Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space [ART]ificially Inaugural Conversation hosted by tommyk_sei. In the inaugural conversation of [ART]ificially, the focus was on the transformative power of NFTs in the art sector. Insights were shared on the importance of community, collaborations, legal awareness, and technological innovation in navigating the NFT landscape. Participants delved into monetization opportunities, community building strategies, legal considerations, and technological advancements driving NFT adoption. The discussion highlighted the potential of NFTs to reshape the traditional art market and empower creators globally.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: How do NFTs benefit artists in the art industry?
A: NFTs empower artists with new revenue streams, ownership rights, and global exposure.

Q: Why is community building important for NFT projects?
A: Communities provide support, engagement, and a sense of belonging, driving the success of NFT endeavors.

Q: What role do collaborations play in the NFT art world?
A: Partnerships enable cross-promotion, innovation, and access to diverse audiences, elevating NFT projects.

Q: Why is understanding copyright crucial in the NFT space?
A: Awareness of copyright laws protects both creators and investors from legal disputes and ensures the integrity of NFT assets.

Q: How can technology drive the adoption of NFTs in art?
A: Innovations like blockchain tech enhance security, transparency, and the overall user experience, attracting more participants to the NFT ecosystem.


Time: 00:10:15
Monetization Opportunities for Artists Exploring how NFTs revolutionize artists' revenue models and digital asset ownership.

Time: 00:20:30
Community Building Strategies Discussing effective ways to cultivate a supportive and engaged community around NFT projects.

Time: 00:35:45
Legal Considerations in NFT Art Delving into the legal aspects of NFTs, including copyright issues and intellectual property protection.

Time: 00:45:20
Tech Innovation in NFT Adoption Analyzing the impact of technological advancements in driving the mainstream acceptance of NFTs in the art industry.

Key Takeaways

  • NFTs serve as a transformative tool in the art world, unlocking new monetization opportunities for creators.
  • Building a strong community is essential for the success and sustainability of NFT projects.
  • Collaborations and partnerships play a significant role in expanding the reach and impact of NFT initiatives.
  • Understanding the legal implications and copyright issues surrounding NFTs is crucial for creators and investors.
  • Embracing innovation and technological advancements can drive the growth and adoption of NFTs in the art sector.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Just going to let some people start to flow in here over the next couple minutes. I remember the time when I. My. Feet out. What happens. To me? Yo, what's going on? Everyone stoked to see some people filtering in? Yeah. Welcome to the first artificially conversation. My name is Tommy from the say foundation. Keith and you want to give a quick shout. Oh, yeah. What's up, dude? It's heathen from loser labs and say and s three and kungs and beef. I'm just kidding, but yeah, dear. What's good? Yeah, stoked. Stoked to be here for our first conversation. Yeah, just figured we'd kick things off here. Just giving a quick little primer and some background information on why we wanted to do this and then I think we can get a little bit more into future plans, tease a few things.

Engagement and Community Building

Yeah, I dropped the first little message there telling people to throw their, say, wallet address. If you didn't see that message, definitely go down to the replies. Throw your wallet address there. We're going to be giving something away to everyone who's here today, so be on the lookout for that. But yeah, just to chat a little bit about why we decided to do this. I really wanted to create a forum for people to chat about what they're building within the eco and one, it's just good for me from the safe foundation side to hear about these things and kind of get more insight into what people are building. I get a lot of responses every day and my DM's are of totally flooded, some things slip through the cracks, but in general just wanted to create a formal place for people to chat about what they're working on. Yeah, good for me to get some eyes on it and to just, you know, it brings in some community discussion for people to receive feedback and overall just get more eyes on their project or art or whatever it is that they're working on.

Community Forum Focus

Keith, you want to add anything onto that? Yeah, I think in the beginning were really known as a creator chain and people trying to bring art and have artists drop their collections here just because we don't have to pay dollar 50 to mint a free piece of art from someone that we already probably spent dollar 500 on. So I think I was having a central focused show on that, especially having somebody from the actual foundation co-hosting that space and really trying to integrate themselves into the actual community, something that's been missing and is definitely needed. So yeah, dude, I think overall this should be looked at as a almost like a community forum type space, except it's more of it has its purpose, it has its focus. But it's also supposed to be kind of an open conversation to let people come up, talk about things they're creating, things they'd like to see for creators or highlight other people from other chains.

Inclusivity and Artist Appreciation

While obviously the focus is say a big thing is trying to get people to come over here. So I'm sure we'll have all the safe people that we all love and love hitting their back channels with compliments. But we're going to look to try to bring people from outside in, especially given Tommy's background and his network and try to bring more people over here and show that people appreciate the art on say. It's cheap to drop it on say. And also as far as like community goes, I mean I don't know any other chains and I've been around for a long time, touched all the chains, been in a bunch of bag channels, very dirty ones specifically. But as far as like bringing your community over here and then trying to pull more community, I mean again, no one else really competes. So. Yeah. Yeah 100% I think you summed it up there.

Welcoming the Community

We also got s three in the house. I don't know if you guys wanted to give a quick shout and just kind of talk about a little bit what you want to see. Yeah, hold up, bro. Dude, I had to come up here. This is Roy by the way. But I had to come up here on the s three account because the beef fucker custom is displayed here on the s three account. So I wanted to come up and wrap it a little bit but yeah dude no I just wanted to be a part of the first artificially space which I'm pretty fucking stoked for. I think that everybody on say pretty much loves nfTs, right? Like I mean we had a crazy nft boom and so therefore we like art. You know what I mean? So we do the little bit of that.

Project and Art Support

At s three we're incubating some projects. We, we like arthem. So I figured I'd come up and shoot the shit with you guys and. Yeah man. Excited for this space. I'm stoked. Sweet, sweet. Love to hear that. Cool. Yeah. Before we start bringing some people on stage to kick the conversation off, just wanted to drop another reminder that I did put out a tweet a little bit ago asking everyone to drop their say wallet address in the thread for the space. Don't forget to do that. We're going to be giving something away and yeah it's kind of going to be something that you're going to need to have going forward to kind of access some of the special things that we're going to be working on in tandem with the space.

