cross-platform availability allows for a larger player pool, improves accessibility, and boosts overall engagement.

Q: How can game developers leverage social media for marketing?
A: Social media platforms offer a direct connection to players, allow for targeted marketing campaigns, and help in building a strong community around the game.

Q: What role does player feedback play in game development?
A: Player feedback is essential for identifying areas of improvement, understanding player preferences, and fostering a collaborative development process.

Q: What are the key challenges in balancing game mechanics for different player types?
A: Developers need to find a delicate balance between providing challenging content for hardcore gamers while ensuring casual players can also enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed.

Q: How can retention features enhance the overall gaming experience?
A: Retention features such as rewards, progression systems, and social interactions help in keeping players engaged, invested, and coming back for more.

Q: What are effective monetization strategies that do not compromise player satisfaction?
A: Balancing in-game purchases with fair gameplay, offering value-added content, and avoiding pay-to-win mechanics are key to ethical monetization.

Q: How can Discord be utilized for community building in gaming?
A: Discord provides a platform for real-time communication, community events, feedback channels, and a sense of belonging among players.

Q: What advantages come with incorporating iterative development in game design?
A: Iterative development allows for quick adjustments based on player responses, ensures continuous improvement, and increases player engagement with regular updates.


Time: 00:12:45
Community Engagement Strategies Discussion on effective ways to engage the gaming community pre-launch.

Time: 00:25:30
Balancing Player Retention Insights on keeping players engaged while maintaining a long-lasting player base.

Time: 00:38:15
Discord as a Marketing Tool Exploring the benefits of using Discord for community building and promotional activities.

Time: 00:45:20
Cross-Platform Development Advantages of offering the game across multiple platforms for expanded player reach.

Time: 00:57:10
Innovative Gameplay Features The importance of introducing unique gameplay elements for a competitive edge.

Time: 01:10:05
Player Feedback Integration Strategies for incorporating player opinions into continuous game improvement.

Time: 01:28:40
Monetization Without Compromise Exploring ethical monetization methods that prioritize player experience.

Time: 01:38:55
Social Media for Game Promotion How to effectively utilize social media platforms for game advertising and engagement.

Time: 01:45:30
Balancing Game Mechanics Tips on designing game mechanics that cater to different player preferences.

Time: 01:55:25
Iterative Development Benefits Understanding the advantages of iterative development in game design.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of fostering community engagement for a successful MMORPG launch.
  • Strategies to balance speculative elements with retaining players in the gaming space.
  • Utilizing Discord as a tool for community building and pre-launch marketing.
  • Creating cross-platform availability for broader player accessibility.
  • The significance of balancing game mechanics to appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers.
  • Implementing retention features to enhance user experience and player loyalty.
  • Exploring innovative gameplay elements to differentiate the MMORPG in a competitive market.
  • Leveraging social media for game promotion and fostering a dedicated fan base.
  • Incorporating player feedback and iterative development for continuous game improvement.
  • Addressing monetization strategies while maintaining player engagement and satisfaction.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

GMGM sneezy. Are you able to come up to speak if you're comfortable? I think you are actually joining the IRL event. We'd love to know how your experience was. Come up if you're. If you're. If you're able to. Hello. What's up? Homage? What's up? What's up? How you doing? Dylan, how's. How's the. Oh, just. Just give me a second. Had a. Had a bloody long day. Like, I was just taking the messages and all the stuff. Just today, just right now. And there were optos actually dropped the pom Sam Raptor talks in. Everything's happening in a short time. What's going on here, bro?

Recent Events and Experiences

I literally like, I was at futurist yesterday, so I was like kind of busy. I kept like checking my phone and it's like 73 notifications and I'm like, what is going on? And yeah, bullish shit's going on. I guess we're gonna. I guess we're. I guess meme season's incoming, man. And I'm looking forward to it. Yep. And that's. I think that's where. Oops, you got a call. Not fire alarm testing in my bell bend today. Yeah, sure. You can have my attention. I'll be happy. Okay. Just let me actually circulate a link. Hi, Sanji. Hi, Pearson. I hope we have mud here. We have undying city here. What's up? Go level. I think the first full multi level version of the game is coming out very soon. Well, it depends. Gn GM.

Time Zone Discussions

Yeah. It's night here in Asia. Good one. Good lunchtime. It's Asia is just. They just get out of normal life. Where people actually live their normal life. We just. Yeah, we just function differently. Normalize. Midnight. It's like midnight. 01:00 where you are, right. It's not one. I think it's nine to eleven. I think it's twelve. For mud, it is eleven. I'm in Jakarta, but I'll fly to Singapore tomorrow, which will be midnight. it's nearly about, It's ten for me, so. Yeah, yeah. I should be two and a half behind Singapore. I think if you're in. I always forget that you guys are that far over that you're like only 2 hours off of.

Travel Plans and Events

It probably will take 24 hours for me to travel to us. I'm looking. I got a book. I gotta book my flights for Korea. But. Yeah, it's the time difference. You're coming, right? Yeah. I'm gonna get tickets this week, right? Were you coming. Aptos experience. The aptos experience in Korea. Oh, yes. Not sure I'm actually gonna make it because Sebastian's caught up, Ozzie's caught up, everyone's caught up. And I don't. I don't think I can actually manage my time on that. I was looking after at the Singapore event. I don't know if you guys are going to be there.

Challenges and commitments

I'll be there, too. Don't worry. We'll do our mandatory picture with the Wa Pa boys. Yes, I might be there in Singapore, but not sure. I don't know, man. I don't want to confirm a spot for it, but I think if I actually plan for the Korea a bit earlier, I wanted to do a holders after event for the loonies, but. Yeah, I think it's too late for me at the moment, but let's see if I just plan my last minute decision out there. Okay, let's start with. Let's start with the music again. Let's go. And then we're going to be talking about telegram and data tracking.

Engagement and Conversations

Yes, I think tasers is joining, right? In a few months. No, it's. No, that was just a topic. It just. We just chill, you know? You know, the deal of wobbles went sneezy. We just. We just ran. Oh, dude, I'm like, that's a beefy topic. Like, let's get into it. I'm gonna make a sandwich for this one. Okay, what do you find? Don't. Don't be too depressing. No, I want. It's a imagine dragons Thunder. Sneezy here changed me for the music choice. Okay, guys, we have eps and here as well. I will just get back to there, but yeah, welcome to the 73rd waffles Wednesday.

