Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Aptos All Access | Builder Open Mic with guests Mereo, Myco, Emojicoin hosted by Aptos. Aptos All Access brings together industry experts and community members to delve into the innovative world of the Aptos blockchain infrastructure. Through in-depth discussions with prominent guests like Mereo, Myco, and Emojicoin, participants gain valuable insights into Aptos' evolutionary design, strategic partnerships, developer opportunities, and real-world applications. The Aptos Foundation plays a key role in fostering collaboration and engagement, underlining the platform's commitment to community-driven growth and continuous development. With a focus on scalability, sustainability, and innovation, Aptos stands out in the competitive blockchain landscape, offering unique features and exciting possibilities for developers and users alike.

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Total Listeners: 58


Q: What sets Aptos blockchain apart from other layer 1 solutions?
A: Aptos focuses on continuous evolution and innovation, offering a unique approach to blockchain development.

Q: How does the Aptos Foundation foster community engagement and collaboration?
A: The Aptos Foundation facilitates open dialogues, partnerships, and initiatives to involve the community in the evolution of the Aptos ecosystem.

Q: What strategic initiatives are in place to drive the growth of Aptos?
A: The guests discuss the roadmap, integrations, and partnerships that fuel the expansion and adoption of Aptos.

Q: What opportunities are available for developers interested in building on the Aptos blockchain?
A: Learn about the resources, support, and possibilities for developers to create innovative solutions within the Aptos ecosystem.

Q: How does Aptos ensure a robust and competitive position in the blockchain market?
A: Insights are shared on how Aptos differentiates itself through unique features, strategic partnerships, and community engagement.

Q: What are the potential real-world applications of Aptos blockchain technology?
A: Explore the use cases and opportunities across various industries that can benefit from the capabilities of the Aptos blockchain.

Q: How does Aptos encourage innovation and creativity within its ecosystem?
A: Discover how Aptos provides an environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and the development of new ideas within the blockchain space.

Q: What role do partnerships play in the growth and ecosystem development of Aptos blockchain?
A: Insights are shared on the impact of strategic partnerships in expanding the functionalities and reach of the Aptos platform.

Q: How does Aptos address scalability and sustainability in its blockchain infrastructure?
A: Learn about the solutions and strategies employed by Aptos to ensure scalability, efficiency, and long-term viability of its blockchain ecosystem.

Q: What opportunities exist for individuals or businesses interested in getting involved with Aptos?
A: Discover the entry points, collaboration opportunities, and benefits available for those looking to engage with Aptos as developers, partners, or users.


Time: 00:15:29
Evolutionary Design of Aptos Blockchain Insights on how Aptos is engineered for continuous evolution and adaptability in the blockchain landscape.

Time: 00:25:17
Community Building with Aptos Foundation Exploring the role of the Aptos Foundation in fostering collaboration and engagement within the blockchain community.

Time: 00:35:40
Strategic Partnerships and Integrations Discussions on the importance of partnerships and integrations in enhancing the functionality and reach of the Aptos ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:55
Innovative Use Cases on Aptos Exploring potential real-world applications and innovative solutions enabled by the capabilities of Aptos blockchain.

Time: 00:55:12
Developer Opportunities and Resources Insights into the support, resources, and opportunities available for developers interested in building on the Aptos platform.

Time: 01:05:28
Scalability and Sustainability in Aptos Ecosystem Addressing the strategies and solutions implemented by Aptos to ensure scalability and long-term sustainability of its blockchain infrastructure.

Time: 01:15:10
Future Growth and Vision for Aptos Glimpses into the strategic vision, roadmap, and future initiatives driving the growth and development of the Aptos blockchain.

Time: 01:25:39
Creating Impact through Innovation Highlighting how innovation, creativity, and community involvement contribute to the impact and success of Aptos in the blockchain space.