POAP Discussion

So don't forget to do that. The cutoff is going to be at 730 Eastern. So that's kind of why we did it with the space. It's just so that the people are here, the people that showed up the first time around get. Get first dibs. So don't forget to do that. Could this be. I think it'd be, yeah, go ahead. Sorry to cut you off, Tommy, but could this be considered a PO app or a pope, as some would say? It kind of is, honestly. Like, it's sort of a weird way of doing it. We're going to be just gathering wallet addresses and we haven't figured out if we're going to just directly airdrop or kind of do like a token gated sale, but it kind of is a PO app.

Future Plans and Development

There's going to be, there's going to be a design behind it. We're kind of going with a placeholder token at first and at a later date we're going to be getting into transforming it into art, so be on the lookout for that. But it kind of is a. Yeah, that is the meme we are going to lean in. Dude, is Mike McCoy, like, pumped for this? Have you told Mike McCoy about this, Tommy? We've chatted about it a little bit. Mike's the man, though. He's always just super bullish on everything that people on the team are working on, and he's literally the biggest supporter that you can have. So anytime I'm interested or excited about something, he's all for it.

Connections and Networking

Don't see him here, but I'll have to make sure to find a way to get one of these little airdrop gifts into his hands. Yeah, I'm excited to meet him on Thursday. We're both going to that same event. Oh, no way. Oh, that's sick. Yeah, he's a great dude. Yeah, I'm playing golf with him in, at permissionless in a couple weeks. Stoked for that meeting in person as well. Yeah, he's, I think, I want to say he is a, he's a heavy investor in popes, so he's. We got to make sure he gets one. Oh, yeah, he'll get one.

Mike McCoy and the Meme

Do you know the meme of this? The meme of this, Tommy, are you aware? No, no. It's the meme. So one time I was hosting a space, Mike McCoy came through always appreciate when safe foundation comes through the space, obviously. But he came up and he was like, yeah, dude, I'm really excited about Po apps. And were all just like, dude, po apps, bro. That's what you're excited about, dude. Like, there's got to be cooler shit than Po. I didn't know. So we kind of clowned them a little bit. It was just, like, a little joke. So now it's just like a running meme that me and Mike McCoy fight about Po apps and their relevancy slash irrelevancy, you know?

Thoughts on PoAP and Art

Yeah, yeah. I mean, I never, like. I don't know. Like, I always thought Po apps were, like, interesting, but at least on the youth chain, they were, like, kind of an afterthought, you know, be like, oh, cool. Like, I got a poap. But if there was no utility or future, it was kind of just like, oh, nice. This is cool. And you kind of forget about it. So at least with this poap, if you want to call it that, we have a lot of future plans with it, and it's going to be like, we're going to. It's more than just a poap. Let's just say that.

Community Engagement

But, yeah, I guess if we want to start bringing on some people from the audience just to start hearing from the community and what people are working on, I figure that's kind of the best next step here. So, yeah, I think we'll probably bring people up one at a time and just would love to hear what people are working on, any feedback they have, and where they like to see Sega in the future. So, yeah, we'll be taking requests now. Pulled Josh up. Yo, Josh, what's up? I'm good, bro. How's it going? Good, good. Doing well. Yeah. Welcome. As the first. The first community speaker on the space. Sorry, I didn't get you.

Introduction of Community Voices

Yeah, just. Just saying welcome. You're the first speaker from the community on our space. Yeah, welcome. Gm. Gm, everyone. Gm. Yeah. Would love to hear kind of a little bit about you and what your. What your role is in the state, eco, what you're building. Yeah, we just love to hear from you. Okay, bro. So, basically, I'm more like. I'm more into meme coins, and if you ever, like, come across my post issued on my page, rather, I talk more about meme coins and most time, nfts and all of that.

Interest in Meme Coins

So, personally, I love meme coins. I have made some cool profits from meme coins. And I know. Yeah, there are so many rocks and all of those shits. Happening there. But regardless, I'm a very bullish guy on meme coins, so I think, basically, that's, like, my personal lifestyle. Top three meme coins. Gotta hear it. on say, right? Yep. Yeah. On set. Okay. my number one goes to seinyun. Yeah, I love seinyun. So Seyoun. And we have the. Says that my second name coin. And for third, let's just say jeju.

Favorite Meme Coins & Community Vibe

All right, what's your favorite meme? Well, I have one currently. It's called CZ, so I am very bullish on so CZ. So we're just waiting, and we are rushing. Love to hear that. We got a. We got a meme coin. Maxi among us. Love it. What about Cordano? What's your favorite one on Cardano? I don't. I don't trade on Cardano, so. Smart man. Smart man. I don't have any. I like this guy.

Broader Trading Community Insights

I'm just introduced to say so Tron, BnB Shane, and most time, I go to bees and that of tone, so. But I'm more on say, and so. I think you just named every chain, but we'll have bullets. I didn't hear avalanche or polygon in any of that, so. Yeah, yeah, I don't. I don't trade on polygon and avalanche. All right, well, nice. Do you like art at all, or do you just. You want to talk about meme coins, huh?

Appreciation for Art

Well, I love art. Let's say I have, like, 30% knowledge of how it works, so I'm not so bullish on it. I prefer my meme coins and my solid hoods and all of that. So for art, I'm. I'm not a pro in that aspect, unless you want to, of course, show me how it's been done. He came to shell. Love the strategy. It's bold, you know? All right, cool, man. Yeah. Well, sorry, bro.

Community Feedback

Wait, what was that? What are you saying, Josh? Oh, is he down? Okay. All right, well, thanks, Josh. Yeah. Appreciate the meme coin, shills. I got to check some of those out. Yeah. Taking requests. Let's see. I saw red had his hand up. I don't know. You see dog whiz? Yeah. Okay. Wait, dog whiz? Yeah. Is he up here? What's up, dog whiz, bro?

