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#ArtistsOnTheChain Community chat-Authentic Art Conversations ️


Space Summary

The Twitter Space #ArtistsOnTheChain Community chat-Authentic Art Conversations ️ hosted by BobbiBicker. Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of art with the #ArtistsOnTheChain Twitter Space, where authentic conversations, community building, and artistic insights take center stage. Explore the importance of authenticity, networking, storytelling, and technology in the art industry. Gain valuable tips on overcoming creative blocks, finding artistic voice, and effectively marketing art. Dive into a supportive community that fuels creativity, inspiration, and artistic growth, fostering connections and opportunities for artists worldwide.

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Total Listeners: 165


Q: How does authenticity contribute to meaningful art conversations?
A: Authenticity fosters genuine connections, trust, and understanding among artists and art enthusiasts.

Q: Why is building a strong art community important for artists?
A: A supportive community provides encouragement, feedback, collaboration opportunities, and a sense of belonging for artists.

Q: What advice do you have for artists looking to enhance their creativity?
A: Experimenting with new techniques, seeking inspiration from diverse sources, and challenging artistic boundaries can boost creativity.

Q: How can artists effectively network with industry professionals?
A: Attending art events, using online platforms, joining art associations, and participating in collaborative projects are great networking strategies for artists.

Q: How can artists overcome creative blocks and stay motivated?
A: Taking breaks, exploring new interests, seeking feedback, and practicing self-care can help artists overcome creative challenges and stay inspired.

Q: What role does storytelling play in art creation?
A: Storytelling adds depth, emotion, and connection to art, allowing artists to convey messages and evoke feelings through their creations.

Q: How can artists balance traditional art mediums with modern technology?
A: Integrating traditional techniques with digital tools, exploring new digital art forms, and utilizing social media platforms can help artists embrace technology while maintaining artistic integrity.

Q: What are the benefits of sharing art on social media platforms?
A: Social media enables artists to reach a broader audience, receive instant feedback, connect with fellow artists, and promote their work globally.

Q: How can artists find their unique artistic voice?
A: Experimenting, reflecting on personal experiences and emotions, exploring different themes, and staying true to oneself can help artists discover and nurture their unique artistic style.

Q: What are some effective strategies for artists to market their art?
A: Creating a strong online presence, collaborating with influencers or art galleries, participating in art fairs, and engaging with art communities can enhance an artist's visibility and sales.

Q: How can artists stay inspired and motivated in their art journey?
A: Joining art challenges, seeking feedback from mentors or peers, exploring diverse art forms, and setting creative goals can keep artists inspired and motivated on their artistic path.


Time: 00:16:42
Importance of Authenticity in Art Exploring how authenticity enhances artistic conversations and creations.

Time: 00:24:15
Building Supportive Art Communities Discussing the impact of strong art communities on artist development and growth.

Time: 00:33:50
Embracing Creative Networking Tips for artists to effectively network with industry professionals and peers.

Time: 00:41:20
Overcoming Creative Blocks Strategies to break through creative barriers and stay motivated in art.

Time: 00:51:10
Power of Artistic Storytelling Examining how storytelling enriches art and connects artists with audiences.

Time: 00:58:30
Balancing Traditional & Digital Art Ways to integrate traditional art practices with modern technology for artistic innovation.

Time: 01:07:01
Social Media for Artists Exploring the benefits of using social media platforms for art promotion and community building.

Time: 01:15:40
Finding Artistic Voice Tips for artists to discover and nurture their unique artistic voice and style.

Time: 01:25:02
Effective Art Marketing Strategies Strategies for artists to market and promote their art successfully.

Time: 01:33:45
Staying Inspired in the Art Journey Maintaining motivation and inspiration throughout the artist's creative path.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of authenticity in art conversations and creations.
  • Power of building strong art communities for support and growth.
  • Influence of originality and creativity in the art industry.
  • Value of networking with fellow artists and industry professionals.
  • Impact of community engagement on artistic inspiration and motivation.
  • Challenges and opportunities in the journey of becoming a successful artist.
  • Exploration of various art styles, techniques, and mediums.
  • Significance of self-expression and storytelling through art.
  • Role of technology in modern art creation and promotion.
  • Strategies for leveraging social media for art promotion and visibility.

Behind the Mic

Celebration and Artistic Formation

On a Saturday night when the clock strikes eight. Gather all my friends. It's time to celebrate Bobby and dark news. They've got a show for you. Authentic art conversations, poetry and music, too. Step into the realm. Creativity in this. Like minded souls come together. And this. But it's not about echo chambers. I know, my friend. It's about diverse perspectives. That's the message they say. Eyes on the chain. Breaking barriers of the mind with passion and authenticity. Let your voice on like passionate. Not like my. Saturday night. Let the artist be we see on the Saturday night. Let the arts be artists on the chain. Breaking barriers of the mind with passion and authenticity. Let your voice unwind. Yahoo. How did I know you're gonna open? Hello, hello. Good evening, everybody, and welcome to artists on Twitter, artists on the chain.

The Journey of the Community

This is us, the community. The one and only Leprechaun in the house. Sorry. Yes, it's 28 September and we gather here together for another episode. Dearly beloved, authentic art conversations. And it's going to be great. If you hear any sulking from blog, do not pay attention. Just ignore him. Ignore him altogether. Because I met Annie today. We went to, what was it? Yes, the british art fair at such a gallery. I had an amazing day. Yes, he's sulking because he wants to meet Annie, too. But it's going to be a great evening. I can feel it. Because we have an amazing artist as featured artist of the week today, Ernesto. But let me check with the sulking man. Hey, how are you, vlog? How was your future? Oh, listen to you mini flexer. I mean, come on. I love it. I got one on you now. I hate you. Anyways, hello, everybody. Apart from the horrible one, welcome, everybody else, tonight.

Insightful Discussions and Reflections

And yes, I think I feel like we are going to be in the shadow of this great one where we're going to be talking tonight. Because I think many, let me just say this, is that I always talk about. The measure of a person is your actions are so loud we can't hear what you're saying. And that's as far as I'm going to go. But anyways, looking forward tonight and I'm so glad to be here. Definitely. I am looking forward tonight. Ernesto, I'm sending you invites, so come on up as well because we. Yeah, hey, I'm just here for, like, really, really fast to say hi. I could have to go. Why are you. Yeah, I gotta go. I'm shooting photos for the decompression festival for burning member. Hold on, hold on. When was the last time you were at the gym before you can say anything else. When's your last. Leave him alone. That's fine.

Personal Triumphs and Artistic Growth

You're packed. Just checking. Just checking on your health. I go. I go almost every day now. Not always, but at least every other day. Excellent. I dropped. Let's see, when I just weighed in at the clinic the other day, I was down to 328 from 354. So that's about 31 pounds. Probably more than that because I was wearing clothes, you know? So. Yeah. And so how's the energy levels in comparison to. Is it. See, there you go. I had to go in. I had to go in to do a UA. They're like, why do you have so much protein? And I'm like, because I'm like, as all I eat is meat and vegetables, dude, I'm basically on the polio, like. Like, carnivore, diethyde. That's why. So it's freaking. Yeah, it's epic. It's epic.

Life Experiences and Community Interactions

They do the UA on me. They're like, why do you have so much protein in your system? Like, bro, like, must you ask, dude? Hello? No, that's when you reply and you. Go, hey, what are you shooting today? I'm like, I saw this red. Let me say. I was like, let me show you this reel on Facebook about the. About the carnival diet and the kind of boy. carnivore. carnivore challenge. Why you swearing in here? Oh, sorry, I didn't realize what you mentioned in fate. Fake. Fake book. What? No swearing. Get this up. There. Get the suck out of here, melon farmer.

Engagement with the Audience

What do you mean, fake book? Definitely all the pretty man. All the pretty man people are over there. Are you still using Facebook, Charles? Come on. Don't tell me you use fake book. I know. He's way back to using it for photography purposes. Okay. Okay. Okay. For the groups. Okay. For photography, to find models and. And all the events and things like that, because, like, nobody lists any local events in my area on Twitter. So I have to go look over on Facebook to see what's going on. Yeah, yeah. Well, I still. I haven't deleted, like, the whole, like, deactivated account because I have all my photos from my travels there in hidden albums. So if I need something, I just go pick it up there.

Creating Connections and Building Community

So that's the only thing. But I never even log. I don't have the app on the phone or whatever, so. Yeah, but enjoy the shoot. Yeah, show us what? They're all day today and tomorrow, so, you know, before I go I just want to mention, I'm actually making a post about it in the. In the. In the community right now, so. No, no. I'm just gonna tell you guys about. And I'm writing. I'm writing a post about this, too. T -48 hours until shape l two. If you guys don't know what shape l two is. What? You see this in the community? Remember were talking about this thing, Bobby? This is the thing you were talking about. Oh, yeah.

Encouragement and Future Events

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. I know. Yes. Okay. Okay. Oh, wait. Is it like your fart cost? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, don't call it podcaster. It's not the podcaster Hindi here. No, this is on this platform. There's a whole new platform for the. For the artists, like, and collectors both. Yeah, we know that. We know that. It's fine. It's fine. We're gonna discuss that later on if we feel like it, but if we don't. Because you see with. When you have a community, right? And because I get approached on daily basis by a lot of platforms, and that's.

Navigating Opportunities and Building Success

That's just the people trying to get rid of her. Not. Never mind the ones that. And people and all kinds of things, you know, coin people, whatever, people. And I always say, no, I have to decline because is like, any kind of me talking about anything would. Would look like as an endorsement because it could be misleading from my part because there's a community involved as well. Right? So if I'm saying something and you guys go, like, enter some, I don't know, weird platform, and you're not happy, like, oh, Bobby told us to, so, hence why I'm very biased. I kind of stay. Step away, but I also bring all the resources to people, so, hey, there it is.

Empowering the Artists and Reflecting on Struggles

When they come on the space microphone to everybody to talk about what they doing, that's fine, because they are here just like everybody else. Right? So you say. You're saying. You're telling us you bring all the milkshakes to the yard. Yes, yes, I bring the milkshake. If you like to do it, you know, it's your own thing, so. No, no, I don't want to endorse. And I've been, like, approached. Even doing paid spaces. No, thank you. Because we like how we do things here on LTC. You know, we chill family, bit of music, bit of poetry.

