ArkreenTalk with Terexitarius from AZOS


Space Summary

The Twitter Space ArkreenTalk with Terexitarius from AZOS hosted by arkreen_network. ArkreenTalk with Terexitarius from AZOS is a fascinating discussion focusing on Web3-powered infrastructure for renewable energy resources and carbon-reduction applications. The space provides valuable insights into the global distribution of renewable energy resources, the impact of Web3 technology on carbon reduction, and the role of blockchain in enhancing transparency in renewable energy systems. Exploring sustainable development opportunities, this talk sheds light on the potential of Web3 solutions in addressing the challenges of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.

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Total Listeners: 13


Q: What is the focus of ArkreenTalk with Terexitarius from AZOS?
A: Discussing Web3-powered infrastructure for renewable energy and carbon reduction applications.

Q: How does Web3 technology impact the distribution of renewable energy resources?
A: Web3 technology facilitates the global distribution of renewable energy resources efficiently.

Q: Why is blockchain crucial in renewable energy systems?
A: Blockchain ensures transparency and efficiency in renewable energy systems.

Q: What are the opportunities for sustainable development discussed in ArkreenTalk?
A: The talk explores sustainable development opportunities through Web3-powered solutions.

Q: How does ArkreenTalk contribute to the discussion on carbon reduction applications?
A: ArkreenTalk sheds light on the accessibility of carbon-reduction applications through Web3 infrastructure.


Time: 00:15:40
Web3-Powered Infrastructure Discussion Terexitarius elaborates on the benefits of Web3 for renewable energy.

Time: 00:25:18
Global Distribution of Renewable Energy Insights on how Web3 enables the global distribution of renewable energy resources.

Time: 00:35:55
Blockchain Transparency in Energy Systems The role of blockchain in ensuring transparency in renewable energy systems.

Key Takeaways

  • ArkreenTalk delves into Web3-powered infrastructure for renewable energy and carbon reduction.
  • Terexitarius discusses the global distribution of renewable energy resources.
  • Insights on how Web3 technology influences the accessibility of carbon-reduction applications.
  • The importance of blockchain in enabling efficient and transparent renewable energy systems.
  • Exploring opportunities for sustainable development through ArkreenTalk with AZOS.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Climate Week

Looks like you can feel good. Fantastic. Well, a little recap of my week while we are waiting to start the space, I am just getting back from Climate Week in New York City and Climate Week in New York City is a very busy event. I would say is like the cup of the USA. There are so many different events that happen as it's a decentralized conference. So I think there was over 600 events that happened during climate week. And these events took place from parks all the way to Microsoft, Google, Bloomberg, the office buildings of those sorts of spaces. And it allowed for many different connections to take place. And surprisingly and unsurprisingly for me is there was a huge presence of web three, cryptocurrency and blockchain people within the entire week. So it was really good to be able to socialize with some of the individuals and really connect.

Meeting Abba

I just see Abba just came. Hey. Hey, Abba. Yeah. Hey. Is it Joshua right? No, this is T Rex. Oh, T Rex. Oh, yeah. So sorry. Your voice is quite different from before, I think. Well, yeah. We're not doing a podcast today, so I don't have my podcast voice on. First time we met, we have the podcast recording and everything going. Yeah. So I think today's session is going to be really amazing. Interesting, because you are quite familiar with what we also working on. You are also doing similar to, you know, so you understand the whole trend and your contribution is really valuable to, you know, the project you are working on. Yeah. Well, thanks. I'm definitely excited with what you all have been building and are continuing to build. It's definitely an ever evolving community that you have growing there and can see a lot of potential.

Discussion on Collaboration

Yeah, that's great. Thank you so much. Also the same really, the project solution you are working really amazing. So it's in line with what also we are working on. So there are many ways to work together to find these angles of collaborations. Yeah, that's great. So are we. Yeah, are we going to start? Maybe all we should wait for a few minutes for other listeners to join or we should just straight to start. Yeah, I think we can just go ahead and start. I just was looking at your well arc greens wall on Twitter and or on exa, I guess I should say nowadays. And was seeing that not only does arc green function in renewable energy, but it's also now thinking about how deep end can be used for carbon credits. So it'd be really great to think about and listen to where ocarina is at these days.