Welcoming Speech

There you go. You made it here. In the meanwhile, just reach through the spaces, bringing more people in. The foyer. Take a number. I was lightning before the thunder. Who do you think you are? Dream about being a big star. You're always riding. It's the backseat. Now I'm smiling from the stage line. You were clapping nosebleeds. Thunder, thunder, lightning and the thunder. Thunder, thunder, thunder. Okay, let's get this started. Let's get this started before I just get on, man.

Engagement in Community

APF, thanks for choosing wopple again, and I hope you had a smooth experience with us. I'll make sure it actually comes up with more as well. And. Yeah, Sammy, sure. What's up? What's up, sham? What's up? What's up? Where's the token man? Where's the noon token? What's the sticker? We know. Yeah, yeah, it's rogue ticker. Of course, if you allow me, I. Will just pin the tweet.

Announcing Opportunities

Of course I want to shield this shit. Hundred percent. Do it 100%. Let's go. Because, you know, it's. It's x. It's the same as Luke. Bears were created. I mean, it's created by an accident because I had no fucking idea about aptos gonna create this launch pad. I just woke up today and I had, you know, like, for past weeks, I was very busy with the area life staff. My dad was in hospital and so on and, yeah, and, like, I woke up and I see this shit, you know, launchpad and first, you know, my first thing in my head was like, I need to be in this ticker because I don't want anyone to create this shit.

Unexpected Developments

And, you know, to scam somebody and, yeah, it's just, you know, accident, but as you can see, it works. It's, of course not a financial advice. Your own research is just for fun. I promise you nothing. But, you know, this shit flies and it's really fun. I'm so happy that even after, you know, such a huge break, I still see such an amazing support on aptos. So, yeah, this is. This is what I was really, you know, grinned in for. This is. This shit calls reputation, you know?

Personal Reflections and Family Updates

Yeah. And I think, see that we're there, champ. Don't worry. And people have their issues. And by the way, everything put inside. How's your dad? Well, since he is having, how to say in English, oncology. Well, it's, you know, overall it's not good, but as he said himself, he's feeling himself all right. And, yeah, like, it is what it is. If it's not, many years have left for him, he will try to live the best he can.

Lessons from Adversity

So, yeah, you know, the main thing of this, you know, this shitty issue is that I, me and my dad are closer to each other than, you know, ever before. Like, for example, like, four years ago when I decided to jump, you know, full time on crypto, I asked him, like, if he wants to, you know, to invest something and I will try to do something with it. He told me that it's all, you know, scam. It's just about like a bubble and so on and so on. And, like, if you want lose money, you will lose it.

Reflections on The Crypto Journey

And from, you know, from one part he was right, because, like, everything in the world, I believe, you know, is a scam is a balloon. Like, whatever. But the trick is that, yeah, I lost a lot of money, you know, on crypto. I was, like, liquidated three years ago for my whole deposit. And I started my journey with, you know, zero. Zero tokens in my wallet and, like, look at where. Where I am now.

Family Dynamics and Emotional Connection

And, you know, the most ironic thing is that, like, half of a year ago, my dad asked me what I actually know about crypto. And I was laughing so fucking much because I told him, like, dad, like, can you imagine if I listened to you and, like, you know, decided that crypto is scammed? Never ever, you know, try to dig deep into this. I just, you know, we had this. We would have the situation where I told you that I know nothing, but I told him, like, everything I know, and he trusts me, you know, my, like, how to say, my experience.

Rebuilding Relationships

And, yeah, we chat with each other, like, almost every day since he's living not in town. We speak, like, you know, on phone almost every day. And, yeah, the main thing is that this, you know, this, like, bullshit oncology just switched some, you know, some things inside his head and, like, I wish, like, I wish everyone to, you know, to switch some, you know, bullshit inside your heads before some shit happens. But we're humans, and in most of the cases, this is what happens with us.

The Impact of Personal Experience

We always, you know, react especially, you know, like, especially men, like, women react way faster on this shit. I, like, noticed this. But mostly men, we are just, you know, before it's, you know, before it's too late. So, yeah, it's better to react on any shit before, you know, Peter becomes never. Yeah. And I hope that recovers well, or whatever that's destined to be.

Belief in Destiny

I think I am someone who actually believes in destiny. Sham. Like, if that's written, it's written right? And I'll just tell you an incident like, we had. We had. We had a plane crash recently, and the only pilot was actually able to survive from the crash. And the container with. Where they crashed, they actually saved it. So there was something, I don't know, probably some build, I don't know, some construction department or something.

Miraculous Survival

There was a container. So it was just a crew member of repairing team of the airlines, and only pilot actually survived. So I think universe just puts everything to the parts and dots, the disconnected dots, and it's a miracle that actually he got survived due to the container. They just got banged to the container and the section of the pilot actually got separated and he actually jumped out from the window. So I think that's what I believe in, destiny.

Interconnected Fate

Like, someone kept the continent there just to actually save the pilot. You know what I'm saying? And I think what. Whatever is destined is definitely going to be there, but I hope he recovers well moving forward. And I think even, like, after a certain ease, my best friend is my dad. Like, I tell him everything, I tell my mom everything.

Cultural Values and Relationships

And I think one of the biggest privilege coming from our culture is, like, we stay with parents. Like, I take care of them. I've seen them grown older and older, and I think that's the best part as well. Like, spend time with your parents. Like, they're the truest soul that you'll ever meet. Yeah, yeah, I agree. And also, I have my birthday in four days on August 18.

Simple Joys

And I actually gonna spend it, you know, and celebrate just with my parents. Yeah, I gonna cook some steaks, you know, and just. It will be, you know, a good barbecue, like, outdoors and just with my mom and my dad, because I'm not sure I wish to see anybody else on this day. Yeah, perfect. Also, happy birthday and Ben shap. Yeah.

Gratitude and Well Wishes

Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. I hope life treats you better and sends you the thing that you deserve this year as well. Yeah, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Means a lot. And welcome to Woppel's wins. It's the 73rd episode. You joined after a while. Yeah, yeah, it was really, you know, it's crazy when a lot of shit goes, you know, real life, and you have to prioritize things.

Returning to Priorities

So I had no totally, you know, no energy, no powers to join and speak, like, even listen, you know, because I felt myself, like, distracted, you know, and out of focus. And today I, like, felt that, like, something. Something strange happened. Especially since, like, yesterday my dad got out of hospital and, you know, it was like a fresh breath, something like that. So, yeah, I don't want to take the whole time on stage because we have a lot of amazing speakers and a lot of people, like, in the audience, I believe, who wants to listen to something different?

