Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #AptosAllAccess: The #ExperienceAptos Edition hosted by Aptos. Explore the #AptosAllAccess Twitter space as experts delve into the intricacies of the Aptos blockchain, emphasizing its adaptability, community-centric approach, and innovative features. Discover the roadmap, security measures, and strategic partnerships shaping Aptos's future. From use cases to developer opportunities, Aptos aims to set new standards in blockchain technology, focusing on decentralization and sustainability. Join the conversation to uncover how Aptos is redefining the landscape of layer 1 blockchains with its forward-looking vision and collaborative ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: What sets Aptos apart from other layer 1 blockchains?
A: Aptos stands out for its future-proof design and adaptability to emerging technologies.

Q: How does community involvement benefit the Aptos ecosystem?
A: Community participation fosters growth, decentralization, and sustainability within the Aptos network.

Q: What are some key features that make Aptos innovative?
A: Aptos offers unique security protocols, scalability solutions, and interoperability features.

Q: What potential use cases can Aptos support?
A: Aptos has applications across finance, gaming, NFTs, and various decentralized services.

Q: How does Aptos ensure security within its ecosystem?
A: Aptos employs robust security measures like encryption, smart contracts auditing, and consensus mechanisms.

Q: What future developments can Aptos enthusiasts look forward to?
A: Upcoming updates include governance enhancements, network optimizations, and new partnerships.

Q: Why is decentralization important for Aptos?
A: Decentralization ensures transparency, trust, and resilience in the operations of the Aptos blockchain.

Q: How can individuals benefit from engaging with Aptos?
A: Engaging with Aptos offers opportunities for staking, governance participation, and ecosystem growth.

Q: What tools are available for developers interested in contributing to Aptos?
A: Developers can utilize SDKs, APIs, and developer grants to build on the Aptos platform.

Q: How do strategic partnerships impact the trajectory of Aptos?
A: Partnerships fuel innovation, adoption, and expansion of use cases within the Aptos ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:29
Aptos's Vision for the Future Delving into Aptos's roadmap and long-term goals for blockchain evolution.

Time: 00:25:17
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing the importance of community involvement in shaping Aptos's development.

Time: 00:35:40
Security Measures in Aptos Exploring the robust security protocols implemented within the Aptos blockchain.

Time: 00:45:52
The Role of Developers in Aptos Ecosystem Highlighting the opportunities and tools available for developers within the Aptos network.

Time: 00:55:10
Strategic Partnerships Driving Aptos Growth Analyzing the impact of key partnerships on expanding Aptos's reach and utility.

Time: 01:05:45
Decentralization and Sustainability in Aptos Explaining the principles of decentralization and sustainability at the core of Aptos's ethos.

Key Takeaways

  • Aptos is designed to be future-proof and adaptable.
  • Community involvement is crucial for the growth of Aptos.
  • Understanding the innovative features of the Aptos blockchain.
  • Exploring the potential of Aptos for diverse use cases.
  • The importance of security and scalability in the Aptos ecosystem.
  • Insights into the roadmap and upcoming developments of Aptos.
  • Aptos's focus on decentralization and sustainability.
  • The benefits of participating in the Aptos ecosystem.
  • Opportunities for developers to contribute to the Aptos platform.
  • Learning about the strategic partnerships shaping the future of Aptos.

Behind the Mic

Initial Comments

It. Like they don't. Have a baby. But we got both. And when you.

Morning Greetings

Good morning. How you doing? Gm? Gm, how you doing? Your back go there. My bad, my bad. I have to take something on my desk. There's. I don't know. I might get rugged today because I feel like my network has been pretty unstable. Brent, hello. Gn. Gn, how are you? Good, good. Brent is always on. No matter the time, he's always on the spaces. We appreciate you. Let me see if you want to speak. I see Sanya in the audience. If you want to come up, please request, because I feel like when I'm inviting people, it's just not sending the invite.

Casual Conversation

Nee Z, what's up? Yo, what's going on? Yo, how are you? So cool. Like, you play the best music and you're just like the coolest person. I don't get how that's possible. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. I try. That's my role here. Let me see. We have a few other people that want to join. David, where's Greg? We always wonder where Greg is, but I'm sure he's safe and sound. That's the most important thing. He's probably working. It's only 05:05 Greg time, I think, right? Is he home? Is he back in Gregg's time?

Concerns About Greg

I damn well hope so. We should play the game. Where in the world is Greg Nazario? Sure. Nizia, are you back? Are you back home? I am back home. Back adjusted. There's a very big background noise. For me. Yeah, I think so. All right, I'll go on mute when I'm not talking, but, I would be back home, but I got rugged by, United Airlines, so that's fun. Well, that's no good. Where in the world is doctor David willing to. So I took a small hop over to Vietnam where Kevin and I hung out with the folks from Amnes and fetus.

Sharing Experiences

I'm giving a little bit of what I'll talk about a little bit later today. And then went, I went over to Bangkok where we did a code jam code session event, followed by actually visiting one of the local universities where I got to give a talk at one of my former colleagues' universities and then was making my way back and I got stuck. So I am inside of rainy soul right now enjoying the beautiful environments of Paris baguette. David, can you take a picture of you lost on your excursion and share it via tweet in the jumbotron? In the jumbotron. Wow. We'll see what we can do for you, prince. Oh, I miss you, David. I miss seeing you in the office.

Brent's New Look

Brent. What? I'll be there bright and early tomorrow or Friday, so don't worry. So for those who don't know, Brent decided to cut his hair. I don't know if I should say shave or cut, honestly. Styled. Styled. I think the correct word. You know what? We were talking about this morning a lot. I shared a picture. I took a couple other images and stuff like that. My wife got home and said, oh my God, what did you do? And within two minutes, less than two minutes, she said, wow, I really like the mullet. So I think it's been validated on multiple fronts.

Mullets as a Trend

I think everybody in this space, my advice to everybody, not financial advice, but other advice would be maybe get a mullet, maybe consider it. I know Sneezy's got it coming. If anybody else wants to try it. David. I don't know, man. It looks pretty cool. Where's his picture? Where's this picture of his haircut? I mean, what's going on here? Oh, David, I'm going to dm you. I'm going to share the story. Just a minute. Nick Diopto's account is being really loud. I don't know if you're making food or some kind of sandwich.

