Astherus x Anzen Finance


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Astherus x Anzen Finance hosted by AstherusHub. Explore a deep dive into scaling staked assets with Astherus x Anzen Finance in the live Stage 0 of Astherus Enigma, supported by @BinanceLabs. Discover the significance of collaborations, innovative platforms, community support, and educational initiatives in the evolving landscape of asset staking. Unveil the opportunities at the intersection of DeFi and staking, highlighting the importance of staying informed on trends and implementing risk management strategies for optimal returns.

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Q: Why is understanding the scalability of staked assets important?
A: Investors need to grasp the potential growth opportunities and risks associated with staking.

Q: How does collaboration with @BinanceLabs benefit projects like Astherus x Anzen Finance?
A: Partnerships with reputable organizations enhance project credibility and industry support.

Q: What does the launch of Stage 0 of Astherus Enigma signify?
A: The beginning of a new phase in asset staking with improved features and functionalities.

Q: How is Anzen Finance contributing to the evolution of asset management?
A: Anzen Finance introduces innovative solutions that streamline and optimize asset staking.

Q: Why is community involvement crucial for staking projects?
A: Communities provide valuable feedback, support, and adoption for staking platforms.

Q: What opportunities does the intersection of DeFi and staking present?
A: The combination opens avenues for decentralized financial services and increased investment possibilities.

Q: How can investors enhance their staking returns?
A: By exploring and adopting new staking strategies tailored to their risk tolerance and investment goals.

Q: What role do educational initiatives play in staked assets?
A: Educational programs help investors understand staking mechanisms, risks, and rewards.

Q: Why is staying updated on staking trends crucial?
A: Being informed about the latest developments helps investors make sound decisions and maximize returns.

Q: How important is risk management in staking activities?
A: Implementing risk mitigation strategies is essential to protect investments from potential losses.


Time: 00:15:42
Scalability of Staked Assets Exploring the growth potential and scalability of assets in staking activities.

Time: 00:25:18
Collaboration with @BinanceLabs The benefits of partnering with @BinanceLabs for project support and credibility.

Time: 00:35:59
Astherus Enigma's Stage 0 Launch Signifying the beginning of a new phase in Astherus Enigma with enhanced staking features.

Time: 00:45:27
Innovations by Anzen Finance Anzen Finance's contributions to revolutionizing asset management through innovative solutions.

Time: 00:55:12
DeFi and Staking Synergy Exploring the opportunities and synergies between decentralized finance and asset staking.

Time: 01:05:44
Importance of Community Support How community involvement drives success and adoption in staking projects.

Time: 01:15:23
Educational Initiatives for Staked Assets The role of education in expanding investor knowledge on staking.

Time: 01:25:37
Stay Informed on Staking Trends The significance of keeping up to date with the latest staking trends and technologies.

Time: 01:35:19
Risk Management Strategies in Staking Mitigating risks through effective strategies to safeguard staking investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the scalability potential of staked assets is crucial for investors.
  • Collaborations with prominent entities like @BinanceLabs are significant for project support and credibility.
  • The launch of Astherus Enigma's Stage 0 signifies the beginning of a new phase in asset staking.
  • Innovative platforms like Anzen Finance are shaping the future of asset management.
  • Exploring new ways to optimize staking strategies can enhance investor returns.
  • Community involvement and support are essential for the success and growth of staking projects.
  • The intersection of DeFi and staking presents exciting opportunities for financial empowerment.
  • Educational initiatives around staked assets play a vital role in expanding investor knowledge.
  • Staying informed about the latest staking trends and technologies is key for maximizing returns.
  • Risk management strategies should be implemented to mitigate potential losses in staking activities.

Behind the Mic

Mic Check and Introduction

Hey, Stephen and Amber, could we do a mic check to see if we can hear each other? Hey, yo. Hello? Hello. Yep. Testing. Okay, great. So we'll be starting in around two minutes time. All right, so it's 12:00 p.m. uTC, and I think we can get started. So hello, everyone, and welcome to today's AMA session. My name is Raven, community manager of Asterisk, and I'm thrilled to be your host. Today. We have an exciting lineup prepared for you, and I'm delighted to welcome our speakers, Stephen from Ensign and Amber from Asterisk. So, before we dive in, let me give a quick overview of today's session. So we'll be talking about both Anzen and Asterisk, exploring how we're pushing the boundaries in Defi. But that's not all. We also got a special giveaway for our live listeners. So to enter, make sure you're following both asterisk and Anzen finance on Twitter. Retweet our AMA announcement, tweet, and of course, stay with us to the end of the session for your chance to win.

