Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Marketing Agency Twitter space explored the ethical dilemmas within the Web3 industry, highlighting the crucial decision between embracing scams or upholding honesty and integrity. Participants expressed concerns over unethical behaviors and stressed the significance of integrity in navigating the evolving landscape. The session revolved around the moral complexities faced by individuals in Web3, urging individuals to make ethical choices for the benefit of the community. It concluded with messages of gratitude and encouragement towards ethical practices within the industry.


Q: What was the main ethical dilemma discussed?
A: The debate between being a scammer or maintaining integrity in the Web3 industry.

Q: How did participants feel about unethical practices?
A: Frustrated and disappointed with unethical behaviors.

Q: What was the suggested approach to navigating the industry?
A: Choose between being a scammer or staying honest for fun and integrity.

Q: What was emphasized in the discussion about Web3?
A: Upholding honesty and ethical standards in the evolving industry.

Q: How did the speakers view the choices in Web3?
A: Considered the options of ethical conduct versus unethical practices.

Q: What was the mood surrounding unethical behaviors?
A: Participants expressed frustration and disappointment over unethical actions.

Q: What was the final message conveyed in the session?
A: The importance of maintaining ethical standards and integrity in the Web3 sector.

Q: What characterized the dialogue among the speakers?
A: Engaging and thought-provoking discussions on ethical dilemmas and industry integrity.

Q: How did the session conclude?
A: With expressions of gratitude and encouragement for upholding ethical practices in Web3.

Q: What was the key focus throughout the conversation?
A: Highlighting the stark contrast between ethical behavior and unethical practices in Web3.


Time: 00:03:41
Tech Speech Articles Impact, Discussion on the importance of tech speech articles and their influence on market knowledge.

Time: 00:08:14
Market Overview and End-of-Week Trading, Brief overview of current market conditions and the significance of end-of-week trading for many traders.

Time: 00:12:39
Bitcoin Pullback Analysis, Analysis of Bitcoin’s recent pullback and the potential implications for traders in the market.

Time: 00:17:16
Market Attention Shifts Among Assets, Insight into how market attention shifts between different types of assets like NFTs, ICOs, and meme coins.

Time: 00:27:54
Debate Speculation Impact, Speculation on the potential market impact of Trump’s statements during a debate.

Time: 00:53:05
Solana Application Introduction, Introduction of a new application on Solana enabling smart contract interactions on social media platforms.

Time: 00:58:05
Final Thoughts and Community Engagement, Closing remarks emphasizing the importance of community engagement and thorough market analysis.

Key Takeaways

  • Ethical concerns in the Web3 space were addressed.
  • The choice between scamming and staying honest was emphasized.
  • Participants expressed frustration over unethical behaviors.
  • The discussion focused on maintaining integrity in the industry.
  • Different perspectives on navigating the Web3 industry were shared.
  • A call to ride the wave with honesty or choose unethical paths was made.
  • The complexity of choices in the industry was highlighted.
  • The importance of ethical practices and integrity was underlined.
  • Engaging and thought-provoking dialogue took place among the speakers.
  • The session concluded with gratitude and well-wishes for the future.

