Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Art on Stacks: DeGrants Funding for NFTS – Music & Literature

This space is hosted by thiskittyisgood

Space Summary

The Twitter space conversation revolved around the challenges and opportunities within the music industry, emphasizing empowerment for artists and reshaping distribution dynamics. The discussions covered topics such as the significance of quality music, innovative monetization strategies, and the pivotal role of artists in catalyzing industry changes. Participants shared personal insights, shed light on current industry hurdles, and delved into future pathways for artists to excel in the ever-evolving digital landscape. The conversation highlighted the importance of NFTs, governance, innovation, music applications, and community building in shaping the future of the music industry.


Q: How can musicians generate revenue beyond traditional methods?
A: Musicians can explore revenue streams like merchandise sales, live performances, brand partnerships, and digital content monetization.

Q: What tools are essential for artists to succeed in the music industry?
A: Critical tools for artists include social media presence, streaming platforms, marketing analytics, and collaboration networks.

Q: What challenges do musicians face in today’s digital music landscape?
A: Musicians encounter challenges such as revenue sharing disparities, platform dominance, visibility issues, and piracy threats.

Q: How can the traditional music distribution model be disrupted?
A: Disruption can occur through direct artist-to-listener models, blockchain technology, independent labels, and artist-centric platforms.

Q: What role do artists play in shaping the future of music platforms?
A: Artists influence the shift towards fairer revenue models, content ownership, innovative marketing, and audience engagement strategies.

Q: How can music platforms empower artists to control their content and earnings?
A: Platforms can empower artists through transparent analytics, fair royalty distribution, content ownership rights, and direct fan interaction features.

Q: What strategies can artists implement to engage their audience effectively?
A: Engagement strategies include personalized content, interactive experiences, behind-the-scenes access, live streaming, and fan community involvement.

Q: How can emerging technologies impact the music industry positively?
A: Technologies like AI for content curation, blockchain for transparency, virtual reality for immersive experiences, and data analytics for insights can benefit the industry.


Time: 00:05:24
Program Introduction: Overview of the NFT program’s tracks and objectives.

Time: 00:06:55
Daily Twitter Spaces: Mention of daily Twitter Spaces to support NFT goals and mentorship.

Time: 00:20:49
Music and Licensing: Discussion on licensing music NFTs with visual NFTs.

Time: 00:48:49
Audiobox Platform Introduction: Introduction to Audiobox, merging TikTok-like videos with music tracks.

Time: 00:51:55
Phase One Discovery: Focus on discovery and due diligence for music applications in the current phase.

Time: 00:56:58
Marketing Strategies: Insights on utilizing marketing strategies similar to Spotify.

Time: 01:08:49
Independent Artist Marketing: Empowering artists to market their music independently.

Time: 01:53:12
Community Feedback Plans: Involving the community in providing feedback on proposals.

Time: 02:26:49
Collaboration and Brainstorming: Emphasis on collaboration and brainstorming in idea development.

Time: 02:50:32
Feedback on Music Platform: Request for feedback on the minimum viable music site developed.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on quality music to drive engagement and sales.
  • Artists need effective marketing tools for success.
  • Vision to revolutionize the music industry by challenging established platforms.
  • Artists are eager to innovate and drive industry change.
  • Creating a thriving platform for artists is crucial.
  • Monetization strategies for musicians were discussed.
  • Personal anecdotes and insights on music industry dynamics were shared.
  • Challenges faced by musicians in the current music ecosystem were highlighted.
  • Adapting to the evolving landscape of music creation and distribution is essential.
  • Supporting artists and their creative endeavors is paramount.

Behind the Mic

So tomorrow sherry leaves I leave, Ah, a bit of a stream of sherry. Nice little processor. And so Theresa has taken time out from finishing off this track, which is called New Times. So Jay, I don’t know if you want to, like doing an edit or something. It’s full on like daily practice thing that you can kind of dip in and out of a lot of words here. So I’ll just read it to you, Theresa and showing their mouth. Tea, like the water, slowly, like the tea leaves, quickly blending, blurring. I can soon done too. Amongst all the tea leaves at my mouth, I recap scorpions. Our teeth are beautiful, our bubbles tiny as gold. How dare I touch our bodies that know us? But everyone might be there. And it’s, our representative. I heard I was represented like that. I heard like something that didn’t belong to me, They didn’t belong to me. Like I said, beautiful, a good blending. So if I cried now, showing their mouth. Milk, tea, like the water, slowly, like the tea leaves quickly blending, blurring to gaze on everything I remember now. My sisters, showing their mouth. You gather I saw things cherish them. My husband now remembers the same things. Staring slowed to go into everything. Words well fed that water would hold. Someone is speeding up again now, did I care to hide? You know, like something that didn’t belong to me, like a mist blending. You know, like something that someone doesn’t try to take on or like the smell turning more. They’re like, You know, I think sometimes it’s like if a song has definitely got a, like a strong meaning or have, you know, got, you know, got a sentiment behind it. Yeah, like that milk water, like the taste of loaded getting stronger again would blur. Tell me, I said like a admired, blending something. So female sometimes soon. And ideally it’s to put it in the hands of people who can organize it and then put it out there. The one thing I felt was my representatives and some of mists Why gather are as beautiful leaving. You know, I think sometimes it’s like if a song has definitely got a, like a, you know, like a strong meaning or how, you know, got sentiment behind it. Sometimes it’s like, so it’s an exploratory reading for me. Okay I’m gonna expect her to dry. And um, you know, thank you ever so much, Theresa and um, from many, I think the attraction starting from a song background is I consider it that time as an edit track because, so we put something together in the order, but she’s going to be working hard tonight. She’s like I, it’s almost finished. Yeah. I mean we sort of just put stuff together and I’m gonna give it to her and she’ll shuffle it know. Cause at the start Researcher of that translated it by the super improvising. What exactly doing what she comes up with. And she liked it. Yeah. Maybe what makes daily practice is something that I would find interesting. Well, let your finish. Well Damn, hilarious. Going well so far, it looks like everybody can see very productive. Theresa, thank you. At this time you were Thank you Theresa. Awesome. Fantastic. And everybody who would talk about some things. Thank you. I like that. Thank you. Thank you. Amazing. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. That’s really special. Hey, everyone. walk Halaki obi to be in a space where creators can just tell our senses with something beautiful while we’re sitting here chatting. I really appreciate you for yourself out there and sharing with us. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much too. Really appreciate you putting together. Is it a single track? Is it any album or well, what are you thinking? I was thinking about, Oh, Yeah. Three, of course, most definitely like collection. Like, you know, most times like ruining three because three is a very significant number to a like you know, most definitely. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. And look up to something soon. Thank you all. We hope these new projects will bring you much more inspiration, joy, and happiness.

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