B.A.P. Weekly – Memecoins


Space Summary

The Twitter Space B.A.P. Weekly – Memecoins hosted by BullsApesProj. Delve into the world of Memecoins with B.A.P. Weekly, where decentralization meets bold opportunities. From understanding market volatility to the importance of engaging communities, this space offers a deep dive into the intricacies of Memecoin investments. Discover how narratives and branding influence success, and explore the innovative trends shaping the DeFi landscape. Stay informed, mitigate risks, and embrace the democratization of finance through Memecoins.

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Total Listeners: 24


Q: What are the main factors influencing Memecoin valuations?
A: Market trends, community sentiment, and overall demand are key drivers of Memecoin valuations.

Q: How can investors mitigate risks when investing in Memecoins?
A: Conducting thorough research, diversifying portfolios, and staying informed can help reduce risks associated with Memecoin investments.

Q: Why is community engagement vital for Memecoin projects?
A: Engaging with the community fosters trust, builds a loyal following, and can contribute to the success of Memecoin projects.

Q: What role do narratives and branding play in the Memecoin space?
A: Narratives and branding can create strong emotional connections with the audience, influencing adoption rates and overall success.

Q: How do Memecoins contribute to the democratization of finance?
A: Memecoins provide accessible opportunities for individuals to participate in the crypto market, promoting financial inclusivity.


Time: 12:03:45
Volatility in Memecoin Markets Exploring the rapid price fluctuations and investment opportunities within Memecoin markets.

Time: 12:18:22
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing effective methods to engage and grow communities around Memecoin projects.

Time: 12:35:14
Regulatory Landscape for Memecoins Analyzing the evolving regulatory environment and its impact on Memecoin projects.

Time: 12:45:29
Memecoin Branding Success Stories Showcasing Memecoin projects with successful branding strategies and their impact on adoption.

Time: 13:02:10
Educational Initiatives in the Memecoin Space Exploring the role of educational programs in empowering investors to make informed decisions in Memecoin investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Memecoins offer unique investment opportunities with high volatility.
  • Understanding the risks and rewards of investing in Memecoins is crucial.
  • Community engagement plays a significant role in the success of Memecoin projects.
  • Market trends and sentiment heavily influence Memecoin valuations.
  • Research and due diligence are essential before investing in any Memecoin project.
  • Regulatory scrutiny and transparency are critical factors in the Memecoin space.
  • Memecoins can be a gateway for newcomers to enter the crypto market.
  • The narrative and branding surrounding Memecoins can impact their adoption and success.
  • Innovation and creativity drive the evolution of Memecoins within the crypto landscape.
  • Educational resources and guidance can help navigate the complexities of Memecoin investments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction of the Meeting

Still notice me. Nothing change. I know about the. Shoulder out of my face. Try to think. Let me. Good afternoon, everyone. What's happening, Jay? How are you? Let's go. What's going on, guys? Doing good, doing good. I'm at the airport on my way home, so if you're hearing some background noise, that's what it is for me. I've been in four cities in four days doing a roadshow presentation site. I've given the same presentation. It's got a 14 minutes presentation on AI and how AI is being applied in the insurance industry. I've done that 28 times now over four days. So I'm burnt out for talking about AI. So I'm looking forward to talking about meme coins tonight. Oh, no. One of them has to do with AI, but we'll get there all right, no problem. Another crazy day in crypto, man.

Discussion on AI and Market Trends

And it never fails to. But, yeah, you know, you can't help but think that the powers that be are setting up their chessboard for the big run. You know, anytime I start seeing things go kind of against the grain and against what you expect to see, you start to think, okay. You know, the big boys are setting up their. Their chess pieces. Get. Getting ready for it all. For sure, man. Like, apparently we have found Satoshi Nakamoto confirmed. Do you see that one? Yeah, I did. And I'm interested to see what the Netflix special reveals. Yeah, me too, man. I think I've read. Have you gone down that rabbit hole? Okay, so, yeah, it'll be interesting. For sure. Yeah. I mean, it's like. It's. It's all. It's. It's. You know, we'll see. Here's.

Observations on Public Perception

Here's how I think about it. Right? Like, at the end of the day, guys, crypto is part of the election, right? And now crypto is going to be in everybody's home for the most part, you know, via this Netflix premiere. So it's just good. I think more awareness equals more adoption. And it's overall going to be healthy for the space. Yeah, it does. It dovetails into. Into why coins are important to the crypto space. And we'll certainly get into that quite a bit here. But I do think even though meme coins, there's no teams behind them in some of them, or there's shady teams behind other ones, and there's no use case or practicality to them. They all look the same under the covers. There's still a cultural aspect to them that is tremendously important.

Cultural Importance and Criticism

As you start thinking through crypto going into mainstream and getting adopted. Yeah, man, I agree. But, you know who doesn't agree is Mark Cube. So in a recent interview, Mark Koop said, all meme coins are eventually rugs. And, you know, I guess it's a fair perspective. Right. I know he does spend some time in the crypto space, so he's a bit educated as well. But, yeah, I mean, I think it's a perspective. And what I want to chat about today is the alternate perspective on meat coins. Right. Which is believing in something and the culture, community and camaraderie that comes along with that. Right. I think it's. I think it's a really interesting psychological dynamic that this space has brought.