Overview of ASOS Project

And since we last spoke. Okay, yeah, that's pretty interesting. Maybe a little bit I can share with you later or in this session a bit. Yeah. Because it's going to be an interactive session, especially you. The interview will ask you to know more about your project, especially for our communities and also global communities to understand and learn, because it's still you started. So our communities will be very much curious to know and learn what you guys are building. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I can do a little overview of what we're building here at asos. So ASos is one of the listeners in the audience right now. You can go ahead and click on their image and there's a direct link to the website from the ASOS page over there.

Insight into the Mission

What ASOS is building is permissionless lines of credit for impact assets. And these impact assets range from carbon credits to regenerative agriculture, to solar, to blue bonds, to anything that really has a lasting effect and creates a change in a positive way for how we're addressing the climate crisis. So we see that there's a need to unlock a lot more funding to help in this regenerative funding flywheel. And what we do is we say, okay, on chain impact assets have a market that we're able to determine the value of how much each of these impact assets are worth. We now can use some of the existing mechanisms, such as Makerdao, which is multicollateral deposition, open source code base, and integrate some of our own coding into it to allow for multicollateral being impact collateral to be used in the generation of a stablecoin.

The Launch and Goals

Now, the stablecoin is able to be held by anyone, anywhere in the world. And just by holding the stablecoin, you're able to act as a funder in this flywheel, a creditor in this decentralized funding flywheel, and you don't lose any value. It's minimal resource intensity to just transfer your store of value from what you have in the bank today as the US dollar into this digital form of the us dollar that is entirely backed by impact. We currently have multi million dollars worth of impact assets signed into agreement with us to be able to provide their impact assets into our protocol and take out loans in the form of stablecoin. So when we launch, we'll likely be reaching multimillion dollar market cap in the first month.

Regenerative Finance Movement

And then from there, we're aiming to hopefully unlock multibillion dollars worth of funding to impact assets all over the world. And what we do in terms of the regenerative finance movement in general is to create open source protocols that are transparent in terms of the impact that they are producing and how we are creating true value in terms of environmental regeneration across the world. So that's a little overview of what we're doing currently. Oh, thank you so much. Right. This is a very short, snappy and well explained overview about what you guys are doing.

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities

Yeah, this is quite interesting. I was amazed by this solution. Also, I think there are many ways we work together as part of this deep industry application. You know, our platform, you know, the building this decentralized network of the green asset data. Yeah. So let's start with some questions. Yeah, and some of the questions also would flow based on our discussion. You know, I have some questions based on this also overview, but you maybe talk a little bit in the, you know, the. During the session. Yeah. So you talk about the solution ethos, you provide the stable coin based on that makedao for the open source, for the whole global impact, you know, for this kind of asset or impact or, you know, assets.

Differentiation of Ezos Finance

Yeah. So globally. So how does Ezos finance differ from other also stable coins protocol and what it makes is so unique in this deep in or refi ecosystem or, you know, space. Yeah. Maybe you can share with that a bit. Yeah, yeah, definitely. So I mentioned Makerdao and Makerdao is creating the DAI stablecoin and we are creating the Xi stablecoin. What makes Xi different from any other stablecoin in existence is that it's entirely backed by impact assets. So assets that are trying to have a positive effect on climate change.

Celo's Mission and Collaboration

We have Celo as one of the other organizations that have stated this sort of mission, where they have stated that they want to back 40% of their stablecoin with impact assets. And they have taken steps to be able to do this. But we still see a long way to go in terms of how we can support impact assets and debt based financing through a stablecoin, whether it be celo or asos. And in our development trajectory as we grow, we are looking forward to being able to collaborate with other stablecoin protocols like Celo, to be able to have our stablecoin be accepted as collateral for creating their stable coins. And that will help Celo in their mission to back their stablecoins with at least 40% of impact assets. So right now, Celo has hundreds of millions of dollars in their market cap. And just by partnering with Cello and offering our experience in the impact asset side of things, we could provide hundreds of millions of dollars worth of funds unlocked across the world for environmental regeneration.