Introduction of Speakers

So now, to kick things off, let's hear it from our speakers, Stephen from Anzen and Amber from Asterisk. Could you briefly introduce yourselves and tell us about the projects? Yeah, sure. No problem. I'm Steven. I'm from Anzin finance, and, you know, I handle BDN ecosystem. So a part of the integration of how our stable coin we are stablecoin project is designed. I partially handle the strategy point from that side. And, yeah, just to go a little bit into what we're trying to create, we're creating a stable coin. And what's different about the stable coin is that it's a digital dollar that's backed by a diverse portfolio of private credit assets. And that's a whole asset type that's different from a lot of other stable coins that's out there. Traditionally, they're backed by treasury bills. So we're trying to do something different there. Offer our users an asset type that traditionally they're unable to access. And I think that's what crypto is about. Right. Giving them the opportunity to access and dive into these different portfolios that they generally can access.

Amber's Introduction

Nice. Thanks for the introduction, Stephen. Now, could Amber introduce yourself and also a bit about Asterisk? Sure. Sure. Thank you. Thank you, Raven. Hi, everyone. I'm Amber BD at St. Rose, and I'm quite excited to be part of this AMA with Stephen from Ansen to share more about Asterisk and Ansen finance. So for those who are new to SD Roth, we are a liquidity hub for liquid staking tokens, lsts basically, and liquid restaking tokens. Our mission is to help LST and LRT holders maximize their use and add more utility to staked assets on ST rolls. Right. You can trade perpetual contracts using LSTs and LRTs as margin and deposit assets to earn LG points. Our tvl just hit all time high, 88 million USDt. And we are part of the Binance Labs incubation program. Excited to dive deeper into what we do and share some exciting updates with you all later.

Discussion on Anzen and USDZ

Great. Thanks for the introduction, Amber. So now, in case you guys missed it, we actually had a fruitful roundtable session with Enzen soft protocol, Lorenzo protocol and Finance last week, and we're very excited to invite Enzen back to our space today so this time we can dive deeper into Enzen to learn more. So Stephen Enzen might be our only partner now that directly deals with real world assets. And your main product is your stablecoin, USDZ. So could you explain what is this USD? Yeah, no problem. So, you know, as I previously mentioned, our stablecoin is backed by our diverse performance of private credit assets. And normal people just ask like, what is a private credit asset? Right? So we can start from traditional, you know, T bills. Most of these stable coins are backed by treasury bills. So we're trying to do something different, which is give our users a different asset class.

Detailing Private Credit Assets

And private credit is an asset class that's undebt assets and who's generally only offered to high net worth individuals or institutional clients. And I Institute of clients, that, you know, that includes public pensions and other different institutional investors. And within these private credit assets, what we're offering is, you know, asset backed securities, corporate loans, you know, account receivables that are generally in a higher yielding product. So for usDZ, you know, loyalists, once you stake it, you'll be accessing, you know, us senior asset backed security deals. And generally they're ten to 15% base yield. And as you know, in a rate cut environment, recently, the FOMC just had a 50 bids rate cut. So that's kind of where we shine. We're giving a higher yielding asset type in a rate cutting environment. And that's just a high level overview of it.

Asterisk's Role in Maximizing Utilization

Thanks, Stephen. And also thanks for explaining what private credit is. I think our listeners have a better idea of it now. And now to amber, Asterisk is a liquidity hub for LSTs and LRTs and we may have some listeners who are new to Asterisk here. So could you explain what this means and how Asterisk can help users maximize utilization of their restricted assets? Sure, definitely. So what does it mean for SDRs to be a liquidity hub for us and LRT's? I mean, it's a really good question. Well, when you stick LSTs, right, you usually get around. I think it's around 3% APR, but that's often all users. I mean, those holders can do just let it sit there.