Balancing Perspectives on Meme Coins

Yeah. And I think there's absolutely room for Mark Cuban being correct that all meme coins are a rug. Let's just call it. There are rugs. Never mind that they will be rugs, but they're all rugs. And they're. They're still important to the space. Like, you could. You could take that extreme and still say that they're important to the space. And I think you touched on it. It's the culture aspect, it's the community aspect. And if people are getting around it at the end of the day, if it was a rug to start with or there was a shady person that was involved in launching it, then so be it. Who cares if it's. If it's getting mainstream adoption and it's helping bring people in? It's. It's kind of a moot point in my.

Concerns about Shady Practices

My mind. Yeah, for sure. Now. Now those. Those shady actors shouldn't be getting our money. You know, if there's. If it's set up where they're, you know, they're. They're. They're profiting from us. Obviously, I have a. I have a problem. I have a problem with that because there's just way too many good actors that are trying to do things, whether it's a meme or not, where they deserve. They deserve the flow of attention and flow money. Well, and then. And then just. Just adding to that. Right. I think what I've seen spook some people, like friends of mine just get completely spooked as you hear those narratives of, you know.

Considering the Bigger Picture

Yeah. These. Some of these meme coins are launched by state sponsored actors, bad actors. Right. And are using them to funnel money into terrorist activity or trafficking or something along those lines. Right. And so then you kind of feel like, whoa, am I helping the cause or hurting it by playing? Yeah. And I agree with that. But what I would say is it's. I have the same conversation with kind of normies outside the crypto space, about as crypto versus fiat, and the idea that there's roughly 80% of the us dollar that's not even printed physically. And so I said, we're already operating in that environment where there's just a representation or an imaginary number or a virtual number that's out there around our currency.

The Role of Research in Investments

And we tend to have no problem with that. We have stocks. When's the last time anybody held a physical stock of a company in their hands? You know, those days are a long gone. And I'll say the same thing with the people that are behind some of these. Some of these coins, and it potentially funneling to bad actors or to terrorist organizations or whatever else. Let's. Let's. Let's take a look at some of the traditional brands that are out there and some of the shady shit that they're doing and the shady. You look at supply chains of some of these, you know, some of these big brands that we.

The Shady Practices of Big Brands

Household names that we think we trust, but when you really dig down into it, their business practices are pretty darn shady and are, you know, hurting and taking advantage of a lot of people. So, like. And it's just no different in the crypto space. You gotta. You gotta do your research, and you got to know who you're doing business with, you know, if that's important to you. 100%. Man. I've seen some pretty alarming documentaries on, like, Walmart, for example, you know, and so. Just wild. I agree. Do your own research, guys. But real quick, kind of fun poll in the room.

Audience Engagement and Meme Coin Discussion

Just curious, how many of you guys have. Let's just keep it simple. More than $5,000 in. In meme coin tokens. Just give a thumbs up if you have more than $5,000 in the meme coin tokens. Thumbs down if you have less. Oh, might just be me and you, Anthony. I don't know. I know some people like listening at the gym and everything, but. Yeah. Yeah. So maybe should we reset the room before we. Before we jump into it? Yeah, let's. Let's. Let's reset the room here. And then let's also, just say hi to.

Weekly Wrap-up and Encouragement

Hi to Brian and Jay afterwards and see. See how they're doing. But, you know, everybody, thank you. Thank you for joining. We're coming to your weekly bap weekly. You know, we're talking hot Topics in. In web three. We touched. We'll touch a little bit on. On Bolton apes, what's going on in the community, certainly. But, you know, we're. We're happy that you're joining us every week here. This week at 05:00 p.m. estimated. So let everybody know that you listen to us. Go to the lower right hand corner, hit that plus button, and let people know to come on. If anybody's interested in talking.

Inviting Participation in the Discussion

Talking meme coins, we're here to chat. Brian, how are. How are you doing? Hey, good afternoon, guys. Doing well, Anthony, doing well. Just wrapped up work. It's a good day. Got a couple meme coins for silver today. So hard to go wrong playing theme. So, Brian, did you know that there are two different pepe coins? Yeah, there's more than two. Okay, well, what are the other ones? Well, they're just fractions of difference, right?

Details about Pepe Coins

One has an s, one has two e's. I believe there's one on soul. The one on soul. Is it. Is it like a multi chain deal where, you know, people moved or it's a completely different token? I don't know, bro. Okay. I only track, like, to the two ethereum peppy coins, right? I think there's the one that's, like, $4 billion, and then there's the. And that one's just pepe. And then there's the pepe coin. Right, which is at, like, three, $300 million. Those.

Ownership Awareness

Those are kind of the two that. That I'm aware of, at least these kind of original ones. But, yeah, I didn't know that till, you know, pretty. Pretty recently. And the story behind it is kind of interesting. So I know we kind of approached that topic a little bit last week, Anthony, but, yeah, so the other Pepe coin.