Conclusion and Next Steps

Yeah, just send mruch to. To the fucking moon. Not financial advice. Do your own research. But, yeah, let's have some fun. Make this bird the special one for shine. Thank you for joining ingame, but, yeah, you know, it's. I just had a conversation with Tejas, like, just a few minutes ago, earlier while we start the spaces, and it just, like. Is there any hard and core questions and all this stuff? No, we just chill. That's what woppelweins live.

Casual Discussions

We don't have questions. We just ran. That's. That's basically what we do here. Okay. I love to actually go on with mud because he's actually traveling to Korea as well. And I know I'm gonna have a big fomo there, but I'm still 50. Why are I going to Korea? Mud? Like, why are you not taking me asleep? Mud, you there? Yes, yes. Sorry. I.

Final Interactions

I chatted and then I. Yes, sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. I had a head dryer on, so it was a bit noisy. Go ahead. You owe me. Sorry. Were you going to choreo without me? Dude, I, you know Jerome, the head of AIPAc? huh. Yeah, yeah. He was like, if you want to go.

Navigating Events and Investor Expectations

I mean, he was like, pushing me to go, but I wasn't sure as well, actually. But then I think besides the Aptos experience, apparently there's like this, like a whole week of like, events, right? like career blockchain week. So it's not just like you're going for Aptos, so technically you can go to all these, like, other events. Yeah. So I thought, okay, might be worth it if like, you know, maybe meet some investors and stuff like that. So that's why I thought, yeah, it's like a six, five, six hour flight, I think, from Singapore, so not too bad.

Lessons from the Blockchain Journey

I think something that I've learned, mud, from my journey from like, from ethereum to Solana, because we raise funds on Solana and I think events are basically a fucked up place to actually meet investors. 2nd second, I think we need to actually have a philosophy within the team that we are not actually going after the investors. Like, investors are going to come after us. So that's the mentality I think each one of us need to have, be it. Because for that, we need to be strong by product, by team, by marketing and everything.

Challenges in Event Planning

I don't know. I think it's weird. I was actually contacting with few side events, side venues, but I think it's due to korean blockchain. Everything's packed. Like, I didn't find a shit there. Yeah, I think it's also because, like, I have a few friends that want to catch up there as well. But to be honest, you're right. Like, I think if, let's say, like, the product is not out and, you know, like you. You're probably better, like, for many projects, probably better to kind of, you know, sit down, build and make sure you have everything good.

The Importance of Building and Community

But I think for me it was just like, I have a few reasons to go. And I'm like, okay, I haven't been gone to any events like for the past year. Right. Like when the Denver and all these other things that's been going on the past year. So this is like my first event, I would say like first real event and you know, hopefully if, you know, aptos gonna be there, maybe it's gonna be a good time. So I'm not really. Yeah, I mean of course, like you're definitely right. I think the investors are all gonna be drunk so they're probably not gonna know what I'll be pitching anyway.

The Role of Investors in Decision Making

So also whenever it comes to I think investors, they're not the actual decision makers. Like they're just different event for speaking or you know, whatever. And I think I've stopped doing that shit for more than like few years down the line. Like now you guys are gonna come out after me or after us with it, with the time. Because that's what it gets. Because to be honest that's a dark reality. Like for fundraise actually happens with 90% of connection in crypto space still.

Community vs VC Backing

And sometimes I think there are actually, there are protocols that actually who don't have products and they just launch token, they have high FTV and all this stuff and people who are actually building the community, building the products and everything without VC's that's where the discouragement comes as well. But I think for actually, like I've been actually following like meme coins are greater than governance tokens. Like for me to say that I'm really trying to figure out a way or I'm trying to actually believe more with the retail backed coins rather than VC backed coins.

Community as a Driving Force

You know what I'm saying? If you understand from the perspective I'm coming from, because even for the community to actually invest in certain protocols or tokens, they actually need the intelligence of VC's to invest. And I think not saying that, not against VC's and everything, but I think even when if you're actually backed by VC, I think I'm really requesting or actually seeing or expecting protocols to launch their token in a fair way. That's what I'm expecting.

Innovations in Crypto and NFT Space

So yeah, let's see also what's up with the season one, Maud? Yes, yes. Yeah, I just shared it. So I think were at a point where, I mean, I think as many projects I think reaching towards, I mean for us at least, we're reaching towards a point where, you know, we want to kind of push more on like the product side. I think a lot of it is kind of coming in, coming together like in terms of gaming play, the different new skills bosses and even kind of like Aptos Ramdenness and some of the stuff they were trying to incorporate.

Season One Launch Plans

So everything's kind of coming together. So that's why you want to launch the season one. What's going to happen is, I mean, I'm going to cover this again on Friday if you guys are going to come down for our Twitter space. But basically season one will be, we're going to push a lot more content, but we will also use this to kind of like, take a look at what the players are doing in a more data driven way. And then we're gonna allocate certain rewards later on depending on certain player behavior.

Rewards and Engagement Strategies

So that is kind of like the plan for season one. And this season one is gonna run for, I've not officially announced it yet, like the tier and all this kind of stuff, but it's gonna run for around two to three months. So, you know, players just, you just keep playing. I think there'll be some nice multiplier if you hold our NFT sets, if you hold like, partner nfts, you know, like some of the top nfts out there. I think we'll announce that later on as well.

Excitement for Future Developments

But there'll be multipliers and all that. So that once a certain event happens in the future, you know, we'll take a look at some of these stuff. Excited for it. Also, not even if I tell, not a big fan of games, to be honest, but I'm really looking forward. Like, we probably had a news today as well. I've been talking about what's next. Bullish thing. Crypto. Really there. I think we'll be talking about telegram building, definitely, but I think it was about.

Regulatory Challenges in Crypto

I don't know if you. I think it was Aladdin that we talked about, the mastercard and the card that can actually do crypto to fiat. So Metamax actually launched a debit card. Just saw the news like a few hours ago and yeah, I think that's bullish. I think I'm really waiting for the RWAs as well, for NFTs loan, for real world assets and all this stuff, but I know it's going to be pretty much difficult with the regulations and all this stuff, but I. It's, it's just, yeah, it's just about time that we actually have the regulation ease and I go with the philosophy, like, just penetrate the regulations.