Opportunity for Users

So actually, nowadays, a lot of protocols and the users are realizing that there's not a lot of utility to their LSTs and LRTs, and we saw a huge opportunity to change it for us. Right. Asteroids gives you more options by letting you trade perpetual contracts using your LSTs and LRT's as margin, earning you basically our algebra points while doing so. So you can trade with LSTs and LRTs up to ten. Sorry, 100 leverages using 15 different assets integrated around several chains, including BNB chain, Ethereum, scrub and Solana. This helps you make the most out of your stake assets. Other than trading, we will have more upcoming products that will add more use cases and even the real yields to your assets. So follow our Twitter and stay and join our community.

Utility Cases and Product Offerings

You will be seeing more and more utility cases and real yields to your LST and LRT assets. Thanks for the very clear explanation, Amber. And yeah, so please look forward to our products offering. So now back to Stephen. We know that Amazon has your own Airdrop points program. How about sharing a bit more about this to our audience and how they can benefit when using USDZ?

Benefits of USDZ and Its Functionality

Yeah, no problem. So our design is very similar to the Athena stats design, which is for users who want to access Ans and USDZ, you can mint it on our dashboard with USDC. Once you mint USDC, you would obtain our stablecoin, which is USDZ. And whatever you do with USDZ, you pretty much get points multiples that come from that we have on our dashboard. Each of them have different kind of use cases. For example, we're mainly on base and we're definitely looking to be multi chain. That's why we're here with Astraz. And that's part of the reason why, you know, we're here and what we're doing.

Current Achievements and User Activities

But, you know, most of our TVL, we recently just surpassed 60 mil. And that's on base, right? Partially. A lot of our users are farming arrow tokens. If you were to deposit into, you know, USDZ, USDC LP pool on aerodrome, you'll be getting 20 x points per day and you'll be farming. You know, I remember the last time I checked, it was around close to 20% APY. So we've farming the fees that's in the LP pool and speculating on the airdrop points too. That is coming in Q four. So that's one way to go about it. There's a lot of games that you can play.

Strategies for Maximizing Points

You can leverage it up, you can lend it out on extra fight. A lot of different use cases that we show on our dashboard, but we let the users kind of explore where they want to go. Wow. First of all, congrats on the new milestone. So I think you mentioned that USDZ holders can earn the z point boost. Could you share more about how users can maximize these z points? Yeah, sure. So, you know, I would treat the stablecoin as normally how you would use any stable coin, right. You can use it in a perp Dex, you can use it in a. In a lending protocol, you can use it in a Dex liquidity pool.

Lending and Leveraging Strategies

Those are all options I will recommend. If you are just starting out and, you know, maybe you have $1,000 and you want to try to get into the leaderboard and try to farm as much USDC points as possible, then you can definitely look into leveraging it up. So one great place to do that is actually extra finance. And they're on base, they're leveraging protocol that allows you to leverage up your original LP position. You know, for example, what I just said, the USDZ, USDC pool, you can kind of borrow either USDZ or borrow USDC and leverage that up.

Impact of Leveraging and Considerations

I think the maximum leverage is five x. So, for example, if you have $1,000, you leverage that up five x, you'll be having $5,000 and you'll be earning five x off that APY. So traditionally it's. I think it was 20% that's in the LP pool. If you leverage that five x, it'll be 100%. But do remember you had to minus the borrow cost of how much you're paying to borrow whatever asset you are using, right? So if you're borrowing USDZ or borrowing USDC, then you have different borrowing costs for that.

Potential Outcomes with Leveraging

So minus that, you're still most likely have a positive APY. But the caveat is you'll be farming 100 x the points, rather than just 20 x from the traditional aerodrome pool. That sounds really unique, Stephen. I think our listeners have a better idea of how they can farm these points and earn these points. But if you missed that, don't worry, this session is recorded and you can visit our pages once again to listen to what Stephen has just mentioned. And now back to Amber.

Asterisk's Airdrop Program Overview

Can you chime in about asterisks airdrop program too? Maybe explain how users can earn maximum points on asterisk? Definitely. And I believe the audience would like to understand more about it. So at current stage, which is stage zero, we've gotten an awesome deposit to earn program running right now. Well, you can deposit LSTs, LRTs or regular tokens like BTC and ETH into SD rows. Then you earn the Au points which stack every hour. So how does it work? For example, if you deposit 1000 USD worth of assets, right, you will earn 1000 au our l job points in the first hour.

