Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Astherus x Pencils Protocol Twitter Spaces hosted by AstherusHub. The Astherus x Pencils Protocol Twitter Spaces event focused on scaling staked assets within the DeFi space, with a live unveiling of the Astherus Enigma Stage 0 project supported by BinanceLabs. Discussions revolved around innovative staking mechanisms, strategic partnerships, user experience enhancements, and community engagement. The collaboration between Astherus and Pencils Protocol holds the promise of advancing asset staking technologies and fostering ecosystem growth. Key challenges such as security, scalability, and user participation were also addressed, with a look towards future developments in asset staking within DeFi.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How does Pencils Protocol differentiate itself in the staking industry?
A: Pencils Protocol offers unique staking mechanisms that enhance security and efficiency.

Q: What sets the Astherus Enigma project apart from other DeFi initiatives?
A: Astherus Enigma introduces innovative approaches to asset staking, aiming to redefine user experiences.

Q: Why are strategic partnerships crucial in the DeFi space?
A: Partnerships bring together expertise, resources, and networks to drive project success and ecosystem growth.

Q: How does community engagement contribute to scaling staked assets?
A: Engaging the community fosters trust, adoption, and feedback loops vital for the success of staking projects.

Q: What potential impacts can the collaboration between Astherus and Pencils Protocol have on DeFi?
A: The collaboration may lead to advancements in asset staking technologies and ecosystem expansion.

Q: What role does BinanceLabs play in supporting projects like Astherus Enigma?
A: BinanceLabs provides resources, mentorship, and a platform for innovative projects to thrive in the DeFi space.

Q: How does Astherus prioritize user experience in asset staking?
A: Astherus focuses on improving usability, security, and efficiency to enhance user experiences and drive adoption.

Q: What are the key challenges in scaling staked assets in DeFi?
A: Challenges include security vulnerabilities, network scalability, and user participation, which projects like Astherus address.

Q: How does the Astherus x Pencils Protocol collaboration benefit the DeFi community?
A: The collaboration combines expertise and innovation to offer improved staking solutions for DeFi participants.

Q: What future developments can we expect in asset staking within the DeFi ecosystem?
A: Anticipated advancements include enhanced security measures, user-friendly interfaces, and increased staking rewards.


Time: 00:13:45
Introduction to Astherus Enigma Stage 0 Unveiling the live stage 0 launch of Astherus Enigma project for staked asset scaling.

Time: 00:25:12
Pencils Protocol Innovations Exploring the unique staking mechanisms and technologies introduced by Pencils Protocol.

Time: 00:37:59
Strategic Partnerships in DeFi Insights on the importance of collaborating with industry leaders for project success.

Time: 00:45:21
Astherus User Experience Focus Discussing how Astherus prioritizes user experience enhancements in asset staking.

Time: 00:55:03
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring community-centric approaches to scaling staked assets in decentralized finance.

Time: 01:05:42
BinanceLabs Support for Innovation Understanding the role of BinanceLabs in fostering innovation and growth in the DeFi space.

Time: 01:15:29
Challenges and Solutions in DeFi Staking Addressing key challenges and proposed solutions in scaling staked assets within the DeFi ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:18
Future of Asset Staking in DeFi Exploring anticipated developments and trends shaping the future of asset staking in DeFi ecosystems.

Time: 01:35:07
Astherus x Pencils Protocol Collaboration Impact Discussing the potential impacts and benefits of the collaboration on the DeFi community.

Time: 01:45:55
Technological Advancements in Staking Insights on the latest technological advancements improving asset staking mechanisms in DeFi.