Introduction to Pepe Coin

So the one that is Pepe coin, they claim to be the origin. Did you have a chance to look at that story? The story. The story of Pepe. The meme or Pepe coin? The history. No, the history on the coin. No, not. Not that coin. I know the history of Pepe. The pepe coin. You know, just. Just pepe. Not pepe coin. Yeah.

Pepe Coin's Launch and Challenges

So apparently, Pepe Coin, the one that has the smaller market cap, they apparently launched in 2016. They have some evidence showing where they launched back then. You know, the peppy frog was. Was really frowned upon. Right. And so they couldn't get it. They couldn't get it listed or anything like that. And then trying to. I'm just looking at the. At the notes here. But then the other Pepe launched and kind of went to the, you know, took a lot of the mind share. Right. And mooned in 2021, but the original Pepe coin is still there and they're doing some interesting stuff with AI. So talk about that, because, you know, one of the things that I think is appealing about Pepe, the mean period, is the, the up and down history that it has.

The Culture of Pepe Coin

It has, it has recognition, has notoriety, and then, you know, really importantly, it's a, it's got massive support in the four chan community. Yeah. Which is, you know, it's interesting to me that there's two coins. I think one has looked like no one knows the founders or anything of the $4 billion pepe. Right. Is there no known team there or anything? Yeah. Yeah. I think there's people that know they're not the best characters. And I'm not going to say it because I don't know if it's absolutely confirmed or not, but, you know, they're not the, you know, they're not the most stand up characters in the space, let's put it that way. And that's why I raised that at the beginning is that, you know, to me, you know, as far as I know, they're not, there's no ongoing benefit for them.

Utility in Meme Coins

They might have benefited from the launch and, you know, made some money off of that, but as far as I know, there's no ongoing benefit that's going to them. Yeah. If anybody's super educated on this, feel free to come up. I'd love to hear about it. Right. We, you know, I think this is just the conversation that we've been, you know, we as a group, been wanting to have for a little while. So, you know, who's really big into Pepe is Fanzo Anthony. And so I actually tried to get him to join us today but didn't work out. But that said. So do you think so there's one pepe that is kind of anonymous. No promises. Right. Complete. No roadmap, complete. Djen and then another pepe coin where they're building stuff, they're building software, they're building AI and kind of have a roadmap there.

Anonymous vs Utility

So in your opinion, Brian Jay, feel free to chime in. What's better for a meme coin, a roadmap with utility or completely anonymous. And why so? For me, I think it's, it doesn't have to be anonymous, but I think that the meme coin is. Is the. Is the purpose, is the utility. It's culture, it's community. It's people that relate to it coming together, having fun with it. I think the second, and this is where it goes to, like, the Mark Cuban thing, right? The second that you start establishing, you know, we're building something, there's some utility attached to it. I think it loses that. That culture, that culture aspect. It becomes. It kind of gets mixed up. Right. You know, is it culture?

Culture and Community in Meme Coins

Is it, is it. Are you building a company? I think that gets kind of swirled. Swirled together to me, and I think it dilutes both of them in my view. I think having it more focused is, you know, focused just on the culture, just on the community, just on having fun with it, I think is the way to go with the meme coin. Again, my personal opinion, but that's my thought process on it. Yeah. Brian J. Any, any comment there? You know, meme coin with or without utility? Like, what in your mind, what's the way? I'm in the same boat. Anthony Pepe over Pepe coin? Is that the question? No.

Meme Coin Utility Discussion

I mean, I was using Pepe as an example, but just in general, right? Like, yeah, I think in general, it's exactly right. You got the culture. You got the meme. That is the utility. That's the purpose. Right. Otherwise, that, yeah, just. It's not a meme coin. Seems a little. Little odd. Yeah, I think I'm in the same boat there, too. Just I don't need the utility as much as. What are you doing for the culture? Yeah, I was in a space yesterday with the dog. The dog guys. The bitcoin. Bitcoin dog.

Impact of Protocol Development on Meme Coins

And they were. There were some guys talking about. About making a protocol, and this conversation came up. And the point that really drove it home for me is the minute that the meme coin does start developing something, people are going to try to place a valuation on what it is that you're building, and that's ultimately going to be the valuation of your coin and company. And so, yeah, those. I mean, if you're a meme coin trader, let's call it, that's a very important thing. And if you're just getting started with meme coins, it's a very important thing. Quick kind of a b decision point to understand before you ape into one is what does it stand for and what are they doing with it? What are the plans to do with it?

Anonymity and Valuation in Meme Coins

And I think the less, you know, the better. Right. The anonymity people seem to like, and they can make up their own narratives about what the culture is, and, you know, people that agree attract to it. And there you go. And remember with some of these meme points, you know, that's kind of the core community that we're talking about here. But, you know, let's not underestimate the casual person that is looking to get into crypto. Maybe they jump in on bitcoin or ethereum, because those are kind of the big two, and then they're starting to look up the price and they see, oh, shoot, there's a pepe coin, or, oh, there's mudang.