Recap of Weekly Gatherings and Artistic Exploration

Finding out what we've been up all week is like the AA meetup for artists just chilling and. And pushing each other for the next week. So as long as we hold on for another week. We've done our job because a lot of people have. And I was discussing that with Annie early. A lot of people from 21 have left. So you guys here that are here and showing up and have stayed. You are troopers. My heart goes to you. Well, and to myself, because I'm here. I'm not going. And the leprechaun there, look, he's changed the PFP.

Artistic Connections and Transformative Experiences

I don't know. That was the 2022 PFP, wasn't it? It's going back. Yeah. I was, you know, I think as well everybody knew me originally as the golden void, and everybody knows my face now. Everybody knows that. So I've been through that journey. But for me, the idea of embracing art, you know, lil void did the work, which is an Arabic around the void of. And I'm going back into that mode now. And I go, when I start broadcasting from the Bard block cafe, I'm gonna be doing it using my void. I've been doing a lot of development within the metaverse, and a lot of stuff is coming together and, yeah, so it's just a part of me sort of backing off from being me and bringing art more to the forefront.

Artistic Inspirations and Mutual Support

And I'm just liking this. And so it's just a choice I made. Do you think that video I had made had inspired you and it showed you this picture? You're like, let me go back to that one. Yeah, completely. You always inspire me. Of course. What can I say? You are the muse of the metaverse. I'm your muse, hands down. But, hey, let's not, you know, rattle on with, because, listen, we have so many speakers up on deck. We're gonna say a quick hello to people out here, then we're gonna tear. I'm gonna jump out. I love you guys.

The Closing Remarks and Future Invitations

I will talk to you next week. We love you too. Two chats. Well, if you finish early, you can pop back in. I'm sure we still, I doubt that. Well, I'm gonna be out there from, like, from, like, 02:00 to, like, two in the morning. Oh, bloody hell. That's a whole night. Okay. Yeah, it's all day tomorrow too. It's like a big party. Oh, wow. Well, have a good time and, yeah, do a little bit of streaming if you can. The streaming is always good. Although in location, if it's editorial or something, you cannot publish anything anyway. But have fun. We look forward to seeing what you're gonna do.

Sharing Experiences and Anticipating Collaborations

Yeah, I'm gonna take some amazing photos. I can't wait. So awesome. Well, thank you for coming in and saying hi. It wouldn't be the same without chaz. I know. That's why I waited to go, and that's why I left you up, because usually I have the interview bit first, and then I let people. But I thought, oh, Charles is here first. What? Okay. Yeah. Hey, Chaz. Chaz, by the way. By the way, I'm glad we got to put you first tonight.

Technical Challenges and Community Engagement

Got him. Cool. Is there is feedback, or is it Chaz's phone that has feedback? I think it's chaz. Am I okay now? Okay. Okay. Okay. Anyway, so what we're going to do, we are going to say quick hello to Ernesto before we get to the interview, and then we carry on. Say quick hello to everybody on deck. And then we're going to carry on because I am so excited to hear about the artist's journey from. Ernesto has been, like, such an inspiration.

Recognizing Artistic Contributions and Encouraging Engagement

He's behind the scenes, been helping so many artists. Although I'm not gonna do the intro now because it's a spoiler alert, but let's see how Ernesto doing. Ernesto, how are you? Before we can't carry on because we do want to say hi to some other artists on stage, and then we're going to carry on and ask you for to spill the beans and inspire us all. How you doing? How was your week? Thank you for. Doing very well. Oh, wow. Wow.

Cultural Exchange and Artistic Inspirations

And in Spanish. Thank you very much. I just say, hola, mia morte quiero. That's all I know. That's more than enough, and I know ten. And. I come with Tuco. Tuco is my translator. Official translator of this whole ecosystem. And we appreciate you for that. This is not the first time, and I just want to acknowledge that and say a big thank you for watching. Well, sure. Just, you know, just make sure you go back and hear the recording to. See how much I changed.

Building Connections Through Language

Hey, Tuco. Hola. Hola, ketal. Hi, guys. Good to see you. But. But I'm here to help Ernesto, so I'll just be taking the backseat today. Oh, well, were gonna hear you as well, of course. Oh, well, then, if that's the case. You don't have to. Your week went, too. But we're gonna carry on the conversation. We're just gonna say a quick hello, how the week was. I see Cece is on deck and Annie and Koshi is up on deck. We do a little bit of like, hey, how are you? And then we carry on interview.

Celebrating Community and Future Plans

Then. Then it's like, we let it all loose and start, you know, kick the shoes and have our conversations. Cece, how are you doing? Welcome. How you doing? Thank you, Bobby, for once again, throwing me a request, because I know that's your way of recognizing. I love the space. Who's this? Sorry, sorry. Who are you? Take notes. Vlog. Oh, sorry. So this is the face because I was with Annie today, so he's like, he's gonna be evil today.

Reflecting on New Meetings and Future Opportunities

Yes. This is the. This is the block I like. It's like, it's more layers. He's like an onion. And I will dip at some point because I'm also having some kind of a restaurant. But I'm excited for this interview. Love to listen to the story, so. But thank you, guys, and I hope all of you guys having a. A peaceful Saturday transition to Sunday. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you so much.

Artistic Reflections and Community Impact

And, yeah, it's. I mean, we love this. The interview parts and getting to know the artists. We loved your share. You inspired many people. I had lots of DM's, and you are well loved in the community, so thank you for, you know, for that as well. So for coming, sharing, and lots of gems shared there, too, so. Yeah. Cool, cool. Just hang about.

Continuing the Dialogue and Artist Connections

You know, we're gonna carry on with conversation after we hear everything from Ernesto. And let's go to the girl I met today. Oh, I was very impressed with Annie, so. Oh, stop. I'm going. I'm getting out of here. Call me when you're back. Very smart. Impressed. We forgot to look at the art. We went down having coffee and chatted and chatted. I mean, yes, that girl is very smart, I tell you.

Dialogue about Art and Relationships

So. Yeah, I've been telling you this all the time. Hey, shall we go look at some art now? And we just, like, running about. She's, I'm gonna go cook dinner. I'm like, no, my cook has already cooked for me, so, yeah, mine was prepared. Hi, Annie. How did you get home? Did you get home safe, blocked? Not jealous. Not jealous. Blog is soaking. Didn't pick up my WhatsApp calls at all.

Building Connections Through Conversation

It's like, I can see you, but I'm not picking up. Oh, my God. Vlogmas. No, it was amazing. It was so nice. Like, I'm telling, like, it's. Nothing replaces real life meetings. It's just kind of, you know, all this is awesome and great when you can't really meet in person, but when you can, it's a different thing and it just doesn't really can't be replaced with anything else yet no one has really come up with a way to replace it. So, yeah, it was really great to see Bobby, and I think we had fun.

Sharing Personal Experiences and Deep Connections

It was really nice to kind of, you know each other more. And. And, you know what I was thinking? Like, you know, on my way back, Bobby, that, you know, on these spaces, you get the version of Bobby lights, she's way more intense and way more layered and complex in real life than you even imagine. A code for being a dictator. I love it. Annie, that's really well said. I need to call her the way you said it now instead of saying dictator. Love it.

Self-Reflection and Artistic Identity

But I am how you see me here, though, even though the layers is, like, what you share with people in person. But am I much different from, like, reality? No, no, that's not what I meant. No, no, that's not what I meant. Real, yeah, but, yeah, no, what I mean is, like, you know, you get a way deeper version of Bobby when you meet her in person. That's kind of another thing. But definitely, like, you know, even she looked like she looks on her avatar, like.

Artistic Identity and Community Engagement

So it's definitely nothing, just the fatter version, because that's the. The picture is years old now. But, Poppy, no one needs to know that. Like, we're not saying anything like that. No, no, it was beautiful. It was great. But, yeah, we had a lot of fun, and we had a lot of common, as well, going, you know, through the story. Life story. So I had a lot of fun, and I look forward to someday meeting everybody.

Encouragement for Continued Artistic Endeavors

So if I am in your town or if you come in my town, we should connect, because it's the energy and don't worry, Annie. He came. I told you. He came to vet me. All the way from Ireland. Yes, he did. Black Mesa. So we'll see when we're meeting him next. We'll see. I mean, we didn't give him enough short notice to, you know, to make the trip from Ireland, but maybe next time.

Overcoming Obstacles and Pursuing Goals

Black news. Well, I'm trying. I'm actually arranging maybe a flight to Prague to do some medical discussions. So that's. What? Oh, nothing. Sorry. Miniflex. When you going to Prague? I want to go to Prague. I'm sorry, what? What? I want to go to. Oh, hold on. You got insomnia? I didn't say. I didn't say anything. Yes. I didn't say anything. I'm.

Navigating Challenges and Cultural Adaption

Okay. Okay, I'll skip on that. It's fine. It's fine. Whatever. Yeah, but, yeah. So that was the highlight. Today day we did a live stream, so if you want to see us, our pretty faces are right at the end of the stream. So went to Saatchi Gallery and Lawrence Fuller's art was there. I know. So Lawrence is in New York with my art and we are in London with his art. How funny is that?

Artistic Experiences and Community Connections

Yes. Awesome. So I am going to stop talking. I'm going to say quick hello to Koshi. Then we're going to start introducing our featured artist of the week and have his version, his story. Koshi, how are you, my love? I didn't think you're going to accept the request because I just throw it first. But how are you doing? Welcome. How's your week? I'm well, thank you. How are you?

Expression of Gratitude and Anticipation for Future Engagements

Thank you. Yeah, that was. That was his mini flex and languages too. But Bobbi, I wanted to say I think I share what block muse is feeling. I would have loved to be there when you're and Annie meet up, but I think it's time that you come down to Brighton and then I get to take you out and we get to have a little chat because Leo told me. Oh, do you.

Seeking Connections and Open Discussions

Do you have a rifle? Like, I mean, are you planning from distance now or like, when you do take her out? I mean, just let me know when the. When the shot is fired. Oh, sorry. She has a samurai sword, actually. Yes, I prefer samurai sword. Leo's already told me how much I'm going to love your company because he adores you.

Community Dynamics and Artistic Expression

So I can't wait. Oh, I get the cold. Yeah, I adore. He hasn't been in a while here? No, he's been very busy. Oh, he's Mister Jet set. I mean, you can't. You just have to. You can't even follow him if you're trying, you know? He's amazing. Yeah. Leo is the sweetest, like, man out there. Not like block, the opposite.