Time: 01:55:32
Closing Remarks and Next Steps Summarizing key insights from the event and outlining future steps for Astherus x Pencils Protocol collaboration.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the significance of scaling staked assets in decentralized finance (DeFi).
  • Exploring the live stage 0 of the Astherus Enigma project supported by BinanceLabs.
  • Insights on how Pencils Protocol is revolutionizing staking mechanisms.
  • The importance of strategic partnerships in the DeFi space for project success.
  • How Astherus aims to enhance asset staking experiences for users.
  • Learning about innovative approaches to asset staking security and efficiency.
  • Exploring the potential impact of Astherus x Pencils Protocol collaboration on the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Insights into the latest developments and advancements in asset staking technologies.
  • Understanding the role of community engagement in scaling staked assets.
  • The event highlights the intersection of technology, finance, and community in DeFi ecosystems.

Behind the Mic


Hi, Emeka. Hi, JJ. Hello. Oh, it's good we can all hear each other, right? Yeah, I can perfectly. Yeah, I can hear everyone perfectly. Would I say good afternoon? I'm calling from Nigeria, so it's afternoon here. So it's 01:00 p.m. about eight minutes to 01:00 p.m. oh, okay. It's 08:00 p.m. for me. I'm in Singapore. Yeah. Yeah, same here with JJ. Yeah. You will be at Token 2049, right? Yeah, we'll be there. Yeah, I'm going to Korea the day after tomorrow. Will you be at the Korean blockchain week? No, there is a Ed safari happening from. So I'll be at Ed Safari. I'm speaking at Ed Safari. Oh, safari. Yeah, it's an event here. in Korea. In. In Africa. Oh, in Africa. Okay. Okay. safari. Oh, I want to go to Africa to see the animal thing. Kenya, right? Is it Kenya? Kenya, yeah, correct. wow, magical place. Yeah.

Joining the Conversation

Hey, Mika, I was wondering if you could also join with the pencils protocol Twitter page so we can hit you guys co host. Hey, I'm not with. I'm not in chat, so I'm just. Let me get. Sorry, I'll get back to you. Sure, sure. Take the time. There you go. The pencil protocol handles joint, so you can. Okay, I've just shared the co-host request to the pencils protocol page. Okay, so it's 12:00 p.m. uTC. So let's get started. Hello, everyone, and welcome today's session. I'm Raven, your host from Asterisk, and I'm thrilled to have you all here today. We've got an exciting agenda lined up, filled with insights and updates that you won't want to miss. So, first, I'll be giving you a brief overview of what we'll be covering today. So we'll kick some things off with some introduction, dive into discussions about the latest developments, and of course, there's a giveaway that we've all been talking about, so stick around for your chance to win.

Overview of Today’s Discussion

So now let's get started. So, to kick things off, could our speakers please briefly introduce yourselves and share a bit about what pencils protocol and asterisk are all about? So let's start with Mika from Pencils protocol. Hello, can everyone hear me? If you can hear me, give me a sign. But just an emoji. Thank you. Hello? I hope I'm clear to go. Okay, great. So, my name is Emeka. I'm the lead communication for pencils protocol. I'm here to share with you about pencil protocol, what we're doing, and the development so far. Currently at pencil protocol, we are the number one Defi Dapp built on scroll ecosystem. To enable the scroll ecosystem, have this will, I say, all in one defi solution that brings about all in one function, defi functionality in one platform. So what this means is also integrating the scroll ecosystem to the DeFi community at large.

Goals of Pencils Protocol

So I would say pencil protocol. It's a high functioning DeFi platform to enable growth in the DeFi ecosystem, the continuous growth we see in the Delphi ecosystem. And the vision is to continue enabling this liquidity flow in a more decentralized manner that is more rewarding and user friendly. So that is actually what the vision of pencil protocol is. And I'm here to share and attend to more questions that come my way. Thank you all and let me mute for now. Thank you. Now. Thank you so much, Emeka. Now, so, JJ, could you please introduce yourself and what Theorus is all about? Yeah, sure. Thank you. Hello everyone. I'm JJ, BD Director, Saras. So I've been in the crypto industry for over seven years and have been an active participant in most major tracks to briefly introduce Sarah.