Key Takeaways

  • Aptos blockchain is designed for evolution and continuous development.
  • Insightful discussions with prominent guests offer valuable perspectives on the blockchain industry.
  • The Aptos Foundation facilitates open dialogues and collaborations within the blockchain community.
  • Exploration of the unique features and opportunities provided by the Aptos ecosystem.
  • The importance of community engagement and innovation in building a successful blockchain platform.
  • Learn about the strategic vision and roadmap for Aptos and its future growth.
  • Discover the integrations and partnerships that enhance the functionality and reach of Aptos.
  • Insights into how Aptos differentiates itself in the competitive blockchain landscape.
  • Exploration of potential use cases and applications leveraging the capabilities of Aptos.
  • Opportunities for developers and builders to contribute to the Aptos ecosystem and shape its development.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introductions

Yo, greetings and salutations, everybody. How's everybody doing? We're trying to get David and Alix up right now for some reason. I got invite, but Alix and David are still down in the listeners for me. But that's okay. We're gonna. We're gonna work. Working on it. I hear some. I hear some stuff from aptos. Oh. Oh, they muted. But how's everybody doing, Alex? Oh, there's David. David is speaker. Yes, take over, David.

Support and Kind Words

No, Brent, you're doing great. I have absolutely no need to be here with fearless Petra, guru from the heavens here to support us all. Oh, David, you're too kind. You're just saying that, man. Oh, Ali, you sound about ten years younger. Yeah, I got to take the voice modulator off. Alix. I'm going to pass it over to you.

Technical Difficulties

I'm already being rugged. It's bad. No speaker. It was so weird. I accepted the invitation as a speaker and then as a co host, and then I was still seeing myself as a listener. And then you said, you see me as a listener? And I was like, okay, this is not working, clearly, but we're here now. We're here. Are you on Android by any chance? I am absolutely not. Oh, thank goodness. The last space I was in got completely rugged on Android. Hopefully we don't. Yeah, nobody on Android could hear. Everybody on Android said that it was super robotic and choppy.

Android Issues

Maybe they push out an update and I don't know. Most devs are testing just on iOS. But anyway, I'm glad to hear you're not on Android, David. I know is on Android, but go ahead. I don't know what this blasphemy is, Brent, I'm about to kick you off this space permanently. You as well. We need to be warm and open to people. We are warming. This is not. You guys are way too hostile for, whether it be a Friday morning or a Thursday afternoon or middle of the night, wherever you are.

Inclusivity in Technology

Like, let's support Android, windows, Mac, whatever you are, wherever you are. Absolutely warming. That's all I have to say. We're actually absolutely warm and welcome, welcoming to Android people. Well, to all people, just not Android users. It's so funny because every time we surface, every time we talk about Android, you take it so personally, David, you. Guys are all robotic, so I don't know what's going on. Maybe the spaces are really not meant to happen today.

Assessing Technical Issues

Is it really robotic for you? Are you joking? Wow. I think. Just hold on a second. Yeah, this is what happened in the last space Android. You, David, is actually. Everybody laugh at David right now. Throw up your laughing emojis at David for being on Android. Twitter is. X is just rugging Android users today. David has no idea. Everybody go ahead and laugh at him. Yeah, you know, his windows surface is having some issues. It's okay. I'm sitting here, right here next to him.

Platform Overview

Greg, you're an iPhone, right? Yes. We, much as we want to keep on talking about which platforms are better than others, I think we should get on talking. We got some great speakers on today. Thank you, everyone, for coming. Okay, Greg said enough of this madness talk. Let's get into the weeds of the topic. Sure, let's do it. We have two ecosystem partners today with us. Actually, we have two and a half, I want to say, because emoji coin, which is also in a way, Konya.

Introduction to Emojicoin

Right, Alex? Correct me if I'm wrong. And then we have Mario with us as well. Let's get this going. Alex, I would love for you to give us a real good understanding of what emojicoin is about. Thanks, Alex. So emojicoin fun is an emojicoin launchpad that's incubated by Akani Labs. Everything is fully open source from the move package up through the front end, including our indexer that you can run yourself.

Infrastructure and Access

And we've designed it as. Yes, it's a fun consumer product, and it's also trading infrastructure for the entire app dot ecosystem. We're already working with folks who want to integrate things like telegram bots. And I think that it's a fun way to bring on new users to not just app dot, but to crypto in general, because it is a way that anyone can launch an emoji coin. And so people don't necessarily have to understand what it, what crypto is about.

User Accessibility

They don't necessarily have to understand what a liquid staking token is or defied yield is. They just need to enjoy emojis. And that's, you know, the most universal language in the world at this point. In some sense, more people actually understand emojis than can read English or Mandarin or any other language in the world. And so we've taken some lessons from other industry participants, whether it, a lot of it is inspired by pump fun, but we also have made some improvements on it in terms of the UX, we think.