Morning Background Noise

That's great. But it's being really loud on the background. Something like that. Wow, this is like, that is epic flow. Thank you. Thank you. That's a game changer right there, Brent. The only thing that could have been, it's perfect minus one small feature. What if you etched peas on the side of your head? Petra, actually, so the original tweet, I'm gonna all post that here in a second. The original tweet was that I would have, if a tweet about Raptor got a thousand likes, I saw that I would, I would shave raptor in the side of my head.

Discussing Future Hair Ideas

So I think one side might be raptor. And then hair token jumped in right away and was like, you have to do hair token on the other side. Like, it's your hair. So shave that on the other side. So I might need somebody to stencil it. I was going to ask Sasha because his response was the original Raptor response that I was replying to, but it's only partway done right now. There needs to be some beautiful stenciling, I think Raptor and hair token. And if we want to do a p for Petra in the back, I don't know, man. There might not be enough real estate, but, maybe. Maybe you can check it out and let me know.

Plans and Future Meetups

Bro, I got you. I'm going to get Aptos and. And I'll get Petra on the other side. Oh, my goodness. Rockstar. Dude. I need to see a picture of the both of you together with this hairdouse. Yeah, we gotta get. That means we gotta get together. Exactly. Is Aptos lab sponsoring this trip? Because we can just. We can fly snooze yon out. He's a jet setter. Now, I will not answer this question. I defer to people with more responsibility than me on the money side.

Talk of Logistics

Okay. Okay. But you can inquire. You know where to inquire. Okay, let's. JC. Seems like he bailed on us. Just putting that out there. Yeah. Okay. Are you talking about JC from town square? Obviously busy playing with his balls. Yeah, exactly. That's what he seems to be doing during the Aptos experience, wasn't it? Those were some of the best photos I saw come out of the whole thing, was him passing out the sloth ball boxers and just the joy on everyone's face.

Aptos Experience

Did you get one? I did. Great. Have you tried them? I have not yet. I don't know. I don't. I don't know if I want to sully them. So just to be honest with the. With my extended trip, it's actually my only clean pair of underwear now, so I'm actually wearing it right now. They actually feel pretty good. Let's go. They breathe. They breathe really well.

David's Trip Updates

Talking about your extended trip, David, can you tell us what you've been up to on your APAC app to store? Yeah, so I actually got in a little early and we had a nice Lambda 256 event. If you don't know what Lambda is, it's very similar to what we're doing over with the developer platform at Aptos. They provide APIs for both the rest API and Indexer API, and they're going to be actually duplicating even more of the stack.

Technical Innovations

So right now, if you're using the Aptos indexer and the fire hose or the GRPC stream goes offline, everybody in the ecosystem loses access to indexers because it's the only stream in the entire world. But Lambda, by the end of the year is actually going to be releasing their own firestream, which is going to be great for redundancy. It's also going to be great for those in Asia who are looking for faster access to aptos. So it's going to be really great.

Collaboration and Learning

It's really awesome to have those folks be building on Aptos. So we spent the first day hanging out with those folks. Then we had to crash the offices of supervillains, where we got some pretty cool swag. They had these legendary sidekick keychains, which they gave out to everybody. But we also just got to listen and learn about what the future of supervillains is going to be like. And there's a whole bunch of new content coming out.

Updates and Innovations

We actually got the sneak peek for the 0.3 upgrade that just got landed earlier this week. And then we talked a bit about some of the upcoming research that we're doing at Aptos with them that didn't actually make its way to the app toss experience, but I'll share that, which is we're actually going to be building out this really cool concept that enables you to log in with your wallet once into adapt and never have to sign another transaction again.

Future Wallet Integration

We're going to basically make restricted account access into the wallet. If you're familiar with what they're doing over on base, I think they call it something like session keys or something like that in that domain, but, you know, it's gonna be on apps, so it's gonna better. And from there, we continued on to Merkel launched their token. So there was a tge event.

Merkel's Journey

In the midst of all the crazy and fun stuff, it's been awesome to just watch the Merkel journey from where they are, where they started back in what was like 2023, when we met them at a Zango event in January, saw them at the hackathon that they crushed, and then seen them actually launch Merkel trade later on that year. And then, you know, ultimately getting to the point where they finally ranch their token.

Continuous Development

It's just been amazing watching them continue to build and improve their product. And then we talked a bit about with them about the upcoming concept of account abstraction. And so one thing they found out was they had this really snazzy way of making it so that you can take an Ethereum account like a metamask wallet and start trading immediately on Aptos.

Technical Challenges

But they found in certain nuanced cases, particularly with the OKX Ethereum accounts, that it didn't work. So we're building up this new framework for them that will allow them to seamlessly bring in more users from, you know, wherever you are in the web. Three space into app house thanks to the power of Merkel trade.

Event Reflections and Future Plans

Let's see what else happened. Obviously, we had Ae, which I'll save that for a bit later in the talk where other people can jump in. As Ae came to a conclusion, I found myself waiting for my flight to Vietnam. Typhoon season is here. Typhoons are awesome, but not that awesome because they actually hurt people. They hurt trees.

Personal Accounts of Typhoons

A lot of. Lots of poor trees in Vietnam got destroyed. That's right. Seriously, I was talking to the guys from Amnes, fetus and our good old Kevin Huang from math to us about it, and they're all from Hanoi, where we visited, and they said they've never seen such destruction before. There was literally these.

Travel Disruptions

Yeah, there was like, let's say 1015 meters, trees falling over, all over the place we had. So we took a 14 hours delay to get into Hanoi and then just to get from the airport to the hotel, took an extra 30 minutes because they had to navigate around all the fallen trees. And then for the last five minutes, we actually had to walk from the car to the hotel because we had to step over all the trees that had fallen.

Navigating Hotel Arrivals

It was. It was quite a journey. But, you know, the fun part was actually getting to sit down and talk with Amnes and fetus about the future of Aptos in Vietnam. And if you don't know what that is, it's a new perks protocol that's coming out.