Cultural Recognition of New Tokens

There's, you know, I'm seeing new dang all over the place. You know, there's doge, there's Shibae. You know, there's that just relatability, and then they see kind of the small price tag associated with it versus, like, you know, 60k over 70k for bitcoin. And it's just easy for them to say, oh, cool, let me go buy some of that. Yeah, so I have an interesting story there. So over the weekend, I was with family. We're kind of sitting around the table chatting and everything, and I just, out of the blue, I was like, raise your hand if you've heard of Mudang.

Family Perceptions of Cryptocurrency

And the whole freaking table was like the cute hippo on TikTok. And I was like, wow. And so I was like, did you guys know, like, there's a crypto token and you guys can make real money? You know, I was showing them my wallet from from the. I have a mother token, which is iggy token, and they all knew. I knew they would know who that is. So I kind of showed them, like, you can make money by buying these tokens because, you know, and told them kind of how the culture develops. No one at the table had any desire to take it further than the conversation and buy the crypto token.

The Reluctance to Invest

So I don't know that I fully agree that I know. I do agree to an extent that it can, you know, the concept of winning money, right. Can can bring people in, but, some of these coins, you know, I think the culture is quite made up, right? Like, like the mudank. What's the culture there other than, you know, there's. There's a cabal of people pushing it. Yeah, agree. But there. There is a. There is a culture around the Mudang character. Like you. Like you said, there. It's all over. It's all over TikTok. It has something, it has a brand, it has, it means something to people when they see it.

Cultural Significance Beyond the Inner Circle

And so even if the inner circle, you know, there's a cabal pushing it or, you know, whatever else, there's still some meaning around the meme outside of that inner circle. And, you know, to me that, that has the opportunity to track some. And maybe it wasn't people around your table, you know, there. Maybe they're just not at that point yet, because the crypto market hasn't, you know, hasn't really taken the attention of those outside the space yet. You know, that's it's potential, but I believe it's going to come back. And when it does, I do. I do think that there'll be people that won't only buy the bitcoin or ethereum, but now that they dip their toe in, they start to look at other things.

The Evolution of Cryptocurrency Interest

And meme coins are an easy next step. And of course, I believe nfts are the next step after that. Yeah, man, that's a perfect segue to the next take here. But before I get there, and I know this sucks, but I want to loop, before you get too far away from Pepe coin, I want to loop back and just give everyone kind of a brief on what Pepe coin. And remember, we started the show with, there's two different pepes, and I'm not advocating for one or the other. You just heard us talk about, like, there's pros and cons to both.

Introduction to Based AI and Meme Coin Community

What I do think is cool is based AI, who is essentially a zero knowledge LLM at the highest level. What based AI is aiming to do is create anonymity for LLMs, right? So if you are using a chat GPT and you ask it a personal question about your health, right? How is. How is your health data protected? Right? And I know that, you know, all of these things are still being figured out. And so I think that's a cool project, the based AI project. And I think it's cooler that there's a meme coin community that can derive value not just from participating in the culture of the meme, but then they can also kind of stake and stack to earn a stake in based AI, the AI crypto company.

Future Development and Narratives in Cryptocurrency

And so, interesting model. There's a few models out there. I'm actually, the Iggy token is similar, where she's got software companies that are married up with the token. And it's going to be cool to see as crypto matures and the narratives transition. Right. Is there kind of more of a balance between those. Between those things, or does the anonymous kind of token always win? And I guess maybe we'll see a little bit about that, too, if Satoshi himself is revealed.

Concerns about Satoshi's Identity

Right. Do you think that this. This revelation is going to believable? I don't know. I've heard. I mean, the. The narrative. The narratives I've heard. Right. Or read, I think there's some concern. Right. I mean, the big. In my opinion, and I want your guys's feedback. Right. The big concern is the amount of bitcoin that Satoshi holds. And so if that turns out to be this dude in prison that gets out in 20 years, what does that do to bitcoin?

Implications of Bitcoin Valuation

Yeah, I guess what I'm saying is, so let's say they announce it, or they insinuate or imply heavily who Satoshi is. Are people going to believe it? Are people going to believe what they. What they hear on the Netflix? On a Netflix special? Yeah, that's. That's a good question. I think people are going to believe what the price action does, and that's. That's all that. That's all that matters. Right? And so if the bitcoin wells and the institutions get spooked and start jumping, I think.

Concerns and Predictions

I think it's gonna be bad. And if they don't care, which I don't. I don't think that. I don't. That's what I predict is I don't think anyone's gonna care, and it's gonna be good. It'll be entertaining at a bare minimum. So. Okay, I see you let coinsora up there. Thanks. But before we get over to him, let's transition back to that comment that you had made about, you know, as crypto onboards. New users. Right. New. New, interesting parties, and how you were talking about, you know, your first buy is usually bitcoin, right. It was my first buy, in crypto, is I bought a little bit of bitcoin, and then I started exploring, right. It's like, okay, bitcoin's not gonna move too much, was kind of my thought back then, right. The layman perspective was, it can't move too much. It's already super high. Like, the time to get into bitcoin. which man? I want to tell you the story one day, Anthony, about. About that, when. When I should have gone into bitcoin, but not today.