Understanding Bonding Curves

What this means is that the more that emoji coins get bought, the price goes up. And then once there's a certain amount of buy pressure. So once 1000 apt has been essentially deposited into the bonding curve, the coin makes it out of the bonding curve, and this gets locked into a constant product automated market maker, which is essentially a uniswap v two pool. So this mechanism, the bonding curve automated market maker, has been pretty tried and tested across the industry, and we think it's a pretty great ingenious mechanism for getting ample liquidity into a market. And so we also built in these features that prevent some of the headaches that other people had to deal with. So the first thing that I mentioned is the refundable deposit. So this essentially incentivizes people to make sure if they're going to register a market that it's not just a DOS attack, it's one that they care about or one that they want to promote so that other people can kind of huddle around it and enjoy the market together.

Market Registration and Bot Prevention Features

And then another thing too, is that there's bot prevention. So after someone registers a market, they have dibs on the first trade on that market, or until five minutes lapse, whichever happens first, and then it's a free for all. So that means that a user who registers a market and wants to point and click from the UX isn't going to get rubbed by some bot, by someone who set up a python sniffer to just monitor the chain and buy up the bonding curve. So we actually put the power back into the hands of the users, especially those that are using the front end and don't have to. No one has to be familiar with the command line or building a bot or anything. And so that's some of the precautions we've taken to make it so that people have a really fun and equitable trading experience at emoji coin fun.

Integration and Efficiency Innovations

So you threw in a surprise to me there, and maybe we can clarify a little bit. So after we make it through the bonding curve and we launch into the amm, it sounds like you've got your own amms. You're not actually going into something like liquid swap or Solana. Is that accurate? The entire product is vertically integrated for maximum efficiency and for ease of indexing. So that's right. That each market is, that, is that your pitch line? That is, it could be a pitch line. It just makes it easier to orchestrate the smooth pricing from the bonding curve to the swap. And it also makes it so that when a market is getting past the bonding curve, it can autonomously continue buying the operation into the AM.

Autonomy and Move Logic

So this is actually a significant improvement over pump fund which had essentially an admin backdoor. Whenever a coin got out of the bonding curve, the funds just sat there and then someone had to come and then take that and like manually create a radium market with it. But in the case of emojicoin fund fun, I actually posted a snippet of the move logic on x like two days ago. It is autonomously transferred. And so when someone say the bonding curve is 99.9% done and someone buys against it, if they submit a buy, they will get it on the bonding curve. It keeps buying past the bonding curve and even through and into the amm without any hiccups. So it's as smooth as it can be. And the indexing is all custom built around this entire vertically integrated mechanism for the easiest data printouts and statistics that we can put into the front end.

Web Three Application and Fan Identity

Sure. So for us, we're actually using web three in a variety of different ways, but predominantly we're actually securing, we're creating an on chain fan identity that's securely preserved on the blockchain and that allows us to onboard off chain data points to track the engagements. And then we also offer fans verifiable records for other applications and services. We allow users greater control over their data by storing the data on the blockchain as opposed to kind of web two alternatives that are currently available in the space right now. It also allows us to utilize technology like soul bound tokens to prevent ticket reselling, which is a global problem at the moment, especially in the entertainment scene. And then eventually we actually want to create more of a governance related tool for fans.

Cautious Approach to Tokens and Mainstream Focus

So for us, yeah. So, yeah, definitely. I think there's definitely ways we can incorporate it into the future, but where at the moment, we're just very. Our main core user base is going to be mainstream fans in the entertainment industry. And right now, the sentiment for tokens, the use of coins, et cetera, is not as accepted as opposed to different markets. So we're more of like a pioneer in the space where we want to be one of the. One of the platforms that really shows what web three can really bring to the table in terms of benefits for how we can solve a lot of the pre existing problems that have plagued the energy entertainment industry for a while. So we're taking a very cautious approach, and we're at least on the front end, we're making sure that it's not so web three centric.