Diversity in Founders and the Excitement for Innovation

The founders are both Vietnamese and Korean, and it's going to be really exciting to see how they bring diversity into the space. Merkel has been running the show for so long. I've always been a huge proponent of bringing more folks into the space to be more creative and challenge each other. And we have multiple parties exploring the same space. We always end up with better products. So really excited to see what that is going to bring to the table. I think they're actually on Testnet now and they're going to be launching pretty soon. I don't want to spoil any of their news. And then I made my way over to Bangkok, where we had an amazing session with some of the local builders over in that space. You know, folks are pretty smart over there.

Innovations in Blockchain Technology

Like, one of the groups we talked to is working on improving wormhole, so they actually have a optimization on wormhole that will make it six times cheaper, which I think is going to be great, you know, absolutely the cheapest blockchain. And if they can get their work through with wormhole, that will have the cheapest blockchain with the cheapest bridge, making it really easy for everybody from Solana to Ethereum to ape into aptos. And then I got to pretend that I was a faculty lecturer again. I spent an afternoon with one of my favorite colleagues in one of the universities. They're giving a presentation. And so the fun part was none of the students actually knew anything about web three. So I had to start with, what is web three?

Engaging with Students and Encouraging Curiosity

Then I got to talk about, you know, bitcoin and ethereum slowly making my way to aptos. But what was really exciting was so traditionally, it seems like most Asians are more conservative in asking questions, but I had one student in there that spent the whole time just asking me tons and tons of questions. So pretty stoked about that. Maybe. We'll see. We'll have a aptos Thai intern in the near future. And, you know, the rest of the trip is less memorable because I got rugged by United and now I'm enjoying Seoul for one more day. Exactly. See, there's the bright side to everything. I don't know, it's raining cats and dogs here. So metaphorically, maybe.

Fielding Questions and Sharing Insights

I got a question for you. I got a couple questions for you, David. If you're able to field questions, I. Am ready to be. That's what easy are for, basically. Is that okay, Alex? Obviously. Is that okay? Okay. Well, so I had so my two main questions from that were, you were talking about supervillain labs, and I saw a tweet earlier today that the NFT transaction volume was up 50%. I was wondering if you could either expand on that or speculate on that with us to keep it entertaining. And then the last thing you just said about giving the basic blockchain overview from bitcoin to ethereum to aptos, would you be able to give us your elevator pitch, your 32nd to 1 minute pitch on what you give those students? I would love to hear.

Speculation on NFT Volume and Game Engagement

I would love to hear how you replay that. I think I have my own pitch that goes from doge to something else to aptos. Wow. The second one's gonna be a bit harder, but I'll start with the speculation part. That's more fun. So, you know, the supervillains .3 update really made it amazingly easy to kind of start getting more into the game. So if you were playing up to that point in time, like getting super villains was hard, the sidekicks had lesser impact on the game. And so my suspicion is like, this .3 upgrade was just like such a game changer and just enabling people to rapidly start engaging and having fun. Like the really funny and wild part is our own bow and young from math Toss Labs, who's Pika Pikachu on the game is actually now number one.

In-Game Dynamics and Market Liquidity

He is crushing everybody else in the space. And so I gotta imagine everybody's all anxious and excited and they're like, we can't let Bowen be at the top. So they're all buying these sidekicks, hoping to leapfrog everybody else and just, you know, more on the speculative point. One thing that I realized as I was playing the game, or actually I was aping into their sidekicks, was the market's actually pretty liquid in that space, and maybe we shouldn't talk too much about this, but I'll have a little bit of fun and then get yelled at later. So you can actually go in and buy a bunch of capsules, mint a bunch of sidekicks, and then you have the question of, you've got what? Common, rare, epic and so on and so forth.

Navigating Game Strategies and Accessibility

What I found out was for certain grades, it actually made less sense to go and fuse them and instead just go to the marketplace and hope that somebody else would benefit by their existence. And so you can actually kind of make back a good chunk of what you spent on a large capsule package by doing that process. Especially if your goal is just to get legendaries, which legendaries are particularly prohibitively accessible. But with that, you know, that'd be kind of my speculation. The game is just improving. The number of users are getting in there more. I think they improve the flow to actually figure out how to get them. But, you know, those guys are always building, they're always exploring new things.

Insights on Blockchain Performance and Features

The game is just getting better over time. I will share one thing that they said is that they're actually going to have different levels of PvP. So it's going to be pretty exciting to see how all these pieces come together over the next few months. And I think your other question. So I pulled out my slides on introducing blockchains just so I could go into my favorite slide, which is there's a whole bunch of things that suck in existing blockchains that led us to where we are with Aptos. You know, there's no programmability, there's slow performance. You know, TPS is low, latency is really high.

Aptos' Advancements Versus Traditional Systems

The finality in many cases can be up to 30 seconds. And if you don't have good finality, then how can you actually trust that anything's happening on the blockchain, you know, just makes everything risky. You know, we want instantaneous settlement, just, you know, tap to pay and then the last thing is we want to make sure our networks are reliable resilience. And, you know, all these things are kind of the core concepts that we built into Aptos. And so from there, I just kind of went through each one of those bullet points with the students and said, here's how we do this in Apptos, and here's why this is relevant in particular.

Experiencing the Aptos Card

No, just looping back to AE, we did this a really great job of demonstrating at least this sub second finality. So when you actually had the Aptos card, so just the TLDR NAFTas card, which maybe I'm jumping way too ahead, maybe Alex wants to tell us about the Apptos card. I know she's just smiling at me with this. David, shut up and just keep talking. Face. No, so, never. So each participant that attended the AE got this amazing card by Arc Villas. It's very similar to one of the metal credit cards, but it's effectively hardware crypto in your pocket.

User Experience and Fast Transactions

And so with this, we wanted to give an experience very similar to like how you might do tap to pay or tap to collect. And so you can actually take this card, tap somebody's phone, and it would instantaneously give you various different coins, such as Don or I think up toast. Is there maybe gui cell and some, several other tokens. And so when you tap it, literally in a split second, it had already hit your wallet. The transaction was submitted from the phone to the blockchain and landed in your wallet within a split second. So it's really amazing to see this whole experience on aptos.