The Shift to Alternative Chains

It's kind of passed me by, and so I started looking at these other chains, right? And I'm like, which one has the most upside, right? Because if bitcoin's proven to kind of make crypto a real thing, then one of these other chains got to do pretty well as well. And so I jumped on the Ethereum bandwagon simply because I watched a couple videos from Vitalik, and he was so young and brilliant, right? And I'm like, okay, I can get behind this guy as a new young mind, right, in the tech space. And so I got into Ethereum, but then, like you said, you know, it's kind of, it's not as you're holding these layer one coins, right, and there's not huge gains or huge swings in them. It gets, you know, you start looking, well, what can I do with my tokens? And I ran into a theory the other day that was really interesting. And so, and it goes like this, right? Ultimately, these layer ones are significantly overvalued based on what they can do today, right? And so because they're over, like the layer one software company, because it's all they are, right. Is a tech startup software company needs to find a way to bring continuous volume to its chain.

Meme Coins and Market Dynamics

And theory is that some of these meme coins are actually propped up by the layer one chains. And they do that specifically because if you don't have people winning every once in a while, everything's just going to dry up. And so there has to be winners, right? I mean, there has to be these stories of people coming to crypto and making money. And that's good for that, for the layer one, it's good for blockchain in general. So your thoughts on that part? And then maybe we'll kick over to coin store and say hi. Yeah. So I think to start with, yeah, all of these layer ones need to have attention in order for them. In order for them to sustain, you know, if there's not activity, if there's not attention on that chain, then what's the purpose? Why are people, why are people holding it? So I think that is an important piece. Whether those, the ERC 20s are propped up or not, I'll leave that to other people to figure out. But it's certainly a possibility. I wouldn't underestimate anything that's out there with people trying to manipulate markets, manipulate pricing.

Valuation and Cryptos

I would agree with you on the valuation of most layer ones. The only exception that I would put out there is bitcoin. I view bitcoin as a store of value. I view it as the next generation of gold. I think bitcoin stands on its own from that perspective. And so I think there'll be a point in time when banks accept bitcoin as collateral, and then it's going to be kind of a big game changer on how people view bitcoin. So I don't view bitcoin in that same boat as the rest of the layer ones, but otherwise. Otherwise, I do agree with you. I think there's a very strong likelihood that a lot of the layer ones are heavily overvalued. Yeah, man, agree. And I think the whole collateralizing of bitcoin could be really awesome for the space and looking forward to it. It would be a massive game changer where you would see the price skyrocket.

Introducing Coinsana

If people can start funding using bitcoin as collateral, using it as leverage to buy properties, or I get out small business loans, I mean, it's a huge game changer at that point. Yeah. Hey, we brought Coinsana onto the stage. I don't know them. You guys know how this goes. We're talking about meme coins. And so I think couple meme coin projects would love to hear your guys take on the overall meme coin space. This isn't really a shill space, and we do have limited time, so be respectful of that. But coinsana, welcome to this stage. Welcome to baptism. Hit us with the solid take, man. So in my opinion, meme coins are here to stay. They are the ones bringing real volume to blockchain. And that's how everything that we are working on right now develops. Without that, we are literally doing nothing.

Community Building in Meme Coins

If you build geeky apps, which are not useful for people, it doesn't draw users to the ecosystem, it doesn't create any difference. And we are building with the same with Lucy. So we, to be clear that I'm the CTO of Lucy, and we have been in different spaces. Some of. Some of the people from here know us from, know Lucy from different spaces. They have been in on through ape store, and we are using that to. To get more exposure. We are organically growing, and I would say the meme coins, it's very important to have a community that supports you, that gets the vision that you're doing, and understands what you stand for. And the moment you have some of those, it's a definite great thing. It's most important to be working hard in this sector. If you don't do that, you actually end up being someone who gets noticed nowhere.

The Importance of Recognizability

And the less people know you, the less will be the growth of your coin in any way. We intend to be the biggest meme coin. But for that we are talking to people. We are understanding the ecosystem, and it's all about collaboration. It's all about understanding each other's vision. I would like there are the easy access to infrastructure to launch a coin is making things too easy for people to scam. And 99.99% of tokens are scammers, which is a big bane on our ecosystem. Today. We have something unique to collaborate at a level which nobody knows about yet. 99% of the population does not understand the benefits of web three and how this ecosystem can transform their lives. So barely like a few million people know about crypto and how they can use it to be away from the clutches of the government.

Confronting Bad Actors

But then they end up looking for safety because of the people who rug and who actually do all nonsense. So those bad actors make people go back, and the noobs and people who are not exposed to crypto, they tend to go back to the same system they are running away from. So it's our responsibility as community builders, as promoters and propagators of meme coins that we think of it as ecosystem that we are building not for just our tokens, but also for the ecosystem as a whole. I see people from different spheres when we do Ama's. We just won and won a pitching competition day before yesterday hosted by secret base. We are an Ethereum based token, but Ethereum is the base for most of the tokens that we are looking at.