Data and Monitoring Impact

And one of the things that you said before asking that question was on the data side of things. And that's really where my background is. I'm trained as an environmental economist and have been internationally recognized for my experience with spatial analysis methodologies. And around three years ago, created a DAO called Demeter. And Demeter is around decentralized monitoring, reporting and verification of impact and the benefits from said impact. So this is around how IoT devices, human sensing, satellite imagery and other data sensing techniques can be used to really portray the stories of impact that we are creating around the world. And I think that's also a really big differential from what other stable coins have, is that we're going to be transparently portraying how our funds are getting channeled to impact assets all over the world and near real time. So we are going to be able to have estimations and stories around what the impacts are in terms of clean water, clean air, better soil quality, and enhance lives for people all over the world.

Vision for Ethos Finance

That's great. Thank you so much, Tarixen. Yeah, this is really amazing. So you just mentioned about, you know, creating this kind of global impact assets hop, or I will say the network, were backed by this sweep. Stable coins. So what is the long term vision for ethos finance? And how does it plan to become the reserve currency of regenerative finance or refi, or any sustainable impacts in the ecosystem? Yeah. So first I'd like to differentiate between sustainable impact and regenerative impact. Sustainable impact is maintaining the resources at the levels that they're at. And regenerative impact is creating more abundance all over the world. So what we are aiming towards and prioritizing is creating more abundance of resources all over the world. And what Azo's big vision is currently we're going to be supporting globally impact assets.

Localization of Impact Assets

And that is bringing in these impact assets from all of the world to be able to access permissionless lines of credit through our stablecoin protocol. And people all over the world will also hold the stable coin to be able to act as decentralized creditors in such a system. Now, we're currently noticing from the people and organizations that we're interacting with that there are some zones in which impact assets are more willing or capable of providing their assets as collateral into the stablecoin. And this is particularly relevant in Latin America. So once we have a certain monetary value of impact assets for a certain region, we would then go from this global vision of a global stablecoin into a more localized vision to be able to support more localized regeneration, because when people care about something, it's usually most relevant to them when it's in close proximity to them. So if we can create a stable coin that has this local relevance, the stories around that will have more traction.

Mechanisms for Stability and Efficiency

Yeah. So in this regard, how does a protocol, how does protocol on liquidity contribute to the stability and efficiency of this ethos? Protocol? Yeah, so the mechanisms in which we're able to maintain stability are luckily tried and true after several years of stable coins beginning existence. So we're using existing open source code bases to be able to maintain stability of our mechanisms. And this is especially relevant because with these open source code bases and them being tried and tested for numerous years, there's less vulnerabilities in the code base to be exploited. And a hack occurred that destabilized the entirety of the stable coin. We have different keeper modules that are able to maintain our stablecoin in price equilibrium and by people, or by the keeper being able to mint and sell stablecoins, it increases the amount of stablecoins available for use, and it also brings in additional revenue for our protocol.

Use of Oracles and Price Stability

Now that keeper module is also supported by Oracle networks and we're going to be working with Chronicle and various other oracle providers. We're not going to be using a single oracle provider because oracles are also an exploit mechanism. So we want to be able to decentralize oracles that we're tapping into to further enhance our price feeds, making sure that we maintain price equilibrium with that us dollar. So we're going to have a currently like triple backed mechanism in order for our stablecoin to be able to maintain price equilibrium. Okay, cool. That's pretty interesting. Oh, this also, junctions you just mentioned about you are going to use many different types of the protocol, so the oracles, so which I think this is also another angle which we will discuss later for the collaboration between our, from our side.