Accumulation of Points Through Deposits

In the second hour it doubles to 2000 and so on. Some assets even give you bonus points like 1.15 x Au points. And there are partner rewards too. So feel free to check on our St ROS deposit page. All these au points will convert into our native token ass when we hit tgE. And also, this is like a regular program running right now. And if you would like to maximize your rewards, right. Stay tuned to all the information we post because we will have several like campaigns rounding together.

Campaigns and Partnerships for Rewards

For example, for the audacity campaign we run in the past few weeks, those users will receive gems, gems. So which will also be converted into our token ass basically in the future. So for the campaigns like audacity and the space iD, such campaigns are like campaigns with partner rounding for one or two weeks or even just like one month. So check our regular program and follow our Twitter announcement to participate in several campaigns. It can help you maximize your rewards and make sure you are choosing the assets that give you those bonus points and partner rewards.

Conclusion and Final Remarks

Nice. Thanks for the explanation, Amber. I think our listeners have a better idea of how to earn our airdrop points as well, and gem points as well. So just a quick reminder before we actually move on, make sure to follow both asterisk and Anzen finance on Twitter RT, retweet our AMA announcement, and also stay until the end of the session for a chance to win our giveaway. So now back to the session. So Enzen has been steadily growing its presence on base and it is also on your mainnet and blast. So why these change? And do you actually plan to expand to other ecosystems?

Strategy for Ecosystem Expansion

Yeah. So from a position of a stable coin project, your goal is to kind of, you know, create the product and kind of let most l one l two s, and dexs adopt your creation. Right. So the reason why, you know, went to base is because one of our investors, our portfolio company percent, they're actually invested by Coinbase, and we're very close with the Coinbase team, so, which is a reason why we kind of started there. It has worked very well for us.

Future Horizons and Opportunities

But, you know, the horizon is far right. We've been looking at a lot of the other chains to integrate. There's been exciting projects are coming up, namely plume movement labs, Vera chain. These are the ones that we are in talks with. So Q four has been looking quite well. Our strategy is always to look ahead and predict where the user behavior is going to go towards. And that comes from, we think about scalability. So definitely these change that have a lot of these narratives and have these tools that we can build upon is something that we are really focused on.

Introduction and Technical Difficulties

Nice. It's good to see that you'll be expanding in the future as well. So, listeners, please look forward to it. And now back to Amber. Sorry, just give me a second. I'm having some technical difficulties. Okay, I am back.

Trading on Asterisks

So, by the way, for anyone who wants to try out trading on asterisks with their LSTs and LRTs, what would you actually suggest them to do? Amber? Okay, so now, for anyone who's new to perpetual trading on SD rows, it is quite simple. So if you've already deposited funds, right, you can go straight to the perpetual Dex page to start trading. So we will actually, we have a trading guide also. So if not, deposit some funds first, you will start earning au points automatically. Then choose the LST or Lrt you want to use as collateral. Select your leverage. I mean, it's up to 100 x and place your order.

Trading Risks and Campaigns

But just a note here that the higher leverage you choose, the higher risk you have. If you are new to this, right, we've got tutorials on our guildbook and you can always ask for help in our telegram or discord. We are actually running our trading campaign right now, where we give out ten USDT to ten lucky traders every day. And if you trade daily, right, you could win a grand prize of 200 USDT when the campaign ends tomorrow. Basically, the campaign actually close. It's to the end already. There's no minimum volume requirement, so don't miss out. We still have, like, around, like, several hours rounding. So go and just try.

Encouragement to Start Trading

Try your luck and maybe you got a chance to win the grand prize of 200 USDT as well. So just start trading, deposit your fund first and then start trading. Yeah. I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage all of our listeners to start trading now, because we only have, like, a little more than a day to go for our current campaign, so it's not too late to trade and stand a chance to win. So please visit our page to start trading now. And now we'll be moving on to some of the exciting stuff.

Partnership Vision

So, Stephen and Amber, what kind of partnership do you envision between Ensign and asterisk? Maybe, Stephen, you could go first. Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of potential when it comes to probe Dexs. Right. The vision is always to have a collateral that you can use where it's already generating yield that gives you more cushion in order for you to trade. Traditionally, people will use USDC, USDT, but you're not really getting anything from using that kind of stable coin. Right. For us, if you were to use our stable coin, which is the stake version S USDZ, as collateral for these perp dexs, you're already earning 15% to 20% just by holding these coins.