Event Management and User Experience

Actually, I'm so it's a Mario mere XYZ if you want to check it out. But yeah, it's a. It's a pretty sleek UI, pretty easy to access. Would definitely recommend folks, go check it out because these guys definitely know what they're talking about in terms of a sleek user experience. Just to be clear right now I see there's a bunch of events that are sold out, but these were originally not sold out. I could have actually gotten my tickets through Mario, I guess, all the way back in April, in June and whatnot. Is that accurate? Yes, correct. We actually have five events under our belt. These were more pilot tests that we did with our mvp of the first product, but we did actually test it out with KPop IP.

Ticket Sales and Future Plans

So people in hip hop, we did it with international dj's. Of course, we started small just because it was a test. So it was about anywhere between 500 to 1000 people. But I think we're one of the only, or if not the only project in the space where we managed to sell out all the events that we've done. So I think ticketing power and actual event execution was not really a bottleneck for us. It's more about us getting the platform ready. And once we're ready to have the UI UX ready to be shown to the wider public, we'll be looking to do festivals. We'll be looking to do much larger events with much larger ips. We have so many in the pipeline already.

Addressing Limitations of On-Chain Ticketing

So right now, I think ticketing, like in its concept for what we're trying to bring to the table in terms of the benefits of using NFT technology, it's been a, for a while, but I think the difference was the latency issues. Right now, a lot of not Aptos is obviously one of the forerunners for having low e, two e latency, but I think most tech providers, layer ones, layer twos have sort of improved over the years. And so now we're at a point where we can mint an NFT ticket within seconds. And so there's not really a difference to standard platforms anymore. And so because of that, there's actually no real limitation. Even if we abstract away everything, our users, at least from the five pilot tests that we've done, haven't expressed any concerns about using the product at all.

Data Insights and Competitive Advantages

And I think moving forward, there should not be any limitations for any like maximum number or anything like that, just as long as we have the platform going, as long as we can maintain the server to inbound all the people that want to buy a ticket at once. If I, if I may ask as well, Samuel, I'm also close with Ahmed and David, who are co founders of Kyd Labs, which is also doing ticketing on chain ticketing isn't my background, obviously, the projects I work on are more defi. But I was wondering if you've had a look at what they're building and how Mario compares with that, given that it sounds like you're not necessarily just doing like ticketing or events, but you're also doing things like, you know, on chain interactions and engagements.

Concerns of Western Artists

So I think that really kind of depends on what kind of artists that you speak to. So I think predominantly, for us, this is an overarching generalization, just based off of the conversations that we've had. But a lot of sort of the western artists have expressed their concerns for ticket reselling not purely because of the bad experience for fans and stuff, but because they're not actually capturing the value created by these secondary sales. And so that's something that can be solved with NFT technology. And that's, I think, quite self explanatory. And how that, because you can set the royalty prices and then get the value back to the artist, to who they really belong to. Because right now that value is captured by either the ticket scalpers that are buying lots of tickets or the ticket platforms that are continuously getting the commerce fees off of that.

K-pop and Global Phenomenon

But I think if you speak to more of, like, K pop related artists, K pop is becoming a global phenomenon. It's also a market that we're trying to target in terms of ips. That's where our network lies as well, both Jay and I. But I think for them, the bigger problem is, at the end of the day, you're not worried about just selling out one concert or one series of concerts. You want to maintain a sustainable fan base that has a great relationship with you. And the way to do that, at the end of the day, for a fan, it's about recognition and connection with the artist. And the biggest way to do that is to actually see them, right? And where they see them is through fan meets. It's through concerts.

Challenges for Genuine Fans

And when there's ticket scalpers, there's macrobots in the market that are just taking all these tickets away. It's just very difficult for a fan to really compete in this area. And so you're left with a problem where your genuine fans, the ones that really, truly deserve to be there, the ones that have actually really contributed to this artist, they're not actually rewarded in any sense. Whether that's priority access ticketing, whether that's, you know, fair, equitable access. And so we want to make sure that's not a problem moving forward as well.

Engaging with Fans

Oh, I see. Ahmed joined as well. Feel free to jump in. Yes. Ahmed, welcome to the stage, please. What's up, guys? First, foremost, shout out to everybody in the space. Alex. Samuel, I think this is incredibly dope. I think more so. I'm really impressed. Samuel, I think you're the. The way you guys are thinking about it, right. I have, like, two questions and more so just trying to understand your approach and so we can all grow together. It's one, when you're building the sandbox around, you know, data as a whole, looking at Spotify, looking at jam base, looking at, you know, different fan tools that are widely adopted, how do you approach the blockers, which are Spotify's public data, like the data around fan is blocked for ticketing companies unless you hit 10 million volume.