Voices from Community Members

Don't go to him. Yeah, I gotta say. What up? Low key was smart, bro. Tommy, that was smart, man. I I was the first. I think you brought me up before Josh, and I raised my hand before Josh, and then you still, like, went to Josh first. So gotta give you props on that one. Very roy, like, appreciate it, for real. But no, dude, I wanted to, like, you know, I heard were, like, kind of throwing shade at popes, so I just kind of wanted to bring it back and, like, kind of, you know, keep doing that because, like, I think I have pTSD from, like, you know, Ryan Carson and his daily dose, you know, speech where I collected a pope every single day, for weeks and weeks on end to only finish.

Reflections on Past Experiences

Off with, you know, hearing him crying. At least I think the crying was, like, very satisfying. It was kind of worth it. Probably, you know, the same amount of money I would have made off of his stuff. So it was worth it. But, yeah, not, dude, I'm excited to be up here. And, like, this is dope. I'm happy to see, like, there's art stuff happening in, say, now. and I'm happy to see Heathen, so I'm supporting heathen as well. So, you know, love that guy.

Support and Encouragement

Hi, Heathen. You're cute. yeah, dude, I'm all for it. Oh, my God. Clark put his d. God. What the. Come on, Clarke. I had to mute because I was laughing so hard, I forgot about Ryan Carson. All right, cool. Dog whiz. Yeah, it's always good to chat with you, man. All right, I'm gonna go over to the request. I'm gonna pull someone up. I saw Red had his hand up. I don't know where he went. He told me he might have to jump early, but I'm gonna pull up KC.

Ongoing Engagement and Community Requests

KC, what's up? He's connecting. I kind of want to pull Clark up here just to put him back down because he changed his PFP. We broke a. Get up here, Clark. Not up here, Clark. Yeah, get up here, Clark. Stupid ass up here, bro. Fucking change it back to the d. God, bro, I'm disappointed. All right, before we get Clark up here and then boot him immediately.

Opening Remarks

Casey. What's good, y'all? Tell me what's up, heat? And how you doing? fucking Roy, I'm sure, is you behind s three labs. dogways. So it's nice to be here. yo, so this is the first artificial inaugural conversation talking about art. So, one thing I can say. Yeah. Is I do have, you know, art I'm working on for my project, but I'm going to talk about that in the next one. So the one I'm going to talk about is one I've seen. That is pretty nice.

Discussion on Art

Wait, are you dropping art? Anything you could share? I think, first of all, you all have to go check out what Midas is, you know, bringing. He's working on something called onyx. Say it's. It's really nice. It's. It's. It's. Can I say? It's. It speaks to me in a way because I'm a fan of mustaches. So, like, it's. It's kind of like. It's kind of like, you know, glowing art, so it's. To me, it's more of, like, it's dope and, like, you'll have to check that shit for real. And. Yeah, 100%. I didn't know Midas was working on that. It's cool.

Further Insights

Yeah, there's. I'm about to say about my art that I'm working on, but, you know, I'm just going to, you know, say at the end of the space. Yeah, cool. Cool, man. Yeah, definitely would love to check that out. All right, Clark, what's good? So I noticed you pinned up to the top to drop your, say, wallets. I just wanted to know if that's the formal way that I should get paid for the content that I've been posting about, say, I don't know. I don't have an agreement with anybody.

Payment Structure Discussion

I thought you just, like, get magic. Say, money, you know, airdrop to you per tweet. That is. That is correct. Yeah. Tweet your wallet address, and we'll. We'll call it even. Let's fucking go. You. You probably would, but I don't. No one recognizes that PFP in this space, sir. Not. So how are you gonna come up here and just not comment on the fact that you're leaving us hanging dry here, Clark, with no fucking fucker Pfe. Just open seed us, bro.

Community Engagement and Interaction

This guy just open seat us. Like, can you believe that shit? I was going to make a special edition, like, clark Pope just for, like, were you there when Clark changed his PFB? And I was thinking, like, okay, if he holds it for, like, a week, I would spend the money to make that a thing. But I think we lasted. Let's see. What's today, Monday? It was, like, three days. It was three days. All right, all right. That's pretty good.

Ongoing Conversations

It might be back this Friday. I don't. You never know. That's true, Mike. I'm going through a rotation. I hear a mic. I'm going through a rotation. All right, all right. That's always the classic cop out, but we'll let it go. Look at how ugly this profile picture is. This is not staying for long. This ugly pink and orange. All right, listen, though, since you're allowed to just kind of change it whenever.

Feedback on Profile Picture

If you make it a thing for every fucker Friday, you change it back to a fucker for the weekend. We can make a Clark pope. Every single one is crazy. Like, for the history of forever, like, a lifelong contract should log into my twitter when I'm 60 years old and in perpetuity. Clark, pass it down. Does that come with, say, foundation payments per content posted on the timeline?

Foundation Payments Insight

I would like. It will get you clout. And then you could pass it on to your kids, which I think by then we'll have little fuckers, which will probably fall right into place with the timeline. Unbelievable. Yeah. And then from the. From the foundation, you just. Every time you come to one of my spaces, you get a po op. So, yeah, use them wisely, dude. I'm willing to allocate .007% of my get coin grant to Clarke to, you know, switch that to get this to happen, you know.

Community Contributions Discussion

Yeah. I'll also chime in and say, I will. I will donate .007% of ours s three s. You know, the second round funds to Clark as well. These are really low percentage numbers. Well, that's why we need a lot of people to do it for. It's a matter clerk. But that you got those two, that's power of the community, baby. You're power numbers. Exactly. Exactly.

Closing Remarks

Yo, Tommy. It's about compounding, Clark. Compounding. All right, we're done with this, dog with, dude, I pinned up the Onyx, which is Midas's next collection to the top. It's like, all black white outline, dude. It's pretty fucking cool and very unique. So excited for that. Yeah. That's sick. I did not know I knew Midas. I didn't know he was working on this. Yeah, everyone in the chat, if you want to go check out the pin tweets we threw, what Casey was highlighting earlier.