Introduction to Theorus

So, we are a liquidity hub for osts and lrts, and our purpose is to add more utility to staked assets so that you can do more and maximize your yields. For example, you can trade perpetual with osts and lrts on Osiris with up to 100 times leverage. You can also deposit on Osiris to earn our au ultra points. But I can show this more about this later. And I also want to highlight that we were recently selected as a Binance Labs incubation season seven project and were just shortlisted in the BNB chain ecosystem catalyst awards under the rising star category. So super exciting for us. Amazing, JJ. So thank you so much for the introduction. So, a brief overview of this AMA is the first segment we'll be covering some general questions.

Details About the AMA

That includes some of the user benefits of both projects, followed by community questions and also the conclusion. So, without further ado, I'd like to start asking the general questions. So, the first question goes to pencils regarding pencils products. So for those who don't know, we actually had a fruitful roundtable discussion with pencils protocol, pump, BTC, Listerdao and Bedrock last week. And today we're very excited to invite pencils back to our space so this time we can go deeper into pencils to learn more. So Emeka Pencils has a variety of products options like farming, vaults, launch pads, and liquid staking and restaking. So can you elaborate on some of the core products and what pencil is focusing on at this time? Yeah, great. So to share with you, that pencil protocol has been operational for about a few months now, and I would say congratulations to the DeFi community who are interested in doing a lot of Defi operational proportionality on the screw ecosystem.

Description of Pencil Protocol’s Functionality

We have, we launched with the farming, that's the staking and the restaking and the staking derivative program. And we've hit about 300 million plus in total value locked on the platform. And we have over 200 plus users, active users on the platform. This shows that pencil farming has kind of brought a lot of activities to the crow ecosystem, making us the number one DeFi platform on the scroll ecosystem. This means that we've enabled a lot of the users to be able to take advantage of this DeFi functionalities like staking your liquidity from the Ethereum ecosystem, staking your liquidity like rap bitcoin stable currencies that are enabled in the escrow in the scroll ecosystem. This means that giving you advantage to earn high yield while you're holding your assets. So this advantage has also brought about us seeing the functionalities to bring more functions to the square ecosystem, like the vault program which will be launching soon.

Future Endeavors of Pencils Protocol

We also have the auction program which will be giving a lot of our ecosystem engages access to high ticket tokens or project that will be listed on the scroll ecosystem. So what pencil protocol has introduced to the scroll ecosystem as a whole?

Overview of the High-Functioning DeFi System

It's an all in one high function defi system or high functioning operational defi that can enable you to plug in the ecosystem liquidity to more use and more yield. So you also have the point system, which we call the pencils. Now, what does the point system? This is one of the functionalities to reward our Le engagers on the platform to ensure that they get the benefit of supporting this protocol. So I would say that most of our product that has currently been engaged by our users, which we've seen a lot of, you know, a lot of people engage with, is the farming, the staking, and we've had a lot of partnership. If you go to the website, which is Pencilsprotocol IO, you would see that a lot of partners that has worked with us, you know, that has also enabled us to be able to create cross collaboration with these platforms to bring all those liquidity like PSOB soft BTC. We have wrapped you know, we have a lot of those more tokens also will be listed on the platform.

Upcoming Products and Community Engagement

So I would say that anyone also who has been following pencil protocol on our official channels will also see that we're also following the roadmap to launch the vault. That vault will be very amazing product. The vault will have a lot of functionalities like lending, and any reward on your lending. There will be a lot of for the community to expect from that vote vote launch that will be happening very soon. But currently now we're more focused on the token launch or the token sales that will be coming up anytime from now. So if you're following us on our official channels, I'm sure you would have seen some of the amazing announcements from the, you know, from the funding round to the token sales announcements and the registration start date. So I would say that I recommend everyone to keep following pencils protocol for more announcement regarding our product launch and following up on our roadmap.