Random Questions on Data and Functionality

How do you approach, like, these, there are guardrails that protect, you know, these companies and their ad models. Like, how do you, how are you thinking about that? And how are you thinking about building your own sandbox to create that collective experience, you know, starting off, especially when, you know, we've been through this ourselves, so. Love to. Love to learn. Yeah. For us, I think the way our platform is structured is that when a fan signs up to our platform, they're actually not really signing up to just a ticketing platform. It's really a fan engagement platform. And so we're actually requesting users to grant us access to all the different socials that are related to fan behaviors.

Data Insights and User Interaction

And so with those access rights, we're able to sort of draw some of the data insights that are not necessarily public, but more specific to a fan specific user. And how we approach it is we have quests on our platform, for example. So an artist, when they onboard our platform, when they, for example, drop a new album, they can create a quest for listening to the song or watching a music video or something like that. And then based on those, and those specific interactions, we're able to scrape that because we have the access from the fans, and that's how they complete the quest. They're rewarded, they get points, they're on the leaderboard, they get badges and things like that. That's how we're really approaching it at the moment.

Challenges in Fan Experience

So two pieces there. One is, I think that's high level great. I think the block you're going to run into is even if a fan gives you oauth access to their Instagram or their Spotify, the data you can pull is very limited. Like the Spotify, for example, being able to see which artists they listen to in the past 30 days or being able to list tours on Spotify, those things are limited to select partners like Dice, like Ticket, Web, Ticketmaster. So they've did a great job of, like, blocking new entrants in that way. So that's meant to look out for, because it's something that, like, every new incumbent is gonna face both just from a fan experience perspective.

Understanding Resale Markets

And then second, on the resale side, really want to understand how, you know, secondary is also a great way for music venues to actually move off inventory. That's displaced. That means is like, for example, Madison Square Garden will say, hey, the Knicks suck this year. We're going to push a bunch of Knicks tickets to resellers. They'll take the risk there, and then ultimately, if the resellers take that risk, they get first acts, Taylor Swift. There's a great arbitrage opportunity. How are you looking at that opportunity versus, like, the fan experience, which is like avoiding the whole scalping scenario? And how does that look on chain for you guys?

Tech Solutions and Flexibility

Yeah, so the first question. Yeah, completely understand, we're working. I think our tech team has some solutions to how to combat those. But, yeah, we probably will run into some of these problems and we just have to work with what we can get as much as possible until we grow as a platform as well. Secondly, I think to your second question, we, of course, we're able to prevent ticket reselling only for the ips that want to do so, because we understand that not every ip suffers from the same problem. So, for an ip that has historically had tickets not go to their fan base, and they express this as a concern, we have a toggleable option when they use the ticketing service on our platform.

Adapting to Demand

And so when that happens, we're able to use sbts to only allow refunds, and then it can be gated into different ways where we prioritize certain badges of fans, etcetera. So that's covered in the sense in the instance where ticketing is not necessarily, it's not about ticket reselling, it's more about exposure. It's about selling out. Then obviously we can toggle that off, and then we're able to account for any. For example, if a venue wants to offload some of the leftover inventory to another ticket reselling aspect, that's fine, because at the end of the day, fans are probably still going to have enough access, and that's probably why there's leftover inventory.

Reassuring Artists

And so, yeah, we're pretty flexible there to cater for the different needs and the different business outcomes that wants that need to be achieved through that ticketing event. I would like to add one more thing. From what Sam has spoken to, a lot of the ips out there has a different payment structure when they actually go and perform. A lot of the ips and the artists that we work with, or most of them, actually get minimum guarantee to perform. So it's not in their benefit to sell as many tickets as possible, but it's really about getting the right people, getting the right audience, getting the right fan base into that particular venue when they're performing.

Artist and Fan Relations

It's very important. Taylor Swift. Any bigger names that are out there? Yes, they might get a percentage based on the ticket sales that they actually do. But a lot of the artists that we are working with, in terms of K pop artists, they care more about the genuine fans being at the venue. Just because lifespan of an artist is not forever. They want to be able to monetize their fans, engage with their fans as much as they can while they can. So that's the approach that we're taking.