Art Collection Promotion

Onyx, up top. Definitely give that a look. Super dope artwork. Yeah, it's very cool. Did not know minus is working on this. Sweet. And then we had crime up here. Yo, crime, what's good? I saw your bio. Trying to send our bags to zero. Please don't. And then working on crafty canines. Yeah, we'd love to hear what you're working on.

New Projects

Hey, how's it going? Yeah, I'm working on crafty canines, but more importantly, what I'm currently working on is a dob cto we're gonna take the Da bar, flip it to the left, and it's gonna, you know, we're gonna cut ray out cuz he isn't done shit. And that's what I'm working on right now. Are you? I think he's like really close to breaking the wall, crime. Why don't you give him a chance to break the wall, bro?

Creative Ideas and Discussions

Like, he put it on his tweets. He said, I have something huge coming to change the, I don't know, the world or something. I don't know. Crime. Are you going to be calling the flip Dobbs the bods? The name is still to be determined. We're going to work on that on the nifty queue space to determine what. We'Re going to name it. That's actually pretty fire.

Community Feedback

Love that. Love that. Oh, I just saw yo, Midas. You want to see her in the audience? You want to come up and chat? Yeah. I also pinned his collection, batch 89. They're doing. He's doing like more pen art nigeria pen art, which is alpha, by the way, but it's a ten piece collection, all one of ones drawn on paper and then scanned.

Art Collection Details

And he's raffling them off to holders of different communities, including beef crossover, batch 89, of course, and then members of block 24. So pretty sick. Sick. Yeah, just pulled Midas up. Yeah, man. If you want to give a quick shout and talk a little bit more about these collections, they're. They're pinned at the top. Yeah, sure.

Invitation to Midas

People would love to hear more about it. Jim. Tommy, I can't really shoot myself for shit, but I'm just going to say if you hold a dystopia crossover batch, it's nine or our collection and block 24, you can't stand a chance of getting one of these limited nfts. Yeah. And for Onyx. Onyx, it's coming pretty soon. You know, took some time with the ads, you know, made sure to make some pretty low effort, dark mode, maxi type shit, you know?

Art Presentation

I wouldn't say that's low effort, Midas. I think it looks fucking fire, bro. Yeah, dude, I really love this art, bro. Like, it honestly, like, I saw it and I fucking hit up Midas right away. I was like, dude, I need this. It reminds me of like, I don't know, like fucking caveman paintings or something. I don't know, it's just like this weird outline, like the black. It's just really cool.

Art Description

Yeah, this shit is fire. I'm not gonna lie. This is. Yeah, I was like, you know, budget nine is kind of a black on white. So I was like, why not flip it and do white on black? Hey, do I get to count as part of the block 24 since I'm the military advisor? Do I still get to be a part of the giveaway or no? Yeah, yeah.

Whitelist Participation

We're gonna guarantee you 69 spots for Onix. Wait, how do. How do I get whitelist for honesty? You can talk to the military strategic advisor at some point and we can. We can work through that. Yeah. Or you can talk to our chief of Roy Lopez. And if you. Yeah, we have.

Project Development Insights

But I'm saying, like, haven't gotten to that part yet because s three is incubating onyx. But I can tell you that, you know, if you're one of. If you're a part of one of the active communities here and say, you'll probably have whitelist and then they'll probably be. It'll probably be a pavement and there will probably be a discount for beef and then maybe, I don't know, black 24 or something, depending on what Midas wants to do because it is a pretty large collection.

Excitement for Onyx

So. Yeah, dude, I'm stoked for that one. That. That art is sick and unique and Midas is talented as fuck. Dude. Dude, will CTO have whitelist? Yeah, I'm not sure. That's kind of up to Midas. We'll see what he wants to do with that. But I would say if crime actually pulls off the CTO, then my advice to Midas would be, yeah, dude, let's fucking whitelist those guys too.

Pricing Discussion

Let's actually charge them a little bit more maybe. Yeah, we charge them. 420 state point 69. All right. I like it. I like it. Okay, wait. Before we devolve into even more nonsense, if you check the first pinned tweet, please put your say wallet in there so you get what some people refer to as a pope.

Instructions for Participation

We haven't decided on a cool name yet, so consider that TBD. And you need to reply. Is this my tweet? Don't reply to the space. Reply to that tweet. Okay. So it's nice and tight and organized and it all makes sense. That way. If it's outside of there, straight to jail.

Clarifications on Participation

No pope will blacklist you for honestly. Say wallet or my ox wallet. Say wallet, sir. And also, real quick, Midas and Roy, let's change the Onyx whitelist to actual blacklist. Since Onyx is technically black. That'd be cool. Let's do that brand. Good idea.

Final Thoughts

Sweet, sweet. Yeah. Gonna pull up jack of all trade they you've been requesting for a while. Yeah. Would just love to. To bring you on stage here, what you're working on, and. Yeah, it's great to meet you. Tommy. You gotta give the introduction to the person after they finish connecting, or else they won't hear it, bro, are you serious? Yeah.

Connecting with New Members

Like, wait till the connecting is done. Just fill it with bullshit until you see that connecting thing stop spinning, and then intro them. That makes so much sense. Yo, jack of all trade. Yo. Welcome GM. GM, everyone. Wow. You hear me now? Yeah, I'm hearing you.


You're right. Gm. can call me juggle for trade. I'm. I'm not new to this space. I've been in crypto for, like, a year and three months now. Yeah. So, I'm a graphic designer community moderator, and I did some stuff back in the days for Midas metas. Can testify to that, you know?

Vision for the Future

So just new to the. To this crypto space to this one right here, I'm seeing Tommy host. Yeah. Gm. Gm, everyone. Gm? Yeah. Yeah, we hear you. So that's it. I want to interact with you guys and move this space to greater heights in my walk.

Wrapping Up

Yeah, just here for the vibes. You love to see it. Yeah. you love to see it. Yeah, you love to see it.