Perspectives on Regulatory Actions

Like, just fuck the regulations. It will, it will eventually be developed. Like if you. If you're going to wait the regulations you're going to behind. So, yeah, that's basically it. And even there are a lot of things that I think you need to be decent, real decent for the tech ricks. Yeah, I think that's all. And I'm excited for the debit card, but I think I'm worried about the gas fees again. Aptos is cooking, man, this past few weeks, all the TPS, and then there's all these announcements with all the defi stuff.

The Growth of the Aptos Ecosystem

And then of course, I think, you know, there's all these like, some new creators coming. And I think there's an AI, like, over, I forgot the name of project over something. So, yeah, Aptos been cooking the past few. I don't know what. It's like, the markets, I haven't really looked at the market, but looks like, I mean, the market, hopefully it's, you know, it goes up into the end of the year. But aptos as an ecosystem, I think we are cooking, like, for the past few weeks.

Community Dynamics and Personal Connections

Like, I see the, the news and all this stuff happening and I, you know what made my week? I think sneezy docs himself. so I think you are handsome hunk, bro. Yeah, I've been doxed for a long ass time. Like, before I even came, first time. I saw, I was like, wow. I. Need this beard for fuck. Say, give me that fucking beard. He's been using dogs for a while.

Reactions to Personal Reveal

Yeah. I didn't know. Okay. I'm linked to the knows how to sham. Knows how to make a man feel special. Yeah, because I. Oh, my God. Yeah, no, I think I was amazed when shamrock actually docs, man, because I thought it was. Yeah, I can't wait. I can't wait to meet all y'all because I swear to God, Aptos has the most handsome fucking community.

Excitement for Community Engagement

It is just after stud. After stud. Yeah, I wish. I think now after the spaces I'm gonna have formal, I think because I do not actually plan to because if you guys know me since the days, like, I am really scared. I really don't. Like, like, I find IRL events really draining. But if you are going to be there, I think I might actually twitch my mind. But let's see.

Plans and Considerations for Future Events

No promises there. But yeah, I might be in Singapore, but plan something there. Yo, fuck that. Come to Korea. I'm not going to Singapore. Sure, definitely, I'll plan something. No, it was actually someone else from the team actually wanted to join in. I think it was Sebastian plan, but yeah, he had some some.

Potential Travel Plans and Considerations

Someone coming at that time frame, like, so he couldn't actually plan it again. So it was out to me and it was so short time to, for me to. But by the way, sneezy, how is it faster to go to Singapore or go to Korea? Like, from. From where you are? I have no idea. I haven't looked at flights to. I haven't looked at Singapore.

Travel Logistics and Connections

I think it's. It's easier for me fly back to. To come to Korea rather than Singapore. okay. Okay. I'm pretty sure. Honestly, I don't even know, but I know that I can get. Well, not direct from me. I have to fly toronto, but I can go Toronto straight to Seoul. Actually, it's easier for sneezy to get my ass from Belarus and move it to Korea.

Understanding Travel Options

This will be the best. In all fairness, Shamrock's not wrong. It would cost me less to send him to Korea than it would myself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's easier for sneeze to fly to Korea because I think for, even for me, it takes about. About 22 hours to reach to Canada. So I just calculated that in my mind. Okay, let's.

Dialogues and Greetings

Let's move on. Hi, Tejas, how you doing? Welcome to Wobbles Wednesday. Hello. How you doing? How you doing? Yeah, all good, man. Are you speaking from anything? Like, do you have earpods on or something? Because I can't listen. I can hear you. Is it just me?

Technical Difficulties with Audio

Oh, no, I've got Airpods on. I'll turn them off now. It's probably easier. Yeah. Because I think it's echoing for me. Okay, perfect. Yeah. I'd love to actually drop an introduction for everyone. For the further listeners out there. I think we had very good collabs with loonies, with waffle and everything.

Introduction of Participants and Collaborations

I know more to come, but I think it's years and years that I've been actually been into acid s so love to know your introduction and what you actually do within the protocol, within the company and, yeah, basically that. Yeah. So I'm cheese. I'm the partnership lead over at Assetdash.

Understanding Assetdash and Collaborations

So we are a multi chain portfolio tracker. We track crypto, NFTs, Defi ordinals, and more recently, we started tracking aptos. So one of our first major collaborations is with you guys and Looney's. As you know, it went really well. We super chuffed with how many people came over.

Feedback and Platform Performance

Hopefully they all find the platform. Very good. I'd be keen to know if there was any issues from your point, and we can work on any bugs that might have come across. But generally speaking we have an amazing platform. We've been working for just over three years now.

Post-Build Experiences and Future Innovations

We worked all the way through the bear market and you know, we've got a lot of cool stuff on the platform itself aside from portfolio tracking. So you know, we offer like thousands of dollars worth of prizes each week in NFTs and then you can also use the in app swap for Solana.

User Experience and App Offerings

So you can swap SPL tokens, meme tokens, you can do all that native in app and on top of that you get 70 plus meme token swap rewards every time you do it. I think whenever comes, whenever Azure Das gives me a notification, mind you, I've turned you guys off. Yeah, honestly, I'm not even kidding.

Portfolio Tracking and Market Interaction

Like I've turned on, turn off the notification for that. It does because I really don't actually like keeping track of the portfolio most of the times because it's, it's draining. No, no. Because whenever I think I, whenever I used to hardcore trade and I've stopped for a while, you need a break from trading as well.

Experiencing Trading Challenges

It was oh my God, even when your live restraining and everything. My laptop used to be right besides my bed. Like it gives, it used to give me severe anxiety. And just mind you, I think coming back to the shamrock's first statement, I think I lost heaps of money in there.

Learning from Past Trading Experiences

But the most fortunate fact is I think something that actually I got taught in very early days and that Sudasu actually taught me like don't ever put your, don't ever convert your the fiat money to crypto and trade it. So everything that I actually started I even, that's a very surprising story.

Strategies for Safe Trading

I started with like about Tuso. I started my journey with Tuso and yeah, that's like amazing. Okay. I really want to know something like what's a revenue source that you have please. So we earn from the in app swap. So there's a small fee per transaction.

Understanding Revenue Models

So any users that are swapping with us will very small fee on that. We are the cheapest aggregator around. But we also have like we have top investors that have invested in the app over the last three years as well.

Investment and Growth Strategies

And to be fair, a lot of the app is free. You know, like we've got a lot of partners who consistently use the app and the partners offer up tokens, they'll offer up nfts and because of that, you know, that's not an income that we've got to then pay out, you know?

User Incentives and Partnerships

Yeah, I think I'm really, I actually like, the super drops. Actually, I was looking at the product and I did not actually had really dive deep into it until like just I think a month back. And I think I loved the super drops.