Market Dynamics

I think it makes absolute sense. And the markets you guys are approaching, I actually think it's quite brilliant. I think where my thoughts go different is in the US, where now the person giving those guarantees is typically the venue or the talent buyer. So now you're in a position where, think about it this way. Like, a venue puts up $150,000 for a Playboy cardi, which happened in New York, and that show cancels. 10,000 of his fans show up, and they have to cancel the show because they're a thousand cap, right? Like, from that position, your customer, it's really.

Customer-centric Approach

It goes back to who? Your core customers. We, as you guys mentioned, we're venue side, right? We're always gonna be focusing the people, like, drive the guarantees because they care about sales. But ultimately, I think in the korean market, it's absolutely spot on. You guys have a crazy opportunity there. But last question, I'll leave it here, is how do you deal with the promoters, the venues, and, for example, the stadiums that take the risks of booking these artists so that these artists can bring fan experiences to, you know, 20,000 people?

Ensuring Financial Viability

And how do you sure that. How do you make sure that they make. They make. They make their money back? And how do you, should they see that return and also deliver that fan experience in a way that makes sense? I think that's where the data part comes in. It's really not about number of streams. It's not really about number of views on YouTube and any of their streaming platforms that are out there. But what's important in terms of data is how many of these fans are actually willing to spend money on a particular artist spending, meaning buying their merchandise, buying their tickets.

Data-Driven Strategies

I think none of these people have a lot of data. I used to work for Spotify. The data that we used to get for the artists are very minimal. It's not. It doesn't go very granular down to the line where people are going to be spending. Yes, they could go down granular to a zip code of how many listeners are actually in that zip code. But does that guarantee a sales in terms of tickets or merchandise? So for us, that's why the data portion is important, not really the huge number that you see on other platforms.

Conversion Strategies

So that's why we're trying to work on the data portion as much as we can to make sure that we actually know how many people are willing to spend and how many of those listeners and viewers can we, that we can actually convert them to buy a ticket. Yeah, I think it's really dope. I think it makes all the sense. I'd love to table this for later, but learning how you guys are talking with promoters, talking with venues, talking with these agents and explaining them, these people use excel sheets to, you know, your point, they don't know how to use this in action on this data.

Engaging the Industry

So how you guys are coaching and enabling them, I think that's something that we both share and I think that's what makes the Aptos ecosystem so amazing. So I, you guys are killing it. I'm super stoked. I can't wait to see all in New York, though, for real. Thank you so much. Likewise. We're really excited to work in close synergy with you guys as well because you guys seem to be killing it with the venues too. They are. Both of you guys are killing it in very different regions of the world too.


So it's very interesting to see. Are you guys connected? Yeah, we're on a telegram group. I will circle back. Sam, I'll hit you in the group tonight. We'll go from there. Let's do it. So, shifting gears a little bit, I promised Alex I had more questions for him, and I know we have only twelve minutes left, so I want to at least burn through those questions really quickly. Okay, Alex, we started above the journey of the coin creator, and they're the coin market to your fully integrated, vertical, autonomous super duper machine.

User Interaction with Emojicoin

How does this work for somebody in the ecosystem? So obviously, when I go to emoji coin, that's where I'm going to start by producing the initial liquidity, buying into it. What happens once it's actually gone full? Can we actually, can I go into the Petra swap functionality and buy it directly from there through a swap there? Is it available on Bull and Panora or is it currently only going to be available on the emoji coin website? Yes. So for a user to interact with the emojicoin fund front end, it's as simple as clicking buy and then it will just, you say how much apt worth you would want to buy if you were buying.

Market Registration

Same thing with registering markets. You just type in the emojis you want to register a market for and click register and it'll register it. So it's actually pretty simple to register a market and to start trading to buy or sell. It's just like you fill in a field and you click buy or sell. As far as the integrations like you mentioned with Petra and other places, we're already talking with some folks who want to do integrations.

Integration Strategies

One is an aggregator and then one is a telegram bot. And just for I'll let those respective groups promote it on their own time and on the co promotion guidelines we'd already. So I don't want. I just don't want to spill the beans too early for the people working with. But as for Petra, I know we chatted with Brent a little earlier on about getting it integrated. The wallet. I would obviously like to see a native integration in there and it's as easy as, you know, ideally we just send over the move APIs and then Brent does a little magic trick and next day there you go.