Initial Vibes and Introductions

Yeah, I'm just here for the vibes. Yeah. Sweet. All right, BK, hold you up. Been loving the threads that you've been putting out lately. Just keeping a. Keeping the space up to date with news. Yeah, it inspired me to put my own thread out over the weekend. But, yeah, I would just love to get you to introduce yourself and chat with everyone about what you're working on.

Breaking the Break

Your. I broke up. I broke my one year Twitter space break for this. So thanks for the highlight and that thread. And, like, everyone's here is cooking their own shit. Everyone. The space is cooking right now. I don't know. Wow, one year. One year Twitter spaces, and you came back just for us. Wow. I feel so stupid. He's on his one year streak of being in a voice chat every day, though.

Playful Banter

Yeah. I tell you what, I feel kind offended that, like, your one year break from space, and you just say, like, eight words, bro. I don't know. You want to say? I don't know. I accidentally fucking clicked it, to be honest with you, but it's fine. Fuck it. We roll with it. We roll with it. There you go. We hit, like, 20 there. I'll appreciate the double digit words, but, yeah, dude, you're. Your posts have been on fire and the graphics too look sick.

Creative Process and Challenges

I can't believe you're doing all that in Figma. That's. I got like, I use it for product design, but do trying to do it with like, the way you've been doing it is like, it's difficult for me and I hate it. So watching you do it, I was like, oh, shit. So congrats and props to you because that shit is fucking difficult. But I'm also seems like a lot of 20 year olds use that shit. I don't know. I'm late twenties, not like the, not like BK's age.

Updates and Airdrops

So yeah, just wanted to give another reminders. Had some new faces. Join. We're going to be doing a little poet, whatever you want to call it. It's going to give you access to future shit that we're working on. Reply with your say wallet, address to the spaces and be on the lookout for news on that in the next couple days or so. Yeah. Also taking requests. If there's anyone in the audience that wants to come up and chat about what they're working on, feel free to come up now.

Increasing Engagement

No active requests at the moment. But yeah, anyways, I don't know, just to keep reffing in this space. I mean, this has been really cool and I think for me it's always fun seeing new people come into this a eco and just chat through what they're working on. There's so much being built behind the scenes and you don't always get so much insight into it until you get into a space like this and you hear people chatting through it. So it's been cool for me and I'm excited.

Forward Planning

The next couple months are going to be crazy. I'm super stoked. You should change your PFP to a fucker. Hey, I own like six or something. I mean, I could, I've debated it, but I don't want to have like that excuse, like the ivor rotation, like, I don't know. I don't know. Well, the fuckers. Better my day one than what you're. Wearing right now, I'll tell you that. That was the nice.

Roasting and NFT Sentiments

Yeah. One. I mean, that was the nicest cook on Clark. That was fun. I'm like the best, like polite roaster. I don't know. But yeah, this is my day one. This is a first 1st day nft I bought, so it's got a special place in my heart and I'm gonna hang on to it for a while. Yeah, no, hate no hate on the fuckers. They've been great. Didn't love seeing their. Their action over the last few weeks.

Connections in the NFT World

I'm actually chatting with them on Wednesday, so. So gonna get some cool insight into what they're working on. But yeah, I own, like, five or something like that. I don't know. Oh, by the way, I brought up a ball. Since were talking art, the kungs, who have been, like, not only consistent, like, putting out art wise, but, like, even like, the floor price and, like, community has maintained, which I think is pretty hard to do, especially given, like, what happened over the last few months.

Cross-Chain Initiatives and Community

But they actually just were going cross chain trying to bring more people over here, which I will say I've seen, like, a bunch of people respond to the conc tartio collection from Seoul who have now been coming over to say, and I've seen it in other group chats that aren't necessarily, like, say, populated. And by populated, I mean, like, anyone besides myself. So I just want to, like, shout them out and let him, like, quick talk about Concardio.

Introduction of New Voices

Yo, what's up, guys? Tommy, Heathen, Clark, dog whiz, Midas, everybody. Anyways, thanks for having me up here. Yeah, a lot of stuff going on with kunks right now. Definitely doing the cross chain kung tardio. It's really art. It's Todd's take on the milady and retardio. Arthem, really fucking different. I mean, that's like, the thing that strikes it. I don't want to talk too much because it's a soul.

The Cross-Chain Art Movement

It's a soul mint. But, yeah, it's just kind of our attempt at going cross chain doing art. I mean, the idea is that we're going to put art on every chain with the genesis kunks on, say, kind of always being our hub, and that's kind of like our twist, our spin as kind of, like, marketing and kind of getting that flywheel of bringing in new people to the ecosystem. So we've been doing that. It's a free mint right now.

Collection Insights

It started off as. As a Dutch auction, and we've been in the free phase and we're keeping it open. You know, it's a. It's a large collection because we want the art to, like, really be. To be able to, like, see the full value and the full array of all the traits and, you know, the hard work that Todd put in. I mean, not a lot of people are doing, like, the actual physical stuff.

Physical Art and Events Ahead

I mean, he does physical artwork and then literally codes it to make. Make the animations for the on the safe side of things, the countardia was all handmade as well. So, I mean, it's just really a really good display of art, I would say, in web three. So, yeah, those are open, but otherwise, you know, kunks are still rocking hard right now. On the safe side, or like the headquarters, I guess, if you want to call it side of things.

Upcoming Collaborations

We're focused on art Basel. We're kind of moving with some information we're waiting on still, but we're looking to partner with some people, have a party, and maybe have Todd do a mural or some kind of cool art piece down there. So we're looking at that and then a cool couple other things for holders as well. But I don't want to talk too much about that. But, yeah, we have a lot of stuff in the pipeline and happy to be up here for the first space.

Excitement for the Future

Thanks, guys. Love to hear that. That's super exciting. Yeah, I've been seeing. Been seeing this are all over my timeline. And, yeah, it's cool to hear some of your feature plans. That's super exciting, man. Appreciate it. Yeah. Ball has been on a schizo post run. Literally, anytime I open the app or accidentally refresh, it's a ball or conks. So shout out, you ball.