Artistic Collaboration and Personal Insights

It's very calm and sweet. Although in person, block is quiet. Let me take that back. Block is also like the quiet version when you meet him too, but talk slowly. But that is just because he's sussing people out, you know, do I bother to say hello to this person or do I just ignore them? I know I live with one person, just like bloke here. So.

Celebrating Artistic Qualities and Community Contributions

Yeah, that's it. But no. And Leo is so kind and so lovely. Also very talented artiste and so giving. So genuine person. Okay, genuine. Genuine. So I agree with you, Koshi, but I do want to come meet you. Let's plan, you know, let's plan. I'll get the train and I'll come. Perfect, perfect. I'll message you. I just wanted to give you a heads up, you know, in case I message you.

Encouragement and Shared Perspectives

I don't want to put you under pressure, but it will be fun, I promise you. Of course. I don't doubt it. Tell us how the poetry session went. I missed it the other night. Yourself and Jonathan, how did it go? Coaching? It went really well. I mean, Danica was there and she recited that beautiful poem, just be you.

Community Engagement and Support

And then, you know, when you left, it was just angel and quite many ladies. And I think maybe he was a little bit overwhelmed because everyone had such huge personalities and brilliant poetry. But we missed you. It was great. Everyone stayed until the end. I think maybe I left early. Sorry, I don't remember. Yeah, it was wonderful. It was. It was a lovely night.

Recognizing Community Contributions and Future Engagements

And I thought, you know, to journey with somebody who's overcome so much and pursue so much. It's lovely to see that. So it was a special night. So glad everybody turned up there. Thank you, Bobby, for the mic time. But of course. And anybody else that would want to come up, please do not feel free. Make sure you share this space if you haven't, because if you noticed, I scheduled this again from the community.

Future Engagements and Gathering Community Support

So we test in just doing the community spaces when we do this on Saturdays, however, I am going to have one, maybe. I don't know if I'm going to do it from community or from my personal one, but we are doing on the 8 October. Might as well announce it now with Tim Brown, a space about confident speaking. He's going to give tips, some practice elevator pitches.

Improving Communication Skills and Artist Collaborations

We used to do this all the time, like for three years in a row. But it's very important for us to better communicators. And he's amazing. He comes and shares tips here, too. He had the space, so his space is before us every Saturday before I OTC space. So make sure you check him simply. Team tv is his handle. But we're going to do on the 8 October a space at 04:00 p.m.

Anticipating Artist Engagements and Transformative Discussions

eT. 09:00 p.m. gMT. So I'm going to schedule that and make sure you do join because he is incredible and we're going to give some tips for people to take away and use them and yes, not abuse them. So, yeah, shall we carry on? And because I'm looking so forward to this bit of the space, particularly because I can't wait to hear the life story of one of my favorite artists. He's so humble, so talented.

Shifting Focus to Featured Artist

I listen. No, no. Go to Ernesto. Ernesto. It's Ernesto now. Not me. Not me. Oh, I thought she was talking about me. Sorry about that. You know what? I'm going to let block muse just so his heads don't become too big. He thinking, but. Yeah, I know. I don't know. Bloc, could you kindly introduce our featured artist of the week? But mention that I love him a lot. So go ahead.

Introduction and Artistic Journey of Ernesto

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to make an introduction quite different to introductions. Well, I like doing different introductions. I don't like the mundane, as many know. But I do have to say this. When I. My first introduction to Ernesto is from other people in this community, it's not from a particular day, it's a particular diet. Yes. I have loved what I've heard through the keys, through his gift and music and.

Exploration of Artistic Trust and Engagement

And his observations in art. But when you hear about somebody, you know, our. Our community is based one simple thing with the massive tea, and it's called trust. And there's people who I talk to regularly and hang out with in the space, and they talk to Ernesto constantly and there's loads of people. And, you know, we don't want to. I don't want to go into that side of it, but when you have somebody here who's artist of the week, that is sort of true.

Creating a Supportive Artistic Community

So much referencing from so many artists that he comes here. I wanted to sort of put aside the. You know, for a lot of us, it's, I did this, I did that, I did this and this when I was that and I did that and that, and we'll get some of that tonight. But when you go to. When I was doing a bit of research on this and you go to his. His webpage, his eth, and that, the one thing that stood out, and I'm always looking for something that stands out.

Highlighting Ernesto's Artistic Journey

And in there, the introduction is musician, NFT, artist and art lover. And the last shall always be first. And I think from the little that I know of Ernesto, which is a lot, but in the essence of where we're trying to go tonight, as much as will be afforded is that, you know, that idea of an art lover has to permeate through all of us and come to a point that we love art and we jump into art. And it's initially from that love of art that we get to see the musician, we get to see the artist, but it comes from a love of art.

Fostering Artistic Ambition and Community Connections

And I think when you have somebody who's done so much, and we'll hear certain pieces of that tonight, as I would personally say, lest we steal their reward. But for me, the way in which some of us come in here as amateur artists and we go full bore, it's like flailing around. Like when you know analogy I'll use as a new jiu jitsu practitioner, and you're like, I want to win. And you're just scrambling and flailing with no knowledge.

Establishing a Mutual Support Network

And yet somebody comes along. And from what I've witnessed and listened to, the kid gloves handling and the maturity that comes into a community, and I've always said this about artists who have that maturity in this space, they need to be recognized, they need to be acknowledged, and they need to be seen for not only their talents, which in Ernesto's case is just exceptional, we're going to see that. But it also has to be recognized what they do and how much important glue is in a community like this.

Reflecting on Community Impact and Individual Contributions

We all want to look back in our lives and say, yeah, I was part of an art movement. Well, there's a lot of people heavy lifting, and this is. This is something that I see Bobby do. Bobby is one of the heaviest lifters around. But I also see Ernesto doing it. And it's not as visible to many, but it's visible to a lot. And so with that, I just want to welcome you.

Appreciation for Artistic Contributions and Mutual Support

Well, well. Fuku, I need your help. No tango palabrasa. Block news. Well. Ernesto saying that he's never had such a lovely introduction and that you've left him without words. And to leave a Cuban without words is quite an accomplishment. Jarmet. He deserves it. Though I do understand Palabra, because I'm watching a cuban drama class 95, and yes, Palabra is right there, but you deserve it.

Artistic Recognition and Acknowledgment of Contributions

And what Block said, I couldn't have said it better because he's really good with words and his accent. I don't know if you understand any words, what he speaks, because we don't, most of us, but, yeah, you deserve it. And you do so much in the background. We were having a chat this week with Bloke on WhatsApp, and that's what were discussing, how much you help.

Encouraging Artistic Growth and Connectivity

And you have onboarded many artists, and you're, like, there in the background, and that's. That gains our respect. You do not go tooting horns, you know, did that, as Block mentioned. But we know what you do because, yes, we research and we have eyes. So thank you very much for that. And we look forward to having you share your story, to listen to your journey.

Artistic Beginnings and Inspirations

So, please, tell us a little bit about yourself. Let's pretend nobody knows this, Ernesto and the community, and tell us where your artistic journey started. Tuco, all yours. Yes, yes. I understand 98% of everything in English. So do not necessarily right now, but. When I speak in Spanish, then Tuco. Speak in English for me, okay? Love it.

The Intersection of Art and Life Experiences

And you know what? The beauty of the comfort of this, Ernesto, just to. Just to preface that as well, as many of us in this room tonight have been in rooms where translations happen. Some of our best nights. Just to remind you, some of our best nights in this space was when ukrainian artists were translating for russian artists and tears were flowing. So, language to artists is never a barrier.

Artistic Expression and Cultural Connection

So I just wanted that to be known to everybody in the room. This is no barrier. There is no discomfort. We've had some of our best moments through translation and listening to that original carry and flow. I'm a poet. So when I hear you speak in Spanish and. And that. That latin blood just comes true in that delivery, and then Tuco follows up to me. That's beauty.

Encouraging Open Dialogue and Mutual Understanding

So that's. That's. That's it. You get to hear it in your voice. And. And we're. We in this room. Know that. So. So don't. Don't ever feel like that's something that's an obstacle to many of us in this room. Plus, I love Spanish, so, yeah, we would understand you. Don't worry. Okay. There we go.

Acknowledging the Role of Language in Community Building

Thank you, block. Thank you. But I know that he would understand me more, though, because my accent as well. I'm foreigner, you know? You guys speak English born? Yes. I'm sorry. What did you say? Well, can you translate? The dictator has spoken. You will obey me. That is it. There is no discussion. Final.

Reflecting on Artistic Connections and Personal Journey

So, there's your translation. Oh, now we've just killed Bobby. That's your fault. But anyways, please, Bobby, we do this in such a way because I am locked and loaded already, so I just want. Let's get with the formalities. I am so looking forward to. Yes. Well, the mic goes to Ernesto.

Sharing Artistic Experiences and Personal Goals

Ernesto, please do share with us a little bit about yourself and where, you know, how did the artistic journey begin for you? Was it when you were young? What's. You know, the process. But tell us a little bit about yourself. That's what we want to hear. And then we carry on from there. Okay, Bobby Joe, so you.

Power of Music and Personal Growth

That he's a cuban artist, and that he's been working in the space three and just about to go on four years. Okay. And he said his premier passion is the piano. I heard that through just the language and that beautiful flow. I mean, come on, how could you not hear that? Sorry. On my six, when, you know, blood Venus. When he was six years old, he didn't know.

Early Inspirations and Overcoming Challenges

He didn't know anything about music, but he always was attracted to it. And by himself, he found a music teacher, even without his parents, and brought him in. Unfortunately, my family didn't believe that art was the right path. They were, unfortunately, under very difficult conditions, as you can imagine, due to the political situation. And so therefore, art wasn't on the top of the list.

Pursuing Passions Through Adversity

Piano, Solfeo Contrapunto. But fortunately, he was saved by his maternal grandparents, who paid for the classes. So since he's been six years old, he's been studying music and has never stopped. And he is a continual student of his artistica. Due to this, he was able, on his path of music, he was able to meet other artists involved in film, theater, traditional arts.

Exploring Artistic Connections and Relationships

And so he's been exposed to a lot of art and has appreciated that combination or that connection. When he was approximately 16 years old, he fell in love with his literature teacher. Because of that. That obligated him to read everything he could, so that way he could impress his literature teacher. As I said, la mecla de mucha sartes, mucho hatitas.