Product Features and User Interest

I never had my eyes there and I actually wanted to implement it for, it's very easy. Or you can actually take that idea for a whitelist, you know what I'm saying, for nfts. And that's really good. And I'm really waiting for the adopt section for the wobble points tracking.

Wobble Points and Airdrop Tracking

Yeah, like the problem with like airdrop tracking and stuff is we're just not quite there yet with the Aptos chain, as you know, like, we've only integrated it the last couple of months and we're still building on that integration. Like, we track a lot, but we start, you know, we started on Sol, then we moved to layer two EVM Defe ordinals.

Integration Progress with Aptos

And it. What it is every time we start tracking a chain, we've just got to make sure that we do it in bits. And so, like, actors will get better on asset dash. But the main point we've got at the minute is you can fully track your NFTs portfolio and you get involved in the reward side of it as well.

NFT Portfolio Tracking Features

So you can take part in, you know, the super swaps and the auctions and whatnot. I totally get it. Like, I think development is definitely a process. Like, if, even if I drop you a season link of waffle today, like, there are a lot of experiments going on.

Ongoing Development and New Features

I think there are features that have not been announced. The feature that I've been unseasoned. I've been testing it for a month, even if actually gets the right data or not and everything. The charts are definitely going to be out tomorrow. I think it's high time I push the charts and it's definitely going to be with the relative comparison for price and definitely with the specific nfts as well.

Expectations for Future Charts

So. Yeah, I totally get that. And I think we have someone who actually has a question here, so you can go on. yeah, I'm part of the Abdos community. People, people know me in here. I know zip dos. I know sneezy. I'm not sure of all the other familiar, but I was going to ask, like, who's used Abdos pump?

Community Engagement and User Opinions

What do you guys think of Abdos pump? I did not get the question, sorry. Can you repeat it for me? I just said I was just going to ask people what their opinions on Abdul's pump, if they used it yet. Aptos pump?

Clarifying Questions on Aptos Pump

Yeah. What's aptos pump? Aptos pump. Sorry, you mean aptos pump? Yeah, let's see. I think. Okay, it's definitely, it's my blunt response to that. Like, I think whenever this cycle is definitely led by meme coins and bonding curves are major when it comes to, I would not say up to us, I would say palm dap fund.

Market Trends and Community Insights

That's where they actually came in. I think just come closer to. It's like memequon now has been proven like the efficient means of capital coordination. And when you study palm fun Uptos, they actually launched the same thing. And I love the UI, actually.

Innovative User Interfaces in the Space

I was looking into it, but it's everything in crypto actually got tokenized. That's the value creation of web three and everything. But yeah, I think for the first time in human history, anyone can create a financial asset in less than $1 for Aptos and less than two minutes.

Accessibility in Creating Financial Assets

So that's a win. That's what I want to say. And I think for now, meme coins has been an excellent fundraising mechanism. And it's, as I mentioned, like, it's not backed by any VC's or anything, it's backed by the community.

Community-Driven Fundraising Mechanisms

That's where the trust is. Like, you won't have like traditional amounts allocating for VC's like 15%, 20% and developing a product and launching a product and token and everything. Like you can go with let's launch a token, let's go with the community, let's build infrastructure less, let's not promise and let's build it.

Launch Strategies Beyond Traditional Models

Like I would give the prime example, like bonkbot or Dzin, you know, I think they have actually made the peak volume of 250 million daily volume bongbot. And they did not promise anything. Like they just dropped the meme coin, they built a community, they dropped the product like it's in telegram as well.

Examples of Successful Community Engagement

I'm coming back to Ziptos again and I think it's a fair medium. The bonding carve, is there a. And there are few twitches that I really want to see with bonding carve as well that I was talking with, but I think I'll not tell it right now.

Future Considerations for Bonding Carves

But yeah, it's basically that. And yeah, coming back to it, like anyone can create it, anyone can have a community. And that's what the, you know, like the win situation is. That's basically from my point of view.

Community Empowerment in the Crypto Space

And I just want to say that real quickly, like what's attracted to me to it is like I've been on pump for bit and I was like, I don't feel safe when I invest in something on pop cult fund because I don't know the community.

Concerns with Anonymous Investments

And, I'm really excited for monk. Monk or monkey, I don't pronounce it, but that's launching tomorrow. And I just like saw that there's a lot of appdos, communities. Really excited for that one.

Building Anticipation for New Launches

So excited for that one. Because like, if I go on pumpkin, I just know if I put like $50 into it, like, it might go on 100, but then, like, I don't know who the people are behind the screen.

Safety in Community-Involved Investments

And it just feels a lot safer being in a tighter small community. Yeah. Getting to know the people who are behind the project is always safer than just going in blindfolded. Just like praying.

Trust in Community vs Anonymity

Praying to God. No, totally. I think, yeah, I actually want to discuss this about it as well. But thank you for the question as well. But, yeah, I think that's a vast difference.

Discovering Palm Fun

Right. When I discovered palm fun, it was Subhaz, who's my co founder as well, and the CEO, he actually dropped me a link. Like, just buy it. And I did it. I bluntly trust him, so I did it. It was actually created by him and he just sent me the link. And that's where we actually had a funny situation. But he actually dropped my soul back later on. So, yeah, that's basically it.

Security and Community Trust

Yes, Aladdin, if you're there. If it's Aladdin, Zitos. Hey, hey. That is, that is me. Can hear me. We can hear you. Yeah. Wonderful, wonderful. Yeah. No, Zoot. Zoot is a very valid point in terms of security, in terms of knowing the community. See, my personal opinion is exactly what suit said. Right? Yeah. You can build whatever you want. You can build on any platform that you want. Right? You can go to the nth degree of innovation, but out of all that security, knowing where, knowing who you're banking with, knowing who you're transacting with, for us at least, becomes the most important part.

Innovative Trading Mechanisms

That's why, like, I was, I don't know, I was telling sneeze or someone else that there's, there is a mechanism of sms trading. So you text the contract address. That's on Ev. I'm not an app to us, by the way. So text your Evm Eth address and put the amount that you want to buy. That's it. Now, some people say, that's cool. I agree. That's cool. But the amount of security, you don't know, you're absolutely in the dark. And someone asked me that, do you want to venture? I said, no, I don't want to venture there. I want to, I want to be on a secure platform. I want to be where the whole world is moving, which is secured as well, which is telegram.