Impact Assessment Framework

So in terms of the, you know, this type of asset or climate asset or impact assets, what type of climate assets are eligible for backing ezos stable coins and how this asset assessed and valued. So that's my primary role in asos is as the chief science officer. And what we are creating is an impact framework. This impact framework analyzes any impact asset that comes to us and make sure it's in align with the sustainable development goals, ecological benefit framework, project drawdown objectives and other relevant frameworks so that we are driving towards the most high quality collateral and impact assets that we could have available to us. Any impact asset that thinks they are having a true impact towards climate change can come to our protocol and say, we would like to potentially be part of your protocol and be able to use our assets as collateral in this protocol.

Identifying Eligible Impact Assets

Currently, we are prioritizing assets that are on chain and we have identified over a billion dollars worth of on chain impact assets that are going to be able to pass through our impact assessment framework. And as we are launching our initial stablecoin protocol on base, the impact assets that we are also prioritizing are the impact assets that are on base. And these impact assets include Klimadao, which are a token entirely backed by carbon credits, BCT, a carbon credit tokenized version, Basin Dao, which is around ecosystem service assessment and various others. Okay, cool. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, so I did. Also, you just mentioned some of this asset can pass through your impact assessment.

Examples of Impact Domains

Like could you share with us like at least maybe five or even more like just example, which specific domain where those asset, impact asset, you know, led to all of coming from? For example, maybe say, okay, something like planting trees or so, so, you know, just mention or renewable or something, you know, those kind of. Yeah, domain. So the impact assets that are currently getting assessed through our impact framework are largely on the carbon credit side of things. And these carbon credits are oftentimes sourced from Latin America, reforestation and forest conservation projects, as well as some around the clean cookstove mechanisms that have been deployed in not yet overdeveloped countries.

Holistic Management of Carbon Credits

And we have connections towards the carbon credits that we are aiming towards using are more from traditional holistic managers of impact assets. And the term holistic being that these carbon credits aren't just from monocultural plantations, but instead are from a diverse ecosystem that is really supporting a fantastic array of life, as well as has social and cultural significance to the ecosystem being present. So, one example that I'm particularly keen to work with is a new relationship that was developed during Climate Week, and this is an individual from Africa that has ties to a million hectares of forest around the Congo area. And yeah, being able to see what sort of impact assets they have and what can be brought on chain to be able to be used in our protocol.

Risks and Challenges in Real-World Assets

So in terms of the potential risks and challenges, what are the potential risks and challenges associated with real or using real world assets as collateral for stable coins and how others can mitigate these risks? Yeah. So regenerative finance as a movement is very nascent, and we have developed as a movement various innovative mechanisms in which we are creating impact assets. The novelty of these mechanisms exposes risks to how these assets are valued, as it's not really determined yet. The on chain impact assets, true value, and if they are overvalued, undervalued, or any of that area. So there is volatility within most of the impact assets that are on chain. And we're going to be using reflexer like mechanisms to dampen this volatility exposure to our stablecoin.

Integration with Other Protocols

So how does air finance integrate with other also defined protocols and applications?

The Role of Stable Coins

Yeah, I mean, stable coins. If you look at the top hundred and tokens by market cap, the top 100 tokens by market cap, ten of those tokens are stable coins. So those stable coins have been used for things such as decentralized exchanges and being able to have a newly created asset be tied to a stable value of a US dollar. So we're going to be able to be incorporated into many different decentralized exchanges. It's been used by blockchains for many different transactions. For example, XDai Gnosis has the DAI as their gas token. So there's the potential for us to use our stablecoin and any of those sorts of blockchain transactions, even creating another blockchain that is entirely Refi focused that would use our stablecoin as the gas token. We will be having other decentralized loan sorts of mechanisms tying into potentially Abracadabra or other real big Defi loan mechanism protocols. And we're going to try our best to integrate as, into as many of those as we can. NFT marketplaces, being able to have a stable coin be used for purchasing of art and the NFTs marketplaces and yeah, really anything that we could think of in the DeFi world that uses stable coins at this current moment, we at ASOS are going to try our best to integrate with, and one of the things that makes me extremely confident with our team is our CEO, Josh, is one of the core organizers of ETH Denver. So he has connections across the DeFi world.