Impact of Fast Transactions on User Adoption

It's, you know, really, really unique, and people are really not prepared for how fast it is. When you go into these various different environments and say, try this out. It's truly a game changer. It is. That's, that. Right in your wallet was pretty impressive. It's also a payment card, so, you know, it looks like a black Amex, very cool, engraved with aptos. And when you claimed right away, before even saying claimed, it was in your wallet. So that was a pretty cool experience.

New Participants and Welcoming Discussions

I just want to pass it over to Leon. We have three new speakers, Greg Leon and Moonciestie from Mirage. Leon has been having his hand up for some time, so I just want to pass it on to him real quick. Hello, welcome in. Hey, GM. Gm. Hello, everyone. Yeah, a few questions. So I had two questions, but now I have three questions. David, real quick, could you post a link to those slideshow somewhere? If that's a public thing you can share, and then my two questions. So I'm super curious about Arthur Hayes talk at Aptos Korea.

Inquiries about Insights and Observations

So there's any video linking to it or if not, I was curious, what are the highlights of what he talked about? Was there like, you know, what are the one liners or basically thesis of what he was going for? And then I'm also curious about how is Aptos code collision going? I know it's not even like halfway through, but I'm curious, like, are you guys seeing any interesting projects or startups building stuff in code collision? Three very interesting topics. David, I'll let you answer on the slides part whether you can share or not.

Sharing Resources and Reflecting on Discussions

Yep. I will be very happy to share the slides, so I'll get those out pretty quickly. And for Authors talk, I'm very curious to hear Greg's thoughts on it because he was there. Greg, welcome in. Sorry, are you asking for my thoughts? I heard David's background noise. Yeah. I'm asking for your thoughts on Arthur Hayes's talk, Adiapto's experience. Yeah, I mean, I think I was sitting in the front row of his talk and his main thing, he did say, you know, fuck a specific other blockchain a couple times.

High-Speed Trading and Transaction Costs

But what his main thesis was talking about how centralized traditional finance costs significant amount, and that you end up paying all these fees to people who once upon a time actually meant something like brokerage fees and the exchanges because you had to pass paper around and you had to have like physical locations and all that. But then it became just, you're throwing it into a database instead, but you're still paying, you know, a significant percentage of fees on each trade. So you're essentially being inefficient with the money that you're doing, and you're just giving it to people who are making billions of, you're giving it to, like, the brokerage houses and things that are making billions of dollars a year on doing nothing, essentially, except keeping track of the trades.

Adapting to New Technologies in Finance

So he said, great thing is, he went and got some people to go look at different things. And so aptos made sense to him about the fact that, like, the high speed and the cheap cost makes it easy to sort of like, replace all these traditional finance systems with the Dexde I, that's like the super high level TLDR. And then he, you know, showed some comparisons between a couple different things and had some very colorful words to describe a lot of those pieces. Yeah, it was a very intense talk. And yeah, I would say it was mainly a comparison between the traditional finance system and blockchain and indexes.

Seeking Recordings of Discussed Talks

I don't know if we have a recording. That's a great question, so I'll check on that. But, moon shifty, did you listen to the talk? I'm pretty sure you were in the room when it happened. The Arthur Hays talk. Yeah, I caught about half of it. You know, a lot of, you know, our team really likes Ave. I think they're sort of one of the blue chips of Defi. And so for me, it was just.

Reflections on Aave and Future Directions

It's just really good to hear that. Aave thinks Aptos is at the point where they're willing to launch. Like, Aave is not going to launch on just any chain and take their time and move slowly. That's just how they work. That's why people trust them. So, I mean, I know October, you know, fuck it. Fuck all these other blockchains, but. I think, you know, Avi put a lot of thought into it, and it's just a nice endorsement from a real blue chip protocol.

Excitement Surrounding New Projects

But we're actually a lot like Avi. Kind of like, I don't say legacy. They have a lot of different products, a lot of cool stuff, but they. They move slowly. There's actually a lot of other cool competition out there. So I think, you know, obviously exciting, but there's actually some projects, I think, that on aptos that could be even bigger down the line, or at least are completely focused on aptos and the features that they can get out of Aptos.

Memories from the Aptos Experience

I'm excited about Aave and also excited about superposition and all the other low lens and more competition in the space. By the way, talking about all the other protocols launching and projects, what is your highlight from the Aptos experience? What's your favorite memory? I want to say, I think my. Favorite memory was me, Alex from Aconia and David from Key Rock got to sit down on a podcast and kind of talk about.

The Value of Collaboration and Discussion

We kind of framed as a bit of an argument debate over, like, order books versus, you know, automated market maker based markets. But really, it wasn't a debate. We just kind of talked about Defi and crypto, and it was just really fun. And it just. It was really nice that we all get together and make some good content. You know, a lot of stuff on Twitter is just, you know, super short and just trying to get clicks. But I think the podcast is actually.

Producing Meaningful Content

It's just big brain stuff, and we get able to talk about some of the ideas we have in long form. So it was really cool. Great, great. Serbi, welcome in. Hey. Hey. Good morning. How you doing? How you doing? I'm good. It's raining since you guys have left Seoul, so I think it's kind of sad that you guys are not here anymore. I don't know about Greg if you're still around in Asia, but Alex definitely misses you and the rest of the upper steam.

Reflecting on Past Experiences

No, I just made it back. You can hear my voice. Oh, my God, it's really raining. But in not a bad way, in a nice way, but it just feels sad without you guys. Serbia, I want to ask you the same question I did with moonchesti, which is what's your favorite memory from Jiaptos experience? What's your highlight of the week? I think in general, I think favorite memory, I would definitely say with the iconia team being up there because primarily we are building on it.

Appreciation for Collaborative Efforts

But I think I would also say the announcement that Aptos has been making regarding the tech developments, because that allows just for everybody to know, I'm from Kana labs, and we guys have been building exclusively on Aptos since the very beginning. And for us, like any development which does allow us to build cheaper, faster, and the execution speed as well as the gas bits allows us to really do get the users onboarded. So with respect to that, I think Alex, the thing, what about Arthur Hayes and as well as certain Greg, what he spoke about recently, I think all those comparison between traditional finance and crypto and what Aptos is doing at space, and I think a lot of this was covered by Avery that really, I think was really significant for us.

