Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space “Are you ready for Ferrum Network? $FRM $BTC $SWAPS #Ordinals” hosted by FerrumNetwork and discussion highlighted the significant impact of culture on technology, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing people over features. Participants delved into amplifying diverse voices and cultures through technology, aiming to ensure continuous expression and support for artists and musicians. The conversation also explored the critical role of utility in technology adoption, encouraging early adopters with long-term benefits. Discussions included plans for sustainable utility over generations, fostering confidence and calmness in the tech community. Overall, the space promoted a bullish sentiment among Ferrum token holders while advocating for informed decision-making in technology adoption within the DeFi sector. Are you ready for Ferrum Network? $FRM $BTC $SWAPS #Ordinals, Ferrum Network, Web3, Ordinals Conference, decentralization, BTC5.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


What should tech prioritize?

Tech should prioritize people over features.

Why amplify diverse voices through tech?

To ensure their continuous and unrestricted expression.

How important is utility for early adopters?

Utility offers long-term benefits and confidence in adoption.

Why keep utility plans sustainable?

To build a movement for future generations.

What sentiment should Ferrum token holders have?

Bullish, given the utility and long-term vision.

How to approach tech adoption decisions?

Thoughtfully and considering all aspects.


Introduction and Purpose

Time: 00:03:29 – Overview of the main topics in the Twitter Space discussion.

Ferrum Network’s Vision

Time: 00:04:08 – Discussion about Ferrum Network’s vision and participation in the Ordinals Lisbon conference.

Community Engagement Emphasis

Time: 00:11:39 – Importance of engaging with the community and attending conferences.

Team Dedication at Conferences

Time: 00:22:44 – Recognition of Ferrum team’s dedication and performance at recent events.

Art and Music Integration

Time: 00:33:02 – How art and music are driving adoption in the blockchain space.

Web3 Significance

Time: 00:40:40 – Explanation of the importance of Web3 for decentralization and ownership.

Web3 Challenges

Time: 00:52:40 – Addressing the consensus challenges in the Web3 ecosystem.

Accessibility of Blockchain

Time: 01:05:49 – Highlighting the need to make blockchain technology more accessible and relatable.

Future Focus Areas

Time: 01:38:05 – Plans to delve into specific sectors and technologies in upcoming Twitter Spaces.

Closing Remarks

Time: 01:42:42 – Summary of key points and encouragement for participation in future discussions.


Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize People: Technology should prioritize people over features.
  • Amplify Voices: Importance of amplifying diverse voices and cultures through tech.
  • Utility for Adoption: Focusing on utility and long-term benefits for early adopters.
  • Sustainable Utility: Planning sustainable utility for future generations.
  • Calm Confidence: Emphasizing calmness and confidence in tech adoption.
  • Gradual Revelation: Not rushing to reveal all utility at once to avoid distractions.
  • Long-term Movement: Building a movement that lasts for centuries.
  • Collaborative Insights: Collaboration and insights sharing among participants.
  • Bullish Sentiment: Cultivating a bullish sentiment among Ferrum token holders.
  • Informed Decisions: Advocating for informed decision-making in tech adoption.

Behind the Mic

Multi-Chain Liquidity

Speaker 1: …for example, using whole numbers. Then they want to go launch on network B. So now they got to find another 250k liquidity to maintain the same slippage, or they got to cut that 250k into 125 and double the slippage for their users across two networks. So it’s a capital inefficiency problem. And omni-chain liquidity essentially allows projects to consolidate their liquidity to a single network and still be tradable on networks where that asset may not have liquidity, and even on networks where that asset may not have existed prior…

Speaker 2: …this is something we’re calling a multi-chain token standard. But then people might ask like, yeah, okay, well, what about Axel? Or what about Layer Zero? Don’t they have that? Yeah, they do. We’re talking with them recently, actually, one of them specifically, that was like, well, this is rad, because we want to map their token standard to our omni-chain liquidity pools…

Speaker 3: …we need to create interoperability standards across networks, right? We need to create standards that everybody can adhere to…

Speaker 1: …if you are worried about some of these backups and the like, for example, the situation in Ukraine, where one could imagine Russian state or aligned actors might want to take down a capable backup capability…

Speaker 2: …and I’m still here, super bullish on Ferrum because I personally have been networking the whole Iron Alliance…

Speaker 3: …when we went to Ethereum, New York, and sitting down, dining with our friends from Brazil, Jesse Lucas and some of the others, we saw that they had started Freesonances, decentralized music platform…

Speaker 1: …but to hear them share this, to see tears going down their eyes, to share their culture, it inspired me to now look at, like, how can Ferrum do something to amplify this culture? How can our tech do something to make sure that the voices of these musicians, of these artists, how can our tech support ensuring that their voices are always heard…

Speaker 2: …I had the honor of recently getting invited into the Forbes Legacy Pass group that was organized through Studio Paimon connected me to Moni from Forbes Web3…

Speaker 3: …with that, we’ll end this one. Thanks again. See you in a week, guys.

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