Ethos Finance and Climate Assets

And really I am the main impact focused individual within our team. And the rest of the team are DeFi maxis that have worked on the code bases of some of the larger scale web three projects that you currently with. Okay, that's great. This is very interesting. Yeah. So how can Ethos finance contribute to the development of new financial instruments and market for climate assets? Yeah, that's a very exciting thing right there. So imagine a green bond. A green bond, you have a coupon rate, which is the rate that you get paid per year of around 4%. And that's not really an attractive rate if you're in the defi space to be able to support the green bonds of multi millions or multibillions dollars worth of value. But what we can do with ASOS is we can enable green bonds to come to our protocol and take out loans against that green bond. So if they have, let's say a million dollar green bond, which is a very low amount for a green bond, but if they have a million dollar green bond, they would come to us, take out a $700,000 loan, be able to take a larger portion of the green bond and maximize their exposure to the green bond.

Leveraged Green Bond Products

So this creates a leveraged green bond product which is not available in the traditional market as far as I know today. Similar things can be done with carbon credits, renewable energy certificates, solar, anything of that nature. And what we are looking to do with ASOS and our stable coin is be able to eventually offer these sorts of products into the more traditional world and break outside three bubble. So we already have an entity established out of Switzerland, and once we are with enough resources, we'll be able to pursue that sort of route. Okay. Thank you so much, Tirix. This is very interesting. Yeah, so amazing. So one final maybe question, and also if our listeners would like to ask you more questions, then they can also free. Yeah, they are free to ask like what are the future plans for Ethos finance in terms of technological development and innovation? Yeah. Well, with the technology and innovation space, I can really just speak for my side of how I work in that space with ASUS, and that's around the financial assessment frameworks.

Impact Assessment Frameworks

So how do we assess the impact assets for how valid they are as used in collateral, and then impact assessment framework, which is how much impact those assets have. And what I'm really wanting to see in terms of the impact assessment framework development is to right now, we're only able to use publicly available data from what the impact assets are providing us. And what I would like to be able to work towards is real partnerships and collaborations with the impact organizations that are using our protocols so that we know what exactly the areas are in which their operations are making a difference, and then start to deploy human sensing IoT devices and satellite imagery to really collect more trust minimized data around how these actions are having a true impact all over the world. Okay, thank you. That's great. Let me just quickly read one or two questions I saw.

Understanding the Regenerative Economy

In this rate, someone also asked. The first one is does or AS US described itself as the reserved currency of regenerative economy. So, can you elaborate on what regenerative economy entails? How does Zai token fit into this framework? And what impact do you envision it's having on sustainable development? Yeah, definitely. One thing that I need to mention is Azos is short for Azobacteria. And Azobacteria is a bacteria present in many living soils across the world. It is a fundamental building block for being able to create life in different ecosystems and many different parts of the world. And what we are aiming towards in the ReFi movement is the further creation of mechanisms and resources that support life and the further abundance of life. So, with our stablecoin, we are aiming to be that fundamental building block of an ecosystem of regeneration around the world.

Capital Forms and Metrics

Regeneration, going a little further into that, consists of many different capital forms. So we can talk about natural capital, and natural capital is things like trees, grass, soil, water, anything that you can think of in this world that constitutes nature, even ourselves. We are constituting nature. That's natural capital. Social capital is how we interact with each other and our individuals around us. Cultural capital is really around the historical stories that we tell each other and how we've been influenced by those stories. Economic capital is our monetary exchange, and often measured through GDP. We at ASOS are going to try to shift towards more holistic metrics, like the wellbeing index and global happiness measures, and various other mechanisms that can sense capital beyond just the economic side. But, yeah, just having all these different capital forms increase.