Understanding Asterisk's Role in Liquidity

Yeah, thank you so much, Meka. Yeah, that sounds really exciting. And I'm sure our listeners are looking forward to some of the newer products that you mentioned, like the vault. So please keep an eye out on pencil and now. So, JJ, asterisk is a liquidity hub for LSTs and LRDs. So could you explain what this means and how asterisk helps users maximize utilization of their restrict assets? Sure. Hello. Can you repeat the question again? Sorry. Sure. So we all know that asterisk is a liquidity hub for LSTs and LRTs. So could you explain what this means and how asterisk helps users maximize utilization of their restaked assets? Yeah, sure.

User Benefits from Asterisk's Features

So aside from. Well, we do have the perp trading for the. We have perp trading functions for the users to trade their LSTs and LRTs. And not only users can use the staked assets to earn the one to 4% APR, but also can use the. Can use the LSTs LRTs as staked assets to. As the collateral. Yeah. Thanks, JJ. So yeah, that's the introduction about both projects. Please check out pencils protocol as well as us asterisk. So now, Pencils is one of our partners in the Asterisk Odyssey campaign, where participants can earn an adopt package from our $2,000 prize pool.

Introducing the Acerrus Odyssey Campaign

So, JJ, can you share more about odyssey to those who don't know about it? Yeah, sure. I'm happy to. So, the Acerrus Odyssey is our ongoing gaussian campaign. If you join the Odyssey and qualify, you have the chance to win an extra air job and other rewards. The total price poor for Odyssey now if I remember correctly, is already $5,300. You have to complete the full SRS class to qualify and share a $2,300 rewards and everyone who qualifies can get an Aseris token package that you can open at TGE. It's simple, just go to the Odyssey Galcia page and do the simple social tasks. And Pencil is also one of our valued partners for Odyssey and they are giving out super attractive rewards as well. So if you want to know more, please see the pin tweet on osiris account.

Details on Sole NFTs and Community Commitment

So in Pencils odyssey partner Quest Penzos protocol very generously offered free mints of sole nfts for all participants. So Ameka, can you share more about these sole nfts and how users can benefit from minting them? Oh yeah, thank you so much for that question. Yeah, pencil protocol is very interested in ensuring that the community comes first and most of its growth and its engagement. So NFT was another program to keep that commitment to showcase that pencil chromosome. Pencil protocol is all about community. I would say the pencils so NFT drops was one of the it should be in the DeFi ecosystem, one of the biggest NFT program that we have seen in recent time. And what this is meant to do is to also ensure that those who participate get that unique NFT which becomes like an identity on chain.

Benefits of Engaging with Sole NFTs

And what this identity on chain means is that you can use it to attach a value to those who participate. And it has a timeline is limited. And we make sure that we took advantage of a lot of partnership because of to ensure that we expose a lot of the web three community, not just those in the pencils community, but we had over 1512 to 15 partners from gaming from yes Coin to nodecoin to even as we're having conversation with asteros now, you find out that the interest for pencil protocol is to keep expanding the Webtree community and onboarding people to the DeFi ecosystem in a very simple manner and also making it rewarding. So you see the benefits. Engaging the sole NFT invest comes with it. Like the pencil protocol airdrop, which is coming up, which means that your identity now is now attached on chain with your pencils and the points you earn from the airdrop from the event, which would also means that the value of your engagement can easily be assigned to you on chain.

Rewards from the Pencil Protocol

And it also comes with privileges from the vault. When the vault goes live, you have more enhanced leverage and return on in the pencils vault when you engage because you partake in this community program. Like I said, it's a way to ensure that we capture those who engaged in the early days of the project and ensure that they have the reward attaining to their commitment to the development of our community. And you know that the pencil protocol looks at launching the shop which will come that with your pencil. So NFT, you can have access to discounts, exclusive products or nfts on that shop where you can trade a lot of reward assets and valuable materials that you can use to show your hype.

The Importance of Community Engagement

Or in the web three space and the auction, which you also get priority to buy into new project allocation. So it's a rewarding program for the web three ecosystem in totality. Like I said, we had one of very amazing partners from gaming to note coins, a lot of amazing partners, about 15, I can list all of them. But it's our commitment to ensure that the community is, gets all, is gets rewarded, you know, as they should. Because Defi is all about, you know, building for the community. So that is the interest for pencil protocol. I hope I was able to give some insight on what pencil NFt was all about.