Future Developments

So glad to obviously help make that happen because we want to see it in as many places as possible. Definitely. Awesome. I think the other question I would have is there a possibility of building farms on top of your amms? Like what are you thinking in terms of that? Yeah, farming is certainly possible after the market gets out of the bonding curve. It is the liquidity gets locked into a uniswap v two style product armenian market maker.

Yield Farming Opportunities

So, you know, a generic liquidity pool. There's of course different kinds, but it's the most common one. And people can. Yeah, provide their emoji coins as liquidity and earn yield on it. And if anyone wants to build any, you know, more sophisticated yield farming bots on top of it, you know, perhaps those who are more well versed with the python yield farming. I'm thinking of some people in particular who are in here then yeah, they could, they can build something on top, but everything we make is open.

User-Centric Design

We're not, we're not making anything too sophisticated. We want to make it as easy as possible for, you know, the average user to just come in, register, market, buy, sell with one click, chat with one click and provide or remove liquidity with one click. So simple and fun. I mean, let's be honest, what we really want is to get eggplants for eggplants, right?

Emoji Interaction

I mean, I won't comment on any, I mean the whole point is that people, we just know that people love emojis and we want people to be able to interact with all of them in a tokenized way. That's a very solid PC response there, Alex. Appreciate you. David. This is inappropriate. That's. We know what your favorite emoji is. Come on, smiley face. But we know everybody has a favorite emoji. There is one thing is that, you know, as long as it's in the Unicode set, it'll be available on emoji coin phone.

Product Launch and Testing

I guess the question is, when are you guys going live and when are people gonna be able to test it? Because I tested it on testnet in Korea, matter of fact. Yeah. So when is it gonna be available to the public? The product will go live soon. It will actually happen sooner if everyone in here follows the emojicoin Fun X profile that's also up here, and even faster if they all shared and get everyone else to follow it as well. Essentially a lot of it right now is just getting the word out, joining in on spaces like this, engaging with other members of the meme coin community across not just aptos, but other ecosystems as well, and spreading the word to make sure that there's, the timing is right for when it finally does go live for mo marketing ones.

Audience Engagement

Amazing. Unless anybody has any other question, I think we can open it up to the audience. I have someone waiting. Let me bring them up. Mark Jones, you're up. How are you? I guess not. David, this is giving you time to ask your last question. Well, actually, I mean, I think we Greg, too, we've got a lot of creators out there, a lot of builders, and I don't see anybody raising hands. So I'd love for somebody that's building to kind of step up and just tell us the cool stuff that they're doing. You know, I saw Max move of Zion Betts the other day. He was hacking away, getting ready to launch his stuff. He can come up and dare say shell it.

Creativity and Collaboration

We could get a trey you to come up here. I know a person like you just had a nice ring demo out there. So come on, folks. I'm not going to do this for you, but I can definitely bring you up here so you can share the. Yeah, there's also a group of three. Sorry. There's also a group of three great different artists there as well. Sabina Forest, Julie and Burt Pecker. Maybe we could just bring up sneezy. And Sneezy could do the rest of this for us. He's the one guy that hasn't spoken that loves to talk. I'm adding someone between the moment you say accept and the moment people are actually on stage. There's like a good 30 seconds. So actually, you just joined us. I don't know. I'm butchering your name, maybe, but welcome to the stage.

Introducing Atreyu

Wow. I feel, you know, I heard my name and here I am. Atreyu. Thanks for bringing me up. Happy to be here. Much love. So if anyone's ever seen everending story. Atreyu, the band Atreyu. Two best. There you go. So thanks for bringing me up. Yeah, I love to do some self shilling of what I'm doing, as I was put there. Also, I feel like, honored to be up on this stage with all these legends with Alex and emoji coin. This is sick. Mario and Ahmed. This is an awesome panel.