The Significance of New Developments

And on the other hand, Ikonia team, because we are rolling out further products on orderbook and trying to make, you know, to say the least, trying to make things more accessible for people across the globe and not being that exclusive, like traditional finance Washington in that sense, and also the system making it accessible to all, I think that was my favorite memory. I know I said a lot of generic terms, which is very specific. I apologize. It's still 09:30 a.m. for me, 09:30. A.M.

Time Zones and Upcoming Events

is not that early. Come on. It's not early, but in crypto time, it is very early these days. It is token 2049 next week. That's true. Yeah. We will be at token, by the way. So if any of you guys are there, please, let's meet. We also have quite a few events, but I'll talk about that a little bit later.

Tech Announcements Overview

Talking about announcements on the tech side. Brent, I'm very glad we had you because there was quite a few announcements on new features from Petra. What can you tell us? What can you not tell us?

Seeking David's Insights

Oh, can I defer to David on this one? I. So I did one of these this morning and I had a couple, you know, Petra, we got Petra earn, we got Petra nudge, we got Petra groups. I would love to hear David's perspective on what he's most excited about coming out of Petra. And by the way, like I think most of the videos I'm dropping now have a Petra earn sneak peek in the video if you're at all curious. And then I also promised earlier that I would drop the links to our beta builds, our Android beta and our iOS test flight builds for folks that are interested in getting access to features beforehand.

Sharing Beta Links and Excitement

So let me find that link, I'm going to post it. I want to hear from David. And then if David refuses or anything or threatens to fire me, I'll come back and I'll talk more about him. Well that escalated quite quickly there, Brent. I didn't realize it go from David. Just refusing to outright just terminate me. But rest assured we don't do that here at FTOs labs. But yeah, so I think circling back we're going to call it Petro nudge.

Petra Nudge and Social Connectivity

But it just, it comes back from the days of early Facebook where, you know, before you knew what to say anybody just kind of go and poke each other. And I think, you know, WhatsApp did a good job of doing this early on where we just kind of sent each other nothing but what's up. And I think we're going to bring that back into web three and start that out as like the hub of social for Petra. And you know, one of the things I'd love to do from that perspective is also just make sure we figure out how to create that to be open.

Innovative Ideas for Petra

One thing I'm particularly excited about, I don't know if this is actually on a roadmap or not, but I would love for it to be there is to have like an xnft kind of concept where you can put data and code on chain and then you can render it in Petra so you get these really nice immersive experiences. Maybe I'm speculating too much about where we can go. Just starting with the Petra nudge to begin with, but that's where I'd like to see that kind of go.

Updates on Ecosystem Notifications

Now Brent also talked about David. We can absolutely make anything happen for you. I'm willing to spend many cycles and many days working on that for you. That sounds awesome. Well actually, speaking of that friend since you mentioned anything for me, do we get the ecosystem notifications shipped yet? Yeah, it's on the internal builds on iOS. Android is being very finicky and I am testing on device right now so it's, yeah, I might be paying for that meal, David.

Expressing Gratitude and Future Efforts

Well if nothing else you can just buy me a pizza instead and we'll call it even. I think that's gonna be more cost effective. Awesome locker right now on shipping that. Damn, we gotta get everybody on Android at os, that's the only device that matters. It's not happening. We can try. So then, oh my God, you guys. I don't think you're gonna succeed in that endeavor.

Exploring Petra Earn

Well I don't know what to say. I'm gonna move on to Petra earn because I think that's gonna be like the hottest thing since, you know. And so Petra earn is just this game changer for helping noobs get into crypto. And so, you know, you can take your USDT, you can go straight to Petra and then you're immediately going to be making like some solid gains and you don't even have to learn anything about crypto to take advantage of that.

Inviting Non-Web3 Users

And I think this is going to be one of the first of many projects that we're going to be working on that just really tries to bring in as many non web three people into this wonderful world that we're creating here. And I mean there's a whole bunch of other stuff in that space and so I'm going to actually throw it back to Brent who's at the forefront of all these experiences.

Connecting Petra and Aptos

But you know, I think that the other thing is where Petra and Aptos connect start to intersect, which is a lot more speculation, probably even more speculation than my NFT data idea concept that we could put into Petra. But I'm really excited about the idea of just like letting users seamlessly use Aptos from browser to mobile device. So maybe even, you know, some Aptos glasses in the future.

Future Prospects and Updates

Who knows what's going to happen. Petraware anyway, what's on your mind, Brent, in terms of the other cool stuff? Oh my gosh, you just said Petraware and I've never heard that before. So now I'm really excited about that. But I think top of my list send flow improvements, I think I've sent on multiple platforms, I've sent on Venmo, I've sent on Zelle through Bank of America.

User Experience in Web3

And Aptos is by far the most superior. And making that web three experience beat those web two experiences is huge for us. The send experience on Aptos should have an app experience that rivals the best web two experiences. So we have a bunch of immediate improvements that we can do and then we have longer term improvements that make it more of the web two experience.

Upcoming Developments

I think that takes more time and energy. That's number one. I mean, and we're talking like the month of September probably. Number two would be ecosystem events. I posted internally asking anybody going to this Twitter space later and Greg replied yeah, I'm going to be there speaking on behalf of Aptos.

Community Engagement

And is there going to be something coming up in the near term that allows folks within Aptos and within the community some sort of trusted system add these ecosystem events and support the community? No, I'm going to wrestle with you guys in a few minutes. I just got to, I got to give my pitch on Petra.

The Importance of Competition

I'll be right out. Okay. I just, I just made a sales pitch to my almost three year old. Nailed it. And so having that trusted community that is sponsoring all these events or getting them out there and getting them well known and having a system that builds on itself and making it not just a petro feature, I think it's important for, you know, I've seen some nightly tweets.

Fostering Ecosystem Development

I think having competition is super important for the ecosystem. It's going to make Petra do better. It's going to make nightly do better and customers win at the end of the day and they're all Aptos customers. So I'm very excited to make some of these things more open sourced for the entire Aptos community. So it's not just Petra, you know, Petra is going to continue to compete on everything else but making everything open source so that Aptos users are winning.

