Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Asia Loves Web3 | Press Play #65 hosted by GAM3Sgg_. Dive into the vibrant world of Web3 Gaming in Asia, where diversity, community engagement, reviews, and the prestigious #GAM3Awards showcase the region's innovative gaming landscape. With over 400 games, guides, and quests, this space celebrates excellence and pushes the boundaries of gaming experiences in the Asian market.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What makes Web3 Gaming in Asia unique?
A: The diverse range of games, reviews, guides, and quests provides a rich gaming experience in the region.

Q: Why is community engagement important for Web3 Gaming platforms?
A: Engaging with the community fosters loyalty, feedback, and sustainable growth of gaming initiatives.

Q: How do reviews and guides benefit gamers in the Web3 Gaming space?
A: Reviews and guides help gamers make informed choices and enhance their gaming experiences.

Q: What is the significance of the #GAM3Awards?
A: #GAM3Awards recognizes and honors outstanding achievements in innovation and excellence within the Asian Web3 Gaming sector.


Time: 01:25:10
Diversity in Web3 Gaming Exploring the wide variety of gaming experiences available in the Asian Web3 Gaming landscape.

Time: 01:35:45
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing effective community engagement tactics for Web3 Gaming platforms.

Time: 01:45:20
#GAM3Awards Showcase Highlighting the best games and innovations honored at the prestigious #GAM3Awards ceremony.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 Gaming in Asia is vibrant and diverse, offering a wide range of gaming experiences.
  • Community engagement is crucial for the success and growth of Web3 Gaming initiatives.
  • Web3 Gaming platforms provide opportunities for gamers to explore unique quests and experiences.
  • Reviews and guides play a significant role in helping gamers navigate the Web3 Gaming landscape effectively.
  • The #GAM3Awards celebrates innovation and excellence in the Asian Web3 Gaming industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Twitter Space

Hey, everybody, thanks for joining our Twitter space today. We got two really great speakers coming. I'm just going to give it another minute or two to let the space fill out a bit more and then we'll get right into the introductions. So see you guys all in a couple minutes.

Beginning the Session and Introducing Speakers

Okay, so we'll get started, and then as the space fills in, you know, people will join and hear. Listen. But today we're joined by Jake, the founder of Thorn and Tyree, the head of ecosystem at Arai Chain, Jake and Tyree. If you guys maybe want to give a brief introduction to yourselves, and you know what, your brief summary of your projects and we'll get into it further as space goes on.

Jake's Introduction

So, hello. Hello, Will. Hello, everyone. Good afternoon. So glad to be here today. Let me introduce myself a bit. I think maybe some of you know me. I am Jacques and I am the CEO of torn protocol. And today I am representing Torn to participate with Oaxis and Ori chain in this exciting event. And yes, it's all about me. And I would like to have a good time today to discuss with you about the torn protocol.

Tyree's Introduction

Yeah, and a quick introduction on me. I'm Tyree Robinson, head of ecosystem at Arai chain. I've been with Arai chain Labs, oh, forever, it feels like, since early 2021. So in crypto years, that's like your entire professional career, essentially. And, yeah. So for those of you guys that don't know about Orion, we have been building in the AI web three space since were founded back in 2020. We're also working very heavily on infrastructure and we have a lot of great products, one of which is O wallet, which supports oasis consensus and Safire natively in that wallet. So happy to join here today. And sort of a side note, I am also a big supporter and advisor for Throne Protocol, so that's why I'm here and joining today as well.

Excitement for Thorne Protocol

I'm really excited about what Thorne is building over on Safire, and I think that it's a, it's gonna be a huge product for the overall growth of Safire moving forward. So excited to dive in and hear more from Jake about it. Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, for everyone who doesn't know, yeah. Tyree has been a large supporter of oasis. I think I saw him hop into the early days of the Illuminex chat. He's been helping a lot with Thorn. And then for Owal, Thorne, I believe is the first dapp on Oasis to integrate owallet, although we're encouraging every dapp going forward to integrate because it's one like super clean ux.

Integration of O Wallet and its Significance

And the fact that it supports both consensys and sapphire natively, I think the only mobile wallet that does that, I don't think, I know it's the only mobile wallet that does that. And so it can give users really a comprehensive view of what's going on across the entire ecosystem with their rows. And so I just want to give them a shout out and encourage everyone to go download o wallet because I think it's going to be the easiest way to interact with our ecosystem. But yeah, I guess after that plug, I'd love to just get a bit of a better idea first from you, Jake.

Jake on Choosing Oasis

What made you sort of decide that, you know, Oasis and specifically the sapphire ecosystem, it was the ecosystem that you guys wanted to build the thorn protocol on. And then tyree, maybe as an outside note, you know, not so specific to Thorne, but maybe some of the things that you found interesting about sapphire. Yeah, we'll go from there. Yeah, thank you. Yes, as we usually mentioned that in the past, torn is a stable swap protocol.