Importance of Knowing Your Community

So absolutely understand what zoo meant. And you need to know who you're talking to, you need to see people, you need to have all that visibility. Unless you want to put $1 store, $2 or $5, which to be honest is, does nothing to someone's life to an extent. You know what I mean? Like if you really want to make some material changes, then you've got to do the research, you've got to know where you're going in the security side of things, and then you can get lucky. Yeah, I think so.

Bonding Curve and Trust

When friend tech actually came in, I think that's where the bonding curve got actually introduced. Right? So, I mean, not actually, it was not the formation, but yeah, that's basically a problem. But yeah, come on. But I think that's a trust eventually. But yeah, I think it came, it comes with, I don't know, man. We coming back to the meme token. Like, we blamed FTX, we blamed Almeda, but I think even when it comes to protocols like Eisenhower, it's the biggest ethereum protocol for this cycle. It's a classic example.

Criticism of Tokenomics

I think whenever I saw their tokenomics or something, I think 55% was actually divided to VC's and team. And that's bullshit. I would say it. I think I really have arguments over this. For the shockify token launch, it was pathetic. And I think for the Eisenhower it was of the community. Airdrop was like 5%. What the hell are you actually doing there? And if we are actually blaming FTX Almadel for the last cycle, we know better for this one. And that's where memetoken came in. That's where community centric came in. That's where pump farm came in.

Doubts and Skepticism

But I think we do have a different opinion on that, for the platform. But even I'm not a big fan, as well. Like, I think I've not really dived into pump that fun. Like, I've not, I've always been in the NFT, moreover, but also token. But yeah, even pumped up fun is skeptic for me and for optos as well. coming from a direct user behavior who actually loves to analyze things as well. So, yeah, thanks. Thanks for joining in, Manda.

Understanding Insurance Models

Yeah, no problem. So we'll be there. We'll be around if you want to shoot any questions. Okay. I just want to. I'll come back to you after prom. Okay. Hi, Pram, who is behind prom? And I'd love to know what the insurance company, the factor you actually guys, you guys are building there. I'd love to know more. Hi there. Hi everyone. Yeah. Let's start with the basic intro. Perfect. Hi, Warburg, thank you for having me today.

Introduction to Pram

So allow me to introduce a little bit about myself. I'm Lucas, the CMO of Prime, a decentralized multi chain insurance protocol that provides reliable, robust and secure risk protection services to define users, allowing them to subgap their investments against various risks in the volatile cryptocurrency market. And, you know, right now we live real life in the Aptos blockchain and we have received a lot of warm feedback from the Aptos ecosystem with brand. Users can enjoy peace of mind during their Defi journey.

Platform Offerings

The platform offers these things advantages including competitive pricing, cross chain coverage, multichain accessibility and sustainable returns and exciting us from other competitors. And you know, right now in the Apptos ecosystem, I see that there is no insulin project and we firmly believe that with a peer of our project we will have users can peace in mind in Defi journey and they can totally enjoy every moment in the defi juni within Aptos ecosystem. That's it. Okay.

Excitement and Appreciation

Yeah. And I'm very excited for being here today. And thank robots so much because you guys is the most outstanding NFT launch pad and empty marketplace within the Apple's ecosystem. And I'm a big fan of you guys via Am weekly AmA. And this is good chance for every new project can reach out a huge community of Aptos. And I'm really bullish on the Aptos ecosystem. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Also, it's not, don't actually thank me for inviting you.

Platform Security and User Protection

Thank you for being here and making Wednesday again better. Because if you guys are not there, I would not have context to talk about, chat about or vibe about, you know what I'm saying, or put my opinions about or learn others opinions. Opinion. So I think I've never come across a prime, like, can you just, I'm sorry, but I think I've never used the platform as well. Can you just give me a dive into about, like, how you guys actually safeguard user assets like community assets or user assets like, what are the processes? I would love to know.

Reason for Coming to Aptos

Yeah, so actually I want to tell the reason why we came into Optos first. So yeah, to be honest, the idea for Pram came to us while were farming on lending and borrowing platform in the uptos ecosystem. And you know, this platform usually is one usually about potential smart contract vulnerabilities and requires to acknowledge the risks and agree to terms before Juju. And actually no platform can guarantee complete security against explorers.

Developing Pram

And this uncertainly got us thinking why not create an insurance product within the airdoors ecosystem to provide peace of mind for those farming there. And from that we noticed that while many successful insurance projects exist on EVM competitive blockchains such as Ethereum, BSc and something like that, but in the Apptos ecosystem there was nothing similar. So that realization motivated us to start developing pram and we began working it on a few months ago and we just released output about a month ago.

User Regulations and Support

And regarding the complete regulation for users and any commitments that we can have a sufficient fund to pay to gjs in terms of the lose of their tokens. So we highly prioritize for GJ experience especially they are big fan of web three and the process will be different from the web two insurance and in the real life insurance as well. Regarding users regulation, we have committed to enhancing their user experience and actually to purchase coverage for any investments covered by our platform.

Connecting Wallets and Claims

Users simply need to connect with their preferred wallet providers such as PTR, Pontan and Marshall Wallet. Then they can easily buy coverage directly on our platform. And for the claim processes, users will need to fill out a form and provide necessary evidence to demonstrate they actually lost funds due to smart contract vulnerabilities and our platform will assess and validate or submit information. If everything is confirmed, users will be covered for their actual losses.

Claims and Support Infrastructure

And as our commitments, we have a carved platform where our capital providers take their fund to support the claim process in the event of any incidents. And actually if you guys have enjoyed our platform right now, I'll quickly show you what exactly roles in our platform we have two portal. One is investment portal and the other is cover portal. Within the COVID portal we have two key roles. The first one is policyholder and the second one is stakeholder.

Role and Responsibilities of Stakeholders

The stakeholder plays a crucial role in order to help our system sustainability and especially in the situation that users lost their fund due to smart contract vulnerability because they stake the fund and we ensure that the fund is enough to adapt with the loses their users lost in case of any incident occur. So that's why we truly believe that with Prem we can have users totally enjoy every utilities and happy moment when join the convenient DeFi protocol.

User-Friendly Design

So that's. Again, sorry. I got the real gist because I actually went to it the platform and simple two buttons. I love when the UI is really static and really simple. But I think I have a question. I'm pretty sure the vulnerability cover for the users are definitely done by smart contracts, right? Yeah. So currently right now we cover the smart contract vulnerabilities. The upcoming we will connect with a lot of projects to set a car.