Upcoming Projects

So really quick pixel pirates are coming out. We got a pixel Pirates is the NFT collection. That's my PFp right now. It's a premium NFT. We're going to be launching next week on Waffle on October 2. So really extremely excited about that. If anyone's curious, you can just click my PFP. See a little bit of. A little bit of alpha there. We're going to be releasing some more sneak peeks on the pirate account that's also found in my handle here. Aside from that, doing a little bit of building in the background as well, which have leaked a little bit, but we are going to be building entirely on chain games, so really excited about some of that and what's coming very soon.

Gaming Experience Insight

But you're excited about on chain gaming or gaming and what's possible with Aptos. I think you're going to be pretty excited about what we're pushing out in the relatively near future. Fingers crossed. So, yeah, happy to talk more about it when it gets a little bit closer, but thank you for giving me the opportunity. What's the game going to be like? The game is a multiplayer tap game entirely on chain. So it's a unique experience that's going to be, I think, slightly different than what we may have seen from traditional tap gaming. But, yeah, it's got a multiplayer aspect to it using all of the fun tools that Aptos team has put out there for us to build with. Also, of course, you know, pirate themed.

Pirate Theme Excitement

I mean, come on now. Maybe let's just make sure it's obviously said here, but, you know, it's obviously. We're digging for treasure. We're having a good time with it. Can't wait. Can't wait. I think hopefully you have a pirate themed text conversion thing there. I know on Facebook they actually had the ability to convert all the written language from English to pirate English. So it'd be cool to see a similar kind of vibe there if you could make that happen. Love that. Let's go. Aye. Also, you need a pirate emoji on emoji coin. Don't miss it. When it comes out. You need to be the first.

Product Launch Notifications

I have notifications on for emoji coin. Without a doubt, technology recommend. The more of you that do that, the faster the product launches. The man speaks. That's a good one. Alex. Yo. Facts notifications on for emoji k emoji coins. Hey, everybody. Your intern. I don't know where you found them, how much you're paying them, but you need to double it because they're absolutely crushing it. You guys should be following it, not just for the notifications about emoji coins. Their interns putting out some pretty awesome content.

Closing Remarks and Future Directions

You hear to hear first, folks. 100% honestly. Thank you. Here at her first, you can use your emergency coin to buy action Bronson tickets in New York. Let's go. Partnerships keep on coming. Let's go live. Partnerships happening. That's what we're here for. Come on, Alex. Twitter space has proprietary deal flow, everybody, so take notes. Well, if nobody has anything else to add, I think it's a good way to wrap it up. Yeah. Go get your pirate. Next week, I'm with Paul. What? Wednesday you said? Atreyo? Yeah, Wednesday. Yep, yep. October 2.

Final Project Mentions

All right, let's make it happen. Before you close out, I gotta shout out pecker and the cavemen. I think that mint's coming on Friday. If you guys don't know who Pecker is, he's one of the most active artists and community members in the ecosystem. He's created art for, I can't even tell you how many projects. Check it out. It's going to be coming to waffle, I believe, the end of this week. Amazing. Well, with that, thank you so much emoji coin. Alex, for joining us, Mirio, Jane, Sam for joining us, and Ahmet for jumping in as well. It was a great space.

Gratitude and Next Steps

If you guys want to say bye, the time is now. Oh, Brent is back on. No, I was just going to say that all these things are going to be in your Petra wallet ecosystem events. That's the only reason I came back up as a speaker. I love all these things that are going on. I love all the artists, all the creators. I'm so excited about all of them. The emoji, coin launch, pecker, aptosaurs, cavemans, next week with pixel pirates and Atreyu. All of it's going to be in your petrol wallet. Love to see it.

Final Emoji Discussion

And talking about emojis, the one emoji that in every single space I wish I had is the two eyes looking on the side when someone is kind of dropping an alpha. Like every time I go and look. If they added it and they did not. But anyhow, maybe one day, David, you want to say bye to our lovely guests and audience by lovely guests and. Audience said, just follow the ecosystem tab in Petra. That's where all the good stuff's dropping on a regular basis, you know. Super excited about all these creators coming out here, you know.

Preserving the Community Spirit

Great to see broke Packer in our ecosystem as sneezy called out there. And glad that we know that the launch is happening on Friday so we can make sure we get ahead of that one. Amazing. Well, that's a good way to wrap it up. Thank you folks for joining. We'll see you at the next one. And don't miss the launches. The upcoming launches. Bye bye. You're live, David. You're live, David. You're still live. You're still live. Do it live, David.

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