Features of the Thorn Protocol

So, you know, we have a lot of the stable swap of protocol on different network, like, you know, pancakeswap or, you know, the curve finance on Ethereum, pancakeswap on the BNB chain. So we are the first pioneer stable swap protocol that we deploy on the Safi. So we enable user to swap privately. You know, it is the advantage of safi, Joe, stablecoin and or close price, I said, and enjoy the cross chain utility.

Cross Chain Utility and Benefits

So we mean, we also enable the cross chain utility that you can, you know, cross, you know, chain from, for example, Ethereum to the Safi and viber cell. So the tone is similar to the decentralized chain and based on the amm, but focuses on the stablecoin or crypto asset with the low price and helping trader to swap the token with the lowest slippage and enhance efficiency for liquidity pairs. So our platform is one of the pioneer stable swap that liberates AI wallethood inside our ecosystem.

Future Functionality and Offering

We also developed AI one lead based on the technique to provide advanced trading experience for the user across the different blockchain network. Safi is our home, so you can get your token or coin from other network to Safi to take advantage of, you know, the privacy and keep your, you know, the number of your token in your wallet in secret. And currently our system contains five products. The first one, stable swap, as I mentioned, liquidity AI wallet based on the contraction technique, governance, I mean, the DAO and lending in the future we also offer the lending functionality to the end user.

Innovations and Aim of Thorne Protocol

So we follow the curve finance operation. So you also have, we have the, you know, the way to, you know, go to the defined environment and take profit from that. And when creating Korn, we not only aim to solve the problem of the high sleep wake, but we are also able to bring platform with the almost privacy and security for the user as well as support for our partner Oasis ecosystem graph. And that's why we are on the Safi.

Discussions on Sapphire

Yeah, yeah, for me, I guess. Will I put on some headphones here? Yeah, hear you. Great. Thank you so much. All right, no problem. So for me, I guess I'm going to start out a little bit by talking about why Safire has always been so interesting to me. You know, confidentiality and privacy has always had a place in web three.

The Importance of Privacy in Web 3.0

It's a very deep part of the crypto ethos as much as transparency is, you know, and somehow we haven't had a sort of universal touch point for privacy, a developer toolkit that could sort of be accessed anywhere. We've had some, you know, privacy coins and privacy networks, but having a layer that is EVM compatible that enables privacy was something that when will and I originally talked was very exciting to me. Thinking about the implications for governance was sort of where our journey began.

The Role of Illuminex and Future Implications

Experimenting with using Safire during some early sort of CW 20 governance protocols that were playing around with maybe last year or the year before. Now, I think it was last year when I think that Safire was already on the main net at that point. So that was where we sort of started. And then Illuminex was really interesting to me. Right. Being able to choose how much privacy you want was such a big step forward. Right.

The Appeal of Thorn Protocol

And it really started to open my eyes to the possibility of what's going on here. Right. And that was just fantastic. And I'm a huge supporter of Illuminex, have been from the very beginning. And that really sort of drew me into the ecosystem. And I think that it's been sort of important to see how Illuminex is positioning in the market today to sort of understand the importance of thorn. Right.

Significance of Privacy and Stablecoins

Seeing the value of privacy and being able to export that privacy to other places is very big. And so it's not necessarily about only doing for that, for sort of the big alt assets or even bitcoin itself, which iluminex is doing right now. It's really awesome. But also for stable coins, which make up a huge part of our ecosystems.

Final Thoughts on the Ecosystem

And then also stable coins are a bedrock of any sovereign ecosystem. So where Thorne protocol was very exciting to me is the idea of being able to simultaneously connect that liquidity from external networks, while being able to provide that stable coin liquidity in a place where it's private, and also provides a risk off venue for people to earn swap fees, earn yields in a completely private environment. Right.

The Backbone of Confidentiality

So that sort of is the overall, you know, how I got to supporting Thorne, but I guess it's sort of a step further. I am a believer that Oasis Sapphire will be like the backbone of confidentiality for the EVM ecosystem moving forward. So this is one reason why I've pushed to allocate resources to support it very early on as a network on O wallet.

Encouraging Mobile User Engagement

Right, is that because I do believe that it will be a primary developer resource for a lot of people building and requiring confidentiality in their protocols, making sure that there's a great mobile first wallet touch point for people to interact with protocols on there was really important and obviously very grateful that Jake at Thorn protocol has integrated O wallet there, because essentially what we're looking to do right out of the gate is ensure that mobile users who you make, you know, make up 70% of Internet traffic.

Enhancing User Experience

Right. We can't ignore mobile users that they have this great user experience along with the excellent protocol, that stable swap protocol that Jake is building at Thorn protocol. So hopefully that gives you some high level. On my pOv, there will. No, absolutely. That was a great answer and I loved how you tied it all together. Just want to give my two cent as well.