Exposure and Collaboration

That's where we get more exposure. So even though you might be on different chains, there are opportunities to collaborate with people and creators from all over the sphere. And I'm a brick proponent of that. Happy to have some questions. No, I think that's a solid take, and I agree. We bulls and apes, we're a small project too. And I tell everybody, I'm like, look, everyone in this space has to do their part. Whether you're an NFT project or a meme coin, trying to build a community or something else, we have to do our part contributing, because so few people know about the alternative here, and it's our job to safely educate them and make sure that they have the best experience possible.

Building a Collective Effort

And it takes a village, right? I tell everybody it takes a village. And so simple things supporting these spaces, you know, even if it's just a few minutes listening in, giving your takes, spreading the vibes, I think it's all good. You're creating your household where you keep your house tidy, and that's like your community, well organized. When more than one community get to know each other, it's. It's a place where you could collaborate, and there are different synergies that can coexist. Yes, many of us are competing on the same platforms for market cap, but at the end of the day, we are not all competitors, I would say.

Bridging Communities

I'm a big fan of Gina. She has been one of our spaces before, and she does a lot of great things. There are, there are a. She has her own personal profile. Which. Is amazing, and she uses that as a platform to introduce more people to the ecosystem. There are also others, like with sheep Skywalker. I've seen few of his things before. I don't follow him regularly, but I can say that there are proponents of great ecosystems, and that's what we all have to contribute and work together with. And if you can find out, like, for me, it's the best way to understand and find ten good projects.

Collaborative Growth

Let everybody get behind those, rocket it off, because we have made a vow that when we get to a certain market cap, we would be investing and working with every good project on base and every other ethereum layer to ecosystem as well. And we're looking for good people to work with. So the moment we build that kind of a community, it's going to be life changing and amazing, honestly. Yeah, it can be. But I want to hit you guys, the panel here with a controversial take on meme coins and the culture that's being developed.

Religion and Meme Culture

And there's data that suggests religion globally. It has been significantly de emphasized in our society. Right. And so, and with that, right now, we have this digital world that presents all kinds of choice, culture choice, right. Which I think, you know, religion can be related to, at least in. At least in my mind. And some of these cultures, these meme coin cultures are very cult like in delivering a way of thinking. And so what do you guys think about that? I know everyone talks about regulation for crypto, but do some of these things, like participating in meme coins, require some technology to potentially gate the age of which people participate here?

Beliefs and Accountability

Yes. Sorry, I'm not exactly sure what the question is that you're asking, but to me, I have strong faith. I'm catholic. I'm a strong believer in the christian religion. I believe in faith. I believe in connectedness. I believe in golden rule. Treat others as you would want them to treat you. And so I find alignment with crypto, certainly not with all the scams and everything else that's going on, but the idea of the individual having. Having ownership and accountability over their. Over their assets, over their lives. You know, that decentralized nature, removing the media, moving gatekeepers, to me, that aligns with my religious values.

Societal Forces and Crypto

So I don't see that being one or the other. I think that there's always been societal forces that tried to try to minimize religion. Even when religion was more dominant in the western civilization, there still were societal forces that would pull against it. So I don't see crypto being misaligned with religion, if that was part of your question. Yeah, it was. It was part of it. Thanks for the take there, Anthony. Anyone else have a comment on that? Yeah, I think maybe where you were going on some of that was the cult like feel when you ostracize or separate people. Right? So there definitely is that.

Exclusivity and Inclusivity

And that's to tie it to religion. I mean, that's when you get the bad religions, right, is when you, or the bad versions of religion, rather, is you cut out people. You don't accept people. Think web three in general is about bringing people together, collaborating, kind of like Coinsana was talking about. But yeah, when you get the cult, like, you can't have any other tokens, can't be on any other chains, that's when you start losing people. Yeah. I would say if you see any bitcoin maximalist conference, they just shit on anything.

Cultural Beliefs in Cryptocurrency

Ethereum, Solana, just name it. They just shit on it. But at the end of the day, they are just building the same things that are being built on Ethereum or Solana. So the point is that everything has, I would say religion is a private endeavor. Money is your private endeavor. That's your God given right to do what you do. Nobody should have a say in what you do in your personal life and private life. You could have your personal opinions about what you do with your life and is perfectly okay with that.

The Power of Personal Choice

You could be a racist fuck. But if you do it privately, I don't give a fuck about you. But at the end of the day, if you are not harming anybody, if you are true to your endeavor and you are working for your upliftment, that's all it matters. It doesn't matter which faith you follow, which God you worship and anything, it doesn't make any difference at all. Your faith is your private progression of yourself. It's an expression of your belief system. And that's. That's okay to go the way you are.

Responsibility and Control

And I'll say it's the same with your money, it's the same with your crypto holdings, because you have absolute control over your money. You cannot be responsible. Squander something and go back to somebody claiming that, okay, please give me back my money. I just wasted it on something. There are no chargebacks over here. There are. So you spend on things that you are responsible. So I would say it's. It's a democratized system. With a spider man was clearly told, with greater power comes great responsibility.