Behind the Mic

The law is just for the poor people. And scamming is okay, legal. Funny. You have to do it if you have to be like a Webtree founder. No, really. This pissed me off. This pissed me off so much because, yeah, I mean, from my side and for Ataberg side and for Carlito’s side and all the others here and all the speakers, I can see we are all like honest and most happy people, or how is the term not humble people I’ve met in the space. And when I see these kind of things, like, yeah, wow, why didn’t I think of that before? Why didn’t I thought that I could do something like that? And I would say, yeah, probably you have a choice right here. Take it easy. So be a scammer or ride the wave and just be poor and have fun. This is the only two wave and two ways I see web three right now. Because it’s just like that. Come on. It’s just like that. Yeah. Come on, cactus, tell me. Yeah, I totally agree. Scamming just really makes me tensec. Okay, I understand, guys. Like, you know that the hezent thing would not have been possible if he didn’t lie for six months about the blackhead thing. You know, if there was only honesty there from the start about, okay, guys, we are having this thing. We don’t know, like, the current status and everything. Please give us some time until we will find out, like, the whole thing and then be honest and say to the people, okay, guys, we have a problem. Like, we will change because of thing. And that’s it. Like, another hackathon. Yeah, I agree too. Yes, market wizard. You’re by far your education keeps everyone in the know, and a little go free from the crap, the Messia. You do well. Thank you, wizard. Much appreciated. And thank you for that. Thanks, wizard. Yeah, I agree with you, guys, everyone. This web tree Twitter space is what is the name of this Twitter space again at? x2y2. Man, you have to bring to name this correctly. So everyone knows what? This is awesome. Thank you very much. So tomorrow or Saturday, I’m going to call my buddy scam. We have low ranks and no assets. We can make a roadmap which will benefit everybody. And the best part, I buy things and you transfer them to me and I pay you back. Okay. I will be looking forward for a bite of that comment to tell the social media people the same thing. Do the same thing or I will transfer the things to my account. All right. I agree with you. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. As a final thought, you know, if you ever really want to look into something substantial, try something out. Test it in environments like this. This is always going to be the safest place to fail. And it’s the only place to keep it around. Right. So, you know, that’s kind of my take on this. I’d say just. Just own the mistake, man. Like, there’s not much you can do. Wizard. Jump in as well, please, like the next guy. I love to joke about it, I really do. But everyone here knows we heard what Biden said, right? America’s got the strongest military, and nobody will screw with us. Okay. When asked a very simple question about, you know, medical, Trump overlooked that, too. I think my post that I put in here really covers it. Well. It’s two guys shaking their bobbleheads and boasting about their golf stores while talking down to each other. If that’s the way leaders are selected, I’m about to go out and start hunting some warriors down, and we’re going to start taking out some. Taking down some buildings and parliament houses and stuff like that. I mean, come on, seriously, guys, take a real good look at this. Who cares about either of these two moronse? They’re fucking disgusting. We’re talking about leaders. We’re not talking about a couple of comedians that go on tv tonight and going to make us laugh. We are talking about the guys decide pretty much the fate of the economic and the militaristic world. That’s terrifying. You’ve got one guy up there boasting about his golf scores and the other guys so upheav himself about everything going on that he has to focus on what another moron is saying, bring himself to that level and then say, but your golf score was never that. Meanwhile, the borders are getting screwed over, the economy is getting screwed over, the medical system has been screwing everyone for a long time. You’ve still got relapse of COVID coming in. For christ’s sake, people, if this is how leaders are electing, I vote me first. The wizard. Just a wizard. I’m going to gather a community of elves and dwarves and we’re going to start taking over things ourselves if anyone wants to vote for that. But really, like, I’m disgusted. I thought australian politicians and elections and all that was bad when I was younger. Looking back now, like, yeah, some of its garbage, but I mean, holy crap, what I’m seeing here is horrible. I’m even hearing it from family who recently reengage just saying you were right, wizard holy crap. It’s really, like I said, we’re talking about world leaders, the generals in a way, you know what I mean? The ones that go out there and these are the guys that decide how many of us end up in the body morge for what purposes? How many people end up in hospitals for whatever stupid purpose they are trying to convince us that we need. And all they’re doing is basically going, I don’t know. I almost picture the other guy if he wins, coming out like Cactus Jack next week there and got a full on out hall Hogan fight in front of Congress just to see who wins, and then we’ll decide who everyone is going to throw their lot down with will be the crazy, crazy reality that this is turning into. And that’s if no one took anything from this. Do not get involved in politics, folks. It is danger. Danger, danger, danger. You don’t want to be a part of that crap anymore. Yeah. It’s just speaking the truth, brother. Thank you. Just a wizard. Thank you. Any other thoughts for me? Thought it’s hot in the desert and we’re all dying. Oh, hey. Talking about Cactus and finance and hot guys is not a place to go if you really want to go towards something. Yeah, I’m joking. Thanks, guys. Awesome. Congratulations on the last comparison on the market wizard and please. Thanks a lot, everyone. Thank you also. Wizard, you have a great role here, guy. Great job. I love it. Thank you. I can see sort of finance. So I’m going to yield when was was piano was about 1939 under music on YouTube. Oh, okay. So it’s carlito. Okay, I’m a stop. Bye. Oh, no, it’s going to rain. I hope not. I have to catch that bus. Oh, okay. So first of all, thank you very much. You make it fun and entertaining and very insightful. And I really, really like you. Your introduction to the market, I really love it because one thing for me that is very easy to understand because I’m a schizophrenic, is that summary the summarization of the market in few words, catchy words that I really can understand. Very easy. Yeah, I am made like that. I am. Yeah, I’m kind of dumb. I’m sorry. I’m like that. I can do anything. I have other talents, like running when I’m going. Now, a lot of us are learning this space. I mean, I, heck, I’ve only been in here for seven, yeah, seven years now in crypto. So, I mean, I’m still a newbie to this space. Don’t feel yourself bad, don’t think yourself dumb. Because there’s stuff I do every day in this space and I feel like the biggest retard until I ask 20 other people, they all go, yeah, the. Same thing happened to me. We feel dumb, too. Don’t let it get you down. It is technical, but at the end of the day, the more simplistic you keep your education towards your own desires and things you want to know, the better you’re going to do it hands down. Thank you. Thank you for lifting my mood up. Now I’m not even that retarded. Wow. Oh, I get a compliment. I gotta tell my mom. Look, mom, I’m not retarded today. A friend of my computer said, well, it’s been so fucking fun with you all. And I passed the word to the mic to Attaev. Yeah, ciao. Thank you so much, Carlo. Thank you so much to everybody who listened, enjoying. It has been a nice chat today. This is Friday, so I wish you all a wonderful weekend. You know, we host spaces every weekday at 12:00 p.m. cET, 06:00 a.m. eT. And it would be a pleasure to see you on the next one as well. Again, I wish you the best weekend possible. And I really want to thank wizard for the solid analysis and of course, Carlo for co hosting with me today. Much appreciated, brother. Wish you all a wonderful rest of your day and see you again on the next one. You have been with Ascend, a marketing agency interactive media platform in a lovely community. Much love and ciao. Ciao.

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