Tyree's Insights on Oasis

Tyree touched on it. Oasis aims to, he has a lot of faith in us, and I have a lot of faith in us as well, but we certainly aim to be the backbone of confidentiality for every EVM network. You know, with both these guests joining us today, they're helping us achieve that goal with O wallet.

Mobile User Experience Challenges

That's helping us reach these mobile users, to provide just a clean ux experience for every user on the Sapphire network, which has historically been a problem, but we're slowly solving it and a great help from the O wallet team. But for Thorne as well, maybe some people, stable swaps are maybe not as well understood as an amm or Dexs, but for this goal of sapphire, which is to be connected to so many ecosystems, each ecosystem has their own stablecoin and their own sources of liquidity.

Challenges in Decentralized Exchange Liquidity

You can't really have a Dex.

Onboarding and Offboarding Ecosystems

That is the primary way of onboarding and offboarding from those ecosystems. You need a low slippage way, and that's what stable swaps have historically been, they've been, you know, slow slippage ways of getting in and out of ecosystems or getting in and out of protocols. And that's, you know, if not, it's as important, if not extraordinarily more important for the oasis ecosystem to achieve its goals. And so Thorne is really going to serve as a critical pillar of this ecosystem. And I think one thing that I would like to mention is like, it's not even necessarily just the stable coins, you know, I know we're going to get into the AI wallet and we're going to get into the lending, but the place that, you know, immediately I see a massive impact is with our staked rose token, which should be coming late September, early October, little bit of alpha for everyone there.

Importance of Thorne in Ecosystems

So you'll be able to have liquid staked rose on Oasis Sapphire, but in order to do so, you actually need to have a concentrated liquidity pool where you can go from the stake rows to regular rows and you can sort of have that low slippage environment or else the protocol kind of breaks down. And without Thorn, without having that infrastructure in place, the accumulated finance team who was building the stake rose protocol was looking at bridging to BNB chain and then using pancakeswap, it would have been extremely cumbersome on the average user, and not even just the average user, any user. And so, Thorne, just by being on the ecosystem, immediately solves this problem for other ecosystem participants. And I think that'll only become more and more apparent as the ecosystem develops and as we go further into this discussion.

Centralized Exchanges and User Comfort

Actually, can I just add one more thing? Will I feel like one thing that people don't realize until they really think about it is how often they use centralized exchanges in order to get between networks, rather than using a decentralized bridge. When you're working with stable coins, a lot of times people that use sexes feel more comfortable to say, let me move my USDT to binance and then go to the other destination network. Or let me, if I can't get USDC over there with great efficiency in a direct route, let me go to, you know, Mexi or Kucoin or wherever and do that swap where there's deep liquidity and then transfer out to that supported network. And this is really sort of a big opportunity, right, for oasis to both be at a nexus between these networks where we know that there is demand in the multi chain universe to move between these networks, but doing that both in an efficient way, but then that added benefit of having that swap be private and the MEV protected, no front.

The Critical Aspect of Privacy and Control

Running all of that is so critical, right? And it ends up being, I think it will be a great place for people to also park their risk off liquidity. Right? Being able to say, I want to provide liquidity at this nexus between all of these different evms and earn that yield in a private way, like that's, that, all of that is very attractive to me. And I think that as we hopefully as an ecosystem, begin to rely more heavily on DeFi over centralized exchanges, I say all of that knowing the role and respecting the role that centralized exchanges play in the ecosystem. But ultimately, centralized exchanges should be a stepping stone to get to decentralization as pure a version of decentralization as possible. People like Thorne protocol are going to play a huge role in seeing that vision come to life across many ecosystems.

The Shift to Decentralized Solutions

I couldn't agree with you more and fingers crossed that this is the bull market where people finally realize that while centralized exchanges have their purpose, they're also risky, and that we as an industry, if we don't want another FTX and we don't want another malt gox, and all of the exchanges that have happened before, for that, or in between those two, we really need to embrace decentralization more and sort of wrapping up what you said. Basically you get all those benefits, you get the same confidentiality, or even more confidentiality than you would on a centralized exchange. You get the same level of trust and then you get the same level of being able to bridge between ecosystems. That's hopefully the industry recognizes that value that it provides.

AI Wallet: Security and Privacy

But on the same point where we talked about the need for great user experience, I'd love to get your opinion, Jake, one, what you have planned for your AI wallet, what the benefits of the AI wallet are, and then why you think those benefits are necessary, how they're improving upon the stable swaps that currently existed. Okay, so, you know, I would like to highlight the privacy and security for the user. It is a benefit of the torn protocol that we bring to the end user on the SaFi network in particular, and also on this, our list. So, you know, Safi offer the protection functionality for the user data using a robot framework on, you know, paratime, confident runtime. So this runtime encrypt both contract storage key and the value. So in this way, ensuring the own data managed by the torn remain confidential.