Stablecoin Strategy

So even if you were to sustain, like, a five to 10% loss, you already have inherent yield of holding these tokens in order to trade, you know, these leverage, let's say 50 x 100 x trades, you have a lot more cushion, a lot more. It's a different strategy. It's the other you're playing. So that's kind of where we're envisioning. We see that stable coin is the best product that crypto ever made. How you envision, how you implement this is, you know, how crypto is going to shape out in the future. And one huge use case is using these native generating yield stable coins as collateral, especially for trading.

Thoughts on Future Collaboration

Nice. I think that's something that our projects can work towards, too. So now, Amber, what are your thoughts on this? Sure. For us, right. Previously, we just wrapped up our orders campaign with over 20,000 participants, and we are always holding campaigns to encourage traders and defi users to try out st rows with our partners. For us, the long term, definitely, we focus not only on lsts and LRT's, but we also want to bring real yields to different assets, especially like yield bearing stablecoin.

Upcoming Opportunities

Also, we have new assets integrations coming soon, which means even more opportunities for users to get involved with not only restaking and liquidity on our platform, but also they can have some real yield for different stable coins and even other assets. So this is something we are working on and we look forward to the opportunity collaborating with Amazon Finance in the future. Nice. Yeah. Let's look forward to this potential partnership.

Industry Trends

And now a bit about the industry. So, looking ahead, what trends do you both expect to see in the coming years? Feel free to comment on any trends that you're personally excited about in the industries that you operate in. Maybe, Stephen, you could go first. Yeah, no problem. I mean, we're definitely biased because we started off with base. We're close with the Coinbase team, but the number speaks for itself. Coinbase, they're having month to month, even week to week, day to day volume growth.

Volume Growth and Future Chains

That's from TVL, from stable coins. We're part of the narrative that's inside. So it's been working well with us. So as a stablecoin project, if you're in a chain that has been having a lot of volume, Halal, TVL, you kind of grow along with that, kind of. Along with that tide. Right. But along the horizon, we're not just going to stay in one chain. So definitely a lot of the chains that have a lot of scalability. So, of course, BNB is one of them.

Exciting New Chains

You know, arbitrum, we recently just expanded there. But, you know, like, looking ahead, what are the new chains that are getting people excited that can merge a lot of these narrative as we go into the bull market? Right. So what I'm looking at, especially if I handle the BD and ecosystem side, is, you know, plume. Plume is they're the number one RWA chain that's going to come up. RWA is for us. We definitely believe that's going to be a future. It's going to be a bridge that gaps between traditional finance and, you know, retail invest adoption.

Emerging Projects

Right. So we're really focused on there. Another part we're looking at is bear chain layer. The top talks, you know, from all the conferences that I went to, everybody wants to get to know them. We're connected with their team, too. So, you know, they're looking to have the right RWA narratives to be built on that chain. So we're one of the launching partners and that's going to be there. And lastly, for sure, you know, movement labs, a lot of people aren't familiar with movement labs yet, but they're one of the hardest project that's in Q four.

Retail Adoption in Crypto

So bring that up to the crypto space is actually huge for just general retail adoption. So that's kind of the chains and the thinking that we've been thinking, and having USDZ having these high yielding stablecoin is exactly what they are looking for too. Because every single stable coins backed by t bills and everybody's looking at something, is something that's different and something that gives a higher yield that's safe. We offer full transparency. That's on our dashboard. You can just log into our website, go to the transparency side, look at collaterals, and you can see every single asset we purchase, and they're only from United States, UK, and we purchase senior deals only. So the ticker is there, we show full data room, and that's compliant. Not a lot of RWA protocols do that. Not a lot of RBA protocols even have a product. So that's something I will look for when you're vetting these projects. But along the horizon, that's kind of where we're trying to go.

User Preferences in DeFi

Nice. Yeah. I completely agree that users are trying to go for some of the safer assets. So please look forward to Enzo's offering. And now for Amber. What are your thoughts on this? Yep, I do agree with Stephen that users actually are looking for high yield risk, I mean, and safe assets. And another angle actually I'm looking at is the real yields, because we all understand, right, yields is something that users and holders are always looking for in DeFi area. However, in the past rounds, actually, a lot of yields are created by the project's future value. So means maybe currently the protocol don't have a stable or don't have a real cash flow, but they bring in their future value to create the yields for their assets. However, in this round, especially in current, like, defi development, users realize that if I, if the protocol just bring the future, let's say, expectations and the future value now to create the yield, it's not something that is sustainable.