The Value of Pencil Points

Nice. So I'm aware that users who mean sold nfts may also earn pencil points. So what can users actually get from earning these pencil points? Pencil points. Let's say it's like a weight system. The more points you have, the more reward you can get from the pencil products. So like the airdrop coming from the token sales, you'll find out that with your pencil points, you mean that you can have access to maybe different level of reward on airdrop coming up from the token sales. That will be happening from the 18th, but registration starts from the fourth, which will be one of our partners will be working with us on that token registration and we talked about the vault we should be launching.

Rewards from the Pencil Vault

The vault comes with a lot of rewarding already high heeled leverage activities already going on. But with the pencil vault comes with more enhanced returns in that vault ecosystem. So your pencil point is like a weight system. The more points you have, the more weights, you know, of reward or benefits on, or assets you can get to, you know, getting more exclusive discount like on the shop, and more priority on new product allocation. So it's like a wait system to ensure that people get properly rewarded and that it's fair and it's transparent.

Conclusion and Community Engagement Reminder

Thank you. I hope that was able to answer that. Sorry, that was uncalled for. But yeah, thank you so much, Mika, for sharing about these sole nfps and how this pencil point works. So their registration period starts really soon, as you've heard, so please stay tuned on their pages and start registering. And I would also like to remind all listeners that we are having a giveaway ahead for the community questions. So all you have to do is to, quote, retweet our announcement, tweet for this AMA with your questions, and if your questions get selected during the community questions segment, you'll walk away with ten USDth. So if you have any questions, checking.

Exploring Yield Opportunities on Asterisk

All right, so now, question for JJ. So you gave us an overview of how SDRs increases the utility of LSTs and LRT's, right? Just now. So besides using LSTs or LRT's as collateral for trading and participating in Odyssey, could you share other yield opportunities for users on asterisk? Yeah, for sure. So aside from the peP trading, we are also in stage zero of our ldraw points campaign. If you deposit funds on Osiris, you can earn the EU points at TGE. So your EU points weightage will give you an allocation of a serous token. The AO points stack hourly, so if you earn 100 points in the first hour, this doubles to 200 points in the second hour. So we recommend you to leave your funds on assets to earn as many points as possible.

Asset Options and Earnings Potential

At the moment, we support staked assets like SoftBTC, stake, storm, Sliss, BNB, iseth, and even LP token like JLP from the Jupiter on Solana, but also your usual blue chip assets like BTC ETH, USDT, et cetera. So some assets come with 1.15 times points and partner Eldro points. For example, if you deposit Ric Tch, you will get 1.15 times zero's Au points and also three times cap miles and one time eagle layer points. It's really up to you which assets you have and want to deposit. Yeah.

Introduction and Community Questions

Thank you, JJ. So now it's the moment that everyone has been waiting for. So it's time for the community questions. So we'll be selecting five questions to ask to be asked, and if your question gets selected, as I mentioned, you'll walk away with 50 USDT. So, unfortunately, we'll not be able to answer all of your questions, but we hope you still got some value out of this AMA. So drum roll, please.

Question for JJ

Hello? JJ? Hello? Yeah, I'm here. Oh, sorry. Maybe I'll repeat the question. Yeah, I didn't know the question. Is that the question for me? Yes. Yes, that's the question for you. So, one question? Yeah, sorry. So how does asterisk finance ensure the scalability and performance of its platform during high traffic periods, especially with growing user adoption? Oh, thank you. Yeah, that's a very good question. So, yeah, we are growing quite steady right now, and there are no issue with the performance of the platform yet. But as we grow bigger, we will definitely ensure users can continue to deposit assets and trade perp smoothly. And deposits are down through this smart contract. So the performance shouldn't be affected for perp trading. It's more of the liquidity thing. So we are focusing on deepening liquidity so that the large size order can be filled. I hope that answered the question. Yeah, my answer is finished. Revan can continue to the next question.