Ensuring Transaction Confidentiality

So access to the crypto data is strictly controlled through selectively disclosed view function from the fully open to authenticated access. So moreover the torn protocol will take extra step by encrypting transaction coordinator within our and in this way preventing autor party from deciphering sensitive detail powering by Safi super real technology. So tone enable user to swap accept if effortlessly without fear of the map attack. So I would like to mention about the map attack. So everyone you know when you are on the Ethereum or on other h train as a network. So if you would like to train the token so you fight with the problem that attract from the, you know, the bot, right? So on with the torn protocol on the SaFi you do not worry about that.

Future Goals for AI Wallet and Recipes

And with the privacy of this Safi we aim to create more ecosystem prioritizing privacy such as private tokens, cross chain transfer and based on the account traction that I refer in the past about the AI wallet so we can offer to the annual user auto trader. You mean, you know, you can, you know, you can create a recipe to trade and get the token from different chain and put the token into the swap and swap from the token to another one. And you can, you know, provide the token into a liquidity pool and so on. You can define a recipe and you can run on by the recipe on a single transaction. By the way you can, you know, reduce the fee and in this way you also can, you know, maybe you can keep secret your transaction based on the five framework.

Decentralization and User Experience

And this is the next step in our mission to make our dapp as easy to use as centralized Dapp. You know, you can think about the decentralized application as a centralized application and you can, maybe in the future you can use this as a bank. I would like to say that you can use a tone the centralized application and take all advantages of the decentralized feature. Awesome. And just listening to you describe the AI wallet, it seems like very similar to intents. Is that the infrastructure that you guys are using or you guys are doing something similar on the back end? I'd love to learn a little bit more about how the AI wallet is working for its account abstraction.

Defi Recipe Creator Insights

Actually. So I want to hop in here because one of the cool things, I think that from seeing the way that Jake is building the Defi, I guess I think you called it recipe right now, defi recipe creator. Intents are awesome. I love intents. Intents are sort of extracting the entire experience of figuring out where you're going to swap, what liquidity pools you're going to hit, what networks you're going to go to and they just start at what the user wants and they get you there automatically and you have these solvers in between that are competing to most efficiently be able to provide a user with what their request is, essentially.

User Control and AI Integration

So it's very much like a request and fulfillment process, and that's really great. But for users that want control, right, that want fine. To control, I think that's really where AI becomes really a major unlock for people to be able to define their own pathways and create their own recipes, being able to say it's almost like I have a toolkit now that is a manual intent solver that I can go through and create solutions or ask the AI to give me solutions that are appropriate for my intent, but I still have the power to fine-tune them and execute them in one click rather than all of that intense solution happening. Bye.

Responsibility and Accountability

I mean, what I still consider most intent frameworks to be sort of like trusted third parties, I don't think that we're at a totally trustless place with that yet. Right. Instead of that, you sort of own the responsibility and accountability of that execution, and AI is a tool there to deliver you the answers that you need in the greatest efficiency as possible. So anyways, that's my input and why I'm sort of excited about the way that Jake is going about solving it. Awesome. Yeah, thank you so much for hopping in.

Importance of Wallet Tents

That sounds extremely exciting. I agree with you entirely that wallet tents are really cool right now. They are trusted and there's not a clear way that they're going to be moved to a trustless solution because the solvers have to run in these cloud info providers and they're centralized large entities. But it's interesting to hear it's not just this is the outcome I want and I don't care how to get there, but it's also giving the users that wish to have. So the ability to create specifications and parameters for how their funds are used and who has access to their funds and who has access to their confidential data.

Flexibility of User Experience

And it's so in line with everything Oasis has always tried to be, is give users more control, but give it to them in a way that if they don't want it, they don't have to take it, but if they do want it, they have it available there and it's without increasing, let's say, the difficulty of the user experience and just maximizing flexibility. So that sounds super exciting to me. Do you have any other thoughts, Jake, that you want to share about your AI wallet before we move on to the next topic?

Future Marketplace for Recipes

Oh yes. For the Autochet decentralized application, we would like to collect the data and for example, we listen to the transactions on the different networks and we find out a way to make more benefit for the user and maybe we can success the way to get the benefit for the user. User can use, you know, define a predefined recipe or you can, the user also can define their recipe. And in this way, maybe in the future we can create a secondary marketplace for the recipe, user can create their own recipe post to the marketplace and other guy can download the recipe and run again.

Vision for AI in Future

So I think this is a big vision for the future of the AI. We can create some way of AI multiply for the recipe, for all the channels. And the most important thing here is that we keep the secret. The privacy for every transaction takes the advantage or the advantage from the supply. And, you know, you can transfer the token, you can swap the token, you can get the benefit, and you can keep, you know, the number of tokens that you have on the SaFi. And I think this is very important for the user.