Real Yields and Protocol Development

So nowadays, what we are trying to do and what actually a lot of other protocols would like to create is the real yields, real cash flow to bring back to source, like LST and LRT, et cetera. So this is something SD ROS is doing, because we are creating different utilities and based on that, we will have the cash flow, then use the cash flow to create the yield for source, like lsts and RTS. We do see that this is one of the aspect that this industry is currently developing. And in the future it is very important. Other than that, right. We also see a lot of like protocols and even we are trying to increase the utility of the assets in the Defi space. And it is still a long way, but we hope we can grow the PI together.

Next Steps in DeFi

Thanks, Amber. Yeah. Let's continue to grow this in DeFi together. And now, so we've come to an end of the session. So for what our listeners are most eagerly waiting for, do you have any updates or alphas to share about what coming next for enzyme and asterisk? So I think, can you share about enzyme for Steven? Yeah, so, you know, we've recently just opened up a lot of the lending capability. That's for USDZ, that's on base. So, you know, that opens up a plethora of like, strategies that you can do for the stable coin. Right. We've integrated with ionic recently. Silo is in the bags. We're just checking up on the oracle to do that. Morpho is one of that. We've going to be integrated by the end of the month.

Leveraging Stability in Crypto

So what you can do with that is that, you know, rather than just depositing it into aerodrome and LP pool, what I would do is I will go on these lending protocols. If you're okay with that kind of risk, you can deposit USDZ, you know, borrow USDC out, and then I go back to mint more, use DZ. That gives you more points you're leveraged up. You can either stake it to get the yield that's leveraging up your stake USD's position. As I said before, you know, if you have $1,000, but then if you use these lending protocols to leverage it up, you could be having 5000, you know, ten k of stake USDC, which is earning 20% yield APY. Right APR, actually. So rather than ten k earning 20%, you have one k earning 20%, you have ten k earning 20%. So that's ten x on your leverage.

The Importance of Market Conditions

So that's something that's very exciting because, you know, allows our users to use all kinds of different ways to be exposed to a stable coin, to really utilize defi to its fullest potential. And that's kind of where we're envisioning. So having these LRT's having these AP rs that are uncorrelated crypto. So. Right. A lot of people don't know, but our product is actually a bear market product. During the bull market, it's great to have 20%, but a lot of things are 20% out there. But during the bear market, we're able to sustain 15% APR. And if you're here during the last bear cycle, you have to squeeze through a lot of lending protocols, loop it back up in order to get maybe three to 5% on your stables. So that kind of solves that problem.

Looking Ahead

And what we're trying to do is to really offer that to our users long term. Nice. Thanks, Stephen, for summarizing what Anzen is going to offer soon. So listeners, please look forward to it. And now, Amber, could you share what's coming next for asterisk? Sure. So as I mentioned previously, one of our key focus areas is integrating new. So for us, right, we are not, we will not be restricted within LSTs and LRT. So you guys can expect more kinds of assets that can be used to receive the even additional use and have having more utility. So this is the first thing.

Future Stages and Community Engagement

So the second thing is, as I mentioned previously also we are at the stage zero. So there will be more stages in the future. So just follow our updates. You will be the just follow our updates. Follow our Twitter to see more updates. It's, I mean, early birds will get the one right? So if you see, I mean, we will post a lot of campaigns and when the future stage starts, so became the early birds into the stage and it's time to get involved and maximize the utility of assets.

Conclusion and Acknowledgements

Nice. Thanks for summarizing it, Amber. Yeah. So please follow enzen and asterisk on our pages to keep an eye on our latest offerings. So now, that was an amazing session, everyone. Thank you so much to Stephen and Amber for your insights. So for the winners, I'll be posting will be posting announcement on the asterisk page and tagging all ten winners. So please look forward to it as we'll be announcing it right after this session to stay updated on the latest news. Remember to follow both asterisks and Anzen on Twitter, telegram and discord. Now's the time to get involved so stay tuned for upcoming events and don't miss out on the latest opportunities to maximize the utilization of your assets.

Final Thanks

And now, once again, a really big thank you to Stephen from Anzen for being our guest in this insightful AMA session. And also thanks Amber for representing Asterisk. We appreciate your time and we look forward to see you guys all at our next event. Awesome. Thanks, guys. Thank you.

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