September Plans

At the end of the day I think that's our, that's our main goal. So those two things, our month of September probably. And then after that, oh man, I have a whole doc. David, we gotta get together and talk about the doc. I love your doc sprint. They always give me goosebumps.

Engagement with the Community

Oh man. Sold up. I know you have a question. Please. Shoot. Actually I just mostly wanted to talk about the cool things I saw at Aptis experience, but I do want to quickly shout out Brent and Petra.

App Improvements and Community Vibe

It feels like it's pretty much improving every time I open the app. The, probably my favorite talk besides Arthur Hayes which has been mentioned was meltem demirs, she gave a talk on energy and energy trading and how the energy sector has grown a ton, even stock wise, compared to big tech.

Significant Insights from Talks

Everyone's always talking about how much big tech has grown, but the energy sector is actually outpacing that over the last few years. And I thought that was a really interesting talk, and she was a very captivating speaker, so I'd love to hear more from her. The other event that I liked was actually the Peaches party.

Inclusivity at Events

One small little detail about it that I think was actually really nice is that it wasn't a crypto exclusive event. There was actually a lot of locals there, which, I don't know, it just made the vibe really cool. So if you guys are looking to host stuff like that in the future, that thing, I think, adds to it.

Feedback and Acknowledgements

So thanks. Couldn't agree more. And thank you for your. For your takeaways. I love a good mix of crypto and uncrypto. I think it always makes the vibe a little better and smoother, especially when you're in places like.

Cultural Highlights

Like Seoul, like Korea, where they party hard. They're very big party people. They. They know how to bring the party, so having the locals there was definitely a plus. I agree.

Continuing the Conversation

I agree with that. And thank you for your takeaway. Ambitious dirt is with us. Hello, hello. How's it going? How you doing? I'm doing all right. Can't complain.

Connecting with Audience

Is it Zach? This is Zack this time. I knew it. Please tell us, what was your favorite moment from the Abdos experience? Quite literally meeting everybody. This was my first crypto event, so I didn't know what to expect going in, and I don't know, just the vibe of everything was great.

Reflections on the Event

What's next for ambitious Joe? What did you guys accomplish while being there? Because you're one of the ecosystem people who had a booth. Yeah. Tell us. Tell us more. I think the next step is definitely gearing up to launch our collection.

Collaborations and Launch Plans

We've got a lot of collabs in the works right now after meeting a lot of people in person, so expect some collabs coming and then expect a drop fairly soon. Can't give a date yet, of course.

Successful Engagements

How many mints did you get while at the Apptos experience? From the free solomon? Close to 6000. Wow. Yeah. Great numbers.

Positive Feedback

I know, right? Pretty cool. Yeah, definitely amazing. The ecosystem booth, I think, was maybe my favorite part. Obviously, meeting everyone is always, you know, great.

Building Relationships

And I feel like the relationships within the ecosystem improve drastically whenever that happens. But I think, you know, having the opportunity to showcase some of the projects and people to interact with them was the coolest part for me, for sure.

Highlighting Castile's Progress

Greg, question. I think it's a good segue into the fact that Castile, I believe, had an ecosystem booth the first day, and I believe like yesterday, they announced their open beta.

Latest Developments and Personal Experiences

Or I think you can sign up for their beta. So check it out. I think they also announced their raise, which was quite large for what I expected. The game looked really cool and the like, 3d graphics and the depth and like, it looks like a real RPG game for, I think it's mobile and like tablets and things.

Encountering Technical Issues

So I would check that out. I tried to sign up, but I think I wasn't getting text messages or something when I was in Korea, so it wasn't working. Now I'm back in the US, so I'm going to try it again.

Impressive Funding Announcements

Yeah, I think on the bail launch, and they raised 25 million in total, which is indeed pretty impressive. Did you get to try it out in Seoul, Greg? I watched them play with it, but I actually like, because they mentioned that they were going to launch the beta soon, which I guess was one week afterwards.

Making Way for Others

I decided to spend my time instead of talking to other people and talking to the different projects and letting other people play with the game directly. You left the space for others. How gracious of you.

Sharing Updates and Next Steps

If someone wants to pin their latest tweet on top, you can do that. I am horrible at doing this, so it won't come for me, but please do. Talking about what's next moon Shiesti, what's next for Mirage?

Anticipating Launches

Because I know you guys had a lot of talks with different partners. You also were on a panel. You mentioned the podcast. So what's coming up and when? Everyone wants to know when.

Teasing Upcoming Releases

All I can say is it'll be soon. And when we launch, we're going to launch the best purse decks. So, you know, stay tuned for announcements in the next few weeks.

Preparation and Testing

But really, we're just getting all the pieces in place, making sure everything's tested and making sure that, you know, we have the right partnerships in place for all the pieces.

Final Touches

You know, when you're launching kind of a, at least our type of protocol, you know, we need to make sure we have the right partnerships with, you know, our protocols, like swap protocols, the staking protocols, really, we're trying to work with everyone in the ecosystem, as well as all the market makers in the ecosystem to make sure we have the best experience.

Excitement for What's Ahead

So, yeah, you know, we're spending our time well and we're going to be out there definitely very soon. Great. Yeah, because you told me we're not going token because we need to launch, which was a fair point.

Navigating Post-Event Challenges

Yes, yes, we're back at home. We're a bit jet lagged, so we're working weird hours, but yeah, we've been, you know, app experience was a great use of our time. I'm really glad went, but at this point all our time is focused on just getting the launch out there.

Eager Anticipation for Launch

Definitely excited to see that happen. David, you've been awfully quiet, so I have to call you out. No, I'm just excited to hear that Mirage is really buckling down.

Continued Engagement

Teased them on a previous space how many more supreme they can come up with. So hopefully we run out of superlatives. We just talk about how many superlatives we can say about their awesome main net products.

Future Discussions and Collaborations

Yeah, I hope next time we talk we'll be talking about Mirage and you know, maybe you'll have some feedback for us and some ideas to take to the next level, but it'll be soon.

Motivation and User Focus

What keeps us going is just thinking about once we're launched, all the users and actually getting a product people like. That's what keeps us going.