AI Analysis for User Gains

And they also can get the way to get more benefit based on AI analysis, data analysis, by the way. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And like, I think that, and there you talked about, yeah, just keep the number of tokens people have confidential. And I didn't really touch on it before, but I've always had this idea of like what happens, or like how cool would it be if you take USDC and you put it on Sapphire, and now you have this confidential routing, let's say of USDC, where you can have it on Ethereum and you can send it to someone on avalanche.

Creating Trustless Infrastructure

And the user, like the person who sends, the person who receives can see that transaction happened and they have that data. And then similarly, Circle still has the ability to access where the account, who had it before and who has it now, but at the same time, your neighbors, your friends, they can't see. And so what you really get is something equivalent to level of confidentiality, or slightly greater than the level of confidentiality that comes with stablecoin, or not stablecoin, but like us dollars today, when they're in your bank account or through Venmo or through Zelle or I think revolt is a large one in Europe.

The Future of Financial Privacy

So you're creating basically the same infrastructure that we have in Web 2.0, but you're creating it trustlessly with greater confidentiality where there's no centralized entity that can ban their transactions. So that was just my two cents on where Thorne could go in the future based on the infrastructure you're providing. I guess because it seems like a shame to not get into the importance of privacy for AI here directly, because I think that especially as we look at AI applications in web three, the big excitement is always going to be about AI driven automations for individuals to be able to access either defi strategies, trading strategies, or whatnot.

The Need for Automation Privacy

The big problem with going for 100% transparency when you're talking about generating some kind of automation recipe or workflow, is that once you hit start on that recipe, anybody can now come in on another chain, right? Anybody can now come in and see all of the steps that you're going to take. And with block times, you know, 6 seconds or, you know, 12 seconds is plenty of time for somebody to attack there and front run you, right, to be able to see your entire plan that might, you know, you might be having arbitrage swap or something, right, that you create an automation for and somebody can see your whole plan and attack that and front run you at every turn and extract your value from it, right.

Building a Safe Automation Framework

And the benefit of thorn building it on oasis, right, is that now you can't, now that automation is completely confidential and secure, so you don't know what my automation's next move is going to be. That really helps to shield it from bad actors. I think that it's an important improvement for these types of low code AI driven Defi recipe, defi saver applications. So I'm very excited about that as well. Yeah, yeah. Everything you just said, I mean, I guess it is exactly what you said, but it reminded me of the early Defi days.

Navigating Through Complexity

You know, before Mev was, you know, there was large institutions and in the MEV space, you know, there's just people building their own sort of MeV bots. And you know, at one point, you know, someone will be considered really good at, you know, building an MeV bot. And then other people wouldn't even build their own, they would just copy the trades that person was doing. And then there became this game theory where people would put in like fake trades and then cancel it at the last second to see if they can, like, I don't know, there was like a ton of game theory and involved and it's like, yeah, I think at that point life's getting too complicated and like you said, oasis sort of solves that.

Eliminating Unnecessary Hassles

So it's an unneeded hassle that people have to worry, don't have to worry about. And I don't want to like talk smack here.

Value Extraction in DeFi

I know that Mev has become a big part of the lifeblood for Ethereum, right? So like, I, you know, anybody that's working in that space, don't take event offense to me, but in the name, we're talking about extraction of value, not accrual of value. When you have people that are specifically focusing on extracting value from your ecosystem, and that's sort of promoting this, gamifying, this front run bot ecosystem, reordering transactions, all these different things, then you start incentivizing the wrong user behavior and you take a step away from that sort of utopian defi dream that we all have. And so again, I think like emphasizing again this privacy is really crucial because it takes us in a step back towards what a sort of purist view of defi, I think should be, where you don't have as much value extraction, you have more value accrual from the participants. And that is exciting to me.

Introducing Lending Protocols

Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more. So, shifting up gears, I wanted to talk about one other feature you mentioned, Jake. You talked about lending and you said that it would be following sort of the curve model. Could you describe what that sort of lending model is and how you view lending to work within the protocol? Yes. Okay, so because we are the stable swap and we operate of following the operation of the curve finance. So we are at the time we are developing the lending protocol for the torn and we test this one, and, you know, the lending protocol, this based on the curve finance. Then in this way we create a stable token for torn and the token can be used to land in the protocol.

Stable Token Usage

So that's why torn token will be used as a government token. We enable user to deposit other token, I mean for example ETF, USDC, USDT and in this way you, the user can mint a stable token, by the way, and the stable token will use as a token on the blending pool of the torn. So we follow the same operation of the curve finance and in this way we enable the Defi and we hope we are the first one landing protocol on the safine. We enable the privacy and confidential for the user. And of course we also integrate AI wallet, as I mentioned before, and enable user to define their recipe for their token. And for example, the user can cross chain swap the token from other network to the Safi and put the token to mint the stable token.