Technical Issues

Yeah, hello, host? Hello? Are you speaking? Because I cannot hear you. Hello, can anyone else hear our host speaking? Yes, I think the host, maybe she's having a little bit technical issues. Oh, okay. I can hear also. Okay. Hey, Reverend, we cannot hear you. Maybe there are some tech issues here. Cannot hear you. Sorry, audience, there might be a little bit tech issues. Okay, now, good. Oh, yeah, now we can, yeah. Oh, sorry, I'm not sure what happened, actually. There seem to be some technical issues. Okay, now, sorry, here comes a. The second question, and it's from Justrelax zero two.

Partnership Goals and Milestones

So can you share any specific goals or milestones that asterisk and pencils protocol aim to achieve together through this partnership? So I think maybe Ameka can go first on behalf of pencils, and then followed by JJ, on behalf of asterisk. Yeah. Okay. Thank you for the question. You know, I said something that's quite important. That pencil protocol is committed to community endeavors to keep expanding across, you know, the community reach. And this is still the pencil protocol. And Odyssey partnership is also based on that commitment to reach, you know, to communities that are building in line with the defi ecosystem. And the continuous partnership means that we're supporting each other and we're collaborating to effectively bring better rewarding ecosystem to the whole deFi ecosystem.

Continuing Engagement in DeFi Ecosystem

So I would say this partnership is to also the continuous engagement in developing the Dafa ecosystem and making it more rewarding for the community participants. Thank you. Thank you so much, Emeka. Now, JJ, could you share for Esther's side? Yeah, sure. Thank you. Mecca for your speech. So, I mean, pencils is already our partner for our Odyssey campaign, and we hope to increase the exposure of xeros and pencils and attract users on both sides to try out our platforms. And for us, you can earn the AU, for us, you can earn the Eldro points and the trade perks when you deposit, restrict assets. And for the pencils, please remember to complete their quest to mint a free pencil. So nFt. Yeah.

Upcoming Activities and Launch Information

Thank you so much, both Emeka and JJ. And so now the third question. All right, this one comes from our comment section. So this user, Jedidiah D, he's interested to know, because Emeka, you spoke about the launch on the 15th of this month, so can we get to know more about it because he's interested. Okay, so thank you so much. The IDo sales, the token sale for pencil protocol, which is the ticker is Dark Dawp, that's PP, will be launching September 18. This token sale will be starting September 18, but registration will be from the 4 September 2024. And we've made this announcement on the pencil protocol official Twitter.

Token Economics and Community Engagement

And this is still based on the commitment for on our roadmap to get to the ideo launch. And this is what we have reached this period. And it's also going to be the continuous engagement and ensuring that if you also look there, we also share the token economics, which you can also find on our medium. And also if you go through our features channels, you would see us. We've shared this information on the token economics. We've ensured that it's created in such a way to ensure that the community, the early participants, are, you know, duly rewarded and they get the benefit for, you know, supporting the project, which has humbled us in a lot of ways. And we really continue on to continue engaging the community by, you know, also on the Stokon Sea.

Token Sale Details

We expect to see a lot of participation from the community and we encourage everyone who is listening to us to go check it out and engage. So the token economy is just about. We continue the promise of the ecosystem on building out a proper defi ecosystem. So the DAP token will be like one of the reward system based reward system for the pensu ecosystem. And it's about 100 million in total token from the token economics. And the sales will have about 20% of that on sale on the sales period. So very limited, you know, token edition. So it's high, you know, you start engaging on it as early as enough so you'll be able to get a spot on the token sale. I think that will be all I will say for now regarding the token sale, but follow us to be, to ensure that you get updated on all, you know, happenings that will be happening.

Future Communications

There will be a lot of activities during this token. So you don't want to miss out. So just follow pencil protocol to ensure that you don't miss out on the updates that will be thrown out to the web three community as a whole. Thank you so much. Thank you. So. Raven, your mic is not working again. Okay. Okay. Sorry. I think there's, like, some technical issues. So. Yeah. Thank you so much, Amica. Yeah. For all of our listeners, please follow pencils protocol on x to get firsthand information of all of their exciting upcoming activities. And so now, this is our third or fourth question, I believe, and this question comes from anything HT.