Focusing on Development Goals

So we want to get it done. And having a product that people like is definitely the key here. And talking about people, I think Serbia, you had a few questions.

Ecosystem Accessibility Challenges

Yes, actually I have something which it just struck me and I apologize, Alex, I did not mention this before. A lot of the ecosystem that you spoke to, at least over here, right, speaking to Merkel, iconia.

Onboarding New Users

I think the biggest question which Aptos ecosystem has been talking about is how to onboard the next web three users. I think that is something which was quite significantly like spoken about as well.

Tech Readiness and Usability

Something which collectively everybody is talking because that is where, you know, like how to actually make this. Now we have the tech ready, we have things there which are user friendly, actually not user friendly, but usable, which have actually elevated from previously.

Making Blockchain Mainstream

So how do we get it accessible to the general public? Why blockchain? Why do we want to make it mainstream? And here one thing which is really cool is that everybody in the ecosystem is kind of thinking about similarly and working on like different creative ways, but thinking about similarly.

Keyless Innovations

And what I mean is I think the keyless bit, right? Like for example on Aptos having the keyless upgrade last time and, you know, whenever it was upgraded, I think that does allow us now for users to simply just use a stablecoin.

Focus for the Next Quarter

It's a big development and I think a lot of people are focusing in the next quarter over here. And as a matter of fact, when I speak to other people from other parts of the world and who are not part of the Aptos ecosystem.

Identifying Industry Gaps

There's one of the things which a lot of the chains are lacking. It's not a pitch for Aptos, but something personally I feel like that is how you can make, you know, an industry sustainable.

Looking to the Future

So that is something which a lot of other projects also are looking to. And this is a solution which has been found.

Discussion on Trading Experience

I don't know who's right person. Maybe Greg, I guess. But like how does a block STM a way to improve overall trading experience? Because this is something which is really important to Kana right now in the ecosystem. We guys plan to launch a perpetual future soon. And with already the Raptor consensus upgrade, I think it'll allow us to have the similar experience of the fastest, you know, trading books in tradfi. So I was just wondering how would this impact, and also just for the benefit for everybody. And on that note, a little bit of a pitch. Ghana labs had a 2.4 billion volume yesterday. I think it's just a couple of traders who've been doing it. But it's crazy. I can't believe that it's on block radar. So not sure if you find the traders, I think they're trying to get all the points I guess. But it's pretty crazy that I could handle that much without any errors at all. Sorry I went for long.

Explanation of Raptor Consensus

Yeah, since you called me off with a block STMV two. I'm not a researcher so I haven't seen the research that they've been working on, but I'll give the TLBR my understanding. So the. Like you called me out, I gotta answer. So the raptor consensus is about being able to decrease the latency of consensus and have better faster ordering of transactions. And that is around the average, the throughput of the entire chain in parallel across different things. But then Block STM was supposed to be very specific about increasing the performance of a single machine. So being able to increase the performance of a single machine you still need to handle dynamic parallelism when you have multiple transactions that may conflict with each other. So the TLDR is, it's being built to handle more cores. Right now a lot of the stuff is built around the idea that you have somewhere between eight to 32 cores, but with higher parallelism you can actually be able to do it with a even better ordering across multiple cores. So I think they said 128, 256 cores. One of those don't hold me to it. And being able to do that along with handling, fixing the ordering, some should allow for even higher throughput when you have conflicts on the same kind.

Impact of Block STM V2 and Raptor Consensus

Sorry, conflict free transactions, which you can get with the great change that we're also adding in aggregators for fungible assets and other things. So for your purposes of your trades, they might be even faster or might even be more conflict free, allowing for higher throughput. Okay, first of all, I didn't mean to call you out, and I'm sorry, and thanks, Greg. So if I do understand that correctly in English, that would have possibly mean that, you know, the problem which we have in traditional finance of co host locations. So basically, it's like, I don't know how many of you guys have read flashboys, but like, if it's co hosting near the location itself, it'll you know, you have those blocks which you've covered, which makes like some people to be the faster one or get the best price. So we hear, I'm assuming with block STM V two and the Raptor consensus, it would allow people overall, like the machine will. I mean, the system will be able to handle a lot of volume together without compromising the security and also not giving privilege to any one team just because they're closer. Maybe, I guess in English, if anyone knows that's the right one, that's the right way to interpret.

Benefits of Optimal Execution Time

I think you're pretty close. I think the one thing that was actually pretty cool is in today in block IsTM, if you all go to Khana and you all do a common swap. So let's just say like a new meme coin landed and embrace swapping into it's, there's a high possibility that we'd end up with no parallelization and actually taking longer than if you just run all the transactions in series. And so one of the really cool features is just to make sure that we can eliminate any of those types of bottlenecks. So no matter what, we will have the optimal execution time for any possible set of transactions. And then, as Greg alluded to, like, we're just going to be pushing the performance even better, smarter way scheduling, so that, you know, there's no, in the normal case where you just have a good distribution of transactions, they'll be running much more effective efficiently in parallel fashion, allowing much scalability. So if you're going to be transacting on that to us, just expect better and better performance over time.

Appreciation for the Community

Thank you. Thank you. Leon, you had a question? Yeah, a quick question. The lady was speaking earlier. I heard something about a platform that did 2.4 billion in volume. I was curious what platform was that? Was that 24 hours volume. Beyond that? Ladies, me, my name is, nice to meet you. It was Kana Labs and we guided about 2.4 billion volume yesterday. So there's been, I think, one or two traders who've been, I think, competing with each other because we have a point system which is rolled out and they've been swapping and spot trading on the platform since yesterday. So we're also trying to figure out through forecast who exactly it is because we are worried that it should not get accumulated one place. However, it has increased the volume and brought us on the map. So that's kind of labs.

Future Events and Community Engagement

Gotcha. Super cool. I'm checking it out from the Aptos part now. I see it's a Dex aggregator kind of trade which I think was VPN blocked. But you guys got perpetuals features. Pretty cool. Yeah. And we actually bring in perpetual options too. I'll talk on move, by the way, I'll talk about this later, but right now this is what it is. And if someone does not see the same stats, please do let me know. It's on DAP radar. Angel, welcome to the stage. Thank you, Alex. Thank you. I just wanted to thank Abdas for having us. Well, first having this event. Thank you to our head of community, Max Unger, for getting us out there. And thank you as well, Alex, for helping us get organized. For some of the community managers, it was their first time out of their home countries and so it was an awesome experience.