Stable Token Mechanics

And in this way they can put the stable token to the landing pool and so on. And by the way, we can create a cycle for the token. This is a good one. And the way to bring the benefit to the end user. Yeah. Okay. So if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is that your governance token will be enabled, will be one of the options where you can deposit it into the lending protocol. Therefore you can either borrow other stable coins or will you also have your own stable coin? This is a kind of stable coin. You know, we would like to keep the, you know, the value of the coin as equivalent to the dollar is a kind of stable coin. Maybe, maybe we can buy this torn USDT or something like that.

Governance Token Benefits

Got it, got it. Well that sounds great. It sounds like it provides, like, yeah, like you said, like a lot more value to the governance token. It can be involved in governance or it can be used as collateral. And therefore I think that's the goal of every governance or utility token, is just to provide as much benefit to the end user as possible. So I guess maybe a good segue from that is how is your decentralized governance model going to work? Do you have any plans for when you want to decentralize into a DAO and you have any differences from normal DAO infrastructure that you guys are going to implement or. Yeah, just love to learn more about that.

DAOs and Decentralization

Yeah, of course. We also win the DAO model to enable the maxima decentralization to the end user. So in which the model user exact, who own token in the sometimes can rise their opinion by voting in the DAO application. It does what through the determining the torn token you have, we will calculate the reputation of the user. And the higher the reputation score, the more influence you have on the project decision. In the future. However, we also consider the urgent cases. I mean, for example in the future, maybe we face with the problem of only hack or code revert on and so on.

Security Measures in Governance

And in this way, in our DAo model, we also set a security board that maybe include five different people or even seven different people. This is our team advisors and even network foundation and so on. So the team can vote to make the quick decision for the torn. The board also work by the board. So it means we based on the community voting. But in the urgent cases, we have a board and the board can have the protocol to make the quick decision. And the design of our model thus enables the decentralized government, but still able to meddle in the space, okay, to resolve urgent problem by those responsible for the project.

Structure of the DAO Model

So we developed Dao model based on the compound protocol on the Ethereum, with two level the community is the first level and the second level is the security board. I love it. I love it because I think that's always an issue or a friction point that daos have is do we vote on every single issue? And does it take a three month deliberation process to pass, you know, some minor upgrade or, you know, enable some random, some small new feature versus, you know, how do we enable the accurate amount of decentralization, the amount. Accurate amount of, you know, reputation and influence from the users for, you know, the level of security that's needed for depending on, like, how important a proposal is.

Oracle Data Considerations

So that's really excited, exciting, and I'm interested to learn more about how it works. I hope you guys come out with like a blog post or something to describe that because I think, honestly, it sounds pretty innovative from what some of the other daos are doing. Yeah, I don't know. Tyree, do you have any thoughts as well? No, no major thoughts, but I do have a question, you know, regarding the stable coin is. So, Jake, is it going to be like the curve USD where it'll be just. I just want to make sure that everybody has it correct here.

Oracle Integration and Safety

It's going to be like an over collateralized stable coin that will also have sort of a liquidation algorithm attached to it to help to balance that. That collateral. Yes, I mentioned about this coin is the same, the CRV USD on the curve finance, but yes, it is over collateral for minting. For minting the coin. Yes. All right, perfect. Thank you. I appreciate it. Awesome. Yeah, I guess like the next thing that sort of touches on that. And I know that you're not, maybe not. Thorn is not an expert, but I'd love to just talk about like, the security of oracles.

Oracle Data Dynamics

How does, like, the oracle process work for Thorn? Is it going to be just an oracle for USDC. USDT stablecoin? Or will you need more? And then, Tyree, I know that Orion is doing some things with oracles and maybe we can integrate you guys as well, or at least you guys were in the past. I want to get some thoughts from you as well on like, what you guys are doing in the Oracle space. Yeah. Jake, I'm going to let you take that first, Jake, talk about how you're integrating oracles with. With Thorn.

Gathering Oracle Data

Okay, so for this one, for the oracle data. So we would like to get the data from. From. From the Safi network and also from other network and collect the data, gather data in order to enable the AI. So we find the, you know, the way to get the data. So oracle is 1 hour duty. In the future, we develop in order to enable the AI. But for example, if we have a sitting protocol that provide us the data for us in order to get the real time data from the network and on the supply, we would like to use this one.

Security in Oracle Usage

So I think that's, so there's sort of there's the two pieces of this. Right. I guess first you have to take apart why we primarily rely on centralized exchanges, which are the most centralized entities in crypto, be able to provide oracle data for major assets. Right. And that's because they're so liquid and you want to be able to prevent manipulation. And obviously, dexs being far less liquid. If you use only on chain data, there's always a chance that those pools are manipulated. Also, there are some more technical issues where people will essentially try to spam an oracle to delay its response.

Mitigation of Risks

Right. Especially in the time of, like, high volatility. One such example of this was, I think, Venus protocol a couple of years ago over on BNB had some people that engineered some pretty intense attacks where they were able to drain many millions of dollars out of those protocols. Right. You need to be able to ensure, obviously, that the delivery of this oracle data is as resistant to that attack vector as possible. I think that's one huge piece.