Global Cooperation and Community Engagement

Okay, that's great. This is very interesting. Even me also, I learned a lot from this conversation. Yeah, thanks. Then also, Spartan continuously asked, the Ethos protocol, emphasizes global cooperation. What specific mechanisms are in place to facilitate the international participation in the Ethos ecosystem? How does this cooperation translate into actionable impact at a local level? And what examples can you share? So, personally, I believe that money is one of the ways in which humans are able to coordinate around the world, and it is one of the fundamental coordination mechanisms in which we exist. So, if we align our money, our store of value, with ideals around regeneration and bringing further abundance of life to earth, then we are able to coordinate this globally.

Community Channels and Participation

And how we're doing that is facilitating a community and building community around the world of impact asset managers and people that want to hold their store of value in a money form of money that really prioritizes life over everything else. And one of the action steps in which you can start to communicate and coordinate with us is just to join our community channels. So again, ASOS Finance is up on as a listener here in our Twitter space. And if you go to our Twitter page, you can go to our direct link, or you can just type in Azos dot finance, and there you can find our telegram discord, look at our documentation and, yeah, really join and be part of the conversations. Okay, cool. Yeah, I think maybe, yeah. I have also another two questions from Mavila.

Collateralization and Risk Management

So the potential, the one question, the first question is about the collateralization aspect of ASOS. How do you manage the risks of collateral volatility? What measures are in place to ensure that the system remains robust and that users are protected from significant fluctuation in value? Yeah, definitely. One thing important to note is we're an over collateralized debt position, stablecoin. So that means in order to take out a loan against your impact assets or commissioners line of credit, what you would need to do is put in 175% or so of the collateral. So that means 75% more than the amount that you're taking out. So it has a large amount of room in which we can absorb price fluctuations and the volatility through that.

Concluding Thoughts on Stability and User Protection

And for the impact assets themselves, we are running them through a mechanism called Reflexer. Reflexer code base is available. You can look up Reflexer online, and we're going to run it through a mechanism similar to Reflexer, which dampens the volatility of those assets so that they are even more suitable for use and as collateral with our stablecoin. Now, if the value of the collateral is dropped to an unhealthy lab, unhealthy status within our stablecoin protocol, that is the only time in which impact assets would no longer be yours and is instead ASOS. And what we do with those impact assets is we then liquidate them for their US dollar value and again put it into our stablecoin so that we have a stable store of value there. We want to minimize our exposure to bad debt, so we have warning mechanisms in place for people to really understand if they're going into this overexposed and under collateralized status.

Discussion on Impact Assets

Yeah. So another also question from. Also Marvilla is also related to the potential impact. Like the potential. Yeah, the potential for the impact assets in ezos is significant. Can you explain what constitutes an impact asset and how air just verifies their legitimacy? What criteria do you use to assess the positive income generated by these assets? Yeah, just notion the impact assessment mechanism you already put in place. Yeah.

Impact Assessment Framework

Yeah. So went over a little bit, the impact assessment framework and any impact asset that we are going to be able to run through the impact assessment framework has to have an immediate impact towards climate change. So making sure that it has a positive effect that reduces our world's impact to climate change. So how our world is able to further support life and maximize the abundance of resources that we have available to us, instead of entering into areas of depletion and extraction, instead put it towards more and more abundance of resources. And this is energy, reforestation, ecosystem service, preservation, water, being able to have further abundance and quality of water and yeah, anything that you could really think of.

Bringing Impact Assets On Chain

We are able to further discuss and think about solutions in which we can really establish market values for those sorts of assets and then bring them on chain, be able to run them through AsUs protocol. Cool. That's cool. Yeah. So another question from Ben. Maybe like three, maybe I'll ask one or two. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. So usually usability is crucial for separate adoption of any digital currency. What user friendly features has Asus implemented in its platform to ensure that individual and familiar with DeFi can easily integrate and participate in the system?

User Experience in ASOS Finance

Yeah, user experience is crucial, especially for non web three natives. Right now, if you go to the ASOS finance webpage, you'll be able to see the level of usability that our webpage is currently at. And this is a very, in my opinion, beautiful webpage that really attracts people to learn more about it. But unfortunately, it's still very much catered towards the web three native individual, because this webpage is all about how does impact assets enter and take out loans against those impact assets. So the creation of the stablecoin. Now, once the stablecoin is created, what we are wanting to be able to do is partner with digital financial institutions like digital banks, that would be able to hold and help people hold their store of value in our stablecoin, and making sure that those fintech banks are as user friendly as possible.