Partnerships and Collaborations

For example we are discussing with Leo Zeter and Wim Ho to look forward exploring possibility of any collaboration between us because we see that the USDT and USDC stablecoins plays crucial in any specific blockchains and that's why users tend to care a lot of vulnerability related to the breaches. And so that's it. Okay, sorry.

Insurance Commitments

I might have a last question for you because whenever we talk about insurance or anything. Yeah, there's this, I'm going to. It's a traditional insurance market, okay. There's, there's an insured and there's an insurer, right. So there's a commitment from insurer to the insured and there are certain regulations that we need to follow. Do you guys have something like that or how does, how do you take it?

Claims Process and User Trust

The commitments and the resurgence or something? If I did you get the question? Sorry. Yep. That's a perfect question because it's really important, especially for users who want to protect their fund in any DeFi protocol. So actually, like I said before, because we highly prioritize user experience and regarding users regulation, users only need to connect with their preferred wallet providers, like I said before.

DeFi Protocol Standards

And the most important thing happens when they actually lose their fund in terms of smart contract exploits. And if that incident occur, they will start to go through our claim processes, they gotta fill out our claim form and then our team will evaluate to determine what exactly happened. And it does rare occur, it does a real incident occur to that DeFi protocol because our team has strictly chose the protocol to join our platform, right?

Commitments to User Support

Because we got to choose the platform and the DeFi protocol has audited and their team has strong and has a good background and experience in the DeFi protocol before. And regarding our commitment that we ensure in the terms of, in case of the incident happened, we are able to pay for them the fund to cover their loss. Like I said before, we have a stakeholder who stake access into our cover portal and those funds will be ensured to the incident that you just lost their fund and those fund will be used for paying them to recover the loss of their fund.

Risk Pooling

So you basically have Rix Pool as well. Yeah. We are really foolish. Yeah. Okay. And additionally I fully believe that most of us are the big fan of aptos ecosystem and you guys know that Aptos was backed by move languages and the security of movies is from my perspective is better than solidity with the EVM competitors. So I used to be fellow victim of the scam when I go to, when actually when I go to their site because at that time I was target and I tried to come to this side by my memory I didn't check it on their Twitter.

Personal Experience with Scams

And actually when the metamask pop up and they sent me the required to approve that is the simple approach to increase allowance and pump all of my assets disappear. Actually this is more about my fund but I think the more leverages is something advantages especially related to the security compared to the solidity and a lot of leverages with EVM compared to typical blockchains before. That's it.

Reflections on Security

Yeah, that's basically it. And I think, yeah, it's not better. It's. There's no comparison of when it comes to security for other languages for asset protection. And I'm glad, I think I don't have much questions for you because I've honestly speaking, like, I've not used any insurance product in my crypto journey for a fire for until now. But yes, yeah.

Exploring Insurance Products

If I, if I actually get a hit on it and I might try it. But I love the Rix pool thing and I think when it comes to commitment, I think there's definitely competitive pricing and result also. But yeah, also thank you for coming in. I want to add something here. Yeah, sorry, can I ask something here? Definitely.

Emphasizing Key Features

Definitely. Yeah, yeah. There's two things I want to emphasize. The first one is about our fee is very smaller compared to the API with any DeFi protocol within the Aptos ecosystem. And if you guys have a chance to join our platform, we charge only one and 2% for annual for cover your coverage and compared to the APY is very small and I think with the very small premium users confidently to protect their funds.

Upcoming Projects

And secondly, I want to appreciate war for helping us to create a freemin launch and I think that would be a great chance to help us reach out to the huge user of Aptos community. And we are going to release our free mint collection in the next couple of weeks. So welcome everyone to join us and to mint our NFT and so that's it.

Conclusion and Farewell

Thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you. I know, with all the conflicts, I forgot to ask her name. What's. What's a good name? Sorry. Yeah. Lucas. It's you, right? Yeah, I'm Lucas. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for coming in, Lucas. Thank you very much. A few conversations more about the insurance product and all the things because it. Yeah, I don't want to act like I know this product because, I don't know, I've not used it.

Future Discussions

So we might have few other spaces together as well in coming days, once I get into it. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Yeah. Aladdin, I hope you've not slept yet. Have you? No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm feeling sleepy, but I think I'm not as well. It's a 03:00 a.m. here, but I'm listening. Some great conversation.

Why Use Telegram?

I'm here with you, man. Why do you use telegram? When do I what? Why do you use telegram? Look, I think, like I've been saying, it could appear like a broken record, but I mean every part of it. When I say that it's super accessible, I I just need to locate telegram. I tap on it, and it opens up everything.

Accessibility and Usability

I don't need to maneuver. I don't need to locate or spend time in locating. It's so accessible, man. It's so accessible. Like, it doesn't. It doesn't overwhelm you. It doesn't make you feel inferior. Like a normie who is absolutely new to crypto or was absolutely new to anything in the digital world, can use telegram and still start to feel confident. That's what I like about it.

Security and Privacy

And it's secure. Stay secure. I think it's. For me, it's really simple to use. Really simple to use. And I think it provides some level of privacy, and it's effectively free for censorship that you find in big tech companies. But, yeah, I really wanted to actually dive in. I think we have had few spaces, but I would love to know the product offering that you guys are doing with the telegram, that are live and that are yet to come.

Future Product Offerings

I would love to know that. Cool, cool, cool. And what the hell is pocket? What the hell is pocket? Grab yourself a pocket tonight. All right. Pocket is our wallet. So it is the first telegram wallet. We talk about it. Yes. Okay. Yes. So it's. It's. Our wallet is the first telegram wallet, which.

Features of Pocket

Which has. Which has a suite of tools inside it. So when we started right just to take a bit back at the journey. So we started with the telegram. Like I said, the reason we wanted to choose telegram was because of the reasons I mentioned and the fact that it's secure. And also the fact that you raised in the beginning, right.

Vision and Future Plans

That the telegram CEO is so clear in his vision. I like it. He knows. He's really clear, man. He is. He has children all over the world. Yeah, yeah, he is, man, he is. And I resonate with his type of thinking because he's clear in his vision. I am clear in what I want to do.

Commitment to the Vision

He sticks in his lane. I prefer to stick in my lane as well, you know. And, and he described in token 2049 to buy some of the key expansion plans for telegram, which is phenomenal. And one of them is crypto payments and the cross border payments and merch and stuff like that. So that's when, like I said, telegram was so easy.