Role of Oracles in Data Aggregation

And then also that when you're dealing with that on chain data, that in your final aggregation of the data, you also need to consider other sources of data. Right. Oracle's role is not just simply to, like, hand off data, it's also to aggregate it and to balance it. And so that you're getting a summation of whatever that price point is. And I think that's sort of one critical role of the oracle in the space right now.

Decentralized Data Handling by Orion

Now on the other side, where Orion has really been working, is how do you take a AI generated output, which is off chain data, and bring that on chain date, and be able to do that in a decentralized way, in as permissionless a way as you can, and most importantly, doing that with maximum transparency? And why would you need to do this? This is a question that we've been answering since 2020. Well, if you want to take an off chain signal from AI model to trigger an on chain action by sell, you need a clear and transparent way to be able to take that AI output and actually deliver it to trigger that automation.

Current Context and Mechanisms

And then you have to look at the ways that it's being done. Right now. I think that this is an important context for a lot of people. Things like aura protocol, they're using ZK proofs where all the compute is happening off chain and there's implicit trust to actually deliver that. And then you have something like aura protocol which is collecting inference and has a very complex system to weight the reliability each of those inference providers to give you a clean output, which is sort of your oracle feed for prediction or anything like that.

Efficiency, Cost, and AI Model Transparency

But I think what's really important here is ultimately it's alongside of the transparency, you also have to consider the cost and the time it takes to return a response from an AI model, meaning that if you request something, is it going to take the span of two or three blocks to get answer? And what has changed in that time? So you need to be able to also have a lean enough models that are transparent and trustworthy in order to directly be able to tap them for your output and your oracle, especially in the prediction world.

Focus of Orion's Development Efforts

So this is a thing that DeFi lens over on Orion team has been working on, that a new project called Distilled AI that's building on Orion right now is working heavily on. It's all about sort of transferring knowledge from these big models and rather than worrying about real time consensus between AI models and aggregating that output for that on chain signal for prediction, being able to say, we're going to extract value from all of these models and build a open source transparent model that can then be leveraged to more directly with more efficiency, provide that AI output on chain.

The Current State of AI in Web3

Generally, I would say that we are as nascent as possible as it could be right now in the AI web three, everybody's experimenting. Anybody that's promising you that they have the answer for the future, they're lying. We're all experimenting right now. We see a lot of people that are entering the space right now with great ideas, but they're also ideas that have been debunked by other projects that have been in the space longer.

Reflection on Innovation and Trust

One of those being us, we look at some things that are currently being built and we say, okay, yeah, we've experimented that we tried with that it doesn't work in production. So eventually I think that the innovation is also about time and somewhere in between a completely trustless oracle system and a very trusted AI model. Like if you were saying, I'm going to use an OpenAI API to provide me triggers on chain, obviously that would be a huge trusted resource, right?

AI Oracles and Personalized Risk

Somewhere in between that we need systems to filter and create transparency for the users and then ultimately, unlike price feeds that are generalized and really applied at a protocol level, I think that the addition of AI oracles is really going to be on an individual level and it's going to be more like Jake mentioned with his AI marketplace with recipes, where people are going to be able to say, here's the thing that worked for me. You can shop for it, you can pick it up, you can come and choose the AI that works for you or is right for you, but that risk tolerance is going to be offloaded not systematically on the whole protocol, and affect the protocol health, but on the individual to make their choice and have an option.

What's Next for Orion

So that's sort of my overall outlook right now. Awesome. This is why I love talking to Terry. It gives me excitement for, you know, every time that I think, you know, things are stagnant in this space, it's like now there's a ton of innovation happening and it just gets me so amped and excited. So I guess with that, we're, you know, we're almost up at the hour mark. That is before we closed out, I just wanted to say, to ask what's next for a ride train? I know you just mentioned the AI Oracle space.

Overview of Roadmap and Future Projects

Is there anything else that you guys are working on right now that we can keep our eye out for in both the Oasis community and in the Orion community? Yeah, so I want to, I guess the most important things, you know, our roadmap is so dense that if you know, you go and look at our roadmap, it's going to take you like, probably like a good 2 hours to really consume everything that we're working on. But on the AI front, distilled AI, which is a protocol being led by the head of Orichain Labs us Tungdo, is going to be very exciting.

Focus on Private Intelligence

That's a focus on model specialization and personalization, which is entirely focused on private intelligence. So will going to connect you on a deeper level with tongue so you guys can talk about synergies between distilled AI and oasis on that front. So that's super exciting to me. And then personally, I am currently leading up an interoperability protocol that is in collaboration with proximity labs and nearest, and also working closely with the Interchange foundation, atom accelerator.