Value of Using Stablecoin

So really telling the story as to when you hold your store value in the stablecoin, what is actually being impacted and how is it able to create a global change and why would a person want to care about that sort of thing? So making it relatable. Okay, that's great. That's great. Yeah. I think one last two questions from also still Ben. The liquidity flywheel concept is mentioned as the key was a key feature of Essos. Can you explain how this mechanism works in detail? How does it enable permissionless credit for impact makers? And what benefit does this bring to this, to those engaged in positive initiatives?

Understanding the Impact Funding Flywheel

Yeah, definitely. So the impact funding flywheel, as mentioned, what happens is impact assets come to our protocol. Let's say we got a million dollar solar panel project. This million dollar solar panel project comes to our protocol, has tokens already representing that on a blockchain, and then from those tokens, runs it through our assessment frameworks to maintain financial and impact stories and making sure that we are in alignment with that. And then from that million dollars worth of solar panels, $700,000 worth of stablecoin would get created. And people holding that stable coin act as decentralized creditors into the system. Because the more that we have people holding the stablecoin, the more we're able to offer permissionless lines of credit to individuals and the further funding effect in this funding impact flywheel we'll be able to have.

Maintaining the Value of the Stablecoin

Okay, thank you so much. I think maybe I'll read one last question from Whitney. She mentioned maybe. Can you discuss how the value of thai stablecoin is maintained? What mechanism you have in place to supplies during the market downturn, or a period of high volatility? I think this is also quite similar to spartan, but another question is related to revenue generation, which is fundamental for any protocols sustainability. Can you outline the core value stream for air those finance? How do you ensure that these revenue sources align with the over reaching goals of supporting a regenerative economy?

Revenue Sources and Economic Alignment

Yeah, this is much more. Yeah, yeah. So how our revenue sources are able to align with supporting revenue, a regenerative economy is our revenue sources are much like when you take out a loan with a bank, you have to pay a fee to maintain that loan and not have your assets that used as collateral liquidated. So we are bringing in revenue from that. We are also bringing in revenue from being able to maintain the price equilibrium with our stablecoin, and also market making with our stablecoin. So those are three of the primary ways in which we're bringing in revenue. All this revenue then goes into asos as an organization. And through that we are able to further build out the technology that helps to provide this debt based financing, as well as tell the stories about the impact that we are supporting with it.

Transitioning to Decentralization

Now, currently, we are operating as a centralized organization with asos, and we're going to be using long tail emissions of our governance token to gradually decentralize asos from our centralized state into a very decentralized state similar to what you would find with a makerdao and the pure dai concept that Makerdao has. So we'll be aiming towards having a DAo formation in the long tail side of the missions and all that DaO would be aligned on a constitution and value set that is based upon regenerative principles and how we vision as those playing a part in that. Okay. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Terex.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, this is really amazing. Quite interesting. Yeah. So it was really nice to hear more updates and innovative solution you are also working on and thanks to the all listeners who have asked a valuable, really valuable questions. Yeah. So that's bring to the end of our session. Thank you guys. Thank you. Really. Thank you guys. Yeah, so if you have some other also questions because I see, you know, bunch of questions. If you have, you can reach out to Terex or through the, how to say their medium like, yeah, Twitter space, you know, the channels and what have you, so you can ask questions.

Final Thoughts

I think Kalista also asked the question, maybe really recognize, maybe question, maybe later he will also maybe message you so that he can be able to get more insight about, you know, the question. Yeah, thanks. Because we are really running out of time. Really? Yeah. Thank you, guys. Yeah. Thank you, Abba. It's been great speaking and let's connect it and talk about how our crane can be incorporated into Asus. Sure, sure. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great one.

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