Diving Back Into the Flow

Thanks, man. I got derailed by a family wedding in Bumfuck, South Dakota, so I had a little bit of Internet issues, but we're back. We're locked in, and, yeah, we're back to the. Back to the bullposting grind. And you'll be seeing me very shortly and probably sick of me shortly after that, so let's get it. Hell, yeah. A man dedicated to his craft.

Planning for Events

Sweet. So we brought Chris up. Chris, what's up, yo? I just wanted to say, looks like you're another doc stem effort. That's fantastic, because Austin was showing up for your core team. I think we need to get a Tommy on a little video podcast thing as well. But I want to find out who do we badger about getting art and say, people from laden together for an event.

Event Organizing

I'll throw it. It'll be dope. We'll do it at Irl Alpha by the beach. Everyone's invited. Like, how do we do this? I want to do. Are you in the TG, bro? Are you in the Irl Tg? I don't know. I'll send you the link. I was setting that up, and then were doing a headcount, and it was surprisingly slash. Also not surprisingly extremely low. But I bothered other people who I knew who lived down in LA.

Peer Influence

I was bullying power rankings into forcing him to show up for the event. I don't know if it worked. It feels like it might have, but we need at least, I want to say, twelve people. But if we're doing it on the side of an event, we might be able to get through. But I'll hit you on TG. And we. And we could plan it, because it would be helpful to not have to do it by myself.

Leveraging Connections

Yeah, well, the other thing I was going to say, too, is, like, I will just, like, I don't know, people owe me favors and stuff, so why don't I just be a bully? And I make all the IRL alpha efforts that I do lots and lots and lots for. For zero ask. I'll just say we need to do a, say, panel or at least throw somebody, like, from the, say, core team or something like that on the panel and, like, dive in, because it's the same thing I told Zagabond with, like, Azuki.

Community Engagement Insights

Every, everybody that's in your thing knows about the thing. They love it. They're excited. Everybody outside the thing is, like, what the fuck are those guys doing? They don't know. They have no idea. And so I would love to get it. And it's a hot seat, by the way. Like, the rule there is, like, no one's going to just get along and agree with everybody.

Encouraging Discussions

Like, there will be discourse, like, even. If they agree with you, they will. Pretend they don't, so that they get, like, the conversation going back and forth. And so I would just say, I would love for my, you know, irl friends that are, you know, the wider web three kind of ecosystem to see how fucking dope it is here and like, to kind of get a little peek into it.

Creating Opportunities

And so if we can get anybody who's kind of got that, you know, a little bit of sack of balls to sit up there and be on the hot seat. Like, it's slightly the most intimidating web three thing I've witnessed yet, but it's worth it. It's fucking cool. So, you know, it's beautiful property. It's a, it's a cool place to kind of make an initial splash, and I would love to just bully that into, you know, into existence.

Future Plans and Meetups

It'd be dope. Love that. Yeah, I think IrL stuff is, like, always super cool. And, like, we're trying to do more of that just on the safe foundation side, so be on the lookout for that. But, yeah, I think, like, November I might be in LA. So if anyone's trying to meet up, I don't know, I'll probably tweet about it on the exact dates that I'm going out there.

Space Reminders and Notifications

But yeah, I would love to meet up from people out there on the west coast. Cool. Yeah, no active requests right now. Just wanted to give a quick reminder for people that are popping in taking requests. If anyone wants to come up on stage, chat what they're working about, chat about what they're working on. Would love to bring more people up.

Wrap-Up and Future Engagements

Also, want to drop a quick reminder. We got, like, 15 minutes left in this space. We're going to be doing a PO app, airdrop type deal. So, yeah, reply with your wallet address to the space if you haven't done so already and be on the lookout for that in the next couple days. I tried bringing CG up, but it, like, I don't know, I hit approve and it did not work.

Technical Difficulties

So I don't know where he went. I don't see him in the space anymore, but I don't know, maybe he lost service or something, but that was the last. He probably thought that you didn't accept his request and just bailed. He's probably super hurt right now. It's crazy.

Inquiry about POAP

Can I inquire about this poap? Does it, like, offer me a lifetime of airdrops that will be worth money? And can I breed them? Can we stake the Po app? Yeah, it has metaverse with Twitter where it scans pfps. And if they're not, they don't work.

Investment and Technology Insights

They actually lock your wallet and you can't do shit. Your funds are stuck. Yeah. Like, if you don't have a say, PFP, then you get your wallet drained. So that's like the one. Thing, but it's incredible technology that you're building. I will say, yeah, shout out heathen. He invented it. It's super dope.

Innovative Utilities

Really useful for exact instances like these. So, yeah, it's great. Yeah, it's, mine is the only exception, because I'm currently stealing juniors, which I totally forgot to tag him and respond that I did this. And I thought about it, like, earlier, and I was like, oh, shit. I should probably let him know that I finally did it.

Counter-Tweeting Necessities

Now I got to start counter tweeting everything he tweets until he fixes it. Because if he wants to hang out with the fuckers, he's got a really hang out with the fuckers. He can even right click save caps. Pfp. I don't care but he has to do it. It's more important than his project is basically what I'm saying.

Project Comparisons

Say NFt is more important than his. And I didn't say, that's not me. I'm quoting somebody else. You're quoting me, right? Yeah. Yes. And, Jesus. Just to change the topic a little bit, what's everyone's take on Basel this year?

Conversations about Art Basel

Like, I chatted with a few people in this space, and, like, I know a lot of people are coming, and I live in Miami, so I'm definitely going to be out there, but, yeah, just curious what you guys think. Like, who's coming, who's excited? What are you guys looking forward to?

Community Engagement and Participation

Yeah, bro. I'm going. I'm excited. S three is going. Fuckers are going. Concert going. Dogwood is going. Outlines, I think are going. Lot of fucking safe people, bro. I'm, like, burger deep right now, but, Tommy, are you going to our basel?