Understanding Artistic Influences and Personal Growth

So the mixture of being, I guess, merged with all of these arts, with all of this reading, with the passion and the character of these artists, is. What'S helped made the Ernesto that you see today. Since music wasn't really approved by his family, he decided to get a master's degree in mathematics.

Recognizing the Interplay of Art and Academics

So not only the incredible pianist, but he's also a mathematician by education. And since math really wasn't his passion, he got another degree which was based on teaching art or the arts. Anton says, la vida me son Rio con Algoria. And then life just smiled upon him with something he wanted.

Cultural Experiences and Artistic Journeys

Fortunately, one of his dreams was to be able to travel, and because of his music, he has been able to go to many countries and be exposed to a lot of different cultures, and. He feels very fortunate for that. When you travel and you connect with the people, when you see the cities and you connect with the cultures, it's like you're reading about them a lot simply by being able to experience them, especially for someone who's living on in a caribbean island.

Art and its Cultural Impact

So from 2017, because of all these connections and people he was meeting, he started getting into Ethereum and following Gary V. For Gary V or El people. Etherio no. Vitalik, one of the creators of the network. Unfortunately, with the. When the pandemic hit, just like many. Other artists, I was left without work.

Pursuing New Avenues in the Artistic Community

But then that's when I started discovering the NFT world. Mahaya the. Persona. Beyond the art and the technology. One of the things that he was really able to enjoy is that he can connect with other artists, that artists have something special within them, and he feels very fortunate to be able to access them because of the NFT world.

Exploring Challenges and Realizations

Bueno. Algo malo pensecchi al principio. Lecho de sermusico. No por que la mayor el artera. Visual, pero de puesamente lecho de sermusico. Unfortunately, his first thought was that being a musician would not be good for him, because it's mainly. NFT world is mainly a visual medium. But he's now realized that because he is a musician, he's actually.

Embracing Opportunities and Community Engagement

It's a wonderful gift that allows him to connect with others. He said, incredibly, somehow it worked out. And even up today, he's still surprised by it. And he says he feels very fortunate to meet all the wonderful, amiable people, artists that are in this space. And it's his goal to keep doing this until, you know, for the rest of his life.

Inspiration and Artistic Aspirations

You know what? I have to just say that is lovely. I loved that introduction, Ernesto, because I think it was an invitation for us to look on and learn something. And, you know, when. When you get to a certain point in life, you want to inspire, you want to encourage, you want to challenge people to press on towards something, you want people to aim.

Navigating Artistic Pressures and Embracing Individuality

And in what I heard from that, there were two particular things. Now, Bobby might give out to me about being very sneaky and slipping into questions here, so I'm going to have to deal with this later on. But sorry, not sorry, there's two particular areas I want to focus on. I'll tell you the second one first, and maybe you can answer that down the line, which is the idea of mathematics.

Exploring the Relationship Between Math and Music

And I know you abandoned that to go into teaching, but I do want to maybe formulate answer later on in the idea. Did mathematics have an impact on your musicality, on your artistry, on the way you process? For many of us, we listen to music in an emotional state, or like, I feel music. My wife analyzes music. She plays the flute and the piano, and so she's analytical brain.

Different Perspectives on Music and Emotion

I have to feel it. It's an emotional side. And so mathematical approach to music is something I want to see. Just did it have an approach or did it have an effect? I know tuco might have to describe that later on to you, but before we get to that, I want to park that for a bit, maybe let you answer that down the road. For a lot of us as artists, you, in what you shared with us, and thank you for doing that.

Navigating Parental Pressure in Artistic Pursuits

You talked about parental pressure. Now, for a lot of young artists, they face that parental pressure. You know, a lot of indian artists, a lot of asian particular artists, you know, you're nearly funneled or pressured into a certain discipline that is nearly generational. And while those who are aware of the pressures where you come from in societal terms, there's still pressures. Is there some advice or some encouragement that you can give from what you shared with us?

Inspiration from Personal Experiences

Is the idea that you still pursued something while you kept your love beside you until that moment came? But is there something that you can share with the community or flesh out a bit more to give us a bit more of an understanding of how you dealt with that pressure? Because for a lot of people, they might be feeling it and you came through that and we're now enjoying the fruits of your passion to overcome it.

Offering Wisdom and Guidance

But for those who might be feeling that in the community or in the many who listen back, is there something you can speak to that one person who is listening right now to give them wisdom from your experience? La mathematica. Mathematics. I think he's going to start with the first part.

The Interrelation of Mathematics and the Arts

Block. Mathematics, art and music. They have a lot that they share and that a lot of people that are involved in mathematics and mathematicians believe that there's a beauty to it, art as well. What's part of the internal process is that it also intends to beautiful as well. Now, there's also another truth that both in mathematics, art and music, that there can be, quote unquote ugly art or music or mathematics.

Artistic Complexity and Interpretation

So then there's music. That could be results in being ugly or desagravel or I will have to go on. I'll have to. Ugly, ugly music. Joe Creo Personal. Mathematicas of the sanctum philosophicus. Mathematica radissimo. Personas definitely ayura muccuas. Mathematicas historia.

Art and Music's Foundational Principles

Well, one of my personal criterias or philosophies in life is that mathematics can be a part of art and that you can create or compose something mathematically that mathematically will be right, but might not sound correct. Or you can create something artistically that really touches the soul. And for him to have not only. Studied math, but the history of mathematics.

Cultural Perspectives in Artistic Education

As well as art and the history of art has given him a really good perspective on creating a philosophy, on his approach to art and music. I'm loving that. I just. I. Absolutely. So when were listening, as a listener sort of bypassing mathematics, everybody in the room, by your answer to that, Ernesto now has a greater. I'm sure that people in the room would give emojis to that they have a greater appreciation.

Appreciating Artistic Unity

So often when we isolate subjects or topics, philosophy, art, mathematics, physics, all of these different studies, when you can bring it through a filter of art, something happens, it's transformed. And I was hoping beyond hope that you would bring it to that, and you would throw a light on mathematics in that light. And I'm even blown away. I wasn't expecting you to facilitate that as much.

Promoting Interdisciplinary Understanding

And this is where the journey of art brings us through. How can we embrace something that is, you know, just to some cold or something off intellectual land? But when you bring it the way you did, I was hoping beyond hope that you would do, and you've done it more so with that second part, the. The dealing with the sort of the practical for the parental pressure side of it. As much as you could speak to that, you've set the bar now, my friend, so I'm all ears.

Encouraging Artistic Growth and Personal Development

But we're loving this, and thank you, and I will shut up and let Bobby ask the next one. Que kuano estavas alano quetus no apollon studios de la musica elkrias, otros culturas, otros artistas. Better. Follow your fucking dream. Namas. Follow your dream. so the translation is follow your fucking dream. I got that, babe. My favorite word.

Artistic Freedom and Cultural Reflections

Yes, yes. I know this phrase is nothing good, maybe. But today I am in Miami, okay? I move with my move to Miami, from Havana to Miami, I own freedom. Okay? Yeah, United States. Okay? American dream. Okay, perfect. But acidum with efficient, it's very difficult. Emigrate. Josio misogyno, get Rahar.

Challenging Experiences and Overcoming Obstacles

And really intend to say to Canada, perosio miso. Yeah, so you won't, but. Yeah. So. Really canot and Camio Mesiento. El piano studio component. So he says that, you know, coming to the United States as an immigrant, obviously there's a lot of possibilities, there's a lot of things, but it's never easy.

Managing Responsibilities and Emerging Success

In fact, it's incredibly hard. And for him, he has to do, you know, he's a man. He's a man with children, so he. Has to take on a job that's. A very hard job that takes up, you know, up to 10 hours a day, but that he still makes it a goal of his to practice the piano, to study the piano, to make music, to compose music, and to sit at the piano, even though, you know, he's worried about how much his hands will be able to take the labor that he's doing, you know, and what that might rob him of with playing the piano.

Pursuing Artistic Goals Amidst Life Challenges

That in order to do your dream, you have to be disciplined enough that even after a hard day of working, you have to sit down at the piano and do your thing. And he feels, obviously, I'm not a spring chicken, but that, you know, he has responsibilities to do as a man, but he also has responsibilities to do as an artist and as a musician. Yeah, I get that. I get that.

Cultural Conversations and Shared Experiences

And uprooting from one country to the another, most of us here understand that were discussing, even with Annie today when we met, and I all uprooted. We all. Well, most of us, let's say. Shall we say, like, is it big number if I say 70% of people that come here have left home and live somewhere else now? But, yeah, pretty much.

Navigating Changes and Future Aspirations

Okay, hold on. Let me drop block for a second because he's rugged. Block, go down, out and come back in. Yeah, but, no, I understand and how difficult it is. And starting from scratch, it's nothing to do because you speak English, but to think that for a lot of people, they don't even speak English at all, you know, they have to learn the language. And you miss your families. Very, very difficult moving to a different country.

The Artistic Journey and Community Support

But, as you said, like having kids as well. And I don't know what job you are doing currently, but I hope it's not as hard as to, I don't know, hurt your hands, that's for sure, because we cannot have Ernesto hurt his hands and not hear you play piano. But I enjoyed you sharing the story with us. And, yes, entertaining there with the teacher.

Discussion on NFT Community and Support for Artists

And block keeps sending me 300 gifts on WhatsApp. Gold. Gold. I don't know. The leprechaun just loves the gold. But he's loving you sharing this as soon as you said mouths, he's like, he's a ears perked up. Love it. Thank you so much. Now, I mean, you did say you joined the NFT community. You have been like, I don't know, what can I say? Like a pillar for a lot of, well, say, cuban artists. And you've helped a lot. A lot of artists. I don't know. Do you? I don't know where. Where you find them? Pretty much. Do they approach you because your name has come up many times when we have interviewed artists or when they come join and they're like, oh, yes, and Ernesto has helped me and Ernesto, and we're like, okay, Ernesto, how did you. Because you did say you connected with a lot of people. But how do you get, like, with all this? Well, it's not just cuban art, it's maybe all the. Is it? Hold on. What do I say? I have to find the right word. Tuco, help me out. Is it latin speaking, Spanish speaking? I have to find the right word. How to describe it? Don't worry, I understand, Bobby. I understand you. Yeah. How do they find you? How do they all know that? Who is there to help us is Ernesto who sends all this?