Empowering Individual Agency

Here you have the power to hold your money. You are responsible for yourself, for your flipping your upbringing and everything now, and just make use of it. If you, as you're one of the first people in the ecosystem, it's a one in a very nice stage. And if you get exposure to that, and you may, you are holding of some value. It's people's money. God's money is gold. So this is people's money. And you, the community that backs it up, okay, they, if it's a cult like following, it's fine, just do what you do.

Avoiding Negativity

But I would say let's not shit on others, because that's not the way to go.

Individual Perspectives

You do you and let the others do what they do. Yeah, definitely. And I agree with. With all of you guys in. In regard to, like, mature adults. Right.

Concerns about Younger Generations

Where I do start finding some concern, and this happened to me recently, was at a bar, and this youngster was that were watching football, and we started talking and started talking about crypto. And as I. As I introduced him to meme tokens and the potential there in the back of my mind, I'm thinking some of these younger people who maybe aren't as rooted as some of the older generations are to faith, this is their first exposure to a culture, and there's so much to choose from there. Right.

Accessibility of Digital Media

We've made it so accessible through this digital media that, you know, that we have. And so if, you know, the younger generations, if that's what they're exposed to early on, is these meme coin type cultures, that could be a challenge down the road for society. And so just that was more kind of like, the question I was asking is, how do we. How do we protect the youngsters from getting exposed too early to some of this stuff? Because it can be engaging.

Emotional Connections to Tokens

I mean, there's meme tokens that I've researched deep enough where I start developing an emotional connection to it. And if it happens for me, it's going to happen for everybody, or it could happen to anybody. Yeah. And to me, the accountability there goes back to a strong family unit, just like with most issues. With kids, the kids that have a strong family unit, that have.

Importance of Family Structure

That have parents that are giving them independence, but doing it with a verification process where they're having conversations, they're talking to you about, know, what's going on in your life, what are you getting into and showing. Showing interest. I mean, that's the. To me, that's the answer. With with most issues that we're afraid of with our kids. Yeah. I feel so bad for.

Challenges of Modern Parenting

For people that are just, you know, thinking about starting a family or getting ready to start a family, like raising a family in this next, version of. Of digital society. Right. I think is. Is super challenging. And, I I don't know. I mean, I agree with you. The logic says, you know, do what our parents did and our grandparents did. Right.

Generational Differences

But I don't know how. I don't know how successful they will be there, but time will tell. I definitely, didn't want to pull us too far away from. From meme coins there, but it was something that I was thinking about. Yeah. And it's always going to be, you can't do exactly what your grandparents did because society's different.

Navigating New Challenges

You know, technology changes, you know, culture, cultural issues are different. You know, you. How kids are being pressurized and challenged is going to be different from generation to generation. So, you know, a copy paste doesn't. Doesn't work. But at the end of the day, the kids that have strong relationships with their.

Value of Relationships

With their parents are typically the ones that have less issues, you know? And I say typically because it's not. Not in all cases, obviously, but now, you know, for different circumstances, not every child is able to have a strong family unit. You know, they don't have the luxury of growing up like that. So as society, you know, we do need to make sure that we're.

Conclusion on Family and Society

Yeah, we're looking out for all kids. Yeah, man. Well, hey. Hey, guys. We're bulls and apes. I thank you guys, everyone, for joining us. You know, shout out to the pretty much the regular community down there in the audience again, if you guys want to come up. We don't have a ton of time, I think.

Engagement and Community

Jay, you have a hard stop coming up, right? Yeah, I can still leave it open. You know, if you all want to go on for another. Hold it down for another 20 minutes, I'll just be in the car. All right, well, feel free to request come up, guys. We'd love to hear your take on meme coins.

Consensus on Meme Coins

I think the general kind of consensus of the space so far seems to be that meme coins are an overall positive thing for crypto, and they're not going anywhere. And, you know, I think there's. There's a lot to. A lot of research that needs to be done before you put money into one.

Key Takeaways

And so if you take away anything from the space, take away those. Those kind of three things. And I take. I'll take it a little bit of a different angle on meme coins. You know, imagine a scenario for a second. Let's pretend that, you know, we're not into meme coins for the ten x or the 100 x, but, you know, and let's also imagine we're in an environment where, you know, crypto is.

Transaction Environment

Is regularly accepted as payments. People are making transactions. Digital wallet. A digital wallet, whether it's with a Starbucks or a business or with their friends and family not having to go through Venmo, if you decide, like, hey, you know what I want to do? My currency of choice for transaction is Pepe, because I have an affinity towards it, or it's mudang, because I have an affinity towards that, or it's Ethereum.

Personal Attachment to Tokens

I have an affinity having that choice of just feeling good about the way that you're transacting. It's like having, you know, you're in high school and you got stickers on your binder. You're putting stickers on your bike when you're a kid. You know, you just. You just.