Event Commitments

Yeah, of course, bro. Be out there the whole time. Nice. You have to pull up to, you know, the events we're going to be throwing, hopefully. Oh, 100%. Yeah, 100%. Dude, that's fire. I'm excited. It's going to be dope.

Gathering Excitement

It's going to be really dope. I feel like I just said exactly what were doing, so I don't want to repeat it again, so. But, yeah, you said you're doing something in Miami. I think that was, nailed it. Yeah, Tommy knows. Tommy knows.

Discussion on Attendance

yeah, I don't know. What about, What about you, Clark? You coming? Yeah, I'll definitely be there. I'll definitely be there. Probably for, like, four or five days, too. Sweet. Yeah. It's been cool to see, like, the last couple of years. Like, crypto has started to get kind of this place at Basel and mostly around nfTs, like, started happening in 2020, 2021, like, right after. Right after Covid. So I don't know. Like, it's kind of cool to see. And I'm, like, intrigued to see what the turnout's gonna be like this year. Definitely want, say to have a presence. I mean, if we're trying to have this focus of becoming an art centric chain on the NFT side, like, definitely think it's. It's one of the most important events. So.

VIP Section and Wristbands

Yo, don't let Clark in there unless that PFP looks like something we know. If we do what we want to do, we get 30 wristbands to the VIP section, Clark. And if that. That happens, bro, you could be one of the 30, but I'll change that for a fucker. For a vip bandaid for the week, because then once the bet. The week. Whoa. Because then once the bands on the wrist, the PFP. You know I'm nimble with the badge. Yeah, you got to definitely leave that shit there for, like, the entire week of Basil and, like, maybe like, two days before the weekend, before the week. Just so. Just so people know, you know, you got to, like, do you need the lead in?

Addressing Technical Issues

I just tried approving another request, and it was like, fuck you. I was like, okay, wait, who is it? I don't even see requests right now. I literally don't see it. It just says request, and I literally can't see the person I see. I have a request, and then I have the little circle with the check. So. Wild card, I guess. Here, I'll try it. Let's see what happens. So weird. Yeah. Spaces is always, like, super buggy. Oh, my God. It was crime. Hey, crime. Just hoping to get some clarification on something Tommy just said about, say, becoming an art centric train. Train. Chain.

General Purpose Chain Discussions

When it was built for Defi. It's built. It's built for. Yeah, I guess, like, you could say. It'S a general purpose chain. Crime. It's a general purpose chain. Okay, I got you, Tommy. Yeah. I think, like, the art, like, I don't know. I don't think it was, like, built necessarily with the intention of, like, oh, like, let's make this. Let's, like, make this chain and make it, like, an NFT art hub, you know? Like, I don't even think NFTs were really, like, the main focal point at first. But then, like, this community spawned, and I think the team kind of realized, like, hey, there's a lot of really cool opportunities that we can do on the NFT side.

Empowering Artists in the NFT Space

Like, we should, I don't know, start deploying grants towards this or start highlighting a lot of builders on the NFT side. And just, like, my background, I come from, one, I've been in NFTs for a while, since 2019, and two, it was always about art for me. I started at Nifty Gateway and was focused on art there, went over to manifold as their head of artist partnerships, and was focused on art there. And, yeah, I just kind of. When I think of NFTs, art is the first thing that comes to mind to me, and it's always like, I don't know. There's not that much that you need to do to empower artists within, like, an NFT ego.

Highlighting Creators

They're some of the most creative people in the world and like, they're going to be able to thrive with minimal tools. But for me, it's just about highlighting those creators, giving them a space to talk and share what they're working on. I think that's the most powerful tools for creators is giving them the ability to have their work shared and seen by a lot of people. So that's kind of like the angle that I'm taking. So while sei necessarily wasn't necessarily built for this, the tools are definitely there. And I think the best thing that we can do, it's just keep giving creators tools and putting a spotlight on them. And with that, I think a lot of artists are going to start flocking over to say and they're going to see like, this is kind of the place that you want to be to create work.

Excitement About the Ecosystem

And I think it's going to attract a lot of liquidity. I think it's going to attract a lot of collectors and, yeah, more content is good and that's kind of what I was focusing on at my last two roles in the NFT. Eco is just bringing in as much content as possible. I think that's a good thing and it helps an ecosystem thrive. So I'm excited about it. Roy, is your hand up? What is that? Yeah, dude, that's my hand up. I have a question for crime, if that's okay. Yeah. The founder of crafty canines. So I was just wondering what you like about the crafty canine art and what holders can expect from crafty canines. I'm gonna go with, crafty canines is a rug.

Crafty Canines Art

And don't expect anything that is the same play, bro. I did that. I did that too, bro. I like that. What I like, I just like pixel art and I mean, I didn't do the art, tosh did, but I was very involved with it. Yeah, I saw you made a really good, cool generator, with a really cool, dog collar, for them. Looks, she looks sick. You're talking about the egg? Yes. The over easy. Yep. More to come from that. I'm going to try to implement, minting on that page at some point. That's cool. Did you drop your puzzle, bro? No, I gotta wait till I figure out how much funding I'm getting right before I start on that.

Trolls and Content Creation

Oh, I just saw you had some tweet that was like chatty pt. Make a puzzle or something like that. It's Chad jippity. Sorry, that was just a troll. The constortium, they did something similar. So I cooked that up with chatubt in, like, 45 minutes. Nice. Typical crime fashion. I love to see it. Crimes easily, like a top ten person on Twitter and end in discord that anybody could follow. Just saying the content is content. It's better than the mom talk of Utah or whatever. Tommy, have you. Have you seen this show with these Mormon wives who were caught being, like, swingers?