Interoperability and Future Innovations

We're talking the Tan foundation. So we're working on an interoperability protocol that really is looking to correct the course of web three. So let me just leave it there. But the project is called thesis because it is my thesis paper or thesis protocol of everything that I think web three should be what crypto should be and what the future of financial autonomy looks like. And that's sort of that.

Recent Developments in Interoperability

And broadly on the interoperability front, or I chain has been rolling out. The Orion Labs has been rolling out a lot of really great work on that front. We built the first IBC implementation for Tanzan, which is very difficult and took a long time, but it allows for trustless asset transfers between the open network and the interchange.

Seamless Transactions and Collaboration

Currently, you can have one click deposits from the open network from Tan over to orichain or osmosis, and soon that's going to be over on neutron in the atom economic zone as well. We're also talking to a bunch of teams on the Interchain, IBC, Cosmos, whatever you want to call it, that side as well, to bring some of these assets over to the tan ecosystem. So that's really exciting to me.

Community and User Engagement

It's a huge thing for the cosmos ecosystem because obviously the user base on TAN is fantastic. They're huge, they're excited, they love crypto. They're not as jaded as we are over in the cosmos ecosystem. They haven't gone through the governance battles and the wars and all these different things. They didn't have to deal with the terra collapse and the impact that had.

Connection and Opportunities

All of us were very excited to be able to talk to a fresh audience and to have our assets available in a fresh user base and connecting that all in a way where there's a lot of benefits that go in both directions. You get access to some of the best builders in crypto that are in the cosmos ecosystem, in my opinion. I mean, the brain trust of crypto is, like, over here.

Focus on Future Asset Management

And then you also have audience over on tan, which right now, the focus on tan is very heavily on sort of gamefi and things as being sort of the primary attraction. But eventually, there's going to be a maturity level that reaches where people are going to be tired of gambling and losing. Right. And they will want to start parking their funds in more safe, yield bearing assets.

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

And I do think that a lot of these cosmos chains will be the place where that really becomes relevant. So that's all a mouthful. Really excited on getting every builder on Oasis to use o wallet. That's huge. And again, a huge thank you to Jake and Thorne protocol for taking the first step and being the first protocol over on Oasis to integrate O wallet.

Importance of Mobile Accessibility

I want to emphasize again that mobile, having a mobile first outlook as a founder is very important. We can't rely on people being stuck in their computers people want to be able to make transactions on the go, they want to be able to, you know, moving and out of positions on the go, they want to be able to collect their yield on the go. And if you're not building something that's very mobile friendly, it becomes difficult and obviously, Metamask is great.

Future Developments and Experiences

You know, I'm not going to. I'm not going to hate on Metamask, but being able to have access and support for both the consensus layer and Sapphire is really important for us and being able to, hopefully, if you guys put enough pressure on will, they'll integrate o wallet into the bridge over there so that you guys get a very smooth experience being able to deposit and withdraw funds from consensus over to Sapphire.

Continued Growth and Development

But we're also looking into different ways to achieve that, so that's all a mouthful. Huge. Thank you, Will, for having me. And Jake, I'm really excited about everything you're doing. If you guys aren't following Thorn protocol, definitely double click, you know, and get involved and start following their social channels.

Encouragement for Engagement

It's going to be very exciting and a huge anchor for the Oasis ecosystem. Thank you. Thank you. I couldn't agree more, Tyree. And, you know, you don't have to convince me to get that integration. You know, I'll be working on it as much as I can.

Collaboration and User Experience

And, you know, I know you mentioned the, you know, developers, but I just encourage every user as well. It's, in my opinion, probably the cleanest ux you're going to have with interacting with the ecosystem. Just having that sort of comprehensive view of what's happening on your consensus side, what's happening on your sapphire side, and then being able to integrate dapps.

Updates and Future Releases

And we're already talking to more dapps about integrating the old wallet, so, yeah, just couldn't encourage you guys more. That being said, I do want to give Jake a chance to just say what's coming up for Thorn. Do you guys have a launch date yet or where can people follow?

Announcements and Future Plans for Thorn Protocol

Thank you. Thank you for everyone to having me today. And I would love to have more time to discuss about the Tor protocol, about the landing prone, about the now model and so on in the future with you. And we have a plan in the future for the Tor protocol, we would like to, you know, launch our token and, yes, so keep to keep in talk with us and update anything from our channel, social channel, to get your information about our launch.

Community Interaction and Information Sharing

Yeah, Thorne has a telegram. I think you can find it right on their Twitter, in their links. Yeah, just join their telegram and I think you guys can have some great discussions about what's coming next, when the plans for their launches, when the plan of their token launches. And, of course, Oasis will be sharing that news as well.

Conclusion and Appreciation

So, anyway, thanks so much, everybody. Thanks for coming today. I hope it was enlightening. And all I can say is thank you to our guests. It's been a really exciting conversation, and I can't wait to get Thorne online on Oasis. I hope everybody has a great day and talk to you all soon.

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