Sharing Experiences and Reflections

And if you have to ask me what my favorite part of the whole thing was, probably just meeting some of the team members of Aptos foundation and Aptos Labs, as well as seeing some of the talks and of course the after parties. So just wanted to say a big thank you for the amazing opportunity and to the organizers, just amazing job because it was an awesome event. Well, thank you and thank you for coming. We appreciate you. And obviously the community managers are massive part of building the ecosystem, spreading the world, and obviously building the community itself. So thank you guys for your service, we appreciate it and we hope to see you at more events for sure.

Ode to Community Managers

Yeah. So I just want to do a quick ode. So one, absolutely phenomenal. See the community managers out there enforce. Huge props to the team that was able to make that happen. And I also want to just call out, you know, you might not know it, but my colleague here, Alix, actually did so many different things to get this up and running. The whole app talk experience was amazing. And I think a large part of it is due to just her continuous efforts from day one and organizing boots and getting the attendees listed up, making sure we had the right people from the ecosystem, the community coming, and even just watching her, you know, the day to day, like, being. I think she was the first one there in the morning and probably the last person to leave every single night and throughout the day, just coordinating, helping to organize and help people find each other.

Recognition for Outstanding Contributions

So I just want a huge props to Alix for just running an amazing show the entire time. Aptos is really lucky to have you. Oh, my gosh, David, thank you. I'm gonna cry. I really do it for the ecosystem. To me, it's the core of the blockchain, is definitely the builders and the users on it. And so the goal is definitely for me for them to have the best experience. And I'm very fortunate to be working with people like David and Greg, and I can always direct people with their technical question or any question, really, and I know they'll come out with so much insights and an amazing vibe. So thank you, guys.

Feedback from the Community

Yeah, I wanted to shout out to you too, but David covered it all. So great. One thing I do want to ask the people who are sitting here, where would you like the Aptos experience or the next event that we have should be next. What's your prediction? Great question. Yeah. Thank you. Greg, please tell us what do you want to see? Where do you want it to be, you know? Please tell us what do you want? What do you want to experience next year? Wherever Alex decides. I'll throw some city ideas and definitely look at Austin, Texas, Singapore, Thailand, Dubai. Some good cities. I would say Tokyo.

Considering Event Locations

Great, great insights. Tokyo is great, but it's really far from pretty much everyone except from Korea. That's the one thing it's harder for people to get there. I do like cool ground. Wait, say that again, Greg. Equal ground for everyone. Yeah, yeah. We got to think about what the best location would be for sure. But we're taking proposition, so please send your way if you have ideas. I guess maybe sneezy. What do you want to see next year that we didn't do this year? Honestly? I think you guys do a twelve. Out of ten events.

Reflections and Suggestions

I want to see more homies there next year. That my, that was honestly the only takeaway is I wish that more of the community could have been there. That was. That felt like living in a movie for the three days that we all got to be together and the amount of connections, friendships that were just double down. I just want more people to be able to take part in that. So equal ground wherever we can find that is going to be the best for the most people to make it. That's where. That's where you should do it. Yeah, I agree. Location is very important in that sense. And that's also always how we try to think about it, is like, where do we have the largest community?

Logistics and Community Growth

Where is going to be the most convenient for people to come while also having the best experience? Unfortunately, we can't, you know, please everyone in the location. And that's like, the hard part. But that's also why we're probably going to try and move around year after year. So great insight. Thank you. Best way to do it and to double down on what angel said. Just thank you from everybody who got to be there and everybody that got to take part in it, from everybody posting pictures and videos and I think everybody's just charged up. I think you guys did an amazing job of just showing what the future is going to be like with the speakers, with just how intimate the whole venue was.

Closing Remarks

I can't say enough good things. Well, thank you so much. And that's the goal of the events. Right. It's funny to me because it's a space that's very global and decentralized and. And pretty anonymous in a way. Right. Most people don't have a picture of themselves. It's always a PFP. But then the in person component is so crucial and important, and it's just a funny double take on the space to me. But thank you for joining. Unless there's anything else, I think we are pretty much at time. Thank you for everyone who participated both in the experience and in this space, and we hope to see you very soon.

Updates on Upcoming Engagements

We have three events going on at Tolkien. We're also going to have a booth inside the venue. So please, if you're there, come and see us, say hi, have a chat. We're also sponsoring the vip lounge, so you'll see a few of us. I think there's pretty much, what, 1515 people from Aptos who will be there. And if you need a list of the events and where to register, please reach out to me and I'll send everything to you. And we hope to see you there or somewhere else very soon. David, other last word, Greg.

Anticipation for Next Year

I think snoozy hit the nail on the head. I can't wait for the next year, and I really damn well hope that everybody gets their ass over there. It was so great seeing the few people that did make it out, but we need a lot more people. A lot more people. Let go. Greg, do you want to say bye? Oh, bye. Thanks, everyone, for coming and listening to us, like, just ramble on about whatever it is. Thank you very much, Leon, for coming up and asking questions, participating. It's great to see you around time and time again.

Building Community Relations

Maybe you can become a good part of the community. Definitely. Yeah. Thank you for coming in for the great questions, and we hope to see you at the next event for sure. Awesome GMGM, guys. Bye. Everyone, I have your attention, please? Yes, I do. May I have your attention, please? Will the real Slim Sadie please stand up? I repeat, will the real Slim Sadie please stand up? We're gonna have a problem here.

Lighthearted Interaction

Y'all act like you've never seen a white person before. Jaws all on the floor like pan, like Tommy just bursting the door. We started whooping her ass bursting before they burst. With your boys throwing her over furniture. It's the return of the. Oh, wait. No way. You're kidding. He didn't just say what I think. He did he? And doctor Dre said nothing. You idiots. Doctor Dre's daddy locked in my basement. Feminist women love gimmin them.

The Final Thoughts

Look at him walking around, know what living and you know who. Yeah, but he's so cute, though.

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