Ernesto's Role in the NFT Community

Okay, okay. It's simple. When. I was the newbie in NFT. World, many artists helped me. Okay? Many, many artists. Many person in any part of the world, in Russia, in Crania, in Roma, in Canada, in Berlin. Wow. It's a wonderful community. A global community is beautiful. It's incredible. Everybody helped me. So I said to me, I going to help every single artist if I can. Okay? Many artists in Latin America didn't have it, you know, Jotanian, compromise. You know, I am not a collector, but I am a supporter. Yes. I want to buy art. I want to support artists. And it's like. A network is their word. This is like a network. Today you help me, tomorrow I help you. No, not because money, just because art, because you need. Because you are an artist. And I know that when I was in the bound.

Collaboration and the Power of Art

When he first started, kid, let me also translate some. Some things you said before was. Yeah, from early. Yeah, from earlier. When he was starting to do get involved with more, with Ethereum. He would lend some ethereum out, but he would also buy art. He doesn't consider himself so much a collector because the artist that he was collecting or whose art he was buying, he wanted to support. So more from the view of supporting an artist as opposed to collecting their work, if that makes sense. And so this is like a big network, Spider web, where artists are helping one another. Oh, and that he had help from someone he didn't know. And one of the things that touched him was when he was starting that a lot of unknown people helped him, and they helped him just because he was an artist, so he could immediately see that the community was different here. And with that, he feels also that he wants to give back by helping out other artists. And that could be in any way. That could be whether you're collecting them. Whether you're spotlighting them, whether you're retweeting.

Communicating and Sharing through Music

The fact that this is a community of people, of artists that are helping each other is part of what's kept them here. Yeah, love that. I love that. No, I wanted to highlight that because, as I said is we give flowers to Ernesto for that because he is very humble and works kind of in the background doing all this good stuff. But we want to highlight that and to say thank you because it's very important as well to the good deeds we are. The good deeds. He does not. But we have to give him some flowers. I want to go back, though, to the music. Right. The piano. I want to see what. Because he did say the parents, like most of our parents, none of us of them thought that art puts food on the table. So I know that most artists have learned that we have a proper job and then we have to do art and do a proper thing. So what are some of the challenges he faced in the music career? And what are some of his favorite musicians? Right. Because piano, I love piano as well. So what are his inspiration in kind of music terms?

The Influence of Music and Collaboration

Does he draw inspo from or any artist here? It could be dead or living even in the space that we have in X people that he looks up to or have inspired him. And I want also, if you can talk a little bit about the power of collaboration, because I do see you have collabed with people, and so what do you think of the collaborations? And are you open to doing collabs with other people that might, you know, want to collab with you? Can they approach you to collab with you? So those are a couple of questions I have because I know Bloch would want to ask million questions, so I might as well get them all now. I'm holding back. Okay. Okay. Okay. Welcome back. He said that collaboration is something that. Happens naturally in this space. And, you know, just on that. Here's the thing, is that we've. Myself and Ernesto are looking to talk offline and go through a few things, and everybody I have heard from in the background about Ernesto, and that's a lot of people for me, I've always considered her thought, and yet sometimes, you know, when in a dance, somebody leads and somebody follows.

Reflections on Experiences and Life

They all disappeared doing their own thing. But it was awesome. Hours of music, and we loved it. We loved it. But life happens. And as we discussed early, a lot of people have left the space because it's very hard being here. And, yeah, you need tough skin, right? And of course, you need to earn a living in real life, too. So you guys are troopers, as I said earlier. So clap, clap for you all. That's what I want to say. Who's next block? I see your hand up in a computer. I know your hand is not up, because you're not that. No, it's not.

Welcome and Introductions

In computer, it is yours. Tuco's and Chazz's and Sherry Ernesto. I see the hands up. I'll take a photo, but I. Well, do you know who hasn't? Let's. Let's start with who we haven't heard from tonight on deck. Yes, please. Right. And I think Rick came up before a lot of people there. And I want to welcome Rick because whether he likes it or not and whether he wears a red ring around his PFP, that's really associated with Onnie's and whether it's marketing or not, I still clump them in the same basket of rebels. So with that being said, and, yeah. I brought away, just let I know you do. I don't bring anybody up. I just hang around and I'm, dear, I'm just a dead waiter. Yeah, but, Rick. Yeah.

Greetings and Checking In

I'm sorry about the interference in the back. How are you doing today? Because Annie and me were talking about you. Oh, I. They were. I'm sure there was a little bit of, like, co host. Co host kind of, yeah. I'd say the Rick and block had ears burning, and I was wondering why. I thought it was because. No one's talking about your block. Yes. Absolutely. And they didn't. And, Rick, we're not talking, you know, Rick, are you gonna announce the Rick and block muse show or am I? I'm just checking there, you know. Hi, Rick. How are you doing? I'm okay. Actually, the first thing I want to.

Discussing Labels and Identities

Address is I'm pretty sure that block called me nerd. Nerd. Like double nerd. Is that. Oh, yeah, well, or dweeb. You're, you're slightly dweeb because you've got the more social aspect. So you're socially. So maybe dweeb, dork, nerd. Well, you know, stacking this on, like, I have to be on, but there's a bit of blackness. I don't necessarily see those as, like, positive things. So you're gonna have to help me out here. There is a social aspect within that, though. Don't, don't get me wrong, you know, so if you look at the, you seem to have your own language with a lot of this. So I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Okay.

Creative Collaboration

How do you imagine me being able to collaborate within nerd, like, in. Which I think a lot. I think, I think you put a lot of what Rick says into AI and don't admit it, and then it spits out into your language and then he does the same with you, but you would never admit it to each other because you're sort of nerd social, nerd technical. And yet there's dark intersectionality. If you're really asking for a technical sort of response to that would be the way I would maybe put it. But all right, I don't think. Let me stop you right there, block. I'm going to blow your whole image. Of me out of the water.

Finding Creative Moments and Collaboration

So I'm actually like a creative at heart. Like, I'm not a nerd at heart. Like, that is just the stuff that I do because I have to do. It to make the stuff that I make. So, I mean, as far as, like, what you identify as, that's really hard. To label me as anything, but it definitely would not be nerd. So, yeah, let's, I don't know. I have a really hard time talking. About myself, so that may just receiving attention or anything like that is not one. I don't like attention. So, Eric, I'm attention as a feature artist very soon because a little birdie today told me some interesting facts about you that I want to know more.

Reflection on Rejections

Then he's definitely not a nerd. Emmys, animation, things like that. And I'm like, hold on a minute. So I understand when you say yes, a creator at heart, but bloke knows nothing. Any hint at who that was that told you, Bobby, any hint? Can you give us any hint? No. Okay, okay. Yes. Yeah, so, but the problem is that, so even with those Emmy awards. For example, like, I didn't even go and get them. Like, I didn't even go on this. I didn't even go to the party. I didn't do any of that.

Artistic Journey and Collaborations

I just, like, had them mail them to me. Like, I just, oh, that's what a nerd would do. You were back home gaming, Rick. You're not, you're not selling it here. So this is, you're not selling it here. You said it. But, but the evidence does not show, so I don't play games. Just let him speak, for Christ's sake. I'm gonna put. Video games. Stop bullying the guy. So, yeah, all of the cliché. Nerd things, like I'm really bad at. So it's, well, I could be good at video gaming, but I just choose. Not to play them.

Thoughts on Creativity

So I did for a short amount of time, but it lasted for probably a year, so. But yeah, I don't know, I just, I moved on from that already. See, this is the problem. Like, I do way too many things. So to label me a nerd, it. Just like, I don't know, I'm not offended by it, but I feel like it's kind of missing the mark of. What actually the collab between Ani and I even looks like. Because if I spoke at all, like. Nerd, nerd language, I'm pretty sure she hasn't had to put anything in AI.

Understanding Rejections and Moving Forward

But I mean, I do creative writing. I've done a lot of things. I even worked on feature films and. Did voiceover work, I sat in video editing bays with clients for months and months putting things together. So, and there was no nerdery going. On during those times. So, yeah, I don't know. Well, you see, one thing I will say, and I'm cutting across, Bobby, please forgive me, but I think it's important to flesh out is that when you had your launch party and it was recorded, you can go back to Ani or Rick's timeline and you can find it for anybody who wants to go back and listen to it.

Art and Personal Storytelling

Her watercolor is incredible. Absolutely incredible. But it's really the story and the music she ties into it. I'm doing right here. Yes, I know. I'm gonna get. I'm getting. All your artists can say. All of them are your favorites. It's like, don't get the anela, too. Don't forget. Years later, I found out that my mom had told all us three daughters, three sisters, that were the favorite. In my mind, I knew I was the favorite. That Bruna told me later. No, I was the favorite. And then Donna. No, because I'm the oldest. I was the favorite, so. And then how my mom explained it to me for the kids, she's like, she showed me a hand, her hand, because I kept telling her, you know, because I lost three brothers, and she's like, even though they are gone, they are still my children, is like, look at my hand. And she got my hand, and she said, if I cut this finger, will it hurt? Yes. What if I cut it here? You know? And she kept pretend cutting my fingers. Yes.

Understanding Motherly Love

You know, so in the end, all of my fingers, you know, would have been bad if I lose one, and I love them all, and they would hurt the same. She's like, that's how children are for a mother, is like, you need them all, and they all hurt the same, and you all love the same. So it made sense to me when I was a little kid, that explanation. So, yeah, when Maria tells her son that he's the. He's her favorite, I mean, he's. She's lucky she only has one. Yeah, me too. I only have one. Yes. And he told me not to have another one, and I didn't. I listened to him. Yeah, yeah, that's it. But let's go to my sister, and then we're gonna go, or. Unless Donna can wait for a minute, because it's a new person that I never spoken to. The run down. He's been here. Patient, wanting to speak. Okay. Donna said it's okay, so run down. Hello.

Artists on the Chain Community Introduction

Welcome to artists on the chain community. I don't think I have spoken to you before. I hope you having fun in art space. How you doing? Hey, Bobby. What's up, everybody? Yeah, this is my first time checking. In, and I was checking out some. Of the artists on stage and shouts. Out to all the artistry. So, yeah, I just wanted to come in and say hello. I am an artiste artists as well, with a few projects out on chain. So I don't know if this is a space where I can share, but I'll be more than glad to tell you about a specific project that I. That I find a lot of interest and pride in. Okay, well, this, since this is your first time, let me tell you a little bit about our community and what we do. So we gather here every Saturday, 03:00 p.m.