Identification through Transactions

You're going around using that as a representation of who you are. So transacting in Pepe, you know, says something for you and who you are. Yeah, man, the new version of gangs, right? Or mobs. Yeah. I mean, it just, you know.

Cultural Significance

Exactly. It's like, oh, I'm, you know, and then it's just. It's just something to talk about with. With whoever you're transacting with. You know, you want it. You want it in Pepe, you want it in this. I don't know. I feel like it's just a.

Communication through Currency

It's a, you know, it's just communicating with the world about who you are and what's important to you. Agreed. So the. I think there's a. There's a million dollar question out there that a lot of people are wondering, right.

Liquidity in Small Cap Projects

And I want to kind of bring it all together here. If you're a low cap meme coin, you know, or a smaller project like Coinsana in the space here, I see some with fork and knife people in the space here, and you're trying to get some of the. If theory holds true, right, that meme coin liquidity can come from the overall layer one profits, right.

Attracting Attention

The profits that these layer ones are making on transaction fees and vc funding. So if you're trying to get the layer one to push your meme coin. Right. And specifically, I was on a space a couple days ago where I think a bunch of people were upset that this token called degenitive got elevated really quickly by Coinbase, right?

Market Reactions

So the token came out, a couple people tweeted on it, and all of a sudden Coinbase is listing it. I don't think they've listed it yet, but they made some posts and it sent it from like zero to 100 million in matter of minutes. And so. Sorry, guys, I was getting a call there. But.

Liquidity Strategy

So if the million dollar question is, how can my small cap project attract that type of liquidity? I think you need to put it. You need to put two and two together. These layer ones need cult like followings, exposure.

Building a Strong Community

They need people to bring liquidity to the chain to buy something beneath the chain. Right. And so if you have a community or you're building community, I mean, that's. That's what you gotta.

Creating a Unified Vision

What you gotta shoot for is get everybody believing in something and, you know, holding the token, right. And then. And I believe they watch that, right. I believe they look at, you know, before the layer one is gonna inject liquidity to any of these meme coins, they probably have charts that show the number of holders, how much they've been holding, what the buying patterns have been over x amount of months.

Evaluating Market Activity

Right. Because they're going to make educated decisions based on that, too, because they don't want to be taken to the wash. Right. So anyways, if you're a small cap project, I think the best thing you can do is find a common narrative that your community, you know, that you're trying to build, believes in, and make sure that all of your holders.

Understanding Community Dynamics

Right, are kind of exhibiting the same type of on chain behavior, because I do think those statistics are being looked at. Right. And so. And that should also help you make a decision which meme coins to go into. If you see a ton of, you know, if you're looking at the blockchain, you see a ton of wash trading going on Orlando, people coming in and out with sizable positions, taking small profits, or it's bought it a lot.

Community-Driven Success

Right. Like, those behaviors aren't going to get a layer one interested. What they're interested in is the communities that truly are rallied behind something or someone and have a common direction, and they think that, hey, this has potential to grow from a user space standpoint. Yeah, sounds reasonable to me.

Investment Considerations

I mean, it's like trying to get the attention in the traditional world, just trying to get. Trying to get the attention to some of the big players that might want to invest in you because you're helping the overall ecosystem. You gotta hone in on who you are, even if it's.

Defining Your Niche

If it's a niche. Have. Have that as. As strong as possible and. And make sure it's hitting. Hitting the metrics that they're. That they're interested in. Now, you know, we don't know what those metrics are in this case, but you named a few of them, and I think those sound.

Closing Thoughts

Those sound reasonable to me. Well, cool, man. I think. I think this was a great chat. I think Jay has a hard stop here, and I know you're at the airport, so should we start winding it down? Yeah, sure.

Final Remarks

Let's wind it down. Appreciate everybody joining. I know your. Your attention is. Is valuable. Your time is valuable. We appreciate you. You spending with us.

Community Engagement

You know, hopefully. Hopefully you found this helpful. Yeah, I think I said it last week. You know what I really like about bulls and apes is we rooted from. We came out of kind of the world of rugs, right. I think with BOTB being a rug and us later acquiring it.

Origins and Growth

And then I know a lot of, like, apocalyptic apes were in the early days of this community. Right? And so since we kind of started in the. In the circle of pain, we've always kind of exercised this ethos of doing good and giving healthy education to our community.

Value of Community Conversations

And so I'm glad we have these spaces going, and I really hope that the community finds value in these conversations, and the conversation doesn't have to end here on this space. Right. Like, join our discord.

Continuous Learning

Let's chat. There's people in there all the time and would love to talk about it. The more. The more data points you have on a topic, the more intelligent you're going to be on that topic and the better decision you're going to be able to make. So that's why we do this.

Wrap Up

All right, cool. Thanks. Thanks, everyone. Really appreciate it. Talk to you next week.

Final Goodbyes

You. Got. You. Obvious. Okay. I like your confidence. Okay. Like Alanis. Okay. You better start a whole fire.

Casual Exchanges

I need someone any. Tyler. I need her money. Rebecca. Serena. Selena started her quiet.

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