Retail Power in the Market

And I've seen how Solana, base, ETH and all the other chains have gone really big. Why? And again, a lot of this goes back to what you were saying in the beginning, right? VC's versus retail. The power is actually in the hand of the retail. The bull runs that have happened in the past, they've all happened because of the retail money.

Economic Influence

They've never happened because of a few biggies who could move the market. Now, from my perspective, from my analysis, it's us. It's people like us who are on this visa, who are on the space right now, millions and millions of people who are there on telegram, WhatsApp or wherever. It's because of us that the economy moves.

Conclusion on Market Dynamics

It's because of us that the bull market happens. Now, do we get influenced by some people or not? That's a different question.

Market Influence and Product Development

We do sometimes to an extent, but things move because of us. And that's why you see Telegram CEO's a billionaire. Why? Because he's captured that market share. Now, we're tiny compared to that, but those were the philosophies that sort of inspired us to go on telegram. And. Yeah, and so when we master on telegram, we said we could build some of the products individually so that we can test them. And then we want to put them under one umbrella. And that umbrella, the parent umbrella, is our flagship wallet, which is called as pocket. And we call this pocket because you could carry it anywhere. You can put a lot of stuff into it's secured and stuff like that. It's kind of a catchy name that we wanted to give to our product. So it's got a link again, pocket, very easy to access.

User Experience and Access

You guys got to open Telegram if you want to come to our TG. All of you are welcome. Just put a command called pocket use. You will get a pocket link like a bot. Click on that. You do not need to create another, create a wallet. It creates a wallet for you already and you can click on other tools inside the pocket. So think of it. If when you get yourself a pocket, you're inside a home and you don't need to leave that place to access some of the core fundamental products like swap, airdrop, tool minting nfts. Then very soon, token locker is coming in. Zappa, which is a token snapshot, will be coming in, so all these products will be added. Token locker is still going through the audit with move bit, so I'm not rushing into it. Zappa. We are making some upgrades.

Future Enhancements and Simplification

We want to validate v one NFT snapshot and things like that. So all our products will be under the pocket umbrella. And what's happening now is, I remember you had mentioned in the first space, the look and feel of pocket on the wallet. Yes, yes. So our wallet will elevate from being a telegram looking wallet to a mini Dapp or mini app, which is exactly where Telegram and the whole world is going. So I keep saying the whole world knows it's going. The telegram where Telegram is leading, the evolution and mini app is at the forefront of evolution. So our wallet will be a mini app, which means you will access via Telegram and it will look just like an app.

User-Centric Design and Simplified Processes

You know, in telegram, you usually have that green background, few tabs and stuff like that. It is good, it is good for you to perform activities quickly. Like you want to swap, you want to launch your token, you want to airdrop to your community members, engage them, you want to quickly get a snapshot of the holders, all those activities that require you to spend less time, you want to get quick results. You get all of that through telegram. Now, if you want to explore, like tomorrow, Walpole, we will, of course, you know, we will list you. Yeah. You're going to come over to pocket, right? Thank you for listening. You. You coming to pocket anyway, right?

Integration and Exploring Opportunities

So we'll integrate waffle. So tomorrow, when people need to, or all that telegram retail, you know, crowd that's waiting, they come into pocket, they go into wobble through pocket and explore the whole raft of nfts and stuff like that. So when you come into pocket, you go into exploration and you can also perform tasks that's what you get. Yeah. So pocket is your wallet. I think when it comes to product experiment, like, a lot of, like, I love experimenting with products. I love. So I think for. I think it's been a week or something. Like, I think because my body was not functioning well and I've not been.

Personal Insights and Influences

I've not been able to, you know, this is not me. You know, you feel it sometimes, like, less productive and all this stuff, but I think that's where it came from. But I think I'm. I've told this a lot of times, but I think I'm. I'm a sucker for Steve Jobs. You know what I'm saying? I'm absolutely sucker for Steve Jobs. Like, I. I think I've read two biographies written by two different authors, and I'll discuss that. I think something that I really take from him is the simplicity. With Samra. Yeah. I just wanted to jump in and pay huge respect to the zip task project and to apologize once again because I was, like, semi ghost in them because, you know, I'm not a gatekeeper, but I, you know, I'm always cautious about new projects coming to ecosystem because, you know, it's like, pretty much a lot of those, you know, malicious people here and there.

Acknowledgment and Support

And after the AMA and Aptos collective discord, I, like, totally changed my mind. And, you know, these guys, like, green fucking heart. Seriously. They work hard and, like, they really deserved, you know, some, I believe, way more respect than they have right now. So, yeah, just wanted to say this. We love you, shamrock. We love you. I remember I look my. The way I operate right in, even at my work in real life and otherwise, is I approach people if I have to place an idea or resolve something, right? So I remember I dm shamrock randomly out of the blue and in my mind, because I knew that I'm not a scammer, right?

The Importance of Genuine Connections

So in my mind, by default, I was like, I'm gonna dm this guy and just find out some information. And Shamrock was like, who are you? And then I understood that he's right in his way because a lot of scammers would dm you. Anyway, I get, man, I get heaps of scammers on Twitter dming me, like, do you want to collaborate and stuff like that? And I just. I just keep blocking them. Blocking them. My zombies tied up, blocking them. Right. But. But then you've got to keep your dm open because there are some legit people who dm you as well, right? So I understood when Shamrock said, and I said, yeah.

Support and Communication

But then, thank you, Shamrock. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for keeping us in your notice. And we hope everything becomes better at your end. Man, you're there in our prayers, day in, day out. I'm sure you want to come out with blind colors and just, like, how sturdy you are, things will turn around, man. You're there in our prayers every day. Yeah. Our loves. And, yeah, I think I love builders. I love builders who are actually trying, at least. I'll just tell you something. Like, whenever we started, like, we always had started from a dream of having a billion dollar valuation company, and no matter what were, because, you know, life definitely has different ops nouns, and it does not go the way you want, and sometimes you don't have control over it.

Resilience and Commitment to Innovation

But one thing we are really sure of, like, will die trying. And there's this word that. Yeah, and I think this also, when it comes to telegram, I think something that I love about it is. See, for, I think in web three, what we're seriously actually missing out is, like, I think we're sometimes focusing on tech more. You know, I know that I'm not a. I'm not a researcher or I'm not. I'm not a PhD graduate from Harvard or Stanford at the moment, but I love putting my opinions in, and I think I actually wanted to pin where about Steve Jobs as well. He always believed in reverse engineering, and that's, I think, the next.

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