Community Engagement and Activities

eastern. I don't know where you are located. And 08:00 p.m. gMT. And we highlight an artist each week and we put their artwork in the banner. So if you see the hashtag up top artists on the chain, if you see on my profile or blogs, we have our community. Under our name is the largest artist community here on XDev. That's a little flex moment for me. And, yeah, we highlight an artist. We have a mini interview. Sometimes it's larger interview, depends from the story. And then we have some poetry. Bloch is a poet. My lovely other half. Well, not that lovely, but yes, my other half, block muse, he's a poet. And yes, a goofy man. And yes, that's what we do. We do poetry, music, and we talk. We have discussions and talks.

Inviting New Artists to Share

It's not like a shelf space, what they call it. I hate that word. But what you could do, because this is the first time, and we would welcome you next time, too, and come be regular every Saturday because it's really good space. Introduce yourself a little bit. Tell us a little bit about you. And, yes, pin something if you want, if that's your work, but not in a shilly kind of mode. But tell us, you, who is round man? Hold on, what's your name, by the way? And one thing, just before you do, one thing I will say is welcome, but the other thing as well is that our community is so sharp, they're already clicking on your profile, they're already looking to see who you are. They're like, what's this all about?

Creative Connections and Foundations

And. And this is the beauty. And. And one thing we do like, so if you're an artist, people are clicking on your art and listening to you. That's something I do. So, with an artist, when they speak and they say hello, it's like, okay, my eyeballs are going to your work, and then I'm associating with your work through that. And so it's not so much. Next, who's on the mic? We want to build this, that and the other. No, it's. It's sort of, come in, chill out and say hello. And sometimes it might go to, oh. No, we want to know you. That's what he wants to say. We want to know you. Absolutely. Your parents, how many teeth your grandparents have. Not to that level.

Building a Creative Community

Not to that level. I know most of people. Business. Yes, that's. We are like a family here, let's say. So you. Well, it's a pleasure. It's a pleasure to meet everybody. Thank you for, you know, having a. Community for artists and actually growing it. To as large as you have so shouts out to you, I am a creative over 20 years in entertainment, and I work in the fields of production, social media, marketing, and I'm a creative, I'm a designer, and, you know, I take pride in just, you know, bringing. My ideas out into the world. So I was introduced to web three about two bull runs ago and became an educator, helping people from around the globe understand blockchain technology and how to create and also how to learn through other creations while being a student at the same time.

Education and Creativity

So I take pride in sitting in front of the classroom and putting on my lab coat and creating, however, whenever I can. So, you know, that's just a brief rundown on me, no pun. I love the world of social media. So many amazing people you can connect to and connect through. And I love blockchain technology. So I have been busy lately doing a lot of creations for the purpose of expressing myself and also educating community. So it's a combination of both. I find it very fun and valuable to be able to create while educating, you know, whoever, whenever I can. So, you know, there's various things I could highlight, but I would like to, I guess highlight a project called Freaky Kiki, which is on my profile.

Freaky Kiki Project Insight

And the reason I wanted to highlight her is because freaky Kiki is a project that allows me to not only express my art, but express stories of resilience through a woman that is dealing with a lot in her life. And for anyone who knows the story of freaky Kiki, I'll pin her trailer at the top, if that's okay. But she was created with AI, with. A combination of design, digital design, ran through AI, from her content to her illustrations, to her music. And she does have a trailer. But without chilling or saying too much about the project, I wanted to highlight the beauty of AI, because AI allows us to get our imaginations out into the world in a very unique way.

The Story of Freaky Kiki

And for, you know, people who don't know freaky Kiki, she is a street worker who happens to be pregnant and down on her luck, she's a frog. And if anybody knows her story, she was abandoned and she was forced. This life, she didn't choose it. It was her circumstance. And it's a story that was created to help people who can relate to her in any realm, whether it's through depression or just being counted out or being at their lowest, because Kiki is at her lowest. And it allows community to come together through art, to be able to work in a decentralized world as a community with togetherness. To bring Kiki out of our lowest and take her to the top.

Art as a Medium for Connection

So, you know, yeah, and you know what? I think this is the beauty as well of art and the idea that when we can just create something from, you know, tireless hours of oil paint and fingers and putting stuff in attics for 20 years, like Bobby does, or in a prompt in 20 seconds and bringing the emotion just like that to the stage and being able to run with it. And so there's so many aspects to that and I just want to appreciate that. And thank you so much because there's so much bursting within so many who sometimes don't feel like they have a voice, but AI can bring that. And so I just want to thank you for sharing that and saying that. And, yeah, I think when we journey through emotion, a lot of us as artists in the community can understand that.

Engaging Artists and Contributions

But with that being said, I want to thank you for sharing and coming up and saying hello. And we do hope that we can try and join you and hear more from you as an individual as well. Sometimes I think we can fall into the trap of here's what I do, here's what I create, but so much more the individual and that's more what we try and do here in this space. But thank you so much, the rundown, for sharing that. And yeah, we're just going to hop through a few more. We have to get to Danica as well before we wind down. And please do join us again. And we will next Saturday as well.

Continuing the Conversation

We're here again. 03:00 p.m. eastern, I think, and 08:00 p.m. gMT. And please, but I want to give you the mic just before we hop over to Danica just so you can finish out because it's nice to hear from you. So sorry. Please, the rundown. The mic is yours. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, thank you for the stage. Yeah, feel free to, you know, look into, I guess, me a little bit. But yeah, I did want to highlight Kiki because she is a reflection of me in a way. So feel free to check her out. And the trailer's at the top. But yeah, I don't want to take up too much space and I appreciate the stage.

Reflections and Gratitude

Anytime. Thank you. Block. Sorry, you unmuted. Go ahead. No, that's okay. That's okay. And thank you. And yeah, looking forward to hearing a bit more when we have time as well. And you know what, Bobby, I'm not going to let you talk because I think I need to introduce your skin and blister as we say in Ireland. And that is nearly like a cockpit rhyming slang for a sister. So the skin and blister of the great Bobby Bicker is on deck with us. And I want to thank Danica because she joined us in angel space the other night. And were sort of passing ships as I was trying to get to bed after a series session of jiu jitsu.

Poetic Connections

But I did have the joy of hearing your poem again, and it was lovely. And. And, yeah, as I was drifting off into Z Land, it was nice to be able to hear the conversations in such a space. But you're very welcome and thank you for joining us. Danica, how are you doing, my friend? Hi. Black news. Thank you so much for the introduction and for being such a, you know, guardian angel for my little sister. And you guys have created this amazing community where everybody feels so loved and heard and valued.

Building Positive Connections

And I love it. Whenever I can, I'll be here. And thank you, angel, for the shout out that you gave and a beautiful space. I love it, and I don't know how many times I recited that poem, but people seems like they love it. And it is, as Bobby said, our mother, like, plant those seeds of love and making us feel important and, you know, confident in ourselves. And this is why I wrote that poem. And Bobbi, thank you. I love you. Thank you for all that laughter and, you know, honoring our mom and our brothers and just being you, because this is what makes you.

Recitation and Performance

And I'm going to recite one more time that poem because there are different people. Okay, I have. I have another one. But since angel said he's going touch everybody, you know, I'm going with now. I'm going to put you on the spot, Danica. And I wouldn't normally do this for anybody else, but I need to do it for you because you are so used to working with someone different people from diverse backgrounds and understandings, and you have the sort of a heart of an empath.

Empowering Young Individuals

I need you to set the scene for this poem in the way that is more than just leaving it up to the listener. I know angel, and many of us understand this, but I need you to spend just a little, few extra seconds in setting the scene for this poem because I think it will bring more impact to those who listen and not hear, but those who listen. Absolutely. This is for every young girl that now is a mother, a sister or a leader in the community. You are beautiful and you are gifted. Love yourself.

Affirmations for Growth

For all my students, then I have every day I work. And when I do affirmation and I say I'm good enough, I'm beautiful, they say I'm ugly, I'm not worth it. You are worth it. And you are beautiful for my beautiful daughter. Then I raised. I raised a strong girl by telling her you are beautiful and you are a gift from goddess for all my brothers and little boys than there are men with suit and tie right now. Know that inside you is such a beautiful soul that is waiting for you to love it, embrace it and honor.

Poetic Celebrations

And this is how the poem go. Just be you. But this is in honoring of our mothers too. As she always told us, look in the mirror like I see you. Just be you. When I was a little girl, I didn't like the way I looked. I had red hair and a freckled face. I was too thin and not so cute. That's all I thought. Every day going to school and hiding away under my uniform and pig tails. Oh, I wish to be different. But one day, out of nowhere, my mother whispered a little secret.

A Mother's Wisdom

Never forget how loved you are. God have kissed you a million times. Every freckle is a key. Every freckle is wish you are given special gifts. Love it, use it. They are your bliss. Don't give away your gift and authenticity. Don't listen to no sayers. They don't know you. Find the one who shoot for the stars. They'll love your freckles and who you are. You are made with love and affection. God created you with perfection. Give the world the best of you. Be good, do good and just be you.

Reflections on Life

Poem. Poem. The maiden empathy captive to the tower of tragedy, fortification overlooking the town of stagnancy. To the outsider looking in blindness, handmaidens by her side, voice and kindness aloft, aloof in her high tower of affection, action gallops by destination, direction. I love that. And yet, you know when somebody digs deep into their past, into their heritage and into their challenges, growing up as a little child and somebody passes a poem of creativity into an observation of the culture, when another person takes it and runs with it off into the distance and makes sure that the punctuation of the creativity of all of it is surmised in something that can only be reflected by that punctuation.

The Journey of Creativity

It's sublime. And for me tonight, I think the way that we have journeyed has just been at a level of maturity. And I blame everybody in the room tonight because it takes a listener to pull something out of a producer. And I was going to go off on sort of tangents when were bringing Ernesto in at the start of the night, but now it was like. I was like, no, it doesn't set the scene, but I'm going to set the scene now because it's going to mean a lot more to everybody in the room. Earlier on, when I was doing a bit of homework and preparing for introducing Ernesto, I love going into etymology and going into the words and seeing its origins.