Future Collaborations

So will there be a purp deck collaboration between asterisks and pencils in the future? The question is for me, right? Yes, I think both of you can answer, but maybe JJ can go first.

Introduction to Collaboration

Okay. Thank you. Prop desk collaboration. Yeah, we are opening. I mean, we are opening to anything possible, but the question is still too early to say. But of course, we'll be happy to identify synergies and explore a deeper collaboration with pencils, if possible. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah. And Mekhi, you can go afterwards.

Community and Collaboration Vision

So we believe in principal core, if you go through our history, we believe in finding out possible, you know, beneficial collaboration, especially that will be rewarding for the ecosystem. I keep mentioning this for. For people to understand that whatever mission we have is to ensure that the community gets the full benefits and get very good reward from it. So we're open to collaborations that signal, that pays to that vision, that contributes to that vision. So we are opened at Pennsylvania for, you know, whatever collaboration we can have that brings about the fruit fusion of this vision of reward, making sure that the ecosystem is more rewarding for the community participant, the user. So that is the major interest here. So, yes, we possibly can see that outcome in the near future.

Technological Innovations in Auctions

So I believe this question is for Anika. Yeah. So, first of all, the foundational layer wishes scroll has introduced a simplified zenith EVM environment, that zero knowledge environment which enables people to build with a lot of identity future that makes it that builders will build and scroll that future. Alone has enabled a lot of functionality around pencils auction system. That means we would have a more friendlier usability regarding identity and unfair launch, whereby we can actually identify the people participating and rewards. So it's going to reduce a lot of fraudulent activities around the launch system. So this enhanced technological system, ZK EVM, it's quite a breakthrough technology. When you look at orderly ecosystem, it's kind of an advancement enabling a lot of social proven system to be embedded on the so known complicated Defi ecosystem.

Exciting Updates on Token Sale

Yes, we have. Great, amazing update to share that. You know, today we announced the made an official announcement regarding the token sale which comes with key dates. Registration starts tomorrow, which is the 4 September 2024. And we also announced yesterday which was the 2 September. We got new exciting funding, pre valuation money, about $80 million, which shows that a lot of top web three investors in the ecosystem are interested in what pencil is doing. And this humbles us at pencils because getting such support from the community members from top visas in the ecosystem is really what we have. Deep in x, we have big ventures, Black GM Capita, we have Tesla which is supporting the project in this $80 million post money evaluation. So these are exciting news for everyone in the DeFi ecosystem. In the scroll ecosystem. It shows that we're doing something right and we'll keep working together with the community.

Final Remarks and Engagement

Thank you so much for sharing, Ameka. So I think Ameka pointed out some key important dates. If you missed it, no worries. This session is recorded. You can always scroll back to hear it again. And now this next question is for JJ. So Asterisk has been on a great growth trajectory recently too. So are there any sneak peeks that you can give us for upcoming events and developments? Yeah, sure. Thank you. Well, a lot of people have been asking about whether they can earn points for trading in our current stage zero. But right now it's a no. But we plan to implement it in the next stage. I also can't show much, but we definitely have various products in the pipeline that you guys can look forward to. So stay tuned and follow saros on our official channels.

Conclusion and Announcements

Now, before we go, I want to remind everyone to stay connected. So to keep up with all the latest news, be sure to follow both sdrs and pencils protocol on Twitter, telegram, or discord on all three if you like. So now's the perfect time to get involved. So don't miss out on the latest opportunities to maximize the utilization of your assets. And of course, stay tuned for all of the upcoming events from both pencils and asterisks. And thank you so much for joining us today. We truly appreciate your time and participation, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event. So thank you so much for joining the session, Ameka and JJ. So take care. And thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, everyone. We'll end the space now.

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