Mormon Wives Show

No. That is insane. Tell me more. Okay, listen, I barely know. I'm only on episode, like four. Apparently this happened, like, a year ago, right? But, like, I don't be getting on TikTok and stuff. Cause, you know, I'm trying to, like, do real stuff. And also, I don't think content is you doing the same dance that I've just scrolled through tick tock and saw a million times. But basically there was, like, some group of moms who, like, got popular on TikTok doing the very thing I'm talking about. And then apparently they started soft swinging, so apparently there were no homers, but then someone actually caught feelings for somebody else's husband, and then it blew up, and now there's all this extra drama.

Dramatic Fallout

And because they're Mormons, there's a bunch of weird rules. They don't really make sense to me. And by weird, I'm not meaning it in a derogatory way. I just. I don't get how soda is considered, okay, but, like, beer's not. I don't know. It's just weird. I think soda might have more cancer causing agents than beer. But anyways, so now it's following the fallout from all the swinging, and it's just so much drama and then some apparently getting pregnant. Dude, listen. This show fucks. I'm on an episode. Like, I think. Do they soak? Bro, I'm sure they soak.

Villain Dynamics in Reality Shows

I. Dude, I really want to ask, but apparently one of them who's like, by the way, I hate her, I think. I don't know if she. She doesn't think she's the villain, but she's a villain to me. Everybody else. No, no. That's what I thought too, but no, it's the other one. She did some dancing video. Her kid is like, this is her baby. Not even her kid, Rose. Her baby. She's in the ICU. And listen, Tommy, she's doing one of these dumbass dances from fucking tick tock. And, like, every time she hits a move, it's like, a new bubble. Like, he was putting the ICU for.

Unexpected Turns and Humor

Blah, blah. Now he's put onto this. Apparently, he was diagnosed with this, and she's doing some dance and, like, twerking. It is the weirdest. Like, dude, oh, my God. I don't know. It's weird. But, dude, the show's on Hulu. I'm not paid to spot to shill it, but I will. I will. I'm down. But, yeah. Dude. What? Please watch that show. It's so good. Can you send me the link on the. On the. On the back channels, please? I need. I have Hulu, so I must, like, watch a show today.

Sharing Viewing Experiences

Like, I might watch the show while I talk on the phone with Roy so we can talk about the show while we're talking about other stuff. Yeah, check that out. That's, like, insane. My girlfriend just made me watch perfect couple. It's like. It's like, a kind of girly, like, the classic murder mystery, like, cheating drama show, but it's actually, like, pretty good. It's on Netflix. That one I just finished up yesterday. Not bad. I'll tell you what, Tommy. There's a whole group of us in here, okay, that are basically called, like, the Bravo boyfriends.

Bravo Boyfriends

And it's because our girlfriends all watch trash reality tv, and were the ones who originally were like, turn this shit off. I ain't watching this. And then, like, were, like, at the edge of the other room, or were in the other room, like, intently listening, like, whoa, what? What's happening? And then now we're. Now we're all into it. Like, crime. Crime has now showed me this show about people who live on boats, and apparently there's drama on the boats. I don't know. There's. There's just, like, there's something. Then there's this one where it's just a bunch of, like, six year old ladies, like, screaming at each other, like, the real housewives.

Cackling and Drama

Like, no. No clue what's ever happening. All I hear is just loud cackling, like, 30 fucking minutes. It's the worst. But, man, is it so good. Yeah, that's literally exactly my situation. So I guess I'm joining the club. Yeah, we meet on Tuesdays around, like, 04:00 p.m. eastern because it's right before all that bullshit starts. So we can all vent about how we don't really like watching it, and we try to convince ourselves that we're still mendinh, but, you know, it's a losing battle, but we're there for each other. Sick.

Wrapping Up

Good to know. Cool guys. Yeah, well, we just are coming up on the end of our time here. Wanted to give a last minute reminder if no one, or if anyone has not dropped their, say wallet address in this thread. last chance to do that. We're going to have a cut off at 730 Eastern, which is coming up in two minutes. but, yeah, this has been awesome. wasn't really sure what to expect here, and we didn't have, like, this crazy, well thought out agenda for the first one. We kind of just wanted to jump on, chat, bring some people up from the eco and see what they're working on.

Looking Forward

And I. I think we achieved that and got to highlight some exciting stuff. but, yeah, inda, future weeks and future months, there's definitely a lot of cool stuff that we've been kicking around, ideas on that we want to do. Like, we. Obviously, it's going to be just a space to hang out and talk, but we want it to be more than that and we want to start rewarding people from the audience, and that's kind of what's going to be happening with this first little po op. Nft. But, yeah, that's all from me. Just excited about the future.

Final Thoughts

I don't know if even if you wanted to add anything before we jump or anyone else from the audience. No, not really. Do just. I mean, first episodes, easy, light, kind of the overview, and then hearing some interesting content, I guess, how crime is taking over Dobbs or something. And then. Yeah, dude. So again, just like I said in the beginning, if you weren't here, respond to the tweet that is pinned. And yes, crime, you are correct, which is why we're doing it. Not, don't reply to crimes. Pope put way.

Reminders and Farewell

Hang on, let me just. That's funny. I kind of want to leave it up there. I'll repent it, even though it won't be. It'll be irrelevant. But drop your say address in that tweet. In that specific one. Don't do it to the entire fucking space. I know it's better for the algo, but it's not good for organization. Okay? And we're testing a product, and I need it to be specific. So if you put it outside of there, unless we talk all the time. Damn it, Owen. I literally opened it. And you did it. Good job. Anyways.

Situation Specificity

So unless I know you, I'm still probably not going to do it because that's going to piss me off. So put your say address in there. The space is literally ending in, like, 30 seconds, so go fucking do that so you can have this. Apparently what's called what we're calling a pope. We haven't figured out a cool name, so it's a pope. Make it a pope. But make it the acronym stand for different words than proof of attendance protocol. I love that. Wait, did you guys just start a daily dose pope scenario thing on? Say, is that what's going on?

Finale Humor

And I'm gonna be crying about it in six months. And you're gonna get rugged, so I hope you're excited. We're gonna have a live, crying basil for safe. We got clemente out of that whole ordeal, so, like, honestly worth it. Sweet. All right, guys. Yeah.

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