Understanding Artists' Roles

And when Ernesto followed up with what Danica had shared, what I had shared, and then Ernesto brought his piece in, and then I shared back and Ernesto brought a piece in. He was doing something more than what we perceive and what I mean by that. And I. I said about the punctuation, and I know Ernesto knows where I'm going, but I just want everybody in the room to understand this. Ernesto, our artist of the week tonight, is a composer, and the word composer in etymology terms. Sorry, I'm nerding out right now.

The Power of Composition

Sorry, Rick. This is me nerding out. But the word is to arrange or direct. Now, when you think of a composer, you might think of somebody up in the front of an orchestra with a stick, and they're directing everybody and bringing people in. But to see somebody compose last be not the end of it, and bring the exclamation mark that is composing to the point of its peak, because you put together, you arrange, you write, you work in you form. So many want to be first to the mic, first to the disc. I'm up first. I'm doing no.

Moments in Performance

Do you know, in a concert, when somebody's backing a concert, do you know what they do? They go up first before the main stage arrives. And. And yet the inverse of that was putting the exclamation at the end as if it was some addendum, but it was the composer who came in at the end and brought us to that conclusion. And I need people to perceive this in that way, that it's not about who was where, who was what, but the journey that we had in conversation and musicality and poetry that there to me to, like, I'm like, I can't stop sending back channel communications between me and Bobby.

Creating Lasting Connections

It's like gold, gold. Every moment through this has been that. And I just want to thank everybody tonight for that. Sadeena Sa. I was like, I didn't want to speak after that. Ernesto. I was hoping Bobby would jump in, because for me, it was like. Sorry, block. No, I was. I was busy, though, because you're not looking at requests. Lokwa, they was requesting. So I cannot figure out on the PC how to bring people in. And I was trying to invite logic. Hey, logic, welcome.

Welcoming New Artists

Lovely to see you here. If you guys don't know logic, shame on you. Check him out. I should say. Konnichiwa. And yeah, it's lovely to see you here and in our spaces. Been long time. Lokwa the in the house. And I was bringing Lokwadi up because when you're doing the poet, I was like, bringing him up. I thought resonance round, you know? Well, no. Do you know what I really feel tonight is the spirit of. Of so much resonance in creativity. Laquatie, welcome, my good friend.

Exploring Ideas in Poetry

And I want to. I really feel that we would all benefit from a mini lecture from yourself on the idea of the artist, one of the most formative. And I have to call you out right now, my friend, because one of the most formative moments in my journey as a poet came from Laquoddy, when he brought out the idea of the job and role of a poet and what a poet might receive as a result of the choices through that journey. I've shaded it enough to just hand you over to Mike so I can shut up and people not listen to me, Laquatie.

Bridging Ideas and Connections

But before, if you could give that mini. I want to. If you could block about those interludes like Ernesto going after every poem. I just loved it. I just loved it so much. Thank you, Ernesto. He's like, the poem finished. Oh, it's been magical space, you know? And I was telling bloke, I felt like this is like the movement, right? And I felt like I could be in Montmartre, right, blog on the back channel, and I'm like, it's like, we could be in parties back in a day, you know, and absolutely. In the salon.

Celebrating Creative Moments

In the salon. I know this is how this night has been. You got the poets, you got music and the arts. And we all like, I don't know, this hundred years from now, people gonna say like, oh, remember back in a day when, you know, nfts and metaverse just started and people used to hang and remember that? Well, we would be dead by then. But hey, those are great grandchildren gonna talk about it, so I hope they do. So let's leave things in blockchain for them to talk about some breadcrumbs so they know what an epic night it has been tonight.

Farewell and Closing Thoughts

That's all. But Lokwadi, welcome. How you doing to. I'm super fine myself. I hope you guys are doing fine as well. Absolutely, absolutely. And I hope I have not put too much pressure on you, my friend, but I really think that you bringing the gold to the way you articulated how poets, but I think by extension, artists and performers, can bring a language to something more than what is personal views and other. I know, you know, I know. You know, but I want.

A Call to Action for Artists

I don't want to go there, but I want you to speak to it the way that you can only do it. Because I think this, on top of that, that moment, which was really important for me as a creative, I think a lot of us in this room could benefit from that and set the scene in whichever way you want, my friend. And welcome. Thank you. Thank you so much. It's absolutely true and fascinating that in different ways and different days, we impact each other and we get to pass through different ills as we encounter the different experiences that make us all unique.

Unique Perspectives in Art

And yes, we see ourselves in different lenses, we experience life in different amplitude. And that is what makes our art unique in distinct ways. Today I have an open confession. I don't know if our priest is there to actually accept my open confession that for a long time I've been trying to. To get the vibe, the energy of Danica and Bobby. And today I'm surprised these guys are sisters. Oh, my goodness. You know, because I actually vibe to all of them, their species, from time to time.

Sisterly Dynamics

And it baffles me. Their sisters. Oh, God, I'm there like you. Why does it baffle you? No. You know, I was wondering, on this other side, Danica is more of, you know, preaching wellness. she's more calm. You know, she's trying to be this, she's trying to preach about self love, self awareness, this whole, spirit of self acceptance. On this other end, we have Bobby, who is not tolerating anything.

Contrast in Perspectives

She can take you 6ft under block news. Are you getting me there? So in other words, we have. I don't preach self love. The thing is, no dictator, no cry, no dictator, no. Let me put it in simple terms. We have, we have. In that dimension, we have put him and we have bidden. So you can figure out who is bidden preaching about world peace. And there is one. I can finish you. If you dare touch me.

Powerful Expressions

I can nuke the world. I don't give a damn. So. So I got it. And, and he started, laquodi started with an. An example of performance. This is masterful. I know where you're going, my friend, because I'm gonna make sure that you finish up at the lecture here. This is a setting the scene. This is beautiful. But anyway, so I'm just there taking notes and I'm just wondering.

Cultural Reflections

It's Donica and it's Bobby. Why are their names ending with er? I say it's all poetic. So something fascinating and lovely. Yes. So must we all say it's Bobby Bika and we have to see Tony Kai. It's Ganta, which. So it's all interesting. Er, so if at all they disturb us and their siblings, we're gonna put them straight in a locker. It has to end with Erde.

The Flow of Conversation

Very nice. I'm gonna. No, I'm gonna. You're not gonna escape this, my friend. I love your eloquent segues are so beautiful. But I must bring you back to that moment of the role of the performer. While you perform, you talked about the eeyores. I am now going to bring you back to another Eeyore, the performer. And lest you err and fall off into a distraction, I want to make sure that you address what I have request.

The Essence of Performance

Because I think we will benefit from everything that we have talked about tonight. It is a beautiful segue. Can I corner you into sharing that? I know it is a tough one. But maybe I'm gonna jump in and dust myself to see the best way I can do it. But then I must say, Donica and Bobby, it has been good hearing part of your story and you living through the impact journey of what your mother taught you.

Personal Lessons and Family Bonds

And yes, you trying to live through the shadow of that teaching is something that we all must live to. It is very rare to get a mother who is telling you they love the fingers equally. That equates to the love they have for all the kids like that. So it's a good thing that you all are seeing through the lens and living through that dream. Things might be tough, but at least you are trying to live in that love, you know, trying to be there for each other.

Overcoming Struggles Together

Yes, and I could actually see how even Danica, the reception, you know, having to talk to her sister on her space, it's like, you know, it's like it's still. It's. I'm feeling. You see, I'm feeling safe having you here and Bobby is just getting lost. It's like, you know, my sister is there, can sleep now. She disappeared from hosting for a bit, you know, frying some eggs where she is.

Lighthearted Moments

So we know as Donica was talking, Bobby was frying some things in the chicken in the kitchen. So it is still okay. So she was a chick in the kitchen preparing the chicken. No worries. So Bobby, let me roll it on. So in that shadow, I'm going to say hello to each and every one of you. The person next to you. Hello. So allow me. Allow me to show you the mental shackles.

Self-Reflection and Healing

Chains that bind your reality. Chains that stay in your soul. Chains that corner you in a struggle. Allow me. Allow me to light you away. For I have been through the darkness. Out of tunnels. Channeling truth. Join me. Support me. Let me echo through you. Speak for you. For the freedom of mind, light and souls. Let go of what doesn't serve you. Mimic ways of water. Embrace, flows.

The Importance of Individuality

Our difference mixes. All unique. So just flow. Flows are part of growth. Grow and glow. You are not alone. The presence of. Of the divine creator guides in silence. So relax. Oh my. I say relax. Follow your guide. Listen to your intuition. You're holding the key. I say you're holding the key. Navigate. Analyze and realize. Not every thought serves you.

The Power Within

Grab and hold high to positive thoughts reflected. Reflect and learn from the negative ones. You have the power. You are the power. For he who looks in within finds out. So what is life again? It's also on vacation. It's also on vacation. Experiencing creators creation. And you are just part of it. I know you. Stop wondering. I know you. I know you. I know your capabilities.

Embracing Love and Positivity

Even your hidden abilities. So when hate calls, remember to answer with love. When darkness surrounds you, remember to smile. Losing is not important. Life is not a competition. Peace and love. I'm not talking to you. I'm speaking to your mind. No, this is for your soul. This is for your soul. I'm speaking to you. And I'm speaking for you. Until you learn to speak for yourself.

Guiding Through Challenges

Look. What. Perceptions denotes direction. Misguided upon reflection in reality. An extension of affections needing correction. You see, a misplaced embrace requires an about face. Or retrials to continually face. So why should we yearn? Well, first to learn. Yes. Wisdom and instruction. Seduction. This is the path to destruction. It's never nice to take a test twice.

Lessons in Growth

Twice. Is tree the magic number? Not today. You say as you slumber. Is it anyone? Wonder. I say don't wonder. But still you have to live and ponder. Perceptions create a misconception, perhaps an illusion. Life is a journey. A milestone of love and betrayal. Not every smile you see is genuine. And not every heart given is power. What matters the most?

Contemplating Life's Promises

Do you live to love your life? Or you keep waiting for your life to be loved? Which one do you do? The puzzle of living and enjoying is yours to solve. Otherwise you'll meet fake and real people on different masks. Life fails on different shades. Sometimes you gotta give to be given. You've got to show love for you to be loved. Respect is earned, but that's.

Navigating Realities

That is not a guarantee. Someday you'll miss it. Since life has no warranty, prison ain't full of guilt. Even the innocent get cuffed. Not every heart is love stuffed. Some hearts are just overpaft. Laughter, pain, regret and solace defines life. So hold on or you'll grab a knife. When love comes, kiss it or you'll miss it. When pain comes, face it or die with it.

Chasing Dreams

When a dream comes, wake up and build it or delay and lose it. Chances are rare. Not everyone gets a second chance. Blow or drown, black will never be brown. This fallen world affords many a bind. Majority spewing their truth while leading the blind. One question I ask as we ponder life's ride when suffering a loss. Can. We rightly divide their presence again?

Reflecting on Unity and Loss

Or by lust left defeated, the struggles and strains, your energies depleted, quick quibs spew out. Time's a great healer. Thank you. Emerges not heart's cry revealer. So we leave it to that point. Yeah, but come on. Can we have that lecture on positionality as a performer versus worldview of a personal sense? Are you going to avoid me on this one, my friend? I really think the audience need this lecture.

Foundations of Performance

It's only a two minute. It's a tiny little one. You profoundly changed how I perform because of it. Can you deliver? That little speech you gave me? It feels like a lifetime ago that changed my perception on how we perform as artists. Oh, my. Wow. Today you're taking me on a tight spot. I know I'm putting you on the spot.

Reflection and Storytelling

I know I'm putting you on the spot, but I really, I loved every moment of it. And if you can deliver that, and if not, that's okay, I will avoid it and not say it again. But if you can, okay. You know, we talked a lot of things in different times, but then, if at all, I just have to craft a synopsis in a short while.

Self-Belief in Creativity

One thing I will tell all of us and to each and everyone listening therein, there is no perfect time to love your work. There is no perfect time to believe you can do something. It all has to start with your own self belief and self awareness. If you keep on postponing, you'll never know your word. And if you keep on competing or believing until it is perfect, then it will never be perfect.

Actions Speak Louder

You have to own to your craft, and you only own your craft once you begin loving your own craft. Life depends on how much you see your craft. It is through your eyes that you will be able to translate it to us. We don't need to understand it, but it all depends on how much in depth you understand your art and how much maybe you're willing to go to explain it.

The Importance of Personal Narrative

It might not be loved at the moment, but then that does not matter anyway. What was the reason behind you crafting it? Writing it, or maybe publishing it? That is what holds waters at the point of time, because life puts us at different crossroads and we have different stories to tell. So what's your story? Are you waiting for me to write your story?

Own Your Narrative

Whom are you waiting for to write your story? Your sister? Your mother? Your father or your son? Or your daughter? So are you going to wake up to write and own up to your work? Are you going to wake up and wait for someone to tell you a story? Or you can craft and write your own story. It's never too late to try. No one was ever perfect in a day.

Life's Journey

We all try to live on different shades to create our perfections. You know, we try to see life in a different dimension. And it is through that dimension that we can elevate, you know, the reflections that we have, mental reflections that we have therein. What is that emotional story that you are holding back, that you feel like you need to write or you need maybe to put on display through an art form like this?

Time to Share Your Story

Who are you waiting for to put that into work? Are you waiting for someone to write your story? Then you'll come back and say, no, I think it's time for me to tell my story. It's time you believe on yourself. Stop postponing. Do the things, the little things you can do. We deliver on different fronts. The end point is the reception of what has been communicated.

Understanding Different Art Forms

There is no perfect delivery. There are people who are just pages. Yes, they can write nicely, and yes, there are those who are blessed, maybe with the voices, and there are those who are blessed with the body language to display their own art. You know, there are those people who are blessed with the smile to craft their own art. So, yes, how are you going to display your art?

Encouragement to Embrace Your Voice

Are you waiting for someone to tell you, no, your voice is low. You need to actually put it higher, for you to feel like now. Your art is perfect. Are you waiting for someone to come and give you a stool, for you to climb, for you to feel like now? Yes, you can put the portrait up on the ladder for people to see. So it's good for us to realize our abilities and use the little abilities we believe in, the little chances we get to show what we can do.

Creating Opportunities

Never wait for someone to tell you what you can do. Don't wait. Because when you wait, time waits for no man. Don't wait until you're bedridden for you to say, I wish I knew. I wish I knew. Should never be a language of the living. Time is now. You can do it. You will do it. You don't need to have a perfect voice for you to deliver.

Various Forms of Expression

Every piece is coded and written differently. Every art is painted and delivered differently. That is what makes that art unique and attractive. So wake up. Rise up. Our time is now. Until we preach the gospel, art is love, and art is life. Wow. And, you know, I want to follow up with a poem.

The Essence of Art

Laquatie, but you not only took the mini moment that. That blessed me so much back then in a sort of a tiny little room were in and just had so much joy of interaction and back and forth and in the. In the context of what Lakwadi just shared, we've all been journeying tonight, and. And, you know, there's.

Cultural Stories

There's a friend of mine. He's. He's a nigerian friend, is. His son is a. I'm actually his godfather. And he came to the wedding, to my wedding. I was married in. In France as an irishman. I was married in France to my french born wife. And he. He appears in this white suit, and he turns up, and in Nigeria, we hold hands, and so we start talking and hanging out, and this french culture, looking at the two men, a black man and a white man, holding hands, talking and discussing and just having this amazing moment.

Shared Journeys

And he just walked through rain to get to the venue, and it was just. It was just an epic moment. And. And Laquoddy did that to me, way back in a. In a room that we shared and. And changed my perspective. And. And yet we talked earlier on about speaking to the room. I asked Laquady to speak to a certain thing, and it was. It was nearly like something he spoke to me for, but he said, this is what the room needs.

The Power of Art in Community

And he completely spoke to the room, because I don't think you were here all night, but you were. You turned up and you yet sounded out the room, and you spoke to that yet with a subset of what were talking about, what I was asking you about. And this is the beauty. These are the moments when somebody comes up onto stage and they say, can I shell my piece? And you're like, we'll try and help you understand that we don't do shill here.

Communal Creativity

We do sort of authentic conversation and we do that, and we all journey with that, and yet we sort of like somebody who rocks up to a bar in a club and says, haha, blah, blah, blah, verbal dump, and everybody's aware of it and they tolerate it and they just let it subside, and they get on with the night versus punching the guys lights out. And this is the beauty of what we're doing here. We're trying to encourage others.

Connections in Creativity

Some don't underest understand yet. Some don't have the language, some don't have the tolerance. Some of us come in with our own worldview and realize that everybody in the room nearly doesn't share something we agree with. And this is the thing. And yet I'm coming full circle. I want to bookmark what you've just shared, Laquati, because even what you shared nearly needs to be one of those amazing sound clips.

Memorable Moments in Space

We're having these amazing sound clips quite often now in this place, and it's nothing myself or Bobbie have to do with, well, Bobbie Moore, because she just arranges everything. But we're having these amazing moments where we come away with so much gold. And yet, Laquodi, I know you will understand where I'm going with this, too, resonate with what you said. But to also agree, and this is my poem.

Art in Motion

When art in motion, a notion, choice, embodiment in the pursuit of voice digital realm overwhelm the individual, escaping the collectivism in life's prism, not forgoing the masters of pasts, knowing some learn and grow. Emerging from shadow in the hands of time, we sojourn and pine for voice. Now is all we possess. Lovely. Thank you so much. That was a beautiful poem.

Reflections on Time

We are 4 hours ten minutes in, so 1 hour, ten minutes over our usual. We promised each other we're going to be bang on 3 hours. And guess what? We lied again. So let's not write those comments as like, swearing at each other every week. I don't know why we keep saying 3 hours. So, yeah, let's have the last words. I do want to say my last words. Ernesto has to leave. But I can't believe he stayed here for hours.

Appreciation for Presence

We kept him prisoner. I feel so guilty. He does have a life. Not like us, but thank you so much, Ernesto, for coming, sharing your story. It's been another great space for the books for the history of AOTC. Such inspiring story. The piano was also. The poetry was beautiful. Every people that shared the energy was beautiful. My sister confirmed the energy because she feels the energy.


So. Yeah, and we all felt it. So thank you so much. But I want to say most of all, thank you to all the listeners that's been here from the beginning and coming in and out and to whomever is going to come on replay. Thank you. If you came to the last moments and you're going to leave, go all the way to the beginning and listen to the space, because this is beautiful.

Final Thoughts

You can do some exercising or cooking while you listen and you'll enjoy it. Trust me, it's worth it. But let me go the speakers that are on stage, any last words before we end this space? But let's go with the star of the night, Ernesto. Any last words from you? My friends, I need to say something. I am grateful with you and blog, muse and all communities.

Gratitude and Friendship

Thank you very much, Bobby. Thank you. You know, my english is not good. I take two new artists in my inner space. Sherry is brilliant. Brilliant like musician is a muse and chess. So it's perfect for me and. Nothing more. My dear, thank you very much for this space. You come on me when you want.

Creative Collaborations

For my music, for your. Art, the poetry and the space you know you can make always and forever. I love you, Bobby. Thank you. I was saying I love you to unmute. I love you too. I better unmute and say I love you too, you know? I love you too, Ernesto. And yes, you. You are very inspiring. I love your music.

Human Connection

And yes, the human. You're very nice human, it says. Very rare to find the all around nice humanity these days. But yeah, we do focus on flows, but then again, we do all have those. Unfortunately, bloke, do you have to say anything to Ernesto? That is. Well, here's the thing is, when I was.

Shared Artistic Experiences

There's one track. So when I train in jiu jitsu and I'm rolling around with men and mats, I used to jump out of airplanes, but at my age, now I'll just stay as low as I can on mats. And when I do that, when I roll around on mats, there's one particular track that just completely catches my ear and I feel like breaking out in Caballera.

Musical Inspirations

I feel like everything. And I know Ernesto will appreciate. I'm sure Ernesto knows this song because it talks about Cuba and stuff. But quite often it's a regular in my jiu jitsu gym, in the music, in the background. How many seconds do we have, Bobby, for before copyright strike? Probably about ten. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Collaborative Sparks

I'll just play a short. I'll play a short six. Yeah, yeah. I'll keep a short burst here. But this is. This is the sort of track. And I know I talked about it earlier on, Ernesto, but. But the idea of being set in the night in Cuba, and in the night and the moment and the conversations. Here's a short burst of that track.

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